#[The Lore Of BLCK- Lore]
strykingback · 6 months
The World of the "Ever-After"
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The Ever-After was created by both Gods when they realized the souls of the dead will have no place to return to after Baphomets World Destroying Blast as a means for mankind to "Return to the Star" and either to remain here in a land that congratulates all for either doing good with blessings upon arrival, or with just a simple arrival to this realm of eternity. To which if they wish to be reincarnated they must go to the Tree of Yggdrasil but all the while they must learn of their past, present, and possible future... However... the land itself is ruled by multiple people except only one seeks the power of Yggdrasil..
Basically this place is the Land of the Dead.
Multiple people from the Past and Present time are here in this realm
Mythological Creatures and Fairytale Creatures are here as well
Grimm Titans that are slain in Remnant are also here as well.
The Ascendance is not something that is "pro-suicide" as Vol 9's Canon makes it to be. In my canon it initiates when a form of "growth" happens (i.e. Learning something new, growing past a barrier, or self-reflection) as the teaser/message for Vol 9 was originally about that. The tree of Yggdrasil will bless them with a new ability or form of evolution. (The evolution part is available to the beings of the Ever-After)
The Curious-Cheshire Cat is not a VILLAIN in my canon. He assists people by asking them questions as he is curious about an individual as they go to the Tree of Yggdrasil and isnt vague about questions.
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strykingback · 9 months
BLCK: The Story So Far Part 1
Volume Minus One-
In the beginning there was nothing except for a lone being called Soliphet, they would create the universe with a single snap of their fingers. Yet, while doing so they would create their own world for themselves naming it Remnant. Thus upon completing their world the fused being split itself into two new beings. Solis the God of Light and Baphomet the God of Darkness. Solis would create life while Baphomet would create the destruction through the Grimm. Thus out of jealousy towards his brother he created Imperius the first Grimm Titan of Malevolence and declared war against his brother, while Solis in retaliation created Exaltia the Grimm Titan of Benevolence. Thus the War of Light And Darkness begun and ended with Imperius being sealed away, but his influence would be well known. As an ultimatum both Baphomet and Solis would create mankind.
Mankind would call this era of birth The Age of Antiquity, due to them receiving blessings from the Gods one of these blessings being magic. However, over the course of time some magicks had been outlawed and those who broke those laws and disturbed the Balance received severe punishments. Still a major threat was the Grimm and with many wars breaking out this created a problem for mankind. To which the Gods would crown a Champion every few hundred or thousands of years to face off against the Grimm Champion or The aggressor of a war. The first being Shaka Ishvalda... and many more following after.
The Age of Antiquity would come to an end when Salem became immortal by diving into the Pool of Life in order to become immortal and to become a Champion of Remnant after Ozma Ozymandius would be chosen as a de-facto champion. Which she manipulated all kingdoms to commit a war against the Gods of Light and Darkness to which out of fury at mans betrayal, Baphomet would unleash his Ultimate Technique: Ashes to Ashes. To wipe out all life around Remnant.... leaving the God of Light disappointed his brother had to choose this route and leaving Remnant out of shame along with Baphomet leaving out of grief as well and in the process accidentally destroying the moon shattering it. Out of shame for what she did and as a means tor attempt to join her fallen as well.. she attempted suicide into a Grimm pit but it failed as out came the first Grimm Human Hybrid.
However.. this led to the Clash of Titans as Imperius was freed from the meteor shower and Exaltia and him fighting which both wounding each other. However, before the two could continue their clash they noticed one thing.
Humanity was returning..... and like their forefathers... they too agree that their war would not grant a rebirth for humanity. Thus they ended the war as Humanity returned from dust....
Volume Zero-
With the return of mankind, they were immediately thrusted into a war of bloody evolution as they had to learn how to survive on their own without the help of Gods or magic. Instead they had to fight in order to survive but with the Grimm torturing them constantly it seemed that humanity would be rendered to extinction were it not for the discovery of dust crystals. These elemental crystals would later be key for creating the Hunters. Warriors born and bred by pure skill and training which led to the creation of the Five Kingdoms.
Vale, Vacuo, Mistral, Mantle (Later to be Atlas), and Brumel.
Through these four kingdoms came their ideals and what they stood for. However, what they were unaware of was that danger also lurked. As Salem was recruiting many hunters to her cause originally calling it the Cult of Salem. To which the Gods would revive Ozma giving him the objective of seeking out four relics of Remnant and using it to put an end to Salems wrath. However despite this, Ozma would use this time to start a family and ignore his tasks.
Yet, Salem used this as an opportunity to attack his family while he was away on business, only to return to see Salem standing over the corpses of his wife and four children. Which he cursed her and now remembered what he was revived for as he was "killed" only to take place of another body. Over time Ozma now going by Ozpin entered a deep depression until he encountered four sisters, which he used the last vestiges of what remained of the original magic within Ozma to bless them based around the lessons he was taught by them. For Salem she now learned of a great fear of her possible death by a Silver Eyed Warrior which was nearly ordained by Masamune Shinba a faunus.
Which the legacy of the Maidens of the Seasons were created, thus they along with the Hunters would bring upon the Age of Rebirth. However, over time these legacies would change as time marched forth with Ozpin taking his responsibility seriously and leading many Hunters with the creation of the Hunters Guild after the Great War and the forging of the Hunters Academy as he would meet Team STRQ, Hideyoshi Phalanx, and Jack Stryker. He then gave them the mission to eliminate the Scions of Salem as Summer Rose through her fame of being a Silver Eyed Warrior and a Hunter..... and led a force of hunters and a military force against the Scions of Salem.. only for her to sacrifice her life in order to save millions of lives against Salem, sending the Champion of Darkness into a fifteen year hibernation at the cost of Summers life as she fades away into nothingness....
Thus ending the Age of Rebirth and starting the Age Of Peace
Volume One-
Enter Team BLCK which consists of Blade Stryker, Louvel Shinba, Corona Borealis, and Kazura Rojas Verde. A Team as described by their classmates as a Ragtag crew of Mercenaries with ideals, but with incredible teamwork.
Their story begins with how they were chosen by Ozpin and sent to Beacon Academy.
Blade Stryker is a Vacuan native who was also part of the Desertwalkers operating underneath the codename of the Burning Thunder Demon Lord or Burning Thunder. However, after a mission gone wrong which resulted in the loss of his brother in arms Flare. he would go full vigilante and even to the point where he would do this after school hours at Signal Academy, despite being scolded by police whenever he got caught doing so. However, after graduating he would date Tessa Clyde and using her to get close to Desperado Joe which he would think he would get fame, instead he became infamous and for his safety Blade was requested to leave Vacuo and go to Beacon Academy upon request by Hideyoshi and Theodore Saladin....as bandit tribes affiliated with Desperado Joe would aim for his head.
Louvel Shinba a Menagerie Native hails from the mountains where the Shinbaori is located, a once mistralian clan of Faunus that believed in building bridges between man and faunus, only for it to be torn down by humanity and exiled by them, leading to their new home. Despite their affiliation with the White Fang during its peaceful years it would change after Sienna Khan believed it was now time to use violence instead of peace. To which the Shinbaori would no longer affiliate themselves with the White Fang. Yet, they would unleash missions targeting the White Fang and other anti-faunus or . For Louvel he sought the secrets of the Shinbaori and the legacy they left behind in Mistral as he planned to enroll in Haven Academy only to be stopped by business by his brother in arms Orochi as the two along with Yang Xiao Long would intercept a White Fang commander and bringing them to justice.
Louvel would then receive a letter stating that he was approved to go to Beacon Academy and to report to Vale to further his application process along with Yang as the two talked together.
Corona Borealis a Mistralian native who was once underneath the gang led by Lil Miss Malachite named the Spiders. she would betray the spiders and mostly going on an assassination spree, leaving behind the mark of the Dark Eagle who would mostly target gang members seeking out information on others especially those who were innocent. After an assasination gone wrong she was arrested by the Mistralian police as Ozpin would interfere giving Corona a choice. To either rot in a cell for the rest of her life or to join Beacon Academy and become a Huntress and then return to Mistral to finish what she started with Lil Miss Malachite as she begrudgingly agreed.
Kazura is of the fifth kingdom, Brumel. As he came from a long line of kings. Yet, he wondered about the world outside of his kingdom as he was a Prince and wanted to be as kind and understanding as his father Rodrigues, who killed his father after he was preparing to declare war on Atlas and make Brumel into an empire. As he traveled to Atlas Academy studied there and passed before moving onto Beacon Academy and meeting his comrades there.
As how they all met, Blade and Louvel would meet after assisting Ruby Rose in defeating both Roman Torchwicks lackeys and Deadshot Gunnars gang as well. While they were arrested but Ozpin would ask of them why they wanted to join Beacon thus they would explain their reasons why and thus gain access to Beacon Academy, as they would train and meet the rest of their teammates.
BLCK would have a rocky start with Corona and Blade as the two were at wits with eachother and their teamwork with Corona telling him that his laidback "Vacuan Style" will one day get him killed and with him telling her that just hiding in the shadows wont do any good. Thankfully Professor Oobleck and Professor Goodwitch would grant the duo some words of advice as they looked at eachother with understanding.
Louvel would have to deal with Weiss in a combat class as she was excited to let her know his place as he was nothing more but a low-class faunus. Despite his teammates helping him Louvel feels as if he will always be a third-rate hunter due to his semblance Wolf Arts and how he has only unlocked four so far. Which thanks to Professor Peach and Sun Wukong, he unlocks his fifth art: Crushing Jaws of the Wolf and defeats Weiss. This loss alone would make Weiss enraged as she would later on curse him for being better....
Deadshot Gunnar would then escape jail and rejoin with Torchwick as the two would capture Kazuras friend as he feels as if its his responsibility to face off against this threat himself, as he was the only one to fight this opponent himself. However with his friends trying to help he angrily refuses stating how this was his responsibility and his alone as Weiss on the other hand calls Blake a dirty faunus and calling them out for being thieves and murderers as both walk out angrily and joining Sun as the trio go to face Torchwick, Deadshot Gunnar, and the White Fang by themselves. Only when their back is against the wall to be rejoined by Louvel, Corona, Blade, and Penny who assist them.
In which it is revealed that Kazuras friend was none other than Professor Merlinda Morgana who states that she is grateful and will keep them in mind as she goes with Ozpin and Penny and when in private she states. She has a key mission for Team BLCK and stating that its urgent.
Volume Two -
At the start of Volume Two, Team BLCK is excited for their huntsman shadowing mission, albeit despite some new "friends" such as Cinder Fall in which Blade and Cinder having a sparring match as it ended with a draw, Louvel and Mercury having a conversation about their birthplaces, and Emerald and Corona bonding over their love of jewelry. When the dance happens Blade and Ruby intercept Cinder as he calls her out saying. "I KNOW THOSE SKILLS ANYWHERE!!!!!" while Cinder is taken aback that he has such a good memory with Mercury saying that he's Vacuan equating them to idiots. As before he could explain to Ozpin, Goodwitch, and Ironwood his team are sent on their "huntsman shadowing mission" only to find out it is a literal mission as they all play out every phase correctly and as possibly as it was against a PMC that is planning on violating the PMC act.
Which Team BLCK would intercept only to find out that they were led into a trap by an unknown source claiming himself to be a Scion for a higher power. In which Icarus PMC and bribed Atlesian soldiers would attempt to intercept the team however, they escaped from the target building but the consequence of it was that the fighting was spilling out into the streets. With Ace Ops moving to intercept them as they all split up to meet up at the rendevouz while fighting Winter, Clover, Elm, and Vine of the Ace Ops. Team BLCK would then escape as soon as they defeated their opponents leaving Atlas behind but even when Atlas was counting the injured or dead innocents caught up in the fighting...
Many of them praised Team BLCK as they went out of their way to save as many as they could while others in Atlas sought their arrest. Despite it now being public information as a team of young hunters Stopping a horrible event. Was unheard of thus when whispers about was going around they became. Remnants Most Infamous Team. As a further surprise they receieved Outsider the Grimm Velociraptor a rare-type Grimm as a new member of the team.
