#[ooc: dear followers]
radio-writes · 6 months
Congrats on the 300 followers Vien! for the event:
"They were there, you weren't" + "What keeps you up at night?"
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Embracing Faded Pages of Tainted Saints
300 Followers Event
Warnings: Mentions of past physical injuries
Tags: Alastor x reader, gn reader, relationship can be read in any way
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You stood awkwardly at the doorstep of the new hotel, unsure exactly of what to do next.
You knew there was a chance he'd be the one to open the door and greet you, but truth be told you were hoping otherwise. You thought you had worked through all your emotions about him years ago; but standing in front of him now, you realized that was far from the case.
You felt a surge of pressure almost squeezing at your heart, but you tried your best to ignore it as you offered Alastor a small smile.
"Hey, Al. Long time no see." You tried for casual, despite the way things ended the last time you were together.
"How are you—" Al finally spoke, his grin tight as his eyes narrowed at you.
A bright, bubbly woman shoved her way to the door, effectively cutting off whatever Alastor was going to say.
She grabbed you by your hands, and you did your best to shift your focus to her. You listened, responded, and tried very hard to ignore Alastor's burning gaze on you.
You were very swiftly taken into the hotel lobby, brushing right past the tall man. You were introduced to the staff and guests alike, and you painted your best smile as the blonde host swept you here and there. You merely tried to swallow past the lump at your throat as you greeted everyone.
You heard this place offered a chance at redemption, as well as some sort of protection from all the horrors Hell had to offer. You thought it was worth it, that the solace you could find in here would greatly outweigh having to be near Alastor again.
But his mere presence, just knowing that he was in the same room as you again, was already eating at you—suffocating you.
It was like you could feel the sharp stabbing pain across your gut again. The blood—the life—leaking out of you. The desperation crushing your heart. 
"I'll take it from here, Charlie, dear." You heard his voice before you felt a heavy hand at the small of your back. "This lovely demon seems to be a little bit overwhelmed. They can do with some rest, don't you think?"
The bright blonde agreed easily, allowing Alastor to quickly guide you along the halls of the hotel and away from all the excited chatter.
"You're alive." Alastor stated, his eyes set ahead of himself as he walked beside you. His hand had retracted from your body, now resting behind his back.
No thanks to you.
"Nope, still dead." You tried to joke, a soft, fleeting attempt at a laugh following it. But you stopped immediately when you realized that, despite his wide smile, Alastor didn't seem to be in the mood for jokes.
"You were bleeding heavily." He said instead.
You tried to keep your responses vague. "Yes, I...I remember."
You've thought about it many times over since your near-second-death experience. How Alastor had always been a dear friend of yours, through life on earth and Hell. How you both knew you were helpless at that time. How it was perfectly normal for him to choose to save himself instead.
You've forgiven him, at least that's what you told yourself. You still saw him as a friend, even after he abandoned you—and that's why you would never let him find out about your betrayal.
You could never hurt him like that.
You thought that this was all so crystal clear to you. That you've long healed this wound, but evidently that wasn't the case.
Just seeing him now. So well poised, so put together, cozying it up with the Princess of Hell. His smile was as you remembered it, and not a hair was misplaced on his head.
He had continued on like nothing happened, like he didn't once leave you to die.
And there was that awful, bitter, anger slowly filling your chest. That nauseating feeling of betrayal that twisted your gut. No matter how hard you tried to stick to reason, to remember all you've resolved in the past years, you just couldn't help but hate how he was able to move on so easily.
The rest of your time heading to your room was silent. Just a constant soft static noise following your steps. You spent that time fighting your base instincts to just jump him, throttle his neck, scream at him.
How could you? How could you just leave me to die like that?
Alastor finally halted by a door, his clawed hand turned the knob and ushered you in. 
You looked up at him, smiling once more as you tried to hold onto your more logical side. "I don't know how I feel about you having keys to my room." You try to joke again.
Oh did you miss the times when the two of you wasted hours in hysterics; just exchanging the dumbest jokes you could think of.
But that felt like almost two lifetimes ago.
"This is my room." Alastor clarified.
