#[Jaspern -extras-]
soulsxng · 8 months
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Okay, so I know I was asked for two other muses too, but I was already working on Jassie, my good old man at that point, so he kinda cut in line a little bit. Overall, he tends to be pretty intense in love (as he tends to be in a lot of other things, as well), so he needs someone that will be willing/able to keep up with he and his shenanigans.
I'm also gonna say that the vacation thing...probably wouldn't be an actual vacation. Jas is so busy most of the time, that he wouldn't have enough time to do anything lasting more than a couple days-- two, or maybe three at the absolute most, before he'd have to head back home. But he'd still enjoy it a lot!
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sansloii · 1 year
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"Mikah...Mikah, it's me, al liel. You're alright. You're safe...it was a nightmare." Though Jas' drawl is soft and soothing, there's no disguising the little wince that escapes him. Mikah's ghost (or, part of it anyway) had materialized to grab tightly onto Jas' arm...possibly because he had gotten close, so he could wake them up from whatever dream had made them so distraught. "Just look at me...that's it. It's just us. I've got you."
It's not easy, waking up from a nightmare, and they rouse with quite the start. It's slow going, initially, with the thief simply turning away from their husband — pushing him, even — as they fought with whatever was plaguing them in their dreams. It's nowhere near as frantic as it's been in the past… but, in some ways, the external, ghostly hand that materializes to stop Jas from crowding them too closely makes up for it. Clawed grip tightens around his lower arm and, were it any other situation, it would've yanked the reaper's hand away from them…
…but it's not. It's Jas…and it knows Jas.
Only then does Mikah wake up and the breath they take in is sharp, for a lack of better words. When their eyes open, they almost immediately find Jas' own and they stop pushing. However, the recognition that they were pushing their beloved — that their ghost had partially materialized to grab him — takes a another moment or two. The claws retract and the arms that had kept Jas away relax, at last.
The makings of “I'm sorry” bubble up into their throat, but the anxiety the nightmare caused keeps it trapped. They are sorry. Their expression says that much without hesitation. It's him and they knew that. It was just the two of them there and they knew that now. He was just trying to help… and they hurt him. He knows that they didn't intentionally do it and they do too… but part of them wishes they had woken up a little bit sooner. The thief, thus, begins to pull their beloved closer to them, shifting a bit so they can inch closer and close the gap between them. Their arm slips around him and curls into the fabric of his shirt tightly — as if they feared him pulling away from them… and maybe part of them did even at this point.
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However, for now, they settle closer to him and bury their face in his shoulder with a deep ( but not quite ) steady exhale.
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soulsxng--a · 5 years
“Don’t let him touch you!” Sef had yelled, as Sivel seemed to forget Jas for a moment, in favor of attacking JJ. 
Easier said than done, when they’d been so close in the first place, and he couldn’t seem to teleport a safe distance away-- some passive ability the Vasyrus possessed that made it impossible to phase within a certain distance of him.
Moving as quickly as he could, eyes narrowed, and teeth grit painfully tight as his body shifted forms to that of his past life, pouring all of his speed into dodging blow after blow. Using every last bit of extra energy to block Sivel’s magic with that of his own as best he could.
Anguished were beginning to approach. Attacking Kadios and Cecil both.
Kamii seemed to be slowing down for some reason. Eventually dropping to the ground in the same way that Jas had minutes earlier. 
Ber did his best to keep Lerato away from both, and actually seemed to be doing well at the task. If only because it seemed to be one of Lera’s powers that Sivel had stolen to use against JJ.
The Vasyrus seemed close to giving up and returning his attention to Jas and Kamii, when one blow got far too close for comfort. Instinctively bringing Razil up to slash at Sivel once more, only for the blonde to turn his hand at the last moment and grab the weapon at the blade.
By then, JJ already knew that he had made a mistake. Trying desperately to recall his soul-bound weapon to it’s gem.
But it was too late.
