#[This AU's been swirling in my head as I try to get some mojo]
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ofstarsandskies · 6 days ago
X2 War AU: Squad K's First Introduction
After an interview with his commander and Spirius CEO Bisley Bakur, Ludger was given his assignment by his secretary. He'd be joining Squad K of the DODA, completing the team of four, lead by Corporal Kresnik. Kresnik's a common surname in Elympios, yet whenever he hears it, he can't help but think of his--
Brother!! Ludger almost shouted, but he managed to keep his composure. Did President Bakur know they were related, or was this just a coincidence? Julius didn't seem too surprised-- if anything, his brother looked relieved. Next to his brother was an older man whose glare would cause anyone to shudder and a much friendlier boy about his age who smiled and waved as their eyes met.
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"Hello everyone. My name is Ludger Will Kresnik. It's an honor to join you all," Ludger punctuated his greeting with a deep bow. "Even though I am Captain Kresnik's younger brother, please treat me no differently than you would a total stranger."
"I don't care to cater to anyone unless they earn my respect," The older man sure turned up the charm immediately. "Victor Il Marta. I pray you're more agreeable than Fayt."
The boy, Fayt, lets out a rather annoyed sigh, "Complaining about a comrade while they're in the room's not how you make a good first impression."
"Nor is you immediately whining in reply."
"Why are you always like this--?"
"This isn't the time to argue, you two," Julius' scolding shuts the pair up. His brother's really using those years of parenting him well. "We're happy to have you, Ludger. Rest assured, your life's in good hands. Especially with your big brother at the helm."
Julius' last comment gets them both giggling. It's comforting to know even as a commander, his brother's still his brother. When his brother holds out his hand, Ludger eagerly shakes it with a silly grin. Perhaps his time as a Spirius Agent wouldn't be as bad as he thought.
"Thank you, Brother," Ludger couldn't hug his brother while on the clock (though it was tempting), so he settles for a knowing look; he'll make tonight's pasta margherita with extra tomatoes. "I hope I can be of help while I serve my country with you all."
"We'll see soon enough, won't we?" Victor chuckles at his own remark.
"You could at least try to drop the attitude for a second," Fayt doesn't wait for Victor to snarl back and turns to Ludger. "Anyway, I'm Fayt Cro Leingod. I'm sure you'll do well, Ludger. And I promise we'll support you every step of the way."
Something tells him he'll get along with Fayt once they can really sit down and talk. Victor... he'll take some time, but he's still leagues nicer than the pompous doctor who treated him a week ago. Although if his brother heard what the bill cost, that guy would probably change his tune-- assuming Julius didn't kill him first. He'll cross that bridge at a more convenient time.
"Alright, now that introductions are in order, President Bakur's given us new orders as of this morning. We're to infiltrate enemy lines, enter Fennmont without rousing suspicion, and..." As his brother debriefed them, Ludger prayed his first mission would go smoothly.
His luck's been pretty awful recently and all.
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gumnut-logic · 5 years ago
Wings & Water (Part One)
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Title: Wings & Water
Part One
Author: Gumnut
Feb 2020
Fandom: Thunderbirds Are Go 2015/ Thunderbirds TOS
Rating: Teen
Summary: “I needed to get your attention.”
Word count: 5451
Spoilers & warnings: Marks & Wings AU, Wing!fic, shapeshifting, Virgil/Kayo, Gordon/Penelope (eventually)
Timeline: Sometime post-‘John’. All the fics can be found on Ao3, the timeline order and artwork can be found on my website.
Author’s note: This is the universe I write when I’m feeling tired, off or unable to write anything else. It is little more than self-indulgence usually, an exercise to find my writing mojo, to play with sensation and description. So tired one night a few nights back I scribbled down what was supposed to be just a scene with Kay and Virgil on the beach. The characters apparently had other ideas and now I have another WIP ::headdesk:: Why do I even try? So, I’ve given up trying to write it in one go and now offer you Part One instead of a complete fic. Fortunately, it does not end on a cliffhanger or anything and could almost be considered complete except for one serious plot thread which is actually quite subtle anyway..
Many thanks to both @scribbles97​ and @vegetacide​ for the read throughs and advice ::hugs you both:: I got wibbly and those who read my Tumblr may recall the ‘floppy’ Virgil post I made in the middle of writing this. Here be the Floppy Virgil I was talking about. I hope you enjoy it anyway.
Disclaimer: Mine? You’ve got to be kidding. Money? Don’t have any, don’t bother.
It had been a long mission.
Virgil hit the locker rooms with a drawn out sigh. The irrational part of him just wanted to shed uniform in a trail behind him, but his disciplined mind refused to let him. So his baldric was shed and stowed for cleaning and redeployment along with his tool kit and harness. His boots did get kicked under the bench and he would no doubt get words about it later, but at this point he didn’t care.
His mark ached.
And his mind was a battlefield for angry brothers.
He shed his uniform, draping the heavy material over the bench. His black undershirt quickly followed and the cool air of the room hit his skin causing it to goose pimple in response.
His groan as he bent over, stretching the dark lines sculpted into his back, came from somewhere deep inside. He needed to lift, but god, he was tired.
A glance at the shower stalls and he longed for the water drumming on his skin, but the cubicle was too small, too confining. He had to stretch out.
The smallest of groans.
It had been a rockslide. Steep mountain side. Small village.
He closed his eyes.
They didn’t often lift during rescues. The whole mystic behind their wings was something that either terrified the rescuees more or resulted in amazement and a hailstorm of questions, most of which none of them had time or care to answer.
And god forbid if the media was there.
Which in this day and age only had to be a phone.
A little boy had fallen from a height and Virgil had reacted on instinct. Lifting his massive eight metre span within an eye blink, he launched himself into the air just in time to save the toddler from the sharp rocks below.
The film was still showing on loop on CNN.
The questions of his heritage, their history, previous shots of the Tracy brothers flying...it all came up again.
None of them were happy.
John and Eos did their best to contain the outbreak, but there were limits.
Virgil just wanted to hide.
Kay was still inbound. Alan was up with John, and Scott was still on site at the rock slide. Gordon had come home with Virgil, but his brother had spent the whole trip mentally kicking himself and the aquanaut had promptly disappeared after the necessary post-flight tasks.
And was currently circling the Island waterbound.
A frown as he bent over to pick up his uniform. Perhaps Gordon had the right of it. A swim, to rinse the clammy feeling from his skin, to stretch out, to relax.
The uniform was chucked in the laundry chute and he grabbed a towel, throwing it over his shoulder. Deciding his undershorts satisfactory, he headed down to the lagoon.
Shadow was a beautiful ‘bird to fly. Kayo had flown all the Thunderbirds at one time or another, but Shadow was just elegance in the air, a ballerina up against the rest of the fleet’s brute strength.
