daz4i · 30 days
whatever you do do NOT imagine laying on your f/o's chest as they tell you about something they deeply care about and you can feel their voice vibrating through their chest to calm you down. it's not worth the recovery period
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elisartstuff · 2 months
I'm frying aggressively anyways I uh I drew a guy. two guys actually @leepotp hi :gaybuthuman: (I gotta remake it at some point)
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Under the cut is a tpot scene redraw w ur tree goober except I'm not too proud of that one either
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Fries aggressively IF I COULD DRAW THEM GOING KISS KISS I WOULD BUT I CANT DRAW AUGH anyways mental breakdance aside even if i'm not as proud of it as I'd like to they were still fun to draw and I'm gonna go sleep now cause its 2 am where I am
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baeshijima · 1 year
actor!au, where it's the kiss scene after a particularly emotional moment-slash-pre confession and you're expecting a chaste peck to stop your character mid-ramble (like the script says), only to find yourself at a loss by the hand curled around the back of your head, the other cradling your cheek, and his lips flush against yours.
it's feverish, desperate, and full of desire; everything the scripted kiss was not supposed to be, and most definitely not what you were prepared for. you couldn't even catch a glimpse of what the directors thought, for the hand against the back of your head prevents you from focusing on anything other than the man kissing you as though he means it — as though it wasn't all an act.
(after the episode aired, that one short scene went viral, comments about your unmatched chemistry both on-screen and behind-the-scenes now everywhere you look. interviews with the two of you reached millions within hours, all wanting a piece of the unmatched chemistry you both shared off-screen.)
(the masses spiralled even further after learning that scene was all ad-lib.)
(it came to no surprise to anyone that you both won the best couple award, instead fawning over your shared speech as that, too, went viral.)
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fettiowi · 1 year
Boyyy if I had the will to draw the lil stories i create for fandoms on a regular basis it would be over for yall LOL
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melonkittii · 5 months
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i was trying to imitate the style feel free to rate my success in the tags (specifically the v3 scrum debate sprites if that wasn't clear)
(id in alt!)
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suntoru · 7 months
getting flashbacks to when i didn't even know my own url and i spelled it wrong for about a year straight on the © of every post🫠
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storm-driver · 2 years
imagine, if you will, the Final World segment of KH3, but shortly after Sora wakes up, he remembers everything that happened. he recalls Ventus' corpse getting thrown, Axel being pummeled, Aqua giving into despair, Kairi swept away, Riku dissipating into darkness.
He starts to tear up, barely able to realise where he is. Just remembering how everyone got ripped away from him. How ready he is to give up, without his friends...
But out of nowhere, someone speaks up for the first time in a long time. When Sora opens his teary eyes, he can actually see him there. Wearing that same black coat, knelt down in the endless watery sky, hands reaching out to grab hold of Sora's shoulders and provide any comfort he could.
Despite everything being lost to him, Roxas still hadn't left Sora. Roxas was always here for him, and if Sora ever faltered, he would make up the difference.
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superpyodan · 8 days
Manifest Destiny
(Alex x Male Farmer OC)
Did this silly lil one-shot (?) of Kenny + Alex + Horse. Lord help me. I watched Brokeback Mountain ONE TIME and I haven't stopped thinking about gay cowboys since.
(This is very dialogue heavy... Sorry!!! I've also never posted writing like this on Tumblr before, so if it's poorly formatted or difficult to read, I apologise. I also know fucking nothing about horses.)
‘’Dude, you got a horse?!’’ Alex exclaims, before even saying hello to Kenny. Somehow, it’s something that Kenny forgot to mention in the two months that the horse has been under his care. He shrugs nonchalantly, and follows while Alex half-runs towards the stable.
Alex stands in front of the horse and stares directly into it’s eyes, as if he’s making an attempt to communicate something innate and divine with it. Truthfully, Kenny wasn’t expecting Alex to be excited about the horse, or even particularly intrigued. He gets along well with the cat, but other than that, he doesn’t show much interest in any of the other animals on the farm.