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To say that the pain was excruciating was an understatement. He hadn’t felt anything like this since he had offered his soul to Lera when he was only a child.
And it wasn’t just him that was effected-- Sef quickly appeared beside him. Form flickering as the two of them gave an agonized scream.
But...just like that, it stopped. Razil dropped to the ground, and Sivel’s eyes widening. Mouth falling open as once more, his form began to radiate with magic.
Except this time was different. His skin seemed to split and break open in places. More energy seeping from the wounds.
He was...losing control? No...
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“Death Dealer...” The Sivel spat, looking over his shoulder, not at Lerato...but at Jaspern, who had gotten to his feet, and had his hand on Lerato’s wrist. Kamii’s just on top of his as the two poured their energy into the dragon scale that was embedded into the ancient’s skin there. The thing that was allowing Sivel’s control of Lera, through Than. “...Life Giver...”
The look Sivel gave the two was one of barely concealed rage. They’d backed him into a corner...it was either let himself lose control, and bring as many of them down with him as he could, or break his bond to Lerato and his dragon. Live to get rid of all of them another day.
The choice, though infuriating, was an easy one. And in the next moment, his hold over both was broken.
JJ recovered almost immediately, looking over to see Ber helping Kade and Cecil deal with the few Anguished that were left. Making sure they were okay, before lunging at Sivel once more to attack.
The Vasyrus didn’t try to dodge, though. Instead, a pulse of magic burst from him at a breakneck pace. Not doing any damage in the slightest, but still stopping everyone in their tracks as familiar auras began to spring up from far away.
Every last one of them connected to Sivel, who simply smirked as if he’d still managed to come out on top, before teleporting away in an instant.
Back to the Vasyrus Kingdom, for now.
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sansloii-a · 6 years
( 2/3 )
>TIME: 12:10PM
          Penelope’s eyes snap to her phone when it vibrates, a single brow arching when Wynn’s name appears on the screen. Her eyes flick up briefly to check the time and her lips purse a little bit as they lower down to Wynn’s name. Two hours seemed a little… short, especially for how long it’d take them both to get to the specified meeting place. On top of that… Mikah said that they’d text her when they were done she could start heading over.
         She was still torn on whether she should bring Accalia… but Mikah did make a good point. She wouldn’t mind.
          Nonetheless, she picks up the device and answers the call without hesitation. She opens her mouth to greet the other but, before she can get out a simple “Hello”, Wynn speaks first.
        “Where’s Evan?” His voice sounded hoarse and labored, as if he was in some sort of pain, and that alone is enough to make the brunette sit up a little straighter.
        “He’s hanging around. I know he hasn’t left yet—”
        “Call him.” he interrupts, “Call him now. We have a problem.”
          It’s been a while since she’s felt her blood run cold but it’s a feeling that’s still unmistakably uncomfortable. The hacker stands immediately and rushes over to her door, poking her head out hand shouting Evan’s name urgently. When she doesn’t get a response ( in the form of the sound of the man’s footsteps ), the hacker shouts again. Her voice echoes, bouncing off of the empty walls and floating down the corridor easily. That shout seems to reach it’s intended target because as soon as it stops echoing, the tell-tale sound of Evan’s hurried footsteps follows it. A minute or so later, the dark-haired man rounds the corner, his brows drawn together in an irritated fashion as he approaches Penelope.
        He’s moving too slow! You’d think that with the urgency in her voice, he’d be sprinting but the most he was doing right now was briskly walking.
        “Hurry the fuck up, Evan!” she urges, waving him over, “C’mon, c’mon!”
          Penelope doesn’t wait for him to respond to her ( nor does she wait for the remark he’s sure to snap at her with ) and slips back into her office. She goes right back over to her phone and picks it up, putting the call on speaker before she sits back down. Evan drags himself into the room and shuffles up to Penny, hands now shoved in his pockets.
        “You don’t need to yell at the top of your lungs if you need me. Coming down to get me works too—”
        “Not the time!” Penny cuts in, waving her hand dismissively as she turns her attention back to Wynn, “He’s here. Start talking.”
