#[also there absolutely has to be more of the ship than we saw in-game lol the numbers don't add up.]
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kleinewahines · 2 months ago
@serabellyms | Kat Shepard + Kaidan Settling Dust Prompts [Always Accepting] [ AWAKE ]: the sender, unable to sleep, gets up to go for a walk, and finds that the receiver is also unable to sleep. + REVERSE
Kaidan was not entirely certain what had woken him up. There was nothing inherently different about sleeping on the SR-2 than there had been on the SR-1. The Normandy, for all that, was a space faring vessel and had all the hallmarks of said same. He knew that Tali had once commented that the Normandy was too quiet. The kind of quiet you only got if something was actually wrong with the ship.
But Kaidan had been through 'there's something wrong with the ship' once before. It had been loud. Heart-stopping, heart-wrenching, heart attack inducing.
So, if not the ship itself... why?
It had taken a number of months for Kaidan to get back into a proper sleep schedule after the Normandy went down over Alchera.
A soft sigh. He shook his head as he sat on his bunk, legs hanging over it with feet flat on the floor.
Even the air on the SR-2 was wrong. Kaidan put his face in his hands, sighing softly. Which was silly, right, because it was all just recycled oxygen? Maybe they used a different formula of air purifier than the Alliance did for the SR-1.
None of the tricks he had learned in the last two years were any help to him. 'Should see a shrink' had been floated numerous times but honestly? He could do his own sanity checks, thank you. He knew the problem for his insomnia and it was not going to get fixed by telling a stranger the woman he had come to love was dead. And... maybe... maybe he had a bit of a grudge against the whole profession after Brain Camp.
If the problem was gone, however, what prompted the sudden waking? Nothing was wrong that he could tell (especially after the Sentinel checked his omni-tool).
Exhaling, he got to his feet and just... wandered a little through the ship after quickly throwing on his BDUs. It was the graveyard shift so most of the crew was asleep. He wandered to the mess hall but paused when he caught sight of the very cause of his two years of insomnia. Things were... a little level now but there were still some awkward moments to get past. And he certainly was not about to give Kat the reason why he was used to these forays.
Instead he offered something of a smile before lowering into a seat at the large table off-set from the kitchen proper. He was not even hungry like a biotic of his caliber should be. It just seemed like the place to go in his wanderings.
"I won't ask the obvious question," he said, voice neutral. "But I will point out there's only room for one person with sleeping problems and I claimed that a long time ago."
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reedfulton · 11 months ago
hii!! I was wondering if we can get some of your charlie/fulton hcs, or just about them in general. I saw on your fulton rarepairs post that they were one of your pairs and i’d love to hear more on what you have to say about them (bc you didn’t get to in the post) bc I really love them and their paring.
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omg absolutely!! sorry, i've totally abandoned tumblr because of school commitments and stuff so i hope this ask isn't too old lmao. but anyway, here are some of my hcs for them!! they're one of my favorite pairs ever and i'm honestly very surprised that more people don't ship them.
i've always said that i think they're childhood friends. i think i posted something about it a long time ago and then proceeded to not elaborate on it, but i always thought that fulton's home life wasn't great and so he was kind of allowed (or forced) to wander minneapolis/stillwater just to get out of the house. i did the math at one point and realized that the diner that casey works at is kind of in-between the heart of minneapolis and stillwater, so it wouldn't be insane to think that fulton might have ended up at the diner a lot as a kid. i think he and casey became 'friends' first (casey practically adopted him) and then when casey brought charlie to the diner because she didn't have anyone to watch him, they became fast friends
their friendship started off so well because fulton was extremely shy and charlie could talk to a brick wall and make good conversation, so charlie didn't really expect anything from fulton and fulton has no problem sitting and listening and retaining information from stories and stuff. that's kind of how their relationship works too lmao. charlie's always talking about random things and his wikipedia deep dives and hockey stats and fulton will definitely talk back if he has something to say, but sometimes charlie just needs a sounding board and fulton is more than happy to be that for him (and charlie is very impressed with all the random stuff fulton remembers just because charlie's the one that told him)
fulton's had a crush on charlie since they were in peewees. i don't think they were still super close when fulton joined the ducks, but they definitely still spoke to each other in class and stuff, and fulton joining sparked their friendship (and fulton's feelings for charlie) again. it's a super cute puppy-love kind of crush, and fulton has absolutely no clue how to deal with it lol. it's also definitely why fulton was watching the D5 games before he ever joined the team, and why he was so ready to fight the hawks the second he had the opportunity.
they definitely have one of those relationships where most people can't even tell if they're best friends or dating. they don't really do PDA (other than charlie laying on him like a cat, which he also does with a lot of people), and 'dude' is their main term of endearment in public lol.
casey LOVES fulton so much it's insane. charlie jokes that when they come home for breaks, she's more excited to see fulton than she is to see him and hes right
fulton's the little spoon but he'd kill anyone that ever found out
charlie is exactly 3 inches taller than fulton and it pisses fulton off to NO END. charlie knows this and definitely teases him about it.
i think once charlie bulks up a bit (probably like junior/senior year) they get to a point where they can wear each other's clothes and then just. never stop. at this point they don't even know who's clothes originally belonged to who anymore.
their first kiss happens after a game where charlie got injured and fulton felt so bad that he couldn't do anything about it that he's fussing over charlie in the locker room afterwards and bumbling his way through apologizes and charlie just. kisses him to shut him up as a funny haha joke but then realizes how fulton reacted to it and is like "oh shit this is actually A Thing"
fulton fell first charlie fell harder
they don't do PDA but they're all over each other the second they're alone. both of them have definitely made the other one irish goodbye at multiple events just so they can go home and make out and cuddle
sorry if these make ZERO sense i definitely was Not writing these at work :D. but i love talking about them so thank you so much for this ask! if you have any other prompts or ideas for them or anything do not hesitate to reach out, now that my semester is over and i'm just working full-time i totally have extra time and want to be more active on here :]
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ryuichirou · 1 year ago
Today’s replies are mostly about our previous posts…
Anonymous asked:
Ryu??? Your last TreyRiddle fanart????? I've been starved of content of that ship and you deliver such delicious food??? Thank you so much!!! I bet Riddle is dying to bury his head between Trey's tiddies (who wouldn't??) Wonderful work!! Looking forward to see more of them in your style in the future ❤️❤️❤️
Anonymous asked:
Riddle has been getting a lot of extra attention as of late not that I'm complaining boy needs some love~
HEHEHE I’ve told you, you never know when the mood for certain ships is going to hit us~ We’ve been thinking about these two (…and about Trey and Riddle too! *very clever tiddies joke*) a lot this past week.
I’ve already mentioned it, but we’re rewatching the main story, slowly but surely. And it’s a great opportunity to get inspired to draw the boys that we haven’t touched in a while. And Riddle deserves all the love!!
