#[Ship] Touya x Jogo
@rcbcllixvs is giving Jogo a kiss AFTER A LONG TIME APART.
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Jogo hadn't seen Touya for months even after he had gotten back from his stint undercover. From what he could tell, Touya was the biggest protester of him even going in the first place, and with good reason. He wasn't sure what he expected when he heard Touya was finally going to be transferred home again. But this was the best outcome.
He wrapped his arms around Touya tightly, tears spilling down his cheeks even as he returned the kiss. He was desperate for the contact, the love, the familiar scent, all of it. He only pulled away because the fellow officers behind them began to whistle at them.
"I-I know they debriefed you on everything, but I'm Okay I promise. I've missed you so much." He couldn't help the shake in his hands anymore than the shake in his voice.
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exactextraction · 2 years
@rcbcllixvs  58) When the cops told me what you were doing, I wanted to stay in bed. And now that I’m here, I’m thinking that maybe I should have. (Hero or Quirkless Touya 👀)
“I don’t understand why I’m here, I didn’t do anything wrong!” With a hiccup as he spoke holding back the sobbing that he had been doing, his hands raised to his face, rubbing at it and messing his glasses and hair up even further.
“I told them to talk to you because you knew me and knew I’d not do anything they were accusing me of! I want to go home, I didn’t do anything to their stupid friend I swear! Touyaaaa!” He sobbed further. Though the tears were empty, the sobs were gut wrenching, a perfect show for anyone who didn’t know who he was and really thought he was just an innocent young man with nothing up his sleeve.
“Don’t be mean yo-you’re suppo-supposed to help me!”
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blazc-ignitixn · 5 years
@theextractorextraordinaire continued from ask.
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"Mh-mh" was Touya's only reply, too busy kissing his way down Suoh's neck to retort to the tease. The broker's skin felt amazingly soft under his lips, and he couldn't help giving it a slight nip when he reached the other's collarbone. 
Parting the already unbuttoned shirt, he quirked an eyebrow at the scars on Suoh's chest, but kept quiet for the time being, preferring to trace them with his lips, his touch soft as he tested the waters, getting acquainted with Suoh's body.
"Damn, you're gorgeous..." he whispered softly, voice a bit muffled as he kept pressing kiss after kiss over Suoh's chest, turquoise eyes flicking up to the broker's face to check his expression.
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@rcbcllixvs sent ✱ for TOUYA and JOGO (link ref)
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Tears were coming down Jogo's cheeks fast as he stood just outside Touya's office, hands shaking while they were clasped close to his chest. As soon as the door opened, Jogo stepped up and slid his arms around his boyfriend, sobbing into his chest with no explanation.
He had been trying to hold the tears back as much as possible, but even the receptionist remarked how pale Jogo looked which had started to cracks od how he really felt. And well, she must have told Touya something was wrong, because he had been in a rather important meeting in his office prior to this. And in fact had Jogo looked, he probably would have seen a few important people I'm his lovers office behind him.
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@rcbcllixvs​ gave Jogo a Kiss! [Come give my muse a kiss!]
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When Touya arrives at Jogo's place that night he looks... ragged. Not hurt, thankfully, mostly exhausted and dishevelled, turquoise blue eyes staring in the distance. He pulls the teacher into his arms as soon as he's inside, squeezing him perhaps a little more tightly than usual, taking a long, deep breath against his boyfriend's neck before moving to press his lips against Jogo's in a long, deep kiss, arms still tightly wrapped around the other man.
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“You’re late, I was gettin-” He began, but soon was cut off by the kiss that he was given. While he did melt into it with a soft hum, he was more concerned now than he had been just at the hug. 
“Touya . . . Hey, what’s going on?” He whispered once they had pulled apart and he had the time to catch his breath. Jogo raised his hands to cup his boyfriends face with a small frown then on his lips.
“You know I love your kisses, but you’re late . . . and a state. Talk to me, what’s up?”
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@rcbcllixvs is leaving love bites.
From kiss & tell
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Jogo had been focused on grading some papers when his lover came up behind him and began leaving gentle kisses. He had allowed the affection, but soon he was left holding his breath to conceal any noises. His hand went back and gently pushed Touya's face away.
"Don't start with me, Mr Todoroki. I'm working, something you should also be doing. Your assistant needs those-" He turned, catching the hungry look in Touya's eye. He pointed at him as he got up from the seat.
"Oh no. No don't you dare these are brand-new slacks! They're imported, they're expensive they're-" He darts out of the room like a rabbit running away from a fox.
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@rcbcllixvs sent; Jogo ,  can you hear me ?  get out of there ! (Touya)
From dire situations
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His blood ran cold, staring out at the conference hall that he was attending. He had told Touya about it, mainly because it had meant they were moving their date night to the following day. The conference was between a large number of corporate bodies and some hero agency marketing agents. All of it was boring for anyone with no interest in the business world.
Unfortunately, with so many important people in the room, they've also put an unknowing target on their backs.