          The silence that follows is brief but it still makes the hairs on the back of Penelope’s neck stand up. She knows Wynn is still there—she can hear the soft inhale that prefaces his words—but still. He sounded hurt. He was hurt. Something went wrong. Something went horribly wrong.
        If something went wrong, then it was her fault.
        “…That message.. that meeting—all that shit was a trap. All of it.” is what comes through next. “We got there and the client was there as if it was a normal meeting. Greeted me, greeted Mikah, and we sat down to discuss… whatever he called us there to talk about. I think about thirty minutes later, he sent one of his bodyguards retrieve some papers—that’s what he told me when I asked, at least—and the little fucker comes back with Joseph and about thirty extra bodies that shouldn’t have been there.”
        If blood could run colder that…
        “That’s impossible—”
        “It’s not because he was there.”
        “We screened him and nothing was out of the ordinary. Mikah and I screened him twice. He doesn’t have ties to Dakota. He doesn’t—”
        “Well, clearly, that’s not the case anymore. Is it, Penny?”
          Penelope winces a little bit in response and bites down on her lower lip. Beside her, she can hear Evan shifting around and when she turns to look at him, he’s folded his arms across his chest. His brows are still knit together and down-turned, making him look angry but his eyes are worried. Very, very worried.
        “We were outnumbered and cornered. We fought back but…” It was pointless. “…There were too many and I couldn’t keep them off me long enough to shift and clear a path. Mikah and I got separated after that and they ensured that we stayed separated long enough them for Joseph or whoever the fuck was there to sedate Mikah and carry them off.” It was her fault. “He wasn’t there to kill them. He was there to capture them.”
        Fuck, fuck, fuck.
        “Where are you now?” Evan’s voice it tight and his tone is curt. She was sure that it’d shake upon leaving him but it seems that he kept his worry and concern out of it. “Are you hurt too badly? Should I come get you?”
        “No. Stay there.” is Wynn’s immediate answer. “We don’t need any more of us getting snatched up or killed so just… stay. Don’t leave.”
        “Wynn, you sound like shit and you probably look like shit. Let me come get you.”
        “Joseph knows your face too and if anyone is still lingering around right now, they’ll recognize you immediately. You need to stay there, Evan.”
          A frustrated huff leaves the man in question but, aside from that, Evan doesn’t respond. Wynn’s right and he knows that he is. Evan had to stay… at least until they all knew what had gone wrong—until she knew what had gone wrong. They shouldn’t have caught up with Mikah yet… they shouldn’t have. They’ve laid low, caused minimal trouble ( “minimal” being used very loosely but that’s not the point ), and if Dakota, Joseph, or any of their subordinates had been in the area before now, she would’ve known. She should’ve known….
        FUCK—she fucked up. She promised that she’d keep them as far away from those two as possible and she fucked that up.
        “What do we do then? Hm? Sit here?”
        “No.” A heavy exhale follows Penelope’s interjection. “We’re not but we can’t just… act. We need to figure how that happened and where he took Mikah, first and foremost. If Wynn says stay here, then you should stay here and help me figure this shit out.”
        A noise of agreement flows in through the speaker of Penelope’s phone. “Focus on that. I’ll join you two soon.”
        “I hear you.. Be careful.”
          The call ends with a soft chime but as soon as Wynn’s contact information leaves the screen, Penelope is making another call. Evan shoots her a mildly confused look, mouthing “What are you doing?” as she drums her fingers on the small gift box still sitting to the right of her laptop. To that, she responds with a whispered “Ssh!” lifting her hand briefly to press her finger to her lips.
        The phone rings once. ( I’m sorry )
        It rings twice. ( I’m so sorry )
        —then someone picks up.
        “Hey Jaspern. I, ah… I know it’s your birthday but we need to talk.”
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soulsxng · 2 months
◯ Jaspern
@lunarxdaydream | Muse Character Sheets | No Longer Accepting!
