#[hope this is ok!]
paper-cities · 6 months
I would like to request an Izutsumi perhaps perchance. 🙏
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Half foot Izutsumi anyone?
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villainii · 2 years
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Villainii’s 3k Celebration: ➤ requested by sattosugu
“If you’re trash, at least burn and be kindling for my flames.”
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needcake · 4 months
Day 1: “Oh no, they were roommates”
@engportevents / Engport Week 2024
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You should tell him, Francis had said to him over the phone one day, you should tell him how you feel, but Arthur shook his head. There’s was nothing to tell. Nothing he wished to tell Gabriel especially. They had been living together in England for almost two years now, splitting rent and groceries and sometimes funny anecdotes about their day over breakfast. It was Arthur’s own fault that he had become infatuated with his roommate. He was just so lonely and Gabriel was kind. Gabriel probably didn’t even feel the same way anyway. Then why did it hurt so much when one morning Gabriel called him into their tiny cramped kitchen and announced, his voice shaking like he was about to cry: “They offered me a job in Lisbon.”
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jooqlz · 6 months
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for @super-saiyan-rose
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spcdesace · 2 months
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@accordedxneutralxterritory liked for a starter!
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"I might not be the best at manners, but even I know that when a lady says no she means no." Looking over from where he'd just finished his meal and whipping his mouth with the napkin that he'd somehow managed to not lose this time, saving him from having to grab some other form of fabric in his proximity, he allowed a feral grin to pull across his lips as his gaze locked with the other pirate. Leaning back in his chair so that one arm dangled over the back of it he lifted his glass towards the Innkeeper and added, eyes never leaving the other man. "But hey, if you want to have your ass handed to you go right on ahead because that's what's going to happen if you keep pushing her."
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dhampiravidi · 9 months
the story of darth tenebrous & his chase
Those eyes--
She'd first seen them the day her Master had been killed, the last week she'd been a Padawan. Despite the Jedi Council knowing that the planet of Fjerda was hostile towards Grisha like themselves, they sent their people to aid the Republic-friendly faction against invading Confederates. Jayn saw a Fjerdan, only a few years older than herself, shoot her Master clean through the chest when the woman tried to help the fallen soldier up. Full of sudden rage, Jayn screamed, and a wave of power kicked the soldier yards over. She sobbed, then went to check on her friend, her de facto mother and sister. Just as she looked up to reassess the situation, she noticed the oncoming droids--
And then a dark blur threw itself between her and the droids. It was illuminated by a colored glow, then by the blasts fired. But the blur simply kept moving, until the blaster bolts deflected and destroyed all of the incoming droids. Only when the blur stopped did Jayn see that it was a person, one who gave her a quiet, dark stare before he ran off. Aleksander Morozov, the hero of Fjerda, saved my life.
That was years ago. Since then, Jayn had ascended to the rank of Master, while on the path to becoming a Jedi Shadow. She'd added another blue lightsaber to her repertoire, and she had never taken on a Padawan, aside from volunteering to lead combat training on occasion. She felt lonely sometimes, and she had a few escorts she kept visiting against her better judgment (attachment was forbidden, not sex, after all), but she knew she was fighting for peace. According to the Jedi, that was all she needed to be satisfied. And yet, she was not. The Senate grew more disjointed by the second, Fjerda had joined the Confederacy, and the Confederacy kept upgrading their droids faster than the Republic could learn to counter them with regular soldiers.
The whole time, the Jedi stayed quiet unless directed by the Senate, and it ate at her. She knew that her mother had been killed for being Grisha, because her father had been the one to bring her to the Temple. We aren't doing enough.
The night of the first time she thought that, she dreamed of those dark eyes again. They might be on a glowing advertisement, or on the face of a Wookie, or even in the sky like stars, but they kept appearing, just before she awakened.
Ravka. A group of children had been taken hostage by a gang that had had increased conflicts with the local police. Negotiations were going poorly, so Jayn would go and deal with things herself.
She was just entering the planet's atmosphere, sitting calmly in her starfighter when she felt something strange in the Force.
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galaxysugarr · 1 year
Could you draw an old OC of mine? I tried aaand.. Ya it failed.
(If you want you can just draw Cat Eclipse instead.)
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You mean like, nya?
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coffeeebomb · 1 month
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"Anyway, here's The Wondered Walls."
Took me almost hysterically too long cause work and life legit bowled me over, BUT it's here! And I'll hopefully get to drawing again, cause the itch is real.
A little thank you gift/token to the darling @confused-butter-toast and their OC/Tav Dratnarif, who in their words "is a flamboyant bard with trauma and a red lute". It was a fun character to draw and a great exercise to work on my absolutely non-existent fashion sense lmao. I also legit appreciate the number of times for the feedback (that was essentially me like some bizarre stray cat dropping WIPS and disappearing into the void).
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3katanas · 3 months
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@summerxmelodies asked: what do you mean? of course i'm coming with you. from: “I NEED YOU CLOSE AT ALL TIMES” PROMPTS
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"Like hell you are." He shot back, leaping over the side of the Merry and beginning to stride towards the path that would lead into the latest port that they'd come to. All three of his swords needed the attention of a blacksmith for maintenance and sharpening. A fact that had caused him not to volunteer to watch the ship this time around. Why she even wanted to come with him was beyond him, though he did keep his strides shorter then normal, knowing by now that telling any of the females on the ship no never went well.
So naturally he only sighed when she appeared at his side, gaze flicking to her before forward again. "Why do you want to come anyway?"
