#[and every time I fight I’ll just get better: lucy glitterstyle]
not-so-childsplay · 2 years
Character tags dump!
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not-so-childsplay · 2 years
[Writings - Escape]
[The whole ‘Emmet and Wyldstyle escape the cops’ scene from about 15min into TLM but Cel’s there too, just... Havin’ fun.
Word Count: 1,714 Warnings: None.]
“Be careful in there.” Cel gently punched the shoulder of her ally with a grin.
“Please.” Wyldstyle shrugged off the hit easily, not bothering to look towards her teammate. “I’ll be out with the Special in two minutes, tops.” Despite the smile she sent Cel’s way, they knew she was on the edge. She had been hunting for that relic for ages... And some random guy had just... Happened upon it. But the two had a mission to accomplish, and Wyldstyle was clinging to the hope that the Special was everything she could ever see a Master Builder as, and more.
Wyldstyle vanished into the night. Cel could just barely make out her outline as she rushed for the police station. She disappeared into the building, and the human leaned back. The city was quiet at night, nothing like the real world they once knew. The sky was pitch-black, stars only on the edges of the horizon. They looked calm to all the world, sitting on the edge of a rooftop, but they were anything but.
Their fingers gripped the Lego bricks tight, a single foot dangling in front of a hanging light. They’d been training a long time....
Not to be the Special, of course.
That may have been a far-off dream for others, but for them, it was quite literally impossible.
Wyldstyle crashed out of a vent, the Special in tow. Cel had seen him earlier while they’d been shadowing Wyldstyle at the construction site, and even now... They had to bite back a chuckle as he got his head stuck in a garbage can. He was one in a million, the person who sank into a crowd like a single needle in a haystack... But to them, he was interesting. Silly, but.... Interesting.
“We’ll build a ride out of the alleyway!” Their friend clapped her hands together, before dashing to and fro, throwing random building supplies at the other. The Special was stumbling with each new brick and piece, until he nearly fell over, only for Wyldstyle to kick her creation upwards. Hastily-constructed tires cracked against the cement as she threw the Special onboard. “Jump on, let’s go!” Wyldstyle was already in the driver’s seat of her newly-formed motorcycle, easily the size of a small house.
Time to get going.
The Special hopped aboard. Cel opened their mouth, hands cupped.
“GUN IT!” They jumped from the roof as the Special’s head spun to find the source of the voice.
Police cars burst onto the alley just as Wyldstyle gunned the engine, the Special screaming in a panic all the way. Lasers whizzed by the contraption as they crashed out onto the street, the night traffic swerving to avoid them all. Cel took to the skies, a platform of brilliant white light underfoot. 
“WOOOOOHOOOOOOOOOO!” The glow of the moon and the city’s signs was more than enough for them, having spent ages training in the darkness for a night like tonight. The stream of cop-cars was never-ending on the streets, but up here in the sky... “SAY HELLO T’HAMMER DOWN!”
They jumped off the platform. It fired beyond them, creating a shield that resembled a construction hammer. The hammer crashed into several of the police cars, immediately breaking them to pieces and pinning the robots within to the ground. Cel jumped. The hammer followed them, reforming into a platform and catching them as they took off for the motorcycle ahead.
“Watch out-- barricade!” Cel called out over their headset, not waiting for a reply from Wyldstyle. They slashed across, several vehicles crumbling apart.
“WHAT WAS THAT?!” They heard The Special scream over Wyldstyle’s headset.
“Help. We need to get to Vitruvius and tell him The Piece has been found!” They flew in low, the platform narrowing until it nearly seemed like they were riding a skateboard on air.
“They have air support! Release the copper choppers!!” Bad Cop’s voice echoed throughout the city.
“Oh, please.” Cel spun. Copters started soaring for the team, but they kicked their board up... And shot it out. It became a beam of light, crashing into the copter even as they fell. They flipped in the air, rolling onto the ground only for a comical amount of police cars to surround them.
“Put your--- hands- up!” They hesitantly commanded. Cel quirked an eyebrow.... And fired into the sky.
“GOOD LUCK MAKIN’ ME!” They were on another platform, surging after Wyldstyle and The Special. They couldn’t help but laugh.