‘’What’s it’s name?’’ Alex asks, finally breaking eye contact with the horse, instead looking at Kenny with twinkling eyes. He looks like a child, in a whimsical way. Like a child on the morning of the feast of the winter star.
‘’Manifest,’’ Kenny replies. Briefly, Alex looks confused.
‘’Yeah. You know, like, Manifest Destiny. The philosophy that the American people held during the cowboy times, or whatever. I don’t know. I thought it was fitting.’’ Kenny explains. Alex’s face completely lights up, and he proceeds to step forward and give Kenny a quick kiss on the lips.
‘’You’re so funny. You know so much random stuff. I love it.’’ Alex says sweetly, then takes a step back. ‘’Do you- Do you know how to ride a horse, though?’’
Kenny shrugs again. ‘’I do now. She’s pretty docile. I’ve been riding her around town and stuff.’’
‘’Like a real-life cowboy. Man, I was obsessed with cowboys when I was a kid, did you know that?’’
Kenny tries to hold it back, but can’t help but laugh. Little Alex being infatuated with cowboys doesn’t surprise him at all — A dramatic display of masculinity, while still being rural, and also… Gay. Very gay, strangely. He knew plenty of queer people back in school who were borderline convinced they’d been cowboys in their past lives. Being a gay teenager, watching Brokeback Mountain and latching onto the idea of gay cowboys forever seemed to be somewhat of a right of passage.
‘’And you didn’t know that you were gay?’’ Kenny asks, through stifled giggles.
‘’Huh? No way. Cowboys aren’t gay.’’ Alex retorts.
‘’Oh, you sweet thing. Cowboys are very gay. You never saw Brokeback Mountain?’’
‘’That movie is gay?!’’ Alex questions. Kenny nods, as if it’s the most objective fact of all time, then places a gentle hand on Alex’s shoulder. He looks kind of defeated, like he was holding onto his childhood obsession with cowboys as a final link back to a heterosexual life that could have existed for him. He’s gotten more and more comfortable with his sexuality over the months, to a point where the idea of knowing an Alex who wasn’t openly gay feels like something from an alternate universe. Still, there are still glimpses of that version of Alex, and while neither he or Kenny address it verbally, Kenny does all he can to squash any sense of self-doubt that Alex holds.
‘’Do you think,’’ Alex starts, sheepish, ‘’You could teach me how to ride?’’
Kenny raises his eyebrows playfully, and Alex quickly waves his hand, laughing with his face scrunched up.
‘’The horse! How to ride the horse!’’ He clarifies, while Kenny giggles at him.
‘’Sure, the horse, whatever. Yes, I can teach you. But not right now, because I haven’t seen you in weeks and I want to do literally anything else but that right now.’’
‘’What’s your shoe size?’’ Kenny calls through the bedroom door to Alex.
‘’Uh, like. An eight?’’
Kenny sighs, and pushes his hair out of his face, before joining Alex in the living room. He smiles upon seeing Alex, and Udon sleeping happily with her head resting against his leg. Perhaps how much Udon likes Alex was a sign of something. Emily would know.
Kenny sits next to Alex as gently as possible, so as not to disturb the cat. ‘’Alright. Well, you’re just going to have to wear your sneakers. It’s not ideal, but… it’ll have to do.’’
‘’Because you have freakishly big feet. I get it.’’ Alex replies, smirking. Kenny stares blankly at him.
‘’I’m way taller than you. Not the point, though. Come on.’’
Kenny stands, less gently than he sat, pulls a hair tie from his wrist, then pulls his hair up into it. Usually, he tends to avoid tying his hair up, out of self-consciousness about his round face. It means that when he does his hair up, he means business. There is very little business more important than teaching Alex how to live out the dreams of his inner child. In fact, it’s one of his biggest life missions. He’d never tell Alex that, though.
