#[feel free to send well wishes of your own to Mystic ^^]
mino-diabolik · 1 year
Happy Birthday, Mystic!
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[Admin!Danny: Disclaimer! This is not a starter, simply a little scenario for the post. Enjoy ✨]
Mystic slumped back against the peeling wallpaper of the rundown motel. The old chair moaned as he rocked back and forward on it. He watched the small flame on the single candle quiver atop the one-person portion pastry set on its plastic tray. His mismatched eyes glimmered in its light, making the blood splatters upon his face all the more noticeable. He had arrived so utterly exhausted, the thought of cleaning himself up hadn’t even occur to him.
A tear of wax fell along the side of the candle, then another. The grandfather clock out on the hall struck midnight. The walls thumped with a disgruntled guest on the other room.
Mystic leaned forward and blew out the flame; smoke trailed up towards the ceiling in ghostly tendrils.
The Founder sighed, a very subtle smile tugged at the edge of his lips. “Happy birthday to me…”
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rinainshadows · 1 month
How to Manifest: for Beginners
I had received a question on how to begin manifesting and realized that it also would be beneficial to have my own "tutorial", for lack of better words, to pin on my page. For any personalized manifesting or shifting advice, feel free to send an ask on my profile.
The Law of Assumption
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The Law of Assumption is a theory first proposed by writer, speaker, and mystic "Neville Goddard". Neville insists that we are the creator, or operant power, of our reality. Reality is "us" pushed out. He postulates that God, the universe, or whatever higher power you may believe there is; is within us. Every assumption we have about ourselves or our life's circumstance that we believe to be true has manifested into our "3D", the physical, tangible reality. Everything, good or bad, that you assume to be true manifests into the outer world. That is the Law.
So how do we take advantage of this Law? How do we actively create and take control of our physical realm? To quote Neville: "Now can you believe that you are now the man that you would like to be, though at the moment of the assumption, reason denies it?
"Can you perceive a scene, which if true, would imply the fulfillment of your desire? You can of course imagine it, but can you believe it?" What Neville is alluding to is that: in order to experience the thing we want to have; money, a relationship, a career, a different life completely; we must assume to already have it. "My assumption, though false, if persisted in will harden into fact."
Everything has already happened. Everything that you can imagine exists. It exists in the plane often referred to as the "4D". This is our inner world, or imagination, and where the "3D" receives information from. I don't want to dwell too much on the "3D", "4D", "5D", etc. I can make a post breaking them down if anyone's interested, but, they are just terms that you'll often hear in the community. Don't get too hung up over them.
How to Manifest
1. I want something. Be specific. "I want $1000. I want to be in a relationship with so-and-so." 2. Imagine that you have it. Imagine a scene and the feelings associated with having your desire. Feel the money in your hand. Give life to the image you have of it. If you cannot visualize, that's okay. The feeling is the important part anyway. 3. Know it is done. That was the shift. Now you just wait for the 3D to bring you your manifestation. Persist in knowing it is done regardless of the ways the 3D might try to dissuade you. Regardless of how your mind might make you second guess yourself. This is the time to affirm. This is the time to meditate.
It really is this simple. Ease? Well, that depends on how difficult you make it. Keep in mind that everything in our 3D reality is based on our assumptions. This is the Law. The Law doesn't care how bad you want something. You must believe that you have it and persist in knowing it is coming.
There is always a delay when manifesting. It can take time for the 3D to process information that is coming from higher planes. Whether that be two seconds or two weeks, it's enough time for doubts to accumulate. You MUST know that if you truly have something that nothing is changing that. I'm going to tell you something I wish I heard early on:
To believe you have your desire is to know you have it now, as you are. As imperfect or "undeserving" you may think you are; that doesn't matter. You do not have to work hard for your desire. You don't have to do a million methods. You don't have to go on this big journey and learn everything before you can do it. You can start now. Hell, you already started as soon as you became conscious.
For beginners, I do encourage you to start small in your journey. I'm not discouraging you from manifesting big things. Just be mindful that you've gone your whole life being programmed to think "it can't be that easy to get ____." Well, it is. However, when we manifest things we are really attached to or seem really big; early on it might create an environment where we are less likely to believe in our capabilities. Even experienced manifesters get doubts. So, baby steps are always good.
But, don't let me tell you what you can and can't do. If you have an incredible self-concept and believe you can have whatever you want then please don't let me stop you! It's all up to what you believe in. Even doubts, or beliefs that you think are limiting you, aren't. Again, I want to re-emphasize that you don't have to become the person that has your desire. You already have it as you are. Embody it.
I don't want this post to be super long and I certainly don't want to over-complicate manifesting. If you ever get doubts or struggle with the 3D circumstances, I have posts delving into that topic that I will link. I might even make this some sort of master post as I make more related posts. Remember that you are capable. If I am and others are, so are you, because we are all interconnected.
I believe in you,
How does the 3D and 4D work?
The Ego in Manifestation: Validating Doubts Instead of Suppressing Them
Meditative Practice for when Doubts/Negative Thoughts Arise
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ashes-in-a-jar · 6 months
In my head, you’re a Magnus Archives blog. I mean, I know you obviously listen to other things, but In my mind it’s things like Welcome to Nightvale, Malevolent, Hello from the Hallowoods, The Sheridan Tapes, things like that, horror and supernatural.
So I had to do a double-take when I saw a Dungeons and Daddies post from you, I really didn’t know you listened to it. Then I see you reblog a Fawx and Stallion post, and now I’m just wondering how many podcasts you’ve listened to that I’ve also listened to.
Hahaha yes this blog has been mainly for tma stuff for years now, I still feel like I'm new to the fandom but honestly I've been here through a lot of it since the beginning of season 5
Buuuuut in the past few months I've stopped going into the tma tag regularly and been feeling a little detached from it, at least as opposed to before. My listen to tmagp has been way less interactive and I hardly reblog content anymore (which is something I like doing but because of various bad experiences on the internet recently I have yet to recover from I feel safer posting my own original posts rather than reblogging)
And that freed up a space in my mind to realize I've actually been listening to a lot of podcasts besides tma and it's honestly a shame not to talk about them more with others
I do listen to a lot of horror fantasy supernatural and science fiction podcasts! I also love a lot of dnd and ttrpg podcasts, I also love everything dropout and wish I could get into critical role but it's so big I don't think I'll manage it
I put under the cut a (quite long) list of the podcasts I have listened to and/or have notifications turned on
Anyone following me, you're welcome to send me an ask about one of them if you like them as well or want to hear about them!
I also put a list of podcasts on my to listen to list. Feel free to drop a recommendation for which them to listen to first!
Podcasts I'm caught up on (the lists are long so it's alphabetical without "the")
Ongoing podcasts
The Amelia project
Ask your father
A voice from darkness
Black box
Brimstone valley mall
The cellar letters
Death by dying
Eeler's choice
Ethics town
Fawx and stallion
Hello from the Hallowoods
The hundred handed
Lost terminal
The Magnus protocol
Midnight burger
The mistholme museum of mystery morbidity and mortality
Neon inkwell
New years day
Not quite dead
Old gods of Appalachia
The penumbra podcast
The program
Red valley
The Sheridan Tapes
The silt verses
The sound museum
Super suits
Tell no tales
Tiny terrors
Traveling light
The vesta clinic
The white vault
Completed podcasts
Absolutely no adventures
Archive 81
The bright sessions
Camp here and there
Give me away
I am in eskew
Monstrous agonies
Parkdale haunt
The Magnus archives
Re: dracula
The secret of st kilda
Spirit box radio
Steal the stars
We know none
Wolf 359
Wooden overcoats
The adventure zone
Campaign skyjacks
Chapter and multiverse
Dark dice
Dice shame
Dimension 20 (not a podcast but I listen to it like one)
Dungeons and daddies
Not another d&d podcast
Rusty Quill gaming
Worlds beyond number
Podcast on my listen next list:
The Alexandria archives
Alice isn't dead
Ars paradoxica
The Black tapes
The box
The bridge
The cryptid keeper
Darkest night
The darkroom
The dark tome
The deca tapes
The deep vault
Dreamboy (this one is nsfw so it makes me nervous lol)
Duggan Hill
The earth collective
The far meridian
The fountain road files
The glass canon
Jar of rebuke
Kings fall am (I started but heard not great things about it)
Knifepoint horror
Kollok 1991
Less is morgue
The leviathan chronicles
The lost cat
Mockery manor
Next stop
The no sleep podcast
The orphans
The Orpheus protocol
Out of place
The phone booth
Point mystic
The right left game
Shadows at the door
Stellar firma
The storage papers
Stories from among the stars
Super ordinary
Vast horizon
Victoria's lift
Video palace
Welcome to night Vale (I listen to this one very sporadically lol)
We're alive
Within the wires
Woe begone (I started but got stuck on episode 20ish but want to continue)
Wrong station
Critical role (it's sooo long tho)
Dames and dragons
Dragon friends
Join the party
The lucky die
Queens of adventure
Realms of pearl and glory
Rude tales of magic
Skyjacks courier call
Three black halflings
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phoenixcoin · 1 year
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❂⭃ Laws ⥷❂
❧ OC and Crossover Friendly. I will gladly write with any character be it OC or canon. If I don’t know your fandom or character, I will do research but I might not be the best at it so feel free to come infodump on me about the show or your muse at any time. About pages are appreciated.
❧ Shipping I am happy to ship with my muses for any muses that are of age. I ship based on chemistry, but feel free to come to me ahead of time and express interest so we can plot. I multiship and each relationship is handled as being in its own universe outside of others. Mun is sex-repulsed however, so smut will will be extremely rare on this blog. I will not ship with underage muses at all. Platonic shipping and friend groups are encouraged.
❧ About Connections I do not do exclusives at all, but I do take mains for my muses’ universe. You can find my current list of mains in the Bonds Page. Due to some anxiety issues I also do not do mains calls at all. If you wish to main with my muses, please come to me and ask directly. OCs can also act as mains for this blog.
❧ About Personals and Interactions Mutuals are free to send asks, make random starters, etc. etc. If you’re a personal blog, however, I ask that you not reblog my rp replies, as that will make things very confusing for me. If I follow you, I definitely want interaction, so please don’t hesitate. If we’re not mutuals and you want to interact, just follow me and I’ll check out your rules. I’ll only follow those that have their age clearly marked unless you already regularly interact with a mutual I trust. I require rp partners to be 18+, please. ❧ Please Follow RP Etiquette No godmodding (both in sense of conflict and character knowledge), no killing off my muses, have patience with response time and give me a chance to react to actions. Conflicts and battles must be plotted, and the winner must be decided by what benefits the narrative. If you want to talk about what your muse should know that can be plotted through as well. I don’t mind being reminded of threads, even if you spam, just please don’t get angry with me about it. ^^;;; If you can, also let me know when you’re well and truly finished with rping with me or want to let me go as a rp partner. You don’t have to give me an explanation or anything, it’s just so I can safely stop waiting on responses for threads, since I don’t consider them closed out unless we’ve reached a suitable place for that.
❧ Drama I will not participate in drama of any kind. Feel free to let me know if you truly believe that I am interacting with someone I should not be, but I will usually make that decision on my own. A lot of my mutuals don’t get along with each other for one reason or another and I tend to simply stay out of it. I won’t post drama but I don’t require you not to post it to interact. I simply won’t participate. And also, any and all hate sent into my askbox, anon or otherwise, will be deleted and ignored. I don’t respond to those either, if I feel it really is meant to just be hate.
❂⭃ Mun Info ⥷❂
Hello hello~ You can call me Kohi and I’ve been rping for while, but on Tumblr only about a year or so. I’m still learning how to work with this platform. I tend to post a lot of ooc, so if you’re not comfortable with that, please block my ooc tag. I am also very very afraid of people, even in online spaces, so I will have a really hard time reaching out to people. Please have some patience with me. I want to be everyone’s friend but I’m just really scared.
I would also like to mention here that I have a Sibling irl who I live with and is married! I will often refer to Sibling and their Spouse in my ooc posts!