Volume Three-
The Vytal Festival has arrived and Brumel is now hereby a fifth kingdom to now participate in the tournament. As Team BLCK deals with CRDL in the team matches, then Louvel and Corona handles a duo from Mistral. However, before they can enter the finals Eros Ahab an Atelier Paladin hands them a mission coming from the top.
Which the team is conflicted about as they wanted to participate in it, but they agree that if it is another threat that will end Remnant. as a whole then they cannot ignore it. Accepting they ask team RWBY to take over for them as Weiss and Yang were eliminated by a draw against Neon and Flynt to take over for the finals in their stead. Which Team BLCKOUT would discover Professor Merlots hideout as they discuss about how Ruby and her friends dealt with Merlot before.
Only for the bastard to escape and start over again. But this time they discover that they Grimm there are captured rare-types and became cybernetically enhanced creating Cyber-Grimm, and of these cyber Grimm came Outsiders father Alpha, who the young raptor thought was dead was alive. Thus, Team BLCK would make more terrifying discoveries about an old world before this time and about Salem. More or less Cinder Fall being part of this "Cult" as Blade calls it. Yet, one key thing catches their eye...
The Destruction Of Beacon Academy.....
Immediately, Team BLCKOUT is about head out to stop Cinder only to be stopped by Professor Merlot as he calls them out for being threats from earlier. Which Team BLCKOUT deals with him and frees the Cyber Grimm and heads back to Beacon Academy which was under attack as everyone splits up to deal with a certain area....
Louvel would watch with horror as he sees Yangs arm getting sliced off by a powerful Grimm that the White Fang had captured. In which out of rage for his first friend outside of the SHinbaori he would slaughter it, and take Yang to safety.
Corona would come across Blake as the two face off against Adam and Melenia and Miltia of the Spiders as both are pressed to their very limit to the point Blake rolls the dice with a gamble on her semblance helping her and Corona escape as they go to assist in other areas and soon.. out of fear break off with their friends.
Kazura would witness the death of Jaune (Because I hate his ass SO MUCH.) along with Pyrra and Sun who notices how he fought against multiple amounts of Grimm defending the entrance to the chamber of the Fall Maiden who was wounded at the time and died standing up. This enrages Kazura, as he promised to not let anyone else die as he fights so hard he ends up getting a brutal wound from a Grimm that destroys both his shield and armor sending him into a coma.
While Cinder below fights and defeats Ozpin while also claiming the rest of the Fall Maidens power as Blade and Ruby move to intercept her along with Penny as the trio fights her only for the Grimm Titan locked within Mt. Glenn to awaken and escape causing more trouble as it forces our heroes to fight differently as Penny is "killed" by Cinder with Ruby unleashing her Silver Eyes ability for the first time ever.....
Thankfully the two would awaken in Patch after two weeks, which Louvel and Tai Yang filled them in on the situation as Yang is in a deep depression, Blake and Corona are traveling together, and Weiss and Kazura were sent back to their respective kingdoms. As Ruby, Blade, Outsider, Sun, and Pyrra all gather together to travel to Mistral to Haven Academy to continue their training as hunters while Louvel hangs back with Yang to help her.
Yet those this event along with the last one REVIVES SALEM Thus beginning the Age Of Darkness
Volume Four-
Thanks to the two events both being the Founding Crisis and the Fall of Beacon it was enough to awaken Salem from her hibernation, as she plans out the next steps and that was to find the other Maidens of the Seasons and find the relics. As Tyrian is sent out on his mission while Cinder who had recently lost and arm and an eye, because of both the combined efforts of Ruby and Blade. Which team SPNL, Ruby, Blade and Outsider travel along Anima meeting new friends and new enemies along the way.
In Brumel, Kazura awakens after a four month coma as he regains his strength and decides to go back to Atlas and Mantle only to see things have grown worse across Remnant over time as he has to make a massive decision along with Weiss as the two are both heirs to a family... with Weiss losing her heiress status after arguing with her father, and Kazura realizing that he may not be welcome in the Solitas Region if he reactivates the Atelier Agent Program which he does stating that Remnant needs heroes now more than ever.
as he goes to Mistral to rejoin his friends at Mistral believing that they are heading to Haven or Sanctuary Academy.
Louvel and Yang would start training together after Yang finds the courage to fight again after realizing that even with a disability she can still rise above. As the two would grow closer throughout their training as she learns a little more about Louvel. Only for a screecher to tell Louvel that his brother Orochi was killed in action, leaving Louvel depressed and saddened that he lost another close friend of his...... as Yang would do the same thing he did for her, to help him rise above...as in Menagerie Corona and Blake discover a controversy about the White Fang now joining forces with the remnants of Icarus PMC to destroy Haven Academy but furthermore discovering that someone else is playing a puppeteer towards the White Fang.
Back with SPNL, Ruby and Blade and Outsider. They would encounter the Scion of Poison, Tyrian as they all fight him but with struggle as he calls himself the second ranked Scion amongst the Scions of Salem. Despite this... Qrow would come to assist and in turn getting poisoned as Hermes an Atelier Agent also comes to assist as well which shocks Tyrian noticing how Hermes continously heals even after "killing" him.
Afterwards, Rubys gang would encounter the Grimm Terror the Banshee Nucklavee as they struggle to destroy the beast. Only for Lie Ren and Nora being the ones to finish it off as they too had encountered it years ago. Thankfully they were rescued by the Mistralian Defense Force as they were taken to Mistral.
Louvel would receive an urgent request from the Shinbaori to return to Menagerie as White Fang activity there has increased with Louvel saying his farewells to Yang with one final training session and a botched confession.
Volume 5-
Blade and the gang arrive at Haven Academy meeting with Professor Leonardo Lionheart and his assistant Frankurter Van Gogh. Which Qrow and everyone believes that the Scions of Salem are planning on targeting the Spring Maiden and that it is key to find them and claim victory over the Scions of Salem. In which they attempt a search party both in and out of Mistral, but with Ruby and Blade, Qrow talks about how Professor Lionheart was more rambunctious and extroverted back when he was younger. Which Ruby and Blade asks questions about him and one about Summer and him. Which Qrow says that he and Summer were firm friends as she gave him courage and in return he gave her bravery.
Meanwhile, Yang and Kazura arrives in the Anima Region running into eachother when they notice bandits are attacking a village which they fight as hard as they could until getting overwhelmed until they counter the Spring Maiden, Vernal who is part of the bandits and later on reveals that it is Ravens bandits. As Yang is shocked to see her mother after all this time at first she is ready to become lethal with her but Kazura stops her as the trio talks about Ozpin and what he is not what they think he is and how Summer was a great individual despite her shortcomings. In which as a promise Raven would open a portal up as Yang would agree to ask Raven about where she was all this time only when the time came.
Thus reuniting with Blade and Outsider along with Ruby.
Next, back in Menagerie, Louvel would reunite with Corona and Blake, as the trio go up to the mountains to consult with his father and to recieve instructions. Which he would be surprised as Louvel would discover more about his grandfathers illness worsening as he was unaware of it. Which he feels he is about to lose someone else as they start to recruit people to make a stand against the White Fang and to intercept the strike force planning on attacking Haven Academy.
Yet while this is going on Adam "kills" Sienna to warn the Shinbaori about the attack as they were paid off by Icarus PMC and being manipulated by the Scions of Salem in order to awaken ANOTHER Grimm Terror in Mistral. This leads into the joint-force of the White Fang and Icarus PMC remnants attacking Menagerie and destroying homes along the way... but this enrages Louvel as he slaughters them without mercy entering the Violent Wolf State
Thankfullly he would be forcefully exited out of thanks to his grandfathers semblance, in which Louvel would embrace his grandfather apologizing to him tearfully as he holds him in his arms. Stating about how he has worsened things, but his grandfather reminds Louvel that mistakes are a plenty and that they are lessons to be learned. In which Louvel understands as he is granted permission to utilize his rage against the White Fang and the Scions of Salem.
In which Blake and Ilia would finally talk and end things between them and finally join forces to go face off against the White Fang and the Scions together. Back in Menagerie the Scions of Salem had already found the Spring Maiden, but Raven returns from Menagerie after a chat with Lionheart reminding him of his pride and how he once was a proud warrior and that there is nothing to fear when he is surrounded by allies.
In which Lionheart understands and when the day of the attack comes he joins forces with the Guardians of the Light (Ozpins faction) and explains he sent the Hunters away from Mistral in order to save their lives in which he not only collaborated with Salem but went against her as well. Shocking Cinder and her crew as the battle of Haven Academy begins.
Thankfully with both forces being intercepted this leads to a final showdown between Raven, Louvel and Yang versus Cinder who killed Vernal but discovered that she transferred the power of the Spring Maiden to Raven. As Raven reveals that after the death of the former Spring Maiden Twelve Years ago.. and with one of the Scions stating that Yang was only but a child, Raven had no choice but to leave and kill any Scion of Salem who had plans to abduct or kill Yang until she learned how to defender herself. which is what Taiyang feared about talking with Yang as he did not know how she would react. To which Yang understood Ravens fears hugging her mother and thanking her for protecting her even if she didnt know it was her.
As the two make up with Raven, Louvel, and Yang taking the Relic of Knowledge and successfully claiming a key victory for the Guardians of the Light as, Louvel passes out from being pushed to his limit combined with using the Violent Wolf State.
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strykingback · 10 months
What animals inhabit the world? What animals are indigenous or considered exotic?
First things first. I'd like to apologize for how LATE this came by. So for this ask I am gonna seperate things from Most Exotic to Most Common.
Starting off with Brumel:
Most Exotic Animal:
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The Brumelian Wolf-Dog, Brumelis Knightus. In Brumelian mythology it is believed that these wolfdogs are the old knights of Brumel who were now reincarnated into the wolf form they are known today. Some sources even state that they are also spirits of those who had served their family, Brumel, or even those who died in Brumel keeping a gentle vigil over their families, kingdom, or even certain individuals.
Most Common: The Brumelian Sea Eagle, Brumelus Oceanus
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This Avian bird is believed to be a symbol of fortune by many Brumelians who live outside of the main kingdom. If it were to fly towards you and simply bow, and if you feed it well it will fly off and ward away Grimm due to its loud screech. However, should it not be fed or threatened it will make a threat display along with a hissing sound warning that families will indeed suffer from misfortune... surprisingly this happened to Rodrigues Father who suffered a great misfortune by being killed by his own son after he threw a knife at it.
Most Exotic:
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The Beasts From Antiquity, These were once ancient beasts that lived throughout the old days of Remnant, sprawling almost everywhere around ancient Remnant. Until they were believed to made extinct by the God of Darkness/Baphomets extinction wave. However.... some who had sensed the danger... survived. Thus in Forde's Valley, lives these creatures. Herbivores, Carnivores, and Omnivores live alike here. Despite Atlas wanting to capture some or even just one of these creatures.... they were denied that by Vale, Vacuo, Brumel and Atlas altogether stating that: "If We Simply Move Aside. Life Will Find A Way."
Most Common:
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Wild Horses. Mistral would be at hearth for many many wild horses, which some people do not mind as some are domesticated for travelers to use and even some for horse racing around Remnant (With the exception of Vacuo due to it being too dangerous). Thankfully, Mistrals government only allows these Horses to be tamed by farmers who are capable of doing so any unethical methods will not be tolerated.
Atlas and Mantle: Most Exotic:
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Snow Dragons/ Blizzardis Draconis. It was once said that these Dragons were once guardians of Mantle and the newly created Atlas during an age of peace and struggle. Even as the first Winter Maiden had returned to help her people with these dragons who came in all shapes and sizes. However, after the First Winter Maidens death, and Atlas' government pandering to the Rich and ignoring the poor... the Dragons would no longer support them as they abandoned them.... but a few keep a silent vigil over Atlas and Mantle even using their very roars to drive away Grimm.
