#[asher f2f :: roman baudelaire :: 001]
asherbaudelaire · 1 year
Closed Starter for @werewolfroman Where: White Oaks Dive Bar *** It hasn't been a good day. Work has been slow for a while now, and every contract that has come his way has been one Asher can't afford to lose. Of course, today he lost one. It was mostly his own fault, he knows--his initial estimates were off, quote was under, the usual--but he had tried to make it work. He needed to make it work. The customer pulled out anyway.
There was nothing left to do except get well and truly shitfaced about it.
He was well on his way, too, before Roman walked into the bar. Asher does his best to ignore him for a while like he usually does, but it's like the third rule of the universe that there is no greater buzzkill than drinking in the same establishment as one's asshole dad. Resigned, he pays his tab and hits the can before heading for the door. Two steps into the parking lot and the day gets worse...
"--Are you fuckin' kiddin' me?" Asher snaps angrily, sprinting over to rip the keys from his father's hand before the older man can climb into the driver's seat of his vehicle. It's hard to tell which one of them reeks worse of cheap liquor, but even through his inebriated haze Ash can see that Roman has no business being behind the wheel at the moment. "What the hell are you thinkin' right now?"
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