Some additional info: ❧ Pronouns: She/her ❧ Age: 28 ❧ Timezone: gmt-6 ❧ DNI: Smut-heavy blogs, 18- roleplay partners
Blogroll: ❧ mystical-strawberry-sheep (multifandom OC) ❧ meadowthorns (fandomless OC multimuse sideblog) ❧ strawberry-barista (Sanae Hanekoma of TWEWY) ❧ networkscrambled (TWEWY multimuse sideblog) ❧ falseapostle (TWEWY OC w Pokemon verse) ❧ enchantedbrew (Cafe Enchante dual muse [Souan Awaki & Kaoru Rindo]) ❧ sweetlesson (Mr. Saguaro of Pokemon Scarlet & Violet)
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thaiamulet-us · 2 years
Love Magic Pendant 💖 Lucky in love Powerful charm amulet pendant (Yellow Color)
Love Magic Pendant
💖 Lucky in love Powerful charm amulet pendant (Nang Yua Sawat)
Sexual Pendant Magically enchant your target for love or attraction purposes. This very powerful love magic pendant will lock your target person and cause them to become crazy over you. They will always be thinking of you and longing for your presence. Love magic pendant is perfect for increasing the passion and closeness in your relationship. The Perfect Tool if you have a Certain Someone in mind! It sends powerful waves of energy to your Beloved, opening their Eyes and Heart to what you have to offer! This is a strong and powerful all-purpose Ancient Love Talisman. The wearer of the Magic Pendant will be liked by others, same sex and opposite will get attracted to the wearer. If you are already in a relationship then Magic talisman will make your relationship stronger. If you are alone then you will find your True Love or Soul Mate. This talisman will give you success in any situation where love is involved By the power of this Love Talisman or Amulet your lover will love you more, will never break your trust, will never leave you, will be faithful and loyal to you and will always be committed and faithful to you. The Powerful Magic Pendant has lots of magical powers in it that can fix a broken relationship, mend broken hearts, reunite with your lover, make your lover only think of you and will blindly trust you, in short this one Love amulet will have all the qualities and properties that you are looking for in a talisman for love .   Love Magic Pendant (Nang Yua Sawat) The mystical charm amulet is extracted from a mixture of various sacred ingredients, such as natural healing herbs, fragrant flowers, Many Rare & Powerful Old Holy Powders Collected which Master collected for a long time, concentrated charming herb which was inherited more than 50 years and substances that have been meticulously collected for the purpose of generating a most powerful gift of Love & Luck. The mixture is made according proper tradition, using ancient formulas and magic spells to consecrate the mystical Love relationship amulet pendant. And as such, this mystical talisman therefore already can be considered quite rare and unique in its own right. Due to the extensive process of consecrating the Magic Pendant with sufficient magic powers and auspicious blessings, the Charm amulet is therefore considered an extremely powerful love charm. As such, the pendant can very well be used as a love magic pendant to attract the opposite sex,   💖 Powerful Magic Pendant is specially designed to provide the bearer a stronger sex appeal. It is also believed to improve the power of influence over the opposite sex. 💖 This is Amazingly Powerful Love and Passion Magic Amulet that get your Love Life revving into High Gear! If you are looking for New Love, it will Draw Your Soul Mate! If you are in a relationship, it will Fan the Flames of Your Passion! It Strengthens Devotion and Fidelity! It heals broken hearts and lets you Fall In Love Again! 💖 Magic Pendant for forming life-long partnerships, Charm amulet pendant are a powerful symbol of long-lasting love and togetherness. 💖 Special Magic Pendant was created as a strong charming for users, being lovable by people all around. When contact with others, they will feel merciful, when use in talking negotiation you will be success. 💖 Love amulet Improves your personal appearance and aura 💖 Attracts compassion, love and caring from all sides 💖 Increase your personal magnetism and charismatic presence 💖 You will find it easier to attract love and compassion from others 💖 Magic charm amulet will also facilitate the manifestation of a desired outcome to any intentions or wishes 💖 Improves sales, business and commerce and Improves your career graph dramatically
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  🙏 Thailand Amulet Center By Ruruecha provides free of charge domestic Amulet-Talisman and Thai Product ✈️ Delivery to your door all over the country. And Yet, we Free shipping Thai Product worldwide with the most suitable couriers. All Item comes with plastic bubble wraps and would be carefully packaged in a carton box. The package would be delivered from Chiang rai Thailand through Registered Air Mail Via Thailand Post Co ,Ltd. Please allow 7 - 20 Business Days for shipment arrival. Note: 🙏 The actual Amulet & Talisman Or Thai Product might be slightly different from the display image due to camera light and/or brightness of screen monitors. Likewise, The features mentioned above Still the same in all respects 💖 The result may different for each person. 💖 The amulet is a personal belief. Please use consideration 💖 If you have faith into something , you can felt invisible power inside what you believe. It is always be better true for amulets users 🎯Guarantee you the most powerful amulet you can get, using only the finest tools and most sacred forms of magick that has been used for centuries with extraordinary results. 💖 We’re glad that you found what you were looking for. It is our goal that you are always happy with what you bought from us, so please let us know if your buying experience was anything short of excellent. We look forward to seeing you again. 🙏 If you have any questions or concerns, don’t hesitate to let me know. I look forward to hearing from you. 💖 May God continue to bless you and your family with divine light, love and power that will bring much love, joy, peace, inner strength and overflowing abundance in your home . Best Regards 🙏🙏🙏 Thank you very much & Good Luck and Happy and Enjoy Shopping Read the full article
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cheritzteam · 4 years
[MM] Notice on Halloween and Rika's Birthday Event
Hello, this is Cheritz.
If we were to pick one event that we absolutely should not miss out on celebrating in October, it would be Halloween!!🎃🎃🎃 And to celebrate that bone-chilling and sweet-loving holiday, we have prepared something special that everyone can enjoy!
Moreover, at the following November is the birthday of Rika, who wants to share her happiness! We hear that she is very excited to spend some quality time with you, so come and celebrate her birthday with us!
< 1. Halloween Event : Mystic Halloween Party>
Is anyone getting goosebumps yet? We hope you are ready to participate in a totally new type of event this Halloween!
You can now choose your replies on Twitter, just like you did while playing the game! The ending you get from the Mystic Halloween Party will be completely up to you! Place a vote on the option of your choice and follow the story as it unfolds.★ So don’t forget to take part and explore various routes!
*The story will follow the majority. *The endings can be different for each language (Korean, English, Spanish).
*Designed by Freepik: www.freepik.com 
Halloween Event Period : 27th of October - 30th of October
< 2. Birthday Event : Spending November with Rika>
Rika is planning to bring bundles of joy as well as various questions in November, so feel free to share your answers with her on Twitter! :D
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< 3. Game-Access Event >
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Log in during the following period to see the new title illustration and intro chats featuring Rika in celebration of Halloween!
Intro Chats: 31st of October - 3rd of November (KST) Title Illustration: 31st of October - 30th of November (KST)
Please also note that if you log in during the following period, Rika will send you a lucky gift of 30 hourglasses!
Event Period: 31st of October - 3rd of November (KST) *Can be received only once during the event period. *Can be received by entering Mode Select > Main Menu.
[Winner Announcement: Intro Chats for Halloween and Rika’s Birthday]
하연 Jaidyn Pjwantspoptarts anarki Iko Cookie Anxivert Emi
*Please refer to the following notice to find out more about the <Making My Very Own Game Intro Chats!> event! [MM] <Making My Very Own Game Intro Chats!>: (Link)
We wish you a happy Halloween and hope you will join us in celebrating Rika’s birthday! Have a healthy and happy day.♥
Thank you.
Best,   Cheritz
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brattyfics · 3 years
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I want to give writing some seasonal pieces a try this year, so I'm opening up requests! I'd also love to read some so feel free to join me! Please read the guidelines below.
Personally, I'd like to stick to writing for the Mayans M.C. and Black Panther fandoms during this time, but you can write for any character from any fandom that you want.
There is no word count. Your response can be 100 or 100,000 words. I'll be writing until I feel the story is complete rather than trying to achieve a word count. I encourage you to do the same.
This is a Fall Fluff Challenge, but feel free to write smut and yes, even angst, if it fits the prompt. I'd just ask that you make sure there is some element of fluff.
Even though it's a seasonal challenge, there is no deadline. Post when you feel good about what you've written.
The premise of this 'challenge' is to pair a touch prompt (listed on the original post by @creativepromptsforwriting) with a fall-inspired word. For your convenience, here are some September and October words, plus another set of words created by me underneath the cut. Don’t see anything on these lists you like? That’s fine, use your own fall-inspired word. Fall means different things/traditions/activities/etc. to each person, so just do your thing. Don't spend too much time worrying about the word.
Just for clarity, here's a few examples: "grabbing the other’s hand to pull them back from something" + 'rosebushes'. You can write about Muse A tripping/falling into a prickly rose bush while chasing an excited child they are babysitting. Have Muse B offer a hand to help them up. OR "only realizing it when they have to let go" + 'cave explorations'. Have your Muses meet while on a cave tour. They grab at each other when one starts to slip on the slimy cave floor or bats start swarming, and don’t realize they’re still connected until the end of the tour. Your muses don't have to be in an established relationship for there to be fluff. Just have fun, be creative, and think outside the box.
If you do participate, please tag me and tag it #BFFF Challenge, so I can find, read and reblog it. It would also be helpful if you bolded the prompt and fall word you choose within the text, or highlighted it in the summary so that I can tag it properly when adding it to the challenge masterlist. Thanks!
If you wish to send me a prompt to write for this challenge, please keep these guidelines in mind.
Thanks in advance to anyone who chooses to participate in any way. I'll create a master list of responses to the challenge as needed. If all goes well, I'd like to try this again for Winter.
Additional ‘Fall’ Words:
Tree Stump
Black Ice
Football (American)
Gust of Wind
String Instruments
Abandoned Bird’s Nests
Book Case/Library
Fuzzy Socks
Stained Glass
Mermaid/Vampire/Werewolf/Whatever Mystical Creature Flats Your Boat
Tagging: @tchallasbabymama
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c-optimistic · 4 years
Soulmate au?
“Do you believe in soulmates?” Kara asks suddenly one day. They’re in Lena’s office, having a rather late lunch, and had lapsed into a rather awkward silence when Kara blurts out her question.
(Mending friendships is slow, tedious work.
But much like all her other goals, Lena doggedly pursues it, determined to see it through.)
“No, I’m a scientist,” Lena laughs, putting her fork down. “Why do you ask? Do you think you found your soulmate?”
She doesn’t know why she asks. She doesn’t want the answer to that. She doesn’t want to hear about Kara’s dating life. Ask her why, and she’d vehemently deny knowing the reason, but the truth is that the thought of Kara with someone else sends poisonous shards through Lena’s chest, twists her all up inside, and leaves her feeling like her world has crashed around her.
(It’s not dramatic at all.)
“What? No!” Kara says to Lena’s ultimate relief. “No, it’s for an article.”
“You’re writing about soulmates?”
“Well, not exactly. There’s this woman here in National City who claims she can find your soulmate.”
“Oh?” Lena says, raising an eyebrow. Kara nods.
“Apparently, she can see the three ‘Marks’ of soulmates.” When Lena just eyes Kara skeptically, Kara grins and shrugs. “I’m serious! She claims there’s the Mark of Pain, the Mark of Skin, and the Mark of String.”
“...right,” Lena says, stretching out the word and smiling when Kara laughs. “So how does it work?”
“Well, I’ve only talked to her on the phone. But she says soulmates are attached in different ways. And she can sense it. Even if we ordinary people can’t. Like, her string theory—”
“—I don’t think that’s what the string theory is, Kara,” Lena interrupts, but Kara’s on a roll.
“I know, I know. But she says she can see it. Red thread, tied from one person to another. Or tattoos on people’s skin that matches in some way, and only she can see.” Kara shrugs. “She has a pretty good Yelp rating. Everyone says she’s gotten it right.”
“That seems more like confirmation bias than anything. And of course she’s making money off this.”
Kara smiles warmly at her, her eyes soft behind the glasses she didn’t technically need. She looks at Lena in a way that makes Lena heart skip a beat or two, that makes her momentarily forget about the past year of difficulty between them. Suddenly, she’s only looking at her best friend, and she’s a little bit in love.
“So you don’t believe in soulmates?” Kara confirms, her smile turning wistful.
“Why? Do you?” She doesn’t know why she asks. She doesn’t really want to know the answer, sure that any response Kara gives will just be a kick to the chest. Another crack in her heart.
She really wishes she hadn’t asked.
“I don’t know,” Kara responds after a short pause, clearly giving it a lot of thought. “But I hope soulmates do exist.” Kara lets out a laugh. “Maybe this woman can lead me to mine.”
(And there it is, that kick to the chest and crack in her heart she expected.)
Lena looks away, pretends to be startled by the time, but even as Kara gathers her things to leave, she secures Lena’s promise to look into this mystical soulmate finder together.
It’s a promise Lena is sure she’s going to regret.
ii. pain
“So, it’s weird that she refuses to see us in person, right?” Lena asks, looking to Alex for some support, which the elder Danvers is only too happy to give. “It’s odd. Why doesn’t she meet us in person?”
Kara shoots them both an impatient look, clearly not impressed with their negativity. “She doesn’t want to be affected by our energies while she’s working,” she explains, checking her phone before looking up and making sure they are at the right place.
“Our energies?” Alex asks dubiously, making a face at Lena behind Kara’s back. She times it poorly; before she can school her features into a neutral expression, Kara has turned to look at them again, her eyes narrowing.
“Being skeptical and being dismissive are two very different things,” Kara scolds them, sounding just a bit testy. “There’s nothing wrong with keeping an open mind, even about things you don’t or can’t understand.”
Alex opens her mouth, clearly about to start a debate, but Lena butts in, silencing Alex with a hand on her shoulder and giving Kara a small, placating smile. “You’re right, we’re sorry. We’ll behave,” she says, squeezing Alex’s shoulder until she lets out a grunt in the affirmative. When Kara is seemingly satisfied, nodding at them briskly, she continues leading them down the street, eyes on the storefronts. Alex, however, elbowed Lena hard the second Kara’s back was turned.
“What’s wrong with you?” she hisses, elbowing Lena again. “We’ll behave?”
“She’s right, there’s plenty we don’t understand, plenty out there in the universe we can’t make sense of, so maybe keeping an open mind isn’t the worst thing—”
“—oh, shut up, you know very well you’re only taking her side for one reason, and—”
“I can hear you two, you know,” Kara says loudly, interrupting their hushed argument. “Also, we’re here.”
She stops and looks up at the rundown tea shop, nestled between an old record store that had clearly seen better days, and a very busy video game and comic book store. Lena tugs on her coat when a few kids eye her as they enter the store, ducking their heads together and beginning to whisper.
“All right, well explain where here is,” Alex says, stepping closer to her sister. “You haven’t actually explained anything.”
Kara nods, gesturing for them to enter the tea shop, the three of them finding an empty table and huddling around it, perching on tiny, uncomfortable chairs. The tea shop is, for the most part, a place Lena would never have entered on her own volition. It’s frilly and pink, photos of cats everywhere, with sticky tables and stifling heat. Yet, there’s also an odd comfort to the place: it smells heavenly, the aroma of freshly brewed tea mixing with a variety of sweets, all neatly arranged at the display next to the register. The customers also look like they’re at home, nestled in corners reading books, tapping away on computers, and even on what looks to be a very engaging date.
It’s nice. Even if she’s skeptical of the reason they came here, she’s glad she’s come across this place. She thinks she may even come by again, especially if their tea is any good.