After Atlas' destruction along with Mantles by the hands of Imperius and The Scions of Salem. The Snow Dragons have kept any civilian or survivor who could escape safe taking them to their home of Asgard... another ancient city that is led by a Grimm Titan.
Most Common:
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Wrathhunters, Wraithis Atlesus. These powerful beasts not to be confused with its Grimm Counterpart the Sabyrs. Are most common in the more densely packed forested areas of Atlas or even in the caves. Which many of these Wrathhunters have fought their Grimm counterparts for food, land, or even just fighting just to be fighting. What is more surprising is that very few have tamed them due to their INSANE bite force and striking power. Yet, these few are Willow Schnee and An Unknown Atlesian Hunter.
Yet, when tamed they are very loyal to its masters family... even better is that they are capable of reading emotions so much so that Jacques Schnee was almost attacked by Willows Wrathhunter after an argument. Vale:
Most Exotic:
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The Color Bird, Coloris Avius, Despite being flightless, this is one bird that many hunters in Vale state is the last thing anyone would want to face not even the most strongest of villagers would want to tussle with the Color Bird. As its name suggests, its surrounded by a plumage of colors depending on the season, However dont let that trick you as this Omnivore can be quite the threat if pressed the wrong way. Just one swipe from its talons can easily gut you. However, it is known that there are only twelve left in existence due to the Great War destroying most of its environment and watering holes that once belonged to them being all but destroyed. Yet, many villagers who saw the creature passing through and was not pressed at all will do a dance before shedding off some of its feathers blessing the village with its protection from Grimm as long as in return if they find a mate to be protected as well.
Most Common:
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The Haunting Owl, Hauntius Darknius. In Valean mythology seeing one of these owls staring at you or hearing one is a sign that there are Grimm nearby. Yet, believers in the God Of Darkness/ Baphomet believed that the Haunting Owls are servants of the God of Darkness serving as his very eyes for the most devout of them all. Yet they can also be tamed like a famed soldier who used this as a tactic against the Mantleans during the Great War making any Mantlean soldier fearful of going too deep into the forest out of fear of coming across one only to be slaughtered by a nearby Grimm or a Grimm watching them.
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The Desert Hungerer, Dersetus Feastius. This Crocodilian Lizard beast, believed to have existed for millenia even managing to survive the End Of Antiquity, utilizing anything they have to their advantage even having to eat some of their own. However, coming across them is rare as just even fighting one can lead to ones death. Due to its strong exterior a full grown Desert Hungerers body can be just slightly invulnerable because of that. Even worse is that the tip of the tail contains a poison that could easily paralyze someone as just one well place tail whip can be the end of the fight. Even Hideyoshi Phalanx fought one and managed to break out of it despite some issues thanks to his Semblance... thankfully it is only a temporary poison. Surviving this creature would make you go into the Halls of Legends in Vacuos terms as just surviving this creature would be the most bravest thing ever... as only four had survived it. Three had fought it and lived. 8,000 had fought it and died.
Most Common:
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The Moonlight Fox, Luna Desertius. Dont let its diminuitive size fool you. Despite its small frame it contains a lot of fight it in it. Unlike their wolf-dog counter parts in Brumel. The Moonlight Fox are believed to be the spirits of the lost Oases that were destroyed by Mantle as some howl in unison begging to the moon for the return of the oases that were destroyed.
Yet, were anyone were to come across them during a full moon night they would be blessed with a gift of water through a small watering hole.. If it were to be a full group/pack. They would lead that person to a hidden oasis (Not the Final Oasis the Desert Walkers) have. As their name suggests they are mostly nocturnal as to avoid Grimm activity and Desert Hungerers.
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strykingback · 3 months
So why is Hideyoshi called the Shield Of Vacuo?
This is a pretty easy question. This is due to the fact of Hideyoshi leading an entire revolt against Schnee Dust Company and the Private Military Companies he hired. This would lead to the "War of Dust" in Vacuo where after he was met with scrutiny by the Hunters Council of Remnant where he would say one thing: "Does it look like I'm gonna let fuckin' Atlas destroy us again?!"
Therefore it was a rallying cry for the everyone living Vacuo ranging from the Hunters, Bandits, and villagers forced out of their homes to take a stand against Atlas.
After this it would lead him to gain notoreity amongst Atlas but fame as the Hunters Guild agreed to skyrocket Hideyoshi from A-Rank to S-Rank. no less the 3rd STRONGEST S-Rank Hunter and rightfully so.
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strykingback · 9 months
BLCK: The Story So Far Final Part
Volume 10-
Three months have passed since Salem and the Artorians have taken Atlas. Yang and Ruby's relationship as sisters have began to grow strained as the two once had small debates which would later turn into entire arguments and then a shouting match following. While back in Atlas, a Resistance Coalition was formed between the exiled Atlesians and Mantleans against the Scions of Salem but is now on their last legs as many are beginning to leave or accepting the new reality they live in
Salem is still seeking out the Relic of Creation, as Jotunheim takes Oscar to the Ancient City of Asgard, his home. With Oscar learning about the city and its people who made a pact with that of the Snow Dragons of the Solitas Region. With Jotunheim as their chief leader./Grand Leader.
After a mission, Ruby and Yang enter another argument to which Ruby says something incredibly insensitive to Yang which causes her to punch Ruby as the two end up fighting, destroying a block in Actus. As they are suspended from any missions and will need to do some labor around the Atelier Base.
An unknown aircraft approaches Brumel but with a different insignia, revealing it to be piloted by Professor Lionheart, who states he has come from his home Artorias, leaving everyone shocked. Which he reveals that his homeland is in a war at the moment and has joined the resistance in order to reclaim that homeland. Revealing its defacto leader. Imani L'verra. Who seeks council and support from the Brumelian Military.
At the same time, Eros gets a message from Qrow who informs him that things have been worsening for the AMRF (Atlesian-Mantlean Resistance Force) as they are on their threads end and seeks vetting for reinforcements to make a stand against the Scions of Salem.
Imani talks with the Brumelian Council, but is denied support until Kazura steps up claiming that this was a common enemy that not only the Artorias Resistance Coalition shares but also the Mantleans and Atlesians as well. Warning the council that if they were to ignore this threat they'll be next and history will remember Brumel as the "Great Nation That Remained Silent" as his father agrees with Kazura and promises to send his forces towards Artorias as he orders Kazura to prepare a strike force to send to Mantle as he will also have the support of the Atelier Agents as well.
The strike force going to Mantle will have Kazura as the leader, Weiss as the co-commander, Nora as the Tank, Lie-Ren and Blake as stealth, Pyrrha as the extra support, and Eros to help train the Atlesians and Mantleans. The team joining the Atelier military going to Atlas will have Louvel as the leader, Ryze as the Co-Leader, Yang as the Tank, Zek and Corona as snipers, Reaver as the Co-Tank, and Twilight as the Chief Medic.
Finally, Ruby shows concern about Oscars location as Penny reveals that he is safe somewhere around the Solitan Mountains, which his emergency transponder shut off somewhere around that area. With Ruby's Relic Recovery Team being Ruby, Blade, Sun, Penny, and Outsider to go and recover the Relic and Oscar at the same time. While Aesir reveals that they are headed to the "City of Man and Dragons" leaving her shocked that something like that was possible.
Everyone goes off on their missions, while back with the Scions of Salem, Cinder is berated and punished by Salem for failing to recover the relic and the Winter Maidens power, all while she further berates her for not doing as she was told while also adding onto that punishment for her failure to kill Lionheart and Raven. Leaving Neo and Raiku (The Scion of Thunder) slightly disturbed if this is what failure looks like.
The Scions receive new orders to deepen their patrol of the city as Salem believes that the resistance formed one month ago is on their final legs and now just needs one good strike to end it all. Yet at the same time, Raiku offers his input of going for the head aka, killing Robyn as she was a seasoned Atlesian soldier It would make more sense for her to be aiming for her rather than just wiping out the whole army. As Salem sends him out to find her and end her.
Upon arrival in Zers'kya, Lionheart and Imani explain the situation as their coalition force is aiming for key spots around Artorias to destroy in order to free it. These spots are Naerea, A key position that holds a base and an ammo depot, Syrnokr, The home base of the Artorian special forces and their elite unit The Dead Sea Scrolls Unit. Lastly is the Arwven Ruins/Road. Where it is believed an ancient power underneath the ruins lies dormant and Artorias Scientific Forces are trying to draw that power to create a new weapon.
Imani also explains that many have answered their plea for help including a PMC who has sent their strike force, revealing Team VAIN, Vance Kikai an Atlesian man whose brain was transferred into a machine, Inari, A Former Dead Sea Scrolls member and Necros a former cult member of the "Cult of Salem." Lastly to Louvels shock it is none other than Adam Tarus as everyone prepares their weapons but he explains that he has changed but Louvel states that he needs to see it in order to believe it.Adam also agrees as he was a former Shinbaori member and apologizes for betraying their ideals for violence and hatred towards humans. In which they receive their objectives and to begin joining the march towards Naerea through the Northern front.
With Kazuras strike force, they are shocked to see the state of Mantle as it is incredibly overpopulated and filled with multiple amounts of sickness, as they are led to the headquarters by Excelsus an android mercenary for hire who cared about nothing but the Hunt. Claiming that hunting the Scions of Salem was a better thing than having to wait for a hunt. Which results in a brief reunion as they are given their orders for a mission as they need to first claim an ammo depot/base just outside of Mantle. Finally, they reveal that Harriet of the Ace Ops also explains that her friends and General Ironwood is also in the Bulkhead Prison. Meant for high-class criminals.... and sadly she fears that Ironwood may be dead to which Winter remains adamant that he is not dead.
Rubys group travels across the Solitan mountains to the Bridge leading to Asgard as they encounter a Grimm Chimera only for it to be dispatched by the Asgardian Fighting force the Dragoons of Sigrun and Mimir. As Oscar is shocked to see them with everybody joining him as he talks about the recent Grimm attacks have been increasing by the minute, as he fears its only a matter of time before Salem senses the relic herself as their relic recovery mission turns into a defense mission.
Salem after a few hours of mediation would sense the Relic giving everyone their orders, with Raiku's remaining the same, Hazel, Emerald, and Mercury to patrol the streets, and for Watts to hack into Atlas' systems in order to locate Brumel. In which Hazel, Emerald, and Mercury all talk about their dreams once Salem completes her main mission and frees them from their servitude. Emerald just wants all the riches in the world since she grew up poor in Vacuo and tried to follow the "Make Something From Nothing" rule only for it to not work out, Mercury seeks to have his semblance returned as his father had locked it away, Hazel only wishes to have his sister back only to question if it means taking so many lives.
Tyrian would overhear the conversation and remind everyone that their dreams are pointless and weak, all should bend to her will which only furthers their bravery to defect from the Scions of Salem. Yet,before a fight could break out Cinder and Salem arrive this time with a new member a "experiment" as she reveals the Hound. Who begins his hunt to find Ruby Rose and Oscar.
The strike force in Artorias leads an attack on Naereas base and claims it without a second thought as Yang realizes that her sister would have been exposed to the horrors of war after seeing so many homes destroyed, thinking about how even she is in the middle of one but is doing her best to try and help. To which Adam sympathizes with her... as he was unaware of what he did when he fought with the White Fang, which Yang asks him what made him begin to see things differently. His answer? Because when he was wounded by Louvel and the wound was only getting worse over time he passed out near a village where humans nursed him back to health.
Yang is happy to see that Adam had changed and he even agrees that this whole time he was blinded by the hatred of the humans who had branded his eye and forgot that there are good humans who do care about the faunus rights movement and try to be better for them. Yet he now understands fully about the humans and wants to do better and fight to not only redeem himself but do it for others as well.
