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inspektahekta · 2 months ago
▷ Gazing wistfully after Dee, Inspekta rubs his temples with one of his hands. There were tears burning at the corners of his eyes. Even though his own memories were none too pleasant either, he'd seen the look they'd given him before quickly departing, trying to get away from him as fast as possible.
I'm saw-ree, Devillano... I'm so sorry...
▷ Lighting up a ciggy. Puffpuff... breath out...
Maybe da Drain wasn't so bad aftah all. (At least den I felt like a good poison...)
▷ He whirls the Negapon in another hand, spinning it idly.
Ah well. Dat ship has sailed.
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da-devilish-devilboys · 2 months ago
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S’fine, Baws. Shouldn’t’a pushed yew, sir.
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[their eyes are distant, body stiff. They leave the God Complex without another word, in a hurry.]
▷ Lighting up a ciggy. Puffpuff... breath out...
Maybe da Drain wasn't so bad aftah all. (At least den I felt like a good poison...)
▷ He whirls the Negapon in another hand, spinning it idly.
Ah well. Dat ship has sailed.
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inspektahekta · 2 months ago
Wha- no!! Like yew said, dat's too much of a risk even fer me!
The point was gonna be, I'm thinkin' about da udda goddies. I don't have strong feelin's one way or anudda about dem, 'n my goals can't co-exist with dem bein' gods, but it ain't like I want 'em ta die eithah.
If dere was a way, I'd just de-ascend 'em 'n banish 'em ta tha Drain instead. I get da feelin' they wouldn't see it my way though.
▷ Lighting up a ciggy. Puffpuff... breath out...
Maybe da Drain wasn't so bad aftah all. (At least den I felt like a good poison...)
▷ He whirls the Negapon in another hand, spinning it idly.
Ah well. Dat ship has sailed.
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inspektahekta · 2 months ago
I ain't SCARED. Don't talk ta me like yew know me. I got my selfish reasons, but I'm doin' it for yew too!
▷ He moves past the computer station, his spine seemingly extending until he's towering even more over Dee, bending down with a strange skittering sound as his shadow casts upon her. FOR ALL'A YEW!!!
Nobody gets it, nobody undahstands how it is, why I gotta do dis! What I'm sack-riff-icin' 'cause I want us all ta have what these GROVIANS have ALWAYS HAD 'n didn't take us Drainites sear-ee-us-lee until -- UNTIL I ASCENDED 'N SHOWED 'EM WE AIN'T WOITHLESS LITTLE OICHINS LIKE DEY ALWAYS THOUGHT BEHIND OUR BACKS!!!! JUST 'CAUSE WE WAS FROM THA DRAIN!!
▷ He turns away from Dee and slams his fist into the wall next to one of the monitors, huffing as his tongue sticks out and drools all over himself. His ciggy had fallen to the ground when he started yelling, its embers still lightly going.
Like we wasn't even human ta them until I proved myself. Like people who come from a bad place are always gonna be bad.
▷ After he took a moment to breathe and collect himself, he put a hand behind his back and shooed Dee out.
... Sorry yew had ta see dat. Off da meds, ya ruh-mem-buh. Go. See ya little friend.
▷ Lighting up a ciggy. Puffpuff... breath out...
Maybe da Drain wasn't so bad aftah all. (At least den I felt like a good poison...)
▷ He whirls the Negapon in another hand, spinning it idly.
Ah well. Dat ship has sailed.
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da-devilish-devilboys · 2 months ago
Ya, simple prah-blems wit’ simple solutions, speks-
Yer rite. I don’ got da emotions to, not yet at least. But dammit if eye don’ know when someone’s makin’ a mountain outta a mole hill!
Ya know what- yu wanna know what eye really think dis is about? All’a dis?
Yu don’ want a better pantheon, not at da core of all of dis. Yer scared. Ya scared, an’ ya paranoid, an’ yer afraid yer gunna be forgotten- da same damn fears ya had when yu were a mortal like da rest’o us.
Now, I ain’t gunna stop ya. If yer really soooo dead-set on gettin’ rid’a all da otha’ gods, be my guest. I’ll stay outta’ yer way, Villains Honor.