Even from here they could see the scared confusion on The Special’s face. They raced down, hopping onto the back of the vehicle. A chain flashed to life around their waist, anchoring itself into the backseat. Wyldstyle hopped back aboard. Behind them, another surge of cops was coming in.
“Will either of you please tell me what is happening?!” The Special yelled. The smell of ash and gasoline was all Cel could gather as they turned, forming a light barrier that several cars had the misfortune of immediately crashing into.
“We’re rescuing you, sir. You’re the one the prophecy spoke of-- you’re The Special.” It was a wonder she managed to keep the jealousy out of her voice.
“....me?” Cel spun back to face the Lego with a grin.
“Well yeah! Y’found the Piece of Resistance, and the prophecy states that you’re th’most important, most talented, most interestin’ and extraordinary person in the universe. So nice!” They gave a thumbs up before turning back towards the incoming onslaught. “BRING IT ON!!”
“That’s you, right?” Wyldstyle followed up. Cel was forming spear after spear, tossing them at the opponent and grinning with each successive hit.
“Uh........yes. That’s me...” The Special replied. He was lying through his teeth. Or at least, he didn’t believe what he was saying. They turned back ‘round.
“Great! Then you drive.” Wyldstyle pulled out a grappling hook, and before The Special could argue, took off. Cel slid into the backseat, watching their ally soar towards the nearest-- copter. Guess they hadn’t taken care of all of them.
“What-?!” His hands were already on the handlebars. “AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHIWANNAGOHOMEEE!!” His scream was met with an entire house suddenly spilling onto the freeway. “THIS IS NOT WHAT I MEANT!”
Cel ducked down to avoid getting hit as they smashed through the building, sending books and bats (why bats???-) flying.
“AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!” Plates were being broken and pieces were flying. He crashed into the attic, only to immediately slam into the ceiling- more Lego bricks went flying in every direction as the two tumbled out onto the freeway once more, where Wyldstyle was attacking cops on motorcycles.
“THIS ISN’T THE TIME TO WOOT!” The Special cried out.
“Look out Special!” Wyldstyle’s cry echoed over the headset.
“Sorry!!” He had swerved into a cop motorcycle, sending it- and its rider- tumbling off the freeway. “Never driven a motorcycle! Sorry!!!” He swerved into the other. This one popped his backtire. Cel was flung out of the vehicle. They landed on another light platform, glancing back to watch as the back tire landed on a third motorcycle and grinded it to bits. They launched themself back onto the vehicle.
“For havin’ never driven a motorcycle, you’re doin’ an epic job!” They laughed.
“You think so???” The optimism was precious.
“Wow, he’s amazing!” Another cop vehicle suddenly hit the brakes, colliding with the ally that Wyldstyle was riding on. The explosion rocketed her straight onto the motorcycle with hardly any damage, pushing Cel to the side of the seat. “That was incredible! You’re even better than the prophecy said you’d be!!”
“Oh-- really?”
“Yeah-- uh-- I’m Wyldstyle.”
“Sorry, what was it?” He dodged an incoming car. The Special’s eyes were now focused on the road. Good.
“Wyldstyle.” Their friend got onto The Special’s other side. Cel moved to the rear of the motorcycle, using a few ropes of light to anchor themself so they wouldn’t get pushed around by the wind.
“What’re you, a DJ?”
“They’re a Masterbuilder, n’ I’m Cel.”
“Wait so on your birth certificate, it says-”
“Let’s not talk about my name!” Wyldstyle all but shoved her face onto The Special’s, voice suddenly tense. Cel glanced back. The rest of the police were gaining ground.
“Don’t let The Special get away!” Up ahead, a barricade- this one far bigger than the previous one. Cel formed another massive weapon, this time a bat- but Wyldstyle was already flashing around the motorcycle at lightning speed. Cel was deposited into the backseat as the vehicle bumped and rumbled.
“Hang on!”
“What’re you doing?” The Special’s confused question never got an answer.
“Let’s fly!” The vehicle flipped over once more. Cel and The Special went airborne for but a moment before Wyldstyle deposited them in the seats, of which there were now three.
“Head for the secret tunnel!” And they were airborne.