“So apparently, there are two people who work here who are soulmates,” Kara explains, motioning for Alex and Lena to lean towards her. Lena finds herself swallowing a little when the aroma of the tea shop is mixed with Kara’s heavenly scent. Her mind goes a little fuzzy, and she knows she has a silly expression on her face because Alex is smirking at her. Kara, of course, focused on work and on her explanation, notices nothing. “They have the Mark of Pain. We’re here to observe, see if they actually can feel each other’s pain.”
“I don’t know if I’d like that one,” Alex says conversationally, leaning back in her rickety chair and eyeing the register and the zoned-out employee behind it. “I mean, can you imagine? In my line of work? Kelly would always be in pain.”
“You think Kelly is your soulmate?” Lena asks, a little surprised by the easy way Alex has said it. Like it’s a fact. Like it’s just true. “What about Maggie? How do you know?”
“Who says you have to have one soulmate?” Alex shoots back, shrugging. “Kara’s my soulmate too. Platonically, of course. You, even.” She grins when Lena’s eyes widen, when she opens and closes her mouth wordlessly, confused and overwhelmed and unsure. “What? Just because I don’t believe in this mystic lady doesn’t mean I don’t believe in the concept of soulmates. But who says it has to be romantic? Or that it’s just one person?”
“So what is it?”
“People in your life who enter it and just...stay. Your found family. Chosen family.” She looks away from the employee at the register and smiles at Kara. “Kara agrees. Right?”
Kara, who has pulled out her notebook and has taken a few notes down about the employee at the register, nods distractedly. “We were drunk when we came up with this,” she explains, meeting Lena’s eyes and blushing slightly for whatever reason. “But it just seems—well, it seems silly to think that in the entire universe there’s one person who’d be your perfect partner. That’s also really sad,” she mumbles. “If that were true, who’s to say my soulmate didn’t die with Krypton?” She shrugs awkwardly. “I think sometimes people are just connected. Meant to be in each other’s life. In whatever form that may be.” Kara looks at Lena carefully, her mouth opening and her cheeks reddening further. “Like—” But Lena doesn’t get to hear what Kara wants to say. At that moment, another employee comes in from the back entrance, looking slightly distracted, eyes on the employee behind the register.
“Look,” Alex says suddenly, sitting up straighter as the employee walks by, bumping into a table roughly. “Whoa,” she says, and Lena silently agrees.
Because just as the employee mumbles a curse and rubs their side, blushing furiously and looking embarrassed, the zoned-out employee at the register winces in pain, rubbing that same spot.
A point, Lena thinks, in the strange mystic woman’s favor.
iii. skin
Lena begins researching the strange mystic woman in earnest.
(In her free time, far away from Kara’s eyes or Alex’s judgment.)
Everything about her is frustratingly perfect—perfect enough that Lena is suspicious. The woman’s website is well-made and professional, littered with testimonials and photos of weddings. There are a range of services with a range of prices, and no matter how much Lena digs, she doesn’t see a single bad thing about the woman.
It’s the internet, she thinks as she scrolls through Google reviews, grimacing at the emojis that filled each comment. Surely someone, somewhere would use the anonymity to their advantage to say something less than complimentary.
No one is perfect, Lena thinks to herself. Which means one of two things: this woman is a fraud (more likely) or she has some sort of ability to force people to write nice things about her on the internet (Lena’s had a few drinks when this becomes a plausible option to her).
She doesn’t remember dialing the number on the website, but the next thing she knows, someone with an airy voice is on the other end, asking her if she’s ready to meet her soulmate.
“You’re a fraud, did you know that?” Lena asks. “It’s cruel what you’re doing, really. Telling people there’s someone perfect out there who loves them for them. That’s unkind.”
“Oh, Lena!” the woman says, the airy tone dropping for a moment. “I mean,” she continues, the affectation back, “I’ve been expecting a call from you, Lena Luthor.”
“Oh, have you? Can you see the future as well as the red string connecting people?”
The woman chuckles, and she sounds vaguely familiar. Lena’s drunk mind chalks it up to being drunk. “I can’t see the future,” she says, sounding amused. “I just knew you would contact me after Kara Danvers began her article on my business.”
“Oh?” Lena mutters sarcastically.
“The answer to your question is yes,” she says, and Lena chokes on nothing.
“I didn’t ask a question. The ‘oh’ was rhetorical.”
“No, Lena Luthor, the question you called me to ask. I’ll give it to you, free of charge: yes.”
“I don’t have a question,” Lena denies, not liking the way the woman on the other end of the phone laughs. “Is this how you tricked the others? Tell them what they want to hear, and they write you obnoxiously positive reviews?”
“So you admit it’s what you wanted to hear,” the woman shoots back with glee, that stupid tone gone, and for the second time, Lena swears she knows this voice. “I mean,” she clears her throat, “I haven’t tricked anyone. I just tell people what I see. Didn’t you see the truth at the tea shop?”
“I think there’s a perfectly logical explanation for that,” Lena argues. “Phantom pains, an old bruise, sympathetic—”
“—okay, you’re skeptical,” the woman interrupts, “I understand. What if I show you a second example?”
Lena thinks about it for a moment. “Fine. But on my terms. I want you to find Jess’s soulmate.” She’s just drunk enough that this seems like a wonderful idea. On the other end of the phone, the woman sounds like she’s hacking up a lung.
“Your secretary?” she asks incredulously, once again sounding familiar.
“How did you—”
“—okay, I will do this,” the woman interrupts, rushing to speak. “In two days, you will be able to see her Mark as well as the Mark of her soulmate, just like I do.”
“That makes no sense, what are you—” But she never finishes her sentence. The woman hangs up, leaving Lena looking at her phone, trying to blink away her shock.
By the time she wakes up the following morning, groaning at her hangover and nearly telling Kara she loves her when the reporter shows up to her apartment with coffee and pastries, Lena’s forgotten all about the call.
Jess lingers every time she steps into Lena’s office. She eyes Lena oddly, stares at her hands, and shifts awkwardly on her feet. After the third time, Lena rolls her eyes, sets her pen down, and gives Jess her full attention.
“Is there something wrong?”
“No!” Jess says immediately, then grimaces. “Well, yes. But nothing bad. Not really.” Lena waits her out, knowing Jess will get to the point eventually. “My partner and I, well, we had plans this weekend. We’re supposed to leave straight from work, so I was—”
“—oh, right. Your time off. Yes, of course, feel free to leave early.” She picks up her pen, thinking this is the end of the conversation.
“Um, actually Ms. Luthor, I was wondering if you’d be willing to meet him.”
“Meet who?” Lena asks distractedly.
“My partner.” Something must show on Lena’s face when she drops her pen a second time and looks up at Jess, because she hurries to explain. “He’s a huge fan of your work. And he’s a big part of my life. I’d like you to meet him. If you can.” She tacks on the last three words almost as an afterthought, not quite meeting Lena’s eyes.
“Yes, of course. We can—”
“—wonderful, he’s right outside,” Jess says, smiling wide, rushing out of Lena’s office. A moment later, she returns, a tall, charming looking man following close behind.
She introduces them, and for the next hour, they chat amicably, discussing Lena’s work and Jess’s exceptionalism, and the weekend getaway plans. Except, Lena’s not quite sure she retains any of the information she gleans from the conversation—in fact, if you asked her, she couldn’t even remember if Jess had ever mentioned where she and her partner were even going.
Because when Jess’s partner reaches out to shake Lena’s hand, his sleeve rides up just slightly, revealing a small tattoo with Jess’s name on the inside of his wrist.
Lena doesn’t need to see a similar tattoo, with Jess’s partner’s name, on the inside of Jess’s wrist for her to realize what she’s come across.
“Those tattoos are quite nice,” Lena says when they get up to leave, Jess’s partner leaving her office first. “The artist who did them is quite talented.”
Jess gives Lena an odd look. “I’m sorry, Ms. Luthor,” she says, “what tattoo?”
Lena gestures to Jess’s wrist, but when she looks down, the mark is gone.
And that is a second point in the mystic woman’s favor.
iv. string
Lena absolutely, positively, without a single shred of doubt, does not believe in soulmates. The concept is ludicrous. To think that in a massive and constantly expanding universe, the atoms that make her are somehow destined to be near the atoms that make up someone else is an entirely ridiculous conclusion. She does not believe in the concept of a perfect partner, of someone she is meant to be with, of an individual to whom she is forever connected.
(And to be quite frank, there’s a bit of fear too. She doesn’t want soulmates to exist. For one, she’s worried about the prospect that the universe would pay back her family’s misdeeds by forever ensuring Lena does not have a soulmate. And for another, the far more terrifying option, she does have a soulmate, and that poor soul is bound to her of all people.
What an awful, horrible fate—nothing she’d wish on her worst enemy, least of all the person she’s supposedly destined to be with.)
Lena does not believe in soulmates. She doesn’t.
What she does believe in is Kara.
(Kara, who had her back from the day they met. Kara, who had saved her life more than once. Kara, who made mistakes—just like Lena—but had met Lena halfway and worked hard to fix things between them. Kara, who for all her flaws and missteps, is Lena’s best friend in the world, the one person who has seen Lena for Lena, from the moment they first locked eyes.
Kara, who Lena is hopelessly in love with; Kara, who has never shown interest in women; Kara, who has recently taken up the really rather unfortunate habit of telling Lena she loves her every chance she gets.
And then there’s Lena, who swallows down what she wants to say and instead smiles bitterly as she intones, “I love you too, you’re the best friend I’ve ever had.”)
Lena is pretty smart. She can say so without sounding obnoxious about it, because it’s a generally accepted fact. She’s pretty smart, and she was dumb enough to fall in love with someone who could never love her back the same way. She rather thinks that if soulmates are indeed real, then that wouldn’t have been possible. Then again, perhaps that’s not entirely true.
(She thinks about Alex’s notion of what soulmates are or could be, of Kara’s thoughts on connection, and she thinks that maybe—even if she wants it to—she isn’t meant to be with Kara romantically. If there’s anyone in her life who is her family, anyone Lena has chosen, anyone she has picked again and again and again, it’s Kara.
It will always, romantically or not, be Kara.
And if that’s not the definition of a soulmate, Lena’s not quite sure what is.)
For the second time in less than a week, Lena finds herself dialing a number from a well-maintained website.
“Lena Luthor,” the airy voice says as soon as she picks up. “I admit I’m surprised you’re calling. I gave you proof and your answer. What more can you need?”
“These soulmates you find,” Lena says, trying not to let her disappointment seep into her tone too much, “have you ever thought maybe you’re matching people who aren’t meant to be together romantically?”
The mystical woman makes a noise that sounds like a cross between a snort of disbelief and a huff of amusement. “You’re—wow,” she says, dropping the silly tone, and if her voice was just a tiny bit higher, Lena would swear it was— “Listen. Yes, platonic soulmates are a thing. They’re great. We love them. Some people only have platonic soulmates. But you are not platonic soulmates with—”
“—yes but how do you know something like that, that seems hard to—”
“—it’s like talking to a brick wall,” the woman interrupts, and Lena can hear some sort of scuffle from the other end, as if someone is trying to pull the phone out of the woman’s grasp. “Look,” the woman says after a second, sounding a bit out of breath, “I’m going to tell you something I have never told anyone else. Of the three Marks, the most clear and obvious sign of two people belonging romantically together is the Mark of String.” The woman pauses, and Lena would almost swear that there’s someone else speaking to her. “Here’s what you should do. And I do this free of charge for you, because I’m highly invested in this,” she chuckles as if this is a great joke and then barrels on, “so listen carefully. Tonight, go see the woman you love. Spend the night. If you wake up with a red string tied from your pinky to hers, then you can rest assured she’s the one.”
“I don’t know if—”
“—Lena,” the woman admonishes, and Lena frowns, finally recognizing the voice. “Trust me on this.”
She goes through with it, trusting the not-so-mystical woman.
Except, when Kara sneaks towards the bed she gallantly gave up for Lena, a piece of red thread hanging from her hand, Lena sits up and clicks on the bedside table light.
“You have a lot of explaining to do,” Lena tells Kara.
They’re sitting on opposite ends of the couch, facing each other, Kara sitting with her knees pulled up to her chest, and Lena trying hard (and failing) to act relaxed.
“So?” she prods, gesturing to the red thread still tied to Kara’s pinky finger. “Want to explain your practical joke?”
“Joke?” Kara says in shock, shaking her head immediately. “No, Lena, it’s not a joke. Not even a little bit.”
Lena’s heart skips a few beats at that, but she maintains an impassive expression. “I don’t understand then. Why would you—”
“—remember a few months back, when I told you I loved you for the first time?” Kara interrupts, jumping to her feet and pacing in front of the couch. She doesn’t wait for Lena to respond. “It took me weeks to gather the courage to tell you. And I’d memorized the whole speech, and at the end you just looked at me like I was speaking to someone else. You told me you loved me as a friend.”
“Right, because you meant it as friends, you…” Lena trails off. “Wait.”
An odd look passes over Kara’s face, something like amusement and exasperation. “Alex told me that I needed to be direct with you. But I—even when I tried, it was like you didn’t hear me.”
(Lena thinks back to all the times Kara had said I love you and she wonders if she’s just heard what she expected to hear and not what Kara was actually trying to say.
Her heart begins to pound in her chest at the very possibility.
Did Kara really....?)
“So what? You decided to recruit Nia to pretend to be a mystical woman? To prove what exactly?”
Kara, surprisingly, looks smug. “You recognized her. I knew it. She was way off script on the phone call, and I tried to get her off the phone but she—”
“—Kara, focus. So the whole soulmate thing was fake?”
Kara winces at that. “Well. Yes, technically.” She stills, coming to a stop several feet in front of Lena. “I asked a few people to help out.”
“Wait, so the two people in the tea shop…” Lena trails off, eyes wide.