"Well that explains the swamp." You say bluntly. You walked slowly in, not exactly knowing what you were doing here now.
"I thought we could sit down for some coffee—" Alastor said, closing the door behind him. His hands reached for a coffee pot, but paused before he could reach the handle. "No no, this definitely calls for something much stronger."
He sat down on one of the seats by the fireplace, easily summoning two small glasses and a bottle of rye on the table. 
You watched him tentatively, heart tightening at the familiar sight.
There was once a time when nights like this was something you looked forward to—but it didn't seem that way anymore.
Your eyes couldn't help but narrow at how well off he looked. It's like nothing had changed for him at all.
You attempted to be civil, still, and made your way to sit across him. It's was stupid to hold a grudge against him for something like that. What he did made sense, and you shouldn't be mad about it.
Your eyes scanned the knickknacks scattered about his shelves and walls, eyes catching on a wide set of antlers mounted high above.
"That yours or a friend's?" You once again tried to lighten the mood. Whether it was for your sake or Alastor's, you weren't sure.
"We both know I've never been one for small talk, dear." Alastor said, pouring alcohol in your glass before his. He easily downs the drink he poured himself before filling it up again. "How are you alive?" His head tilted.
The moment the words left his mouth it felt like someone emptied a bucket of ice water over you.
The question simply came out of nowhere. Sure you had expected him to ask sooner rather than later, but to jump right to it?
Your half-assed smile dropped just a fraction of a bit.
Looking up at your old friend, the ever charming, ever present smile, you realized that perhaps you were being stupid—and not for the reason you originally thought.
You've been friends with this man since either of you could walk, friends through his stupid murder fixation, friends through his takeover of Hell.
But he left you for dead.
He finally found out that you survived and the first thing out of his mouth was an interrogation?
Where was your fucking apology?
So maybe, just maybe, you've been stupid this entire time. That you didn't need to be making excuses for him. That you didn't need to forgive him. That maybe your anger, your want to hurt him back, was more than valid.
You picked up your own glass and downed its contents in one go, relishing in the familiar bitter taste.
"There's no bed." You noted instead of answering your old friend, your grip was tight around the glass you held. "Where do you sleep?"
"I don't." Alastor answered simply. He moved only to fill up your glass again, but his eyes never strayed from you.
You weren't sure how much truth there was behind his words. Sinners still slept, and no matter how highly Alastor thought of himself, he still functioned the same way the rest of you do.
"What keeps you up at night, then?" You couldn't help but ask.
Perhaps it was an attempt to piss him off. Make small talk, delay from giving him answers.
But as much as you hated to admit it, it was likely because there was an answer you wanted to hear. One caused by that part of you that still hoped for your old friend to show you even just a hint of a conscience.
Perhaps if he gave you that, it would be enough for you to hold onto civility. It would be enough for your to at least honor what past friendship you had with him.
"Nothing in particular, really." Alastor glanced away from you, downing his drink once more.  "There's just no rest for the wicked, isn't that what they say?"
You followed his lead, throwing your head back and letting the alcohol burn its way down your throat.
It almost felt like old times when you'd compete with him in old dingy bars.
"Ah, I figured you wouldn't be hung up on it." You held your empty glass in your hands, a finger unconsciously caressing its cool surface.
"My bad, dear." Alastor gave you a faux look of guilt, but the mockery that dripped from his tone easily gave it away. "Did you want me to mourn you for a couple decades?"
You rolled your eyes. "Considering everything we've been through, I'd have expected at least a few years." 
You noticed Alastor fill his glass up again, he knocked it back just as quickly as the previous ones.
You both looked like you were drinking your problems away, but it seemed like this was more of a habit. One formed through a lifetime of repetitions.
"I can start now if you'd like." Alastor smiled at you.
Your brows raised. "I am very clearly not dead."
"You might be soon." The static in his voice was heavier, and for a split second you could have sworn his pupils changed to dials.
Your fingers stilled against the glass you held, feeling your skin prickle at the silence that followed.
The wood in the fireplace crackled, and the eerie light coming from the green flames added just a tinge more terror to your situation.