Of course, this had its downsides. She was quiet, but not as strong as her sisters. More prone to engine damage under stress and she could carry much less. But these were small sacrifices to let her dance in the sky. More the bird of prey she emulated than should ever be possible.
Kayo flew out of the setting sun on approach to Tracy Island, killing her ‘bird’s forward momentum and activating the docking platform, ready to receive. As was her practise, she flew a standard sensory loop around the perimeter of the Island on approach. She took the opportunity to double check the Island’s security sensors with those highly sensitive scanners built into her ‘bird.
It was reassuring to see all the check sums add up nicely.
Particularly considering the media shit storm currently underway.
She had been on the other side of the planet, liaising with Penny. But the moment she saw Virgil on the nets...Penny had urged her to go. Kayo had no doubts the aristocrat would follow shortly as soon as she could tie up their business.
The Tracys hated what the media could do to them.
This wasn’t the first time. Probably not the last. But that didn’t stop it from hurting.
She knew Virgil. She knew it would get to him first.
Scott would rant and rave. John would steam in his station until Eos called for help. Fortunately Alan was already up there so would probably drag him down with the first excuse he could come up with. Gordon would disappear into the ocean.
Penny would have to go fishing, literally.
Alan, out of all of them, cared the least. She wasn’t sure why, but the youngest just turned a blind eye and shrugged the rest off. Though she did have some knowledge regarding an anonymous caller on a late night talk show the last time this had happened. It hadn’t sounded anything like Alan, but the presenter had been verbally shredded in a very exacting way.
Alan was a smart young man. He didn’t take well to his big brothers being compared to water fowl or chickens.
It was the chickens that probably did it.
But no one other than her and Eos knew he was responsible and she planned to keep it that way.
As Shadow banked she flew over one of the beaches and Kayo got a glimpse of a figure in the water. For a split second she assumed it was Gordon, but the more familiar and intimate profile sank into her mind as she turned back for docking.
It was Virgil.
Her heart tightened.
It had definitely gotten to him.
She hurried through docking procedures and post-flight, hitting the lockers and shedding her uniform as quickly as possible. She unpinned her hair, threw on a sports bra and shorts and darted through the house and out into the trail that led down to the beach.
It was the same beach where he did his regular workout. The same beach he had caught her out and kissed her silly so long ago.
It was a beach with wonderful memories. No doubt the reason why he had chosen to come here.
She wasn’t quiet on approach this time. Her flip flops cracked twig and gravel alike. She wanted him to know she was there.
She needn’t have bothered.
He was waist deep, staring out into the water. His whole upper torso was cast in the gold from the setting sun, leaving his mark an iridescent intricacy of a starry midnight of lines and swirls across his back, shoulders and biceps. The light couldn’t touch it and, as always, she found it mesmerising.
Her feet reached the edge of the water and the wavelets of the lagoon caressed her toes.
She opened her mouth to call his name, but he suddenly hunched a little and lifted.
Black feathers splashed into the water and he groaned aloud, startling her.
God, he was hurting.
But before she could say anything, his wings unfolded to their full span, flinging water in every direction.
They never failed to impress her. Black, iridescent and just huge. He stretched them out to their full extent and held them there. His arms appeared above his head and he stretched with another groan.
Kayo threw herself into the water, wading in behind him, reaching up to rest her hands on his shoulders, brush her cheek against his soft downy back feathers.
He tensed for just that second before recognition set in and he melted under her touch.
“Kay.” His voice was rough and ever so weary. His arms came down and his wings drooped slightly into the water.
Her hands slid from his shoulders, brushing gently across feathers enough to make him shiver, before slipping up under his wings and arms to curl around his chest where he caught them and held her close.
She exhaled amongst down. “I’m sorry, love.”
His breath came out as a soft sigh, his body wilting just a little more against her. “Had to do it. Had to save him.”
“I know.”
His head dropped a little more and she needed to see his expression.
Ducking, she dove under his wing and surfaced in front of him, pushing to her feet as water ran off her body.
His eyes were ever so sad.
Touching a finger to his cheek, she leant up and kissed him gently.
His response was immediate, drawing her in with his arms, his wings leaving wake as they skipped across the water surface to encircle her. His kiss drew her in, his passion feeding hers and for a moment there, it was just the two of them.
But reality quickly intruded at that thought because it never really was just the two of them.
She broke off the kiss, wrapping herself around him, drawing his forehead down to touch hers. “Tell me.”
Another soft groan and he looked down.
“C’mon, love.”
“Gordon blames himself. He feels he should have been in place to prevent the child from falling. John disagrees. I disagree. But he won’t listen. He’s hurting and I can’t help him.”
She had done her best to understand the three brothers and their connection. They could hear each other. Not words, just sensations, emotions. The impressions Virgil described were ever so visual, so tied into how her lover’s mind worked, they were quite frankly amazing. He spoke of starlit blues and magnesium bright golds when speaking of his brothers. But how he processed these into interpretations of what they were thinking, she did not know.”
“Can you tell where he is?”
“Circling the Island like a lost soul.”
“Penny will be here soon.”
“Thank god.”
She brushed the back of her fingers against his cheek, nails dancing over two days’ stubble. He was so tired. He needed sleep. But she knew he wouldn’t be able to until his brother found some peace.
A decision and she straightened slightly. “Swim with me?”
He leant in and kissed her forehead, her eyebrow, her temple, her cheek...he trailed his lips all the way down to her mouth and again took moments, his tongue slipping in between her teeth seeking hers. His arms tightened around her, lifting her in the water, almost clinging.
Her eyes closed and her only sensation was him.
Virgil sometimes wondered how he had survived before finding Kay’s love. Obviously, he had, and he had been happy as a member of an extraordinary family, but now her touch was capable of consuming him, blocking the world out and giving such comfort to his soul.
He broke off the kiss and ran his fingers through her wet hair. Her hands moved to his chest, brushing through fine feathers and hair alike.
The need to rest was aching in his bones, but the tired spark who was his younger brother was fizzling in the back of his mind and the silent fury of John so far above them was a burn that gave him no relief.
He didn’t blame them. No, there was no fault in this, either in the effect or the reason. All he wanted to do was reach out and reassure. But Gordon wasn’t listening, John was still juggling the after effects as he and Eos took out copies of that damned video and the commentary that came with it.
There were no fuzzy or poorly caught video files. Technology compensated for lighting and speed and the footage of himself running, his feathers sprouting through his uniform as he moved was ever so clear. His yell as he launched himself into the air, even the sound of straining wing beats as he took off almost vertically could be heard. He weighed more with all his kit strapped to his body and it had been hard work to get airborne at that angle and speed.
But he had managed it. Caught the screaming child mid air. He had been forced to gain more height to even out his flight before banking in an arc to land beside a screaming parent.
He didn’t speak her language, but the terror in her eyes as handed the boy over was not only for his safety, but for the man who had saved him.