“Right, two DEO agents. They should definitely look into acting as a career, I mean they had me convinced, and I knew it was fake—”
“—and Jess?” Lena asks, feeling vaguely overwhelmed.
“Special temporary tattoos made by the DEO, easy to rub off, for both her and her partner.” When Lena is silent a touch too long, Kara rushes to explain. “I mean, it was very hard to convince her to do it. She’s incredibly protective of you, she deserves some kind of raise.”
“She does,” Lena agrees absently, getting to her feet and gesturing towards the red string in Kara’s hand. “And this?”
“We weren’t supposed to get to this. I’d hoped the first two would convince you Nia could honestly see soulmates. I was going to tie it to your pinky. The other end would be connected to me, of course,” she raises her hand with an awkward wave. “But you, um. Caught me.”
Lena bites her lip, marvelling at the sheer amount of work Kara and the others put into this. “Who made the websites? They were perfect.”
“Brainy made them,” Kara explains, a frown appearing on her lips and a crease forming between her brows. “Though I guess he made it too well, since you were suspicious of it.”
“Kara, I—” Lena’s not sure what she wants to say, and she’s glad when Kara interrupts her, taking a step closer, looking at her with an earnest expression.
“Listen,” she says, determination etched onto her features. “I love you. In a romantic way. And if there are soulmates out there, then you’re mine. That’s all this was.”
Lena feels tears well up in her eyes, blurring her vision, and she wants to duck her head, to hide, but Kara is there and saying everything she’s ever wanted to hear, and so instead she just closes the last of the distance between them and wraps her arms around Kara, holding her close, face burrowing into Kara’s neck. “All of this just to say I love you seems a bit dramatic,” she whispers, feeling Kara’s arms go around her waist, clutching her tighter.
“I figured you’d need something dramatic to believe it’s true,” Kara jokes, loosening her hold just a bit so that she can pull back and look at Lena.
“You’re my soulmate too, you know. If there are things like that out there. It was always just you.”
Kara grins brilliantly at her, pressing their foreheads together. “Finally,” she whispers.
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starshipsofstarlord · 3 years
I feel, and it sucks
Pairings | Damon Salvatore x reader. Eric Northman x reader
Summary | after moving away from Mystic Falls, you finally return, and Damon is prepared to see you again. The only problem is, that you aren’t alone...
Warnings | includes angst, mentions of a breakup, sorta lead up to smut and mentions of it, blood play/kink, tiny bit of violence
Requested ✖️
Quick link to my masterlist, if you’re interested in reading more of my crap 😬
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He cared not for the lack of logic that ran through his mind. Not as he went towards your home, you had returned from your year long departure. Mystic Falls had been left in your rear view as you went to a place called Bon Temps.
As much as Damon wished to chase after you, he’d have crawled if he could, he respected your desire to leave everything behind, and move on. And that included him, the man that you had loved, and the one that was profusely enamoured in you.
But now, he had the opportunity to whisk you back into his immortal embrace, and forever be by your side, to protect you, and spend every waking moment with you. Stefan would call him sappy for his advances, but his brother’s opinion simply did not matter. He was so close to being happy again, and he couldn’t deny he was reeled in by the prospect.
Damon was eager to make you pancakes every morning, waking you up with the aroma of breakfast on a tray that he greeted you with in bed. Or even the simple excitement of watching your various expressions whilst reading twilight; ugh, he hated that book, but he would willingly endure its presence if that meant he could become wrapped up in you once more.
But he had to see you first, and get past that progression again. Whilst you had been gone, and in that other town, he had become lost. No amount of bourbon drinking, or hanging out with Ric, could fix his settled mood. He felt like a sinking stone, drowning in the deep end, and remaining on the bottom of the bed, until he was washed away, back to shore.
And your return had done just that; grounded him. He wouldn’t feign to admit his immediate reaction when he first found out you were to come back to your original home. First, he had been in utter disbelief, hardly taking Bonnie’s statement seriously when she informed him of the ordeal.
But then, she showed him the messages that had transacted between the pair of you, and how you were eager to see her again. Nothing of him was mentioned in the conversation, although he was sure that the witch and you had spoken over call sometime after your surprise reveal.
The lack of voicing of your prior breakup gave him some hope; you were willing to take him back. And that was a possibility that he safely held onto, finding it to be a net for him to fall down onto. However, the prospect of a net was like that of a rocking boat, it had an inability stay still when it held a weight, and that mass of pounds was him.
And he knew, as you left, the thought of you had attempted to pull you back, and force you to stay with the selfish power. But as the past had played out, you had not let it, and so you left him all alone, in the claws of the Grill, which was somewhere he found himself to be often in general, but more so after your transcending departure.
The curtains to your room swayed with the evening wind, and he found himself to be enticed by the sight of the open window. It hadn’t been an unusual occurrence for him to climb through the ajar square, and talk about your day, and thus, make it better by his simple appearance.
But, he was deceived. What a fool he had been to think that you had not moved on from little old him, for there was a tall legged man over the top of you, both of your chests bare, and your mouth viscously devouring the inclination of the others. You were oblivious to his accidentally snooping presence, too distracted by the estranged blonde that was now teasing his lips down your throat.
The sight had him freeze, but he was incapable of interrupting whence he watched the man’s teeth sink into the parting of the bottom of your neck and your warm shoulder. It was no man, instead, he was much like him; a vampire. There was a ample difference though, he would never hurt you.
To Damon, you were a treasure, not an edible treat. And it sparked a pulse of fear through his entirety as he watched you be drained by this vile creature. Perhaps he were a hypocrite, he had done the same to many people countless times, and still continued to do so. But the food was not being extracted by anyone, it was being pulled from your veins, and making its way into this stranger’s awaiting mouth.
You shut up as something, a familiar blur, came crashing against Eric, sending his form flying off from your own, the intruder and him ending up on the floor. To cover up and show some surprised decency, you pulled the sheet upon yourself, stretching your red printed neck to view the scene below.
Eric was recomposing himself, shooting immortal daggers towards the reckless, who was... “Damon?” Seeing him once more was inevitable, but the scene of it was a dread of yours. And here he was, in your bedroom, the circumstances with much difference than from what they used to be.
At the sound of his name, both the strapping vampires turned towards you with fixed frowns, both worn for their own reasonable purposes. Damon was studying you, and understanding the scene, now seeing that you had been open to the removal of your blood, and this stranger was with you in some kind of way that he was not a fan of.
And Eric’s, well, it was a combined factor of fury, that was directed at the raven haired and uninvited visitor, and confusion, as he attempted to put together pieces of the puzzle that he was missing. He presumed correctly that the two of you had previously known each other, and thus, his intrusion could be explained, or so he hoped.
There was a longing wrenching in his dead gut, that there was something more than a friendship between you and this Damon. He was far too well adversed with the tell of history, that the looks the pair of you were silently exchanging were anything but friendly.
From the get go, there was a smouldering charm that reflected out of Damon’s blue eyes, and your own showed a conflict of interests. But nevertheless, you straightened your back up against the headboard of the bed, and questioned him. “What are you doing here?”
The interrogative underlining to your voice stung like a bee, but the younger of the two vampires refrained from wincing. That would only show a weakness towards the new vamp in town, and that was not the aim of his game.
“Bonnie told me that you were back.” He thought it would be a simple and trouble free resolution, however, the other immortal presence in the room now told him otherwise. “And I thought this guy here was going to drain you dry? What’d you expect me to do, let some stranger kill you before I even have a chance to see you?!”
A prominent eye roll swayed from your foresight, and you cast a look to the other guy, as though you were talking silently with the newcomer. “He’s not a stranger, he’s my boyfriend.”
“Eric Northman.” He extended his hand frankly to your previous partner, attempting to draw a hateful truce between them. But instead, Damon whence he took the offer, attempted to squeeze the bejesus out of ‘Eric’s’ hand, which only ended in the result of his own bones being crushed.
That much informed him that this Northman was older, and that information alone served as a factual repercussion of him in turn being more powerful. This vampire wasn’t one to mess with, but who knew what he would do, after all, he was Damon Salvatore.
“Damon Salvatore.” He begrudgingly spoke through his clenched teeth, taking his broken and healing back into the safety of his side. “So, the boyfriend. Y/n, I thought you were done with relationships, more specifically, with vampires.”
“You sound like Caroline, bitching about my relationship choices. And the only sense that she spoke to me was to get out of this town and-“
“Shag another one of me.” He quirked his brow, and Eric breathed heavily. One thing he had picked up on, was that he didn’t like the way that this vampire was speaking to you. He was making digs, and making contradictions to all of your past statements. “I believe you even said that I would be the last one, and that isn’t in the same context. You wanted to spend forever with me y/n, not someone like this.”
“Listen here.” Eric hissed, prowling half naked towards Damon, his fangs slipping out from beneath his top lip. “I can see what’s happening here, you want her back. But it appears that she has moved on, so that is something that you’re going to have to suck up.”
“Suck up.” Damon childishly snorted, finding the pun hilarious in his state of mixed delirium. He felt everything, a sense of urgency to win you back, and great pain that was sinking into his age old skeleton. “I feel, and it sucks. But it’s fine, completely fine.” He waved his hand off, staring past the slim brute and finding a painful solace in staring at you. “No, he’s allowed to suck your blood, and what, you suck his dick in return?”
A shove sent him flying into the furthest wall, Eric holding him against it. “She’s mine.” It was a common description of a companionship between human and vampire. He had thought Sookie and Bill’s bond had been a foolish one, however, he met you, and his whole perception changed.
There was something about the collaboration of weakness and strength that worked so perfectly together. It was a true love, in rare occurrences . But the sheriff could feel that the myth was blooming in his own consideration. And he would not allow a young (in comparison to him), selfish specimen of his kind, ruin his chance at keeping that peace.
“She’ll never let you turn her.” Damon gulped, trying to look over the giant’s shoulder to catch a glimpse of you, whom was avidly watching the scene. “If you want forever with her, it will only last a minute, and it’ll kill you when she goes, because if you really love her, then I know it would to me too. She deserves to see the world in all her short life, to be treated like a queen, because she is one.”
Damon gulped, feeling guilty, knowing that as much as he wanted to give you that all, he couldn’t. He would not leave Mystic Falls, and that was what had ended your run in the end. His first priority, as admirable as that was, was to always shadow Stefan, and look out for his little brother.
But that gave him no life, which was exactly what you wanted with him. It didn’t matter if you were to one day become pruned and shrunken, the moment that you lived in was all you wanted. There were memorable tears held in your eyes, but you refused to allow a single one slip.
“Y/n has already agreed that one day, she will go through the change, for me.” Biting your lip, you could only imagine the dispersed appearance that struck Damon’s face. He had wanted forever with you, and instead, you had given it to someone else.
Slinking out from the shirtless man’s grip, Damon cautiously pushed Eric’s hands off him, walking to the window, and casting you a cold look. “I hope you enjoy forever y/n.”
And with that, he was gone in the night, presumably fleeing to annoy Matt until he drank half the bar. And thus, he was the one this time that departed instead, abandoning you, and leaving you in Eric’s claim.
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mino-diabolik · 2 years
Happy Birthday, Mystic! ⭐️
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[Admin!Danny: An old man has grown a year older! I will be posting a little open interaction in honor of Mystic’s birthday, but also feel free to send in any starters/well-wishes of your own ⭐️]
[Mystic’s birthday event will begin Monday Sept. 19 and will be ongoing until Wednesday Sept. 21 so that anyone who wishes to participate may find a time that works for them ^^]
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cafedanslanuit · 4 years
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[ k i n k t o b e r ]  d a y   12    -   masterlist
↪ character: jumin han [mystic messenger]
↪ tags/warnings: +18, female!reader, cam girl, videocall sex, mutual masturbation, porn with plot.
↪ a/n: the way i intended this to be short and turn out to be a full story lol. still, i really liked this and i can picture going back to this scenario again <3
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Pop-up ads were Jumin Han’s worst nightmare.
No matter how many fancy antivirus the tech department installed on his laptop, he always managed to click somewhere he wasn’t supposed to and next thing he knew, there was a picture of an erect penis on his screen.
It usually didn’t irritate him as much, but that day he had to stay up working on a project and now he was stuck in a website he couldn’t close, no matter how many times he clicked the small “x”. He had called someone from the tech department and solicited a new laptop. It was going to take around thirty minutes for it to arrive. He poured himself a glass of wine and looked disgusted at his screen, where a blonde woman was playing with her breasts in front of the camera, that said “Live”.
Once again, he tried to close the window, but instead opened a new one instead, making him roll his eyes backwards in exasperation. When he looked at the screen again, he saw a young woman with long brown hair and big eyes looking at the screen with a small smile. It felt like she was looking right into her eyes, and he covered the camera on his laptop for a second just to make sure she wasn’t. She was wearing a white baby doll while kneeling on her bed, her bare thighs looking incredibly soft and alluring. She wasn’t touching herself but rather playing with her hair and giggling once in a while after looking at her screen. Jumin’s eyes darted to the right, where he saw comments from anonymous people appearing by the second.
As she read them, she propped up her thigh, making Jumin blush instantly. He couldn’t see her underwear, but the innocent way she had moved as if she hadn’t figured out she was showing more skin made his head spin.
His security guard knocking on his door made him come back to reality. His new laptop was probably back. Jumin quickly noted down the name of the user and the name of the website that had appeared in front of him before opening the door and taking his new laptop to finish up his work.
Watching her became a regular thing he did right before he went to bed. After a quick research he had understood what was the purpose with what the internet called cam girls, but the girl he had become so obsessed with didn’t meet all the criteria. For example, he hadn’t seen her naked once, every time she wore lingerie that covered from her breasts to her bottom. She usually just chatted with the people that left comments and sometimes would show off the clothes she was wearing. Jumin felt embarrassed at the tent that formed in his pants after she turned around to show off a cat lingerie that had a tail attached to it.