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Okay, so a small thing with this one. I got to ambitious, and automatically went to color it in, right? Only I realized as I started to that...it isn't really the case for Jassie anymore. He always used to be one of my more ambitious muses, but once the original four species were brought back by Creation, and Jas was pretty much thrust back onto Ahnia's throne, I feel like he kind of lost a lot of his ambition. The reasoning for that most likely being that...either it's because, yes, he has the status or whatever, but it's not really the direction he wanted to go in. Or because he feels that there's not really anywhere left for him to go from where he's at.
A little bit is, I think, also because he's calmed down a little bit as he's gotten older. He's still the same sarcastic asshole he always has been, but like...I guess more methodical/mindful, and less organized chaos like he used to be!
I just thought that was interesting, is all!
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soulsxng · 1 year
Got sidetracked, but heeeeere's Jaspern's! I was gonna do Ber's next, and then someone asked for Enoch's and/or Baphomet's, and someone else asked for Shilo's, so we'll see what I get to!
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soulsxng · 10 months
💕Jassie and Kamii? (whichever names you feel like)
@feraecor | Love Calculator | Accepting!
(Oh god please, they have so many potential combinations. I decided to go with their og lives, and their current ones.)
Dr. Love thinks that a relationship between Lierik vir si Ahnia and Kalliah Lisiriya vu Setia has a reasonable chance of working out, but on the other hand, it might not. Your relationship may suffer good and bad times. If things might not be working out as you would like them to, do not hesitate to talk about it with the person involved. Spend time together, talk with each other.
The chance of a relationship working out between Jaspern Ravi and Kamiiaria Rashida is not very big, but a relationship is very well possible, if the two of you really want it to, and are prepared to make some sacrifices for it. You'll have to spend a lot of quality time together. You must be aware of the fact that this relationship might not work out at all, no matter how much time you invest in it.
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"Maybe if Kam weren't so violent with me all the time, we'd have a higher score." Says the one that instigates at least half of their fights in the first place. It's just how they flirt with each other, what can he say? Though he does see where some people might think that their fighting and arguing is actually serious, that's not really the case.
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soulsxng · 1 year
JJ & Peri next to Tia (4'11") and Darek (6'1")???
@feraecor | Height comparisons | Accepting!
So with this one I added Peri's Mermaid form, and Tia's pixie form on there. For funsies.
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And then I just wanted to do one with the past lives/forms, because it makes me happy. But also Kamii, I'm so sorry that you, as a Setana, had to give birth to three Ahnian babies. I also only just realized that Darek, the youngest of the kids, is the tallest.
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soulsxng · 1 year
Archetypes quiz | Jaspern edition!
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47% Royal: When a Royal walks into a room, they command attention. They are the one in charge, and they enjoy reaping the rewards of their hard work.
32% Rebel: The Rebel is comfortable throwing caution to the wind--and bucking the system--if that means getting their point across.
21% Athlete: The Athlete's focus and drive are unparalleled. Staying healthy and being fit are paramount to them (as for winning, that doesn't hurt, either).
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soulsxng · 1 year
Corruption infection #4: Everything is on Fire!
Gaea x30 (got triple spun!) Sebiphere x20 (miraculously only got spun once) Pirodet x15 (Spun once) Istrexath x10 (This was spun as an extra on the regular wheel) Jor'oroth (I think I've apologized about 10 times for this already, but here it is again; I'M SO SORRY MARSHY--) Jaspern (...h-haha...ha. yay. only fun times to be had here. but it makes sense, considering the next spin was...)
The Corruption has now successfully infected the Void, and by extension, Lerato. This essentially means that the spread and advancement of stages is speeding up, and that the Void is no longer the only place that the spread can originate from. So some muses can now be Corrupted via their magic and other things, for example, instead of just by being in contact/close proximity with another Corrupted being/thing.
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soulsxng · 2 years
why do Jaspern and Sivel hate each other?