There had been murmuring as he folded his wings and walked away. He had let his wings go and forced himself back into routine. Just another rescue. Just save as many as he could.
But the staring, the wide eyes, the touch of fear, the question of ‘what are you’ that hung in the air hovering over his bent back as he worked to save a young girl.
The whispering.
The remorse stirring in his younger brother.
He could feel Gordon on approach. He wasn’t far away, still looping the Island. Perhaps...
He shook himself and found Kay staring up at him, worry in her eyes. Her fingers, once again brushed his cheek and he kissed them. Hands on her waist, he turned in the water, taking her with him until he was facing the shore, his back to the horizon. He stepped back and let her go.
“I need...” He needed her. God, he longed for her touch. But he also needed his brothers. He needed rest.
He took another step back, moving deeper, his wingtips dragging against the swell.
She frowned at him in worry. “Virgil, what?”
A flash of midnight alarm and he let himself fall backwards into the water.
Virgil closed his eyes.
This was all his fault. The child had been part of a group of villagers whose homes were on the top of the cliff that had fractured, taking out the the rest of the village below. Virgil had identified the area unsafe with Two’s scanners while on approach and Gordon had been assigned to shore up the cliff edge with nanocrete. Which he had, using a pod. But he had returned on foot, not convinced it was fully secured and filled a few more cracks to make sure the cliff wasn’t about to collapse before Virgil could finish the evacuation below.
His back had been turned to the village behind him. He should have kept an eye out. Several families had refused to leave their homes no matter what John broadcast across Two’s external loudspeakers in any language.
He had seen the little boy out the corner of his eye and moved to stop him, but the toddler had taken a fright at the sight of Gordon dressed in his protective equipment and the long snake of delivery tube in his hands.
He had yelled in caution, but the child only startled more, a mother screaming somewhere off to the left. The little boy stepped backwards...and was gone.
Gordon’s shock screamed across to his brothers and Virgil responded.
As Gordon hurried to the edge, his brother was already airborne, great black wings beating hard to gain height and the intense concentration of he had to do, foremost.
Virgil caught the little boy, shooting up past the edge of the cliff and Gordon in a great black-blue-green streak.
The little boy was screaming.
His brother circled around and brought himself into land gracefully in front of a tearful mother.
She took her son, obviously terrified and hurried away.
Virgil’s shoulders dropped just enough for Gordon to notice before those wings folded and vanished.
People were talking. Muttering. Words of fear. At least one obvious obscenity despite the language barrier. As Virgil approached Gordon, the words grew louder.
Someone threw something.
Virgil helped him finish securing the cliff edge and then they had flown back down with the pod.
Scott was liaising with local emergency services, but the questions being flung at him when Gordon arrived to report, had nothing to do with the emergency.
“I’m sorry, what you are asking is our private business and I repeat we have no comment. Now can we please save these people.”
One emergency services officer was replaying Virgil’s flight on his phone with several of his buddies hovering around.
While Virgil had donned his exo-suit and was shifting rubble off a trapped family not twenty metres away.
Scott lost it in the calm and deadly way only Scott could two seconds later. Another two seconds and all those emergency personnel were fleeing from Commander Tracy whether they could understand him not.
“Is the cliff secure?” Those angry blue eyes were glaring at him.
A swallow and a red flush to his cheeks. “Assist Virgil, deploy the pod for anything he can’t lift.”
Gordon spent the next three hours doing exactly that.
Hardly a word was said between the brothers beyond the necessary. Virgil was very quiet and Gordon even more.
John, so far above them was spikes of anger as he wrestled with both the networks and the language on site. Gordon didn’t need a translation of what was being said with his brother so highly tuned to understanding.
And it was all Gordon’s fault.
If he had been paying more attention.
If he had been fast enough to stop the child.
If he hadn’t scared him further.
Gordon did not have wings. The world did not know of his ability and he was damn glad they didn’t. But his gentle brother had been cornered into lifting a handful of times on rescues and every time it was the same. Curiosity and terror.
Scott had lifted in public before as well, but Johnny hadn’t been seen since the attack and Alan had never been seen at all.
Of course, that didn’t stop the press. There was artwork out there guessing what colour both Gordon and Alan’s wings were, not to mention the conspiracy theories surrounding John’s absence.
If they knew Gordon grew fins instead...
They weren’t the only Aves out there, but the ability was so rare, it was a novelty.
The depressive and exhausted cloud hovering over Virgil just drove Gordon’s guilt deeper.
John instinctively tried to calm him, but the man wasn’t great himself, slowly approaching boiling point like a pot simmering on the stove. There was only so much his brother could tolerate and no doubt the slander was vile.
On the way back to the Island, Virgil had tried to talk to him, but by then Gordon was too angry with himself to respond intelligently. As soon as they landed, he was out the hatch and headed to the water where he shifted and let himself go.
He flew through the ocean, his wings those of his eagle ray form. His change muted his brothers somewhat, though not entirely and he had no doubt they could still feel him.
It was just stupid. He could have easily prevented it, yet he hadn’t and Virgil had been exposed again.
The water blurred around him as his thoughts took him in as many circles as those he made around the Island.
He knew the moment his brother stepped into the water.
For god’s sake.
He just wanted to be alone. To think.
An emerald spark shot across the ocean at him. It was full of worry and love and so his big brother his heart clenched.
But he didn’t deserve it.
That didn’t stop Virgil.
A wave of exhaustion, fear for his safety and concern followed that spark.
Virgil was such a motherhen.
And he loved him for it.
But he didn’t deserve it. If anything, he should be apologising to his brother. It was all his fault!
Virgil’s mental sigh was almost a physical thing.
Gordon arced away from the Island and further out into the sea.
As he looped around the familiar beaches and outcrops, anger again sparked from far above and Gordon wondered what the hell his star brother had found now.
All his damn fault.
A spark of blue-grey suddenly radiated from Virgil’s direction followed by a wash of relief and desperate love.
Gordon mentally blinked and smiled. Tin had his brother.
Her touch was like fire to the gentle man. Gordon could not feel her at all, but Virgil’s reactions were enough to alert both John and himself to her presence...which led to interesting times...sometimes.
But for the moment, Gordon was only grateful she had his brother in hand. She would look after him.
Gordon dove deeper, revelling in the cool water streaming across his body.
Tin and Virgil had been a surprise to both John and Gordon. A spark of which neither of them had been aware, burst into flame and both of them reeled as their brother lit up.
Gordon felt it was truly something beautiful. Virgil deserved so much happiness and his sister blossomed as their relationship developed. Gordon wasn’t one to pry much beyond blackmail material, but his brother’s joy just overflowed into everything and everyone around him.
So it was with some shock that he received the first flickers of panic and a sensation of...drowning!
The eagle ray shifted mid beat and was replaced with a shark, the mako’s slim and speed-designed form throwing him through the water towards the beach where his brother was now struggling.
What the hell had happened?
