#[-*have a nervous car and enjoy XD*-]
gingerlee-holds · 3 months
Ok ok so and idea for a fic: Alastor broadcasts one of his frequent tikl attacks on Vox so everyone in hell knows about his weakness (any length is fine)
oh!!! thank you for the idea and request anon/lovebug!! i hope you enjoy this!! its not directly related to the series im currently writing about ler!alastor, but its related, so maybe its on the same storyline just in the future- enjoy!!
aaaa i absolutely did not proofread this so ignore the terribleness xD
Tune On In
Words: 2228 Warnings: not proofread lmao- also mentions of alastor's violent tendencies but its offhanded
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Pentagram City, among the only metropolitan areas in Hell, was bustling. Cars honked in endless traffic, clubs blared out noisy music, guns were fired, and demons screamed in agony or ecstasy, often both. There were a few moments when the city was blissfully serene, though these were rare occurrences accompanied by tragedy. For instance, after the formerly annual Exterminations, the entire city held its breath for the toll of the clock tower to signal that they were spared. These minutes of agonizing silence were rarely enjoyed, though.
There was only one other time when Pentagram City was so quiet: when the Radio Demon made a broadcast. Each radio and speaker in the city played the single, agonizing transmission. The hair on the neck of every sinner rose in fear, and every overlord held their breath. The terror and respect Alastor garnered by broadcasting the suffering of his victims made him the second most feared being in Hell, second only to Adam. Now, though, the commander of the Exorcists had been disposed of, meaning Alastor now had the top spot. And when the speakers across Pentagram City suddenly became overwhelmed by static, the Radio Demon smiled to himself, knowing he had the rapt attention of every demon in the Pride ring. 
"Testing, testing~! Is this thing on?" Alastor's voice echoed through the now-silent streets. “Salutations, sinners! Thank you all for joining me on this lovely morning! The temperature today is a downright balmy eighty-six degrees, and we're getting reports of a chance of acid rain in the southside around ten o'clock, so keep those umbrellas ready, folks! Now, I'm sure you're all wondering who I have with me as today's special guest on the program, and I'm thrilled to introduce him~!" 
Alastor spun around in his chair, grinning with delight at his victim, who lay on the floor of his recording studio, bound by magic tendrils. The businessman glared up at him, mouthing, "Don't you fucking dare," to no avail.
"Yes, it is my absolute pleasure to welcome everyone's favorite wannabe, the overrated picture box himself~! Everyone give a hand to Vox, CEO of VoxTek Enterprises and peddler of the same useless trinkets and gizmos corrupting today's youth! Yes, a big hand for the pixellated prince!" Alastor pressed a button on his soundboard to play a recording of raucous applause. 
Velvette looked up from her phone, blinking with realization. She cringed and looked over at Valentino, who looked like he was about to throw another tantrum. "How was he stupid enough to get himself captured?" she mumbled as she ran to the security cameras. Alastor continued his monologuing as Velvette watched, dumbfounded, the recording of Vox reading a letter before storming into a power outlet. She looked behind her as Val grabbed the letter from the table and began to read it silently, fuming.
Alastor wanted to prolong this as much as possible. "How have your stocks been doing, old pal?" he asked innocently, extending his microphone staff for his guest. 
"Just fine." The mic was sensitive enough to pick up Vox's angry sparks and glitched voice as he spoke, struggling to seem level-headed now that he was being recorded. 
The Radio Demon giggled. "Any new products you'd like to promote?"
"Ah, but enough of business. Let's get on to business!" Alastor laughed at his pun, standing up to walk around his victim. "You're very nervous, chum!"
"Get real. This has got to be the trashiest- ACK-" Vox froze mid-sentence as Alastor pressed the tip of his cane on one of his antennae. 
"Careful. Don't forget whose guest you are~!"
Vox growled in annoyance and squirmed a bit in Alastor's magic. He hadn't even bothered to wear his suit before running over, which he regretted as he lay on the floor in a button-up shirt and slacks. Looking down, his heart sank further: he was still wearing his slippers. 
Alastor removed his cane, walking towards those slippers. "Still pissed I almost beat you that time~?" 
"Uh… fuck you!" Vox snapped. 
"Just saying~!" Alastor grinned. 
Val looked up from the letter. "He stole my line. That bitch! He stole my goddamned line! I swear, I'm gonna-" he growled before storming off, leaving the paper on the table. 
Velvette quickly ran over and skimmed, murmuring to herself. "'To whom it may concern,' blah blah, 'scheduled for a meeting,' yada yada, 'meet an associate at 6 to…'" She stopped and squinted at the page. "Hell does 'vouchsafe' mean?" Her brows furrowed as she connected the dots. Alastor must have sent this letter to lure Vox out, and Vox, thinking he was late for a meeting, ran from the tower without telling anyone. "That idiot!" she yelled, punctuated by Val throwing a wine glass against a wall two rooms down. 
Alastor let a sinister chuckle escape his lips. "I think you have some things you should share with our dear audience! For instance, what exactly did you suggest I do seven years ago?" He waited patiently for the question to sink in.
"I- what?" Vox raised an eyebrow, not seeming to understand.
"Seven years ago, you came to me with a proposition. What exactly was it?"
The question finally clicked for Vox, but he scowled at the Radio Demon. He'd die before he gave that prick the satisfaction. He stayed silent, sparks shooting around his body. 
"Suddenly, the chatter-box is quiet~! Such strange times we live in. Don't worry, folks, I know how to make our guests talkative~!" Alastor quickly used his cane to flick away Vox's slippers. 
Demons looked away from their radios, wincing preemptively at the agony they were about to hear. Overlords felt beads of sweat rolling down their faces. Velvette leaned closer to the radio, pursing her lips, nervously fiddling with the pens on the table. Vox squeezed his eyes tightly shut, expecting Alastor to break his toes any moment now.
The moment stretched on. Vox tried to hold his breath, but when he couldn't, he finally exhaled slowly, and when he did, the Radio Demon struck.
“H-heehee- n-nohow wahahait, hohOld oHon a sehhec-!” Vox shot upward, looking down to see Alastor lying on his stomach, his legs swinging behind him as he gently traced one claw up and down Vox's sock. “T-theheere’s n-noho wahahy youhuhu're- c-cuhuhut ihihit ohuhut!”
"Hm, feeling a bit bubblier, are we~?" Alastor grinned impishly, slowly adding the rest of his fingers to scribble over Vox's feet. Now realizing what the Radio Demon had in store for him, Vox clamped his mouth shut, every muscle in his body straining to contain his laughter. An electric current had formed between his two antennae with the effort he was using.
Suddenly, Alastor's voice appeared next to his ear. "Go on, you little gigglebug, let it all out~!" Vox shot a glance sideways to see Alastor's shadow whispering to him. "Besides, we both know you're far too ticklish to resist~!"
"F-FuhUhuhUCK! YoUhuHUHU oHohOLD-TihIhIMEy PRiHihiHICK!!!” Vox snorted and arched his back as much as he could. Teasing was just too much!
Velvette's shoulders relaxed a bit. It didn't seem like Vox was in trouble… However, when she double-checked her phone, she saw that social media was blowing up about the CEO of VoxTek being tickled, which had unfortunate results on the company's stocks. At least she could rest a bit easier knowing that her friend- no, business associate was in no real danger. She was shaken out of her thoughts by another staticky shriek.
"Come now, I know you wanna tell all our lovely viewers about how you-"
"NoHoHOHO!" Vox shook his head, but his eyes bugged out when he felt tendrils squeezing at his hips. 
"And now~? Let's change that channel~!"
"OKAHAHAY!! OKAhAhahAHAY! FuhUhuhUCK!!" Alastor slowed down but didn't stop the gentle tickles to keep Vox in a giggly state of embarrassment. 
"Go on~! What did you propose to me all those years ago~?"
“T-thahat… thahahat youhuhu chahahange youhuhur nahahame tohoho Vahalahastor-!” Vox’s screen turned red as he remembered the thought.
Alastor cued the laugh track again. "That's right! Since you wanted me to become a member of your polycule so much-!"
“IT’S NOT A POL- EEHEHEHEEEK!” Vox's indignant shout was cut off by a squeal he couldn't contain when he felt Alastor's claws scribbling against his shoulder blades. 
"Now, next question!" Alastor pretended not to hear the squealing mess on his recording studio floor. "When we fought those years ago, who won~?"
"NEhehHITHER!!" Vox desperately tried to weasel his way out of the question and his tickles, but with both, Alastor kept him pinned. 
"Technicalities!" Alastor smirked and added shadowy tendrils to the back of Vox's knees as punishment for his insolence. "Nobody technically won, but only because…?"
“THEHEHE VEEHEEHEES!!!” Vox bluescreened as electric shocks flew off in every direction, making Alastor step back a bit and slow down again. “Theehehe Veeheehees cahahame in ahahand sahahahved meehehehe!” 
"Right, since I was about to win~!" 
Vox growled in frustration, trying to get his composure back. "Yeah, but how about that fight with Adam? Talk about- ACK-!" Vox was again cut off by the cane on his antennae, and he looked up into the face of the radio demon, with eyes in the shape of dials and horns extended. A radio hiss filled the studio, echoing out across the city. 
Alastor waited a few moments before responding. "Many nasty rumors are going around about me, Vox, mostly thanks to you. Only one is completely and wholly true, and it's this." He bent down close to Vox's face, making him flinch away. "I do have a special appetite for the flesh of other demons. Vox, my good old friend, I need you to know I am famished at the moment."
"Y-yeah-? W-well-" Vox tried to think of something clever but came up short. "Y-you're not going to eat me, Al! I'm all wires. Wouldn't taste good!" 
Alastor hummed in thought. "Perhaps you're right. I have a refined palette, and junk food would just ruin my mood." He smirked at the insulted stammering Vox let out before continuing. "However, I just can't resist a little taste~!"
"What? WaitwaitAlasTOHOHOHOR!!!!” Of all the things Vox expected from his worst nemesis, nothing could have prepared him for when Alastor bent down and began gently nibbling his teeth over Vox's ribs through his shirt. Oh, he would never hear the end of this from anyone. 
"Final question," Alastor chuckled. "What is your biggest weakness~?"
'Oh, fuck, no, please don't make me say it!' Vox's mind raced. Was Alastor seriously going to- 
The Radio Demon let out a raspberry on the middle of his ribcage, sending him into silent hysterics. Yep, Alastor was going for the kill… metaphorically. 
"IHIHIHI'M!! IHIHIHIHIEAHAHAHAHA!!! AHAHAHAL!!!" Vox tried getting the words out, the words he knew would spare him from this hellish tickling. Alastor, mercifully, stopped and let Vox catch his breath, pointing the microphone on his staff to Vox's face. Vox sighed, feeling the built-in fans on his head whirring crazily to cool him down. He whimpered softly, defeated and made into a giggly mess, so he mumbled pathetically, "I'm deathly t-tihihicklish…"
"Yes, indeed he is, ladies and gentlemen! Thank you so much for joining us today. I hope it was as enjoyable for you as it was for me! Although, I know Vox appreciated it the most~! Tune in next time for another exclusive interview~! Vox, will you be coming back on the show?"
"N-nohohoho…" Vox tried to hide his face in the tendrils but wasn't very successful. 
"What a shame! We have so many more laughs to share, don't you think~? I'm sure we'll all hear from you again soon~!" With that, Alastor flipped a switch, and the studio's large 'ON AIR' sign turned off. Across the city, speakers began playing their regular music again, and the city's noise returned in all its chaotic, messy beauty once more. 
The radio demon released his tendrils, and the businessman slowly and wearily rose to his feet. Every muscle shook, and he leaned against the wall for support. "This… This isn't over. You won't get away with this." He turned back and glared daggers at Alastor, sparks shooting off his hands.
"I have! Now, don't dawdle! You need to address the media~!" Alastor pointed out the window, and Vox turned to see a gathering crowd of reporters and camera crews assembling around the front of the hotel. 
"Off you go~!" With a gentle push, Alastor sent Vox on the most embarrassing walk of his life as he stumbled through the hotel, his slippers in hand. 
Charlie, face glued to the front window nervously, whirled around when she heard footsteps. "Oh! Please, come again soon!" She smiled and waved at the demon, who simply huffed.
"I won't," he said under his breath, pushing open the doors to be greeted by reporters shouting and snapping pictures. What a mess. 
When he finally got back to V Tower, he got quite the earful from both Velvette and Valentino. However, when they were alone together, Velvette grinned and scribbled a hand over Vox's ribs to make her friend giggle. It was cute, and goodness knows she needed a stress reliever now and then. Maybe she had to thank Alastor sometime for unintentionally gifting her such precious information. At least Vox didn't lose a limb in there: only every last shred of his dignity.
97 notes · View notes
raccoon-eyed-rebel · 7 months
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Part 30 - The game
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Series Masterlist
Part 29 -- Part 31
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Pairing: Marshall x Lexi
Summary: Marshall and Lexi finally go on their first official date!
Warnings: SMUT, NSFW, 18+, MINORS DNI, oral (f and m receiving), p-in-v, accidental facial, car sex, fluff... I think we're done with the angst part for these guys, finally?
Word count: 5.2k
Bingo: Facial (you can find the bingo masterlist here)
A/N: It's been a while since we've heard from the boys, and I know people (@deandoesthingstome and @geralts-yenn... it's always you two XD) have been waiting for this date. It's also officially my first entry for @henrycavillbingo!!! So enjoy!
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@summersong69 @livisss @sillyrabbit81 @ellethespaceunicorn @ylva-syverson @poledancingdinos
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“We’re going to be late,” you said anxiously as you were stuck in traffic for the second time since getting on the road to the game. Marshall threw his head back when he laughed.
“No way,” he said, “you always have us leave so early we usually get there before the doors even open.” You knew he was probably right, and you weren’t usually anxious about it like this, but the stakes were high tonight. It was warm in the car, and you tried your best not to tremble - it would look weird, he’d ask if you were cold, you’d say no, he would figure out you were nervous…
Of course you got there with time to spare. Somehow, your legs stopped working when you tried to get out of the car, which left Marshall waiting by your door.