“Uh, these’re the city limits...!” The Special warned. Yep, there was a massive wall covered in signs, all reading things along the lines of ‘stay in!’, ‘don’t leave!’, ‘no trespassing!’ and the like. Cel’s bat, still flying along behind them all, soared forward- crashing into the wall and breaking it apart.
“Let’s just head for the tunnel.” Up ahead, the night sky- the ‘horizon’- opened, a swirling mass of light and color revealing itself.
“You want me to drive into that weird swirly hole??” He slammed his foot into the break. “What, are you insane???”
“Don’t brake, don’t stop, go! Go!!”
“I CAN’T DO THIS!” The Special yelled, teeth grit as he jumped from the seat. Cel grabbed him with light before he could actually escape the vehicle, pulling him back in and depositing him in his seat. “THAT IS AGAINST THE INSTRUCTIONS!!!”
Cel blinked.
This just got a lot more fun.
“Wait, what’s your favorite restaurant?” The hope was bleeding out of Wyldstyle’s voice.
“Any chain restaurant.”
“Favorite TV show?”
“Where Are My Pants?”
“Favorite song?”
“Everything is awesome~!” Cel started humming the tune under their breath, even as Wyldstyle’s soft ‘oh no’ was swept away by the wind, and they all went flying into the tunnel. The thuds and bangs of their pursuers crashing into it was muted as the momentary plane broke apart upon entry, and they all went tumbling down a brick-filled abyss.
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not-so-childsplay · 2 years
[ @verdestiny​ asked...]
‘ we’re going to get you help. ’ from lloyd to lucy!
[Outlast Starters!]
“I’ll be fine.” Even as she struggled against the gooey-pink substance, she still refused the offer. Wyldstyle worked alone, she didn’t need allies... But it didn’t take a genius to see that she wasn’t going anywhere on her own- not anytime soon. It irked her, boiled her blood, to think that she was presently stuck in this situation- forced out of her loner-style. “But we might need a few more Masterbuilders before we try to break into President Business’ office...”
At least the sirens and alarms weren’t too close. She could--- probably- hold her own if the enemy showed up. Probably. It was just her arms, she could still kick if need be- and, really, she could build... Kind of. Maybe.
She was stuck.
The black-haired gal sighed, annoyance lacing her tone. At least it was Lloyd, and not someone who’d be unbearable, like Green Lantern.
“....be quick.” That was about as much as she was willing to say to the situation. Lucy was covered in bruises from the latest attempt at President Business’ office and the Think Tank, and she was nowhere near top fighting condition... In other words, without Lloyd’s help... She was probably doomed.
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not-so-childsplay · 2 years
Headcanons - The Lego Movie Combined Timeline
This-- may get complicated.
A few minor explanations before we get started...
The Lego Void - My replacement for the human scenes in the movies. The Lego Void has a heavily increased gravity for any non-human, and has random spots where it tears into the universe, so those who exist in the Void can watch the universe’s stories in real-time. This ‘Lego Void’ is full of floating Lego/Duplo blocks (it’s called the Duplo Void in the Systar System) that have been harvested in part by Lord Business so he could build his vast empire.
Rex is not aware (in my AU) of Queen Watevra’s real plans (nor of Armamageddon), and just assumes that everything in the Systar System is out to either brainwash or kill him, Emmet, and Celexa.
I do ship Emmet x Lucy in Canon, but--- I have a crush on Emmet/Rex, so... In my AU, Emmet and Lucy do not get together- although by the end of the second movie, Lucy sees Emmet/Rex as BFFs.
The Lego Void Beast - I don’t have all the ideas down in my head yet, but I’d say it appears like the time-god-machine-monster from Sonic Generations... And that its powers rest mostly in darkness/insta-building things, as well as gravity manipulation (can you say OW).
There are (a few) ‘Verse/Ship Dependent’ things in here, but I did my best to make them as non-impactful on the story as possible, save for the final fight.
Celexa teleports into the Lego Void (my replacement for the Infinite Abyss of Nothingness’ human-realm).
Watches the world for a time from the Lego Void before seeing Wyldstyle- at the time NeverSmiles- in trouble.