I’m very happy you’re happy to see them, and also happy to deliver <3
Anonymous asked:
Floyd jelly Trey and chenya are pleasuring his man
To be honest, I don’t know if Floyd would be jelly. It’s one of many things in Floyd like that  which depend on his mood. Maybe he’d feel like something of his is getting stolen, but maybe he’ll just take it as a reason to tease Riddle more + an excuse to cling to him and harass him~
Anonymous asked:
I saw your Lilidia artwork and now all I can think of is how good Lilia would look in a thong.
Please don’t let Lilia find out about it, he’ll genuinely consider wearing it… it’s not cutesy enough for him probably, but his flat-ass butt deserves it lol
masked-cat asked:
Do you ship Azul/idia and Lilia/idia separately or does Azul run a rental service? Lol
If only… If only Azul knew how popular Idia’s going to be… IF ONLY!!! Missed business opportunity!!1 lol
In all honesty it depends; sometimes they coexist, because none of them actually date each other yet, so it’s just a mix of complicated feelings between all of them. Sometimes they coexist because Azul, while being extremely jealous, knows better than to challenge Lilia. Sometimes they don’t coexist lol
Oh, I actually have a reply on this topic!
Anonymous asked:
in Rookvil marriage, Epel probably only gets to be flower boy because Rook is decided to be Vil's right man
Oh Epel is going to be so pissed lol Sorry, Epel, we can’t trust you with anything other than throwing flowers.
Anonymous asked:
Vil treats Jack and Ortho better than Epel XD
Of course he does, Jack and Ortho are good boys ❤️
I really love how in Vil’s mind the first years are a young potato #1, a young potato #2, a tiny potato, aw these two good boys, and a fucking CUCUMBER.
Anonymous asked:
So Rook is gonna be involved in the Tweels and Azul's life now that Vil is part of Shroud and how Idia is part of them?
(this is related to this reply)
Now that’s a sitcom I would absolutely watch lol But I’m afraid everyone would just be freaked out by Rook. No one knows why he’s always here, but he just is, and even if he isn’t, you know he’s lurking around. Vil is used to it, Ortho doesn’t mind it, Idia is terrified but that’s nothing new, but the Tweels and Azul would probably be very uncomfortable lol
Anonymous asked:
If Jamil and Ruggie knows about Azul's jealously, they will likely mess with him by being boyfriends together in front of Azul making him more irritated.
(this is related to this reply)
Oh they don’t care about Azul that much (OHHHHH--)
But it would definitely be funny and also could be a nice punishment if Azul becomes too clingy lol The problem with Azul is that he won’t just tolerate it peacefully, so it’s a dangerous game to play with him…
Anonymous asked:
Rook must love that he gets to see both his stalkees at the same time whenever Neige is on the hunt for more Vil pics and stuff
(this is related to this reply)
Yeah, this is always Rook’s happiest time of the day… The whole situation is quite amusing, but the fact that it’s Roi du Neige who stalks Vil… Honestly it would probably overwhelm Rook, but in a good way (so bad for Vil lol).
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beevean · 2 years ago
I came across your IDW post about which ships have been teased in the comic so far, and something that I always find.... surprising, I guess, is that fans do not seem to notice or care just how many ones contain Sonic. One day Sonic gets carried bridal style by Shadow and bam they're bfs now it's canon Sega approved this everybody!!!!!!! The next Blaze is making googly eyes at him and Sonaze canon everybody!!!! Sonic held Lanolin's hand it's canon!!!!!!! Amy is gushing and blushing and oh my god it is totally canon!!!!!!!! (Where, funnily enough, Sonic carrying Amy bridal style elicited much less of such a reaction than Shadow carrying Sonic did in the It Is Canon Now debate, at least from what I could tell on Tumblr. Though considering this is Tumblr, I can think of some reasons, lol.) This happens in the games as well, except the fact I do feel those lean a lot less into deliberate ship teasing like the comic does.
And you know.... if there is so much to be teased in IDW and so much "canon" and every single issue at this point contains a different character for Sonic to be making his smug face at while they simp and/or get all tsundere... maybe it is a clear sign that all this means nothing and is only put in to make fans go "!!!!!! THEY APPROVED MY SHIP I AM SUPERIOR NOW TO ALL OTHER SHIPS CUZ IT IS IN OFFICIAL [*cough, cough*] MEDIA!!1!!1" as opposed to actually going anywhere for Sonic ship-wise? Not that the fans will ever realise that, sigh.
I noticed, actually. The only non-Sonic ships that so far have been teased are Whispangle (and how), Knuxamy in #62, and absolutely accidentally Staregg in the MV arc lol (I don't care how accidental it was, Staregg OTP in my heart :< starline totally wanted to clap those eggcheeks don't @ me)
I think I saw a tweet jokingly calling Sonic a slut when #63 dropped? Don't quote me on that though, I don't remember the phrasing but it was a joke about how many people he has flirted with recently lol (including the heavy Sonknux vibes of Frontiers)
(it's also funny that Sonamy gains far less traction than all those other ships lol. Maybe it's because it's almost "canon" and so not as interesting. Or maybe we know why :^) )
But yeah. I understand enjoying the crumbs of ship teasing, I really do, especially for the minor ones such as Sonaze (Sonanolin is kinda funny though lol, I doubt that one has many fans). But there's a difference between "HOLY SHIT THEY HELD HANDS THAT'S CUTE" and "HOLY SHIT THEY HELD HANDS IT'S TOTALLY CANON GUYS!!!". And cynically, the overabundance of teases involving Sonic can be explained as 1) him being the protagonist and the more interesting character to ship, to generate views and attention (only, like, 6 people cared about the Knuxamy tease and i was one of them), and 2) the dude is so irrelevant in his own comic that this is the best they can think for him. The OCs deal with a semi-serious plot, and the titular character protagonist of the massive franchise IDW Sonic is attached to is reduced to shallow fanfic fuel. Granted, I'll take slut Sonic over Preachy Pope Sonic any time of the day, but you get what I mean.
The Sonadow teasing is IMO the worst. Sonic emotionally manipulates Shadow in #6 by making leverage on the way he had been twisted to carry out Gerald's evil plans? OMG THEY'RE TOTALLY SHARING BEDROOM EYES SONIC SO WANTS TO FUCK HIS BF <3 Shadow is an utter cunt for the entirety of the Chao Racing arc? AWWWWW MY LITTLE GAY BABIESSSSSSS SONIC IS SO HAPPY TO FALL IN HIS ARMS AS SHADOW INSULTS HIMMMMM <3 NVM THAT SHADOW SAID IN #19 THAT SONIC DESERVED TO BE PAINFULLY INFECTED <3 <3 <3 And you know what I also roll my eyes at "I heart you too Shadow" from Prime, for how out of context it was taken. I didn't watch Prime in full, but I did read IDW, and there is no way you can see a healthy chemistry between Sonic and Shadow if you actually pay attention to the whole story and dialogue. ... the fact that Flynn hosted a whole Bumblekast episode dedicated to Sonadow at the end of Pride Month also doesn't help, he deliberately fanned the flames because he knew how much his fans would eat from his hand :\
As for the games, yeah, the ship teasing is usually played for laughs or subtle and understated. Amy went from comically chasing Sonic, to having more serious moments such as her hugging him in the ending of Frontiers. Knuckles and Rouge had some odd tension by the end of their arc in SA2. Sonic and Blaze had that whole "slowly holding hands" moment at the end of Rush. Sonic and Elise... yeah that one took a decade to be accepted for how prominent it is. ShTH is still the king of teasing ofc :P the series is mostly about friendship, not romantic love.