Two weeks after his discovery, he found himself again watching her. She was wearing a black lingerie set and was kneeling on her bed, a slightly distraught expression on her face.
“No, thankfully I’m okay,” she said, and her voice made Jumin’s heart flutter. “It just isn’t working anymore. A lot of smoke came out and I had to call a tow truck.”
He paid attention to the comments as they appeared and figured out it was about her car breaking down. She proceeded to explain how much she needed it to get to work and that she still didn’t have the money for it.
“So, if anyone can donate at least $5 I’d be really thankful,” she shrugged with a sheepish smile that didn’t match with the website he was watching her in.
For the first time ever, he moved his fingers to the keyboard and typed a message.
user18368: ‘How much does it take to fix your car?’
He watched her eyes go to her screen and read his comment.
“Oh, it’s about $2000. So yeah, I’m hoping I can get some here and then maybe sell some of my stuff, I don’t know,” she answered, fixing the strap on her bra.
The big golden ‘Donate’ button seemed to get bigger as he weighed his options. Jumin wasn’t an impulsive person, but seeing her sad face and the fact $2000 wasn’t a lot of money for him to begin with, he impulsively took out his credit card and filled out the form to send the money she needed.
The look of surprise on her face was enough for him to smile when she saw his donation appear on the screen. The cute way she covered her mouth with her hands as she bounced on the bed with glee was all Jumin needed to stop asking what the other people in the chat meant by calling him a ‘simp’. She thanked him, or well, she thanked user18368 for the donation and said she would call him later for his reward.
Jumin’s eyes flickered to the stop of the screen where he saw the title of that day’s stream: ‘Emergency giveaway: 1 on 1 session! <3’.
Not even five minutes after she finished the stream, he saw a small pop-up on the website that said ‘Sweetheart’ wanted to chat. Jumin swallowed thick and clicked on the ‘Accept’ button, not sure what he was doing. The girl appeared on his screen and waved at him, the most beautiful smile he had ever seen on her face.
“Hey! Thanks again for the car money. I owe you my life,” she joked, bouncing a little on her bed. Jumin stayed silent. His camera and microphone were off, but she was still smiling at him, and unlike the previous times, she was smiling just at him. “Hey, you don’t have to turn on your camera if you’re uncomfortable, but maybe you could turn your mic on? I’m always nervous some kid got here and I’m corrupting a minor,” she explained with a giggle. Jumin pressed on the microphone button.
“Definitely not a child.”
The girl’s eyes widened a little at the sound of his voice, her cheeks blushing at the same time. She bit her lip and then put on a smile again.
“Okay, what would you like to do? Would you like me to do something you like?”
“No,” Jumin answered quickly. “No, I-- I honestly didn’t know there was a prize behind this. I just wanted to send you the money you needed because I’ve been watching you for a while and I wanted to help out.”
“Oh, for how long?” she asked, curiously.
“A couple of weeks,” he said, embarrassed. “If that’s okay.”
“It’s totally okay,” she assured him, smiling again just the way he was starting to fall for. “I don’t really do a lot of shows in public, but sometimes I agree to do other… stuff in private sessions like this,” she said, playing with her hands.
“Like what?” he asked, intrigued.
“Like… well, sometimes I tell them what I would like someone to do to me. Sometimes I play with myself a bit,” she said, her fingers stroking the hem of her cleavage. Jumin felt himself getting hard at every move she made. “Or I watch them touch themselves. But if you don’t want to turn on your camera it’s really okay. I can tell you what to do.”
“What to do?”
“Uh-huh,” she hummed. “For example, I’d like you to lower your pants right now and touch yourself over your underwear. That is, if you’re wearing any,” she added with a cheeky smile.
Jumin looked at his locked bedroom door, not sure what to do. He had never been one to enjoy these kinds of situations, but there was something about her that drew him to oblige to her every word. She was waiting for him patiently, her innocent face a sharp contrast to what she was asking him to do. Still, he started touching himself over his pajama bottoms, his cock twitching at the attention.
“Mmmm, are you by any chance a little hard?” her voice rang, making him look at the screen again.
“Yeah,” he muttered. Jimin felt dirty, he felt like someone was going to catch him doing something indecorous, but he also couldn’t stop himself from complying to her orders.
“I always take that as a compliment,” she smiled, sticking her tongue out playfully. “Can you touch yourself directly now?”
Jumin did as told, freeing his cock and starting to pump it. He let out a groan as he made contact with his erection and right when he was about to apologize, he saw her biting her lips.
“I like your voice,” she commented, playing with her black babydoll. Jumin kept pumping himself, feeling somewhat proud she was reacting to his voice as well. “Now, I don’t want any fast movements. Just slow, like this,” she said, moving her hand on the screen.
He imitated her hand movements with his own, imagining for a second she was there with him instead of behind a screen.
“Fuck,” he hissed. He wanted to go faster, but her hand was still moving slowly and he wouldn’t be the one to do anything but what she asked him to. He saw her biting his lip when he talked again.
“Okay. Now slowly circle your tip with your thumb. But softly, as if it was a small lick,” she winked. She waited for him to do as she said, his breathing becoming more ragged with every second that went by.
Jumin’s deep grunts were making her squirm on her seat. How could someone’s voice be that attractive? She wished he turned on his camera, but knew better than to pressure him to do so. Closing her eyes, her right hand travelled to her front, underneath her lingerie and started rubbing her clit. She let out a soft mewl, her middle finger drawing circles around her clit, making her see stars.
“Keep pumping yourself, a little faster now” she said, trying to ignore how much she was panting at her own ministrations. “But please, let me hear you more.”
With one hand, he brought his laptop closer to him, so she could listen to his voice better. Jumin was never one to do these things. He had been thought better, he knew the proper way to act with a lady, but… the way she was slightly bouncing on the bed as she touched herself had caused a short circuit inside his head.
“Keep going, keep going,” she whispered, a moan escaping her lips. She parted her legs and even if he couldn’t see anything, the sole sight of her hand rubbing against her while her face was contorted in pure pleasure was enough to send Jumin over the edge. He grunted as he did so, staining his stomach with his release, as his eyes were still glued on the screen.
She kept touching herself, the sound of Jumin’s orgasm obviously affecting her, as her back arched as she kept her hand moving rapidly.
A dark idea crossed Jumin’s mind as he saw her getting closer, an idea he might not have acted on unless he was sure she couldn’t see him, like in that moment.
“Keep going,” Jumin instructed her, his voice a bit hoarse as he was just coming back to his senses. She opened the eyes and looked at the screen, her cheeks bright red, and nodded. In a matter of seconds, she was orgasming in front of him, and Jumin thought he had never seen a woman more beautiful than her. Even as she broke down, her face looked pristine, innocent, and the way she hadn’t even undressed herself or seen him for her to come undone was making his head spin.
She inhaled deeply as she tried to regulate her breathing, a shy smile as she looked at the front camera.
“Sorry, I-- Your voice is just… really hot,” she muttered, looking down at her hands.
“It's okay. You’re very enticing yourself,” he replied, wishing he was able to pull her on his lap and hold her close after sharing such a moment. 
She thanked him again for the money and he shrugged it off. The little wave she did to him as she said goodbye stayed on his mind for the rest of the week.
It was like everyone he met knew what he had done one week ago. Jumin knew they didn’t, but that didn’t help from feeling stressed whenever someone looked at him for a second longer than needed. The girl with the long brown hair and big eyes was living on his mind, twisting and twirling the red strings he had there, only managing him to confuse him even more. He had avoided her stream the last few days, wanting to desintoxicate himself, but quickly learnt it wasn’t possible.
“We’re here,” Jaehee said, as Driver Kim stopped the car. It was supposed to be a short balance meeting after the last RFA party, and taking into consideration everyone’s schedules, they had agreed to meet at a cafe downtown. Jaehee had assured everyone the meeting shouldn’t be longer than half an hour, but that their presence was necessary as she needed everyone to sign some documentation for the donations.
When he entered the coffee shop with Jaehee, he saw Saeyoung, Zen and Yoosung were already there. After muttering ‘good afternoon’, she sat on his seat and watched idly as Saeyoung was teasing Yoosung over something he didn’t quite hear.
“Now that the CEO-in-line is here, we can finally order,” Zen said, rolling his eyes at him. Jumin ignored him, not having the energy to respond to that. The actor called over one of the waitressed, who quickly approached their table.
“Hi! Are you ready to order now?” she asked in a cheerful tone.
Jumin didn’t even have to look up to know whose voice he had just heard.
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darthkruge · 4 years
Kai Parker Imagine ~ Ignored
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Summary: You’re Elena’s sister and are feeling pretty alone and ignored in Mystic Falls. One day, you meet a stranger who happens to understand.
Warnings: language, like one small innuendo, fluff :)
Words: 2024
She promised. She promised today she’d finally spend some time with me. It’s not that you need your sister’s attention everyday. Truly, you’re fine being on your own. You’ve gotten used to it over the years. But she cancelled the last three times to spend time with her boyfriend, Damon, instead. Again, you get it. You know she loves him. You know she’d probably prefer to spend her time with him and not you. But she promised and broke it again, blowing me off last minute.
That’s how you ended up here. Alone, in your house, on a Saturday night, staring at your refrigerator trying to pick out which leftover to reheat. You know what? Fuck it, I’m not just going to sit here alone. 
You pull out your cell phone, dialing Caroline’s number. 
“Hello!” The chipper blonde’s voice answers after the first ring
“Hey, Care! I was wondering if you wanted to grab some dinner at the Grill. Elena’s out with Damon again and I’m bored”. 
“Oh shit, y/n, I’m sorry but Stefan is like two blocks away and I was going to introduce him to The Notebook. Maybe another time? And Bonnie might be free, you should call her”
You sigh, “Yeah, alright. Thanks anyway. Send pics if he ends up crying”
She laughs “Of course, babe. Goodnight”
“Goodnight!” You say, hanging up the phone. 
You lean back against the counter, sighing. You know it’s not that deep, all your friends are in relationships and you aren’t, it’s a given that they’ll be busy on Saturdays. But you had a really fucking stressful week and you just didn’t want to spend another night alone. 
You decide it’s worth a shot, try Bonnie
“Hey! How are you”
You smile, relieved she answered. “I’m okay, kinda bored, though. You wanna meet at the Grill and get food? I haven’t eaten yet and wasn’t sure if you had plans…” 
“Sorry Y/N, I’ve actually been trying to perfect this spell from the grimoire all day and I’m exhausted. I swear, if I wasn’t so drained I would” 
Shit, she was trying to learn that tracking spell today!! I should have remembered! “Oh, of course, Bon! Don’t worry about it. Get some rest and take care of yourself!” 
“Thanks, you too!”
“Goodnight! Make sure to drink water”
Bonnie laughs, “You’ve always been the mom of the group. Goodnight” 
You hang up the phone and put it down, placing your head in your hands. Another night in, it is. You go back to trying to pick out dinner and realize that you might as well go to the Grill and pick up some food, anyway. You still have to eat and, to be honest, talking about the restaurant has given you a serious craving for their fries. You decide to order on your phone to make the trip as quick as possible. 
You get in the car, driving there, and see lots of people talking and eating together. Dejected, you try and keep your emotions in check as you get out of the car. You did not want to lose it at the Mystic Grill. The stress was just getting to you. You had exams this week and were studying non-stop, and after not being able to hang out and your sister ignoring and choosing her boyfriend over you, you were pretty fucking frustrated. Just a little bit more, then you can have the food and just go home.
Walking inside, you see Elena and Damon in the corner booth, smiling and laughing. You smile, happy for them. They really worked well together and after everything your family has gone through, you wanted your sister to be happy. She truly deserved it. You just sometimes wished the universe saved some happiness for you. You’d never been in a relationship, never had someone like you back. Sure, you didn’t need a relationship and you weren’t desperate by any means, but it would be nice on nights like this. 
“Order for Y/N,” You say, walking up the bar
“Yup, it’ll be ready in just a few minutes” the server replies
You smile and nod, pulling out your phone to check if you have any messages. None. Your heart drops a bit. You didn’t expect any, but it just feels like the day is compiling onto itself. Tears start to well up again and you lean your head against the wall, trying to force them back. 
“Hey, you okay?” You hear
You turn to look at the man who spoke to you and holy shit, he’s pretty cute. You wipe the tears from your eyes, “Yeah, yeah, I’m good.” You add a strained laugh at the end, hoping it helps him realize you aren’t completely insane. 
He doesn’t look impressed, rather amused by your poor attempt to hide your emotions. “You sure, gorgeous? Because, not to be rude, but you don’t look it”
“I am, I swear. It’s stupid, just a bad day. Just, everything on top of everything else,” You say, gesturing with your hands
“Yeah. I know what you mean. I’m Kai, by the way”
“Y/N” You say, shaking his hand. 
You’re broken from your thoughts by the server returning with your food. “Here you go, Ms. l/n” 
“Thank you!” You take the bag and smile
“Mr. Parker, yours will be out in just a second”
“Alright, thanks” Kai says, turning back to you
“So,” He starts, “I would ask you how your day has been, but I think I got a pretty good idea”
You laugh. “Yeah, I think this,” You say, gesturing to your face and appearance, “pretty much sums it up. But what about you? You had a better experience in this world today?”
“Well, good days, bad days. It’s all relative. But I guess you could say this one is looking up. I met someone recently. Beautiful, (h/l) (h/c) hair, about this tall” He says, holding his arm to just above your eye level.
“She seems lovely. You should introduce me”
Kai laughs and takes his food that’s now ready.
“So, you wanna get out of here?”
You take a step back, wondering who the hell could be so goddamn forward
“Sorry! Poor wording. I wasn’t talking about that. But I mean… if you’re game…?” 