Teleports out to save/help NeverSmiles- Backstory Event kicks in and they immediately lose the ability to TP/gain their light abilities.
Timeskip one year.
Emmet finds the Piece of Resistance.
Celexa and Wyldstyle tail the police back to the station.
In the night, Wyldstyle to save Emmet.
Emmet crushes immediately on Wyldstyle.
Celexa deals with the police chasing Emmet and Wyldstyle, alongside Wyldstyle.
Wyldstyle finds out fast that Emmet is completely average, cue her despising him.
The three crash through Bricksburg’s border.
They all land in The Old West, with Wyldstyle huffing off towards the nearby town while Cel stays back to exposition dump to Emmet about the Piece, the Masterbuilders, and Lord Business.
Also here, Cel has suffered a few injuries- uses some gauze (something unknown to Emmet at this time).
Emmet slow to return to Wyldstyle, crush with her has failed entirely.
Cel sneaks into town as a ‘Lego’ (light manipulation = perfect disguise minus the fact that it’s not solid woot!).
Cue them meeting Vitruvius and all going into Emmet’s mind.
Vitruvius and Cel see his potential when he’s able to manipulate his mindscape with ease.
Wyldstyle is a mix of annoyed/impressed and blames it on his very, VERY unoriginal life.
Cue chase by police.
Batman rescues them all.
The journey to Cloud Cuckoo Land takes all night (rushing through Middle Zealand as they do).
Over the course of the night, Emmet and Cel chat (after all, Lego seeing his first human is very confused). Eventually turns into a chat about belonging and the like.
Reach Cloud Cuckoo Land- Emmet delivers his (awful) speech, attack of the police again!
Meet Benny (best spaceman).
Cel captured alongside the Master Builders, captured while defending Emmet’s team as they built the submarine.
Cel awakens on the way to the Think Tank.
Jumps into the Infinite Abyss of Nothingness- awakens back in the Lego Void.
Forced to watch Emmet’s Timeline unfold until he falls in.
This plays out mostly the same as the movie until Emmet falls into the Infinite Abyss of Nothingness- save that he starts off this split a bit more despondent like the others, before pulling himself together in order to get everyone back/save the planet. SO FOR THOSE WHO DON’T REMEMBER THE MOVIE THAT WELL.
Submarine explodes, everyone saved by Emmet’s double-decker couch.
Then saved by Metalbeard after the police think Emmet is deceased/the Piece is at the bottom of the mcfUCKING OCEAN-
Emmet uses his memory of instructions to recreate an Octan spaceship with the Master Builders (after Batman steals a warp drive[?] from Han Solo).
He’s told the Piece might explode once it is reattached to the Kragle.
Everyone sneaks into Lord Business’ lair.
Benny + Metalbeard work on the tech (disabling a shield surrounding the Kragle, a device made to freeze Legos [it’s Krazy Glue]).
Unikitty and Batman (daylighting[?] as Wayne) stall Lord Business’ machine-build progress.
Wyldstyle and Emmet go to take care of the Kragle itself, with Wyldstyle taking out guards while Emmet goes into a giant vent to get to the Kragle.
Also, minor scene of Wyldstyle being forced to sing ‘everything is awesome’, and Wyldstyle reveals her real name to Emmet (it’s Lucy) before taking off for her part of the plan.
Batman handblocks Emmet.
Batman + Emmet try to destroy the Kragle, but the plan falls apart entirely (probably thanks to Vitruvius, THE BLIND MAN, being the scout).
Everyone is captured, Vitruvius reveals the prophecy about the Special was made up- and then dies.
Emmet sacrifices himself to save everyone by falling into the Infinite Abyss of Nothingness- only to end up in the Lego Void.
After Cel manages to raise Emmet’s spirits, the two jointly find a way to return from the Lego Void.
Cel goes to help the others while Emmet goes to confront Lord Business.
Emmet and Lord Business have their mega-showdown/talkdown.
Lord Business disarms the Kragle, his office explodes.
Lord Business goes to get a cure for the Kragle while everyone else repairs the damage from the war.
Once everything is repaired, they all prepare to go about their daily lives...
Only to be attacked by the Duplo-folk.