Kazuras strike team claims the ammo depot and manages to reinvigorate the fires of the AMRF but its only an ember of what it was, as they go to rescue to Ironwood, and when doing so they are chased by the Artorian ships as they go underground Only to discover a lost kingdom. As Finally, they are met by Baphomet the God of Darkness as they attempt to attack him but only for him to merely dodge and even stop all of their attacks. As he tells them that him and his brother Solis are just observing.
Baphomet tells them that ever since he destroyed Remnant he and his brother regretted abandoning the home they made together, as they returned with the goal of doing one thing. To Walk Amongst Man. Thus they would only intercept if they saw something great happening and so far they have. Kazura asks Baphomet about the city here as he reveals it to be the lost kingdom of Alsius.
Baphomet talks about the Kingdom being home to the Knights Of Solitas and explains their Platinum Era, Gold Era, Silver Era, Bronze Era, Iron Era, and Obsidian Era as they travel through the city to return to Mantle. Only to be intercepted by Raiku and Hazel to which Weiss and Kazura make quick work without any difficulty as their weapons begin to glow piquing Baphomets interest calling them the two that may unify the Solitas Region as he opens a portal to the AMRF's HQ.
With Ruby's Group, Ruby is slowly becoming more enraged in her fighting style as it becomes more like a feral animals rather than her usual pop and grace style. Which worries the rest of her group as they feel she is trying to prove Yang wrong. In which Ruby simply states the obvious to abandon Asgard shocking everyone including Aesir as this was NOT how Ruby would normally act.
Ruby states about how she is growing tired of defending the city and should just steal the relic and leave. Instead everyone is willing to go against her. To which she states then she'll just go and beat Jotunheim to the point where he'll give her the Relic as she attempts to fight the Titan as she finally breaks down during their fight as she states how Salem killed her mother to which Aesir and Jotunheim tell her that was not the truth but a manipulation tactic.
Aesir and Jotunheim tell Ruby about the truth of Summer Rose, she was a proud Huntress who recruited not only Hunters but managed to impress both Grimm Titans enough to join her cause. She knew full well that she would need to push her Silver Eyes to the very limit to not only wound Salem but Imperius as well as upon doing so she would die. In her final moments her minds eye opened seeing a future where Yang and Ruby was happy with Taiyang, Raven and Qrow finally getting along, Ozpins duty finally being completed and earning his eternal rest.
The revelation moves Ruby to remember why she became a Huntress and it was not to defeat Salem to protect everyone including those who wish to see a brighter future for all. Thus revealing the key to Salems defeat as Masamune was the foundation, Summer was the building process, and Ruby is to be the end of Salem. Which she states she is prepared to now Save Atlas with Aesir releasing the seal on Ruby's Silver Eyes and further empowering it. With both Titans releasing a loud roar summoning their forces to come to their aid as they have called for Exaltia to send her emissary Cashmere. As they have decided to join the fight along with doing one thing bringing the Relic of Creation with them.
With Louvels team they reach the ruins when they discover this belongs to the first Summer Maiden who founded the nation and had a prophecy that the blood of an evil man will be used to revive the Kingdom in its direst time with the Sword Of Summers. In which it has been taken as Glestchner prepares to use it to power a Bionic Version of Perseus with the Grimm Titan sensing it as they begin the march to the main capital of Artorias.
Upon arriving in the Capital City the Perseus discovers the Bionic Perseus as the two fight with the ARC forces on the ground swarming the city fighting against the enemy forces occupying it while Imani is brought forth to fight as well. As Perseus struggles with the machine variant of himself its only until the Brumelian forces bring forth Ace in the Liberation where the odds are evened out as Glestchner is overpowered and defeated, as he attempts to to try and take Imani's life only to be stabbed by the Sword of Summers.
With his blood, the once destroyed land of Artorias was brought back to life as those witnessing this dropped their weapons realizing what they have done. Nearly destroying themselves and their kingdom in the process. As finally a HUGE part of the Dictatorship of Artorias has fallen in which Lionheart is prepared to use this opportunity to send the ARC forces to Atlas as Yang calls Ruby to apologize to her about everything as Ruby does the same.
Back with Kazuras strike force they now make the move to reclaim Mantle as they do and now escape to Watchpoint Delta in between the halfway point to Brumel as everyone regroups there. With the plan being simple as Rodrigues authorizes usage of Brumels full might against Salem which shocks the Champion of Darkness as Baphomet mocks her stating to never underestimates mans might when underneath the heel of darkness. As she attempts to attack him only for him to fade away and reappear continuously mocking her.
Salem then mobilizes her forces with the exception of the Seats of Vanity as she will need them for later. As The Guardians of the Light attacks Atlas, with Kazura and Weiss facing off against her and their weapons awakening as Caliburn becomes Excalibur and Myrtenaster becoming Myrtenaster-Alvitr. As they fight against Salem she sends to the Forbidden Realm to die from a MASSIVE amount of Darkness, but Baphomet finally intervenes and restores them to full health as they continue to fight weakening Salem, As Cashmere unleashes his magic as he claims her immortality in order for the Prophecy he had forseen to come true.
Salem retreats out of fear but warns them that Imperius is already healed...and is coming to Atlas as she prepares for her next move. With no time to waste evacuations ar e underway as people either go to Asgard or Brumel. Thus Imperius attacks forcing The Guardians of Light to use the Relic of Creation where Cinder ambushes them as they fight with everything they have left as she blows BLCK and RWBY down to the "void" While Ironwood fights a powered up version of Imperius as he sacrifices his life to save millions.
Cinder does manage to wound Penny as she claims both Relics but in a last ditch effort Winter takes the relic and remembers what Kazura told her about the last question. To ask WHO can defeat Salem as she does so and smiles saying its not just one. It's two people. As she and SPNL retreat to Brumel closing the portals as Cinder escapes with the last question wasted as Salem finds out....... but despite being enraged a thorn is removed and finally offers Cinder a seat amongst her Seats of Vanity.
BLCK AND RWBY all land in the Ever After which is basically the Land of The Dead as they go through its trials of Reincarnation as they all realize they are on a Time Limit as the Ever-After will slowly force their souls to remain here unless if they do not escape as they go along they will face the Ascendance, which is their awakening to newer abilities they gain.
They encounter Shaka Ishvalda and the Curious Cat who leads them to the tree of Yggdrasil while also fighting against old enemies and fighting with old friends as well. This leads to the newest threat the Red Queen and her court as she tries to prevent them from achieving the Ascendance by any means necessary. Upon reaching the tree thye have their final battle as Ruby and Blade stay behind to help Ishvalda against The Red Queen as Ruby finally meets her mother for the first time.
The God of Light Solis was moved by their sacrifice and restored both Blades and Ruby Souls to return to Remnant. As BLCK and RWBY arrive in Vacuo prepared for their next bout with the Scions of Salem.
0 notes
strykingback · 9 months
BLCK The Story So Far.... Part 2
Volume 6-
Despite a Major victory over the Scions of Salem, a reunited Team BLCK and RWBY needed time to rest especially after a hard fought battle. In which Louvel would enter a two-week coma due to how much stress he placed on his body. Which within his coma he would encounter an inherited memory from his past of an ancestor talking with someone about a "Scion of Darkness" that the Silver Order must destroy.
Thus after he wakes up and is nursed back to health thanks to the efforts of Professor Lionheart and Yang, he checks the condition of his weapon which is chipped and nearly about to break. To which Louvel explains to everyone that he needs his weapon repaired by a professional Shinbaori swordsmith who can repair his weapon. With everyone questioning where they can find a blacksmith. His answer? The ancient home of the Shinbaori. As it is his mission to have it be repaired as soon as possible so he can return to the battle.
However, on the other hand Professor Lionheart and Qrow informs everyone about the criminal underground entering a war to control it has started to spill out onto the streets. The four gangs that are in combat are the Poppies, The Spiders, The Order of Nobunaga, and the Wraith Clan. Corona who is aware of these gangs steps up claiming that this feels like a homecoming for her and that its time for her to deal with the Spiders once and for all. With everyone being conflicted Louvel suggests that everyone splits into groups, one group will come with him to the Shinbaori village the other will help support Corona.
Louvel's group consisting of Sun, Illia, Lie Ren, Yang, Blade, Raven, and Ruby. While Corona's consists of Nora, Weiss, Pyrrah, Blake, Kazura, Qrow, and Outsider.
Professor Lionheart also reveals that soon he will be entering exile despite the pleas from his assistant and the Mistralian Council, to which he hands Louvel the map to the ancient Shinbaori village, and for Corona an ancient Mistralian arrow to come in handy if she needs it when the time is right.
As everyone heads off onto their missions, the Scions of Salem are punished for their failure by Salem and her newest Seat of Vanity. As Emerald and Mercury believe their "friend" Cinder is dead. Which they have a chat with Hazel about their beliefs and such. Which Hazel tries to remind himself about his mission to "Kill Ozpin" after what happened to his sister, however, he is now conflicted about it due to Ozpins consciousness being transferred into a child. Yet, before they can continue the conversation thew new Seat of Vanity informs them of their new mission to intercept the group heading to the Shinbaori Village.
Back with Louvel's group they are traveling through the Omoikane Forest, they pass through many puzzles meant to ward away any bandits or entire towns from coming across the Shinbaori. Once through the "Path of the Wolves Riddles" they encounter Kintaro who immediately clashes with the group, attempting to ward them away only when Louvel uses a a new Wolf Art. Ninth Art: Howling Moonstrike. It is enough for Kintaro to stop fighting as the rest of the Shinbaori warriors including Louvel's caretaker Kannon. They are all shocked to see someone had made it but also someone who knows the Wolf arts, which the group is brought to their master.
Back in Mistral, Corona's Group begins their investigation into the Criminal Underground of Mistral discovering that the Poppies have already been defeated as they are captured by the Order of Nobunaga who has never seen Hunters in the underground before due to their reluctance, but explains how the war began from their Chief Leader. As before the Underground had rules in place. They allowed all sorts of people, Mercenaries, Criminals, Gangs, or even the downtrodden in. Yet, they all had to follow the rules by the top leader The Krakens. However, after the Krakens were unknowingly destroyed by an unseen force, War began to break out and The Order of Nobunaga seeks to reclaim that top status, which they promise protection and to clean up the mess left behind by their war. In which Corona agrees to help them.
Back with Louvel's group they encounter the Grand Master of the Neo-Shinbaori, Masamune Shinba, in which he is shocked to see his descendant and was never made aware that his bloodline found a way to survive and thrive with the wolf arts. Which he wonders why he has come all this way. Louvel would explain that his sword needs repairs as he shows him his damaged weapon, as Masamune is further left in awe that this was once his sword when he was younger. Now seeing it manage to make it to this era despite the damage from his battle with Cinder makes him more overjoyed... as he gives out an official order for his allies to be trained by each member of the Neo-Shinbaori.
With Corona's group they encounter their first battle with the Wraith Clan and their leader, which Blake and Corona disposes of them and discovers a terrifying secret. The Spiders has plans to kill the Mistralian Council, in which Corona tells to the Order of the Nobunaga clan as they prepare to face off against the Spiders.
Back with Louvels group, they are trained by each member of the Neo-Shinbaori as Louvel meets the swordsmith repairing his sword Kai, a fox faunus, who was once a Shinbaori Warrior but retired after suffering a wound. In which he hands over his newly repaired Katana however, before he could he tells Louvel to meet with Masamune along with Ruby. in which the warrior reveals that he was once a Silver-Eyed Warrior and nearly slain Salem which shocks Ruby and Louvel, as he tells that Salem never knew fear before nor the strength of the Silver-Eyed Warriors in which when she ran from him and wounded him in the process he regretted not slaying her when he had the chance as she would go on to tell her Scions about the Silver Eyed Warriors killing any they encounter. Which Louvel vows to slay Salem with everything he has, in which Masamune and Louvel spar together ending with Louvel being victorious but the alarm is sounded as the Scions of Salem begin their assault on the Shinbaori village.