You look at him, glaring but still clearly having a joking look in your eyes
He laughs and holds his hands up in mock-surrender. “Sorry, again, sweetheart. I just meant there’s a nice little lookout area nearby. I know the sun has already set, but it’s where I like to go to look at the stars.”
You notice that he gets a bit of a faraway look in his eyes that you know all too well. Perhaps he’s the perfect person for you to spend this evening with. 
“Sure, lead the way” You say. I mean, cute guy, possibly safe, why the hell not?
He quickly takes your hand and leads you out of the Grill. You try to catch Elena’s eye on your way out, but she doesn’t notice you. Kai, however, does. You see him look at your fallen expression and frown, following your gaze to your sister, then back to you. You shake it off, though, and smile back at him, continuing to walk to the exit. 
You walk a few blocks, talking about everything and, yet, nothing of immense importance. You missed just spending time with someone. Someone who wasn’t preoccupied or just hanging out with you because their first choice was busy. You missed the banter and the fun and feeling of freedom. You hated being in that house. You always felt so trapped there. Because even though, yeah, you could technically leave, you couldn’t do anything. You were still alone. 
He lets go of your hand to climb up onto this rock, then holds out his hand to help you do the same. Smiling, you open your food and begin to eat, him doing the same. You look into his eyes, smiling even more. Something about this boy just makes you happy. You don’t know why, I mean, you’ve just met him. But there’s just something about him.
He clears his throat, smiling right back at you, “So, do you wanna talk about it?”
“Um, I- I don’t know” 
“It’s okay if you don’t,” Kai says, stealing one of your fries, “But if you do, you can. I’ve been told I’m a good listener”
“Yeah, okay, yeah. That might be nice”
You start retelling the story of your sister and friends, all in relationships. He nods, knowingly. “I just, I’m glad they’re happy. I really am. Please, I need to make sure you know that. I want them to be happy. But I just wish they’d sometimes check in on me. I’m tired. I don’t want to be the only one alone,” Your voice breaks and you pause, a few tears running down your cheeks, “I don’t want to feel like without me doing all the work, I wouldn’t have a relationship with them. I just wish, at least once, they’d ditch their boyfriends and just get dinner with me”
You look at him, realizing he’s frowning and you start to back-track. “Fuck, I’m sorry. I know it’s not a big deal. Like, in the grand scheme of things, it’s not that important. I was just having a bad day, I didn’t mean to like unload my trauma and abandonment issues on you, I’m sorry-”
He cuts you off, gently. “Breathe, sweetheart. It’s okay. I’m not mad at or upset with you. I just know the feeling all too well. Loneliness sucks, huh?”
You laugh, relieved you didn’t scare him away. “You can say that again”
“I am sorry about your friends. And you sister. I assume that was the one you were staring at back there?”
“Yeah, that’s her”
“Hm. I get it.” He says and you just know he does. There’s something about being abandoned and feeling alone in your own family that people may sympathize with, but they never really get it unless they felt it first-hand. 
You lean in, kissing him. He kisses you back and, shit, it feels good. You haven’t been close to a person in so long that when he puts his hand against your cheek, you involuntarily start crying. 
“Oh, I’m sorry! I thought-” He starts, pulling away
“No, no, no, Kai, it’s not you. I just wasn’t used to someone being there with me. It was just a bit overwhelming. But it’s not you at all. It felt incredible” Great, now not only does he know you’re lonely and sad, but also that you’re touch starved. Awesome.
Kai gently pulls you back to him, kissing you again. He wraps his arms around you, deeping the embrace and you do the same. You kiss him, only breaking apart when your head is swimming with the need for air. 
After a while, you both pull back and he rests his forehead against yours. You gently move your head and put it on his shoulder, his arm coming around you. You wrap yours around him as well, looking up at the stars, a goofy smile on your face. 
“Well, I defer to you, gorgeous. But if you ever need a break from the loneliness, I’m here. I know I can’t make it all better or anything. That hole from your family and friends is impossible to make go away forever. But I like to think I can possibly shrink it a bit. Or at least take away a bit of your pain” He says, looking at you deeply.
“Yeah, I think that could work,” You say, leaning in and kissing once more. You then gesture toward the stars and he follows your gaze. You spend the night staring at the galaxy, as if it’s just the two of you, and you know that you finally have someone in your corner. Someone who would pick you first. It’s a terrifying feeling that you’re not used to and, frankly, neither is he. But if he’s willing to try, so am I.
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mummybear · 4 years
Talk Dirty To Me
This Is Day 17 Of Roleplay May
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Words: 3181
Warnings: Smut, Phone Sex, Dirty Talk, Rough Sex, Damon’s In Charge, Friends With Benefits, Female Masturbation, Think That’s It ;)
Characters: Damon Salvatore, Mentions Of Stefan Salvatore, Reader
Pairings: Damon Salvatore x Reader
Summary: Damon being gone is harder than you remember, especially when he and Stefan are gone for two weeks and still not back. Can you keep yourself busy enough not to break the one rule that you and Damon have together.
A/N: So sorry still a little behind guys! But they are all comin’ ;) Bear with me I promise It will be worth it :P I don’t wanna put out subpar work just to be quick :)
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Damon and Stefan had left to find some rogue vampire almost two weeks ago now. It had hacked up half Mystic Falls before being scared off by the Salvatore brothers. You were really beginning to miss the little things about your tall dark and handsome friend, but most of all you were missing the benefits of your friendship. You’d had the odd phone call since he’d been gone, but nothing long enough for you to really talk.
You were continually cut off, by either Stefan interrupting or the cell signal cutting out and honestly, it was becoming a royal pain in the ass. Flopping down on your bed, the deathly silent Salvatore boarding house is starting to feel even bigger that it ever has before. It’s getting late now, with still no word from Damon you decide that it might be time to try and get some sleep. You knew it wasn’t safe to call him, just in case he was in the middle of hunting down his prey so to speak.
Undressing you make your way to Damon’s shower, since it’s the best one in the house and take a nice long hot shower. Enjoying the way the hot water stings delightfully at your skin, soothing your tense muscles. Unfortunately it does nothing for the ache still throbbing between your legs. You and Damon had one main rule and you were dangerously close to breaking it, two weeks felt like a year. 
You couldn’t touch yourself unless he told you to, it was just the way that your relationship worked. He was demanding and possessive in all the best ways, but he knew not to push you too far and that was why you worked so well. You of course, knew better than to disobey him, he had made sure he’d reminded you of who was in charge the last time you’d been a ‘bad girl’. 
Climbing out of the shower you wrap one of Damon’s big black fluffy towels around yourself and pull up your black lace panties. Walking over to his wardrobe you run your fingers over the clothes, look through the few flannel shirts that he had. You quickly spot your favourite one, the red and black one. Dropping your towel to the floor you pull it on. Smiling to yourself as you do up the buttons, it feels like he’s close. Looking at yourself in the mirror, you notice where the shirt stops just above your knees, pulling the collar up you inhale gently. The scent of the left over aftershave hitting you immediately makes you sigh.
You jump in surprise when your phone starts ringing out of nowhere, you glance over to where it lays forgotten in the middle of Damon’s massive bed. Frowning you climb onto the bed and lean back against the headboard as you answer the phone. 
“Hello, who is this?” you ask quietly, with a slight hint of confusion in your voice.
“Come on princess, don’t tell me you’ve forgotten about me already? It hasn’t been that long.” His voice sends shivers up your spine, God you’d missed it more than you had first realised.
“Damon!? Are you okay? How’s everything going?” you ask hurriedly, worried that the connection will cut out, or something else will come up that will cause him to have to hang up like it has every other time.
“Calm down Y/N. This is me we’re talking about, of course I’m okay. And things aren’t really going anywhere, we still haven’t found this dick. Stef’s gone out for a few hours, he’s sure that he can find something. Personally I’m over it now. One good thing about this hotel though is that it has a decent phone, so we can talk all damn night if you want too.” 
“Aww baby, are you getting all bored without me?” you practically purr, able to hear the tension in his voice, you’re certain that there’s one thing he’s missing almost as much as you are. 
“It’s been two weeks with just my brother, no I’m having the time of my fucking life” he replies sarcastically, making you laugh before he continues. “I’m bored off of my ass and yes I’m missing your sexy ass,” 
“Well, my sexy ass has just gotten out of your shower. Right now, I'm laying all alone in your big bed, wishing that you were here.” you pout, even though you know that he can’t see you. You slowly trail your fingers over your stomach, sucking in a breath when you feel the goosebumps surfacing across your soft skin. 
“Y/N, don’t fucking tease me right now. You’ll damn well pay for it when I get home.” Damon growls the warning, only making you want him that much more, his voice shoots straight to your throbbing center.
Part of you wants to pay for it, the rewards are ten times better after he punishes you.
“Baby, come on please, it’s been two weeks, I need you.” you whine desperately, rubbing your thighs together, trying to gain some kind of friction as you fight the urge to touch yourself. Running your fingers along the line of your black lace panties, Damon’s shirt has ridden up your body so it’s resting just below your breasts.
“Have you been a good girl for me?” Damon asks in that voice you miss, the one that he only uses for you, when you’re both in bed. 
“Yes, so good.” you promise feeling your grip tighten around your phone.
“Okay, well I guess we’ll see if you deserve it baby girl. So, i’ll bite for now. What are you wearing?” he asks seductively and you can all but see that fucking smirk on his perfect pink lips. 
Looking down at what you’re wearing you smile as you get an idea, flipping on the camera on your phone you pose the best you can and snap a picture. Quickly sending the image to Damon, “I sent you something,”
The picture shows your bare legs bent at the knees and slightly parted, you’d made sure that your panties were showing. The thin black lace on perfect display for him, your free hand hovering just above the edge of the lace, leading up to your soft stomach. Finally moving up to the swell of your breasts and ribs hidden beneath Damon’s red and black flannel.
“Fuck princess, you really are missing me, huh?” he asks through the groan he lets slip past his lips. 
“So much. Missing your dirty mouth pressed against my ear. Telling me all the naughty things you wanna do to me when we’re alone,” 
You squirm on the bed desperate for his touch, or at this point you're just desperate to be touched, even if it’s by your own hands. 
“You think you can control yourself and do as you’re told. If I let you?” he asks and you can hear the warning in his voice. Normally he has the power to stop you, but right now he has to trust that you won't come until he says you can.
You also know there’s always that part of him that hopes you’ll disobey, because you both enjoy the punishment and the make up just as much as the other.
“Yes Damon, I’ll be a good girl. Please,” you whimper, letting your fingers brush gently against your inner thighs, back and forth slow and teasing.
Damon seems to consider it for a moment, before he finally speaks again. 
“Right well, we’ll have to see. Put me on speaker, leave the phone on the bed next to you and unbutton my shirt,” he instructs you, keeping his voice controlled and calm. 
You do as he asks, unbuttoning his shirt quickly and letting the sides fall open. Feeling the cold air against your slowly hardening nipples pulls a quiet moan from your lips.
“Okay done,” you breathe out quietly, turning your head to look at the phone. 
He chuckles deep in his throat at your reaction, “Cup those tits for me baby, pinch your nipples just like I would. Get them nice and hard for me,” 
God that damn voice of his is gonna be the death of you. Doing as he had says you cup your tits in your hands, squeezing just the way that he would and you roll your nipples between your thumbs and forefingers. You can’t help but gasp, the sensation after so long, paired with his voice has your hips squirming against the mattress, trying to rub your thighs together for some kind of friction. “Damon please, I need more.” 
“Since when have I rushed anything princess, now do as you’re told. Spread those sexy fucking legs, feet up on the mattress. Are you nice and wet for me baby girl?” he purrs knowingly, you can picture him biting his lip as he looks at you.
Your feet press into the bottom of your ass as you pull them up on the mattress and spread your legs. “God Damon, so wet for you. Please, I just wanna touch myself, missing your cock so bad.” you tell him truthfully, fingers digging into the skin of your thigh as you fight not to touch yourself until he says otherwise.
“You do beg so pretty princess, take those sexy panties off for me. God, I would kill to have my face between your legs right now, your perfect little pussy is the best thing I’ve ever tasted.” he growls deeply, he’s barely got the words out before you’re tugging the panties down your legs and throwing them across the room. 
“Wanna see you, please.” There’s a pause where you expect him to say he has to go, but instead he chuckles.
“Someone is feeling cheeky today,” you don’t answer when you see that a picture has come through from him, biting your lip you open the message and groan at the sight before you. 
Long fingers are wrapped around his thick hard cock, the muscles in his stomach are pulled tight, making the lines of his six pack stand out that much more against his lean hips. “See I miss you too baby girl, really miss having your perfect lips wrapped around my cock, you let me go so deep. Or watching your ass bounce when I fuck you from behind, you always come so hard for me,” he groans at the memories, you know that he knows what his voice and words are doing to you.
You lay there on his bed whimpering with your hands screwed up in the sheets, every word that falls past his lips has you squirming, every filthy word shoots straight to your throbbing pussy and you’re stuck between the need to touch yourself and wanting to be a good girl for him. 
“I need it Damon, need your cock. So wet thinking about how hard you’re gonna fuck me when you get home.” 
“Oh baby girl, I’m gonna fucking ruin you,” he growls voice sounding slightly more out of control, “keep it nice and slow, drag two fingers through your slick little pussy baby. Show me how wet you are.” 
Doing as he says you let out a filthy moan at the contact when your fingers finally move through your heated pussy. Just about managing to grab your phone with your free but shaking hand you aim it between your legs and snap the picture.
“So good, thank you for letting me.” you whimper continuing slowly slide your fingers back and forth, avoiding your clit so you don’t make yourself come, with how wound up you are right now there’s no guarantee that you can stop yourself. 
“Oh fuck look at you, that little pussy is dripping for me.” he groans so loud it’s like he’s right beside you and you swear that you can feel his lips brushing against your cheek. You can’t reply, only moan his name when your fingers brush across your clit, you feel your entire body jolt up against your hand. “Push your fingers inside your pussy baby, tell me how good it feels.”