Okay, so short answer:
It's because of the war between the 4 original species, and the remaining animosity toward each other from that. Both of them lost a lot of loved ones in it, and things got really out of control between the two of them, as well as Fekik, Setia's ruler, and none of them have been able to let go of it since then.
Longer answer, because I know that's vague and will probably give more questions than answers:
Part 1 (On reincarnation) | Part 2 (On relationships between the original 4 species) | Part 3 (Pre-"original war") | Part 4 (During the "original war") | Part 5 (Extra current day stuff)
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soulsxng--a · 5 years
Glamours - Jaspern, Nel, and JJ
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Reapers don’t really need to do much in the way of glamouring their less-than-human features when in the human realm. Wings, fangs, and their skin (which in Jas and Nel’s case have a slightly grey tinge to it, and in JJ’s has a silver sheen to it in some lights on top of that) are about all Jaspern, Nel, and even JJ really need to hide when work or friends puts them around those that shouldn’t know their species. 
For Jas, he only ever glamours his wings, his ears (which come to more of a point, compared to a human’s), and usually his skin. His mouth is rarely open enough to show his fangs unless he’s pissed, and at that point, they work well for intimidation. Anybody he really grins or smiles wide at most likely knows that he’s a reaper, so he doesn’t really have a reason to hide them in that case, either. As for his eye color, which is wholly unnatural for a human, he never bothers to glamour those. Just lets people think that they’re colored contacts, etc. He doesn’t care. Outside of the human realm, he doesn’t bother to glamour anything, unless he’s trying to sneak up on a mark-- in which case, he’ll usually disguise himself as a lesser demon so as not to attract attention.
Nel is very much the same as Jas, with the only real difference being that her eyes are a more normal color for a human (If not a bit on the dark side), so she doesn’t really get any comments from humans about them like Jas does with his. She also, however, glamours the scar on her hand, because that tend to garner unwanted attention, more often than not. When outside of the human realm, she never glamours anything, even if going after a mark. She tends to enjoy the chase, and/or scaring the shit out of people that would try to run from her.
JJ, on the other hand, glamours everything when he’s in the human realm. His ears don’t have the points that Jas and Nel’s have, so he doesn’t have to worry about glamouring them though, at least. Fangs are always glamoured, because while he’s pretty much constantly smiling or laughing, his fangs are also bigger than Jas and Nel’s are. His eyes are made just the slightest bit duller as well-- wanting to avoid too much attention where possible. Outside of the human realm, JJ, like Jas, only has glamours on when he’s after a mark that he has to hide from. Unlike Jas though, he usually just puts on his normal glamours, and pretends to be a human, or a witch.
As a whole, the reaper species has developed a more passive glamour that will activate on top of any others that they have up. This glamour isn’t so much a glamour in the sense that it actively hides or changes something, though. Instead, if someone that doesn’t know them gets that “Oh, something is off about that person.” feeling, and starts paying extra attention to them, their features will start to become more obscured. Like the person is getting an eye strain, or something of the like. What they do see of the reaper will quickly fade from their memory as soon as the reaper is out of their sight. This works on humans as well as other species, and is where the “Reaper’s cloak” myth comes from.
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soulsxng--a · 6 years
💓 h... for jas...
“Hey, you.” Jas addresses them as he walks over, gait just a bit less graceful than usual. He’d been the one to seek Asmodeus out this time, having obviously had a few drinks in him beforehand. “Hold still…” he murmurs as he pushes the other into a wall just behind them, pinning one of their wrists there as if expecting them to disobey.
And a moment later, he had leaned in for an eager kiss, a soft growl escaping the reaper as he bit at their bottom lip to deepen it, free hand sweeping through pale hair and tugging. His lips weren’t as warm as a human’s would be, but the cupid’s own still feel cool in comparison. It…wasn’t actually unpleasant. In fact, it was something that Jas found he rather enjoyed, and he sought more of the sensation as his tongue pressed forward to tease at theirs skillfully. He knew he shouldn’t be doing this, but…right now, he didn’t really care. All he really wanted to do was focus on this kiss.
