#[and sarei is more.... direct ass kicking]
haisai-haitai · 6 years
You know, for modern au, I have Sarei in the army because it's the ground forces and because there's a more... idk, common man element to it? well specifically when he signed up he just went straight into infrantry, fresh out of high school, because there was nothing else for him really... nothing to really get him into other specialized branches. Nothing for him to specifally pursue in college either. No specific work he wanted to do. But he wanted out of where he was.
And idk, that commoness, that lack of being inherintely special, that almost aimlessness, but still with a goal of geting out of where he was -- that’s an element of his that I really try to keep, because as a youkai, well, Sarei is from nothing. He was considered expendible. And from being a common foot solder he rose up and made a name for himself.
And because I try to keep parallels in my OCs lives across aus, Sarei of course turns out to be quite the determined hardcore bastard. Since he’s army, well I had to look up the badasses, and I picked the Army Rangers. They're advanced light infantry. It also has the added bonus of sounding cool.
So in modern, Sarei eventually got into and then spent a good while of his career in the 75th Ranger Regiment until he got injured - because apparently to be a ranger you have to be at like 105% of your physical ability. Sadly, after the injury, Sarei was only able to recover to like 98% so couldn’t go back :(
And thus Sarei is in Japan, I think kinda helping out the JGSDF? like teaching them shit possibly... or as military police tbh idk exactly what he’s doing there but one day I will
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