Or it would have if the only emotion you felt wasn't an all consuming rage.
The clear threat hung in the air for a second before Alastor spoke again. "So tell me," 
How long have you been alive?
Why didn't you tell me?
 "How are you alive?" He said.
You had no idea why on earth he was angry. What gave him the right?
"We both know the answer to that already, don't we?" Your own smile tightened, teeth clenched hard to keep yourself from growling at him.
You tried to stomp out your anger, but every time you tried to reason that he used to be a friend, you couldn't help but be brought back to that time.
Lying in a pool of warm blood—your own blood. Seeing the exorcists flying down to you, racing to see who could kill you first. Turning your head, using the very last of your strength to reach out to your friend. Watching him stand from your side and melting away into shadows without you.
"Well yes, a deal, of course. But with whom? Not many demons down in this festering tar pit have that much power. You were practically gone, dear."
Ah, so it was a pride thing, you thought. He was bothered that there was someone who could do what he couldn't. 
You couldn't hold back from scoffing. "And did that ever bother you? That I was practically gone?"
He paused. The sound of static grew messier for a few seconds before Alastor gave up on his glass entirely. He opted to just grab the bottle by its neck and drank from it.
"You seem like you were hoping it did." He teased as he set the bottle down back on the table. "Shouldn't a good friend be happy I wasn't suffering?"
Your heart clenched, eyes narrowed. The both of you have danced around it this entire time, but it just seemed like there was no longer any way to stop the words as they finally slipped from your mouth.
"Shouldn't a good friend try everything to save the other?"
The accusation, the betrayal, the bitterness, finally dripped like venom from your question.
A heavy tension covered both of you once more. The elephant in the room finally addressed properly, but it seemed neither of you knew what to do with it now.
A beat of silence.
"Then, it looks like we're both such terrible friends." Alastor said, as he sunk back into his chair. You hadn't noticed the tension in his body this entire time, you weren't sure if Alastor himself noticed it either.
But as he rested his head behind him, you noticed something you failed to before now.
He looked...exhausted. His smile was in place, his hair neat, his suit wrinkle free. He looked as perfect as ever; but he looked tired.
You were sure you didn't look any more chipper currently.
You tore your eyes away from the demon that sat across you. "It's been a long night."
"It's been twenty minutes." There was finally a hint of genuine amusement in his tone, but it felt strained.
Like it slipped before he could stop it, a habit formed through decades of banter.
"Twenty too many around you." You simply shut it down.
Still, not one apology. Did he even regret it?
You felt so confused, so conflicted, so angry, and you knew you just had to leave before you did something you would regret later on—whatever that may be.
He looked like he wanted to say something as you got up, but he chose to bring the bottle of alcohol to his lips instead.
It was only when your hand landed on the door handle did he speak. "I would do it again." 
It felt like a light went out inside you somewhere.
You didn't turn around.
"I would leave you to die—over and over." Alastor's floaty voice continued. "You were a good friend, but not great enough for me to risk my own skin."
You've known your friend to be quite the liar. He knew what to say and when to say it, and he lived to crawl under people's skin and piss them off.
But at that moment, you knew it was one of the rare few instances where Alastor was honest.
"It seemed like you wanted to know." His normally mocking voice seemed softer. Like it really was just a fact and nothing more.
"The V's were there when you weren't." You found yourself saying. You turned your head to the side just a tiny bit, but still didn't turn to look at him.
The lights flickered and your hand closed around the handle of the door.
"I made a deal with the V's. Everything about you and more, in exchange for my life." You continued, almost unable to stop the words from coming out, really.
"Your defeat seven years ago was my doing."
You really were terrible friends.
"It seemed like you wanted to know, old pal."
You left his room just as the lights fully went out.
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gamethecry · 2 days
ooooooh puter... please stop showing me people who don't like matthew patrick due to chronic online-ness...
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araneitela · 5 months
Cause of death in... 3(?) months from now: @avaere
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iniziare · 3 months
Just so that everyone knows the menace that is Zevran Arainai that will join my blog soon. The music that was added is also oddly perfect for him.