“Were you planning on getting out of the car?” At least the bastard had the decency to not smirk or anything. Not that his genuine smile settled your nerves in any way. Oh no, if anything, that made it much worse. You took the hand he held out to you and let him help you out of the car.
“You’re shaking,” Marshall noted, “are you nervous?” Oh, he was smirking now. Alright, Alex, cards on the table. You took a shaky breath before you finally dared to speak.
“What if this doesn’t work, Marshall?” He chuckled softly as he pushed you back against the car and put both of his hands on your waist. Your breath caught in your throat as he slowly leaned in and kissed you. It was quick and decent, you were standing in the middle of a parking lot, after all, but it still took your breath away.
“If this doesn’t work, Lexi,” Marshall said softly, “Peter will kick my ass and we’ll work it out.” You smiled. It was really comforting that Marshall had at least some confidence that the two of you would work together.
“Let’s get inside,” you said, “don’t want to miss warmups.”
“Here.” Marshall had a legendary talent for catching pucks. It had been that way for just under fifteen years now — it was almost a law of nature at this point. That meant you’d seen him do this almost a dozen times, but it had never warmed your heart the way it did now. The little kid in front of you looked up at him all wide-eyed and with an open mouth as he took the puck from him, murmuring a barely audible ‘thank you’ at the request of his father. After the initial excitement had passed, he turned around to Marshall again.
“Is she your girlfriend?” he asked Marshall while pointing at you. His father immediately turned to the kid to tell him he was being impolite, and to apologize to Marshall, but he shrugged it off.
“It’s alright,” he said. Then, he turned back to the kid. You knew exactly what he was going to say. Over the past six years, little kids had asked you this question countless times. He always answered that you were his best friend in the whole world, and the kids often thought that was very strange, because ‘you’re a boy and she’s a girl’ and they obviously couldn’t be friends. It was adorable.
“I haven’t asked,” Marshall answered, taking you by surprise. What happened to best friends? Like, yes, this was a date, but the little kid didn’t need to know that?
“You should, she’s really pretty,” the boy said before turning around again to watch the players.
“I’m no longer your best friend in the whole world?” He probably didn’t even feel the weak punch you gave him on the arm as you said it. You were on your way to your seats and it was getting really crowded. Normally, neither of you would hesitate to grab the other’s arm or hand so you wouldn’t get separated, but somehow, you didn’t dare to. It was a good thing Marshall was braver than you. His hands were always warm — it was a godsend at the rink, because you were freezing, as always. If it didn’t look ridiculous, you’d bring six blankets to the game. Marshall just wore a sweater. He owned one jacket, and you’d only ever seen him wear it while snowboarding. He squeezed your hand and pulled you towards your seats.
“‘Course you are,” Marshall said when you sat down, “but I meant what I said.” His words took you by surprise, for some reason. There had always been a part of you that had been convinced he wasn’t actually intent on seeing this through, that he was just humoring you by calling this a date. You couldn’t speak — you had no idea what you would say — so instead you opted to squeeze his hand and put your head on his shoulder.
The game was fantastic, and as always it was over way too soon. Your team won, which put you both in a really good mood. Fighting your way through the crowd on your way outside wasn’t as bad as usual, either, with Marshall right behind you. He held your hips the entire time, fingers digging in almost possessively at times. There were a few times where the crowd pushed you closer together — either that or he just took the fact you were surrounded by heaps of people as an excuse to grind his hips into your ass. Not that it was a problem for you: you’d been ready to go home with him ever since he almost punched the dude a row behind you who had offered some seriously unsolicited commentary on the way your ass looked in your jeans when you got up during the second break to get a drink. Even when you’d finally made your way out of the crowd, and you were walking back to his car, he didn’t let go of you until you got there. You didn’t linger in the parking lot, but he definitely didn’t make it seem like he was in any kind of hurry. It was a stark contrast to your own impatience.
“Marshall, pull over.” You clearly sounded serious enough to at least get him to look at you. He raised an eyebrow, carefully contemplating whether or not he dared to assume what you meant by that, but clearly chickened out at the last minute. You could see it in his face — that’s how well you knew him by now.
“How secluded do you need it?” It wasn’t a subtle inquiry, not by a long shot, but it was definitely a very Marshall-y extra security measure. You rolled your eyes at him.
“As much as possible.” It almost sounded as if you were teasing him. Apparently, Marshall knew a spot, because a few nonsensical turns later, you were parked somewhere in the middle of nowhere. You were somehow able to fit between the chairs and worm your way to the backseat, but there was no way that was going to work for Marshall — he’d have to get out. It was definitely an extra obstacle, and he almost begged you to let him drive you home so you could do this in either of your beds, but you refused.
“Get over here, now.” It wasn’t a question.
You knew he humored you by obliging, there was absolutely no reason for him to heed your request, he could have just driven off with you still in the backseat, but he either still really liked you or he really wanted whatever you had planned to happen — most likely a bit of both. The door had barely slammed shut or you practically lunged for him, pressing your mouth on his eagerly, passionately, and maybe with a hint of the built-up frustration from the past few weeks. You felt less ashamed of your enthusiasm when you felt Marshall’s tongue against your mouth, frantically begging for entrance, which you didn’t deny him. Moans escaped you as a strong hand hooked behind your knee, pulling you astride his lap. A content chuckle fell from Marshall’s lips when his fingers dug into your ass fiercely. You’d known he was an ass-guy for years; he and your brother had discussed it openly. What did surprise you was that he seemed really fond of your ass, and not in a ‘it’s pretty because it’s you’ kind of way, but a legitimate ‘this is a really good ass’ kind of way. If you could even tell the difference between the two…
His mouth wandered away from your lips to explore the exposed skin of your neck — which was a disappointingly small area, as the fact that you were going to a hockey game had kind of forced you to cover up more than you would have for a date to practically anywhere else. His mouth returned to yours as his hands continued the exploration, moving beneath your sweater instantly, rubbing your sides and back until they finally arrived at your chest. Every move he made fueled the fire that was growing between your legs with every passing second. Luckily, the action didn’t leave him unaffected either; every move of your hips lured moans from his throat as you brushed past the bulge in his trousers. God, you wanted to feel him inside you again. You had to. Later, you thought, you’re wearing jeans. Your brain was right, for a change: this car-idea wasn’t exactly solid. The whole operation might have been successful if you’d been wearing a skirt, but with the jeans you had on, it was borderline impossible without getting undressed completely, and that was a little bit too risky. But, you thought, clinging to the flimsiest excuse you could find to pin your desire on, do you really want to have lured him into the back seat for absolutely nothing?
The fact that you were even considering this — going down on a dude without him having asked for it — was a miracle of unknown proportions. Your friends thought you were weird because you didn’t like sucking dick, and guys weren’t particularly happy about it, either. Marshall was the only one who had told you that you shouldn’t do things you didn’t like — and that was probably exactly what made you want to do it. It wasn’t going to be a very romantic first time for the two of you — you were in the back seat of a car, after all — but it sure as hell would be hot. You reached between your bodies for the button and zipper of his jeans. It was impossible to take his cock out this way, so Marshall helped you pull his pants down slightly until you could take him out without hurting anyone. He moaned loudly when he felt your fingers wrap around his girth, and a few strokes of your hand were enough to leave him gasping. You moved away from him, desperately trying to find the least uncomfortable position to take him into your mouth.
“Lexi,” he said as soon as he figured out what your plan was, “you don’t have to…” You weren’t going to give him a chance to finish that sentence — partially because you were afraid you would change your mind, and you were damn sure you didn’t want that to happen.
“Marshall, I want to,” he didn’t seem to believe you at first, but that changed about as quickly as you would expect when your tongue circled the tip of his cock.
“Lex- f-fuck,” he moaned when you took him into your mouth, slowly moving your head up and down, using your hands to cover whatever you couldn’t fit in your mouth. You almost stopped when you felt his hand around your wrist for a moment and heard him ask to loosen your grip a bit, but you pushed the thoughts away and listened for more moans, and sharp inhales and other signs of pleasure. You didn’t have to wait long. Every noise he made shot straight to your core, and you were absolutely sure you were completely soaked. Part of you wanted to call it quits and drive home as quickly as possible, so you could beg him to take you, but you didn’t. You settled at a pace Marshall really seemed to like and stuck with it for a while, relishing the moans and grunts you pulled from him.
At some point, a part of you became vaguely aware of the sloppiness of the entire situation, which really ruined the moment for you, because your anxiety ran away with it like no tomorrow.
“Oh, God, I’m sorry,” you said, laughing nervously while looking at the wet mess you were making.
“Lexi,” Marshall chuckled, “I like it that way, please keep going.” He gently put a hand on the back of your head and guided you back down. It wasn’t pushy or demanding, but rather almost reassuring. You felt a faint sense of pride when you thought about it; he wanted you back down there. That had to mean you were at least doing a half-decent job, right?
“Fuck, baby,” he growled, “you’re amazing.” His words set your core on fire and made your cheeks glow. Your insecurities disappeared, and you easily fell back into the rhythm you’d used before. You were so lost in what you were doing that you barely heard the warning he gave you, and even then, it didn’t register on time. By the time you’d actually processed what Marshall had said, had decided that ‘in your mouth’ wasn’t an option, and pulled away, you were too late. At least you had the common sense to close your eyes — stories from friends very much unanimously confirmed that eyes were a particularly terrible place for semen. Good going, Alex, you thought, first time you finish giving a blowjob and the guy nuts on your face. Great. You hid your face behind your hands instinctively, not wanting anyone to see you in this absolutely ridiculous and disgusting — or so you thought — state. The fact that Marshall was laughing — nervously, but still — didn’t make the situation better at all. You heard him frantically rummage around for something before he pulled your hands away and you found out what it was that he’d been looking for: Kleenex. It was your first real date with Marshall, and he was cleaning cum off your face in the backseat of his car. You considered this story a wild ride from start to finish, and decided you would be forever too mortified to tell it to anyone ever.
“Are you ok, Lexi?” Marshal sounded upset, which you’d hoped would make you feel better, but it only made you feel worse. “I didn’t mean to… I thought I’d warned you on time… but you kept going, I… I’m so sorry.”
He pulled you into a solid hug, gently stroking your hair, whispering sweet words into your ear. You cursed yourself for your reaction; there was hardly any reason for you to be this upset about this, and yet you were. Terrified, humiliated and just upset. Marshall, however, didn’t seem too fazed by it — other than the fact that he didn’t like that he was the cause of the anxiety attack you seemed to be barreling towards with a steady pace.
“Lexi, talk to me, please? Are you angry with me?” Mad? At him? That was a weird question — so weird it pulled you away from your spiraling for a moment.
“Of course not! I’m dead afraid you’re mad at me!” The words were out before you realized you’d spoken, which was probably for the better. Sometimes you needed to speak impulsively, otherwise you’d say nothing at all. It was a big problem for you, you knew that.
“Darling, I’m not angry at all, in fact…” he paused, clearly contemplating whether or not he was really certain he wanted to say what he was thinking out loud. “There was actually something insanely hot about that.” The words came quickly, and he didn’t look at you while he said them. It was a shame it was too dark to really see his face, because you were fairly sure Marshall looked very cute when he was slightly embarrassed. You snuggled into his side, thinking about what he’d just said. Maybe you’d just been startled, maybe it hadn’t been so bad…
“I’m definitely going to need more regular practice before I let you try that again, Marshall,” you said jokingly — although it was only partially a joke… Both of you laughed at that. You stayed put for a while, snuggling against him before you decided you should make yourselves as decent as possible and get home.
The drive back took longer than you thought necessary, and you were distracted by the hand that Marshall kept on your thigh the whole time. It wasn’t until you were five minutes away from home that Marshall finally dared to ask whether he should drop you off at home or not.
“Your place is fine, Marshall,” you laughed as you squeezed his hand.
Mike was still up, but he just stopped interrogating Marshall about his night as soon as he saw you walk through the front door, cheekily wishing the both of you a good night. It made you laugh, and wonder why you never spent more time here, even when you and Marshall hung out as friends. You liked the guys he lived with, even though some of them could be assholes at times.
Marshall didn’t give you much time to think about it, because as soon as you set foot in his room, he made it abundantly clear that he was out of patience. In all honesty, so we’re you. Not to mention the fact that your confidence had received a pretty big boost from surviving the awkward moment in the car, which made you even more eager to get this show on the road. It was odd that that was the thing that gave you more confidence, when it would make so much more sense — even to you yourself — that it would have wrecked every last shred of it, instead. However, the way Marshall had reacted, calmed you down, and taken care of you, plus the fact that you had both been able to laugh about it so quickly after it had happened, made you feel so incredibly close to him. So comfortable, in fact, that it only made you want him more. Which was a good thing, because this was a man who wasn’t going to wait any longer to take what he needed.
You were still not sure how any of your clothes actually survived the way Marshall handled them, but they did. As soon as you were behind — or pinned against — closed doors, his hands slid underneath your sweater. It was on the floor in seconds. From there it was all a blur of sensations: his beard scratching your neck, prickly and rough compared to his lips and tongue against your skin; hands roughly sliding the straps of your bra off your shoulders, pulling it down to expose your breasts; calloused thumbs caressing the sensitive skin of your nipples; your high-pitched moans versus his low growls. You weaved your fingers into his curls, pulling him back into another passionate kiss.
He picked you up like it was nothing, and you eagerly wrapped your legs around him, grinding your hips against him in a less-than-successful attempt to find some of the friction your body craved.
“Fuck, Lex.” The words, carried on an exasperated exhale, were music to your ears.
You held on tight when you felt your back move away from the door as he carried you to his bed.
“You have to let go,” he said when you… well… didn’t let go.
“You’ll drop me,” you objected, to which he responded by chasing his head as he let out a chuckle.
“Onto my bed, yes,” he confirmed. God, whose idea was this? Yours. So suck it up, buttercup. And what were you even afraid of? It was Marshall, you trusted him… Carefully, you loosened your grip on his shoulders, and with a suppressed shriek you tumbled backwards — indeed onto his bed, where you were left lying down for a moment with Marshall standing over you and watching you with a dumb grin on his face.
“What?” you managed, raising an eyebrow. Was he having second thoughts?
“You’re in my bed,” he said softly before crawling onto the mattress too. That was it? He was just… happy you were here? It wasn’t completely unbelievable, of course, it just… set a tornado of butterflies loose in your stomach.