“My name is Jaspern, by the way. Not reaper, and not pet. Now stop giving me so much extra work.”
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soulsxng--a · 6 years
all of your muses can speak multiple languages, so do any of them have accents?
Yep, they all have accents, actually! Cicaelia and Darrow’s are going to be the easiest to place though, considering both of them actually lived in the human realm for quite a while. It’s also probably good to note now that I don’t really type out accents too often just because I’d rather have everybody be able to read and understand what’s being said.
CicaeliaSouthern Welsh accent, though with somewhat less drawn out vowels. Her family is originally from Mammon’s region of Hell, and moved to stay in Wales when she was a baby, so along with cutting down some of the length of her vowels, she also has a bit more of a top-of-the mouth type of allure that makes everything sound just a bit rounder.
DarrowHe was born and raised in Kyoto, Japan, and so while his original accent was kansai-ben, when he moved to the fae realm, their more formal accents swung his closer to what the regular (”Tokyo”) accent would be. Now that he’s in Ativere though, his accent is becoming more informal again, but also becoming less detectable, especially since he doesn’t speak Japanese half as much as he used to.
Other than that, Lerato, Fekik, Rourke, and Sef’s accents all sound pretty similar, since they all speak Ancient. Fekik and Lerato’s way of speaking makes it sound much gentler and more “poetic” in a way, their words having a sort of rhythmic lilt to them, with some harder consonants like “T”, “K”, and “P” (obviously more the sounds than the letters themselves, considering the Ancient language had it’s own alphabet) being very crisply and clearly pronounced, while some like “S”, “L”, and “R” are quicker and further back in the mouth. People describe both of their accents as sounding very regal and formal, but with a surprising effortlessness to it.
Rourke and Sef’s accents don’t have quiet as much of a rhythmic, or poetic feel to it, and sounds far more informal than Fei and Lera’s. This is mostly because they don’t enunciate hard consonants to much, so everything sounds much smoother, but also far more relaxed and almost inviting in a way. They also speak a little bit further back in the mouth more often, as opposed to just certain sounds like Lera and Fei.
Jaspern, JJ, Ber, Melchior, Amphaire, and Pythius all have a demonic accent, though it’s different dialects.
Jas and Melchior are both originally from Merihem’s domain of Hell, and other than Abbadon’s domain, is the most informal, or “muddy” dialect of the Demonic dialect. It’s very relaxed, and a lot of words are left out, or compressed together, and consonants are very soft, especially once they start talking faster. Though Io still speaks that way for the most part, since moving to central Hell, he’s become much easier to understand, though his words still have a heavy lean to them. In Jas’ case, he only falls back to that accent when he has been speaking demonic a long time, or when he gets extra emotional. Otherwise, he tries to hold a fairly “neutral” accent most of the time, so it’s hard for people to tell where he’s from.
Ber, Amphaire, and JJ both speak in a more central Hell dialect, meaning their words are generally pretty crisp and easy to understand. There’s a bit of a lean on “R” sounds, though it’s still easy to tell what sound it is, and they speak toward the top, and mid-front of their mouths. It should also be mentioned that JJ can pretty easily mimic other people’s voices though, and Ber can use glamours to change his voice. Amphi’s is a bit airy-sounding, just because of his roots in speaking the Faerie language.
Pythius’ accent is mostly from central Hell, but his domain is also known for their “charming” and “easy” manner of speech. It’s very similar to central Hell’s dialect, but vowels are a bit rounder along with the strong consonants.
Alcor and Mizar are the closest two to not having accents. Though they grew up speaking the Ancient language, their accent is pretty faded, and is now an odd mix of the “neutral” accents of a lot of other languages, and has a few consistent qualities of modern French and “BBC English” accents. Considering Alcor’s voice, it’s also pretty hard to tell what his accent sounds like, since his voice is so rough. Izzy’s is generally described as being either “posh” or “stern”, but still very attention-grabbing.