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ultalliance · 14 days
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wait... now I gotta do tags. aw dang it.
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I’m just saying that if anyone else ever got the desire to write Rory Williams I would scream and yell to have him interact with Rory!Master.
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clemencetaught · 1 year
May this day be full of fantastic moments, pleasant surprises, good company, delicious food and everything great that the world has to offer 💖 I hope this new year for you is covered with happiness, success, good health, memorable experiences and heartwarming situations 😊✨️!! I'm wishing you the best today and ALWAYS!!!
You are such a supportive, understanding, creative and marvelous soul;; your presence is a bright light that brings comfort, ease and joy 🥺 I thank you IMMENSELY for your friendship, for all those lovely chats where we freely go back and forth with our thoughts (I LOVE!! READING ALL YOU HAVE TO SHARE!! I'D READ ENTIRE BOOKS OF THAT!!); for all the stories we've written and developed together (ALL THOSE MARVELOUS PLOTS THAT BRING ME BOTH JOY AND PAIN ((but its okay, I signed up for the wounds 😭😂)), I KEEP THEM ALL IN MY HEART AND I AM CONTINUOUSLY THRILLED TO WRITE AND CREATE WITH YOU!!!) and for!! Giving my muses and I a chance 🥲
It's been nothing but AN HONOR, to get to know you, chat and write with you, and I hope we continue to do this fOR MANY MORE YEARS (I mean…you're stuck with me, THE RECEIPT IS LOST SO YOU CANT RETURN ME HSOWAKBAAJ 😂)!!
It also makes me very happy to celebrate your birthday once more, I HAVE MY PARTY HAT ON AND I'M THROWING HEART-SHAPED CONFETTI ALL OVER THE PLACE 🎉🎉🎉🥳🥳🥳❤️
@jeoseungsaja alex has me like:
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ALEX!!!! 🥰🥰🥰😭😭😭💕
you know nowadays it’s so weird to me?? To remember when there was a time where I wasn’t writing or plotting with you- it's hard to believe that we started writing together about two years ago...which is why i am SO GRATEFUL that you gave me the chance to not only write and plot with you but also be your friend 🥺🥺🥺 you are a SUCH a kind and thoughtful person and i'm sure everyone who is lucky enough to be mutuals with you can testify in my favor here and the judge is also biased towards me, sorry folks, the right to a fair trial in this case?? no such thing fjksldjf 😌
ANYWAYS i can only say i have such wonderful and intricate characters and plots on here because of my wonderful and creative partners such as you and all of our lovely mutuals 🥺🥺🥺 any day i get the chance to interact with you always is a good day in my book!! I always feel like a dash of dophmomine when I see u around 💕💕💕 and you know i am ALWAYS an excited puppy for our plots and  your characters ( and even MORE PLOTS….we could have 1923947373 and I would be down for more still DHDJDJD 😂😂😂 )- I also v sorry for the pain i gib u ( black knight verse )and for the pain coming in the future too ( thg verse WHICH ALSO THANK YOU JUMPING IN THE HOLE AND DRAGGING HYUK AND HAE GEON AND WILDER AND JAEHWAN AND ALL UR OTHER CHARACTERS IN TOO, it’s big enough for everyone 😌 )….if it helps it gives me pain too and any pain u gib me I shall take stride….I’ll also pay u ( and ur charas, hyuk especially )back with happiness I swear ( + tissues and consoling too 🥲🥲🥲 ) 💕💕💕💕
but thank YOU for your sweet, sweet message- I will admit when I woke up on my bday I wasn’t in most amazing of moods but reading ur message put a huge smile on my face ☺️☺️☺️ you are such a bright spot on this hellsite and most certainly a ☀️ on my dash and I am very thankful to have met you- I’m always in awe that I get to be able to interact with someone who is not only an excellent writer with characters that jump off the page but also a decent and genuinely all around good person 🥲🥲🥲 this is all to say just like you said, unfortunately for us both I will be stuck to u like superglue even after this hellsite dies 😂😂😂 not even returning the receipt will help u there!!