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reijndeers · 1 year ago
ooh for that question game, øde and leo?
oooh thank you!! i’ll do them both separately under the cut:
øde first!
favorite thing about them
oh there’s so many things i could say about him. his smile, his laugh. the way he coped so beautifully with being in the spotlight way younger than a person should be. the way he loves arsenal and the way he captains us. his taste in music and films (the intouchables is the best french film ever made). the way he plays when he’s having a good day. the way he sounds absolutely insane sometimes when talking about his training routines and has to reassure the interviewer that he’s alright when they get concerned 😭😭 also the way he interacts with his teammates definitely it seems like they get a completely different version of him than what we see lmao
least favorite thing about them
there’s really not a lot lol but probably his media training. lord, the day he lets himself speak his mind is the day i die happy.
favorite line
the whole of his players’ tribune because it made me cry 😭😭 also him pointing to the completely wrong place in his hood and confidently saying ‘the oil is… it’s here.’ lmao 
oooh aaron/martin is very funny to me. aaron keeps switching between bullying him and acting like he’s god’s gift to the world every 5 seconds and martin is just eternally kind to him lol they have a cute dynamic
spent 5 years deliberating between a million ships (i have way too many rarepairs of this guy) but probably leo/martin they’re too cute man 💗 
there’s none i dislike, but i don’t really care for martin/declan sorry! not for me and i honestly couldn’t tell you why, i just avoid it lol
random headcanon
he is the lightest of lightweights 😭 and that he plays piano to relax but would rather die than play in front of anyone lmao
unpopular opinion
not sure how unpopular this is but he was/is put on a pedestal wayyy too much. it feels like a decent match for him is an excellent one for any else, and a ‘shit’ performance by him is a decent one by anyone else. i get so irritated whenever i see him be criticised for not creating when he scores, and then when he creates chances he gets criticised for not scoring :,)
as a person though, i feel like people make him out to be much more calm and sweet than he actually is lol. less so nowadays but he's definitely an emotional person? but more angry and passionate emotional than sad emotional ygm?
song i associate with them
you’re on your own kid by taylor swift, amoeba by clairo, and bhasseraah by racha rizk 🫶
favorite picture of them
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one of the first photos i saw of him and definitely my favourite. no contest. he’s such a loser i absolutely adore him.
trossibop here:
favorite thing about them
so many things here too, but definitely the way he looks exactly like a disgruntled raccoon all the time 😭😭 also how he manages to be so subtly catty all the time but gets away with it because his voice is sweet and he’s 5 feet tall. oh my god his voice is beautiful too. also he’s from maasmechelen which is basically in the netherlands so he’s basically dutch please leo transfer to our national te-
least favorite thing about them
sometimes when he plays i feel like tearing my eyes out (but ig that’s a given with this team) also the lack of dutch he speaks bro please 
favorite line
from this video where kt is bullying the host and he so sweetly says ‘5/10 he’s never kicked a ball!’ and proceeded to get jumped lmao
hmmm probably him and ben they both mesh well with each other imo!! loved their interview together and they were both cute at brighton but honorary mention to him and kai solely bc they both look generations older than they should and their height difference makes me laugh
i already said leo/martin so i’ll go with leo/kieran this time because they’re so cute!! they balance each other out so well and they mimic each others movements like they’ve known each other for years which is so adorable to me lol
saw him and eden hazard and recoiled so hard 😭😭
random headcanon
he was definitely an emo kid when he was younger. i know he hissed at people on the playground and that. in all fairness if i was born with a white streak in my hair and eyebags like his i would hiss at people too. similar vein but i know he pretended he was a vampire when twilight came out.
unpopular opinion
probably unpopular idk but i much prefer him being subbed on than him starting… he always does way better when he’s subbed on!
song i associate with them
there’s a beautiful song/chant on spotify of trossard on the wing by ario brady which is cute and also drank & drugs by lil kleine 😭 (just trust me if you’ve seen any videos of him drunk it makes sense) and try again by jaehyun!!
favorite picture of them
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very old and low quality but he looks so cute 😭😭
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i cannot express what this photo means to me. him in interviews is soooo amazing to me i have no idea why. love him.
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hijinks-n-lowjinks · 6 months ago
for the choose violence ask game:
how about 1, 6, 7, 8, 10, 18, 21 annndddddd 22
that was a lot lmao so feel free to skip/ignore some of these if u want
Yes yes yes thank you for giving me so many!!!! I love giving my opinion!!!! And I saw your second ask about how you meant to add that this is for jjk, not to worry lol
1. The character everyone gets wrong
My first instinct is to always say Gojo, but I also think Megumi is pretty misunderstood. It’s pretty rare that I find a fic where I think the author gets his personality down without digging too deep into one stereotypical archetype. That’s why I don’t read but jjk fanfiction :////
6. Which ship fans are most annoying?
Oof that’s a tough one. I mostly stay out of shipping discourse and I tend to like the most popular ships so I don’t get irritated by a lot. But it’s the straight shippers who insist that a character isn’t gay because of convoluted reasons or because they said a girl was pretty one time. Like that doesn’t mean they aren’t queer lol. Just say you’re homophobic and move on.
7. What character did you begin to hate not because of canon but of how the fandom acts about them?
None. I’m pretty unaffected by fandom interpretations of character tbh. I know the true, real gospel of jjk so other interpretations are just false prophets spreading heretical nonsense. Like the fandom can get annoying af about Gojo but that doesn’t make me like him any less. I know his purpose and personality as a character so that’s all that matters to me.
Oh but it does annoy me how some people think Mai’s actions are excusable because of her backstory. Nah, she’s a bitch, but thats okay that she’s a bitch!!!! Her and Maki had the same background and yet she’s the worst!!!! I’m okay with her sucking, her backstory makes her more interesting, but like. Acknowledge that she’s also out of line a lot of the time (I don’t hate her though. I just don’t like her).