It only took moments for Gordon to reach the waterlogged Ave, Tin struggling to pull Virgil out of the water, his fully spread wings hampering her efforts, his weight and drag formidable.
A leap and Gordon shifted mid-air, landing smoothly on his feet in the chest high water behind his brother and grabbing his feathered shoulders as Tin pulled desperately at his arms.
Between them, they got him upright, his wings still hanging in the water.
“What the hell, Virgil?!”
John was sparking all over the place, fear and fury, the astronaut was getting closer. No doubt, heading down on the elevator.
“What were you thinking?!”
They were both supporting him, one on each side, step by step dragging him towards shore.
“I needed to get your attention.”
“What the hell? By drowning yourself?!”
“I knew where you were. I was safe.”
Gordon stopped in the knee high water, waves muttering at his legs. “Why?!”
Tin’s expression was fast morphing from fear to rage and she yanked on her lover causing him to stumble.
Eight metres of black wings were dragged out of the water and onto the sand. The winged brothers were as nimble in the water with their wings spread as Gordon was in the sky in his ray form. In other words, not at all. They weren’t sea Aves. Their wings were not waterproof and while they did possess enough natural oils to prevent any damage to the feathers, they were extremely cumbersome underwater, heavy and that was why all the brothers let their wings go before diving into the ocean.
“Why didn’t you let them go?!” Tin was furious.
Gordon found it totally understandable since he shared the feeling.
A distant murmur off to the east suddenly swelled to a roar and Thunderbird One shot into the Island’s airspace, hovering a moment before rising up in preparation to dock.
John had obviously let the cat out of the bag. None of the three middle brothers could sense the eldest or the youngest.
But that was what comms were for.
As if to emphasise the point, the faint dot of the descending elevator appeared far above the volcanic peaks and made its way down between the jagged rocks.
A matter of minutes and they would be mobbed by brothers.
Gordon stood in front of his brother and glared. “Explain it to me now.”
Virgil’s whole posture was one of exhaustion. His eyes bloodshot, eyelids at half mast, his wings dragging on the sand. “I needed to break the cycle. you were so angry with yourself.” A hand reached out and landed on his shoulder. “It wasn’t your fault, Gordon. Let it rest. Let me rest.” Please. And Virgil was folding himself up, crouching down to sit on the sand his wings were covered in.
“Why didn’t you just call me?”
“I did. Again and again. You wouldn’t answer.” A sigh. “Too angry.”
Gordon opened his mouth to retort, but nothing came out. A pause. “You could have drowned!”
“No. It wouldn’t have gone that far.”
“How do you know?!” Tin was livid. “That was stupid, Virgil. You made me watch and I couldn’t pull you up-“ She broke off, struggling to compose herself.
Virgil reached up and pulled her to him. She resisted, but he insisted, and swearing through her teeth, she folded down beside him. He tucked her under his chin, muttering quiet apologies over and over again, his eyes closing.
Gordon took a step back, sensitive to what had suddenly become a private moment.
He looked up as his sense of John swelled above him, to see three brothers gliding over the palm trees. A rush of backwing breeze as six feet hit the sand.
Scott’s silver grey wings folded and vanished first, followed by Alan’s gold-blond flicker of feathers. John’s prosthetics whispered closed with just enough difference to the others to declare them artificial, ever reminding them of what had been done to their brother.
Gordon stepped in between Virgil and their brothers, holding up his hands.
Scott frowned, eyes barely leaving the pair curled up on the sand. “What happened?”
“He’s tired. Leave it. Probably my fault.”
That only served to narrow his older brother’s attention on Gordon. “What happened?”
John broke off with a flash of frustration and stormed past to crouch beside Virgil, his hand coming to rest on his brother’s shoulder. Murmured words Gordon couldn’t hear, but flashes of emotion danced around his head.
It was then Gordon realised that it wasn’t only Virgil who was exhausted.
“Scott, he did it to get my attention. He was successful, if overly dramatic. Blame it on the day if you have to. I’ll kick his ass later, I promise. If he survives Tin, that is.” Gordon eyed the pair. He knew his sister. This wasn’t over and he didn’t begrudge her at all. Of all the stupid things for his brother to do...
“Are you okay?” Alan’s voice sounded a little small.
Gordon sighed and strode over to his little brother who looked even smaller with the lack of shirt. His bro really needed more sun. Too much time spent in space. If he wasn’t careful, he’d end up glowing in the dark like Johnny.
He dropped a damp arm around Alan’s shoulders and grinned as his brother squirmed.
“You’re all cold and wet.”
“Comes with the territory, little bro.”
But he didn’t pull away.
Scott eyed the both of them, but his lips thinned anyway and he turned towards the huddle of brothers and sister on the ground.
His brother turned to him.
“Be kind.”
The man frowned a little before nodding once and turning back, his silver mark glittering in the shadow of the vanishing sun.
Okay, it was a stupid thing to do.
John’s hand gripped his shoulder like a vice and the short sharp words cut at him. What had he been thinking?
“I don’t know, John. I just...don’t know.” He curled himself around Kay. His wings were sodden and covered in sand, he desperately need to preen them clean, but so, so tired.
He closed his eyes.
The midnight sun of his younger brother swelled and enveloped him. The intensity of worry, anger and love that came with it, his brother’s fingers on his feathered shoulder and two words.
It’s okay.
Virgil’s eyes shot open, seeking turquoise in the dimming light. “John?”
His brother’s eyes widened. Standing beside Alan, Gordon’s head shot up, a worried query thrown directly at the both of them.
But John still hadn’t answered him. John?
Oh, shit.
What the hell?
But Scott interrupted and John shook his head just enough to stop Virgil saying anything.
Kay was staring at the both of them.
The eldest was oblivious to the entire exchange, his focus still on a younger brother who had done something stupid.
“Virgil, I need to know what happened.” His big brother’s voice was calm, but demanding. “John said you were in some difficulty. That you were drowning. Why were you in the water with your wings lifted in the first place?”
“I...” Turquoise, blue, green and brown were all staring at him in the approaching darkness. “It was nothing.” He looked down shaking his head. Please, I just need sleep. God, please just let me rest.
John straightened, his hand still on Virgil’s shoulder. Voice quiet. “Scott, maybe later? We’re all exhausted. Virgil has been awake for almost thirty-six hours.”
Scott’s eyes glittered in the darkness for a moment as they darted to his middle brother. The commander’s lips thinned even further. “We debrief first thing in the morning.” Back to Virgil, his eyes softening with worry. “Let’s get you cleaned up.”
Virgil blinked, his tired mind frozen in shock. What? He didn’t have to explain?
Be thankful and move. John was lifting him under one shoulder while Kay had slid under his other one. Somewhat dazed, he found himself on his feet, turned around and led back into the water.
Suddenly Gordon was there with Kay. John stepped back and let Virgil go as they stepped into the waves. They went in deep enough for him to fully submerge his feathers, Kay and Gordon helping him wash off the sand.