“Yeah,” you said, throwing your arms around his neck again while he maneuvered himself to sit between your legs. A gentle kiss on your lips followed as he fumbled with the clasp of your bra before moving on to your jeans.
You were ready for this. Prepared. Shaved — a rare occurrence in your life, because you’d generally rather die than have to live through three days in which the majority of your free time was spent with your legs open while irritation bumps reigned supreme. And this man had a beard. Fuck. Maybe he just wouldn’t go down on you again, now that he had you? Maybe he’d care as little as the others now that he was fairly sure you weren’t just going to run away?
“Lex?” You’d missed the part where his mouth had moved down your neck and towards your chest. “Take a decent breath, please, and stop spiraling.” The fact that he knew you so well warmed your heart, but at the same time you cursed yourself for being predictable and insecure.
Peeling your jeans — and underwear — off without taking his mouth off your breast proved impossible, and Marshall let out a loud sigh, breaking contact with your skin for a moment so he could get you naked. Then, he decided that he was better off without clothes as well, and you watched him take care of that. You were breathless — for whatever reason — as you watched his hands make quick work of his belt, and seeing him naked didn’t help that situation one bit.
“Get back here, I’m cold.” Weak excuse, but still effective, you thought as he moved back, his body not just comfortably warm against yours, but deliciously heavy. The feeling of his cock against your stomach made you swallow hard. It was too easy to forget just how huge he was, and the thought of things going wrong again had you halfway into panicking before he caught you again.
“Lex, I was hoping we’d have a good time together.” He glanced at you meaningfully, in that way only he could manage, and you hated him for it — but only a little. “I meant what I said on that trip: I refuse to hurt you. Help me do that, please?”
You couldn’t manage anything more than a slight nod as you tried to swallow away the lump in your throat.
Marshall quickly sealed his mouth over yours and kissed you so passionately it made your head spin, his hands aimlessly roaming your body for a moment. It was a classic ‘see, I’m not going straight for your boobs’-move.
“Go for it, Marshall,” you chuckled softly before laughing louder as he looked up at you with that look that all guys had when they’d been caught.
“I didn’t want to seem impatient,” he confessed. Were you imagining things or was he… blushing?
“Well, you’re doing a horrible job,” you teased him, to which he responded with immediate punishment — a gentle bite to your neck — before making his way further down. He spent just enough time with your breasts to avoid being accused of being impatient again, and then continued his journey south.
By the time he reached his destination, every nerve in your body was on edge, every breath shaky, and every part of you that could tremble, trembled in anticipation. He looked up at you as he let his fingers explore the smooth skin of your mound, his touch light, and accompanied by the exhilarating feeling of his breath against your skin. He wasn’t teasing you, per se, but it was still maddening — in the best possible way.
Sparks skittered up your spine when he groaned as he ran a finger between your lips, pushing it into you with ease. And then he lost the last shred of patience he’d been trying so incredibly hard to hold onto. The second he pressed his tongue against your clit, you knew you were done for. This would last exactly as long as he wanted it to — which, judging from the way he went about it, wasn’t long at all. In fact, the way he worked you up to your climax within two minutes was almost unromantically efficient. He got everything right; the pressure, speed, location — every flick of his tongue, every reaction to every last erratic move that your hips made as you came. You almost had to beg him to stop. Almost.
You knew the biggest mistake he could make now was to give you time to overthink the next step before taking that step — and he didn’t make that mistake. He hurried back up, capturing your lips in a searing kiss as he lined himself up with your entrance, breaking the kiss only to ask you a silent question.
“Please,” you gasped before pulling him down again, hungrily taking his bottom lip between your teeth. He wouldn’t hurt you. He couldn’t hurt you.
And he didn’t hurt you.
Marshall wouldn’t be Marshall, however, if he didn’t take his time to make sure you were definitely okay, his eyes and smile as kind as his clearly overcome-with-lust self could manage.
“I’m good,” you reassured him, fighting to get the words out in any kind of audible way. “You?”
Of course he’s good, he’s a guy and he’s getting laid. If only that voice in your head would ever shut the fuck up.
“I’m here with you,” he whispered. “I’ve never been better.” He gently rolled his hips, pushing even deeper into you, and you gasped as he filled you completely.
“Oh, fuck,” you moaned. Now your patience was hanging by a thread, and you certainly weren’t too proud to beg him to finally move.
Every one of his long, slow thrusts pulled another sound from you, each one filled with more longing than the last. You’d missed him — in more ways than one. He’d held off on too much intimacy during the two weeks between the ski trip and tonight’s game, even though the both of you had been dying to touch each other when you’d gotten together for a movie night last week. You were glad that was over.
You reached for him, pulling his face closer to yours so you could kiss him. The way his lips moved against yours mirrored his thrusts perfectly; slow, deliberate, and absolutely heavenly. Still, you had half a mind to tell him to pick up the pace. You didn’t. Instead, you made a point of savoring each and every move of his hips, greedily meeting him as best you could, wrapping your legs around him in an attempt to pull him even closer — which was physically impossible at this point.
“Having fun?” he asked, not really bothering to take his mouth off yours completely.
“And here I thought I was hiding it so well,” you giggled, before pushing his face a way a bit and looking at him. “Are you, though?”
“Lexi” — he stopped moving altogether — “what on earth makes you think I’m not having… at least the time of my life, maybe even better?”
“You’re not… You haven’t… I don’t know if you are, but…” You were worried he wasn’t close to coming yet. How hard was it to say that?
Apparently not very hard, because you ended up blurting it out like a complete idiot when you absolutely didn’t intend to. Great.
And to make matters worse, Marshall laughed. “Lex,” he said softly, “after that stunt you pulled in the car… It’s gonna be a while. Especially if we’re going this slow.”
“Then… don’t go slow?” you tried, but he shook his head.
“No,” he said, “I’m going to enjoy this for as long as you’ll let me. You’re so cute when you moan.” He kissed your jaw, and then your neck, before moving his lips to your ear. “And you squeeze me so good.”
Before you could protest, he moved away from you, leaving you whining as he pulled out. He chuckled, and as always, the sound made you feel all giddy.
“Put this under your hips,” he said, handing you a pillow, and you whined again. There would be a lot of awkward maneuvering involved here, and— except it wasn’t awkward at all. Not with him. Besides… the sooner you got this over with, the sooner he’d get busy filling you up again, which was exactly what you needed.
The new angle was phenomenal, and even with his slow moves, you quickly felt the pressure build inside you. It startled you, at first, because it was unlike… well, not unlike anything — in fact, it was very much like something, but not exactly the same. You moaned into Marshall’s mouth as he kissed you, his thrusts still slow and deliberate, pulling desperate whines from you as he continued to work you up.
Then, you felt it. Different yet unmistakable. A crashing wave rather than the intense explosion of ecstasy you were used to.
“I think I just came,” you said, the sound of surprise in your voice actually taking you by surprise.
“Pretty sure you did,” Marshall replied with a cocky grin. “You’re still twitching around me.”
He pulled out of you, but wrapped your legs tighter around his waist, before scooping you off the bed so he could pull the covers out from under you. When you first came in, you’d been too busy sticking your tongue down his throat to notice he’d made his bed.
“You never make your bed,” you said, raising an eyebrow.
“I mean… There was a solid chance I was going to take my smoking hot date home. I figured I’d try to impress her.”
“Yeah, I don’t think she either noticed or cares,” you laughed in reply, snuggling into his side. “Anyway… the pillow… How did you know?”
“Honestly?” Marshall answered, a hint of unease to his voice.
“No, Marshall, by all means, lie to me.” You rolled your eyes. Boys.
“Alright, alright,” he chuckled. “Cosmo.”
“I’m guessing the magazine, not the green half of the Fairly Odd Parents?” you asked, fighting the disbelief from your tone for just a moment longer, until he nodded in confirmation. “You read Cosmo? Like… you read Cosmo?”
“The whole house does,” he said to your surprise. “Ange has this habit of leaving them lying around for August when there’s something in there she thinks he should read. She doesn’t tell him what it is, so he has to read the whole thing — although he can reasonably skip the dieting tips and workout plans — and at some point we figured we’d all… There’s some pretty good stuff in there. I figure exhibit A would be the way you just came all over my dick.”
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andreabaideas · 2 months
Do you have any headcanons for Julia's first day of school in different grades? (Daisy Jones and The Six) I think Billy and Camila would take a picture on each first day, then put them in a photo album.
Yes! I have some , though bear in mind than grades in my country are different, so i'm going to make different scenarios , jumping years. Also i'll do It with show canon (youll see what i mean) because I have more headcanons for that, than for happy Au (yet).
First day of school (6 years old) : Julia is very excited to meet other kids and know school. Cami makes lots of photos, like a whole album. Billy drives to school, he IS more nervous than Julia XD. He tells them to enjoy the drive. Julia insist on making a photo of them. It IS blurry. Cami and Billy both hug her and wave her goodbye. Julia comes back to hug them again, then runs to the entry, she is the last one to enter. She says she isn't late, that she is Daisying (she hear It once from Graham).
First day of school (10 years) : Julia wants to see her Friends again after the summer. Cami makes lots of photos. Billy again drive them there, and tells them to enjoy the drive. Julia makes them a photo (well made this time) and still hug her parents, though doesn't come back to hug them a second time, and then runs to see her friends. Cami and Billy wave her goodbye. She as always enters the last, again she likes "Daisying".
First day of high school (15 years) : Julia doesnt want to go to class, but has to. Cami makes photos, but has to argue with Julia, because she doesn't approve of Julia's outfit. They are super late this time, even more than usual. Billy keeps waiting in the car rolling his eyes half amused. Julia reminds him to Young Graham at 15. He tells them to enjoy the drive , Julia rolls her eyes. He doesn't care about the clothes and the bratty behaviour as much as about parties and Bad influences, he IS terrified she may have inherited his addictions ,(not the case but angst has lots of power). Julia ask Billy to park one street before high school, she is embarrased to be seen with her parents, especially her father, Who IS a celebrity that some of her female classmates crush on. So no going with them to the entry, thank you very much. Julia hugs them super fast and watching that no one sees her hugging them. She forgets to make them a photo. Cami IS sad, Billy expected It so he shrughs It off... She's a teen it'll pass. Billy makes a photo of them both selfie style. It IS poorly done, but Cami loves It anyway.
First day of high school (17 years old) : Last first day of high school ever (if Julia IS lucky , which she is , at least in studying). This year however IS different. Julia behaves better and matures super fast, as her Mom's situation requires it. Cami makes photos , she tries to cherish every moment, cause they may be the last ones. Billy helps Cami enter inside the car. Billy tells them to enjoy the drive. Julia hugs them stronger and longer than ever. She hopes things will get better.She makes them a photo. She joins her Friends. Cami and Billy wave her goodbye.
Moving to Uni (18 years old) : Week before the classes start , is the day of moving to Uni. Cami wants to go with Billy and Julia. She makes lots of photos. Julia brings her suitcase, Billy already packed her boxes and brought them to the car. Billy carries Camila in his arms to the car. Billy drive as always, Julia failed her car license test, her head wasn't in the right place to pass It or Drive properly. Billy tells them to "enjoy the drive". Julia promises to visit them all weekends. Cami tell her that only sometimes, that she is young and has to live. Billy smiles at this sadly. Julia makes them a photo and hugs them goodbye. Billy accompanies her to her room, Cami stays in the car, she is too weak to walk long distances. Julia hugs her before going to her new room. When Billy and Julia arrive, her roomie hasnt arrived yet. Julia hugs Billy and ask him to keep her updated on Cami. Billy swears he'll do It. After Billy returns, Cami makes Billy promise that he'll continue with making the photos. He said that he'll do It , but that she's going to recover and that she's going to keep doing the photos. Cami hugs him, but smiles sadly. She has the gut feeling that It isn't true, but doesn't have the heart to tell him.
Last year of Uni (21 years old): Billy goes to Julias appartment, she prefers living alone than sharing a room and found herself a super tiny appartment, not too expensive and not far from uni. He then prepares the camera and makes photos, he tries to makes them as good as possible, they are good. Julia insists to drive herself this time (as she Finally got her license) she tells him : "I am 21 now Dad...enjoy the Drive" . He laughs. Both wish that Cami was there, though they keep living trying to be as Happy as possible as they promised Cami. Billy accompanies Julia to the entry, much to Julias embarrassment ( J: I am 21!... B: And I am your Dad, always). Julia makes a photo of Billy : Smile for a change Dad! He makes a silly face. They laugh and then they hug. Billy drives back home, he first stops to the cementery, to tell Camila about everything. He then leaves a bouquet of flowers and an instant photo of Julia in Camila's grave. After watching Billy drive back home, Julia IS planning to honor her mom's last wish as her final project for Uni : make a documentary about her father and uncle's band...
The rest IS well known history.
That's It !!! (I know It was too long and too sad).
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unluckyhoneybee · 2 years
hey, it’s me again xD i just wanted to say that the "first driver" fix came out soo good, thank u for working on my request!
if you have time and like the idea, i’d have another readerxdriver request (for whatever driver you think fits best/want to write the most) where the reader is a professional stunt driver (for like hollywood productions) and is hired by the driver’s team to make a video for their youtube account, where both drive in a car, get questions, show of their skills or something (kinda like the video where seb and lance are drifting with the old aston martins or where toto and susie drive around the track, idk if u know what i mean)
and the reader surprises the driver by being quite talented and can drive very well, so when she makes u-turns or drifts, he’s like “fuck, that’s sexy”.
hope that makes sense
xx lilly
Note: I wrote this other two with badass driver! Reader if you want to read them too. (Charles Blurb) (Danny's fic). I have already written about Danny and Charles similar things so it's Pierre's turn. Here we have Pierre driving on manual because it's the hottest shit ever.
"My name is YN YSN and I'm a stunt driver. You have probably seen me on films like Baby Driver, Six Underground or the last Fast and Furious film. Well, not me, but the car I'm driving. Today I'm gonna do this cool video with Pierre Gasly, driver for Alpha Tauri in F1 and well, I hope you enjoy it!"