‘’Hell yeah. Ponytail Kenny.’’ Alex remarks, almost absent-mindedly, while standing up.
‘’Shut up,’’ Kenny replies, entirely absent-mindedly, but immediately snaps around to look at Alex. ‘’Sorry. Don’t shut up. I didn’t mean that. I’m sorry.’’
Alex laughs, and pulls Kenny into a tight hug, rubbing his back slightly. ‘’NBD. Don’t stress. Let’s go outside.’’
After giving Alex a quick kiss on the forehead, Kenny takes his hand and leads him outside to the stable. He carefully opens the gate, and grabs some loose grain from the pocket of his shorts to offer to Manifest. He takes care in holding his hand out flat, and tries not to flinch while she eats the grains from it. While Manifest is friendly, she’s intimidating. Kenny assumes all horses are.
Once she’s done eating, Kenny wipes his hand on his shirt, then carefully pets at her neck. Alex stands in the corner, silently watching the interaction. He’s glittery-eyed, tapping his fingers against his thighs. Enamoured by the presence of Manifest, as if she’s some kind of mystical beast.
‘’You’re a good girl,’’ Kenny says to manifest, quietly. Then, he turns to an excited-looking Alex. ‘’You wanna try?’���
Alex nods, then takes several smaller-than-usual steps towards the horse. He approaches her carefully, touches her gently, and looks into her eyes. Once he’s sure she won’t get startled, he looks up at Kenny and grins — One of his big, wide, toothy ones. A little lopsided, with crinkly eyes. The most beautiful thing Kenny’s ever seen, radiating nothing but twinkling starlight.
‘’She likes you.’’ Kenny says gently, placing his hand on the small of Alex’s back. He doesn’t need to tell Alex that Manifest likes everyone. Alex doesn’t reply anyway, too engrossed in the existence of the horse to process the fact that Kenny’s next to him.
Kenny puts a little more pressure into Alex’s back, until Alex turns to look at him.
‘’We can take her into the forest. You can be passenger princess for now, and when we get in there I’ll actually teach you how to ride, okay?’’
‘Passenger princess?’’ Alex chuckles.
‘’Yes. Exactly that.’’ Kenny smiles, and kisses Alex’s temple.
As their lesson unfolds, both Alex and Kenny realise that Alex does not have any kind of knack for horseback riding. or Kenny, it came fairly naturally, and he had put it down to getting lucky with Manifest’s temperament. Luckily, something Alex is good at is persevering. He has a admirable ability to keep going, to repeat what he’s doing over and over again, to not feel bad about himself when he does something incorrectly. Quitting is simply not something he’s familiar with, so Kenny ends up spending several hours helping Alex.
At first, he has a hands-on approach, sitting on the back of Manifest behind Alex, and adjusting his hand position, leg position and posture. Eventually, once Alex has a better grasp of what he’s doing, Kenny sits with his feet in the lake, watching from afar while Alex struggles. He falls off the horse multiple times, but quickly brushes himself off and continues. Grazed elbows and bruised thighs don’t put him off in the slightest. A stark contrast to Kenny, who got hurt in the mines twice and never went back.
‘’Do you have any more grains?’’ Alex asks, walking towards Kenny and pulling Manifest behind him by the reigns. Kenny pats at his pocket, nods, and pulls a handful out. Alex cups his hands to allow Kenny to pour the grains into them.
‘’Why do you have them, just… loose?’’ He asks again. Kenny shrugs in response.
‘’You have no idea how much random shit I have in my pockets at all times. Right now it’s grains. Sometimes it’s hay, sometimes it’s stones, sometimes it’s seeds… Sometimes I shove a fish in there when necessary.’’
‘’Uh… Right. Okay then. I’m just gonna…’’ Alex trails off, and walks backwards towards the horse. Kenny laughs, then pushes himself up to follow Alex. A preventative measure — As kind-natured as Manifest is, he’d rather not have to deal with an Alex who has had his finger bitten off.
