#[s] Past Karkat: Wake up
amaounghususssy · 2 months
I hate nothing more than people that skip over the tiny interactions and stuff in games because "aww is it really that important" like the plot and nitty gritty stuff and shit going down is the only part of the story that needs to exist for it to be a good story. Also the "details have gotta be foreshadowing or plot relevant" mindset because obviously there's no point in writing a story where every single plot thread can't be charted back to the beginning with perfect clarity in hindsight just like in real life where things that happen could've been predicted from the beginning 100% of the time. Also that defeats the point because if the reader does notice a little detail there and they know this is the kind of story that does that then they will simply deduce what the detail means and the point of the foreshadowing is lost. When I read divergent (spoiler alert) and veronica roth mentioned marcus's eye color and tobias's eye color it was like am I even supposed to not know they're related or does she actually think people will not pick up on this. And then there was all the other foreshadowing after that with the newspaper articles about abnegation people being cruel secretly and I realized that this was an actual goddamn bestselling teen series and everyone loved this book but successfully picking up on the foreshadowing was enough to make the reveal near the end not dramatic at all, like there wasn't really emotional stuff there compared to the rest of it the entire drama of that scene was the reveal of the obvious ass plot twist. I will forever maintain that putting in foreshadowing for the sake of it or only writing things that advance the plot because "oh why would we need detail it's not IMPORTANT" is just plain bad writing that has passed for good writing in the public conscience
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dstuck upd8 today!!!!!
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meowcatmutie · 9 months
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original picture from [S] Past Karkat: Wake up. ⬇️
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cure-typhoon · 9 months
please please please talk more about the beta troll’s friendship 🙏
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You have summoned me in my favorite subject: 🎉🎉🎉🎉 FRIENDSHIP!!! 🎉🎉🎉🎉 Take a sit because this is going to be long, so long i may end up dividing into different posts!
Okey so sadly we don't have a lot of info of the full group dynamic besides some clues and what we know is them literally at their worst thinking they we're going to die in a meteor,after a full one month campaign in the game they had won yet was taken from them being chased by an undefeatable enemy that destroyed their planets and probably their lusus too. And at the end three of them going on a rampage and killing the rest of the team
So not the most reliable info of how their normal dynamic as a friendgroup would be, but tbh it could never be "healthy friendgroup" in a human sense because, well, they live in Alternia.
But even in hell, the flower of friendship can blossom, so lets talk about the fucked up friendship between these kids:
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We know little about how their friendship started, contrary with the Beta Kids that we know because of June's birthday presente for Jade arriving in the past to young Jade with her pesterchum and her probably looking at the clouds in Prospit and seeing there the pesterchum of Rose and Dave following suit
Because the Beta Trolls are a much bigger group and we dont really know if they actually celebrate their wriggling days, as none of the trolls mentioned it but it could also be in part because of Karkat's disdain for the celebration or them maybe not knowing because he is a very private kid after all
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Maybe Kanaya was the first troll that befriended all of them, like Jade was and both of them being the assigned Space player of their group and the first ones to wake in Prospit, but i also doubt that considered she didnt went through the birthday gift shenanigan that young Jade went through
So what most likely happened: The trolls who we're closest to eachother (Equius and Vriska, Eridan and Feferi, Aradia and Tavros, Terezi and Vriska* (not totally sure about that one) and maybe Sollux and Aradia/Feferi) befriended eachother first and meet the rest (Karkat, Nepeta, Gamzee, Kanaya) online and just shared their info between eachother.
I honestly wonder who thought of the idea of all sharing their Trollian between eachother, maybe Feferi? maybe it just happened overtime? but what matters right now is the
So today we will talk about the underrated friendships between the group
Starting with Aradia and Tavros! Both members of Team Charge, i see very few people talk about them as friends even though they were obviously very close considering they we're part of a Flarp campaign together.
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Both seem to match pretty well personality wise, both adventurous and wanting to have fun in the game, Aradia knows that Tavros picked a hard class for himself yet she still encourages him and tries to cheer him on and advice him in the case of Vriska trying to get under his skin.