8. Common fandom opinion that everyone is wrong about
Idk if this is exactly common, but I’ll see a lot of skits on tiktok where someone like Gojo or Nobara will tease Megumi about his feelings for Yuuji and he just…. acts so weird and obvious about it. Or he overreacts and is super dramatic. That’s not my boy. He would act is ASS off to be perceived as unaffected by the teasing and to try and play off his feelings as not a big deal. He’s a tsundere but like a laid back casual tsundere.
10. Worst part of fanon
People having different opinions than me hahdjsnhajs I’m right all the time and anyone who disagrees with me is just not as enlightened as I am.
18. It’s absolutely criminal that the fandom has been sleeping on….
Yukiiiiiii. She’s my girlfriend and I love her. We need more content of her. Like everyone knows she’s hot (obviously) but we need more discussions and fics and fanlore about her past and her personality. Also more chosoyuki please.
21. Part of canon you think is overhyped
Junpei’s death. To be fair, I was spoiled for it so I knew he was going to die from the beginning, but I didn’t have much of an attachment to him other than that I liked Yuuji’s friendship with him. I felt really bad for him, but I was more upset with how Yuuji was going to take his death/transfiguration than the actual event itself.
22. Your favorite part of canon that everyone else ignores
That jjk is an enjoyable story lol.
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bandtrees · 7 months ago
giggles phone or giggles type?
send me a character and i'll...
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UNDER THE CUT! THIS GOT LONGGGGGG. i could go on for so much longer but i physically cannot tear my eyes away from puff streaming mario
Sexuality Headcanon: ANYTHING THAT MOVES, BAYBEE!!! (in particular i'm fond of them having a kind of aromantic thing going on, in a 'doesn't feel romantic attraction, ie doesn't experience crushes or anything, but still ends up in relationships that get forged over time' sense, if that makes sense lol. i don't tend to label my sexuality/etc headcanons but i suppose you'd call them aro-bi or something adjacent.)
Gender Headcanon: gingi is gingi. i default to they/them pronouns for them but i reckon they don't actually care that much lol. i also don't see their head type, which i imagine they can vary, as having much tie to gender/pronouns/presentation at all. it probably means, in their weird green little brain, something incredibly esoteric and specific that none of us humans can comprehend
A ship I have with said character: ghaahh is All Of Them an option? all of the datables have such good dynamics i feel weird comparing em, lol. normgingi, in a sort of queerplatonic marriage sense, i'm especially fond of as a ch3 enjoyer. but all of them really make me smile. even non-datables, gingi is really fun to stick next to just about any character lol. i'm really excited for roger dlc and to have More characters to smush them up against
A BROTP I have with said character: guys i go absolutely bananas, very specifically, over the vision i have in my brain of a gingi+callum friendship. i both love them coexisting just, like, thematically, and literally - in ch3, compared to norm and mingus, gingi is the one to think of callum for who he really was: for better and worse, gingi is a very honest and simple person, and i think that kind of person who will accept him for who he is currently, rather than constantly mourning who he used to be, would be good for callum. i have a very sweet scene in my head of gingi visiting him, much to mingus' worry, and then they just. chill very pleasantly by his side. it makes me smile lots
A NOTP I have with said character: ...mmmmm uhhh uhhhhhh...???? i don't really have one? none that i see around that i would have that strong of opinions on. i once saw them x theoroar in like a yandere sense but i cant even be mad at that one thats just really funny
A random headcanon: you can tell, looking through my dt tags, the MOMENT i became enlightened about fat gingi. i know it doesn't really fit textually, they're often described as pretty scrawny, but it just makes me smile. and it's fun to draw. the joy of six moobs.
General Opinion over said character: MY FAVORITEST DIALTOWN CHARACTER EVERRR EVER SINCE WE STARTED THIS GAME 💚💚💚 dt has such a varied and fun cast and i adore them all - but gingi themself meshes with all of them so well and is so fun to read in every situation. i was very very charmed by dt's sense of humor, as it reminded me a lot of mid-2010s humor i liked a lot when i was younger, and gingi's the best show of that. i read their dialogue in the inflection of friends i had in middle and high school. they're just so smile-inducing to read goofing around and i adore them so much. they warm my heart in every scene they're in. their energy makes me so happy and is very fun to read. and this isnt even touching upon how excellently i think they're written - how their humanity is shown time and time again despite the game's premise hinging on "funny weird inhuman thing" - as you care more about dialtown's story and populace, you care about gingi as a "person" more and more. and that's why mingus' plan is so cruel. it's put together so well :'D gingi in ch3 in general i could dedicate so much analysis to. i love the development of this lil green freak so much.
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aceofstars16 · 8 months ago
1-3, 5-7, and 27-30 for the Star Wars Rebels ask, please?
Well I forgot to answer this but I saw it now and my brain isn't giving me the writing vibes (even though I want to write) so I will finally attempt to answer! xD
Also apparently I can't just put 1. without it making it a list so...uh...that's annoying...
One: What is your absolute favorite episode of the show?
Oh man....it's been so long hnnng, I might go with Flight of the Defender...that's the one where Sabine and Ezra steal that ship in S4 right? Though a lot of season 1 makes me happy so...honestly a lot of those could fit too...there are too many good episodes xD
Two: Which episode did you not like at first, but grew on you after one or more rewatches?
I cannot remember the name, but the Purgil one, I didn't love it but then my sister just...it's the only episode she remembers and she just says "the space whales one!" and I just...really like it now xD
Three: How do you feel about the Ahsoka show being live-action Rebels season 5?
Ha....haha...ha...I don't really like it...first, it should've been animated and second I...I think the Sabine being force sensitive is the stupidest idea ever I'm sorry but not actually sorry.
Five: If you could change one (non-death-related) plot point in the show, what would you change?
*eye twitches in still annoyed by what they did to Kanan* but aside from that...make Kanera less...weird in the last season, just...have them be secretly married this whole time, because that just...makes more sense than them being awkward
Six: What are your two favorite ships from the show (canon or not)?
HAHAHAHA I'll just...
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And Kanera side from the weirdness of S4, but yeah...Sabezra ALL the way, like...if you knew me back in the day...I wrote SO MUCH of them lol
Seven: Who is one character you feel isn't appreciate enough by the fandom?
Uhhhh...bro I actually don't know lol I mean I like Jai so....maybe him? Or Zare cause he had that book series that was actually pretty interesting
Twenty Seven: Which plot point do you wish the show had expanded on?
It's been a while but...probably the loth wolves and...all that, like S4 had so much that was just like "what?" and then we never saw it again
Twenty Eight: Favorite recurring character?
Hahaha....I'm going Hondo cause I love that space pirate xD
Twenty NIne: Favorite piece of music from the show?
Hold on, I gotta find it..."Journey Into the Star Cluster", it's not even my fave episode but like...one day I had it on and it was raining and I literally felt like I was in a Nancy Drew game it was just, amazing
Thirty: Most under-rated episode?