Corona would then end up getting captured by the Spiders by Melanie and Miltia as Lil Miss Malachite, would then begin to torture Corona slowly, but the sniper does not break. Knowing full well that she knew what she had to do. Yet, as soon as the Mistralian government was killed she would be next, only for Corona to say. You first. As her group comes to her rescue as Corona now faces off against her once affiliated gang saying that this was her "Graduation" from being a slave to a Gang to now being a free bird as Lil Miss Malachite reveals her affiliation being with the Scions of Salem..
Louvel's group faces off against the newly seated Seat of Vanity revealing themselves to be Shuten-Douji the Seat of Violence, as he is now been turned into a Grimm-Hybrid. Which enrages the wolf faunus to see his own brother in arms fall so far, as he attempts to enter the Violent Wolf State but hesitates, knowing full well that he could die if he tries to push himself to that limit. Yet, Louvel would immediately use a wolf art against him making the Grimm Honey Badger faunus step back out of fear, but its only when Kai enters stating its his final fight too as both he and Louvel double team against the grimm-faunus.
With Corona's group they all enter combat against Lil Miss Malachites gang as they know they have to prevent them from reach the top ground, as The Order of Nobunaga joins in on the fight as well. Assisting Corona as she battles her once "Handler" with renewed ferocity, and before she can lay down the final strike she is immediately countered as Lil Miss Malachite renounces her humanity becoming a Grimm Hybrid and soon declaring herself, The Seat Of Manipulation. Which finally, Corona grits her teeth as she prepares herself to face off against the hybrid until she is joined by Mizunami Musashi, a member of the Mistralian Government but also a Shinbaori Warrior.
Kai and Louvel fight against Shuten Douji together but soon he overpowers them with a Grimm Death Art. making the two struggle harder than before, as finally he kills Kai as the fox faunus smiles at Louvel telling him one thing. "To Awaken the Enlightened Wolf." as the wolf faunus hesitates again to the point of panicking, in which he takes a deep breath and starts to focus on Good and Bad times. Unleashing the Tenth Art: Enlightened Wolf against his brother as he beheads him ending the Seat of Violence. To which Shuten realizes that despite being an illegitimate brother to Louvel loved him all the same hugging his brother and crying in his arms as Shuten also cries telling him that Orochi is also one of the Scions of Salem as well... as he fades away into nothingness with Louvel understanding that he needs to find a way to save Orochi as well.
Back with Corona she and Mizunami fight against Lil Miss Malachite as they are pushed to their limit as Corona loads up her final arrow which was none other than the Ancient Arrow she was given to by Professor Lionheart as she fires it at Lil Miss Malachite as it is similar to that of a shooting star striking her ending the Seat of Manipulation. To which after this A Screecher as a messenger and a member of the Mistralian government goes to Ozpin who is shocked at the news of two Seats of Vanity being killed, as he excitedly states that his is a blessing and an Omen as Ozpin states through Oscar that they will definitely defeat Salem this time.... and end her once and for all.
Volume 7-
Salem mobilizes the Seats of Vanity sending Omega and Orochi who are both the number three and number two of the Seats of Vanity after Team RWBY, BLCKOUT, and SPNL are heading to Argus with the Relic of Knowledge after losing two Seats of Vanity (Even though one was proclaimed)
The Guardians of Light encounter Omega on the train heading to Argus and ends up getting separated. Where Blake, Corona, Weiss, Outsider, Nora, and Lie Ren are rescued by Cashmere who takes them to the Ruins of Light where they meet the Grimm Titan of Benevolence Exaltia, while Yang, Louvel, Blade, Ruby, Weiss,Oscar, Sun, and Pyrra Qrow meet Cala Maria as they are taken to her home where they can rest.
Desperate to learn more information about Salem, Oscar/Ozpin gives Ruby his blessing to use the Relic of Knowledge, while Exaltia informs the other half about Salem, revealing her immortality. While their resolve is shaken by the revelation however, Louvel and Lie Ren solve it as it was not a manner of How to defeat Salem. But WHO can defeat Salem.
Ruby and Blade's group are attacked by Theta (Outsider's sister) and her massive pack of raptors, when Cala Maria reveals the guide to help Ruby unleash her silver eyed powers, unleashing it for the first time ever and saving her friends, as Exaltia senses it and sends everyone else to their position as Cala Maria reveals herself to be the famed Grimm Reaper.
Cala Maria explains that there were once many Silver Eyed Warriors like herself, who created a unit called the Silver Order. In which many of them would fight to preserve life by any means necessary as it was created by Ozpin when he discovered a key weakness to the Grimm. Despite everything, mankind and faunuskind both feared and grew jealous of their power. Thus the Silver War began and ended with the leader of the Silver Eyed Warriors ending it by cutting off her own eyes and happily stating that they too will stand out of the way for other hunters as they realize what man had done to the people that were protecting them.
Ruby is left shocked as they travel to Argus, saying her farewell to them as they head to the City on the Coast of Mistral, to negotiate a means of travel with the Hound of Pride, Colonel Cordovin and her commanding officer. Only allowing Weiss to return to Atlas but not anyone else. As currently a Grimm Titan is in the vicinity that being Perseus.
Pyrra is aware that Jaune has family here as everyone meets one of his older sisters, as Kazura and Pyrra sadly explain about his death to which she stops them as they understand about his death. That she was glad he was able to die knowing that he did his very best to become a Hunter as he had dreams of being one just like their father. With her crying happily knowing he died in the arms of friends.
The Guardians of Light would then encounter Orochi who has already instigated the Grimm Titan of the Seas, Perseus to rise utilizing a device built by Professor Watts to mimic the Grimm Titan of Malevolence, Imperius' own roar. The Guardians of Light would fight against him but lose as he easily overpowers them and states that fighting like that won't get them very far and that they have to put everything on the line when fighting a Seat of Vanity. As Orochi decides to spare them when Perseus makes landfall and fades away.
Immediately, Cordovin battles Perseus, aware of the Titan as both have a long rivalry that needs to be settled, while the Guardians of Light help to evacuate the city as quick as they can. Yet, Cordovin would deal what seemed like a killing blow on the Titan, which only enraged Perseus as he enters his Burning Rage mode nearly destroying Cordovin's mech and with another seemingly killing blow from her, forces the Titan into a wounded retreat. As Cashmere and her commanding officer scolds her. As the actual Imperius would be making landfall in mere hours.
The Guardians of Light take a Sub down to the ruins of what was once the "Greatest Trading Port" in Old Remnant during the Age of Antiquity. As they discover that Perseus was once its guardian as they fire a "Dust Nuke" for the Titan to absorb and use its energy to heal him and re-energize the Titan. Grateful he unleashes a heat ray towards the sky calling for help from Exaltia and Aelius who comes to his aid.
Imperius makes landfall in Argus and battles the Grimm Titans Exaltia, Perseus, and Aelius while also hunting for the Guardians of Light who also assists the Titans wherever they can. Thankfully after Ruby uses her Silver Eyes along with Exaltias special ability it forces a wounded Imperius into retreat as the Moth Titan reclaims her crown as Queen of the Grimm Titans but further extends it to Perseus and Aelius making them the King of the Grimm Titans of the Sea and the Grimm Titans of the Skies.
The Guardians Of Light stay behind in Argus to help with rebuilding the city, but Outsider senses something that his sister is coming and is ready to leave. However the next day his sister comes in a mutated form along with her pack. In Which the Guardians of Light and the Argus unit of the Atlesian Military battles against it and ends with the efforts of Outsider and One-Eye, A Grimm T-Rex that SPNL, Ruby, Blade and Outsider encountered. As finally they are allowed to travel to Atlas.
Upon arriving in Atlas, they are ambushed by an invasion force as it is revealed that The Founding Crisis was the result of the death of Artorias' King who was poisoned by his own son who was a Scion of Salem along with his brother who took control of the Government. As Blade feels its his fault for causing an attack to happen on Atlas because he killed Daedalus Amadeus.
Volume 8-
The Guardians of Light arrive in an invasion-sieged Mantle, as they help wherever they can. As Ruby and Blade reunite with Penny who sadly does not remember them after repelling the invasion force as they are captured by the Ace Ops, taking them to General Ironwood who is shocked and happy to see them all okay. Offering them the chance to become hunters in Atlas.
Upon becoming Hunters after a six month timeskip, they encounter Robyn Hill a disgraced Atlesian soldier who informs them that working with Atlas will lead them to their deaths. As she tries to tell Blake and Yang this but the duo do not trust her nor will they give the information that Ironwood has given them to ensure the world is reconnected. However, Robyn explains why she doesnt trust Atlas as she was a soldier during the Brumelian-Atlesian war and was backstabbed by her own government because of her unit the Happy Hunters being a major threat. Thus Yang and Blake hand over the information... as they both promise not to tell their teams about it.
Kazura also speaks with Ironwood about his father falling out with him as he is saddened by how far Brumel and Atlas has fallen, understanding that the position of a leader is hard. Which Ironwood also vents saying that he just feels as if every decision he is making only grows heavier on his conscience with both Kazura and Ozpin agreeing that he is about to break.... and that it may only take one more event that will be the nail in the coffin.
Ruby and Blade encounters Tyrian as he causes chaos at a rally against Jacques Schnee who is attempting to run for the Council Seat that Rodrigues once held in the Atlesian Council as a means to oversee things. As Jacques ends up winning by a landslide when a more popular opponent was favored to win.
The Guardians of Light are pushed to their limit fighting the Grimm and the aftermath of Jacques victory as they investigate ruins left behind by the Age of Antiquity, revealing it to be the tomb of the Titan of Ice Fenrir. As they would encounter the Artorian General and Scion of Salem, Hans Amadeus who ends up defeating them and awakening the Titan only for it to be intercepted by Perseus and a new Grimm Titan Jotunheim, The Titan of Blizzards. Who reveals that his wife was the one capable of creating Atlas through the means of the The Staff Of Creation. Which is what they are looking for, but Jotun tells them that Atlas is undergoing a trial and they must complete then he will judge them.
However, something calls to Ruby as she follows it to a fallen Atlesian dreadnaught to another Grimm Titan, Aesir. The Titan of Neutrality as she unleashes her silver eyes against the Titan, who finds her impressive. But decides for her to undergo a trial as he uses his ability to bind a familiar with his soul to her but seals away her Silver Eyes ability.
Blade and Weiss discover from Willow Schnee that Jacques colluded with Professor Watts a Scion of Salem in order to win the election, to which during the first meeting of the Atlesian Council the evidence was shown and he was arrested only to be intercepted by Hans and his forces and killed as they unleash a siege of Grimm and Artorian forces against both Mantle and Atlas forcing everyone to fight on all sides.
Ruby attempts to use her Silver Eyes but it fails as she is ambushed Tyrian as she hears Aesir warning her that she is binded and must rely on her own skill as the Scion of Poison overwhelms her only to be saved by Qrow, Robyn, and Clover all of whom are prepared to take on the Scion of Poison and command Ruby to focus on evacuation efforts. While back in Atlas Watts makes his move against Ironwood while Cinder returns after being frozen in ice for the past six months and joins forces with the Scion of Thunder and Neo who is a defacto Scion of Illusion.
Ironwood and Watts fight with Ironwood coming out on top and before he can finish the job The Scion of Thunder comes in ready to fight a weakened Ironwood, but prioritizes rescuing Watts as Ironwood tends to his wounds, and rejoins everyone only to find out about Salem making her move and Blake and Yang revealing that they leaked information to Robyn Hill as Ironwood snaps and has a mental breakdown. Despite Ruby's bravery Salem reveals how Rubys mother died causing the young huntress to panic and nearly using her silver eyes in it.
Ironwood orders the Ace Ops to arrest the Guardians of Light, but they are defeated by their combined teamwork. Yet, Clover is ready to refuse orders but they are attacked by Hans and the Scion of Thunder in which Tyrian takes command of the fight and ends up killing Clover right in front of Qrow and Robyn as he tells them that this why the light grows weak each time the Scions fight them. In which Salem is nearing Atlas as they speak.
