#[but if it was asked just before she dies or in the modern world verse--sesshy wins ovo]
blossomingbellflower · 4 months
Of course I will ask the obvious, who is hotter between Sesshomaru and Inuyasha?
Who's Hotter?
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"Neither. While Sesshomaru's physical appearance can be considered attractive, his manner of thinking and typical personality does not appeal to me. Both of those, however, are not entirely his fault. He is a demon of noble status and such attributes are to be expected."
Though she would be loathed to admit..that seeing him care for Rin was..a little bit attractive and heart warming.
"As for Inuyasha, his heart belongs to another...as it should be." And yet--the grief, the longing, pain and loneliness persisted in keeping her company. "Perhaps one may infer that I see him as more appealing than Sesshomaru because of our past..But because he now with another, any attractiveness that may have existed or still exists..have lessened considerably."
Kikyou had standards and principles after all. "As much as I wish it to be my first statement..I do suppose Inuyasha is the more attractive option. Even if the attachment has lessened for obvious reasons, we do--we did share time together and had a few things in common." Kikyou paused as she reflected upon the hanyou, perhaps even wistfully. Has it truly lessened or was she willfully suppressing and ignoring it ? "The bond we once shared..the time spent getting to know him..It all helps make him more alluring." With Sesshomaru, she knew very little apart from what she has observed in the small amount of time spent together. For Kikyou, looks were not enough for her to find someone 'hot'.
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"Inuyasha is the more enticing one..For now at least."
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