all in all though, thank you SO MUCH for the birthday wishes ( and YOUR GIFT DONT THINK YOURE GETTING AWAY WITH ME NOT NOTICING 🤩🤩🤩 )!! care you so much and I know for sure that this year will be as wonderful as the last since you’ll be there 🥰🥰🥰
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fstbmp-a · 2 years
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wait waht the fuc
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pirateborn-a · 2 years
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     Also to clarify just in case bc i forgot to mention it before but I am always welcome to asks / plots / unprompted things / etc. !  There’s no expiration date on prompts I rb or pre-required thing to reach out if you want to do something o/ !   I.    I am slow djksdsd when it actually comes to, replying to things, but it is always welcome     applies to all of my blogs ofc as well
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araneitela · 4 months
Me: Alright Kafka, how about some classical music to wake you up? Kafka: How about Zorro's Theme from the 'remake' (along with many little verbal additions that may matter a bit to her, but don't matter here), and its silly little love ballad. Me: She would, wouldn't she? Some action she's not huge on, sure, but the memoirs of a character that's left his mark on cinema, and a bit of a tale of love? Yep. Me: That's right, I need cinema threads.
Anonymous: I hope no one turns my life into a movie, though Anonymous: I don't like the idea of some director showing the world their own interpretation of me.
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quietlyblooms · 28 days
i can't guarantee i'll always have good ideas, but i can promise that i'm gonna yap
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skyheld · 1 month
just like there's a recurring theme where you run into old friends of ameridan, there's a recurring theme of meeting merrill in places where she definitely shouldn't be and which she has no idea how she got to. she has a diagnosed lack of directional sense and no ability to make a mental map of places. she got lost in the druid's grove
baldur's gate will be her death
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1ntothebreach · 2 months
for the time being : @melodydiner / @shespsycho / @shesvanny will primarily be hosted here. this isn’t permanent!!! this is just so i don’t spread myself to thin atm. i love my gurls and will return to their solos! and i will also be checking in on their blogs still from time to time. i just need a bit more organization atm.
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futurefind · 10 months
Send to 10 other bloggers you think are wonderful. Keep this going to make someone smile. ☆♥
omg bel jumpscare hiiiiiiiiiiiiii
tysm omg!! 🥺
sends it back at you and also everyone on the dash!!! I'm not hyperbolizing i keep my space tinee on purpose AND bad at sending out/initiating positivity so !!!
hands it out like complimentary goodie bags
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teojira · 4 months
Scar x fem! Reader/Rover from Wuthering Waves where Reader is trying to get Yangyang back, and Scar offers to give her back for a kiss from reader 🫦
[What's the harm?] [Scar/reader drabble]
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Summary: Scar strikes a deal with you, for both your and Yangyang's freedom. (You are Rover in this!)
Word count: 1k+ (I got POSSESSED)
Pronouns: She/her implied
Warnings: Possibly OOC but the game is 3 days old, have mercy. Slightly nsfw! Scar is down bad. You're Rover in this and you're also down bad.
A/N: I want him so bad, the constant flirting with MC? The way his eyes soften at her? I'm in love with him so bad.
“Where is she?” He's already isolated you for Yangyang, bringing you into his domain.
 It's unnerving, standing alone with a man you've seen cause so much trouble, someone who constantly is trying to get into your head.
The comments he makes, there are so many of them and they just keep coming. 
Is he lying about wanting you? Lying about wanting your trust? Is this just a ploy to get you on his side? 
You're not sure, your brain can't deny that this is a trap, he trapped you, but your brain can't deny that he's looking at you with a soft gaze that you're sure he's never graced another human with. He looks like he simultaneously wants to eat you alive and protect you like he claims.
Scar himself stands a few feet away, arms crossed as his eyes trail along your form, starting from your feet, lingering a bit on your chest until finally meeting your eyes. You swear you can see a twinkle in his eye, and he doesn't even remotely try and hide the way he licks his lips at you, a predator grin making it's way on his handsome face.
“Oh come on Rover, she'll be fine~”
“I'm not doing this with you, give her back.” You steel yourself, hand resting on the scabbard of your sword, ready for him to attack.