The way I want to say the Purgil episode again lol...but maybe the third episode? When Ezra and Zeb steal the tie fighter? I don't know that one is just fun and I love how the tie comes in at the end of the season again haha
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hedghost · 2 years ago
Understandable lol but from a United fans view why are the players getting such different treatment when they left for the same reason?
no literally! people have just turned on lessi for some fucking reason and it's honestly horrible to watch. i think the main difference is that united is lessi's childhood team, and barca is ona's, so ona is going home, whilst less is supposedly leaving it.
that being said, i think there's clearly something going on that we don't know about, and even if there isn't, i personally don't see a huge problem with alessia's decision, since united doesn't seem serious with all these last minute offers. i've seen a lot of bad takes and a lot of good ones, so i won't dive back into those, but i'd say, as much as i'd love for her to stay, and as much as i hate to see her go to a rival, united has shown us all that they don't take this team seriously, and so we can't punish players for seeking development elsewhere.
i also think, technically, ona is a better and far less replaceable player than lessi. her impact on the team has been immense, and we leave a big, big hole without her there. i do think lessi is great, and she'll also be missed if we don't replace her, but, ona was a whole other level. lessi was good this season, i love watching her play, but personally i don't think the midfield we play with allows her to get her full potential. she's good, but ona is groundbreaking. i think most united fans would agree on this, and if i'm honest it's giving the people who've turned on lessi a lot of ammo, and maybe the reason for some difference between the treatment of her and ona.
in the same way that arsenal fans switched on lessi towards the middle of the season, then switched back when they found out she was likely going there, some of the united fans who used to defend her have now seem to have switched too.
arsenal fans i can give the benefit of the doubt for saying she 'doesnt score that much' if they're only looking at stats, but for united fans to start using the same point is baffling to me. i'm not sure how you could be a united fan and think that the only thing less brings to the table is goals, when her style of play is clearly so much more than that.
as much as it sucks, i can't fault the players for deciding to move on, and i can't fault the fans being upset. i get it, i am too. they're great players and great people, we don't want to lose them. but like you say anon, the different treatment i absolutely can fault. calling less a snake, or a money-grabber, senidng her death threats etc.etc. is, in my eyes, way too far past the line of a good football rivalry, especially since anyone with half a brain can tell there's more to it than that. don't get me wrong, i believe rivalry is important, and fun. if i saw less play for arsenal at lsv, i would probably join in with the booing. not out of hate, but because it's fun, and its the done thing, and alessia is a grown woman who would understand that. she'd probably laugh. i'd want her to do badly that one game, and then when she isn't playing my team she can go back to being my favourite. but yeah, the attitudes of certain united fans i do not like at all, and that's what's getting to me about the whole thing.
from my perspective, the club has serious problems - which we've seen countless times in regards to countless other players: letting AG and LJ go, letting Jackie go and then not letting her say goodbye, Skinner's eyeroll at Garcia, the absolute lack of rotation, the slow negotiation with Ona and Lessi, potentialy not being able to keep Mary, signing players like Leon and then shipping them off on loan, VBR being on the bench, and now VBR potentially being shipped off to Italy?? - and so i will absolutely not be blaming any of them who want to leave, childhood club or otherwise, and especially not when it's the two players who have given us so much.
anyone who wants to be a dick can be a dick sure, but like, i just think it's fucking stupid.
Ona and Less will both hold a special place in my heart, regardless of where they are, and I will be supporting them both. I truly don't belive either of them took this decision lightly, and I don't want to hear all the negativity.
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vole-mon-amour · 2 years ago
1x03, rewatch, part 1.
I keep forgetting how awfully mean Rebecca is in s1! Wow, she is something else.
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this freaking show <3
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the fact that from the very beginning Jamie is presented as their best player aka "they know he's the best & they'll follow him". fast forward to "you've made him a team player" and during it he kinda lost his greatness. the fact that even Roy was like, "be a jerk when the situation needs it to be!" (2x06 if I remember correctly, correct me if i'm wrong) the fact that Roy was one of the first people who believed in Jamie when even Ted and Beard didn't think Jamie can score and win the game for them. Roy still did bc Roy knew him longer & knew Jamie's potential. Roy and Jamie's dynamic was absolutely unhinged from the very beginning, and I love that.
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MY BABIES. the way Keeley looks at him. gosh, I miss this ship. ot3 can be so great, c'mon!!
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''star player" Jamie is just sooo <3 also, the fact that Keeley just knows Jamie's reaction. like, for how long were they together at this point? i don't think we learned about that. Jamie loved her very, very much & i feel like he still does in s3, he's just being very accountable and decent on that point.
and Keeley dating Jamie in s1 not bc she's bored or bc she wants the same attention Jamie gets. she genuinely, truly loves knows and love him.
seriously, ot3 would WORK. like, I'm all in for RoyJamie, but if they add Keeley into that & Jamie gets to love her again, I wouldn't be exactly complaining.
on that mental thing though: i do wish Jamie got into therapy sooner. there is so much trauma in that boy & he deserves the absolute best.
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and people in s3 screamed that Keeley's bisexuality came out of nowhere lol. she was fascinated with Rebecca since 1x01, and her AND Ted giving Rebecca those compliments really is telling.
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please and thank you. this is self-indulgent for when s3 ends.
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I LOVE THIS SHOW SO MUCH. also, Jamie. <3
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can you BELIEVE what these two have become in s3? can you?
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like, Jamie constantly tries to ignore Ted's motivational speeches and takes selfies in the locker room. just... yeah, kiddo. you're gonna be a star one day, but not in the way you can imagine, not yet.
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wheezing. oh baby boy. :') I wonder how many takes it took them for Phil to throw the book right into trash can and make it look like Jamie did it on his first try.
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for later.
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Jamie and his bitchy mouth. :')
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is it me or is Roy more timid at some point in s1 than in s2 and s3? he's not sure whether he should voice his opinion, he isn't often looking for a fight unless he's really mad, and he won't make commentaries like "this is a pretense conversation and i'm trying to pretend that i give a shit." Roy that once considered the best, then Jamie came up, became the best and they were bickering ever since. then Roy finds himself in coaching and no longer has to compete with Jamie, even finds a good friend in him, and things change drastically. he's so much more confident later on in the show.
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and Ted SAW it and pushed him. hell yeah.
damn it, there is SO much in Roy and Jamie's relationship since day ONE.
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misc-magic · 11 months ago
JJK vol 8: in which we go back to the past!
Though first we have Itadori recognizing the girl from his school even though she looked completely different 😭 what a good kid
But then we're hit with the Gojo and Geto backstory. This beginning part is all well and good.
I was like I'm not gonna include the epic entrance that's silly but then I saw Geto's and I was like... okay.
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We got Mr Annoying on one side and Mr Cool As Fuck on the other side. Like how am I supposed to deal with these two fools huh? It's bad enough having Gojo in the current time with Itadori & co while Geto only shows up occasionally to be a villain. But when they're like this? Going around and working together but still having that tension and omg it's no wonder I freakin' ship these two.
