#[muffled self control.mp3 in the bg and the next phase being foreshadowed]
mathcs · 1 year
"Buer sounds like someone I know." Amuro let out a breath, the smile on his lips expressing that of disbelief. So even different timelines have their fair share of similarities…
"If only we knew about this before everything went down between you and Kamille, things wouldn't have been so complicated." He let out a chuckle at that recent debacle. Kamille did his best to handle things well, but it was clear that he still had a lot of learning to do, especially when dealing with people. "After everything you went through, though? I think I'd react the same way. It's hard to take in everything all at once. Even to this day, I carry all my regrets and mistakes with me. It's never been easy, but you get used to it." His eyes started to seep melancholy that he barely showed to anyone.
"Since what's going on in your timeline is bigger than you and Buer, you have to make decisions you'd consider unthinkable and unacceptable. One of you has to take that first step." He paused. "Who knows? It's what Law would've wanted, too." Whether it was his Newtype senses or something else, Amuro simply felt like saying it to a fellow Newtype. (Maybe it was what Jude needed to hear all along.)
( it's something we need ok asjdkas :dangar dangar: )
Buer...? Amuro Ray himself knew someone like that? Jude was unable to hide his surprise. The initial shock of seeing said legend, alive in the flesh, had passed by this point, but the wonderment remained... as it always would ( after all, AMR Academy was his namesake ). And now, especially after everything that'd happened since Jude boarded the Dreisstrager, he saw him in a new light.
And thanks to Kamille, he was out of that dark tunnel. The results of their simulation battle had been a complete shock due Jude's extreme emotional state, as was the disbelief and shame he felt afterwardsー but in the end, it turned out to be just what he needed at that moment. He really did believe that now. And their battle, the respect he felt for Kamille had returned, deeper than before. Jude needed to grow stronger as a pilotー Now, he wanted to.
Kamille and Amuro had understood far more than Jude had realized, even without knowing the facts, right from the beginning. When he could only think of Law from the past, trapping himself in those thoughtsー
If he'd just told them about what happened to the Law he knew before all of thisー... That was certainly true. I was afraid of even mentioning it normally. But if I'd just done that instead of yelling at Uso... And then, during the fight with Kamille... The truth had came out anyway, horribly. Jude couldn't help the guilty frown on his face for just moment as the older pilot chuckled. Still, he felt an understanding from him, and listened intently without interrupting. The empathy of his words... and the sadness in his eyes. They were undoubtedly intertwined. It was something nobody could just casually ask about.
... For Jude, it was also advice. Because in the future, once he was Amuro's age, surelyー I'll be carrying them too. Mistakes and regrets for a lifetime. But maybe even that was a good sign. Before, Jude hardly thought about the future at all.
War was uncertain, just like his emotions and the things that had happened. He didn't think he could make it this far. But, he did. And nowー
I still have to get a grip on these fragile feelings. Otherwise, I won't become the adult I want to be. He wasn't like the man in front of him... yet. So, I have to take the first step, even ifー Jude looked surprised. Because as if reading his mind, Amuro had said just that. An understanding between Newtypes... but also just between people.
'Who knows? It's what Law would've wanted, too.'
The name rang in his heart with sadness and realizationー
"You're right... I think he would." But inside those feelings was also hope, now beginning to grow. Jude smiled gently. "It's the least I can do for him. For everyone else, too." Ludger, Elle, Millaー and others he didn't know the name of. To protect countless of people they would never even get to meet. There was still so much they had to do. To do the things only they could do. Buer, too. That was their timeline... their only world. It wasn't time to quit.
Jude frowned, but this time, there was only determination on his face.
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"Once I go back... I'll remember all of this. And what everyone here did for my sake." This time, there'd be no forgetting. The words held weight as a clenched fist raised against his chest. Then, he smiled at Amuro. "Thank you. I'm sorry for causing so much trouble." From the bottom of his heart.
'You were wrong, Jude. I've always believed in you'.
Now he could remember it anytime he wanted. Because after everything, the Law in this world had reminded him of those wordsー that truth. It'd been right here with him all along.
Finally... I won't go back on what you said anymore. I want to show you that you were right to believe in me.
The static was gone.
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