Nodding although you know he can’t see you easily slide your two slick fingers inside your heat, “Feels amazing baby, so wet and tight. I - fuck!” you cry out, curling your fingers against the spot inside you that makes shivers roll across your skin. 
“Good girl, wish I could watch you fucking yourself on your fingers for me. Use your other hand princess, I want you to rub your clit like I do.” he growls when your breathless moans of his name falls past your parted lips.
Squeezing your eyes shut, you roll your hips down against your hands. Your thighs start to shake and your pussy starts clamping down around your thrusting fingers. 
“Damon please. Can I come, I can’t - Please!” 
“Fuck. I dunno, I do love it when you beg me, the sexiest fucking noises come out of your filthy mouth. You really think you deserve it?” he asks, sounding a little doubtful, you start to panic you know you can’t hold this one back for much longer. Your entire body feels like it’s about to snap in half.
“Damon, please! I c-can’t hold it” you gasp biting into your lip as your walls start to flutter it’s almost painful.
“Fine princess. But I better hear my fucking name. Now, come for me.”
You don’t disappoint him, you practically scream his name when your orgasm hits, sparking through your veins like lightning. You’re gasping for breath, thighs shaking, but you still feel like you need more. Your body is craving him, like it never has before. 
Then suddenly large hands wrap around your wrists and pin them back against the bed.
Your eyes snap open and you come face to face with those gorgeous blue eyes, biting your lip you look down at his body, very happy to see him completely bare on top of you.
“Not that i’m complaining, but what are you doing here?” you ask between your pants for breath.
He shrugs, smirk in full effect as he leans in closer, his lips are just a breath away from your own. “You got me hard as a fucking rock princess. You know the rules.” Swallowing back the moan you nod, seeing the tip of his tongue pressed against his fang which slowly recedes back into his gums.
Climbing off of the bed he pulls you with him easily tossing you back onto it, so that your chest is pressed against the soft bedding and your ass and legs are hanging off of the bed. 
“Nothing like the real thing,” he groans, running the head of his cock through your folds and nudging at your clit when every movement. “Don’t worry baby, I know just what you need.” 
You spread your legs wider when the wide head of his cock presses into your soaked entrance. “Please, I’ll be a good girl tonight.” you beg him, desperate for something more. 
“Oh I fucking know you will. This is gonna be fast, because I plan on fucking ruining you before I leave princess.” Damon growls slowly easing inside of you, hands gripping your waist tightly. 
“God! Yes all of that. Whatever you want,” 
“Like I said, so pretty when you beg,” he groans, snapping his hips forward harshly, sinking the rest of his thick length inside you easily. “Fuck, I missed this pussy.” 
His fingers tighten around your waist, nails biting at your skin as he thrusts into you hard and fast. You can feel the bed starting to budge beneath you, yet you can’t find it in you to give a shit. He feels so good, like he’s everywhere. Every one of his hard thrusts has you screaming into the sheets as he chases his release, he’s beginning to push you towards a second one of your own. 
Picking your knees up effortlessly he pushes them on the bed, almost underneath you. So that only your ass is hanging off the edge, you’re practically screaming his name with this new angle, he’s slamming right into your cervix with every thrust. 
Your mouth is open in a silent scream as your walls clamp around him tightly, “don’t you fucking dare.” Damon warns you with a dangerous edge to his voice, his large hand comes down on your ass. 
“Please. Fuck, I need to.” you whine pathetically, the sting of the slap making you whine as you rock back against him until he stops you.
“No. Hold it.” Damon demands firmly as his thrusts get harder and more harsh against your ass.
Your clit is throbbing and your head is spinning; you're not sure how much longer you can hold it. Pressing your face into the duvet you continue to whimper his name desperate for release, for him to finally give in and let you come. But there’s that messed up part of you that loves it when he makes you beg for it, until you’re a sobbing mess beneath him. 
His chest presses against your back as his leans over you, his lips press against your ear and your clit starts rubbing against the mattress. “You wanna come all over my cock baby? Want me to fill you up.” he snarls, dragging his teeth along your earlobe as his hips start to stutter against your ass.
“Fuck yes! Damon please.” you half sob, half moan into the duvet beneath you.
“Come for me, my dirty girl. Give it to me.” he grunts sliding his hands up to cup your tits in his big hands, rolling your nipples between his thumbs and forefingers as you fall apart around him. Finally giving you everything that you’ve been craving since he’s been gone.
“Fuck! There’s my good girl,” he pants as his orgasm hits him hard, the tip of his fang scraping along your neck, pulling a whimper from him as he laps at your skin. 
You’re still struggling to breathe when he helps you lay back on the pillows and collapses beside you, pulling you against his chest. “Well, hey there. Feel free to do that way more often and not leave it so long next time.” 
“Yeah I know princess. It’s just been something I couldn’t avoid, but after today I thought I better get my ass back here before I explode.” he smirks teasingly, wiggling those eyebrows at you and pressing a kiss to the top of your head. 
When he pulls back you meet his eyes and can’t help but smile, “You’ve gotta go back haven’t you?” you question with a sigh when he nods and he presses a chase kiss to your lips.
“Yes. But that’s why I plan on making it up to you before I go.”
“Well, not a bad start so far Mr Salvatore, what else do you have planned?” you smile running your fingers down his chest, watching the way he sucks in a breath.
“Oh just you wait and see baby girl.” he growls playfully, before pouncing on you and pinning you beneath his solid body.
Tags: @chewie-redbird​ @julzdec​ @lettersofwrittencollective​ @stiles-o-dylan24​ @mogaruke​ @all-alone-he-turns-to-stone​ @dylanholyhellobrien​ @desireepow-1986​ @emichelle​ @lilulo-12​ @22sarah08​ @deanwanddamons​ @simsadventures​  @charmed-asylum​ @nicole-lynne​ @hazel-eye-coffee-shop-girl-blog​ @defenderrosetyler​ @emilyshurley​ @emoryhemsworth​ @foxyjwls007​ @mylovelydame21​ @sunshineandwings86 @akshi8278​ @peaches009​ @captain-shannon-becker​ @heimdoodle​ @plushpyrate​ @winchester-wifey​ @negans-lucille-tblr​ @fandomfic-galore​
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rainofaugustsith · 4 years
Jedi Consular thoughts
After playing through the Jedi Consular story a third time, here are my thoughts. Spoilers for the JC class story. 
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First and foremost: I want to give my Jedi Consular a hug. And I want to hack the navicomputer on her ship and send her to Rishi or Manaan or someplace beautiful and quiet so she can rest and relax for, oh, I don't know, a very long time. Everyone is on this poor woman's ass all the time to do something for them. Shield all the sick Jedi, Jenari. Engage in extensive feats of intergalactic diplomacy, Jenari. Oh wait, find the super special secret agents of the Emperor, Jenari. Give your strength to the Voss healers so you're literally doubled over in agony, Jenari. By the way, can you please mediate the Trandoshans' battle too, since you're also the Herald? And help me with my science project? And at the end of this, we'll reward you by...giving you more work. Seriously. That's the "reward" the assholes on the Jedi Council come up with for Jenari at the end of the class story. More work with the Republic military. That seems so completely poorly suited for her, given that her entire story arc has been about healing, learning ancient lore, interacting with different cultures and Force traditions and diplomacy. And when she saved Syo, she talked to him. Jedi Council, why aren't you appointing Jenari as Head Archivist or Master of Force Lore or Head of the Force Healing Department on Tython or something?!  I'm sorry Jenari. I know, I know, they didn't even give you a medal and they aren't going to let you retire to a nice quiet library to read. Here's a hug.  Having said that:  1. I've talked about this with mutuals before, but the Consular story shows how short-sighted the Jedi Council is on so many levels. Like...you've gone to the trouble of reconstructing this Noetikon with all of these storied Jedi Masters. Hello, Bastilla Shan is in the house. So let's make sure that only one Jedi ever learns the shielding technique that nobody else has known how to do for hundreds of years. I'm sure that's the best use of the knowledge. Teach it to one Jedi, don't let her teach it to anyone else, and then ask her to save every Jedi with an ancient Sith plague in the entire fucking galaxy. Go, Council! I'm sure there aren't any possible pitfalls with that strategy, including literally working this poor Jedi to death.  But look, she survived! So... 2. The Rift Alliance would have been better off separating from the Republic. I'm just going to say it. The Republic admitted flat out that they wanted the Rift Alliance planets for resources, not their own benefit. And Balmorra? Balmorra wants both the Republic and Empire to get the fuck off their world. You were not elected, Tai. I wish Jenari had been able to actually counsel them to leave the Republic for their own good. The Voss? Dude. You don't even respect the Force users there. But feel free to exploit them for their resources, I guess.  One fun thing is to have your Consular brightly tell Satele Shan and Kaedan that they should send more Jedi to Voss because the Mystics could teach them so much, just to watch both Jedi Masters suddenly get very, very uncomfortable.  Did I mention Jenari needs a hug? She could use some tea, too. And cookies. What? Those are dark sided. FFS, give her the damn cookies. Can I send her to live in the Esh-Kha's new colony with Hallow Voice? Or send her back to Voss with Gaden-Ko so she can hang out in the Shrine of Healing and get some rest? Maybe they will be nice to her.  3. Tharan Cedrax. I always think he is meant as audience wish fulfillment. The dude is arrogant, is brilliant, and has a very young looking woman who literally is programmed to do sexy dances, praise him effusively and give him unconditional love. And he can screw around with the JC and then drop her with no repercussions. 
FWIW Jenari always tells him "I'm not your Jedi" and absolutely refuses to go there. In playing my first version of Jenari, I was surprised that she rejected him when he approached the Alliance after Onslaught. But he was so arrogant, and Holiday wasn't there to blunt the hubris, and Jenari didn't want him back.  4. In the other corner, we have Qyzen Fess, Nadia Grell and Felix Iresso. IMHO these are some of the best companions in the class stories.  5. Okay. Felix. Jenari didn't romance him this time because she is a lesbian and that was hard, because IMHO this is one of the few M/F romances in SWTOR that I can stand. I honestly am constantly stumped why there isn't a huge fandom and love of this character and this ship because Felix is so amazing. 
I can't understand why they didn't bring him back for KOTFE. This dude deserved main story billing. He knew Aric Jorgan and they could have worked with that. And you're going to tell me that in a story where holocrons are important, they could not have found way to incorporate a character who literally has a Sith holocron in his head?! Anyway, I love Felix. His commentary on Belsavis is like the Best Dialogue Ever. I'm sure he gave Jenari hugs. Headcanon is that he's well aware that she is a lesbian and the two of them are BFF and are very close. 
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6. The third chapter feels like it's a rehash of the first chapter. Except instead of the plague, we have the Children of the Emperor affecting Good People.  7. I feel like not enough is said about the reason why the plague happened in the first place - namely, the Jedi poked around in a Sith tomb, and then decided to literally sacrifice one of their own by throwing him to the wolves so they could make their getaway. Said sacrificed Jedi was, um, a little angry about that. Not that it justifies the plague, but what they did was really, really shitty. It showed that they felt Parkanas was disposable - which is the same vibe you get from the way the Council handles the Consular. 
I feel like the Jedi Consular would be in their element in the Alliance, with so many Force adepts from different backgrounds, and so many people from around the galaxy. That's how I headcanon it for Jenari. She does not want to be a Sith by any means, but she also does not want to go back to the Jedi and the Republic so she can be worked to an early grave. She just wants a nice quiet place to read. And a hug. 
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rachelsheart · 3 years
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Do you know how to work with your spirit guides? Ruby Warrington gets a lesson in life’s celestial helpers from spirit-guide-whisperer Rebecca Campbell…
There follows a lesson in how to work with your spirit guides by Rebecca Campbell. Read more at Thenuminous.net
Inviting them into your dreams is one way to work with your spirit guides…
It happens fairly often among my Numinous circles that somebody will casually drop into the conversation that they’ve been working with their “spirit guides.” At which point I’ll nod and be like, “that’s rad, dude” – because, conceptually, I’m totally down with the idea that there are benevolent Universal forces working on our behalf all the time, and that we get to choose how and when we interact with them. That’s called “creating your own reality,” right?
But then I meet Rebecca Campbell, an Aussie author, mystic, coach, and co-founder of The Spirited Project, who insists that our guides are actually more like real entities – angels, I guess – who are just kind of hanging out, polishing their wings, until we call them into action. Learn to work with them, and they can offer assistance in every area of life – in fact; “no request is too big or too small, too specific or too broad,” she says.
It’s a pretty out there idea, even for me. And I (obviously) embrace a LOT of out there ideas. But I LOVE the concept (I’m already picturing my guides like a kind of spiritual Spice Girls, with the dance routines and everything), and so I asked Rebecca for the full low down. Here’s what she had to say…
Your guides – kind of like spiritual Spice Girls?
So does every individual on the planet have their own spirit guides?
Yep, everyone has their very own team of spirit guides who are completely devoted to their growth. I like to think of them as a group of amazing cosmic beings who have our back no matter what. But because of free will, in order to receive their support, first we need to ask. Asking is super simple (like, you can do it right now).
For general guidance:
“Hey spirit guides…I am open to receiving your loving guidance in all areas of my life. Thank you, and so it is.”
For more specific guidance:
“Hey spirit guides…I am open to receiving your guidance surrounding (insert specific request here). Thank you for guiding and supporting me.”
The thing about spirit guides is that they’re always there – we just don’t notice them. When you’re devastated by a terrible break up, they’re there. When you’re looking for a spot to park your car, they’re there. If you’re trying to make a difficult decision, they’re there. They’re by your side right now. What do you want their help with right now? Go on, ask them right now!
Okay, but first I need to know how they actually do their work?