You and Pierre had already had your presentations. To be fair, when they told him he was doing this with a stunt driver, he was thinking of a male stunt driver. He was a bit of a pick when he looked at you and said a girl. But well, you were good and you knew it, you hadn't driven Vin Disels car for nothing, right?
Pierre was driving first. He was nervous, he was a good driver, obviously. But you were sitting there and he could feel you gaze.
"Okay, I'm gonna ask you questions while you drive." Pierre nodded.
He was trying so hard to concentrate on driving and answering those questions. He wanted to do goo because well, he didn't have the opportunity to impress a pretty girl like you often. Not like this. You were a professional, you would know if he was making mistakes.
"Okay Pierre. You are good at driving fast, we all know that. But... Can you do some drifting?" You told him.
"If that's what you want..."
He would be the biggest show-off. He tried to be like one hand on the wheel and another on the stick the whole time. Like, look how effortlessly I can do this. Which was fun because you could see him struggling sometimes. But yeah, he had a good drifting technique.
"And what about some spinning? Give us some 360°" You were a tease. You had a smirk on your face and were enjoying so much.
He would need a couple of tries to do a full spin, which put some blush on his cheeks and made him curse a couple of times in French.
"Wow! Well done!" You clasped and shouted when he finally managed to make some doughnuts. "Fucking awesome, Pierre"
And he would be so proud and happy after that. He had a smug smile on his face and was looser in the car.
But then it was your turn.
He gasped the moment you pressed the throttle, starting like in those street racing films and leaving black patches in the places the tires were.
Then you started driving like mad around the track, drifting on the corners and being completely fearless. You were in complete control of the car and your skills were the most perfect he had ever seen.
He kept asking questions. "So, how did you get into driving?"
"I watched Thelma and Louise and I wanted to run away from the police too. Then I was told that it's a bit illegal and a few years later I discovered that stunt driver was a job and here I am"
Casually and as you drove like it was nothing, you made a U-turn and drove on the other way.
"Fuck" Was everything Pierre could say.
Then you made a 360º spin and he gasped.
"Fuck, that's sexy" He said after you started spinning on the track, drawing black circles on the pavement and making the engine roar.
You looked at him while doing so, his pupils were blown wide and he was biting his lip.
"Meet me for dinner?" You whisper only loud enough for him to hear.
He would chuckle and nod.
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norwayblogging · 1 year
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Week: 04/08-13/08 4th august:
The longest and most exhausting day of my life. Got up early to check if everything was packed. When I thought I packed everything (I forgot a few small things.. No big deal!), we had to leave to the airport. It was the first time that I flew a plane alone and I was really nervous too. After a lot of tears and goodbyes, I left my family and boyfriend behind at the airport to go and get my plane. I bought myself a smoothie and anxiously waited for my plane to start boarding. After some time I boarded the first plane and I was really surprised. Apparently I got a business seat! They brought me a fancy snack and some water and bubbles. I felt more relaxed already, but not for long… I got off at Billund and looked at the time for my second plane to leave and saw something highly stressfull. My plane was delayed… Luckily I only had to wait one hour before my plane took off. I hoped I was in time for the boat. I got off the plane in Bergen and ran to get my suitcases, which I could succesfully collect! I ran further with my suitcases to grab a taxi which would take me to the last Ferry. I was very good on time, I had 15 minutes left before the boat arrived. A really nice older gentleman asked me if he could help with my suitcase, which I didn’t say no to ofcourse. He had to get off at the stop I also had to get off at. So he helped me to get on and off the boat with my suitcases. Ones on land again a girl was waiting for me to pick me up and bring me to my dorm. We drove with her car for 10 minutes before we finally arrived at my final destination. She helped me with my suitcases and my key. Since it was already 11pm, I only met my flatmates shortly before hiding back in my room. I was so tired that I fell right asleep.
5th august:
I stayed in my room until noon, unloading my suitcases, still wary of the new people that I haven’t properly met. Eventually I dared to go and sit in the kitchen, where no one was anymore. I didn’t mind the silence, the whole trip was exhausting and a lot to take in. Eventually 2 girls came into the kitchen asking me if I still had to go shopping. I did! And this was a good opportunity to get to know people better. There are 2 people in the flat who have their car here, so we drove to the store by car. I bought enough for the next couple of days before heading back again with the others. Ones back at the dorms, we decided to go swimming in the closeby Fjords. It wasn’t too cold or hot and the weather was perfect! Anxiously I jumped in the Fjords twice, only to slightly panic and get out again as fast as I could. But I enjoyed it a lot! Afterwards we left to the dorms, ate and went back to the water to chill next to it.
6th august:
It was a nice and chill sunday morning and we had planned to go biking/hiking. I felt like biking would be a little too much for me so I hiked with 4 other girls towards a point where the hikers and bikers met each other again. We hiked inbetween fields, saw some sheep and crossed a slippery rocky river (which was a huge challenge for me since I constantly thought I was gonna slip XD). We rested for a bit before picking and eating some raspberries. Closeby was a small cabin with a few books inside. People wrote their names and small poems in there for others to read. After some more time spend near the cabin, we hiked back towards our dorms. I was pretty glad we took some different paths to go back so we could see different parts of nature.
7th august:
The first day of actual classes. My first class was a small introduction to the project, our teacher is a very nice woman! Around lunch the school provided us with bread, ham, cheese and Norwegian products. For the first time ever, I ate brown cheese. It is some sort of caramelised cheese and it tasted weirdly good. After lunch we had another lesson with a male teacher. Sometimes it’s hard figuring out how he wants his questions answered, but we manage. At the end of the day, our teacher gave us a hammock that we can use whenever we want.
8th august:
Our lessons are pretty chill since we get a lot of breaks in between lessons. We got an info session about where we can go if we have a lot of questions and after that we got free lunch again! In the evening we got a lesson about the rights of public access, but the teacher had an appointment around 3 pm so our lesson was only 45 minutes! I went to the gym today! We have a gym only 2 minutes away from our dorms and we got a free subscription since we’re exchange students! Naturally I made the decision to go to the gym very often so I can come back looking pretty fit!
9th august:
My 3rd day with interesting lessons. We got some pedagogy and some theory about how it’s important to know the steps to saving someones life. After lunch we did some orienteering in the area around the school, which was fun to do. We had a stamp card and at every stop, we had to stamp our card as proof that we’ve been there. In the evening we went to the store by bus to pick up some groceries.
10th august:
The first day of our two-day trip, starts today! I’ve packed my bag with essentials like a sleeping bag, new warm clothes, a knife and fire starter… And off we went! We drove to Lundastøl and put up our Lavvu’s (some kind of norwegian teepee) before we got divided in 2 groups. In the first 1,5 hour my group build a mini stonebridge, we carved hooks and we baked small buns. The next hour existed out of making knots and learning how to work with ropes. After that, we had some spare time were people went to fish, pick berries and carving knifes. I had some fun with a stick that I was carving. For dinner, we had food groups and each food group prepared their own food on the small stoves. My group made wraps with rice, white beans in tomatosauce, bacon and corn. I found it surprisingly tasty! (although I would never make it for myself) :D Late in the evening we did some night orienteering where we had to follow a map and answer quiz questions along the way.
11th august:
Time for our mountain trip today! I’m so excited for this trip but at the same time it’s also nervewrecking too. I slept pretty well in the Lavvu with 4 other girls. We slept so near each other that we gave each other warmth, which was really nice since it got quite cold at night. When we left, the group stayed together pretty well, but after some time you could see that there were many people who hiked pretty fast! Me and a few others couldn’t keep up that well… But that was okay since there was a teacher with us who said that we should just hike at our own speed. The group took frequent breaks and everyone looked out for everyone, which was really nice.
The mountains were sometimes tough to climb but ones you reached certain stops, the view was breathtaking (quite literally with my asthma ;) ) We ate our lunch on top of the Stovegolvet (a mountain in Stord) and went down again after that. Ones back, we packed our Lavvu’s and went back to our dorms to rest from the exhausting trip.
12th august:
I went to the store today on my own since I needed to get some stuff to get my laundry to smell better. The bus takes me to the mall in 10 minutes which is very nice and not so far. When I got back to the dorm I worked a bit on my computer. After dinner, I went with some people to the water. The sunset was so amazingly pretty and the weather was so nice that we stayed there until around 11pm.
13th august:
Chill sunday vibes are in the house! I decided to stay in today since I still need to do a lot of stuff inside. I cleaned my room and washed my bedding. I called my mom and grandma today which was very lovely and I read a bit in my new book that I bought a few days ago since I didn’t bring any with me to Norway.
Week: 04/08-13/08 4 augustus:
De langste en meest vermoeiende dag van mijn leven. Vroeg opgestaan om te controleren of alles ingepakt was. Toen ik dacht dat ik alles ingepakt had (ik was een paar kleine dingen vergeten… niet erg!), moesten we vertrekken naar het vliegveld. Het was de eerste keer dat ik alleen met het vliegtuig vloog en ik was ook echt zenuwachtig. Na veel tranen en afscheid liet ik mijn familie en vriend achter op het vliegveld om mijn vliegtuig te halen. Ik kocht een smoothie voor mezelf en wachtte vol spanning tot mijn vliegtuig zou boarden. Na een tijdje ging ik aan boord van het eerste vliegtuig en ik was echt verrast. Blijkbaar kreeg ik een business seat! Ze brachten me een luxe snack en wat water en bubbels. Ik voelde me al meer ontspannen, maar niet voor lang… Ik stapte uit in Billund en keek naar de vertrektijd van mijn tweede vliegtuig en zag iets heel spannends. Mijn vliegtuig had vertraging… Gelukkig hoefde ik maar een uur te wachten voordat mijn vliegtuig vertrok. Ik hoopte dat ik op tijd was voor de boot. Ik stapte uit het vliegtuig in Bergen en rende naar mijn koffers, die ik met succes kon ophalen! Ik rende verder met mijn koffers om een taxi te pakken die me naar de laatste veerboot zou brengen. Ik was erg goed op tijd, ik had nog 15 minuten voordat de boot aankwam. Een hele aardige oudere meneer vroeg of hij me kon helpen met mijn koffer, waar ik natuurlijk geen nee tegen zei. Hij moest uitstappen bij de halte waar ik ook moest uitstappen. Hij hielp me dus op en af de boot met mijn koffers. Eenmaal aan land stond er een meisje op me te wachten om me op te halen en naar mijn studentenhuis te brengen. We reden 10 minuten met haar auto voordat we eindelijk op mijn eindbestemming aankwamen. Ze hielp me met mijn koffers en mijn sleutel. Omdat het al 23.00 uur was, ontmoette ik mijn huisgenoten pas kort voordat ik me weer in mijn kamer verstopte. Ik was zo moe dat ik meteen in slaap viel.
5 augustus:
Ik bleef tot de middag op mijn kamer om mijn koffers uit te laden, nog steeds op mijn hoede voor de nieuwe mensen die ik nog niet goed had leren kennen. Uiteindelijk durfde ik in de keuken te gaan zitten, waar niemand meer was. Ik vond de stilte niet erg, de hele reis was vermoeiend en veel om in me op te nemen. Uiteindelijk kwamen er 2 meiden de keuken in om te vragen of ik nog boodschappen moest doen. Dat moest ik! En dit was een goede gelegenheid om mensen beter te leren kennen. Er zijn 2 mensen in de flat die hier hun auto hebben, dus we zijn met de auto naar de winkel gereden. Ik kocht genoeg voor de komende paar dagen voordat ik weer terugging met de anderen. Eenmaal terug bij de slaapzalen besloten we te gaan zwemmen in de nabijgelegen Fjorden. Het was niet te koud of te warm en het weer was perfect! Angstig sprong ik twee keer in de Fjorden, om er vervolgens zo snel mogelijk weer uit te komen. Maar ik heb er erg van genoten! Daarna vertrokken we naar de slaapzalen, aten wat en gingen terug naar het water om ernaast te chillen.
6 augustus:
Het was een lekkere chille zondagochtend en we hadden gepland om te gaan fietsen/wandelen. Ik had het gevoel dat fietsen iets te veel voor me zou zijn, dus wandelde ik met 4 andere meiden naar een punt waar de wandelaars en fietsers elkaar weer ontmoetten. We wandelden tussen velden door, zagen wat schapen en staken een glibberige rotsrivier over (wat voor mij een enorme uitdaging was omdat ik constant dacht dat ik zou uitglijden XD). We rustten even uit voordat we frambozen plukten en opaten. Vlakbij stond een kleine hut met een paar boeken erin. Mensen schreven er hun namen en kleine gedichten in die anderen konden lezen. Na nog wat tijd doorgebracht te hebben bij de hut, wandelden we terug richting onze slaapzalen. Ik was blij dat we verschillende paden hadden genomen zodat we verschillende delen van de natuur konden zien.
7 augustus:
De eerste dag van de echte lessen. Mijn eerste les was een kleine introductie tot het project, onze lerares is een erg aardige vrouw! Rond de lunch voorzag de school ons van brood, ham, kaas en Noorse producten. Voor de allereerste keer at ik bruine kaas. Het is een soort gekarameliseerde kaas en het smaakte vreemd goed. Na de lunch hadden we nog een les met een mannelijke leraar. Soms is het moeilijk om erachter te komen hoe hij zijn vragen beantwoord wil hebben, maar het lukt ons wel. Aan het eind van de dag kregen we van onze leraar een hangmat die we kunnen gebruiken wanneer we maar willen.
8 augustus:
Onze lessen zijn vrij chill omdat we veel pauzes tussen de lessen krijgen. We kregen een infosessie over waar we heen kunnen gaan als we veel vragen hebben en daarna kregen we weer gratis lunch! s Avonds kregen we een les over de rechten van openbaarheid, maar de lerares had een afspraak rond 15.00 uur dus onze les duurde maar 45 minuten! Ik ben vandaag naar de sportschool geweest! We hebben een sportschool op maar 2 minuten afstand van onze slaapzalen en we kregen een gratis abonnement omdat we uitwisselingsstudenten zijn! Natuurlijk heb ik besloten om heel vaak te gaan sporten zodat ik er fit uit kan zien als ik terugkom!