He catches up with Alex, stands behind him and gently takes hold of his wrist.
‘’Make sure you keep your hand steady. And hold it totally flat, with your fingers out. Like this.’’ Kenny explains quietly, then briefly lets go of Alex to demonstrate with his hand. ‘’You see?’’
‘’Yeah…’’ Alex breathes, copying Kenny’s hand movement. ‘’Like that?’’
‘’M-hm. Perfect. You got it.’’ Kenny replies. Once he’s satisfied, he steps away from Alex and watches, hands on hips, while Manifest nibbles the grains from his hand. Alex stands totally still, feet firmly planted in the dirt, and watches Manifest incredibly intently. She looks almost golden in the steadily-setting sun, a hazy glow emanating from where the sun is hitting her through the trees. Perhaps Alex was correct in looking at her as if she were a mystical beast. There’s something angelic about her. Or, maybe, everything feels angelic after spending a day with your boyfriend.
‘’I hate how her lips feel.’’ Alex giggles.
‘’Don’t say that so loudly, she’ll hear you. And then she’ll kick you, and then you’ll be sorry.’’ Kenny warns playfully, and Alex looks back at him with a smile. In that moment, Kenny concludes that the angelic aura of the evening is definitely due to Alex, and not the horse.
Once Manifest gets bored of the grains and trots away, Alex groans and wipes the palm of his hand against his jeans much harder than necessary. It almost seems like he’s trying to wipe his palm clean off.
‘’Can’t handle a bit of horse spit? Lame. You’re turning into a city-boy.’’ He teases. However, he is all-too familiar with the discomfort that comes with feeding the horse from his hand. But, it makes for a bonding experience. His hands are always dirty anyway, to a certain extent. It comes with the territory of being a farmer.
‘’No way. You’re the city-boy, not me. PT forever!’’
‘’Sure.’’ Kenny replies, then pulls Alex into him by the waist and kisses his forehead. ‘’A city-boy and a cowboy. Sounds like a doomed romance. Shakespearian Tragedy level of doom.’’
Alex leans back a little and looks up at Kenny inquisitively. ‘’You better not be comparing our relationship to a Shakespearean Tragedy right now.’’
‘’Me? Pfft. Never. It’s all sunshine and rainbows over here.’’
Alex leans back into Kenny, resting his cheek on Kenny’s shoulder. Kenny takes the opportunity to bring a hand up and fiddle with the hair that falls around Alex’s ear. Alex as-good-as melts into him, humming at the feeling of Kenny’s hand in his hair.
‘’Okay, but like, it actually is. So… Shush.’’ Alex mumbles into Kenny’s shirt. Kenny assumes it’s meant to sound assertive, but Alex turns into something softer than a blanket when in physical contact with him. It’s one of his favourite things about Alex.
‘’Yeah, you’re right,’’ Kenny recedes. ‘’I’m barely a city-boy anymore, anyway. We can be those gay cowboys instead, but with a happy ending. Hopefully.’’
‘’Happy ending, for sure.’’ Alex replies, and smiles up at Kenny sweetly.
(drawing of snake-armed Kenny on the horse, which I'm not sure I like, but you can have it anyways.)
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butchdykenormallen · 7 months
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wayne when hy posts about his dumb rarepair that he came up with on a whim (started as a joke pair and soon grew on hymn because hys an idiot)
credit to the gif makers!
(PT ; credit to the gif makers!)
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napsaps-archive · 1 year
george: can you, like, pick me up and carry me around?
sapnap: no i can't i wish i could
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g0nta-g0kuhara · 2 months
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technovillain · 1 year
was talking to my sister abt psychonauts voice cast and i mentioned how loboto and oleander have the same VA and she was impressed by the range but was like "oh thats probably crazy because theres probably a lot of scenes where he's just talking to himself right" and i'm like.... "ehhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh" YOU'D THINK THAT WOULDN'T YOU. [ <-guy who is insane that we never see them speak to one another ]
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gravestone-sys · 3 months
"I have to see her.."