Our spirit guides work with us through signs, people, nature, synchronistic events and our intuitive senses (inner seeing, inner knowing, inner hearing and inner feeling).
So the best way to start working with your spirit guides is to ask them for a sign. When I first started working with my guides I asked them to send me a light peach feather to prove to me that they were really there. Within half an hour I had received two peach feathers, which was pretty amazing – and what I needed to open my mind and heart up to noticing the support they could offer me. (nb: I tried this last night by asking for a blue crystal – nothing yet. I’ll keep you posted. Update: two hours later I was working out and found a mini crustal on the studio floor – but it was mauve. Close!)
The more you work with your spirit guides, the stronger the connection gets. It’s just like working out – you can’t expect to have a six-pack like J-Lo if you only do one sit up.
Okay, so is there one team of spirit guides working for us all, or are they individual for each person?
Everyone has their own team of spirit guides, which are assigned just to them. We are born with spirit guides and also recruit them as we go about our life.
I find that most people have around six spirit guides in their “inner circle.” These are the guides who are completely unique to us. Some spirit guides have had lifetimes here on earth (often appearing as “people” e.g. an American Indian teacher, a Tibetan monk, an inspirational business leader etc.) – while others may just appear as beings of light.
I believe that our purpose on Earth is twofold:
1. Evolve as a soul (learning, growing and raising our vibration)
2. Be the light (light up the world by following what lights us up)
Our spirit guides are assigned to us to help us do both these things. The more we allow and receive their guidance and support, the easier our path becomes.
Accept their support, and move forward more smoothly on your journey
I like the idea of us being “assigned” out guides at birth – how does this happen?
Your soul recruits your spirit guides based on your unique soul calling and the path you are here to walk. Your guides are perfectly suited to your highest calling, and waiting to guide you as much or as little as you wish. No matter what you’re facing, their presence means you always have the support around you to make it through.
I believe that we are born with one main guide (also known as a Guardian Angel) who stays with us throughout our lives – and by the age of 18-25 most people have recruited their spirit guide “posse.”
We can recruit more guides as needed though. For example, while writing my book Light Is The New Black I recruited two light beings and a new teacher guide to help me – in exactly the same way as I used to call on famous ad men to help me present my creative ideas in a way that would most resonate with the client when I worked in advertising.
What if I’m still having a hard time getting my head around the concept…
What holds most people back from developing a relationship with their spirit guides is their need for hard core visual “proof” that they exist. For a long time, I was waiting for my spirit guides to ring my doorbell and chat to me over a bottle of vino (clearly that never happened).
I wanted to know their hair color, their favorite movies and where they grew up. But the moment I Iet go of any need for them to appear in a certain way and just opened myself up to the possibility and trusted, the more my relationship with my guides grew and the more evidence of their presence I received in other ways.
Everyone’s experience with their spirit guides is personal, and because they work in the subtle realms, it takes practice to sense them. We are all six sensory beings, but we need to work our intuitive muscles each day to strengthen our intuitive connection with them.
Most people experience their guides through their predominant intuitive sense: Clairvoyant (clear seeing), Clairaudient (clear hearing), Clairsentient (clear feeling) and Claircognizant (clear knowing).
Can you give us some tips to start working with them on a regular basis then?
1. Start asking them for guidance…right now
2. Thank them for guiding you – they love a bit of positive reinforcement!
3. Ask them to send you a sign (e.g. a feather, a butterfly, elephants…whatever you fancy)
4. Keep a little notebook by your bed, and jot down any experience you might have had with them and any signs you spotted throughout the day. The more your book fills up, the more you will notice their support
5. Before you go to sleep ask your spirit guides to come to you in your dreams. The moment you wake up, note down any experiences you may have had with them
“She’s behind you…” Your spirit guides have always got your back
I’m almost convinced – can you share any amazing experiences you’ve had working with your guides?
These days I speak to my spirit guides every day – but my favorite story of working with my guides happened earlier this year, when I handed in my book proposal to Hay House (twice) but hadn’t heard anything.
One of my spirit guides is a woman (spirit) named Charlotte. Charlotte appears as a terribly English high society lady from the 1920’s who wears big dresses, hats and gloves. A gifted gossip, with her fingers in all the most influential pies, Charlotte is here to help me get my message out there and the name spoken about in the right circles. Knowing that getting some publicity might increase my chances of being published, I called on Charlotte for help and then surrendered it.
That same day I was connected with a journalist – and one week later she was commissioned to write a story, “Like a Prayer”, for the UK’s Sunday Times Style Mag (which also happened to feature the who’s who of Hay House authors, as well as The Numinous).Two weeks later, I got the phone call from Hay House offering me a deal!
When I went into Hay House to meet the team for the first time, the Publicity Officer mentioned that she’d seen the Sunday Times article and asked who my publicist was. Without thinking I responded “my spirit guide Charlotte!” Now, I’ve sat around a lot of boardroom tables in my life, but that was the first one that I was able to casually drop the name of one of my spirit guides and credit them for their work. I love it!
Ruby Warrington
MY MANTRA: Believing is Healing. MY MISSION: To help create a world where everybody gets to feel whole. // MY STYLE: Rock 'n' roll yogi fashionista. 99% recycled and vintage. // MY SIGN: Aries Sun, Sagittarius Rising, Cancer Moon. // MY HEALING: Time with friends, time alone, time offline, getting Sober Curious, and being f*cking real with myself!
Rachel's Heart
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Hello!!!! I'm here to participate on your game!!! And, I think you're an Aquarius Mercury just like me!! Thank you and take care 😘
My chart:
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Hey!! I'm not an Aquarius Mercury :( but I do have lots of Aquarius in my chart ^^ Have a nice day!
Welcome to your reading. Please remember to send feedback.
First impressions when looking at your chart: it's almost a bowl shape, meaning that there's approximately 180ª with planets and the other 180º are devoid of planets
As an Aquarius, you are quirky, aloof, dreamy and humanist. People may think you’re awkward and detached, which is probably true for you since your Sun is at 0º of Aquarius. Your originality and uniqueness are probably the things you love about yourself the most. Your mind is also quite agile, which allows you to fulfil your dreams. Nevertheless, we cannot ignore the fact that the Sun is in Detriment in the sign of Aquarius. This means that the Sun can struggle here, making you feel confused as to who you are and how you can express yourself. You very much value your independence and your rebelliousness. However, you can be stubborn to a fault when it comes to your thoughts and opinions.
This is the house of Scorpio. With the Sun here, you may appear a bit Scorpionic, namely, you can embody that more powerful, secretive, intense vibes very associated with this sign. Whilst Leo is about yourself, Scorpio relates to your connection with others. By bonding with other people, and experiencing their emotions, you can further discover your own identity. Scorpio is known for its intensity, so you probably have a big need to know everything about those closest to you, but that’s not an issue, because people seem to want to disclose to you. Additionally, the 8th house rules other people’s money and inheritances, so you may be in charge of others’ monetary resources. You may even get a career in this area. Lastly, this house rules everything secret and occult, so there’s a big chance that you’ll learn more about yourself by delving into the mystic arts (such as astrology, for example).
With this placement, you acquire intuition, empathy and emotional intelligence. You are a caring person who seeks to help others comprehend and verbalize emotions, which contrasts heavily with Aquarius but flows well with the 8H influence. I'd say that you're the type of person that everyone goes to for advice. However, you should take care not to spend a lot of time being the “therapist friend”, for your high sensitivity can cause you to get overwhelmed by others’ negative energies. You probably need your alone time in order to recharge your batteries. You can be quite emotional and you're often with your head “in the clouds”. Ethereal is a good word to describe personal Pisces placements. On the other hand, if not developed, you can be manipulative, insecure and lie a lot, especially with the 8th house.
This placement very much goes strengthens your interest in the occult and secret. It is a karmic position for the Moon; perhaps you have a very strong relationship with your mother. Additionally, it ties in well with Pisces' emotional abilities. You seek someone with whom you can form a deep emotional bond, someone with whom you can be vulnerable and share your secrets. It is also a good position for therapists because it allows you to connect well with people’s feelings and needs. Nevertheless, as I mentioned before, this can give you emotional control over people, which can lead to you manipulating them, even if you don't mean to do so. This can be especially true because your moon is not harmoniously aspected (conjunct Saturn, square Jupiter and Pluto). You can also benefit a lot from an inheritance, especially from your mother.
This placement, even more so than your Aquarius Sun, brings you idealism and originality, as well as ideas that have the power to change society and the world. You are a free spirit and independence is definitely something very important to you. Your mind is all about being innovative and creative so you can make the world a better place. Your ideas may not always be viewed positively by others but you don't let that discourage you. People may also think you're a little off and detached but you just keep on doing your own thing, which is admirable. You may truly be ahead of your time, especially since your Mercury is in retrograde, which means that your ideas may be much more accepted after you communicate them. You have an agile mind and a good grasp of many different subjects, so people may enjoy speaking to you and learning your take on various fields of knowledge.
The house of Scorpio. With Mercury here, your gain intuitiveness and inquisitiveness. To me, it is the Detective placement. It’s easy for you to understand what someone else is thinking because you have a knack for this kind of thing; telepathic, almost. You have a big interest in anything that has to do with the hidden and the human mind. Psychology would also be a good career. I’d say you think and listen much more than you think because, in your head, you’re connecting all the dots. There can be some fear in you, perhaps because of negative experiences in past lives. Due to this, you prefer to keep your thoughts and feelings to yourself. Also, it is said that this placement can cause misunderstandings in contracts, especially regarding inheritances.
This Venus sign is independent and adventurous; it seeks someone with which to have fun and deep, philosophical conversations. You highly value morals and honesty, which is not strange, given that these things are ruled by Jupiter, hence associated with Sagittarius. Feelings are also very important to you. You may appear too detached and aloof, but that's not how you truly feel. Also, you can be viewed as flight and non-committal, but that is not true; you may simply take your time to actually understand whether or not to begin a relationship. Nevertheless, relationships may not be a concern of yours because of your need for independence. You very much enjoy travelling and acquiring knowledge to broaden your horizons. You may also date foreigners or have an interest in them.
Here, Venus gives great importance to things associated with Virgo: routine, health, job. It is important for you to have your routine and to plan things. Once you acquire a habit, it is difficult to let go of it (“Old habits die hard.”). Similarly, it is important that you incorporate activities with your partner in your daily schedule. Funnily enough, it is routine that makes you miss things you no longer have: for example, if you lose a friend, you may miss them more because you used to talk every day. You enjoy working on projects that make you feel like you’re doing something meaningful; your chosen profession must fulfil you. You want a harmonious workplace that makes you feel happy to work. Also, you have an eye for detail. There can be a need to obsess about your health, as well as your loved ones’.
The red planet does well here. Leo wants to achieve great things in life and Mars gives it that determination and willpower needed to succeed. You probably do what you want and often act to stand out. This is a very bold, direct placement. What you want, you most likely get. You’re passionate about the things you love, which is admirable. You seek recognition and fame. You can be very proud and get angry easily, but it also goes away quickly. You are very brave, for sure, and fierce. Losing is not an option for you. You like to be in the spotlight and at the top. Admitting when you’re wrong can be quite difficult for you due to the aforementioned pride. Nevertheless, you’re warm, creative, romantic and probably good around children.
Here, Mars is tied in with the themes of Taurus. Since Taurus is a fixed sign, I’d say that you are very good at getting what you want because you are quite determined and perseverant. You may have a strong will to acquire material things that bring you comfort and security. In that sense, you may wish to have a high-paying job that allows you to buy the things that allow you to have that comfortable lifestyle. However, you may spend your money too generously, so beware of that. You are brave and dynamic, qualities that help you to achieve what you want.
Jupiter is in its rulership here. With this placement, your interest in the "accursed questions", that is, everything to do with our connection with the universe, is greatly expanded. Mundane life can seem quite trivial to you; your desire is to understand the bigger things. Like I mentioned in the Sagittarius Venus section, you have a deep desire to travel, to connect to other cultures, to experience different things than what you're used to, to expand your knowledge. In addition to this, you want to share what you know with others, sometimes without prompt, which may cause others to perceive you as a "know-it-all". Jupiter is also connected to intuition, so, if you learn to trust and rely on yours, you may achieve enlightenment.
This placement may seem, at first, difficult, because this is the house of Virgo, in which sign Jupiter has its Detriment. Whilst Jupiter is all about the higher mysteries, philosophy and the bigger picture, Virgo prefers hard work, concrete aspects and attention to detail. You should seek to find meaning in life through your job, as well as acts of service. Also, this placement may manifest in more ways than one: you may be able to take on the Virgo traits by achieving focus in one thing, or, on the opposite, you can move from one thing to the next, in a bid to help everyone and achieve everything. Jupiter here needs to find a middle ground between the mundane and the mystical.
This is, in my humble opinion, a contradictory placement. Pisces is known for being the sign of illusions, dreams, fantasies. Saturn, on the other hand, is the planet of blockages, traumas, karma. Pisces does not want to directly deal with the problems, whilst Saturn wants precisely the opposite. This can result in deep fears from you, perhaps regarding your individual conscience. You may be afraid to delve deep, to explore the limits of your mind and also to share these with others. Feelings are very important to you, but these have a tendency to be more negative and elusive. A coping mechanism may be to detach, to ignore, to evade. You deal with problems by not dealing with them. You will grow, but only when you accept your struggles and face them head-on.
You could have been brought up in a traditional, conservative religious community. This may manifest as you having clear opinions on what is right and what is wrong. Perhaps you have a lack of faith, or you’re merely sceptical of religion. This placement balances all the others in this house: with Saturn here, you might hold back all the desire to learn, to get out there and explore your beliefs. In a past life, you may have held all the answers, but in this life, you may not want anything to do with the higher mysteries. Nevertheless, I would say that this placement may not be that strong, given that all the other planets in your 9th house want you to learn and explore. ⬛️
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