The Guardians Of Light fail to secure the Relic of Knowledge as it is stolen by Neo, disguised as an Atlesian Soldier. While Oscar moves to intercept Ironwood with Kazura. While Weiss, Blade, and Ruby move to assist Penny and Winter who are fighting Cinder as she nearly claims Frias life only to be stopped by a Simulacrum of Jotunheim. Which evens the odds for the Guardians of Light. With Cinder retreating and roaring with fury while the Scion of Thunder mocks Cinder for not being strong enough and Neo joining in agreement.
In her dying moments, Fria grants the powers of the Winter Maiden to Winter as she prepares to go and open the Relic of Creations door with Jotunheim being a guard for her. However, they soon find Kazura and Oscar fighting against Ironwood who in a moment of another mental snap shoots Oscar as both he and Ozpin become one and unleashes the magic he once had lost slowing his descent despite Jotunheim rescuing them in his dragon state and having the simulacrum board it. As Winter moves to open the relic door and take the Relic of Creation tossing it to Oscar commanding him to take the relic as far from Atlas as they can.
Oscar believes that Atlas has failed their trial as Jotunheim stated, however the Titan denies this and states it has only just begun. As The Guardians of Light retreat to Atlas with Robyn, Winter, and Qrow staying behind to attempt to repel Salems and Artorias forces as they encroach upon Atlas further bleakening the Age of Darkness and beginning the Age of Dying Embers.
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strykingback · 10 months
How important is nationality? Are foreigners tolerated? Or are they unwelcome?
Brumel- Very Welcoming To All , Including Faunus. despite a distaste towards Atlesians due to what had happened in the past. Once again Very Welcoming.
Atlas- Welcoming To All, but Very unwelcoming towards Faunus as they believe humans are the tip of evolution. Also expect to be monitored 24/7 even more during Volume 7 and 8
Mantle- Welcoming to All Including Faunus.
Vale- Welcoming To All Including Faunus, However expect slight racism towards Faunus
Vacuo- Playing Life In Hard Mode/ Welcoming to All Including Faunus if you can survive here then you are welcome here.
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strykingback · 1 year
Freed From Torture...
Warning This Drabble Contains: Torture, Blood, malnutrition, electrocution, slight cannabalism, also a HUGE R*PE mention.
Reader Discretion is Advised as this will be placed underneath a read more due to length.
Location: Unknown Atlesian Military Blacksite Time: 10:00 PM _________________________
Within the Blacksite, scientists and military personnel were all discussing about their daily routines or patrolling the site. Around different experiments were performed underneath the eyes of the Atlesian Government as long as there was some details that were safe to be disclosed than it shall be disclosed for the public. However amongst all of the Grimm they have housed and all the weapons in research and development... was one subject they deemed to be "special..."
Subject 731 ....deemed as "The Man Who Keeps Healing" as they wondered and theorized if he was a human with a healing semblance that would heal faster than a normal human or faunus could heal with their aura intact. For this subject he was far more than that to which Commander Maseo Koroshiya. The overseer of this blacksite wanted to know the limits they could push him to....
Which they did... leaving many scientists and soldiers horrified and even some requesting time away from the facility after seeing this man who even begged them to let him go be freed. What made things worse was that some security guards allowed the Commander to violate Subject 731... when he was not aware of what was happening.
In Subject 731's cell he was muttering to himself constantly while laying on the floor deprived of his senses in the darkened room. "I-I-I-I a-a-am n-n-n-not S-S-S-Subject.... s-s-seven-t-t-t-three-o-o-one... I-I-I am ... Hermes...." He said to himself hearing the voices of the past worm into his brain along with his screams of pain from his earlier experiments performed on him and including mocking laughter.
"Hermes... all you had to do was let go of her." The voice of his village elder rang throughout his head.
"No No No! The Gods took E-E-Eisa... a-a-a-away from m-m-m-m-me.... t-t-t-they.... took her!!!" Hermes replied holding his head while trembling in fear.
"Until you learn what it is to move on you must suffer the weight of playing God." Solis, The God Of Lights voice echoed in the recesses of Hermes' mind.
"Y-Y-You... d-d-d-d-dont know w-w-what i-i-its like now......! S-suffering like this!!!" Hermes said again feeling his fingers crushing his head.
"Hermes... dear?" The voice of Eisa rang as Hermes stopped trembling as he looked up to see her, bathed in a golden glow...
"Eisa?....Is that you?" Hermes said almost wanting to cry.. while she smiled approaching him and bending over with a smile....until.
"Well Well, Subject 731... You and I are going to have so much fun." Eisa's voice would be twisted into Commander Maseo's voice making Hermes immediately punch the hallucination away while the immortal stood up and came to the ultimate realization. He was losing his mind, the amount of pain, the many vivisections, the biohazard like tests, the Grimm tearing at his flesh, and even being violated.....by not just another human but by even a Grimm....The trauma alone was starting to become too much for him to take and now he was teetering on the edge and all that it took was one more little push to do it.
To which Hermes screamed at the top of his lungs running into one of the dark walls and began to claw at it desperately until his nails broke off and blood was all that was left noticing that golden glow as it just heals before he started smashing his head against the wall over and over and over again until he felt his skull break and hearing the squelching sound of his own brains hitting the wall and with one more good hit... he finally fell backwards falling unconscious....
Which in his dream he awoke in a log cabin with his fathers...Adrastos and Erasmus as he could hear them both talking about something before they approached Hermes hugging him tightly and telling him how much they love him so much and how proud they are to have him has their son. Which Hermes cried in their embrace.. while then a loud unlocking sound snapped him from his dream as he moved to check his forehead... it was no longer a bloody mess... as the doors opened with light flooding in...
As Hermes tried to stand up but now noticed how Malnutritioned he really was, thin to the point where he could see his bones and even so his body cannibalized itself. Was it some kind of experiment that led to this...as two military guardsmen walked in picking him up. and dragging him with everyone walking by who saw Hermes only had sorrowful looks on their faces.. unlike what Hermes saw in thousands of years in the past where it was their expressions of anger and hatred this time it was merciful looks on their faces and shame towards their inaction.
The immortal would be placed in a room where he was sat down unable to respond...and even his hair was grown out with his eyes screaming for mercy.
"Subject 731, may you please look up." The voice of Commander Maseo spoke with Hermes looking up at the window with a dark glare in his eyes leaving him more enraged than anything. To stare at the very man who had violated him and made him into this empty shell of a man..
"Today we will conducting a new experiment for holding prisoners with powerful semblances meant to be held in deeper parts of the Brig. This is a new invention called the Semblance Limiter...." A scientist spoke over the intercom inside the room while a guard held out the device and another kept his weapon trained on Hermes. While he placed the device around Hermes' neck.
"Now Subect-731. Will you now go full power with your semblance?" The Scientist asked. Which Hermes did not understand what a semblance was. The guard who placed his device on him whispered to Hermes. "Your power..." making Hermes understand as he would close his eyes concentrating on bringing dark magic to life. If he can gather just enough... but a rapid beeping sound was heard as finally loud droning beep came then.
Hermes would scream as his concentration was interrupted while convulsing on the ground being electrocuted as he trembled on the floor. "Th-This.. d-d-device.... this was meant... to limit my power... through... electrical.... currents...... th-this is a Shock collar!!!!!" He thought to himself with the most enraged growl ever which he tried again to summon forth even just enough dark magic to chuck but another wave of electricity came through as Hermes screamed again this time louder than the first.
With the voices of the past starting to grow more distorted, the faces of those he learned and loved fading away, and lastly the memory of his wife Eisa... gone. Everything was fragmented excepted for one thing his passions of playing God.....which when he tried again one more scream of pain with electricity came through as finally....
Hermes laid there burned out as some Scientists and Commander Maseo celebrated the guards and others did not.....which one of the gleeful scientists was about to open the door as Hermes tried one more time but with no scream of pain or a scream for mercy.... it was instead one thing that made even the cold hearted Maseo Koroshiya.. feel fear.
"AHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!! YES!!!! YES!!!! THE GLORIOUS PAIN!!!! I LOVE IT SO MUCH!!! FUCK ME! GIVE ME MORE!!! YOUR TRUE GOD DEMANDS IT!!!!!!" Hermes screamed at the top of his lungs making everyone realize they have now crossed the rubicon for Hermes. Which the guard tried to grab Hermes and instead he recieved a bladed tendril through his stomach as blood splattered against the wall and just before the other guard could shoot another tendril sprouted from his back and shot through the guards face. Making one of the gleeful scientists open up the door to see Hermes was ready as he launched himself at him and bit him on the neck before biting harder hearing the scientist gargle and scream in pain before he pulled back hard tearing off the throat of the antagonizing scientists as everyone ran while for Hermes he ate the flesh.
Warm blood salivating his throat.... a bit strange... but that made him more of a monster than ever. Which Hermes would begin his slaughter laughing manaically slicing through guard after guard, watching the blood cover his face and body while he roared chasing after one Maseo Koroshiya before h dared to think about leaving.... which Maseo and his men were at the ready in the end of one corridor just a few more pathways to the exit. Just hearing the laughter of Hermes mixed with the screams of male and female guards being slaughtered with one loud scream and a sickening crunch... hearing only a few footsteps and then....
just Hermes being revealed looking much more healthier than ever..... due to his healing being kicked into overdrive from being shot so much could be the reason why.... but... he looked at all of them before smiling.. insanely...
"SHOOT HIM!!!!!" Maseo shouted before Hermes was the first to draw sending out his Tendrils impaling two of the soldiers as he raced towards the group with two more tendrils sprouting from his back as he sent them out to impale two more guards and use them as body shields to get to Maseo as he started to run breathing heavily until tripping over something.... but he swore he felt something burning around his legs and that was it...
When he looked back his leg was missing!!! and Hermes was walking up behind him.... realizing that Hermes had thrown away one of the guards and used his tendrils to slice off his leg... Maseo would turn over to face the man.. he had violated and tortured.... "W-WWait.. subject.. 731 if its anything that was meant to be your last experiment an-" he attempted to plead until Hermes sliced of both his left and right finger hearing the Atlesian commander scream in pain and shuddering agony.
"Huuuh... what were you saying. Oh THE TRUE GOD WAS TOO BUSY NOT CARING FOR YOUR USELESS PLEAS FOR HIS MERCY!!!! ONLY I HERMES, THE TRUE GOD DEMANDS RESPECT!!!!" Hermes said grabbing Maseo by the neck and slamming him against a wall.. choking him as his grip grew tighter and tighter and all Maseo saw in front of him...
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And then.... CRACK....
Nothing else more... than that as Hermes would throw his violaters corpse to the side and would start to run laughing wildly until he was far enough from the facility where it was no longer in view and all he could see was just endless amounts of snow and land as Hermes got onto his knees laughing wildly and insanely... but as the clouds went away.........revealing the stars and the broken moon...
Leaving Hermes to look up at it... as tears rolled down his cheeks and just for a moment... Hermes' sanity... returned albeit for that one moment before it regressed back into the recesses of his mind.... as he stood up...
"I-I-Iam... The True God.... Hermes..." He said walking away still covered in blood and bits of gore... now uncertain where he will go.. but his freedom was assured..
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strykingback · 1 year
The Infinite Zone
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Many Many Hunters have heard of one such legendary state that not even the most advanced S-Rank Hunters are capable of achieving such a state of focus. This is known as the Zone of Infinity.. or the Infinite Zone as called by the King of Vacuo after he witnessed a fight between a young man and a Mantlean soldier wehre he saw the young man enter a complete state of focus...
However, it was said to be one of the achievements which is impossible to even attain due to the INTENSE conditions one has to do in order to achieve this state. And only the FIRST Hunter of Remnant had reached it.
A Hunter must be wounded (Life-threatning or catastrophic damage counts)
. They must clear their thoughts of all things with the exception of the opponent
A hunters semblance must be PUSHED to its VERY limit
Doing this will place them in the Infinite Zone, where the concept of Time to them moves slowly giving a window of opportunity for them to strike quickly.