But if ya find yer still as anxious as ya were before ya plans, don’ come cryin’ ta any’o us. Specially not me.
… eye got’s ta go. Eye promised one’a bizzyboys i’d meet up wit’ em up in mildread. Gud’ luck, Inspekta.
▷ Lighting up a ciggy. Puffpuff... breath out...
Maybe da Drain wasn't so bad aftah all. (At least den I felt like a good poison...)
▷ He whirls the Negapon in another hand, spinning it idly.
Ah well. Dat ship has sailed.
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inspektahekta · 2 months ago
Yew wouldn't undahstand if I explained. Yew don't gots da emo-shuns to... no uh-fence. It ain't as simple as all dat. I got prah-blems. I knows it. Yew knows it.
▷ Lighting up a ciggy. Puffpuff... breath out...
Maybe da Drain wasn't so bad aftah all. (At least den I felt like a good poison...)
▷ He whirls the Negapon in another hand, spinning it idly.
Ah well. Dat ship has sailed.
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da-devilish-devilboys · 2 months ago
…spek’s. Humor a villain here, will ya?
If what yer doin’ don’ feel gud’, an’ what yer plannin’ don’ make ya feel gud’, an’ what yu plannin’ requires ya ta do things ta people yu don’ like doin’,
Why do em? Genuinely, if it ain’t makin’ yu happy now, why botha’?
▷ Lighting up a ciggy. Puffpuff... breath out...
Maybe da Drain wasn't so bad aftah all. (At least den I felt like a good poison...)
▷ He whirls the Negapon in another hand, spinning it idly.
Ah well. Dat ship has sailed.
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da-devilish-devilboys · 2 months ago
Mitternacht, too.
Cobigail, probably, yu two got da “cute mischievous critter” thing in common.
Thespius is such a bleedin’ heart he’d be upset if anyone in da pantheon left or disappeared.
▷ Lighting up a ciggy. Puffpuff... breath out...
Maybe da Drain wasn't so bad aftah all. (At least den I felt like a good poison...)
▷ He whirls the Negapon in another hand, spinning it idly.
Ah well. Dat ship has sailed.
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da-devilish-devilboys · 2 months ago
… Inspekta I know im still new to da feelin’ feelin’s thing, but yu really can’t expect me ta believe yer completely an’ udda’ly new-trawl ‘bout da otha’ gods.
I’ve worked undah ya fer years, I know when yu appreciate somethin’.
▷ Lighting up a ciggy. Puffpuff... breath out...
Maybe da Drain wasn't so bad aftah all. (At least den I felt like a good poison...)
▷ He whirls the Negapon in another hand, spinning it idly.
Ah well. Dat ship has sailed.
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inspektahekta · 2 months ago
Awright, awright, whatevah yew say, Devvy. Sure, I gots a heart'a gold, respectin' my com-puh-tish-un 'n whatnawt.
But dat don't mattah. We ain't besties or nuttin'. I doubt dey'd care if I diss-uh-peered one day.
▷ Lighting up a ciggy. Puffpuff... breath out...
Maybe da Drain wasn't so bad aftah all. (At least den I felt like a good poison...)
▷ He whirls the Negapon in another hand, spinning it idly.
Ah well. Dat ship has sailed.
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da-devilish-devilboys · 2 months ago
Capo would.
▷ Lighting up a ciggy. Puffpuff... breath out...
Maybe da Drain wasn't so bad aftah all. (At least den I felt like a good poison...)
▷ He whirls the Negapon in another hand, spinning it idly.
Ah well. Dat ship has sailed.
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inspektahekta · 2 months ago
... I know. Yew think I don't know dat? It don't feel da greatest ta use sum-buddy who loves yew. Not just tha bright-eyed add-door-ay-shun da udda bizzyboys got. Da real thing.
▷ Lighting up a ciggy. Puffpuff... breath out...
Maybe da Drain wasn't so bad aftah all. (At least den I felt like a good poison...)
▷ He whirls the Negapon in another hand, spinning it idly.
Ah well. Dat ship has sailed.
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