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SEE. And then there's THIS iconic moment! I swear I've seen the anime gifs of this part so many times but of course because LOOK AT THEM. And it's so interesting to read the manga now because it just kinda locks in the story for me, you know? Just before this, Geto is telling Gojo that jujutsu sorcerers exist to protect non-jujutsu users. And you know what happens later, but it's still so interesting for him to say that.
I just really like the way these characters grow. It isn't just fighting because it's cool (though there is some of that), they all have really fascinating character arcs to go along with their phenomenal cosmic powers. Don't get me wrong, Gege Akutami is an absolute plague but he's a good writer.
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Three panels I particularly enjoyed. I love Riko. Someone needs to tell Gojo what a simpleton he is. Because look at him taking his glasses off at the request of a gaggle of middle schoolers like c'mon man. He infuriates me, but at least when he's older he's more tolerable. He was way worse in high school. But I'll cut him some slack 'cause most teenagers are terrible in my experience. And then OH yeah Kuroi just clocking that guy in the nuts with a mop. What a badass.
Anyway, a lot happened in this volume and I was loving all of it. It's honestly hard not to take pictures of like every page adlkdfj. I never meant to even start doing that but I was like okay but this part!!! lol.
And of course I'd be remiss if I didn't mention Toji being himself... and then that part at the very end where he's got that sword in Gojo's gut and he's just like it's cool I don't always remember names either. I mean. Damn.
We also had Todo and Mei Mei recommending all the kids to be grade 1 sorcerers and then playing table tennis about it later. I just think it's so funny the way this story has this juxtaposition of like completely bonkers things like curses and epic showdowns right next to totally mundane things like a game of ping pong and seeing a girl from your old school. I don't know how intentional that is, but it feels like a way to illustrate that these characters are still just people... even if they can kick ass and use cursed techniques.
One last thing because this kinda took my breath away:
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Just. Wow.
Anyway, okay, you can tell I didn't write this post on my phone because I rambled a lot about story and what not lol!
Volume 9 hopefully sooner rather than later~
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ermbabyel · 11 months ago
Hi! I just saw your submission to my matchup trade and I'm more than willing to do it with you! Here’s my half for the trade (Mystic Messenger/Stardew Valley)!
• Name/Nickname: Kaitlyn / Kit
• Age: 20
• Sexuality: Lesbian (However I don’t mind being shipped with fictional men at all!!)
• Pronouns: She/Her
• Age Range: 20-30
• Likes: Gardening, Cats, Ocean Life, Video Games, Coffee, Disney Movies (Frozen, specifically), Fall Out Boy (favorite band) || Dislikes: Fireworks, Hospitals
• Hobbies: Journaling, Writing, Reading
• Love Languages: Gift Giving
• Ideal Type: Someone to joke around with, who listens to me, who hypes me up 24/7
• Personality: I’m very shy at first and it takes some time for me to get used to new people. I tend to be very outgoing when in my friend circle and never really go out of my way to meet new friends, they always just come to me somehow. I like to believe I give good advice and am a good listener, and I back my friends up 100% of the time. I love to laugh and make jokes, and pretend arguing over stupid stuff that doesn’t matter is one of my favorite activities. I could ramble on and on about my favorite activities and I can tend to be stubborn when it comes to my favorite things.
• Astrology Sign: Scorpio
• Aesthetic/Style: My style fluctuates based on my mood of the day. Some days I will be wearing band t-shirts (usually Fall Out Boy) and ripped jeans, paired with a cat beanie, and some (silver) jewelry. Other days I could wear nothing but pastels and pink, paired with lots of sanrio and hello kitty accessories.
• Anything else you can think of: Appearance wise I wear glasses, have green eyes, blonde hair thats a little past shoulder length, and I’m 5’2.
(I’ll have your matchups posted within the next day!!)
Hello~! I’m so excited to do their matchup trade with you. I hope you enjoy your matchups~
Your Mystic Messenger Matchup is…Saeyoung~
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I think this man would love you to bits~!
He would be SO flustered when he meets you, but tries to play it off by cracking jocks. But we know this man will eventually FOLD hard lol.
Seven is your #1 hype man, constant praises and compliments every single minute of every day lmaooo. This sweet boy just wants you to know how much he loves you!
Absolutely LOVES your Hello Kitty/cat accessories! He will ask you from time to time if he can wear some of your accessories and will give some fashion advice here and there.
Playful banter all day long…this man is not holding back! Sometimes Yoosung will watch you two banter and tease back and forth as a form of entertainment lol.
He’d also be the type of person to ask if he can try on your glasses lmao and have you try his on just for the fun of it.
We all know Seven likes to invent gifts and let me tell you this boy has a few ideas up his sleeve! He wants you to use his gifts as mementoes of his love for you.
I believe Saeyoung would love how much of a good listener you are. He has gone through SO much and appreciates being able to confine in you when he gets flashbacks from his past. You are his safe place~ 💜.
Your Matchup in Stardew Valley is…Abigail~
I was debating between Leah and Abigail, but ultimately chose Abigail! I just think you two would mesh really well~
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You caught Abigail’s eyes the first time you walked into The Stardrop Saloon. She’d be absolutely fascinated by your piercing and would ask you so many questions about them lol.
She’s also the one to try to hide her feelings and might get annoyed when Sam or Sebastian tease her about it. But she’ll build up the courage to ask you out on a date!
This girl does not mind your ramblings at all and actually finds this trait of yours quite charming! She’ll ask you what your writing or journaling and will watch you with a gentle gaze as you get lost in your ramblings~
She can be a bit of a spit fire, but I think that’s something you can handle pretty well. I mean you’re not afraid to fire back when Abigail gets a bit sassy…all in good fun though!
You’ll be the type of couple who share each other’s clothes lmao. I think you’d be the one to get her hooked onto listening to Fall out Boy…so expect someone your band shirts “mysteriously” disappear.
I think you’d be the mom of the friend group with Sam and Sebastian. Sam is a bit of a dumb-ass and would appreciate someone to watch out for him lol. And Sebastian also needs a listening ear when he feels troubled by what he’s been dealing with at home. Abigail just appreciates how kind-hearted you are with her friends as well as with her.
I think Abigail would love your more outgoing side. I can see her trying to get caught up in some of her adventures like going to the mines, for example. She’d also would love to lay in bed, snuggled up with you and listen to your writings at the end of the day.
I hope you enjoyed doing this trade as much as I have! I hope you have a good day/night~! 🥰
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B, N and T for the ask game and with the Flash fandom :))
Yay!!! Thank you for the ask! (for my favorite fandom no less🥹) and sry I took a bit to get to this.