However... for such great power.. leads to great consequences. Achieving this state even for the shortest time can lead to the pain in their body and from their wounds being intensified ten times more than from the initial strike, their internal organs feeling as if it is about to burst, and lastly a splitting headache.
However those that remain in state too long can receive permanent damage to their bodies such as a ruptured lung, collapsed organs, cardiac arrest, blindness in the eyes, and even most possibly death.
Anyone but the FIRST HUNTER is able to remain in this state and only can recieve just but minor damage because of how used he was to the very pain on his body. ...
Yet, Hunters who achieve this state are regarded as the Greatest Hunters to ever walk on Remnants surface.... so far.
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Louvel and Zek.... are beginning to inch closer in achieving this STATE of focus...
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strykingback · 3 years
The Tensions between both Brumel and Atlas
Because @caeloservare brought it up today and it made me kind of think about it a lot for a moment so it is sure as hell time to talk about their tensions and how it was once good then turned bad, then worse.
Placed underneath read more due to length.
The Beginning:
Brumel and Mantle were once fire forged allies, with that being with both kingdoms having to work their hardest to survive in the snow covered lands of the Solitas region and how truly brutal it is for anyone to live and survive. As both kingdoms grew, so did their technological advancements, despite that their beliefs were different.
However, their goal remained the same, to survive in the Solitas region for both of their kingdoms and their future.  This would all change when The Great War came to light. The two at first fought together however, slowly many Brumelian soldiers alike felt as if this war was wrong. It was not like them to suddenly just pick up their weapons and start attacking other kingdoms for conquest.
The Betrayal of Mantle:
During one of the battles in Vale the Brumelians were locked in hard combat with the Valean forces who were converging onto their position which later be known as Castle Invicta. However, after calling for support multiple times which to no avail.. all the Brumelians got was this.
“You are on your own.”
Enraged by this the Brumelian king demanded answers, to which they realized that the Mantleans were using them for one thing their technology and their weaponry. To which the Brumelians surrendered to the Valean forces which they all noticed how tired and angered they were at their Mantlean brothers and sisters. Many a year they have both honored their existence only to be backstabbed by them.
Which the Brumelians joined forces with the Valeans and the Vacuan forces standing together and fighting  against the Mantleans during the final battle where the King of Vacuo used the Relic of Destruction against the army decimating the Mantlean forces.
While the war had come to an end... the friendship between the Brumelians and Mantleans had since been broken.
One Kingdom Evolves, One Kingdom Suffers, Another Kingdom Is Born:
After the war, the Brumelians continued to expand and to evolve with their technology evolving every minute and second.  Creating new weaponry, advancing their medicines, and even expanding upon their military prowess. However, that did not mean it did not come without its consequences feeling the eyes of Mantle upon them all.
Still many diplomats from Mantle had come to speak with the Brumelians but were shunned by them all due to their betrayal, even to the point where some Mantleans were assaulted by the Brumelian people made even worse with the discovery of Mantle using faunus’ for slave labor.
For Mantle it slowly began to devolve into a shell of it’s former self, what was once meant to be the greatest kingdom in all of Atlas became the most poverty stricken kingdom in all of Remnant without nay technology which many people turned to Atlas as their best scientists created a propulsion system that took Atlas from the ground and into the air.
The Mantleans were happy to see such a sight, but when discovering it was meant for the top one percent of Atlas did they realize that they all were going to be suffering this coming winter and it when it came...
It was the Coldest Winter that anyone living in Mantle would never forget.
The Dictators of Brumel and Atlas:
These two kingdoms had their problems and they were able to stand and being brave but that did not mean that they leaders who had darker means.
Beginning with Brumel of course that being none other than Rodrigues’ father which murdered his father after a battle against an insurgency force that would usurp Brumels leaders. However ascending to the throne thus did he begin his plans for the Brumelian empire to begin and what better way than to begin than with the very same kingdom that had once led backstabbed Brumel during the Color War.
Yet though Rodrigues’ mother found out what the mad king was planning on doing and taught her son the art of war, compassion, and diplomacy making sure that peace can be obtained through a show of kindness and gentleness. When Rodrigues’ mother passed away and realizing that his throne was being threatened... did Rodrigues’ father attempt to kill Rodrigues but only to discover that he was not there.
Instead he was attacked and slain by the hands of his own son.... but in the right way. For justice and freedom a mad king is never allowed to sit on the throne only a king that is born of compassion and understanding should sit on it.
For Atlas, they had Nero Caligula. He was one of the many survivors who had witnessed the relic of destruction being utilized against the Mantleans and seeing it  left him scarred even worse afraid of the Brumelians and how quickly their technology was evolving.
However, instead of the world of being a soldier. Politics called out to him becoming a brutal taskmaster running for one of the council seats and winning with his slogan: Atlas Rises Above.
Despite the fact that Nero was born in Mantle as many of the criticisms he received that he was an Atlesian rat now and no longer a Mantlean. Yet, after this his sights were set on something even bigger..... the seat of Grand Councilman.
Upon the former grand councilmans terms coming to an end, did Nero begin his shot for it with the people of Atlas cheering him on as he vowed to do one thing: “ Claim Vengeance for the people of Mantle  “ However, the Brumelians who were watching the elections believed that it was a bluff whilst some people of Mantle found it honorable believing that he meant to repair Mantle to restore it to it’s former glory. Instead he wanted to start a war with Brumel.....for those he had lost....an insane feat for anyone....
and it would be the last mistake anyone would want to make when attacking Brumel.
The Brumelian-Atlesian War: 
For Brumel it was one of the days that one wish they could forget. Nero had summoned an Atlesian special operations unit to enter in Brumel for the inane act of murdering King Rodrigues, who was in a meeting and away from his throne at the moment to meet with the scientists for the Science District in Actus ( The Capital of Brumel )
The team entered in Brumel easily due to travel there being accessible at the time, and to which they traveled to the Royal District to begin planting the bombs there, only for one of them to get caught and accidentally blowing up one of the bombs far too early causing a chain reaction which destroyed a major part of the Royal District...
Only one of the Atlesian special forces group survived and was captured later on. But the bombing took the lives of one thousand people and with four hundred being left injured, the event was an act of aggression against Brumel coming from Atlas itself and many Brumelians realized that Nero’s bluff was no bluff at all.
Yet, for Rodrigues... to kill and maim innocent people who had done nothing at all... to do that. For the young king it haunted him the sounds of people wailing for their loved ones, children  crying for their mothers and fathers, and the rubble of  half a district gone.... all remained within his thoughts.
After three weeks of talking with the Brumelian council and the Knights of The Round Table, did he declare war upon Atlas something that Nero wanted.... but when the Atlesians attempted to invade Brumel... and an Atlesian battle cruiser was returned. When Nero walked inside and saw nothing more but corpses of soldiers around the ship.
One message was written on the Windows....
The reality of the situation began to slowly sink into Nero’s head, that he started a war that would lead to the end of Atlas, and for three months did the war between Brumel and Atlas raged on until by the third month when Operation Garsons Walk began. Did Nero do one of the most cruelest acts that everyone around Remnant were horrified at.
The act, was horrifying itself, but when the Brumelians converged onto Mantle and discovered what Nero did they did one of the kindest acts ever. Showing mercy and putting aside a long standing hatred between both Brumel and Mantle. Including witnessing how much the city had changed since the days of old.
Thus this act of mercy was expanded when the Brumelians helped restore Mantle as best as they could repairing entire cities, offering them food, and helping them whenever they can. Yet after a long talk between Nero and Rodrigues did the dictator of Atlas surrender and signed the Atelier-Atlesian Peace Accords.
The war was so bad that even the Atlesian council secretly voted that after it ended that Nero would be removed as Grand Councilman of Atlas.
So what happened afterwards....
A Future Left Unknown:
The aftermath of the Brumelain Atlesian war led to Rodrigues being placed on the council as one of the demands to be met to this time watch over the council and to end any  signs of violence towards the Brumelians, Atlesians and Mantleans.
However, thankfully the healing process was increased even more with the Atlesians allowing Actus Academy to join the Vytal Festival games, however that year sadly ended with disaster. .
as of Volume four after many attempts to at least  get the Atlesian council to realize that Mantle would not survive one more winter not without Atelier technology or an Atelier presence did Rodrigues resign from the council stating for Atlas to solve their own problems.
Thus did tensions between Atlas and Brumel begin again and the future is left unknown...
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strykingback · 3 years
Location: Solitas Region, Mantle Time: 12:00 PM OST: Heavy is The Head That Wears The Crown Volume Four.
The top of the hour had arrived in Mantle, the streets were overpopulated with people from different varieties human or faunus. Everyone who was born here remained here as part of their status to serve the higher class, that higher class being Atlas of course. 
Yet, the city itself was a shell of what it once was. What was once a city that started The Great War against the other kingdoms became a city without a military no less a Huntsman Academy of course. Speaking of Alsius Academy the once prestigious academy also fell to ruin when the Rise of Atlas had come. 
It was much for someone to take in, clothed in drapes to hide his identity. Kazura Rojas Verde was here in Mantle.. after all a Knights duty was never over even despite his wounds. However, he was here for more than that.... he was here to see an old friend. This old friend of his helped him and his teammates escape from Atlas during their assault on Icarus PMC. 
Kazura could only sigh at the state of disarray Mantle was in. The racism against the faunus was beginning to spiral out of control ever since the White Fang attacked Beacon Academy alongside the unknown assailant whose message sowed the seeds of distrust in every kingdom.  “ Damn Faunus! All of you ruined everything including an entire festival! “ Someone shouted catching the draped prince’s attention. Witnessing a human and his group of cronies kicking a male faunus, who was already battered and bruised from the consistent beating. 
“  Stop... Stop...” Kazura whispered to with his hand trembling with pure rage and just wanting to help. Yet though he felt like if he were to reveal himself the Atlesian military would be wary of his presence and would send their forces to apprehend him...
Yet though what is the difference between being someone who witnesses something and trying to help, against someone who does nothing and moves on?  Is that justice?  Is that being a chivalrous person? Or is it cowardice? Kazura could feel his teeth clenching with pure rage coming with his teeth being gritted, finally his boiling point was reached when seeing one of the human cronies approach with a hammer.... intending to kill the battered faunus .  “  STOP!!!!  ” He shouted unsheathing both his sword Caliburn and his shield Honorbrought. Which he proceeded to throw his shield at the man who was holding the hammer knocking down to the ground with his shield returning to the knight stopping the violence causing everyone to stop what they were doing looked at Kazura. 
“  Is this Just?! Tell me! IS THIS JUST?! To blame the faunus for something that they never did?! “ The knight of honor shouted with all of his might. 
“  Yeah its goddamn just! Also, who the hell do you think you are!?  “ The man who beat the faunus questioned Kazura only for the knight to menacingly approach him taking off the hood of his drape sheathing his weapons. 
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“ I am Kazura Rojas Verde, The Eighth Prince of Brumel, The one who saved your city from being owned by a tyrannical PMC CEO, and I ask of you to drop your weapons.... and leave the faunus man be....or face my wrath. “ He demanded glaring at the leader of the beating who simply looked in his eyes and felt fearful....backing up and starting to turn tail and run with the others following suit, with Kazura putting on his hoodie to his drape once more. 
Walking over to battered faunus he placed two fingers on his neck listening to his labored breathing and getting a pulse. “  He’s alive... He needs medical attention now!!! “ He said with a serious tone with one of the civilians of Mantle rushing over, “  I used to be a combat medic for the Atlesian military I can take care of him...” She spoke with Kazura rising and going about his way.... 
For the next few minutes he wandered around the city until his scroll started to ring taking it out and checking who was calling him here, his eyes being drawn to the virtual screen. 
The scroll flashed taking a few minutes to believe that it was his “friend” taking one finger and swiping on the left to answer it bringing the phone-like device to his ear. 