9 augustus:
Mijn 3e dag met interessante lessen. We kregen wat pedagogie en theorie over hoe belangrijk het is om de stappen te kennen om iemands leven te redden. Na de lunch hebben we een oriëntatieloop gedaan in de omgeving van de school, wat erg leuk was om te doen. We hadden een stempelkaart en bij elke stop moesten we onze kaart stempelen als bewijs dat we daar waren geweest. s Avonds gingen we met de bus naar de winkel om wat boodschappen op te halen.
10 augustus:
De eerste dag van onze tweedaagse reis begint vandaag! Ik heb mijn tas ingepakt met essentiële spullen zoals een slaapzak, nieuwe warme kleren, een mes en een vuurstarter… En daar gingen we! We reden naar Lundastøl en zetten onze Lavvu's (een soort Noorse tipi) op voordat we in 2 groepen werden verdeeld. In het eerste 1,5 uur bouwde mijn groep een mini stenen brug, hakten we haken en bakten we kleine broodjes. Het volgende uur bestond uit knopen leggen en leren werken met touwen. Daarna hadden we wat vrije tijd waar mensen gingen vissen, bessen plukken en messen snijden. Ik had wat plezier met een stok die ik aan het snijden was. Voor het avondeten hadden we voedselgroepen en elke voedselgroep bereidde zijn eigen eten op de kleine fornuisjes. Mijn groep maakte wraps met rijst, witte bonen in tomatensaus, spek en maïs. Ik vond het verrassend lekker! (hoewel ik het nooit voor mezelf zou maken) :D Laat in de avond deden we nachtelijke oriëntatieloop waarbij we een kaart moesten volgen en onderweg quizvragen moesten beantwoorden.
11 augustus:
Tijd voor onze bergtocht vandaag! Ik heb zo'n zin in deze tocht, maar tegelijkertijd is het ook zenuwslopend. Ik heb redelijk goed geslapen in de Lavvu met 4 andere meiden. We sliepen zo dicht bij elkaar dat we elkaar warmte gaven, wat erg fijn was omdat het 's nachts best koud werd. Toen we vertrokken, bleef de groep redelijk goed bij elkaar, maar na een tijdje zag je dat er veel mensen waren die behoorlijk snel wandelden! Ik en een paar anderen konden het niet zo goed bijhouden… Maar dat was niet erg, want er was een leraar bij ons die zei dat we gewoon op ons eigen tempo moesten wandelen. De groep nam regelmatig pauzes en iedereen lette op iedereen, wat heel fijn was.
De bergen waren soms zwaar om te beklimmen, maar zodra je bepaalde stopplaatsen bereikte, was het uitzicht adembenemend (heel letterlijk met mijn astma ;) ) We aten onze lunch op de top van de Stovegolvet (een berg in Stord) en gingen daarna weer naar beneden. Eenmaal terug pakten we onze Lavvu's in en gingen we terug naar onze slaapzalen om uit te rusten van de vermoeiende reis.
12 augustus:
Ik ben vandaag in mijn eentje naar de winkel gegaan omdat ik wat spullen nodig had om mijn was beter te laten ruiken. De bus brengt me in 10 minuten naar het winkelcentrum, wat erg leuk is en niet zo ver. Toen ik terugkwam in het studentenhuis heb ik wat aan mijn computer gewerkt. Na het eten ging ik met een paar mensen naar het water. De zonsondergang was zo mooi en het weer was zo mooi dat we daar tot ongeveer 23.00 uur zijn gebleven.
13 augustus:
Chill sunday vibes zijn in huis! Ik besloot vandaag binnen te blijven omdat ik binnen nog veel moet doen. Ik heb mijn kamer schoongemaakt en mijn beddengoed gewassen. Ik heb vandaag mijn moeder en oma gebeld, wat heel fijn was, en ik heb wat gelezen in mijn nieuwe boek dat ik een paar dagen geleden heb gekocht omdat ik er geen had meegenomen naar Noorwegen.
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thatonelightyear · 2 years
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I posted 184 times in 2022
That's 184 more posts than 2021!
57 posts created (31%)
127 posts reblogged (69%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 140 of my posts in 2022
Only 24% of my posts had no tags
#reblog - 60 posts
#lightrambles - 27 posts
#cars fandom - 20 posts
#f1 - 16 posts
#cars - 16 posts
#my hcs - 14 posts
#my fics - 8 posts
#leland turbo - 7 posts
#boeingboingboing - 7 posts
#finn mcmissile - 7 posts
Longest Tag: 71 characters
#imma just make more subclasses so i can find stuff easier in my archive
My Top Posts in 2022:
First Race HCs
nervous energy- like. so. much. jitters.
but then the moment he gets on the track it's just all gone
runs on adrenaline high for the next 100s of laps
yk the whole : I guess i never thought i couldnt' stuff? Yeah that came from right after
whoaaa look at all the lights and all the bling... is this what it feels like to be recognised?
pushed and pushed, gave 130%
finished just shy of top 5
the exhilaration stayed for a long while
Strip Weathers
Tried to look calm on the outside, pretty shaky on the inside though
Just in awe. The track is huge-
once the race starts, he's just in the zone
everything feel right, from the roar of the crowd to the asphalt thrumming beneath his tyres
"and that was the moment i realised this was where I belonged"
crashed out 30 laps from the chequered due to a particularly squeezy restart
can't wait for the next race
Chick Hicks
went to his father for advice before the start, instantly got shot down
"what do you mean you won't do well? I expect nothing less than a top 10- 5 would be best, of course. Do whatever it takes."
"...yes sir"
showed concern for a particularly wrecked racer - his dad just snapped at him to keep racing though
rookie mistake caused him to wreck a few others, but he was told repeatedly "as long as you do well, it doesn't matter"
realised he loved the glitz and glamour after.
father gave him a tongue-lashing for being "too soft" and showing concern
he wanted to make his dad proud - he wanted to be good
as long as I win, nothing else matters.
HCs for our fav tiebreaker trio! (Chick's emotional damage definitely shaped his obnoxious character man...) But yeah these were fun
Please send me asks for headcannons, on that note XD
21 notes - Posted September 15, 2022
Beach Day HCs (Lightning, Cal & Bobby they y'all)
Lightning gets really sunburned (as per normal)
They try to play a game of scuffed beach volleyball
Cal faceplants and eats sand
Bobby laughs, promptly gets whacked by the volleyball to his face
Brick enjoys nature, probably the one drinking out of a coconut
Junior stares at the gang, sighs in exasperation as Lightning runs from a crab
He just wanted to have a relatively normal day. The other four said no.
Grumpily sits at a corner and sips a cocktail, on parent duty again
Bobby goes swimming and shrieks when his foot touches kelp
Lightning swears that he'll never forget sunscreen again - he will.
22 notes - Posted October 28, 2022
So I found more- XD
This I found when digging through Youtube... again. I have no life I swear. But yeah our fav spy trio in training! More like Finn and Holley being professionals, and Mater has his Mater-esque genius too... (side note i need to write a fic about Finn being a trainer someday...)
41 notes - Posted September 14, 2022
This One's For You, Doc.
It was- Everything had been so sudden.
Honestly, Lightning had never seen it coming. So when it happened, he couldn't help but feel so... betrayed. He... Doc should have been around longer. How could he just... leave Lightning behind?
A part of him couldn't help but think of all the possible 'what if's, all that. He just- He just needed more time, even when some part of him whispered that actually, all the time in the world would have never been enough.
It just all went by so fast. It had felt like just yesterday, their first win together as crew chief and racer, now it was just, well, him. Lightning felt as though there'd still been so much he wanted to say, so much he still needed to ask, but now... well. He couldn't even if he wanted to, could he?
"Stickers?" Sally's right by his side as he proceeds to the track, giving him a comforting nudge. They exchange a hushed conversation, by the end of it, there's tears in her eyes as she ushers him off to the track, mouthing a 'For Doc' towards him. He offers her a weak smile, knowing it was taking him everything he had to not just break down right here. Because of the pure familiarity, of how before the race, it would be Sal and Doc sending him to the lineup. Now, the absence just... hurts.
Then he's out on the track, warm asphalt beneath rubber. As they complete the formation lap, he can't help but let his gaze wander, then focus back on the track, stung by that empty spot on pit lane.
Yet as the engines roar to life, as the green flag is raised, he hears it, in a sudden burst of clarity, meant for him and him only.
You've got this, hotshot. Gruff and gravely, steady and grounding- Doc.
Lightning takes a breath, the oxygen biting. He exhales slowly.
"This one's for you, Doc," He whispers, fixing his gaze on the track.
The green flag falls, and he's ready.
A.N. : Yeah, I really went full-on with the angst in this one hah- Been toying with this idea for a bit, finally got it out of my system... honestly, I really like this! As for whether this is Carsverse or Human AU, I'll leave that up to you guys- made it kinda ambiguous there.. Hope you enjoyed :)
43 notes - Posted October 11, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
This is GOLD
So I found this like- yesterday and good gosh I had a kick out of watching these XD they are so funny! Also I love how it shows the Mater-Finn-Holley friendship dynamics and how they can be a pretty funny trio!
124 notes - Posted September 13, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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madangel19 · 2 years
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I posted 34,086 times in 2022
90 posts created (0%)
33,996 posts reblogged (100%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 1,323 of my posts in 2022
#stranger things spoilers - 26 posts
#helluva boss spoilers - 23 posts
#the band ghost - 20 posts
#ghost bc - 19 posts
#oh damn 😳 - 17 posts
#what in tarnation - 17 posts
#sonic the hedgehog 2 spoilers - 16 posts
#fanfiction - 15 posts
#ghost band - 13 posts
#body horror tw - 13 posts
Longest Tag: 103 characters
#i love con clavi con dio but i'm certain i'll summon a demon if i sing it in the middle of the night xd
My Top Posts in 2022:
Already got an idea for another Ghost fic!
A child gets in a car wreck with her parents that happens to be close to the ministry. Both parents are dead and child goes to the nearby church for help and a sister of sin takes her in and brings her to Papa 4. Papa hears her story and then asks if she has any other family and she says no, so he offers to let her live at the ministry. Child accepts and she then gets to live in the church and explores and learns all about it. Lots of bittersweet stuff ensues.
Been seeing lots of sweet pics and vids of the Papas interacting with young fans and wanted to do something cute
11 notes - Posted November 12, 2022
 A sneak peak of my Ghost/Scooby Doo fic for ya’ll :3
There were eight, no, nine figures in the red-lit room that resembled the main stage. Eight of these figures were clad in all black and each one wore a terrifying black horned mask. The more he looked the more demonic they became. They surrounded a ninth figure who was dressed like he ran a church, but something felt very bad. He was swinging some strange smoking device around as the others played different instruments. 
“Siamo con clavi, siamo con Dio
Siamo con il nostro Dio scuro,” the main figure sang in a ghostly tone.
They were summoning demons! This was bad. Really really bad. Ghosts he was used to, but this was much more sinister and dangerous. He had to find Shaggy. No, he had to find everyone and warn them. 
Scooby turned and came face to face with one of those masked monsters. It hissed in his face and pushed him forward, making him yelp and fall through the door. 
The music stopped instantly. Scooby looked back and saw that the creature that pushed him had vanished. He heard low voices whispering amongst themselves and he whipped his head around to find that he was surrounded by those eight confused and slightly agitated masked creatures. Scooby was at a loss for words as he looked at each one. All he could see and sense were bad intentions and bared teeth as some growled at him.
“Ruh-roh,” he managed to whimper, trembling like a leaf. The eight figures stepped back, letting their obvious leader come forward. Everything about this one felt evil to Scooby as a single pale eye looked down at him. The man’s painted face appeared frozen in a scowl before he smiled and chuckled darkly.
“Ahh, we have a visitor. You look nervous, piccolo amico,” he crowed in an Italian accent as he bent down to face him properly.
Scooby found the energy he so desperately needed and he let out a howling scream, kicking the man towards the creatures and jumping to his feet to run. He didn’t dare look back as those other creatures let out alarmed cries.
“Ah! Cazzo! Get him!” The man exclaimed.
Let me know what ya’ll think so far. I’m having a lot of fun with this :D
Also @space-is-a-paradox enjoy ^-^
11 notes - Posted November 2, 2022
Getting 3 of my wisdom teeth removed in an hour. Wish me luck y’all ✌🏼
11 notes - Posted October 14, 2022
God, I’m such a simp for TFP Starscream :’D
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12 notes - Posted April 18, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
Chapters: 3/? Fandom: Ghost (Sweden Band), Scooby Doo - All Media Types Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings Characters: Papa Emeritus IV, Nameless Ghoul(s), Scooby Doo, Norville "Shaggy" Rogers, Velma Dinkley, Daphne Blake, Fred Jones, Original Female Character(s), Hex Girls (Scooby Doo), Muffy St. James | Dusk, Kimberly "Kim" Moss | Luna, Sally McKnight | Thorn Additional Tags: Mystery, Minor Violence, Recreational Drug Use, Other Additional Tags to Be Added, Tags May Change Summary:
Scooby and the gang have another mystery on their hands after being invited as VIP guests for the Hex Girls who are the opening act for the mysterious and ghoulish band, Ghost, in a mysterious theater. One of Papa's ghouls has been framed for attacking an employee of the theater, but Papa insists that his ghouls would never do such a thing unless provoked. Can Scooby and his friends prove the band's innocence before the big show begins or will more people be attacked by the mystery ghoul, resulting in the show to be cancelled and Ghost being sent away?
Chapter 3 up! Check it out ya’ll :D
13 notes - Posted November 14, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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are you. are you still doing the mutual ask?
Bia. Oh my friend. I was hoping you’d send one of these heck yeah.
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WELL WOULD YOU LOOK AT THAT. MANY BINGOS! (well technically one bingo and a few nearly-there-bingos but STILL)
Slight older sibling vibes. Ever so slight.
Hehe harasses you with. with the gifs. of. of wilbur… soot. harasses you-
SHARED INTERESTSSSSSS!!! Fellow DSMP fan who is Christian :D Fellow person who does not like Wilbur and Techno as twins! Fellow person who loves sandduo! Fellow person who writes fanfic! Fellow person who likes AJR!
c!Phil is Your Guy, 100%. Blorbo. When I think of you I think of c!Phil. Messy birb guy.
