#[I have like five people following me with h.sr muses now so fjkdhskffs VERSE TIME
guhamun · 9 months
H.onkai Star Rail AU:
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Path: Erudition
Element: Water
Neuvi is an ancient dragon, though he's not a V.idyadhara, but a completely different species altogether. His kind lives an extremely long time and ages so slow that one oftentimes wouldn't be able to tell whether one is old aside from themselves. However, they are not immortal, nor desire such as they are aware of the chaos Y.aoshi (inadvertently or not) spreads rather well. As time passes for them, slumbers become deeper and deeper, and upon 'old age', sleep can be so that a dragon may not awake for a hundred years. To resist the madness that can leak into the mind of those with unnaturally long lives, they eventually fall into a slumber so deep that they cannot awaken for anything, soon to slowly return to the element they represent and fade away. Earth returns to earth, water to water, so on and so forth. It is always a sign that one is about to do this when their sleep patterns become increasingly irregular.
As a powerful being known as a Sovereign, Neuvi is akin to something like a Great Lord to his people, although you would be hard pressed to ever see him acknowledge this. Despite dragons from his world very rarely ever having an interest in other species or the state of things outside their home, Neuvi, on the other hand, is curious of the universe's affairs, more so due to the Legion's more...aggressive spread over the centuries. Thus, he has taken to travel, not for pleasure, but for personal reasons. Having seen countless A.stral Express' in the past when they were more abundant, his interest in it still remains.
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