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When Vriska starts to surrond him, she tries to communicate with her first, but sadly she and terezi where distracted by Doc Scratch, so he gets paralized
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Side note: After Aradia and Terezi, his third option for asking for help is Karkat, which is...interesting, they dont talk a lot but when they do its Tavros trying to get advice/help from him (2 out of 3 convos), so either Karkat and Tavros have more convos besides the ones showed (very likely) or Karkat just having a reputation of helping with issues that he is the first one who comes to Tavros's mind
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also Karkat calling him bro is so fucking funny cdbhd, idk if its sarcasm or if its genuine like with Eridan but he seems worried for a little before going on a rant about how stupid this is, only to come back trying to advice him to do this in private (also he winks at him as GTavrossprite but thats smt for the Tavkat shippers)
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Anyway, back to Aradia, after her death we dont know about their relationship that much, we know that the whole reason that this whole revenge cycle was because Aradia wanted to avenge Tavros
But after her death, we don't know if they talk or if Tavros even knows she is dead, as it was mostly secret that only Sollux, Vriska, Terezi and Equius seem to know,
What we know is that Aradia keeps Tavros close to her heart, as the only reason she didnt straight up kill Vriska is
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Because he was there to see it
And thats all the info we have of their relationship while Aradia was a robot, is more than likely Tavros confronted Vriska (besides creating Bec Noir) because Aradiabot had just exploded and he was blaming her for that too (especulation)
Their post-death/revival shows them having the same relationship pre-aradia's death, after they find eachother in the afterlife
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Theyre big pals :)
Staying with Tavros, another friendship people dont seem to talk a lot about is Kanaya and Tavros, which tbh, we dont have a conversation on screen between them, but we know they talk and Kanaya tries to mediate to help him when Vriska is bullying him
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And also, even after she cut Vriska out because of the whole ''Having a crush on her but finding out she has a crush on Tavros'' (probably because she was sulking) she seems to have a fine relationship with Tavros, as she made a Tinkerbull plushie for him
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To other friendships, Kanaya and Feferi! Another group of trolls with very few coversations, but we can easily tell in those that they cared for eachother
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They have a lot in common, being of the few trolls who woked up in their moons before the game, having a huge responsability as their lusus can either kill or revive their entire civilization, being in a unhappy moiralliagance (with their cases kinda mirroring eachother, with Feferi not wanting to be in any quadrants while Eridan wants to change them, while Kanaya wants to change quadrants while Vriska seems to be fine with where they are) and knowing their lusus were going to die when they were 13
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Feferi and Kanaya seem to have very a similar relationship as Karkat and Eridan, where they advise eachother about their moirals + possible romantic relationships. And their very contrasting personalities helps them balance eachother out
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Feferi is even comfortable enough to invite Kanaya to the horn pile and knowing Kanaya's expressions enough to guess that she is nervous about coming off as meddling with them
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After Feferi gets killed off, Kanaya is already ready to attack, only waiting to see what Eridan is planning to do, attack her first or trying to escape
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If it weren't for Kanaya distracting herself with the matriorb, and Eridan inmediately picking on this opportunity
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To piss her off enough to set her off and attack him first
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So she is an easier target that he can kill her off without a fight
Speaking about this two, next time we will to talk about the complicated (annoying) friendship between these two, why next time? because this post is already getting to fucking long!
Come here for Part 2 -> Here! (when its done this will get updated with a link lol)
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Album: Homestuck Vol. 6: Heir Transparent Composer: Toby Fox Leitmotifs: Megalovania, BR8K Spider, Sunsetter, La2t Frontiier Characters: Derse, Bec Noir, Aradia Megido, Vriska Serket, Tavros Nitram
You may know this from:
[S] Past Karkat: Wake up. (Alterniabound) (Flash Broken)
[S] Wake.
[S] Kill (From MSPFA "Primary Colours") (Flash Broken, found here)
[S] WAKE - 3D REANIMATED (OLD) (Reanimation by Ichellor)
[S] Wake REANIMATED (Reanimation by Ichellor)
Undertale (but it's not the same track! It's different! And predates Undertale by years!)
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ask-the-meteor-crew · 1 month
To my knowledge the only bit of canon you've disregarded was the fact that everyone knew karkays blood once on the meteor (see s past karkat wake up: vriskas conversation with equius) and honestly I like how it's playing out without everyone know it's adds more plot to the meteor portion of the comic. Please keep doing what your doing I and many others love it
Imma be real with you, Equius made me so uncomfortable that I kinda blacked out every interaction he had except the part where he died. Like I read it but I do not recall a single word he said.
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homestuck-archive · 6 months
The original flashes are available on the Viz website! As you know, they were replaced with Youtube videos, notorious for being low quality. But with an install of Ruffle, a flash emulator extension, they can be brought back without any further work. And yes, they work on mobile. But some flashes such as "[S] Past Karkat: Wake up." don't work. And even so, I would suggest just using the Unofficial Homestuck Collection.