City repeatedly destroyed by Duplo-folk, five years pass and Bricksburg is now Apocalypseburg- Emmet and Cel are the only two who have not gone gritty in this time.
Attacked by General Mayhem, who kidnaps Batman, Benny, Lucy, Metalbeard, and Unikitty (who has earned an ‘Ultrakatty’ form since the first movie).
Emmet and Cel set out to save the others.
Cel presumably dies while trying to keep Emmet safe from the Glasstroids in the Stairgate.
Emmet’s exploding house-spaceship sends him flying towards an unknown world (Undar of the Dryar System, as he later learns).
Emmet spends five years seething in self-hate and pity, thinking his friends have abandoned him and he was useless in saving anyone when it came down to it.
Eventually, he manages to escape-- straight into the Lego Void.
Here, he finds the new vest/hair/etc., renames himself... And finds time travel devices lying around.
Creates the plan to go back in time and save his past self + Cel, at this point he just thinks the others were faking being kidnapped so they could avoid him.
Creates his fist-spaceship.
Travels back in time to get a team of raptors.
Trains raptors via tennis ball.
Prepares to travel forward again to save Emmet and Cel.
Emmet and Cel are saved by a stranger who quickly reveals himself to be Rex Dangervest.
Emmet does not copy Rex’s mannerisms (but he does try every here and there) as the trio make a run for the Systar System.
They decide to land on the planet of Heck Town, where Rex’s raptors are all kidnapped and (presumably) brainwashed while the trio are attacked by a flash mob singing Catchy Song (see this drabble for more details).
Cel gets injured fending the mob off, Rex saves them from breaking their skull, Emmet breaks the ground and the trio falls to another planet underneath Heck Town.
Emmet manages to find a way out for them all.
They land in a Lego supply chain on its way towards a giant star-cake at the center of the Systar System.
VERSE/SHIP DEPENDENT: Emmet/Rex realizes he has feelings for Cel.
The trio make it to the star-cake and meet up with Lucy.
Rex assumes Lucy has been brainwashed.
Lucy has to convince everyone involved that she is not brainwashed, Cel backs her up.
Rex is nervous.
Emmet crafts a plan to save them all after getting some intel from Lucy concerning the ‘phone’ device and the music that ‘brainwashes’ Legos.
Break, Lucy to deal with General Mayhem, Cel to go with Emmet in case he needs backup, Rex unknown (back to his ship).
The cake is being used as the location for a treaty-signing between Batman and Watevra.
That is, until Emmet destroys it.
Emmet destroying the cake leads to a universe-collapsing event, with everyone being pulled into the Lego Void.
VERSE/SHIP DEPENDENT: Rex/Celexa confess their feelings to Celexa/Emmet.
Emmet, Rex, and Celexa have to work together to get everyone else out of the Lego Void-- which leads to the two sides (the Systar System and Apocalypseburg) realizing the humongous misunderstanding.
When they all escape, Emmet is suddenly pulled (plot device I have no explanation) by an intense gravity to Undar.
Rex goes to save Emmet, Celexa and Lucy are not far behind.
Rex stops when he reaches the planet and realizes Celexa and Lucy followed him.
It’s revealed that Rex is Emmet from an alternate timeline, and Rex figures that he’ll now disappear (although he’s a bit suspicious of Lucy, always will be), since Emmet is going to be saved in this timeline.
The gravity of Undar suddenly reverses, trying to expel Rex, Lucy, and Celexa.
Cue final fight against the Lego Void, which has materialized due to wibbly-wobbly-timey-wimey shenanigans to set the timeline straight.
VERSE/SHIP DEPENDENT: Celexa risks their life to save Emmet/Rex from the Lego Void Beast (both nearly die in the process).
Upon its defeat, Lego bricks start spewing everywhere on the planet.
The team escapes- injured but alive- and returns to the mass of others that were unable to fight back against the gravity effects of the Lego Void.
They all move to a new section of the universe, and rebuild afresh with Syspocalypse Star.
The planet Undar is now a source for resources for Syspocalypse Star, although only Emmet/Celexa/Rex/Lucy ever gather resources from there (this has become their collective job) since everyone else is unable to move upon reaching the intense gravity of the planet.
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