theartofruling · 10 months
Who: Beau + Markus (@ocean-eyeslnrp )
Where: Southland Palace
Beau was fresh off the riverboat casino after it docked in Southland. She knew her brother would be at the palace so that’s where she went to visit. She had thrown herself into work to take her mind off the unknowns that sent her straight into a panic when it came to the immortalem. When she arrived at the palace, she flirted with a few of the guards she knew to be regulars before they led her to Markus. “I called ahead and asked if it was possible to get some time with the king. I hope I’m not interrupting. I miss you.” 
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theartofruling · 2 years
Who: Isabeau + Markus ( @ocean-eyeslnrp​ )
Where: The Divine Forest Spooky river ride
Beau had convinced Markus to go on the spooky river ride with him so they could have some valuable brother sister time. “So, your wife is very pregnant...how are we feeling about that?” she asked after having seen Rowan for the first time in a while. “And of course, we’re going to talk about my role as an ambassador in Kings Hill. I know we were probably hoping the seat would stay vacant, but I would be happy to stay on in the role. I think the princess might need me. She’s like me. She’s an immortalem. So we’ll have even more information on our species and her family.” 
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theartofruling · 1 year
Who: Beau + Markus (@ocean-eyeslnrp)
Where: High Tea and Garden Tour
When Beau spotted her brother holding her step-niece, she had to approach the cute scene before her. Scarlett was a little fussy and Markus looked like he was looking for a rescue. Without a word, Beau took the baby from his hold. "Give me this precious baby. She's so cute in her little dress! Makes me think of when Z was a baby. You okay? You looked a little stressed over here. When's the last time you held a baby before this or is it something else?" she wondered as she rubbed Scarlett's back and the baby calmed down a little.
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theartofruling · 3 years
Who: Beau + Markus ( @ocean-eyeslnrp​ ) 
Where: Northland Palace
Beau didn’t get nervous about much anymore. She’d lived long enough that nothing truly felt new or excited. With the new memories of her lives prior, it was a tragic, long hard knock life for her. But there was one shining bit of hope that she held tight to. Markus Olsen. He was her hero three lifetimes ago, and she thought that he was dead. Now that she could remember, she knew how old she was. She was nearly five hundred, and he was that old. He’d seen centuries without her and she wondered if he even would remember her. 
She felt her memories with such clarity because they were new, coming to her a few full moons ago. The love for her family came rushing back to her. The love for her brother slapped her hard that she needed to know what happened to him. She didn’t have to search, she knew. Beau had heard of the High Lord, never met him in person until now when she requested audience with him. 
Beau wondered how life had treated him, and how he’d ended up this way, especially when in her first lifetime she was obsessed with vampires. That obsession had gotten her killed. She wondered how his personality was now. Was he kind? Was he nice? Or was he an asshole. She hoped for the latter, because she had grown cold, herself turning into more of a bitch than the bright eyed sister he knew. 
When she was led into the meeting room to see him, it was as if more memories came flooding back to her when she laid eyes on him. “Marky Mark,” she said immediately before she lost the ability to say more. A lump in her throat hindering her ability to speak momentarily. It had been her nick name for him a play on a name of an old boyband she used to like. “My apologies. Your...majesty? I don’t rub elbows with nobles anymore so I’m not sure what title to use.” Her cheeks were wet with tears she didn’t even know were falling. She couldn’t understand how Isabeau Reneau, the woman she was now, could be this shaken by the mere sight of Deana’s brother. In her lives she had different names, different personalities, but she remembered now how every single one of them felt. And this one was breaking her heart. She had the shortest life the first time, and yet it was the most impactful. 
“I don’t know if you remember me? But I’m your sister.” 
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