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serfuzzypushover · 7 months
wwhy isnt the s past karkat wake up eridan talk sprite on the spriters recourse.... i wwanted a hd vversion of her biting her scarf Σ:[
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goblin-enjoyer · 25 days
Ok update on the reading homestuck thing. It’s been fun yet at times rather confusing. Also sometimes the music doesn’t work so I have to sync it up myself. Currently on 6/004692 [s] past karkat: wake up. It has a bunch of music links so idk how to sync all that up. But also it’s stuck at 12% so I’m going to go to the bathroom and grab a snack or something, and if it hasn’t loaded by the time I get back I’m just going to bookmark it and then put some kind of neutral mark on the list. If a fix pops up then I’ll go back to reading it and stuff. But until then I’m gonna just work on researching other list items.
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spacedhead · 1 year
homestuck reread #7: a5a2 part 3
this is so fucked up.
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but hey check it out. vriska went goat mode
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okayyy merry christmas and happy new year to everyone reading. never too late for a happy new year
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look at roseee shes serving so hard rn. but unfortunately she is talking to doc scratch. which is something one should never do. especially if one is a light player he really loves to torment light players for some reason
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look at how cool jade looks here i would wear the shit out of this outfit if it wasnt approx. 1 trillion degrees in my location. keep slaying girl
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what a thing to say. i know what he is talking about and yet i still barely understood what he meant
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yeah WHATEVER . most important character my ass. we dont care . booooo. boo
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why is jade sprite so sad shes being such a cry baby. honestly normal jade is based for this. jade sprite is just crying and crying for NO REASON. what is even the problem!!!!!
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very fucking interesting indeed.... what a funny thing to say. that is VERY FUCKING interesting......
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woah he looks so cool i love art i love images. also he looks like has the windows logo on his face... sponsored? hello?
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okay so i guess the mayor is having a bad dream. this is pretty scary man... i wonder if its like the ring that he has affecting him in some way. i dont know what it means....
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oh? vriska is here now
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dawwww shes so EEPY!!! that being said, the next page is [s] wake, and i really fucking hate this one. so im NOT EXCITED.
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ARADIA!!!! SHE DID IT!!!! im so happy for her and nothing else happens in this animation so i might as well not watch the rest of it
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sigh. man this sucks
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look at jade go. she looks so awesome! like a super hero. iron man. tony stark . stucky. i could do this all day . blargh
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ok so now im playing another game thing. kanaya and jade just had a conversation about how they have the same role in the two different sessions and how theyre more similar than they thought. also theres some future jade present karkat past jade password shenanigans going on. i loooove when time travel makes no sense and is super confusing. that isnt sarcasm btw. and that wasnt either. also, they updated the sprites in this one so they look way better and sweeeeeeeet. that was 8 e's btw. she isnt even here to appreciate my efforts.....
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this is like scott pilgrim to me. theyre about to go at it!!!! who you guys got money on? me personally i bet sollux 3-0s him and doesnt lose a stock
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easter egg
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anyway yeah guys i was just kidding sollux was no match for eridans insane hope powers. really wasnt even fair to begin with
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yeah and now eridan snaps and becomes an incel. sadge. why do people even like this guy?? WHATEVER HES MID HOPE HE DIES SOON RIP BOZO
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my honest reaction to eridan to only knocking out the guy he had an actual problem with, but killing two women who he liked and respected
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on top of that, gamzee has officially lost it. MAN EVERYTHING IS FUCKING SPIRALING MAN TAVROS IS DEAD KANAYAS DEAD FEFERIS DEAD SOLLUX IS KO'D GAMZEES CRAZY. surely nothing else goes wrong
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oh.....hey john....nice to see you..... maybe you can lift my mood a little...
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STOP CALLING WOMEN CRAZY. even if this one might be a little crazy .. YOU HAVE NO RIGHT
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ALALALALLALAAL thats what vriska looks like shes saying. do you see it i see it personally
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man now i gotta be equius in this game. lets see how this goes...
SHES SO REAL I LOVE HER. nothing bad will ever happen to her
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okay well i reached the end of the game and also the image limit for this post. so ill continue this next time. but i just gotta say
that it was actually pretty good. like go figure the equius one was pretty engaging. equius is very protective of nepeta and it was very sad when he was like "let me take this chance to say goodbye" and nepeta was like "um okay but i will see you soon." like. yeah i guess you will.... :(
i actually liked both of them in this one isolated game . sad for whats gonna happen in the coming pages
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you-hate-time-travel · 6 months
ohmy god wait there were carapacians in the tubes on the meteor. like theres a puzzle where you have to push the tubes in [s] past karkat: wake up as terezi. stares at a wall for a while
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Homestuck, page 2,792
[S] Past Karkat: Wake up.