To your surprise, he knocks his head back and laughs, shaking his head, the movement jostling his locks. He turns back to you, moving closer, step by step.
“Look at that, that fire in your eye is mesmerizing Rover, you're that concerned with a woman who only wants to use you?” He coos, voice mimicking how an adult talks to a child and you feel small, taking a small step back but the distance still closes, he's not letting you get away.
“Stop. I'm not playing this game with you Scar, let me go and give Yangyang back.” You hate how your voice trembles a bit, hating yourself for his presence having such an effect on you.
“Yangyang This, Yangyang that, what about me my dear? Why don't you say my name like you do hers? With that fondness.” He glowers, finally closing the distance, stepping into your personal bubble and cornering you against a large rock.
“What are you even-” You can't help the flush that rushes to your face, your head dizzy at the proximity. The body heat radiating off of him is jarring, but not as jarring as his smell. He smells of ash and burnt wood, and a mix of his own natural scent and it feels warm and safe. For the first time since you've woken up, you feel protected, despite him being the enemy. The same one who the nation you're supposed to protect hates.
It's so stupid, it's so stupid.
"Say my name.” He's leaning down now, was he always this tall?
“W-” He cuts you off, grabbing your jaw with one hand, squeezing your cheeks ever so slightly, only releasing to brush a strand of hair behind your ear.
“Say it, Rover.” His face is so fucking close, you can feel his breath tickling your face.
"Scar." You breathe out, your head spinning, this is wrong, you shouldn't have let him get this close, you need to get out and find Yangyang, what the fuck are you doing?
"Give me what I want, and I'll let you both go." He murmurs, eyes zeroed in on yours.
His heterochromatic eyes are beautiful already, but the way they're so dilated, barely any of his color is shown.
"I'm not following."
"Just a kiss my dear, just one."
"How do I know you're gonna keep your word?"
"You don't, but I don't think that's gonna stop you." He coos again, moving to trail one of his hands down your back, pushing you closer to his body, your chests both heaving and resting on one another.
He's right, as of right now, there is absolutely nothing that will stop you from this, from giving in just this once.
You lean in first, shutting your eyes tight.
It's Scar who does the rest, crashing into you like a wave, trying to consume you.
He kisses you like you're long lost lovers, pouring so much passion into the kiss that you can't ever hope to return, so when he pushes you up against the rock, you know this'll be a reoccurring occurrence. It's addicting, the feeling of his lips finally on yours, all the tension finally reaching a climax. His tongue is damn near down your throat, swallowing down your moans as much as he could, his hands gripping your hips so hard, you wouldn't be surprised if it left a mark later (a small part of you hope he does).
It takes everything in your power to pull away, but the second you do, he moves to start licking at your neck, you can feel his canines run along a specific patch of skin that makes your legs weak. You place a hand on his chest, trying to gently push him away.and when that doesn't work, you bring your other hand up to run your fingers through his locks and tug him away.
The groan he lets out is downright sinful. He looks up at you, his expression as if he just fucked you within an inch of your life, his hair mussed, his lips glossy from your combined spit.
"Was that good enough?"
"Oh honey, you're lucky I don't take you right here. But I am a man of my word." He hums, licking his lips and letting out a snicker. With a shocking gentleness, he pecks your lips one last time.
"Wake up now."
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"Rover! Rover! Are you okay?" Yangyang has your head on her lap, one of her palms on your forehead, feeling the warmth there.
All you can do is groan and bring a hand to your face, covering your cheeks.
"What'd he do to you in there?"
"I don't want to talk about it."
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ᴛʜᴀɴᴋ ʏᴏᴜ ᴠᴇʀʏ ᴍᴜᴄʜ ꜰᴏʀ ʀᴇᴀᴅɪɴɢ ᴀɴᴅ ɪ ʜᴏᴘᴇ ᴛᴏ ʜᴇᴀʀ ꜰʀᴏᴍ ʏᴏᴜ ꜱᴏᴏɴ!
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douzheng · 1 year
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Will be working on this blog soon. Aya. I just need to remember how to actually run a blog properly again. ._.,,
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