"I can't, it's already started. The doors are shut, we can't leave until lunch I can't . . ." He tried to school his expression as he turned away from the table, hiding his face so as not to spread panic.
"There are too many people here, what am I supposed to do?!" He whispered harshly down the line.
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@rcbcllixvs sent; can you walk ?  i need you to walk for me ,  okay ? (Touya, Quirkless AU maybe?)
From dire situations
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Jogo was dazed as he felt the arm wrap around him and support him, trying to lift him from the street he had fallen into after the blast. There was chaos all around, and his eyes just couldn't focus on one thing as people scrambled in various directions.
"No, I . . . It . . ." He muttered as he was pulled to his feet, supported by Touya for the moment but once he finally turned to look at him, and saw that expression, he sobered up enough.
"I can, I promise. It's Okay." He held his face, giving a brave smile before he carefully pulled himself away. He knew if it was left to Touya he would carry him to safety. But he had such a big heart, he knew what Touya wanted to do. He wanted to help those closest to the blast before the heroes got there.
"Go, I'm Okay."
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@rcbcllixvs wrapped their arms around Jogo. [Meme ref]
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Jogo yelped when the arms went around him. He had been watching something on his phone, absentmindedly stirring some soup in a pan whilst doing so. Clearly, he was engrossed, because he didn't hear Touya come up behind him.
"Y-you startled me." He laughed some, turning down the heat on the stovetop so he didn't burn the soup. Embarrassingly, it wouldn't be the first time.
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@rcbcllixvs is cuddled up under a blanket with Jogo. [Meme ref]
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"Hey, you're hogging all the warmth," Jogo complained as he stirred. It was early morning in and he had woken up when the bed moved and his lover joined him. "Mine, fair and square."
Grumpily, he pulled the blanket back around himself, cocooning and turning away from him with a huff.
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@rcbcllixvs has kissed OVER A SCAR. [accepting]
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A light hum escaped Jogo who was sleepily standing on his balcony, enjoying his morning cigarette when Touya came up behind him. With the exhale of smoke came a gasp at the sudden kiss to the sensitive area just at his neck where his clothes would normally hide. But right now he was wearing nothing but his underwear, and one of Touya's oversized shirts. So the scar was exposed.
"Good morning to you too, love." He muttered tiredly. "Something on your mind?"
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@rcbcllixvs said;
"Happy Valentine's Day, my love~"
Touya has come home earlier than usual, all grins and twinkling blue eyes, enveloping Jogo in a tight hug before pressing a box of chocolates in his hands (some shaped like hearts, others like retro videogame characters), alongside a lingering kiss to the teacher's lips.
"Was planning to make some myself but I've been unexpectedly busy, lots of people grumpy about being alone deciding no one can have nice things on Valentine's Day." He chuckles, pressing another kiss to Jogo's lips "I love you so much."
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"Why am I not surprised you got off quicker than you said you would?" He laughed some, leaning into his boyfriend's hold before returning every kiss that was given to him and relishing it as well. He simply couldn't help loving it all along with the warmth that it always brought.
Jogo slipped out of Touya's arms and shuffled back through his apartment for something before returning to Touya and holding up in one hand a jar filled with Touya's favourite sweets. On the other was a bag, that housed a lingerie set that Jogo had planned to wear for when Touya got home.
"You may as well get a sneak peak at it."
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@rcbcllixvs said, "I don't wanna hurt you." [Accepting]
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"When was the last time you hurt me by telling me what you were feeling? Remember, love, I'm not going to hate you for being honest with me about your feelings, Okay? No matter what it is, we'll work through it." Jogo gathered Touya's hands and kissed his knuckles before holding them into his chest.
"Come on, what is it? What's gotten you so wound up?"
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@rcbcllixvs said “I’ll always be here for you.” (Touya) [link; accepting]
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Jogo wished he could stop trembling, he wished he hadn't been found curled up on the floor having a panic attack after accidentally cutting himself while shaving. Something about the nick on his neck had brought out such a reaction in him that he just couldn't control. Worst of all, he had wished Touya hadn't come home early to find him like this. It was pitiful. Though sniffles and choked sobs he pleaded for Touya to leave so he could collect himself. Then he had to say something as adorable and loving as that.
"I-i know I just- I can't-" He whispered, hanging his head in shame and covering his face. "It's not even a deep cut! Or big!" He cursed himself. He had already stopped bleeding even.
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@rcbcllixvs said [ lay ] [link; accepting]
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Jogo had one hand busy with his phone, the other lay at his side. Until Touya came and gave his hand a squeeze while he grabbed it. The quietness of his arrival made Jogo uneasy, simply because he knew his boyfriend usually had a quip or teasing comment to make while he did things. He set his phone down, turning his head to give him his full attention.
"Are you Okay, Touya?" He asked gently, being serious in the question because he knew sometimes it was that moment that seriousness that would help a person finally break down their final walls.
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