"But we'll die.."
"....I know.."
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varteeny1234 · 15 hours
Reader goes to use the Dark Oak kingdom's cobblestone farm and Viking finds them! yay
Chapters: 1/1
Words: 463
Ship: viking/reader (im not typing out the full user. no one will find this)
Extra author's note: I have written this with avid's character in mind. please use this as your last dying comfort. i sold a piece of my soul writing this. i would do numbers on wattpad
It was a new day on Skyblock Kingdoms. The sun was shining over your kingdom, and you had a happy smile on your face. You had a lot of plans for builds to work on, and were excited to get to work!
But first, you noticed, you had a lot of resources to gather. You hadn't collected any cobblestone in a while, and your backup supplies were starting to run low. You needed some for one of your projects. Luckily, you knew that there was a handy cobblestone farm over at the Dark Oak kingdom that practically everyone used!
You flew over, turned on the farm, and almost immediately you had your hands full with stacks upon stacks of blocks. It would only take a minute to fill the shulker boxes you'd brought with you.
You started to put blocks away, humming along to a tune stuck in your head, when a sudden voice from right behind you made you jump.
"Well, well. Looks like I've just caught someone using my cobblestone farm without telling me!"
It was Viking.
You stood up, pretending Viking wasn't still looming over you, and decided to play it cool. "Oh, you know, I just figured that it wouldn't take too long, and no one would notice..." You trailed off, looking anywhere but Viking's piercing gaze. His tail flicked, and he smirked. 
"Y/N, I always know. Just because I don't tell you, doesn't mean I'm not aware!" 
You squeaked in alarm. "Wh- you- what?!" Suddenly, every time you'd sneakily used the cobblestone farm (and some of the other Dark Oak farms) without telling Viking flashed through your mind in a horrible slideshow. "You always know?" You asked weakly.
Viking put a hand on your shoulder, before tracing the side of your jawline and tilting your chin upwards. "Yeah. That's what I said, Y/N! Every time you visit. Every time anyone visits, actually. No one on this server is sneaky about it."
That made you laugh, at least... even if the sudden movement caused Viking's fingertip to dig a little bit further into your skin. The tip of his claws (oh, right, he had those) poked at your neck. Had you been breathing that loudly the entire time?
You bit your lip, knowing you were blushing and incredibly obviously at that. 
But before you could do anything, Viking let you go!
"Well, enjoy your cobblestone. Nice talking to you, Y/N!" He winked, waving his goodbye as he sauntered back to wherever he'd came from. You stared, slightly dazed, as he retreated. What a strange person he was!
A moment or so later, of course, you finished putting all of the cobblestone into the shulker boxes. You'd forgotten what you'd needed it for in the first place.
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korpuskat · 3 months
I do love the idea of Ramattra gaining consciousness while on the battlefield
But I also think it'd be cute if he gained while being repaired by the mechanic who's been looking after him from the start
And, while Y/N is surprised, they accept him almost immediately once they realize this isn't some weird glitch in his system, he's really sentient now
And they just try to help him as best as they can. My heart is exploding.
"What an awful thing, to be made to hurt other"
"Is it bad? To hurt others?"
"It's horrible. Sometimes it's necessary but... It's an awful thing, violence."
"Am I bad?"
"No, you didn't know, none of it is your fault. I can't blame a cup for holding water. Please, don't ever blame yourself for any of it, Ramattra."
"... Ramattra?"
"It's what I've been calling you, I guess. It's sort of your name, or was. Now your name is whatever you want it to be"
"I... like Ramattra"
"I'm glad"
aaaaah, oh I've never really considered Ramattra awakening in a safe place? Being the first person he ever really meets, his first first contact with humanity being a positive thing???
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theogony · 5 months
just speed watched the entirety of alien stage!!! some notes on my experience
what the fuck
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