#[NetBattle Champion! (Rogue.exe)]
camotherogue · 3 years
📂Have some more Battle Network fun, but tell us more about Rogue pls
okay, to start, Rogue is my NetNavi sona/self insert!
She wasn't fully custom made, instead her first NetOp built her up from the code of a basic Navi, hence her build, looks, and stature.
Like me, she's genderfluid, so I'll use whatever pronouns I'm using to talk about her.
Rogue stands about 5' 2", but can easily fling her opponents despite her size. Appearance wise, she looks fairly human, and under her third NetOp even dresses that way. She has a built in weapon, which is kinda like clawed gauntlets, which she is very good with. Since she's what I call a Variant Navi, she can use bascially any chips her NetOp throws in there. Her symbol is three white claw marks on a black background.
Her first NetOp ✨ fucking sucked ✨. They will remain nameless until further notice though, I don't wanna get attached to them.
First NetOp was BIG in the illegal NetBattle scene, where betting and cheating were encouraged and the losing Navi was always deleted permanently. Rogue had a reputation for being aggressive, ruthless, and she hadn't lost once. However, as time went on she began to get curious, and eventually she was made aware that the Navis she deleted were GONE. Forever.
She didn't like that, and started letting them go, encouraging them to log out or forfeit. A few took her advice, but her Op punished her for it.
Skip forward a while, he got sold off to a more legal NetOp. NetOp2 wasn't much nicer, and treated him like a disposable object in essence, but never forced him to perma-delete his opponents. Rogue continued fighting, this time in official battles and even taking the win at a few championships. Move forward a bit and he was soon shut down and tossed to a PET Orphanage, where he would remain for a while until her current NetOp got him as a gift from her uncle.
Rhay is Rogue's current NetOp, and the two are best friends. Rhay isn't one for fighting, but she does let Rogue go out and hunt viruses, and they do participate in a few Battles here and there (after much pushing and begging from Rogue). Rogue now has a no-delete policy, which causes some issues later. They do get caught up with W3 eventually, but this is already getting long.
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