Songs used: Karkat's theme by Toby Fox, Vriska's theme by Toby Fox, Terezi's theme by Toby Fox, Alterniabound by Toby Fox, Spider's claw by Toby Fox, MeGaLoVania by Toby Fox, A Tender Moment by Toby Fox, Nic Cage Romance by Toby Fox, Nic Cage Song by Toby Fox, Secret ROM by Toby Fox, Boy Skylark (Brief) by Robert J! Lake, Hero's growth by Solatrus, Phrenic Phever by Clark Powell, Walk-Stab-Walk (R&E) by Erik Scheele, Horschestra by Alexander Rosetti
Song commentary for Karkat's theme:
Toby Fox:
(Karkat Walkabout)
Alternia began when I created Crustacean.
AlterniaBound began when Andrew asked me for a looping version of that track - Crustacean - to use in a flash. Initially this song was simply so, but after I learned more about the scope and depth of the AlterniaBound project... I decided that more of a change was in order for the track. (It was at that point that I also decided it would be cool to have some hidden tracks... leading to the early premiere of many tracks that would eventually be on Homestuck Vol. 6: Heir Transparent.
A little while ago, I finished the "final version" of this track. It's not incredibly melodic or wrenchingly dire like my usual fare, but it still remains one of my own personal favorites:
It's pompous, alien, and goofy - in short, pretty accurate of Karkat and Alternia as a whole
It subtly implies that tuba is Karkat's instrument of choice, which we all know is entirely true
I hope you like it too. And if you don't, I hope it pisses you off as much as it annoys Karkat to have this song play wherever he goes. That's all I can hope for.
Song commentary for Vriska's theme:
Toby Fox:
(Vriska Walkabout)
I knew Spider's Claw was much too harsh to be used as anything but a battle theme, so when it came to AlterniaBound I decided to just start over with a remix. I cobbled together a collection of unrelated soundsets and generated a jazzy, laid-back version - which, despite its tempo, still sounds kind of jarring and discontent due to the clashing of textures between instruments.
The tune's upbeat enough that you can't stand up to it. It will kick you down. It's pretty strong for how dinky and messy it is! It's also the kind of piece that could be kind of pretty if its voice wasn't cracking every three seconds. Chances are you'll either enjoy or find aspects of it extremely annoying... but that's kinda the way she is.
Like Terezi's theme, the piece's second part contains another reprise of "Theme" in the piano - but to contrast the other Scourge sister, Vriska's version of "Theme" is hopeless and dark. Where Terezi showed hope and emotion, Vriska only shows fear, anger, and loathing due to the repression of her own emotions, her upbringing, and her rotten attitude. In the flash, the high and low of the theme repeat indefinitely... on the album, the piece ends, but on an unresolved chord.
Who knows what's up next for her?
... oh, and if you're looking for the full verison of Spider's Claw, wait until Volume 8, ok????????
Song commentary for terezi's theme:
Toby Fox: (Terezi Walkabout) Terezi's theme evolved when Andrew asked me to create a looping version of Lemonsnout Turnabout. Lemonsnout is a very narrative song. It didn't feel right to repeat a single part of it indefinitely, so I instead took several motifs from it and re-implemented them into a new track. It has a similar chord progression, and in ways of instrumentation it has the harpsichord as the main instrument, oboe, deep piano, triangle, and the "tick tock tick tock" woodblocks that are the eternal harbringer of her countdown judgment. After I first completed the song, I noticed that the track was kind of short. That's when I came up with the idea for the second part of the piece - a reprise of "Theme" from the Alternia album. This shows that Terezi has another side to her beyond her devious Alternian judgment: She truly cares about her friends, so much that she has a certain level of tender emotion that almost puts Karkat to shame. I'm not sure if the bifurcation of the piece worked really well as a faux videogame track, but I think it fits her personality.
Song commentary for alterniabound:
Toby Fox:
These aren't "true" pieces... just jingles based off of "Theme". But I hope that for all their insignificance, they really instill the idea of a game inside of you.
AlterniaBound is a VERY direct homage to the title screen of EarthBound. If you don't know what EarthBound is... you may be missing out on something.
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dyggot · 2 months
[S] Past Karkat: Wake up is fun but I have no clue what I'm doing
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superskaian · 2 years
oh my god this still isn’t the end of the flash....karkat’s area is explorable....holy fuck
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I did a reblog, but if you didnt see, the reason the openbound flashes suck is because of the poor porting to the new website. It used to run really well.
oh i didnt see that, no. 
i do kinda wanna know what went on with porting that, because my understanding was part of the reason openbound is in html5 was because it was gonna age better? better than flash did at least
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Terezi's Theme
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Album: AlterniaBound Composer: Toby Fox Leitmotifs: Lemonsnout Turnabout, Theme Characters: Terezi Pyrope
You may know this from:
[S] Past Karkat: Wake up. (Alterniabound) (Flash Broken)
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