#[moots ;; chamomileteahouse]
scarasun · 2 years
give your mutuals a color and genshin boy/ girl you think would go well with them, or or, if this is easier, say what genshin character reminds you of them the most!
buckle up, moots! you're in for a wild ride! i've used a hex code color picker to choose your colors (and to kind of make it a surprise), so you can go to this website here, and plug in your codes!
🌹🌹🌹 @ataraxyystories : color: (B4EECD) genshin character: in terms of general vibes, probably sucrose or collei! although you remind me more of collei in terms of personality now that i think about it, because you're fun to be around and very passionate about the things you like! :3
@radishsoups : color: (EFD0FF) genshin character: kokomi! i think one of your earliest themes on your blog was kokomi-inspired. in terms of who i think your personality reminds me of,,,probably yunjin! i feel like you're very graceful and polite, but you have a cheeky side.
@kaneaken : color: (A149CE) genshin character: sucrose for sure!!! i feel like you're kind of shy (in an endearing way) but still very lovable! you also remind me of ei!!! for some reason i feel like you love sweets(??) correct me if im wrong
@albenyx : color: (F8D78D) genshin character: ALBEDOOOO because he's your entire theme. i actually sat for a while trying to remember what your theme was before you changed it (it was kazuha right??). in terms of personality,,,hu tao?? you give me prankster vibes (in a good way) and i think you know how to vibe with just about anyone.
@chamomileteahouse : color: (FF8364) genshin character: so we haven't talked much but kazuha!!! mostly because your whole theme is about him. i also feel like you remind me of thoma??? it's a long drawn out explanation i've made up in my head but i feel like since your theme is based on a tea house, and thoma is a great chef,,,it kind of just clicks, you know? plus his color scheme is red so i think it works.
@scarahours : color: (2A5BBF) genshin character: so we haven't talked much either but i instantly knew who i was gonna pick for you: scaramouche. literally because of the url. but personality-wise, i think you might be a chill person, but you don't like being provoked?? so because of that i think you might fit yelan really well.
it's late here but hopefully i did everyone justice! love yall!
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