They didn’t let go of him once.
God, these feathers are huge. Must be heavy. How the hell does he support them? Tank body, tank wings, I guess.
Virgil frowned and stared at Gordon. What?
They’re darker than night, yet catch the light. Gordon had one gentle hand on Virgil’s forewing and was combing ever so carefully through his flight feathers.
Stealth wings. The thought was humorous, but no smile appeared on his little brother’s face, his frown of concentration dominant.
Virgil continued to stare.
Gordon shook his feathers ever so gently. “Okay, bro, I think I’ve got most of it out. Tin, you’re side done?”
Virgil turned to find his beloved Kay finishing up, her touch soft and loving despite the anger on her face. “We’re good.”
“They’re all yours, Virg.” Gordon moved in closer and gently squeezed his shoulder. “Don’t drown yourself again.” A small smile and he walked back to shore.
Something slipped away with him.
Kay was less liking to let him go, scooting in and grabbing his hand, leading him back to shore. As they approached, the four brothers on shore stepped back and gave Virgil room.
The sand was firm under the soles of his feet.
Kay stepped out of reach and he was clear.
Bracing his feet, he expanded his wings fully, ignoring their tired complaint, and shook them. Leaning over slightly, he pushed them through the air, their huge beats threatening to lift him off the beach.
Water scattered everywhere. Wingdraft caught the tideline detritus and flung it across the beach. Two of his brother complained as sand was tossed with it.
Alan ended up with seaweed in his hair.
But god, it felt good.
He wanted to jump into the sky, to fully stretch himself out, the feel the wind in his face.
John and Gordon said his name together, both of them frowning as if twinned. It would have made a great photographic moment if they weren’t projecting so much worry.
Or if Kay wasn’t standing beside them, her expression even worse.
He didn’t need to look at Scott to know what he would be thinking, lack of mental connection or not.
He slowed his wings, enjoying the feel of the air rifling through his drying feathers. As the draft lessened, Kay approached him, her hands landing on his bare chest, only to slide up to his shoulders and the back of his neck.
Her fingers climbed into his hair and she brought his forehead down to hers.
“Let them go, love.”
He closed his eyes, his hands landing at her waist. One more stretch of his wing muscles and he shook his feathers before folding them neatly across his back.
Then he let them go.
To say she kept him on his feet wouldn’t have been a lie.
So stupid.
So tired.
Kay slipped under one arm and he suddenly found Scott under his other.
Virgil frowned. “I’m fine. I’m not sick.”
“I’ll let the medscanner reassure me anyway.”
“Virgil, home, medical scan, bed. That’s an order.”
Mumbled. “Not on duty.”
Kay poked him in the ribs. “Move your ass.”
“Well, in that case...”
Gordon snorted and his brothers and his Kay took him home.
End Part One
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mikayfics18 · 8 years ago
Visions of Winter
Chapter 1/(?): In Love with the Shape of You
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*not my gif*
A/N: I know I stink at finishing things ;-; a lot has happened in the past year. BUT I’m definitely excited to see where this story goes, and if y’all like it, I’ll continue it. Some feedback is always welcome!
Also, I was recently inspired by that Ed Sheeran song - hence the title of this chapter. And of course this is a modern AU Bucky x Reader story, with some dark backstories, romance, angst, and danger ;P Enjoy~!
He couldn't tell if it was your hips in that tight black skirt or those smokey eyes that caught his attention first - both so sultry and beautiful in their own way. But the glance you gave him while he wiped a shot glass clean as you sauntered by the bar table had him hooked in an instant. "Uhhh, hey, Buck. You got some drool on your chin there." Bucky put the toweled hand to his mouth before he realized his friend at the table was just messing with him. "Oh shut up, Steve," he chuckled, putting the glass away and towel on a hook. Steve put up his hands in mock surrender as the smirk on his face grew wider. "Not my fault I caught you lookin'." "Yeah? Last time I checked, those blue eyes of yours followed her too." "You got me there, but I wish she was checkin' them too," Steve sighed, tapping his hands on the table in a quick rhythmic motion. "Whatcha mean?" "You kidding me, right," he mocked. "Did you not see those lashes bat at you?" The tips of Bucky's ears turned pink as he mumbled, "No, I don't know what you're talking about." With the roll of his eyes, Steve prepared himself for the advice he was going to give. "Look, Casanova, I know you haven't been in the game much since that Miranda or whatever left you for some dentist, but don't be afraid to go after what you like." Bucky let out a short laugh. "Are you for real right now? Steve Rogers, the biggest gentleman I know, is telling me, Bucky Barnes, to go out and hit on unassuming women like a tool to get over an ex?" Steve blushed and shrugged. "Hey hey, I'm just trying to think like you-before-Miranda, I guess. I dunno, you've just seemed a little down lately, and I'm trying my best to get your mojo back." Bucky's eyes rolled. "Excuse me, the mojo never left. I just... haven't seen anyone that's caught my eye yet." "The gal that just walked by seemed to. For a whole five seconds." "You counted?" "Maybe, maybe not." Steve chuckled, placing his fist under his chin and his elbow on the counter. "Now are you gonna give me another shot or are you gonna show me that mojo of yours isn't dead." "How ‘bout both," Bucky uttered with a smirk as he poured his friend another drink. "Watch the bar for me.” And with that, Bucky walked around from behind the bar and into the back hallway towards the bathrooms, ignoring Steve's calls that he honestly was not going to watch the bar for him. After going to the jon, Bucky waited outside the bathrooms, leaning against the wall opposite of the women's bathroom door, which soon opened as the girl from earlier stepped out. He was lighting a cigarette when you paused to look up at him, but noticed he was already looking at you. "The owner lets their bartenders smoke inside?" You say with mock reprimanding. Bucky chuckles and takes a hit, then blows the smoke out from the side of his mouth. "Well what if the bartender is also the owner?" You cross your arms in a shrug. "You got me, then. So you really own this place?" "Yeah, bought it a few years back. It's given me a decent living. I actually live in the apartment just above it too." "Ohhhh, so the studio? Nice place." Bucky nods once, keeping his eyes locked with yours. "You been up there before?" "Yep, the previous owner may have taken me up there once or twice." You grin playfully, biting your lip and reveling in the reward of his pupils dilating against those pretty sky blue irises. God, he was gorgeous. "Ahh I see. And was he - I mean - it entertaining? The place and all... Has a nice view, decent surround sound setup." A playful glimmer flashed across his eyes as he spoke, and you felt your stomach flip - in the good way. "Yeah, I'd say so." You flashed another smile at him. "My name's (y/n), by the way." You held out your hand and he took it, bringing it slowly to his lips, inadvertently pulling you closer to him. "Nice to meet you, Miss (y/n). My name is James Buchanan Barnes." He kissed your knuckles softly, letting his mouth linger while still keeping eye contact with you. "But you can call me Bucky." You were glad you wore foundation that night or else he would've been able to see how flushed you had gotten. "Nice to meet you then, Bucky Barnes." You two probably would've stayed there gazing at each other for longer if a stumbling guest hadn't entered the hallway and tripped over himself between you towards the men's bathroom. You both awkwardly stepped back against opposite walls, looking down at the floor while the man slurred something about his "damn mortgage payments" and walked into the men's room. After watching