“ Hello? “ Kazura said  “ Hello Kazura, I was not expecting you to return here ever since the Founding Day Crisis... instead you are quite lucky I disabled the camera in the sector that you were in... “ A distorted voice spoke through the speaker of the others Scroll. 
“ Heh Guess I am really....Mr.X, but for now I may need to speak with you.. in private....  “ The Knight replied. 
“  Well then if you’d like to speak with me head down to the second alleway and turn into it ... I’ll get the door for you...” Mr. X said befoe ending the call with Kazura putting his scroll away and following Mr. X’s instructions going down to the second alleyway and entering it where one of the brick walla changed  to a metal doo sliding upwards to open with the Knight walking in and looking around.
“ Mr. X? I’m here! Mr. X? “ Kazura said walking in deeper with the door shutting and the cool blue light of a computer in the darkness illuminating the room with he lights being turned on. 
“  Shit...  ” Kazura said putting his hand on his on the hilt of his sword thinking that he was lead into a trap. 
“  Stay your weapons, Ser Kazura... “ A voice rang out with that of a young man in his twenties coming down from the stairs looking at the prince. 
“  Who are you? Wheres... Mr. X?!  “ Kazura demanded still unsure of who this man is. 
“  Well you are looking at him. I’m Mr. X. But in reality.. my name is Guangxian Nuemann of the Atelier Agents... and the man who gave you and your team the information on Icarus and helped you all escape that day.   “ The hacker spoke looking at the Knight who moved his hand off the hilt of his sword. . 
In disbelief Kazura shook his head. “  Wait you are an Atelier Agent?! Then that means... there has to be others out there that are sti-”  
OST: Agents Forgotten
“  Was.... until that damned incident put us all out of commission..... and yes there are agents out there... but we can’t even if we did we would be arrested by the Atlesian government. So far one of our met that fate. “ Guangxian explained going back to  his computer and opening up the security cam footage on Mantle and Atlas checking each sector with the other screens lighting up. 
What did those other screen show they shown naught but horror, Mistralian villages were under siege by the White Fang, In Vale multiple faunus murders has been taking place, while in Atlas more Anti-Faunus sentiments has been happening making the Knight growl in fury. 
“ Infuriating isnt it... thats how helpless we agents feel like....” Guangxian said somberly looking at a photo of the agents just two days before their last mission. Said picture consisting of many familiar faces close to Guangxian ...
“  Then we need to bring back the Agents then! The world needs them now more than ever! “ Kazura replied with Guangxian sighing heavily. 
“ Try and think this through, if the agents were brought back into action what do you think will happen? Will we either be accepted for what we do or Will there be another Retrison incident lurking underneath our very noses?  “ Guangxian asked. 
For a moment Kazura stayed quiet thinking to himself for that moment...
Be accepted in the world that has forgotten about the Atelier Agents.  Or  Rejection in the eyes of billions for a tough decision....
Heavy is the head that wears the crown indeed. However Kazura wanted to defy such a thing...and face it with open eyes and an open mind without any fear at all. 
“  I think the agents are needed for one thing. They brought hope when it all seemed lost, cases that had went cold were closed with the perpetrator being brought to justice, brave acts of counterterrorism stopped before any attack could happen. The agents were meant to stop wars before they even happened! So far a war is coming and Beacon was just the start!! “ Kazura spoke with pride in his voice with Guangxian turning around in his chair... a soft smile emerging on his face. 
“  Well then.. it took me six months to get the recall program up... but now the choice is yours.”  The hacker said putting up a screen for the Recall. 
With the virtual touch screen saying: RECALL  ALL ATELIER AGENTS?          Y/N
OST: In Agents We Trust
Kazura walked up to it looking at it carefully sighing softly taking a moment to hear his fathers words in his head before he left to go to Beacon Academy. 
“ Whatever you decide to do.... I shall accept your decision... and stand with you all the way “ Rodrigues’ voice rang throughout Kazuras head with the young prince reached out to press the Y button on the screen and finally a proud voice simply stated.  “ RECALLING ALL ATELIER AGENTS ! “ 
Which a map of Remnant shown up showing the active agents and their Callsigns coming up sifting through each and every agent and their callsign name calling each one up until one answered with a female voice on the other side. 
“ So I take it that the Agents are now needed again. “ She said in an eloquent voice causing Kazura to chuckle. 
“ Yes, Yes we need the Atelier Agents now more than ever...” The Knight spoke. 
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strykingback · 4 years
TEAM BLCK Intros and Endings Themes!
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Volume 1:
REALxEYEZ- J Takanori Nishikawa
Shiwase No Akira (Whereabouts of Happiness)/ Ore Monogatari ending theme!- LOCAL CONNECT
Volume 2:
Be The One- Beverly and Pandora
Great Escape- Attack on Titan ED 2
Volume 3:
Mukanjyo- Survive Said the Prophet.
Alone With You- Egoist
Volume 4:
Raise Your Flag- Man With A Mission
Goodbye- The Vines
Volume 5:
Strike Back- BACK-ON
Get Ready To Die- Andrew WK
Volume 6:
Answers- Noubo Uematsu
Volume 7:
DATABASE- Man With a Mission
Perfect Triumph-  WAЯROCK
Volume 8: 
Shadowbringers- FFXIV 
(I Know It’s a Cover, but half of everything has SPOILERS and I dont want anyone who is playing FFXIV to be Spoiled) 
Isabelles Lullaby- (Slight Spoiler for The Promised Neverland cause of the image)
Inspired by @remnantelmm​ posting their opening and ending themes.
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strykingback · 5 years
The Beginning of The War for Atlas.
OST: Artorias Rising
Location: Grand Artorian Center, Artorias
Time: 12:00 PM (Just one hour after Imperius’ defeat)
The entire center was lined with Artorian troops and war aircraft as many of them looked at the podium waiting for their proud leader to make his way onto the podium with many of the Artorian civilians in their homes watching the speech on their T.V’s after fifteen years.. the once proud nation that was in poverty escaped it. 
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“Yes, Watts I’m fully aware of what Lady Salem want. I can assure you we are having our army doing a full scale assault on different Atlesian Bases all over Remnant so they wont have any defenses in case if Atlas calls for reinforcement’s Han’s will take care of the assault on Atlas’ main city.” Glestchner said looking at the seer listening to it’s clicking. 
“I’am glad to hear that you are moving quite quickly, while Imperius did fail to get the Silver Eyes and Relic of Knowledge. However, he did leave  Argus’ forces crippled so you wont have to worry about the foolhardiness of Cordovin.I’m sure fifteen years has led to this...” Watts spoke through the communicator. 
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“Of course, those fifteen years you and Salem gave us for our nation to get back on it’s feet was worth it. While Atlas’ Founding Crisis did end up destroying our first plan. However we became lucky as it only separated the Atlesian military in two fronts. We will not fail you.” He said once more.  “You best not, everything is being broadcasted across all of Remnant” Watts said in a serious tone as Glestchner turned around and left the room he was in being escorted out by two Artorian soldiers guiding him to the podium upon a massive cheer and awe. Waving and welcoming  the many soldiers who have arrived for such a grand moment as only silence came . 
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“Brave Soldiers of Artorias!!! I thank you for your service! I thank you for being here! I thank you  for being proud and strong as you stand here today! Fifteen years ago my father had tried his best to influence the many nations of Remnant for funding for our broken nation. Now matter how hard he has tried, the nations had other issues others had tried their hardest to lend their support that I can understand. However, Atlas. MOCKED US!! LAUGHED AT US!!! Called us A WORTHLESS NATION OF RATS! Yet through sheer willpower we had struggled out of the pocket of famine, poverty, and a dead economy for those fifteen years after my father instilled me as leader.” and How did this cruel world thank us! With a rag-tag team murdering my father six months ago... and yet Atlas hails them as heroes?! Such is the lack of their compassion as the only thing that is high are their heads!”
“Fifteen years we have grown our economies and worked our hardest at creating a military and stable housing for our people to live in and yet. We have grown restless because of one thing.. Atlas! Ever since the fall of Beacon, the death quota in Vale has grown by twenty-five pecent and that increase was due to Atlas’ own negligence! AND WHAT DO THEY DO! Their Coward of a General cuts off Dust deliveries by an embargo!! Not only innocent casualties have increased by 16% due to Grimm attacks and Bandit attacks as well. Atlas we have  grown tired of your people.. in your luxurious high towers and your hopeless military. This is no longer a means of words...” Glestchner spoke as he noticed some camera people had some pistols pointed to the back of their heads by Artorian soldiers who forced them to continue recording. 
OST: Time for Action
“This is a TIME For action! This is a DECLARATION OF WAR!!! Atlas! You have crossed many lines unignored! Now this time we shall make sure you will be put in your place!! As you are watching this speech now already we have began our assault on your bases making sure that not one base recieves support!!” the Grand Leader spoke showing images of an Atlesian base in Vale being overrun by Artorian forces, One in Mistral, and one that seemingly looked like it was in the air.
Upon seeing this caused an elicit roar of cheering from all Artorian soldiers wanting nothing more but the war to begin. 
“Defenders of the Artorian dream go forth!! Claim what is rightfully ours!! The true target is ATLAS!!! RISE MY PEOPLE!! ARISE AND TAKE BACK WHAT IS OURS!!! ARTORIAS IS STRENGTHENED BY THE SWORD WE WIELD!!! HAIL ARTORIAS!!!!”  Glestchner shouted once more as every Artorian soldier shouted the same thing over and over again. Atlesians who watched the speech.. were left horrified at the size of the armies and inside Ironwoods office the paranoid general watched in horror with his hands trembling at the sight of the Atlesian bases being overrun by a powerful foe. 
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strykingback · 5 years
Ok... This has to be the theme for Team BLCK during V1 and makes a re-appearance during the fight against Ace-Ops in Volume seven. 
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strykingback · 5 years
Move or Be Moved
Location: Atlas, Atlas Academy Courtyard.
Time: 9:00 PM
Returning to Atlas was like a death sentence for Team BLCKOUT, Hermes, Eros, and Jack. All eight of them slowly walking past the students with some of the students and soldiers muttering that they were sentenced to death by Ironwood. Yet, this was their decision to return, with the soldiers that were not so ragged  placed their weapons up ready to fire. 
“TEAM BLCKOUT! As an order received by General Ironwood you and your allies have been senten-” An Atlesian soldier said before he was met with a bullet to the face by none other than a very pissed off Blade Stryker. 
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“Shut the fuck up Atlesian...” He said in a dark tone to which the other soldiers started opening fire, in return Louvel  and Eros immediately rushed forward in front of the team of “Fugitives” with the wolf faunus unsheathing his sword  and slicing their throats whilst the Special Atelier Agent  shot at the other two Atlesian soldiers dispatching them. With Jack opening the door seeing no other soldiers inside. 
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“Looks like Atlas must be really busy at the moment... come on... we need to get Ironwood so we can have a good ol’... chat with him. “ The Old Stryker said moving into the building with everyone else following behind him. 
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“Either way... we must push forward to claim our target...” Hermes said with a growl in his voice. 
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“Oh I’m going to bloody enjoy this....” Eros said getting ready to move through the Academy blasting Atlesian soldiers left and right. 
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“On this day.. we will make eight people feel like one million soldiers” Kazura said unsheathing Caliburn in its sword form and his shield Pendragon at the ready. 
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“Their fate has been decided...” Louvel said in a dark tone with a bit of malice escaping his voice. 
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“No More hiding... we have one shot at this. “ Corona said loading up Talon in it’s machine gun state. 
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“Krraaaah!!!” Outsider barked ready to attack and waiting for his orders. 
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strykingback · 5 years
TEAM BLCK’s Reactions To RWBY’s Outfits for V7
Blade seeing Weiss’  Braided Hair and Outfit: 
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Louvel Seeing Yang in a Romper and seeing her beautiful smile again: 
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Corona Seeing Blake recieve the Bisexual haircut: 
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Kazura seeing Ruby being happy and always being a proud warrior: 
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