EATS YOUR WRITING OH MAN EATS IT DEVOURS ONNOMNOM. The excitement I feel when I receive an email stating you have posted/updated a fic is unparalleled. Like. Oh my gosh. You write the best fics ever. ALSO APARTMENT 238 MY BELOVED <3
Listen, I love Phil, but I am also judging him a little bit <3 Just a bit. Still love him though. Messy birb guy.
Mutual chaos >:D We made the Man Or Muppet edit together, I’d say <3 You are chaotic and I am crazy we do well together *nods*
Free space: WE MUST GO ON A ROAD TRIP AND EAT GUMMI WYRMS AND GO TO GAS STATIONS AND SUCH! WE MUST! Meeting up irl would actually be so much fun oh my goshhhhh
I LOVE IT WHEN YOU SEND MESSAGESSSSSS it’s so much fun!! I absolutely love getting harassed by you XD And despite the Cursed-ness, I do enjoy when you tag me in horrid Cars AU’s lol. We harass each other. It’s the circle of life.
Met on tumblr, yep! You were the second DSMP friend I ever made :’) And also the person who helped me navigate the DSMP fandom lol I was so confused about Everything back then-
I consider you one of my best friends <3 Not many people could stay up until 5am talking to each other OR argue for 40 minutes over Doomsday and still be close lol. Our bond is strong, my friend.
I DO THE SPINNY THING A LOT WHEN I CHAT WITH YOU YESSSSSSS!!! Especially when we vc :D I remember you telling me that Ghostbur was “like the boyfriend I just don’t see the potential in” and my brain did spinny things because I loved the way you worded that lol AND ALSO you and other-discord-friend were talking about Minecraft and how neither of you were good at combat/fighting within the game, and that you were holding me up to “Technoblade levels of fighting” once I get the game XD It was so awesome and I wrote that quote down because I loved it so much alsgaksgaksgajg
Still to this day I kinda freak out whenever you interact with me XD AND WE HAVE KNOWN EACH OTHER SO LONG!!! WELL OVER A YEAR!!!
Heh I shoved The Secret Life Of Walter Mitty in your face, I did I did. And also Lovejoy.
What are friends if they cannot shake each other violently /pos? <3
I love getting to chat about my fic ideas with you but I still get nervous over doing it :’) Not even specific with you, but with anyone 😅 I guess because I’m so quiet irl, I have a hard time… bringing myself to share ideas with people? I don’t know, I’m trying to work on it :) But yes, I looove getting to chat about ideas with you, Bia!!
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galaxies-unknown-a · 3 years
[ @chopperpirate​ || <3′d for a starter!]
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“Ohthankgoodness, a person!” Vin laughed, a little desperately. “Please, please, pleasepleasepleasepleasePLEASE tell me you know where the nearest gas station is!!!... Like- within ten miles. I’m running on empty...!!!”
0 notes
stormkobra-5 · 2 years
hey!! 🍁(not even sure this is the right emoji) coming in for a ship😌 my name is raven, I'm 5'2 with (faded) orange hair and blue eyes. I'm a stubborn introvert who enjoys plants, animals and anything related to the sky. I love rock music and horror movies.
I look shy at first but once I'm comfortable I'm insane (*insert that "not me being goofy lol🤪" meme*)
yeah..... i think thats it!! thank you :)
Ok. Okay. Hear me out here.
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Evgeni Kolpakov!
Again. I know nothing about the character and have never seen the movie (so ig I’m behind on my Oscar filmography xd). But. From what I’ve seen he’s sweet, loving, and has a mischievous side (assuming we’ve all seen the gifs of him flashing his coworker, Dwayne).
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So as we all (or maybe not all) of us know, Evgeni is a security guard working in London— and he’s also Russian, you should know that, too. He’s a pretty chill guy most of the time, but he also goes for what he wants without hesitation.
And the moment you walked into the museum [Is he working as a security guard at a museum??? Let’s just say he is for plot purposes], passing him at the entrance with a polite nod and only a soft question about where the latest exhibit is; apparently some sort of sky-themed art event where there were rare paintings of blue, gray, and starry midnight set up on display. You’d heard in passing and had nothing better to do, but you were surprised when the security guard caught your attention more than the art you came for.
Evgeni may be bold, but he’s also kind of nervous. He spends at least twenty minutes second-guessing what he’s about to do, especially on his lunch break when he has nothing else to think about.
When he comes back, he immediately starts checking the cameras to see where you are. Dwayne, used to his antics, only rolls his eyes. You’re not in the museum, though; at least, you won’t be in a few minutes. You’re leaving. Entranced by the smile on your face, he bolts out of there and rushes down to the parking lot, trying to act somewhat normal.
He spots you just as you’re entering your car, and luckily for him, you hesitate. When he actually gets up to the window he sees that you’re texting; not a partner, he hopes. He knocks on the glass lightly, making you jump. He didn’t expect to hear the rock music blaring from your speakers before you muted it, but he comments with a soft laugh, “Interesting choice.”
Once you roll your window down, he’s profusely apologizing for scaring you. “I’m deeply sorry, miss, I just needed to ask you something.”
“Oh? Of course sir, what can I—“
“Please,” He interrupted softly, “You can call me Evgeni.”
Your beaming smile made his heart flutter. “Okay. Evgeni. What can I do for you?”
He couldn’t stop his own smile, or the flush that spread across his cheeks. “Would it be alright if I took you for coffee?”
A smile so big it nearly reached your ears graced your face. “Y-yeah. More than alright. I’d like that.”
Evgeni swore he fell in love with you right there.
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Spookable September
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healpeony · 3 years
𝐒𝐓𝐑𝐄𝐄𝐓𝐒 | 𝐄𝐫𝐞𝐧 𝐉𝐞𝐚𝐠𝐞𝐫 𝐟𝐭. 𝐀𝐫𝐦𝐢𝐧 𝐀𝐫𝐥𝐞𝐫𝐭 𝐱 𝐟𝐞𝐦!𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫
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𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐬𝐮𝐦𝐦𝐚𝐫𝐲; After having that little talk with Armin in the party, Y/n just have to remind Eren who he belongs to.
𝐆𝐞𝐧𝐫𝐞 + 𝐑𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐧𝐠; mature, 18+, series, fanfiction.
𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐰𝐚𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬; Profane, reader gets called mistress, slapping, degradation, vaginal penetrative sex, hand job, edging, pet names, alcohol, sub Eren, dom reader.
𝐰𝐨𝐫𝐝 𝐜𝐨𝐮𝐧𝐭; 3.5k
Notes; this took longer to write than I expected, I wanted to try and use new words and not the same ones each time so it was a little difficult xd. I hope you guys enjoy reading it. sorry for any mistakes.
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THE RESTING BITCH FACE THAT YOU HAD wasn't caused by the loud music that was going on in the party busting loud through the speakers, it was the fact that Armin was speaking to Eren making those lovely (and lust) filled eyes that the brunette failed to notice. You hated how the blonde looked at Eren, couldn't Armin understand that Eren was yours?
"Y/n, are you listening?"
The sudden sound of your name coming out of Eren's mouth took your attention away from Armin — who you realize was making eye contact with you returning the same look you were giving him — Eren of course not noticing. Turning towards the teal eyed boy, you stared at him with an apologetic look for not having heard him.
"Sorry, what was that, love? I didn't quite catch it"
"Armin was asking if you would like a refill of wine?" Eren asked putting an arm around your smaller frame
"Sure, Armin!"
You smiled, a little too sweet. Armin returned the same smile before looking at Eren "What would you like?" his voice as soft as a feather
"I want a glass of whis-"
"I think that is enough Eren, you have drunk way too much already"
Eren was about to protest, but when you gave him a stern look it made him shut up immediately. Armin didn't fail to notice this, softly humming at the realization — Eren was submissive towards you despite his stubborn and dom energy infront of others.
"I'll get the drinks for us then" Armin said before leaving the you both alone
"Y/n...." Eren whined "Why can't I drink?!"
"Because I said so, don't get started with that bratty attitude"
"But I just had two glasses of whiskey! That is not even a lot.." he continued "You can't always tell me what to d—"
You didn't bother to look around to make sure nobody was watching — before you grabbed both side of Eren's cheeks squeezing them with one hand. You were already angry enough and here Eren was making that emotion grow with that attitude of his.
"If you don't stop right this instant, you're going to be punished right here" you told him through gritted teeth
Eren immediately shut up, only opening his mouth to let out a submissive "Sorry mistress" hanging his head low when you let go of his face
"Good boy" you murmured, taking his face in both of your hands more gently than before and kissing him sweetly on the lips
"I'm going to check if Armin needs any help"
You were absolutely not going to let that happen. The thought of Eren alone with that man made you feel something so pathetic and childish, Jealousy why would you feel that, when the blonde can't never take Eren away from you.
Eren did not feel the same for Armin. That was what you kept telling yourself.
"I'll check, you stay here"
You stood up walking towards the kitchen passing by a lot of the drunk young adults. The smell was disgusting, you obviously expected that since the party have been going on since the afternoon and it was already night outside. Sasha sure loved planning long lasting parties, it has happened two times this month.
As you neared the kitchen you caught a glimpse of the unmistakable blonde man, he was pushing people out of his way with just a glare to get to the cabinet where the wines were located, the sleeves of his button up shirt were pushed up to his elbows.
Armin Arlert was an attractive man, anyone was lying if they said he wasn't, including you. Most of the time half of his blonde hair was pulled up in a ponytail, some strands falling on his face making his beautiful — yet intimidating to some — ocean eyes stand out, his signature colors being black and dark blue, those colors did made him more handsome then he already was, always making even the smallest of his features stand out.
"Are you going to stand there and glare at me forever or what?"
You rolled your eyes at the man, walking around to the other side of the kitchen counter where he was pouring some whiskey for himself while your already filled glass of wine seated in the counter. You took it bringing the blood red drink towards your lips while looking right into Armin's eyes.
You loved drinking wine, you had always liked the bittersweet taste it had and no matter how much glasses of wine you drank, it never made you that drunk. You were used to it by now.
"So what are you doing here?" he rested his hip against the counter, one arm crossed around his chest with his whiskey in the other hand
"To help, well Eren wanted to come. We both know you didn't need help bringing Whiskey and wine"
You knew exactly what Eren really wanted, you know your brunette lover like the back of your hand. For you he was an open book, It was stupid on his part to assume you didn't know why he wanted to go into the kitchen.
When the boy wanted something he was way too stubborn to let anyone tell him no, including you. He wanted to come and drink the whiskey in the kitchen while you waited for them to return in the living room couch.
Armin studied you while you were lost in the sea of thoughts, you were so easy to read even when you thought otherwise, he knew how much you disliked him and how you wanted him far away from Eren — that obviously wasn't going to happen, he knew Eren first, if anybody had to leave it was you — sometimes he would notice how you would get scare of his intimidating aura, and then cover it up with a comment.
That couldn't make him more satisfied, knowing how he can easily get a reaction from you.
"Yeah, pretty smart guy huh?" Armin said sarcastically, a chuckle coming out of his throat before drinking from his whiskey and continuing with a taunting look while gazing at you "tonight he looks really handsome, don't you think?"
He had done this many times before, he would wait until you both were alone and would tell you what he thought of Eren's looks. It was irritating and made your jealousy grow, but you always kept yourself as calm as you could just like in this situation.
"Yeah, he really is. I'm pretty sure a lot of people are jealous that I have him. Don't you think?" you smirked at him, mocking his tone
"Yeah, I'm sure. But Eren isn't an object, you don't own him and you don't have him. He's a human being" this time his voice had gone back that innocent one that made your blood boil and the intimidation seem to have disappear from his eyes
"Please tell me you two aren't fighting again"
You felt stupid. of course that was the reason of his sudden change of demeanor, Eren was there. Armin did this frequently, be talking to you in his “true self” then put up the timid and good boy facade whenever the brunette walked into the room.
"I thought I told you to stay in the living room"
Your voice was low and Eren could clearly hear the anger behind it, you didn't do this often, you would always keep your cool and never let him know about your negative feelings. It was like you wanted him to hear the anger in the tone you used, and that did nothing but scared him.
"Yeah, but you took too long..."
Eren was beginning to regret coming to the kitchen, the glare he was receiving making his knees weak, he wanted to drop down on the floor and humilate himself by apologizing to you over and over like you were his god, but his pride was too big. You mentally smirked in satisfaction when you noticed this, but your eyes remained in a glare, you loved the effect you had on him.
"I think it's getting late, we should go back home right, baby?" you had walked closer to you poor baby, playing with his key necklace
"Y—yeah, I think we should" he anxiously said, Eren knew he couldn't say no to you anyways
"Armin, it was a pleasure to talk to you" you said turning to the blonde and hugging him, whispering in his ear "Don't worry about Eren, he's going to have an incredible time for the rest of the night" you pulled away giving him a smile
You grabbed Eren's arm not giving him a chance to properly say goodbye to Armin, walking him out the kitchen and living room, making sure to avoid any of your friends on the way.
Armin stood in the kitchen holding the glass of whiskey tightly, his lips pressed hard together. Words couldn't describe how much he disliked you, from the moment he met you — since Eren had already told him, he had a crush on you before you two met — to this moment now. But there was something about you that was intoxicating, he found himself doing things that annoyed you on purpose, innocently flirting with the oblivious Eren for example.
The blonde couldn't deny the fact that he felt an attraction towards you, he wanted nothing more than to fuck that attitude out of you, to see you falling apart on his arms — moaning, screaming, crying his name while he fucked submissiveness into you —he wanted to see you begging for him. But he also wanted Eren, the boy looking at him with his teal eyes full of tears, needing his cock, just imagining the boy following his every command made him go hard.
But again, Armin could only imagine what you were going to do with Eren tonight.
Meanwhile you and Eren were already in his car, you in the passenger seat while the latter was in the drivers seat. The ride as been filled with a silence in it, so far only the soft music coming from the radio — which Eren was too nervous to change — made the car ride comfortable, but the tension was still there.
That was until you started humming, which you only did when you needed to calm yourself down.
The two hands Eren had in the steering wheel tightened their grip on it.
"Do you know why I'm mad Eren?"