the swinging door close, Bucky looked up at you and let out a small laugh, "I hope our night turns out better than his seems to be." You smiled widely. "I think it will." Bucky gleamed as he scratched the back of his head. "So, uh, would you like to get more drinks? On the house." "Hmmmmm on the house? How could I say no to that." You winked at him, delighted to see his cheeks turn pink. Getting attractive men to blush always made you pleased on the inside. "After you, Mr. Barnes." You followed him out of the hallway and back into the main room of the bar. He walked behind the bar table and got out a mixture of different drinks while you took a seat next to a handsome blond. He grinned kindly at you and then looked at Bucky. "Aw, you making that for me?" He snickered at Bucky, who rolled his eyes with a laugh. "Yeah you wish. I'm making this for the lovely (y/n) here, actually." The blond turned his head to you again and smiled. "Hi, (y/n). I'm Steve Rogers." Geez, you thought, what is it about this bar? An attractive guy magnet? You returned a small smile and gave a slight nod. "Nice to meet you, Steve." The three of you spent the next two hours drinking, laughing, chatting, and playing with Steve's game cards that he took from his coat pocket. You beat them every time. "Gosh, (y/n), are you a mind reader or something?" Steve breathed out, baffled that you beat him at blackjack for the fifth time. You giggled, feeling a bit lightheaded as you leaned against the back of your stool. "You callin' me a cheater, Mr. Rogers?" "No no," he laughed. "It's just... you're truly good at it." "Well thank you~" you somewhat sang out, and giggled again. He sighed and turned to look up at the clock above Bucky. "Wow, it's 3am? Where does the time go when you're having a good time, huh? I've gotta be heading home." Bucky nodded at him. "Want me to call you an uber?" Steve waved him off. "Nah, I'll walk. I like to think off my alcohol," he chuckled. Bucky grinned at him. "Alright, alright. I'll see you around then, bud." "It was nice to meet you, (y/n)," he mumbled as he turned to you with a small smile. You smiled back with a short nod as he stood up. With a quick wave, he walked out of the bar with the last few guests following behind. You watched until the last person left, then slowly turned back towards Bucky. "Steve's such a nice guy," you say to him as he finishes off his 8th beer. "Yeah, I've known him for a looooong time. He's my best friend actually." His eyes look nostalgic for a split second, but the moment passes and he's then leaning on the table and just looking at you. Heat goes to your ears as you somewhat look away from those intense eyes, and you mumble with feign confidence, "Why are you looking at me like that, Mr. Barnes, hm?" He sighs through his nose and simply states, "I just really want to kiss you right now." Your eyes widen for a split second as you see him lean in, but it's taking too damn long. You close the gap, almost too quickly, as your mouth clumsily crashes against his. Bucky truly doesn't seem to mind because his hands are immediately at the sides of your face, holding you against him. You climb on top of the bar, accidentally knocking over a few glasses, but neither of you really cared the second your legs wrapped around his torso. You kiss each other hungrily, only breaking apart to rip your shirts off each other and toss them to who knows where. Lord, he tastes so good, it's addicting. His stomach grinds against you, and his mouth leaves marks along your jaw and neck, but it's not enough. He lets out a deep groan as you tug on his messy brown locks, and you swear it's the sexiest sound you've ever heard. One hand caresses your thigh while the other digs into your ass causing your head to tilt back with a gasp. Why is this so intense right now? "Ohh, my god, Bucky," you sigh as he nips that sweet spot between your neck and shoulder, urging him to keep going. Bucky's hands slide up the sides of your torso, sending shivers down your spine. He kisses down your sternum to your stomach, and up again while he palms over your red lacy bra. The unexpected teeth dragging and licks are driving you insane. You lean back on your elbows as he goes lower, his hands now both wrapped into the fabric of your skirt, surprising you that it hasn't ripped yet. He tugs on it, just enough so the rim of your matching underwear is showing, but all you want is for him to tear everything off. His tongue swirls around the sensitive skin of your right inner hip bone, causing your hips to buck in anticipation. This man is going to kill me... Holy shit, this is amazing- 
And then he stops. "W-wait, what're you doing?" You breathe out heavily as he stands up, allowing more space between the two of you. "I-I'm sorry, (y/n)," he pants, catching your disappointed eyes with his. "But I can't do this. Not right now." You feel a pang in your chest, and suddenly feel the need to cover up. "O-oh... why?" Catching your mood, he corrects himself. "No, no...! I don't mean it's cuz of you or your body. I mean, I swear, I'm in love with it. Really. It's just... before I do anything with you, I'd rather we be sober." You look down and nod, still feeling slightly disappointed, but better. "Oh. Yeah, I can respect that." Still with chests heaving, you keep your eyes locked on each other. If it felt like that intoxicated, you could only imagine what it would feel like completely sober. What was that even? "So, um... do you have a ride...?" He asks, baffling you that this guy can go from freaking sex demon to caring angel in seconds. "I...uh. No actually. I forgot to set one up." "Oh. You, um... wanna stay with me? I mean like in my bed - I mean at my apartment with me - but not like WITH me in that sense cuz drunk and yeah." "Oh my gosh," you laughed, shaking your head at the blushing dork before you. "Yes, that sounds fine to me. Thank you." He shrugged shyly and smiled. "No problem." After picking up your shirts and locking the front door, you took your arm in his and walked to the hallway, heading in the opposite direction of the bathrooms to another locked door that lead to a stairway. You were shocked you didn't hear any yelling from neighbors telling the two of you to shut up from all the drunken giggling that occurred the entire climb. Once going up a couple stories, you made it to the 5th floor where there was another door. Bucky unlocked and opened it, guiding you into his open studio apartment. It was only a little bit different than you remembered three years ago - more cozy maybe. Being near the water meant the large ceiling-to-floor windows displayed a perfect view of the Hudson River; you remember it looking gorgeous at sunset. "Here, you can take my bed, I'll take the couch. The bathroom is over there to the left of the windows." Bucky grabbed a pillow off his king size bed for himself and started heading towards the couch when you stopped him. "Wait, um, can I sleep with you...? Like in your bed, together, just spooning or something," you ask shyly. Bucky can't help but think you're the cutest, sexiest thing he's ever seen and relaxes his paused stance. With a small smile, he replies, "Of course. Sounds great to me. You can borrow one of my t-shirts if you'd like." "Sure, thank you, Mr. Barnes." "My pleasure, Miss (y/n)." After clumsily washing up and changing into your respectable pjs, the two of you crawl under the covers together. Bucky pulls you in close to him, but not too close as to arouse another bar-incident. You enjoyed the feeling of his strong arms gently wrapping around you, making you feel safe for once in a long time. But he didn't need to know about that. It's not like you were staying with him for long anyways, just another guy on another lonely night. Yet, it didn't feel so lonely this time, and that made part of you hate it, because that meant that it would only hurt once this little - whatever this was - had to end. Bucky let out a content sigh, interrupting your thoughts. "Goodnight, (y/n), sweet dreams." You can't help the smile that plays across your lips. "Goodnight, Bucky. Thank you for this... See you in the morning."