Time for my ✨silly little ramblings✨™️
B “A pairing-platonic, romantic or sexual-that you initially didn't consider, but someone changed your mind” : Ooooooo, this is a good one. Well I’m not a big shipper naturally tbh, unless I see undeniable chemistry and/or suggestive scenes between characters, I’m probably just going to ship what was canon— that was until I fully entered tumblr and related fandom spaces. Now I see ships everywhere. Especially with Ao3.
Ao3 has made me ship soooo many ships, the OG being Superarrow/Kariver
More recently tho: Coldflash (my current OTP), Snowest, Hartmon, and I personally prefer them as platonic but I definitely support them as a ship— Barrisco
Also as much as I hate to admit it— I understand Eobarry and why people ship it (One sidedly it’s basically canon) but I still do not like it and definitely don’t ship it. (Ok but how tf could it ever be two sided guys— it’s also creepy af) nvm I’m not jumping into that rabbit hole today.
N “Name three things you wish you saw more or in your main fandom (or a fandom of choice)” : Hmm— does more fanfiction count?💀 Ok ok, three things let’s seeeee
1: More merchandise. I finally have a STAR labs sweatshirt and it is one of my most treasured possessions— but I wish there was more options, I wish we could get Ciscos vibe glasses or smth like that (I know we can on ebay and stuff, but it’d be nice if the CW or WB put in merch effort) Ah. The pain of smaller fandoms (and I say this in relation to my other big fandoms being Star Wars and the MCU)
2: Less discourse/hate. I’ve calibrated my space here on tumblr to be on the positive side of the fandom but I remember when I couldn’t look at comment sections without seeing at least 10 hate comments (from other fans may I add). Idk maybe it’s not as bad now. I also notice this was primarily around the topic of shipping; specifically around Westallen vs Snowbarry, I saw some pretty bad stuff on both sides. Personally I just believe in ship and let ship. If you don’t like a ship then that’s fine; but don’t attack the people who do. But like I said; maybe it’s not as bad now. (Sry that was a long one lol)
3: M o r e w h u m p— including taking place in later seasons; 9x4 has so much potential and I really want someone to take advantage of it (I say, knowing full well that I could write it— I can’t though; The Bad Ending is taking up all of my writing time/energy)
Either way; whumpers I love you and I hope more of you find this fandom
T “Do you have any hard and fast headcanons that you will die defending?” :
*Rubs hand together* Oh do I— it’s ramble time
Now as a fanfiction writer, I have to have headcanons; it’s how I make the story and characters work while giving them extra depth. Naturally however; it’s not something I would usually think of outside of that. I have created the most fanfictions for this fandom by far (It was also the first media I ever wrote it for) so naturally I indeed have headcanons that will make their way into my fics.
Oliver trained Team Flash in hand to hand combat Now this one is less of a headcanon and more something I wish happened— cause where tf did they get their training from?? Maybe I’m missing/forgetting something and if so sry my bad— but this seems like something that absolutely could’ve happened. (I’m not counting superhero fight club as canon btw; as fun as it is)
Everyone goes to therapy
Gods this one is more wishful thinking than anything else— I’ll never forgive the CW for having Barry and Iris take couples therapy when what they both need is therapy therapy. The number of life threatening scenarios the entirety of Team Flash has gone through is more than enough to warrant therapy (and some form of PTSD but that’s a whole nother topic). The only possible exception I would make is Barry, because it would not surprise me at all if Joe had him go as a kid and the therapist didn’t believe him about the man in yellow just like everyone else; plenty of people have bad experiences with therapy that make them not want to go and that’s completely understandable.
Team Flash has movie night
You can’t look me in the eye and tell me they don’t.
Barry has claustrophobia
Nothing to support this really, but hey— that’s why it’s a headcanon
Also I have sexuality headcanons for most characters but I’ll do those another time.
Sweet! This was so fun and again; thank you for the ask!!! Sorry that it was so long but I had a lot of fun :-D
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thranduel · 3 years ago
i know a lot of us make jokes that we’re “delusional” and sure, sometimes we might reach a little bit, but for the most part we’re just able to understand basic character analysis and understand which relationships work better and which don’t. it’s very simple and i actually think it’s wonderful that we’re able to notice and discuss these things instead of just taking what gets shoved in our faces and accepting it without question… like fiction is there to be analysed and that’s what makes it so much more meaningful and entertaining. looking deeper into the subtext and how characters behave and finding parallels in previous seasons… that’s what we’re supposed to do.
i also feel like people need to understand that just because something is canon doesn’t necessarily mean it’s better. sometimes the writers make decisions that just simply… aren’t good. just look at how they messed up game of thrones season 7 and 8 and how so many character arcs were rushed and destroyed. being an official writer on the show doesn’t always mean the writing is going to be the best. i’ve seen many shows where fans actually made better theories that made much more sense than what we actually got. but anyways, with mike and will, i don’t even think people have to analyse that much to be able to see that they have the closest and most genuine relationship on the show. anyone that pays attention just knows that they’re different to everyone else and they’re actually be able to be themselves around each other. the show has also focused on their relationship differently than all the other platonic relationships which suggests that there’s something more going on, and i’m not just talking about will being in love with mike (which is already confirmed), but i think mike could also reciprocate those feelings. in season 1 and 2, mike actually initiates most of their moments together and goes to will first. he has always treated will differently to everyone else and it’s obvious.
they’re two wonderful characters (i mean, mike hasn’t been the best recently but i guess we can blame the writers for that since he feels so out of character) and it’s no surprise that people are rooting for them to be in a relationship, especially when you know that they can only be themselves around each other and they’re so genuine. i talk about why their relationship is the best for so many reasons here and it also explains why so many people find comfort in them (and yes, it would be really nice and important to have a healthy queer ship represented too!). they have a relationship that so many of us would’ve loved to experience but never could. it’s not often that you get to have a childhood best friend (your first friend in fact) become your partner as you grow older. it’s always been one of my favourite tropes and i love slowburn and how the people in the relationship don’t realise how in love they are until they’re older. it’s even more fun when there’s angst in between and you think they won’t end up together but then they always end up making their way back to each other because that’s what soulmates do. i don’t know, i just think they have so much potential with byler here and after seeing season 4 and mike’s awkward behaviour towards will + the writing that contradicted things in the past and made absolutely no sense, i think byler is the only thing that’ll work at this point. there’s literally no explanation for some of the stuff we saw this season and mike’s monologue/love confession was full of lies and exaggeration, and if you go back and watch earlier seasons, you’ll know. not to mention, it was a direct response to will’s monologue/love confession which makes it clear that mike was actually responding to will’s feelings, just disguised as el. basically the whole thing is messy unless they clear it up and make byler canon lol
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mekorausada · 3 years ago
Blooming Panic: Full Bloom Edition Game Review
Spoilers Ahead
May I present to you Mystic Messenger's less overwhelming counterpart.
