#[but I also 100% imagined Belle cleaning Beast's injuries after the wolf fight]
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@missallaneousmuses asked: ◄ for one muse treat the others injury caused by a third party / kali treating ghira uwu
Enemies to Lovers, Lovers to Enemies, and Everything in Between // Accepting!
Ghira Belladonna was tall and imposing, and most of the time, that kept people from bothering or harassing him.  But there would always be those who felt safety in numbers when they decided to heap abuses upon those different from them.
He'd been away from Menagerie, trying to negotiate on behalf of the White Fang, which hadn't gone as well as he'd hoped.  The leaders he'd been speaking to were hesitant to make a decision, considering the state of the rest of the world, something that frustrated Ghira.  Yes, it was important to deal with threats, but was it not equally as, if not more, important for Remnant's peoples to have the same rights?
With his meeting over, he'd boarded a ship back to Menagerie, trying to consider the best way to proceed from this point.  He'd been towards the stern of the ship, lost in thought, when he'd been jumped by four others.  They'd managed to get a few hits in, and one slashed his arm with a knife as he got over his surprise.
He let out a roar and unsheathed his claws, quickly gaining the upper hand in the fight, even as the ship's crew came running to see what the commotion was.  Those who had attacked Ghira were quickly led away as the ship pulled into Menagerie, and Ghira disembarked.  At this point, he just wanted to get HOME.
Kali was waiting for him when he got in the door, and he greeted her with a tired smile, wincing a little as he took off his coat.  Ghira saw the way Kali looked at him when she saw the gash on his arm, and he shook his head. "It's nothing; just a scratch."
She crossed her arms over her chest, and he let out a little sigh as he sat down at the table, telling her what had happened while she gathered supplies to clean his injury.
"Looks like I'm going to have to try something else," he said, and this time he winced because of what Kali was using to clean his injury.  It hurt, but he knew that it would be better in the long run after it was cleaned.  "I'm just glad they chose to attack ME and not someone else," he said, his voice soft.  He could handle that sort of thing; he'd been dealing with it his whole life, but if they'd chosen to go after a child or someone who hadn't been able to defend themselves, it could have been a lot worse.
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