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captnxmarvel · 8 years ago
1.     The Secret's in the Telling by pyrophoric                 Summary: "It's the sixth of October. A pivotal moment in Storybrooke's history and the turning point in Regina Mills' life. And it all began with a spell, a Sheriff, and a thief." Reaction: WTF WTF WTF WTF WTF!!!!!!!!!!!! (I know it is a slow start but give it a try and it’s all worth it.)
2.    The Worlds You Never See by writetherest Summary:    The lives I'll never lead / Couldn't make me sing / Could they? Could they? Could they?    **    As soon as she had stepped through the doorway, the door closed tightly. And only then, with Regina inside, did the lines, curves, and swirls shift and move, assembling themselves into words within the heart.    The Road You Didn't Take Reaction: *cry emoji*
3.     The Art of Being Extraordinary by purplehershey Summary: AU. Henry, age 23, decides to give the crowd what they want, what they really want. A story. So he tells them the only one he knows: the greatest love story of all time, and it just so happens, that this love story is his mothers'. Henry's on and off POV. WARNING: VERY ANGSTY MAY OR MAY NOT CONTAIN A CHARACTER DEATH Reaction:  I cried.
4.     Shadow Haven by Delirious_Comfort                 Summary:    Emma Swan is a PR agent who is sent on a holiday by her boss. Regina Mills is the owner of a private island named Shadow Haven. There is more to Regina than initially meets the eye. This story dips heavily into the BDSM subculture. Swan Queen romance / BDSM story.    Emma was silent for a long time. Truth be told, she had no idea if she wanted to stay here. She desperately wanted the break, but didn't want to spend her time with some stranger who had been hostile from the moment she had laid eyes on her. Hostility that had been replaced by semi-friendliness as soon as money had been added into the equation, and Emma wasn't sure how she felt about that.    "I don't know," Emma finally said.    "Give it one week, Miss Swan. If you are not enjoying yourself here on Shadow Haven at the end of that time, we will look into the possibilities of returning you home," Regina offered as she stood up from her spot on the couch and made her way over to Emma. She held out her hand to the younger woman when she reluctantly gave the gorgeous brunette a nod, "It is nice to meet you Miss Swan. My name is Regina Mills. Welcome to Shadow Haven, I do hope you will enjoy your time here." Reaction:            Definitely NSFW, This story is not just hot but I also love the development of Emma and Regina’s relationship.
5.      Bait and Switch by JuiceCup Summary: Henry Mills is sick and tired of his mothers skating around the truth and not realizing that they are perfect for each other and that they belong together.  So he has a plan to bring them together and convinces his grandmother to help.Robin and Marian had never left. The story starts out with MILD Outlaw Queen but there is NO KISSING and NO SEX, so NO WORRIES!  THIS is a Swan Queen story with major Swan Queen feels already in the first chapter! Reaction: DO NOT READ THIS WHEN YOU’RE GOING TO SLEEP! IT WILL KEEP YOU UP DUE TO MAJOR SWAN QUEEN FEELS!!!
6.      I'm Not A Writer I Just Drink A Lot About It by Exquisiteliltart             Summary: Regina decides to write her own happy ending and Emma helps. Reaction: So much feels!!! Fluff and Swan-Mills Family *sighs and watch them live happily ever after*
·Don't Let Me Die In Florida by Exquisiteliltart Emma works as a brokerage administrator at a commerical real estate firm in Florida. Regina is a wealthy client who likes to take a 'hands on' approach to business.
·The Big Uneasy by SkinnyProcrastinator                 Emma Swan loves her carefree life in New Orleans but becomes exasperated when she constantly starts bumping into Regina Mills, a haughty and rude business woman on an enforced vacation in The Big Easy.
·Deliver Me by wistfulwatcher Bike messenger AU, in which Regina is a CEO that enjoys messing with Emma, and Emma does not back down. For the sake of her job, of course, and not because of the way Regina eyes light up when she's angry.
·lattes & lace by AnaG                 Regina's a successful, focused businesswoman running a burgeoning lingerie line that is just starting to gain international attention. Until one winter, an irritating woman opens up a coffee shop next to her studio... and generates constant distractions. But not all of the distractions are a complete disaster. Only few.
·Teacher's Pet by RegalChromaggia69 [NSFW] Emma Swan is starting her senior year this year and she's got a pretty easy schedule. But as her friends tell her about the Creative Writing teacher and how no one has passed her class with an A, what will she do? And who exactly is this 'bitch' as they claim her to be? Swan Queen-Student/Teacher AU. M for language and eventual smut.
·Butterfly Effect by misscanteloupe           In her final year of college, Emma finds she has more to account for than the extra credits she needs in order to graduate. Only... she doesn't expect it to come in the form of her newest instructor, Professor Regina Mills.
·Teaching Miss Mills by HelveticaBrown                 Teacher AU: Emma is a gym teacher, who moves to Storybrooke Academy after becoming disenchanted with her job back in Boston. Regina Mills is the Head of English who Emma somehow seems to keep having run-ins with, despite the best of intentions. Along the way, Emma adjusts to life in a small town, gets her teaching mojo back, and gradually grows closer to Regina.
·5 Times Regina Almost Froze and One Time She Got Fucked 5 Times: A Super Festive Swan Queen Christmas Story by Exquisiteliltart College AU, Swan Queen. Regina relies on Emma to get her home in time for Christmas.                
·I Wanna Dance With Somebody (Who Loves Me) by writetherest                 Emma Swan doesn't consider herself a star, but she finds herself thrust into the spotlight and competing as a celebrity dancer on Dancing with the Stars. Over the course of ten weeks, she'll struggle to learn to dance with her professional partner - Regina Mills - and may just end up dancing with somebody who loves her.
·step into my office, baby by foxbones This is what you get for doing the nice thing, Emma thinks. You do that whole Pay It Forward bullshit - you buy a lady some coffee and you pretend like it isn’t totally motivated by how she looks in a pencil skirt - and she goes and insults your business card and turns out to be your company’s new Executive Director. Real fucking cute.From now on, she is drinking tea. or, the one where they're in an office.
