#[The Parasite of Kamurocho: Masayoshi Tanimura]
themxtleycrew · 9 months
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"Hold on hold on hold on.... there's a 'Tanimura died in Ryuu Ga Gotoku 6' theory???"
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dorkydragon · 2 years
Yakuza games kanji info 8
Masayoshi Tanimura (谷村 正義, Tanimura Masayoshi)
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The Parasite of Kamurocho and guardian of Little Asia.
谷 tani = valley
村 mura = village, town
正 masa = correct, justice, righteous
義 yoshi = righteousness, justice, morality, honor, loyalty, meaning
- About his given name: His sense of justice is emphasized with a pair of kanji with very similar meanings. His arc in Y4 is investigating and learning the truth about his adoptive father’s murder and bringing the culprits to justice. He ends up joining forces with the other protagonists to expose the deep-rooted police corruption that has destroyed many lives. Tanimura’s ‘loyalty’ is specially shown in his relationship with the residents of Little Asia: He grew up among them after his adoptive father was murdered and now looks out for them as if they were his own family. He earned his infamous nickname after using illegal gambling and blackmailing to earn money to secretly support immigrant children and their families.
- Taigi Tanimura adopted the son of his fellow police officer Yusuke Kaga after he was murdered and gave him the name Masayoshi to reflect Kaga’s wish to have a son with a strong sense of justice.
Extra - Both Tanimuras have the same family name and also have the kanji 義 in their given names, but with different pronunciations:
(義 gi) 谷村 大義, Tanimura Taigi
The name Taigi is also formed by the kanji 大 (’big, large’) so his name would mean: “great cause; moral law; justice​ .“
Extra 2 - Someya also has the kanji 谷 with a different pronunciation in his family name:
(谷 ya) 染谷 巧, Someya Takumi
Extra 3 - Haruka and the other Sawamuras have the kanji 村 with the same pronunciation:
(村 mura) 澤村 遥, Sawamura Haruka
Extra 4 - Mine also has the kanji 義 with the same pronunciation:
(義 yoshi) 峯 義孝, Mine Yoshitaka
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themxtleycrew · 1 year
@chiji​ liked for a Tanimura starter
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This normally wasn’t the kind of work Tanimura performed. He was with the community safety division of the Kamuro PD, a beat cop, he walked the streets and waded knee deep through the gangs and yakuza crime that often times went unchecked in Kamurocho. Having to play escort to a politician wasn’t something that was normally in his job description. One would think the higher ups would want this job instead, give their reputation and careers a boost. Was it because Tani had drawn the short straw? Or was it an attempt to make him do his job and not wander off to a mahjong parlor?
Honestly, he had better things to do than follow a politician around. It was times like these he wished the radio in his pocket would go off and report a crime in progress.
Still, sour attitude aside, maybe this Aoki guy wouldn’t be so bad, though best not to mention his gambling habits... or how he used his ill gotten winnings to help provide money and lodgings for ‘illegal’ immigrants. Especially not that last part.
As the car pulled up in front of the precinct, Tanimura stood up from the bench he’d been sat on, hand in his pockets, he waited as the door to the limo was open, and the politician got out. “Ryo Aoki? I’m Masayoshi Tanimura, Kamuro PD, I’m supposed to be your escort while you’re campaigning in town.”
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themxtleycrew · 9 months
Tanimura: 'There's no way a plastic spork could be used as a murder weapon.'
Tanimura: -immediately remembers all the different ways Kiryu could turn even a simple condiment into a deadly weapon-
Tanimura: 'On second thought...'
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themxtleycrew · 1 year
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“Welp, lottery tickets were a bust, guess I’ll do some crosswords...”
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themxtleycrew · 1 year
@historias-multorum​ liked for a Tanimura starter
Little Asia had been burned, twice, the first time claiming the old neighborhood and forcing all the immigrants living in that neighborhood to flee, or be deported. What had replaced it had been something ugly, another mob here to try and pick a fight with the Tojo clan. Burned and gone, and soon enough, so were the Tojo and the Omi.
But, little Asia’s mission hadn’t gone away, simply changed locations. Zhao still operated his little side hustle under the guise of his restaurant’s new location, and of course, Tanimura did his part to make sure they were given yen, a roof over their head, and job opportunities before they can get a visa.
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Tanimura today though, just had a bad string of luck at the pachinko parlor, and and even worse time at the mahjong tables. What little yen he had left in his pocket, he’d decided to spend on his lunch at Homeland. Zhao insisted he didn’t have to pay, but Tani payed anyway, hunched over a bowl pork and noodle soup.
The door swings open, the cop doesn’t initially pay the new woman any mind. She could just be another customer here for Zhao’s cooking, or if she’s an immigrant, she’d make that known to the man behind the counter. Tanimura was quick to hide his badge though, the presence of a cop might make her nervous.
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themxtleycrew · 1 year
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“Welp, most of my tickets were losers.”
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“You sure? That one says you won 500 yen.”
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“Oh come on, who’s gonna run to the Poppo to collect on a 500 yen lottery ticket?”
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“Well if you don’t want it, I’ll take it.”
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“Hell no, it’s my 500 yen to waste!”
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themxtleycrew · 1 year
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Like for a starter with my RGG/Judgement muses. Please specify, or one will be picked at random.
(I need to update my Akiyama icons)
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themxtleycrew · 1 year
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“And that is Sabacc.”
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“Huh, so this is basically just Space Poker?”
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“Wait, I thought we were playing Uno...?”
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themxtleycrew · 1 year
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“I’ve been Tiger Dropped before, it negates any damage.”
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“I’ve been Tiger Dropped twice, it negates any damage.”
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themxtleycrew · 1 year
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“About time you showed up, the CSI’s are already running tests on the crime scene. Where have you been?”
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“Ah, sorry Detective Skye, had to make a quick pit stop after I was done at the Mahjong Parlor.”
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“You GAMBLE while on the clock? How have you not been fired yet?”
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“My charming personality?”
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“Just start taking statements, or help Gina with the canine investigation...”
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themxtleycrew · 1 year
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“Where the hell is he!? That detective was supposed to be here with the evidence hours ago!”
--Meanwhile in a Mahjong Parlor--
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“And that is Tsumo. Sorry ‘bout your luck.” The detective snatches up the money from the pot and pockets it, his phone vibrating in his coat pocket.
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“20 missed calls... not pulling the pin on THAT grenade...”
[[Masayoshi Tanimura is now active.]]
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