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pilot-nobody · 12 days
For the first sentence fanfic thing, feel free to ignore it if it doesn't spark anything. :)
Technically, the visitation room didn't look any different than the rest of the prison, but then nobody had eyes for the room - only the people showing up inside it.
Sorry for the wait! This one is a little angsty and through the eyes of a character that hasn't been written about a lot so... Hope that it's Ok! If not I can try a different angle or you can request something different.
Technically, the visitation room didn't look any different than the rest of the prison, but then nobody had eyes for the room - only the people showing up inside it. Didn't matter if the people were happy, sad, angry or nervous to be there - all that mattered was that there were people in that room.
And this wasn't something that Eduardo Alvarez let himself indulge in often, but every once in a while he would wander into the visitation room and watch the different people filter in and out. Sometimes he lets himself pretend that some of these people are here to visit him; that somewhere in the crowd are his wife and daughter - probably wouldn't recognize them even if they did come, it had been years since he last saw either of them.
Still it's nice to pretend that he hadn't cursed his family, that his father hadn't died in this shit-hole, that his son wasn't currently rotting in solitary; that maybe, someone in the world still thought of him.
But it wasn't a fantasy that he let himself dwell in often, after all the visitation room was only an extension of the prison.
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nineheadeddemon · 2 months
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@bcbliophile Starter for Penelope's Mythology Verse!
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As the mortals began to wander farther out into the world so too it seemed did the creatures and gods of their lands. While once they had all respected the boundaries of the realms they were now merging, blending in ways he was unsure were wise. Too often of late monsters had appeared in the seas over which his strength was known to have no match. Challenging him to battles that ended in their demise.
It was one such battle that had caused a foreign ship to sink. A fact that he'd not cared about except for a sudden flicker of power. A sense of it fading that had drawn his curiosity. His body slipped down beneath the waves as he drifted through the wreckage to find its source and coming to a stop before a female.
Gaze watching her for a moment he turned to leave before pausing at the sudden movement. She was still alive then. Turning back he regarded her for a moment considering if he should bother saving her or not.
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everseens · 8 months
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"you actually showed up," milo greeted venus with a warm smile as he wrapped his arms around her in an embrace without hesitation. their band's headlining show had just finished with a sold out crowd and had a ticket set aside just for her in case she did decide to attend. "how did i do? did my voice sound too squeaky? i can't ever tell." / @gccdwitch
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swcctcrbittcr · 3 months
closed: @hxtties connection: lyra joins a cult and is now being given to a demon
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she hadn't realized what was happening until it was too late. lyra just assumed she was making new friends, being given new opportunities, almost like she had a second-lease on life. but slowly the sucked her in, until it was too late and she realized what it was. it wasn't just a simple community, it was cult. yet this realization didn't turn her away, she simply found her place in it. a newbie, on the outside of everything important, just doing her duties and living her life. it was simple, it was nice.
or so she thought. it had all happened so suddenly, the leader, jason, invited her in for a quick conversation. they told her she was needed, it was time for her to pay her dues. and that's when they grabbed her, stripped her, said that she was perfect for their idol. a beautiful young cunt ready for breeding - why else would she be here? two man carried her to the inside of the altar - a place she had never been permitted before. oil was poured over her, soaking her cotton panties as she was tied down. "you're just perfect." one of the guys smirked in her ear, eyes not shy in the way they raked across her bare chest, her fearful eyes, hands roughly grabbing at her tits. "she's going to love you..." lyra froze, wanting to screen but fabric was shoved into her mouth instead as they held her open, chanting softly, pouring oil, groping her.
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kaylatullz · 6 months
closed starter for @paxton-brady
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Well, double-triple holy shit. Mikayla doesn't know what to do with her hands while she's sitting at this silly little restaurant waiting to do -- what? Reunite with her old childhood best friend? Right some wrongs?
The likely answer is probably make a fool out of herself which will promptly launch another few years of only seeing Pax in passing.
This year is meant to turn over a new leaf. She can't afford to be a scaredy cat now.
As soon as she spies that familiar head of hair, the woman perks up at her seat and pretends she's organizing condiments. "Howdy, hey, not-neighbor."
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spcdesace · 1 month
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@summerxmelodies the thing :D
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"Well, that can't be comfortable." Opening the door that led into the ship's gully and apparently cells, his gaze instantly landed on a woman held up in one of them. Her wrists were bound with sea prism stone, though if it was for devil fruit powers or just precaution he wasn't sure.
Glancing down at the lock he huffed before looking around the room. Spotting the ring of keys by the door he pulled them down before heading over to her cell, unlocking the door and entering as he said simply. "Your captors crossed paths with the wrong pirates, so we've liberated them of their ship and gold."
Crouching down in front of her he offered a grin as he added. "And my Captain isn't the kind to keep prisoners."
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ochazos · 6 months
@nijimx (continued)
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"Okay." Maybe old habits died hard. After all, he had been in the student council in his old life. In truth, Makoto hadn't been trying to go anywhere specific. It had just been too loud. He needed to get some headphones and music, then he wouldn't need to hide away like this.
As for what he needed... He had enrolled in Shujin for plenty of reasons. But it was difficult to explain. He had to lie about a lot too, which would probably be easy enough to uncover if the right person went digging. But to anyone not really concerned with him, he was just a third year that transferred at a weird time.
"Well... I'm new here." And considering the gap in his experience, he probably needed a lot of help. "But there is something I'm interested in. But I doubt you can help me." A pause. He really didn't have much social grace.
"I'm Yuki." He didn't know who she was, but he assumed she was in student council. "Are you the president?'
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