Blooming panic was something I played a few months ago while searching for something new and refreshing to play and it really did the trick Blooming panic has
Amazing art
Beautiful Voice Acting
Great Story
Interesting and Lovable characters (Both the romancable and the non-romancable ones)
Realistic Dialogue that I would see in an actual server (And fandom) from actual people.
Blooming Panic (Or Bloomic) has sort of the same hook as MM, you are a fan of a webcomic called Blooming Panic and one day you mysteriously recieve an invite to a server for fans of the webcomic.
Bloomic doesn't really focus on how you got the invite, why links to the server keep getting deleted and such until NakedToaser's route and its really a breath of fresh air from lore-heavy, confusing stories. Bloomic doesn't shine in its great stories in my opinion, it shines in its characters and their interactions with one another. When you play, it truly feels like you're in a fan server. The way they fangirl/fanboy over fanarts, Ship wars, some of the members being more devoted to Bloomic and others. Plus the way they respond is realistic.
So I've talked too long about the dialogue and not the characters, it is an otome game after all. There are a total of 11 characters who appear and 9 are active characters who appear and interact with you in every route and 4 are romancable. Each of the characters have very diverse personalities and play different roles in each route, I'm not gonna go over them all but I am going to be going over the lis and their routes.
The first is a menace to society, a lurker in the shadows ready to pounce you with a funny quip.. this is no other than our resident troll.. xyx. Holy shit did xyx remind me of so many people I know, hes got the same attitude, everyone treats him and his jokes the same way and he has the same dilemma. xyx was the first route I did and honestly, it was a bit over the place, I think his main conflict is his cat and his injury? but he had alot of stuff. Buut, very enjoyable. The voice actor(Mike Young) is absolutely wow (kudos to him for doing the tongue twisters lol). Overall 8/10 maybe?
Our next guy is a little jealous, a college student, has a bit of a habit of staying up, blonde, 5'7 and a cutie <3
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Ah.. wait a minute.
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There he is.. may I present to you, Night Owl. Nightowl is a bit overwhelming ngl. Honestly he scared me quite a bit, he is very loveable but he can get really expressive and it can become suffocating to stay, especially in the videocall where he gets drunk before his exam. Still, his story was very interesting and had me glued more than xyx's did. btw still waiting for that onion videocall, please onion route robobarbie
The next guy is buff and tired dad of the server, no other than Quest. Ngl Quest isn't really my type so I wasn't really excited to play his route but it was very sweet. One thing I have to say though, fuck societyboy, all my homies hate societyboy. Fr saw the joker movie and decided the joker was his idol smh. I ended up swooning over Quest though, hes the perfect mix of promising he'll bring you home by 9 and your daughter calls me daddy. very nice...
Last boy is Nakedtoaster, don't let his name fool you.. he is.. very serious. This is the last route you'll play and it will finally address the suspicious part about all of this. This is way more serious than the others routes than a we can get over this together! type of thing.. well it sort of still is like that. The reveal of who the author of Bloomic is also here lol, much more lore focused than the other ones, I was sort of tired doing his route and I just used the max speed option alot. Nakedtoaster's good ending is VERY satisfying though, seeing everyone come back and all. It felt so relieving.
So conclusion, definitely recommend Blooming Panic, its on itch.io so go download it and swoon.
10/10 voice acting, 8/10 story, 10/10 art, 9/10 characters and 9/10 script.
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lysteriaposts · 3 years ago
I think a lot of the insane Tor*guel shipping stuff comes from people who HATE Sam and don't want her with Miguel, as well as people who hate Robby and don't want him with Tory. It also doesn't help that one of the showrunners is CONTANTLY tweeting things like "Tor*guel supremacy", like this is a grown man y'all... and it's so bizarre because the show itself doesn't reflect what he's saying. Miguel is all about Sam and he and Tory shared one small look the whole season. And even in s3, they had one scene and it was a fight. I truly think he's trolling the fans because people go nuts in his mentions, but he really needs to stop because he's been doing this for over a year and it makes him look unprofessional. I also don't see Robby and Tory, king and queen of trust issues, running back to two people who betrayed them. Not to mention Sam would look awful if she wants Robby back again now that he's with Tory, and Miguel has all this family drama going on to be thinking about Tory. But hey, this is just me.
There is a very common denominator where people absolutely despise both Robby and Sam and just want them out of the way. First off, I really don't understand the Robby hate and never will, especially coming from people who love characters like Hawk and Miguel. They've made mistakes too (some imo unforgivable) but they get a free pass? As for Sam she's far from my favorite character but there's really no one I HATE, because I can sort of see where they're all coming from one way or another. It just comes down to who you relate or sympathize most with and those characters will be more likable to you. And also some storylines are just written better and more organically than others.
About Hayden... I personally don't care of his opinion or his trolling. He can do that, it doesn't concern me. What IS damaging though is that it leads to some poor fans taking that as a sign that Tor*guel is still alive, which encourages them to demand it back and for this "fan war". If I was a creator I wouldn't want that pushback if I'm currently writing a blossoming relationship with Tory & Robby.
Even if he's trolling he's at the same time disrespecting his and his co-creators' work... I saw a horrible take from him that went something like: tOrY onLy tOok RoBbY tO pRoM bC sHe diDnT hAVe miGuEL. That's where it gets flat out ridiculous and he starts sounding like a Riverdale writer or a 12 y/o who's never been in a relationship.
If we are to take this statement seriously, which I hope not, then let me point out that SAM sought out Robby this season, SAM said that cringy line about him breaking her heart at the party, SAM stared at him at prom, MIGUEL stared at Tory at prom, MIGUEL was holding onto Tory at the pool. Notice how there is absolutely no effort from Tory & Robby's side? Yeah, that's called being OVER someone. The whole "let's go to prom together to make them jealous" thing was just an excuse both Robby & Tory used to get closer, that's the game they were playing all season, that kind of push and pull dynamic. It's evident from start to finish that the only feelings on their parts are happening between each other.
Now for Miguel and Sam it's more unclear, because the writing is quite frankly bad for them (and I'm going to guess those unnecessary lines and whatnot were added by Hayden who seems biased, or to throw a bone for shippers). They ended of in s3 pretty much picking each other and now they're suddenly hesitant and jealous? It's character assassination (however I won't deny it made me somewhat spiteful cause they did cheat and it was funny watching karma unfold).
And as you said continuing this insufferable love square business would ruin characters further, and Sam REALLY doesn't need that lol. And after S4 being so good to Robby and Tory I would HATE to see them destroy what they've managed to do with these complex characters. And really the interest from Miguel would be completely out of the blue with how little he's cared since s2 and with his ongoing family drama.
All these questionable things aside, I don't think we have anything to fear show-wise. Seeing as s5 has been filmed and Peyton still says that Robby understands Tory and that people should let the idea of Miguel and her go confirms to me they won't be messed with.
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