Your voice was firm, no emotion detected in it. That trait of yours never failed to make him feel small, but he loved the sound of you voice, he found it soo graceful, he felt so lucky to have you as his girlfriend. The fact that he knew what was about to come after they have this conversation, where he explains what he did wrong — made his cock stand up for attention in his pants, he was so ready for you.
"What about Armin?"
He had no idea on how to answer that correctly, you would always complain about the blonde accusing him of acting differently when Eren wasn't there even to the point of saying Armin wanted to fuck him. Of course he didn't believe that, Eren was aware that Armin was an adult, but the blonde would never think of doing that with him — his best friend — he was sure that it was only your overpossesiveness and jealousy.
"He made you mad" the brunette said truly hoping you would like his answer
"How did he made me mad?" you kept pushing, leaning back on your seat vicious eyes looking right at him ready to jump at him at any second while his knuckles became white
"He made you feel jealous, mistress" he elaborated, although he didn't quite understand how him speaking to Armin made you jealous
"Yes he did, what else did you do?"
"I disobeyed a direct order"
"That's right. Now tell me Eren, what happens when you break my rules or make your mistress mad?"
"I get punished."
"You have been such a bad boy, Eren."
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"I thought I told you that when I came back from the bathroom that I wanted to see you naked"
You had your hands on your now unclothed hips, a lingerie being the only thing you had on. Eren was laying back on the bed with his underwear still on before he heard your voice and rapidly sitting up.
"I'm so sorry, mistress!"
You tisked shaking your head "What's wrong with you today? You're being soo disobedient..."
Eren stood up from the bed, walking towards you and dropping to his knees, tears in his eyes, he didn't want you to not let him cum tonight.
"I promise to be good for you, I'll do better!"
You bend over grabbing his chin softly stroking it with a sadistic smile, "I'll be soo happy the day I see you being a good boy"
Your teeth made contact with his bottom lip pulling it, Eren moaning at the feeling and smiling up at you when you let go.
"You're so pretty. I love having such a pretty looking thing all to myself.."
"All yours, Eren"
That was the end of the little moment, because of the slap sound coming from your hand making contact with the brunette's cheek.
Eren felt tears already forming in his eyes, but he wasn't going to give you the satisfaction of crying too fast. Hiding his teary eyes from you was useless though, since you took a hold of his hair squatting down behind him.
"Don't think the that would've gotten you a way out of your punishment. You're pathetic" you whispered in his ear, your hot breath fanned over his skin making shivers go down his spine "Take those off for me, kitten" you told him motioning to his underwear while getting back up
Eren stood up taking off his underwear as fast a he could, his cock slapping his pelvis, excitement shooting through his veins for what was about to come.
You looked at him up and down making his cheeks go red, even though you have already seem him like this many times.
"Aww, is my baby blushing?" you pouted taking a hold of his cock making him let out a surprised gasp
"Y—Y/n" he moaned when you started moving your hand up and down, from his tip to his balls
"What was that? What did you called me?" you asked, the pace of your hand being painfully slow, glaring daggers at him while pushing him towards the bed making him sit down
"Mistress, I'm sorry..."
He wished your pace would be faster, you of course continued to torment him keeping the same pace for a while.
"Why are you being like this, Eren?"
"I don't — ahh — understand, mistress."
"Breaking rules, letting Armin flirt with you, everything that you have done today..."
With each said word the pace increased, your hand moving faster making Eren let out loud groans that echoed on the walls of your bedroom.
"Quiet! I have heard your stupid voice more than enough today."
Eren nodded, if you wanted him to shut up you obviously didn't want him to answer verbally.
You were the love of his life, the one person who knew how submissive he actually was. Someone who could give him the relief he needed, but also the one who could add more pressure to him. Someone who showered him with kissed, but also punished him for his bad actions.
You were his balance. The reason behind his now stable life. No matter what happened or how much you two argue, you were always there for each other.
Just like he was there for you to take out your frustrations, by obeying you and comforting you.
Your hand were still on his cock, and your lips were now rather occupied. Biting, sucking and kissing the soft skin of his neck, making sure to leave the marks on places that were noticeable.
Eren was a whimpering mess, gripping your left arm trying to pull you closer, but you ended up freeing your arm and pulling his hair to make him stop from doing it again.
Even though he was a sub, he never submitted completely, always tried to have some control over you thinking that he can just do whatever he wants whenever you're punishing him. He knew it was a lost battle, you never let him feel any power over you. You had the control of his entire body — you decide when he cums, you decide what he calls you, you decide when he should or shouldn't masturbate, you decided what he was going to be looking at, you decided what he should wear.
You were his mistress and he was there to obey you.
"I'm close.." he moaned, his head thrown back
You immediately pulled away, standing up with your tongue licking your fingers taking the remaining of pre cum into your mouth. Eren led out a whine, looking up at you, now he had let the tears fall down freely.
You chuckled shaking your head.
"You seriously didn't think it was going to be that easy, kitten"
"please" he begged "I'll do anything... I will be good, I promise!"
"sure, sure. I don't believe that words speak better than actions crap, Eren. You have to show me that you are going to do better"
You smirked before saying "In the mean time, you should face the consequences of your own actions, don't you think?"
Eren let out a sob as you edged him for the fourth time of the night, his hands and legs were shaking. Tears were running down his faces, some were dry, and some were being kissed away by your lips.
You were now sitting on his cock your hips moving at a agonizingly slow pace, one of your hands was on his cheek caressing the soft skin under his eye with your thumb.
"It's ok now, baby. You can cum” you smiled down at him while the pace of your hips kept getting quicker
“Thank you, mistress... thank you...” he breathlessly keep murmuring the two words while his cum painted the walls deep inside of you
You threw your head back moaning getting off at the feeling of his cum in you. slowly you came down from your high letting out little pants, while Eren did the same trying to catch his breath.
“Are you ok?” you asked pulling yourself off of him, missing the fullness of his cock in you as you did
“Yeah, thank you.” he lazily smiled, his voice husky and eyes fighting to stay open
“Eren, you won't sleep with all that sweat and cum on you. I'mma run you a bath, don't fall asleep” you commanded before standing up from the bed feeling his cum tripping from inside of you and onto your thighs
You look back towards the bed and chuckled when you saw that Eren had closed his eyes most likely already sleeping.
You of course weren't going to allow him to sleep like that still.
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Armin looked at the blonde girl under him, the movement of his hips making her boobs jiggle. He didn't even remember her name, he had seen her talking to you a couple of times, she was soo feisty and not easy to get, refusing to even flirt back with him — his manipulative persona did wonders on people, and that's what changed her mind — in some way it reminded him of you, that might be the reason why you two have spoken before.
Maybe that's one of the reasons why he choose her to get his dick wet.
Her pussy was tight barely letting him move and he could only guess that she didn't do this often. He was unsatisfied.
However everytime he looked down at her it wasn't her face he was seeing, it was yours, the moans of his name that she led out were replaced with your own moans — the ones he created in his head when trying to imagine how you sound like — when she scratched his back all he could imagine was your pretty hands and nails doing that to him. And that made him feel good enough.
This has happened before, but what he said next has never occurred and it shocked him as much as it shocked the girl.
he had moaned your name.
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©healpeony 2021
𝐭𝐚𝐠𝐠𝐢𝐧𝐠; @mallang @namrekcaivel if you want to be added or removed let me know!
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marvelsdc22 · 3 years
Heart Full Of Love
Intro: Hello, lovelies!! I hope you guys are having a good pride month so far!! Here’s the next fic for you guys!! Enjoy!!
Note: College AU. Wanda just joined you, Steve, and Natasha, Steve decides you all should go to pride, after the first day was successful, along with your newest purchase, things get very heated in the hotel room. Poly.
Warnings: Double penetration, sex with multiple people, voyeurism, uhhhh maybe more? I suck at this XD
Word Count: 2904
I would like to request a pride fic with reader and Nat or Steve has just added Wanda to their group and they are going to their first pride festival and they have a great time there and if you feel comfortable with once they get back to their hotel room they show how much they love each other with NSFW activities.
No minors!! 18+ please and thank you
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Running around your room, packing everything you could into your small suitcase and your backpack, you were super excited since Steve had suggested that you guys headed to pride that weekend since it seemed that everything was tame college wise, plus this would be your first date with Wanda being added to your group, you, Natasha, and Steve having been together for about a year until you met Wanda in your Psych class, the four of you hitting it off and you having been the one to fully ask Wanda to join you guys once you all were in agreement, her accepting since she had been curious but also very interested in testing these waters.
As you’re zipping up your backpack, you heard a knock on your dorm room door and you went over to it “Steve!” You exclaimed, smiling at him and pulling him into your room, your roommate, Sydney, not there at the moment “Just the guy I was looking for, can you grab something for me?” You asked, giving him puppy eyes and watching as he laughed “What do you need me to grab?” He asked, wrapping an arm around you before you led him to your closet and pointed to the hat you had tossed up top at the beginning of the year, watching as he reached up and grabbed it for you, you smiling as he handed it to you “Thank you” you said, giving him a quick kiss before going over to your bags and putting your hat in your suitcase.
“Are you ready for this weekend?” He asked, you surprised he had been able to escape his RA duties for the weekend to go “Duh! I’ve never been to pride before” you said, you having known about your sexuality for a while but it only got confirmed when you fell for the blond RA and his red-head girlfriend who was also the softball captain for your school “Really? You’re in for a treat then” he said, smiling as he watched you finish packing from his spot on your bed “Good… I think I’m good to go, want to get lunch while we wait for the others?” You asked, looking at him and watching as he nodded before he stood up, the two of you heading to the cafeteria on campus for a quick lunch.
Later that night, you climbed out of the car at the hotel with a smile, throwing your backpack over your shoulders and grabbing your suitcase out of the trunk “Excited?” Wanda asked, cautiously taking your hand, you lacing your fingers together and knowing she was still nervous about this whole thing “Very, how about you?” You asked, following Natasha and Steve, who were walking with an arm wrapped around the other “I’m excited, I’ve never been” she admitted, looking at you as you led her into the hotel, standing off to the side a bit while Steve and Natasha handled the hotel room “I haven’t either, guess we break or pride virginity this weekend” you said, earning a laugh from Wanda which made you smile, you wanted to make her as comfortable as possible with this whole thing.
You and Wanda stood there talking until you felt arms wrap around you, causing you to jump slightly before you turned your head slightly and saw Natasha’s red hair, smiling and turning enough to press a kiss to her cheek “Room ready?” You asked, looking at her and glancing at Steve who wrapped an arm around Wanda, who tensed slightly before relaxing into it “Yup, all ready” Natasha mumbled against your shoulder, giving you a squeeze before she pulled back and the four of you headed for the elevator and up to your room.
Getting into the room you dropped your stuff down by one of the beds before belly flopping onto it and groaning “This is comfy” you muttered, hearing a chuckle from one of the girls as Steve went and set his bags down by the other bed since him and Natasha were sharing on while Wanda shared with you since she seemed more comfortable with you at the moment, feeling the other side of the bed dip slightly and you peeked out to see Wanda getting situated, pulling her shoes off, you pulling yourself close enough to her to wrap your arms around her, her resting a hand on your arm as she set her shoes down on the floor “Come on, lets change then we can cuddle, hm?” She suggested, lightly rubbing your arm and hearing you groan before you reluctantly pulled away and did what she said.
The next morning, the four of you got some of the hotels breakfast and with a bit of convincing you got Steve to take you guys to get Starbucks, walking down the street with your F/D in hand while your other hand held Natasha’s “Wow” you said, looking at everything in awe and smiling “This looks awesome” Wanda said, coming up to you and placing a hand on your back “What should we do first?” Steve asked, coming up behind you guys and placing his hands on Nat’s and Wanda’s backs as you guys looked around “I want to see you with rainbows on your face, sir” you said, looking back at him and earning a laugh from the girls “You would look cute with a rainbow on your cheek, Stevie” Natasha teased, watching as his cheeks got dusted in red “Face painting it is”.
After dragging all of them everywhere, you guys were all on the tipsy side and you clutched your bag that had your newest purchase in it that you had bought when you made the excuse of going to the bathroom, letting none of them see what it was, you guys sitting at a table, you sitting on Steves lap while Nat had Wanda on hers, you trying to get them all to pose for a group picture as you held your selfie stick out and taking several pictures since you knew at least one of you would blink in a few of them “This one’s cute” you said, showing Steve before leaning over to show the girls when you felt Steve shift under you and grip your waist a bit tighter, showing the girls the picture before you pocketed your phone and turned enough to look at him “Do you want to take this to the hotel?” You whispered in his ear, making sure to wiggle a bit on his lap and bite his ear gently, causing him to groan “I’m going to take that as a yes” you smirked, pulling back before hopping off his lap, much to his disappointment.
Leading everyone back to the entrance after snagging the keys from Steve since you had drank the least out of the group, having only had one, driving them all back to the hotel and dragging them into the elevator, barely letting the doors closed before Steve lips were on yours, which you melted into, looking at Natasha and Wanda when he started trailing kisses down your neck, causing you to gasp as their eyes filled with lust, watching the scene, you pushing Steve off you gently when the doors opened and leading them to the hotel room “No” you said when Steve tried pinning you against the door, looking at Wanda “Are you up for this?” You asked, knowing she had only been in the relationship for about two weeks now “Can I… Can I just watch… Until I’m comfortable?” Wanda asked, looking at you and you smiled, nodding before you pressed a brief kiss to her lips “Of course, you get comfortable, okay?” You said, watching as she gave you a relieved smile before you turned and saw Natasha and Steve already heavily making out on the bed “Let me know if it gets to be too much” you told Wanda, reaching over and giving her hand a squeeze before you grabbed your bag and set it by the bed Natasha and Steve were on.
Watching them for a moment, you watched as Natasha locked eyes with you once Steve moved to kissing her neck, her reaching out towards you and you took her hand before she pulled you onto the bed with her, pressing a heated kiss to your lips as she moved her hand and tugged on your shirt, her moaning into your mouth when Steve had managed to push her shirt and bra up to where he could latch onto one of her breasts, you pulling back long enough to tug your shirt and bra off before you pulled Natasha back into a heated kiss, reaching over and tugging on the back of Steve’s shirt, causing him to release Natasha’s breast and watch as you pulled away from the kiss from her before pulling him into a quick on before pulling his shirt over his head, the two of you kissing while Natasha pulled her shirt off, along with her bra before reaching up to undo Steve’s pants, tugging them and his boxers down just enough for his shaft to spring free before taking it into her mouth, causing him to groan into you mouth and weave his fingers into her red hair.