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soulsxng--a · 6 years
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MUN NAME:  Aya OOC CONTACT: If I’m not on tumblr, then either skype or discord is best! (Just ask me for it, and I’ll most likely give you both)
Jaspern is a high ranking reaper that has a bit of a chip on his shoulder. He’s a widower, proud father, and also a workaholic that really has little to no clue how to relax if he hasn’t gotten a drink or two in his system. Jassie is calm and collected, with sarcasm for days and probably rolls his eyes more than his 22 year old son. Once you get to know him, he loses his sharp tongue and will actually try to joke around with you more. If he ends up developing any sexual or romantic insults, you also are going to get a batch of really cheesy (and very occasionally smooth) pick up lines.
His attitude. Jaspern can be very cold and even cruel seeming at first meeting. Don’t take it to heart; generally if you see him again after he was an ass to you, and you’re still willing to talk to him, he’ll warm right up. He’s just hesitant to get close to very many people.
His job. Jassie loves his job, and whoever interacts with him has to understand that there are going to be times when he literally has to run off mid-conversation to either take a new “mark” or to go knock some sense into the people working under him. The more important you are to him, the more likely he’ll be to ignore the extra calls if he’s asked to, but he’ll never leave his job for anyone.
His son. JJ is Jas’ everything. If you want to hurt the reaper, target JJ, but be prepared to be hunted down and attacked relentlessly. Otherwise, if you’re trying to earn the reaper’s trust or affections quickly, make sure JJ has a good opinion of you.
Mostly work and teaching his son. Keeping Ber and Lerato out of trouble. He’s pretty much the disapproving, over protective dad of all my muses.
Usually in the reaper realm, where he works and lives. Otherwise, he’s in the human realm and the crypts a lot, too!
I’m going to be adding his full backstory to his bio page soon here! It’s going to be a bit long, but it’s going to clear up a lot of stuff about him and hopefully open him up to more interactions or maybe even some pre-est stuff? We’ll see -u-)/
Jassie is extremely competitive, so I’d love for him to have someone (a friend, a lover, a rival, idc) that just challenges him to different stuff. And it doesn’t all have to be serious, character building type stuff, it can also be stupid stuff like “Oh, I totally bet that I could go longer without frowning than you.” and JASSIE WOULDN’T EVEN QUESTION IT, HE’D BE LIKE “Fuck that shit, I’m gonna beat you so badly at this!”
Otherwise, Jas is also my hate-shipping ho. You can’t go wrong with a good hate ship from him, though because that’s how his relationship with his ex-mate started, it sometimes results in an unrequited love type of thing.
I offer pretty much anything with him? Jas is one of my most (if not the most) developed muse I have, but I’m always looking for excuses to develop him further!
Umm...I haven’t actually made an open for Jas in a long time. I was planning on putting out one along with one for the other death elements probably over the weekend here, if not tomorrow.
Not that I can think of! I’d love to get some new thread out though, so if you’re up for it, just shoot me an ask or an IM! I rarely (if ever) turn people down, so~
TAGGED BY: @siiinuously TAGGING: @anyone that wants to interact with Jaspern? Or even if you just like the meme, go ahead and steal it from me!
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soulsxng--a · 7 years
"Calm down, it's just a corpse." (From Kazuma to whoever)
“It might just be a corpse now, but it shouldn’t have been. It wasn’t his time to die, yet.” Jaspern frowned at the vampire, arms crossed seriously. He hated being called for extra work when he was already swamped. 
“You couldn’t have, I don’t know, exercised some restraint? There’s plenty of humans out there, and it’s not as if it’s hard for you to catch them…” he sighed, shaking his head as he lectured the other being. 
Oh well. It wasn’t as if either of them could bring the human back at this point. The reaper would just have to take the soul and ferry it along as he did all the others. 
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