·Incoming Messages by hunnyfresh       Ruby makes Emma a dating profile. The only catch is that she's listed as a guy. That wouldn't be such a problem if Emma hadn't found Regina's profile and begins communicating with the Mayor          
·Your Hands Are My Castle, Your Heart Is My Sky by Exquisiteliltart 5 times Regina and Emma share a bed.
·Through a Rose-Coloured Camera Lens by aurorstorm Henry has to make a video presentation to his class about his family, which forces Regina and Emma to interact. Undoubtedly, cute bickering and fluffy moments make their way onto film. The resulting presentation might just cause Regina and Emma to finally realise their true feelings and begin to appreciate their quaint little family.
·Bruises by starsthatburn AU: Henry is ill in hospital, and so when the time comes for Henry to know his birth mom, Regina is the one who seeks her out. However, when she arrives in Boston, Regina finds that Emma now has a family of her own. Trigger warnings for domestic violence.          
·always known by deceptivelycomplex3925                 "Tell me the truth."And Emma whirls around and Regina's standing in the doorway, eyes glittering with unshed tears, and she looks like she knows. Knows exactly why Emma got shit-faced last night. Knows exactly why she broke up with Hook. Knows exactly why she said those words a few moments ago.
·she's already ruined her makeup by deceptivelycomplex3925 "Emma," Regina breathes, a warning. Don't do this, it says. She can hear it in her head, the husky lilt of Regina's voice."I'm late with it, I know. I'm about five years too late with it but when have I ever been good with punctuality?"She gets a laugh out of that, something like a sharp exhale, something choked and small and laden with fondness, and brown eyes start to glisten with forming tears. Emma hates that she's the cause for this. She'll ruin her makeup.On her wedding day. This is her wedding day.
·An Ill Wind by neverenough04 Regina and Emma have gone from enemies to frenemies to friends to...something else. But the something else takes a backseat to their busy lives and their "true loves"...until it doesn't.A rare Tornado Warning has been issued for Storybrooke, and the women seek safety together in the basement of the police station. Their time together lasts a lot longer than they had envisioned when they find themselves trapped in the dark cellar.
·If The Blazer Fits by FlyYouFools (MK47) Emma decides to dress up like Regina for a Halloween party at The Rabbit Hole, a seemingly innocent decision that surprisingly leads to a relationship. The romance is openly feared by some and secretly despised by an unlikely source, who plots to end it.
·truths you have to grow into by celaenos Set during 4b. Emma avoids her parents expectations and Gold's manipulations by crashing on Regina's couch. A former villain protecting a hero from falling into her own fate; a messily ever after. And then, they lived.
·imagine me and you by bayloriffic               After they return from Neverland, Henry decides to set a parent trap for Emma and Regina. By the time Emma realizes what he’s up to, she’s already half in love with Regina and it’s pretty much too late to do anything about it.
·our hearts will make a fire by bayloriffic                 Of course Emma would end up trapped in Rumpelstiltskin’s enchanted log cabin with the Evil Queen. Because that’s just how her life is these days.
·we'll make our home on the water by bayloriffic                 For some reason, Emma thought they’d pass through the portal and end up right at Neverland. Instead, they spend weeks aboard the Jolly Roger, sailing the vast blue-green oceans with no land in sight, the water seeming to stretch on forever all around them.
·A Christmas Getaway by SwanQueen4tw Set after 4x12. Henry doesn't find the library but Robin does leave. Starts after Emma and Regina become drinking buddies. Henry sees how sad his mother is so he plans a trip to NYC and suckers Emma into going along with it.
·A Sorta Fairytale (aka: Gay for a Day) by Exquisiteliltart Young Regina realizes something is missing in her life, so when her friend suggests courting a woman, she decides to try, but believes she is unlikely to meet anyone… but she does. Regina unwittingly saves   Princess Emma from a harrowing accident, and grapples with the strange feelings that begin to develop between the pair.
·It's in the Genes by hunnyfresh In which Emma's brother Neal has a massive crush on Regina which spurs Emma into acting on her feelings - Future Fic          
·Rubbers by hunnyfresh In which Emma sucks at trash bin basketball and spends her time as Sheriff doing something more entertaining
·Oddish Little Thing Called Love by coalitiongirl Our Pokémon gym. It’s not quite our son, but it still makes Emma’s heart flutter a tiny bit.          
·Someone has already claimed that username by coalitiongirl Written for Meet-Cute AU day of Swan Queen Week. Emma meme-ifies Regina, so Regina hoards her urls. Swan Queen, as told through far too many memes and a whole lot of Tumblr text posts. Canon-compliant through 4a.
·in the right place by forgottendialect "From the other side of the reception station, a nurse who has apparently been eavesdropping pipes up. “Well, she is engaged, though.” “Auntie Zelena isn’t engaged.” The nurse blinks. “Yes, she is.” She points, suddenly, over at Emma. “Her fiancé is right over there.” "Emma Swan saves a woman's life, is wrongly identified as her fiancé, accidentally falls in love with her sister, and finds herself a home.
·by the light of the moon by bayloriffic                 “What are you doing?” Regina demands, but she's staring at Emma's mouth and her chest is actually heaving, like some kind of romance novel cliché, her skin flushed dark in the bright light of the moon. She puts her hands on Emma’s shoulders like she’s going to push her away, but she curls her fingers around Emma’s arms instead, clutching her instead of shoving her away. “Miss Swan?”
·Love Me Rex by JuiceCup Regina Mills is a busy woman.  At least that’s what she tries to tell her sister when the frantic woman calls needing her help with a very important Christmas gift matter.  Her sister forgot to get her niece’s gift from Santa this year!  Persuaded to brave the bad weather and the crowds the day before Christmas Eve, Regina considers herself lucky to have managed to snag the last Love Me Rex Dinosaur on the shelf!  That is, until she glances up and finds herself in a toy-tug-of-war with a beautiful blonde!All Emma Swan wanted for Christmas was to get her six-year-old son the hottest toy that was selling out all over the country!  He’d been talking about the darn thing for days.  This was the last Love Me Rex in the store and she was darned if she was going to let this one go.   However, what she hadn’t counted on was meeting the stunningly gorgeous and enigmatic Regina Mills.Swan Queen Alternative Universe.   There’s no magic and no curse.  This is Emma and Regina in completely different roles.  You may find a couple of your other favorite characters as well.
·I Can Almost Hear Your Harmony by swansaloft (orphan_account) Regina and Emma decide to engage in a short-term pretend relationship (for Very Important Reasons, obviously), but what should be a simple arrangement becomes complicated when a sprig of everyone's favorite kiss-inducing plant is thrown (literally) into the mix.
·Second Time Around by RowArk Emma magically reverts herself to a toddler, with her adult memories, but is unable to communicate and no one knows who she is. Regina takes in the lost baby girl and bonds with her, eventually telling her personal things, having no idea she's actually talking to Miss Swan, who is hearing everything, and it changes how she sees Regina (in a good way).
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