After a moment, you pulled away from Steve’s mouth and gently grabbed Natasha’s hips, turning her so she was on her hands and knees, her hand never leaving Steve’s cock as she turned to look at you, you staring at her as you stood on the floor and pulled her pants and underwear off, tossing them somewhere onto the floor before you leaned down and ran your tongue along her cunt, hearing her moan before she turned and took Steve’s cock back into her mouth, you focusing on her until you felt her start to shake “Your close, aren’t you?” You asked, keeping two fingers inside her as you looked at her and hearing her moan of confirmation before you pulled away completely, hearing her whimper at the loss of contact “Lay down” Steve said, pulling her away from him, you watching as she reluctantly followed his instructions, her very rarely being the bottom, but when she was, she could be a brat, watching as he teased her with the head of his cock before he slowly sunk into her, causing her to groan and let her head fall back against the pillow.
You looked over at Wanda who was on your shared bed, her jean shorts undone and her hand in the front, her breathing heavy and you couldn’t help but smirk, her coming undone was quite beautiful, you watching her for a moment before you focused back on what you were going to do, taking your pants and underwear off before you dug in your bag and pulled out your newest toy, a strap-on for yourself, Natasha had one and you guys had double-ended dildos, but this one was yours and you were excited to use it, fixing it onto yourself before you returned to the two of them and grabbed the bottle of lube from the bedside table, squirting some onto your hand and gently rubbing it on your fingers before reaching over and gently running it over Steve’s hole, hearing him groan as you did, his pace faltering as he pounded into Natasha “You like that?” You hummed, this not being his first rodeo with this “Yes” he breathed, moaning and stopping his movements as you pushed a finger into him, much to Natasha’s disappointment, two ruined climaxes, the punishment would be real later.
Once you knew he was adjusted, you pulled your fingers out before you got on the bed behind him and positioned the dildo against him before you slowly pushed in, hearing him groan as he gripped Natasha’s hips tighter, you repositioning some once you were all the way in, which caused him to move in Natasha, hearing her moan and wrap her arms more around Steve’s neck, you waiting a moment before you started moving, smirking when you heard both of them let out a groan at your first movement, reaching forward and getting a good hold on Steve’s shoulder as you thrusted into him, only stopping when he started moving himself, the three of you getting lost in the pleasure until it ended with you pounding into Steve, hearing Natasha cry out his name before she released, Steve following after a few more thrusts from you.
“I love you guys” Steve muttered, his face buried in Natasha’s neck as you slowly pulled out, you right on the edge “I love you guys too” You said, leaning down and kissing Steve’s sweat soaked head before pressing a kiss to Natasha’s lips, which she returned “Me too” she said softly, gently touching your arm as you reached to take off the strap, but before you could you were pushed onto your back and you looked up to see Wanda, looking disheveled “Please” she begged, looking down at you and you smiled before nodding “Okay, let me just clean this off” you told her, watching as she nodded before letting you go, you going and cleaning the dildo off before you came back.
When you got back, you saw Wanda and Steve kissing heavily while Natasha played with Wanda’s clit idly, not giving her enough to get off, but enough to drive her crazy, you smiled some and watched them for a moment before you returned to the bed and laid down, reaching over and grabbing Wanda’s hips, tugging her and watching as she let you tug her over until she was straddling you “You sure about this?” You asked, reaching up and gently running a hand over her cheek “Yes” she breathed, grasping the dildo before you could say anything else and watching as she slowly sunk down onto it, you groaning as you watched her slide down onto it and grasping her hips once she was fully seated “Fuck” she muttered, closing her eyes as Natasha came over and turned Wanda’s head enough to kiss her, the two of them making out as Wanda rolled her hips and you let out a strangled gasp as you felt the little nub rub on your clit once more.
After a bit, Wanda’s rolls got frantic, you held on to her and watched as Steve stepped up behind her “Think you can handle two?” He whispered, you watching as she shivered before nodding and you watched as Steve gently pushed her back, causing her to lay almost flat on you, not like you were complaining, you reaching up and pushing on the back of her head, capturing her lips with yours to help give some sort of distraction as Steve prepped her other hole, the two of you making out as you kept your bottom half as still as possible, grunting when she accidentally bit your lip when Steve teased her with the head of his cock before he pushed in slowly “Relax, it’s okay” Natasha said, gently rubbing Wanda’s back just like she did all the time ago when they did this with you, you rubbing her arms gently as Steve finally bottomed out with a groan from him and a silent gasp from Wanda, who was tearing up.
You reached up and gently wiped her tears from her eyes “You okay?” You asked softly, looking at her and watching her nod “I’m just so… Full” she said, looking at you and gripping the bed sheets underneath you “I know, it’s okay” you assured, letting her take all the time she needed to adjust “Okay” she said softly after a few moments, that being the confirmation you guys needed before you and Steve slowly started moving, her groaning as you guys moved.
After a bit, the two of you were pounding into her, you hearing Steve give a small grunt and his brow furrowing before you watched as he released, you feeling the slickness of his release on your thighs as you watched him slip out of her, earning a whimper from Wanda, who was struggling to hold herself up, so you flipped you both over, pounding into her while Natasha reached over and rubbed her clit before you both pushed her over the edge, you finally following shortly after as you grabbed onto Natasha’s shoulder “Wanda, I-” you cried, feeling Natasha gently grab onto you to hold you up, waiting for you to come down from your high before she helped you take the strap on off and pull you into her arms.
Once you all were cleaned off and ready for bed, the four of you squeezed onto the small Queen sized bed, you snuggling more into Natasha’s arms as she held you, Steve holding her from behind while Wanda held you from behind, her having passed out shortly after getting into this position “I love you” you said, saying it to all the people in general “We love you too” Natasha promised, pressing a kiss to your wet hair before giving you a squeeze “Now get to sleep, we have a long day tomorrow” she whispered, her on the edge of sleep, but she wanted to make sure you fell asleep first, so you snuggled into her some more and did as she said, your heart so full of love for the people in the room, you were finally happy.
End Note: I hope you guys enjoyed!! If you’d like to be added to a Taglist, shoot me an Ask or a DM!! Have a good day/night!! :)
Requests Open
Pride Requests Closed
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shamylicious-blog · 3 years
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omg guys woaah ok ok ok..iam beaten ! whats with you :D??! ok iam telling.puuh so um this is going to be long..so i hope you will enjoy :D sorry for my english first y know its not my first language. xD i do my best..ok lets START So my husband and I met when we were both 17 (2007). we got to know each other through a socail network called schülervz it was very popular in germany back in my schooldays. We were both members of a group there and really talked every day from that point onwards, without exceptions. into our group of friends also included someone I met through this group. a girl who has become my best friend all these years. the 3 of us were really inseparable, even if it was only over the internet. that didn’t matter. we were totally honest with each other.  a bond that was 100% trust based. we talked together for hours every day. my husband was a trainee at the time and i graduated in economics and administration. We’d never met until the day we got together. our friendship lasted from 2007 to 2009 june. we were really good friends.just friends. I could tell him when I was interested in someone he could do the same. everything was great. best friends forever you could say. then there was a point in our lives where everything has changed all of a sudden.
one day he called me during the break and said that there was a girl at his work who asked him for a date. From that moment onwards everything went haywire for me. I got very nervous. although he talked to me about girls earlier and everything was totally normal. but that day nothing was normal anymore. i actually got angry..and yes i was jealous and i dont even know exactly why. He told me his story and I asked quite normally, because I’m a damn good friend, who she is and what she is like and if he needs help … (how stupid to offer help with something like that :)) well he just said that hell think about it and that he can do it all byhimself he just wanted me to know. we hung up and my whole day was covered by dark clouds. but we talked normally as usual. A few days passed and I knew that he was still in contact with her. After all, they work together. I couldn’t get rid of the thought that he would one day have a girlfriend. I got really sad. totally normal when people get together. But somehow I don’t like it at all. I didn’t get jealous because someone might be there, I got jealous because i still didn’t have the opportunity to see him for real. everyone else around him could really see him, but I couldn’t and that really messed me up at the time. he lived over 300km away from me. and for us it was a lot of stretch back then. we couldn’t just meet and hang out like others did. 
well at some point i realized that i couldn’t get him out of my head. I fell in love (wow very unexpected) but i still acted like a normal good friend .. because he had someone else to talk to. 
a few weeks passed and we didn’t talk as often as before .. everything changed suddenly and I couldn’t do anything about my broken heart. and I did something really stupid and started talking to someone else. He was from my school at the time and at first it was just normal conversations and then I noticed that he was more interested in me and I just played along because I thought that maybe I could forget him like this. i met with this boy. I also got along very well with him, he was really very nice .. at least at the beginning. One evening my (husband) called me and we talked normally. I also told him that I started meeting someone and he was quite astonished because up until then we hadn’t had the opportunity to talk very often. he was very suspicious. He kept asking me  something like ‘what’s his name how old. is he nice to you, give me his number, i want to talk to him etc. ’ very overprotective but that’s his way. no matter who it is. of course I didn’t allow him to talk to him. after all, its not his business. he himself has someone so why panic. He was then very offended and just said I should be careful and abruptly hung up. (back then I just thought idiot) well it passed about 3 weeks after this talk. i was still in some kind of relationship with this other boy..I say sort of because i couldn’t really warm up myself even though i liked him a lot .. and at this moment where I really wanted to try harder to like him more .. he came and said that he was going to break up. he had found someone who suits him better. i was really at the end ..
 a few days later i got up and my (husband) called me he just wanted to talk after 3 weeks without having spoken a word. he just wanted to talk. I was so mad at him. I cried on the phone and asked him what the problem of men is and whether everyone is so stupid. he himself was totally scared and wanted to know what was happening and I told everything and he got very, very damn angry but he couldn’t do much. and I was exhausted. I just think that I had to cry once. he tried to comfort me but how much comfort is there over the phone. Then suddenly it became quiet and all at once he cried out and said. ’ I’m coming to you.’I thought I wasn’t listening properly. he said that it is finally time that we meet and hang out .. I was totally speechless but totally happy to finally see my best friend for real. we chatted and then planned when and where we could meet. we have agreed that we will meet at my school on the weekend.
2 days left. it got so nervous and the most surprising thing was that it was snowing like crazy on that day … It was in the middle of March and it was snowing heavily. I was totally sad and didn’t know if he would make it with the car .. Such a damn long way and then also snow I panicked. accidents can happen. but he called me constantly during the drive to keep me up to date. In the afternoon I went to school of course everything was quiet (weekend) he called again and said that he would be there in 5 minutes. I couldn’t keep my nerves bare. what should i do ?? a good friend and just hang out together or say what’s on my mind ?? before I could think to the end I saw how he drove around the corner and parked in the school parking lot. my legs wouldn’t go. he got out and he had already seen me from afar and he just grinned with joy. I couldn’t help but grin like a goofy I went up to him and we just said hello, no hugging, nothing (he is to gentlemen xD without permission he wouldn’t lift a finger) but just to see his face in real life was totally enough for me. we decided for a little walk i just showed him my school. and after 2 hours of chatting we arrived at his car and i knew that he would have to leave soon. a long way after all. we just stood there and I didn’t want him to leave without really talking. At the moment when I wanted to say something he started to talk and he apologized for the time he was not with me where I could have needed him. I was totally surprised and started to feel my tears. he was totally confused and tried to calm me down and wiped my tears away (the moment he touched me for the first time, he was also shocked by his behavior could see it and he tried to apologize for touching me) I couldn’t take it anymore, I burst and practically explode. I took my courage together and shouted ‘I LOVE YOU, YOU İDİOT!' 
when i was aware of what i had done i blushed like a tomato .. and i was so mad at myself 'why did you do that he has somebody did you lose your mind what now?’ I couldn’t look at him he himself seemed to be in shock because I hadn’t heard nothing from him.. a few moments later I only heard a sob. when i looked up i actually saw him start crying..I was totally confused. what’s going on now ?! did I miss something. when I wanted to say something he stopped me and yelled back in my face: 'why !? why did you say this?! you spoiled everything! I had to be the one who made this confession first? !! your timing is really bad! damned!’ did I hear correctly he wanted to say it first? so he loves me too ?! I couldn’t tell how happy or sad I was at that moment .. And to be honest, I didn’t have the strength for anything either. I could have just lay in the snow and fell asleep. after a few minutes of silence he was caught and I just stared. he looked at me with a grin this time and then he confessed. every word, i remember everything he said 
‘You know, the day this girl asked me out on a date, you were the one who shot me right in the head. I didn’t know why , but I felt like I was doing you wrong. even if we had never seen each other in real life, I knew that you are everything to me .. even if it’s only as a good friend. and that evening I canceled this girl … the days after that when I wasn’t so talkative with you, was the time when i had to think about everything. maybe i hurt you with it but i just needed the time. and then when we talk again and I wanted to tell you everything you said that you met someone. I thought I wasn’t hearing right I was so angry and disappointed about myself that I just hung up and didn’t want to hear anything more from you..but somehow it didn’t work.I immediately missed your funny , sweet voice. I wanted to call again and apologize . but my hand didn’t want to. the time passed and when we could still talk. I couldn’t help myself anymore, I finally had to see you. from that moment i knew that it could only be you .i couldn’t help but want you. the thought that you would marry someone and that I would be invited as your 'best friend’ … to see you with someone else that would be my end. I had to act quickly and finally meet you. and you are here now and you stood there even though I wanted to do it first … you are really nasty. ’ he just grinned .. and I couldn’t help but laugh along I really wanted to hear it .and told him to say it .. when he stood there and looked at me, he asked me ’miss nasty ..i love you so much..do you want to be my everything?’ I couldn’t help myself and I was wrapped around his neck and we hugged each other so tightly that I hardly got air but it didn’t matter .I was so happy I just cried and so did he … well after that we took our time .. we got to know each other better i finished my school he finished his education our parents got to know each other and in april 2014 we got engaged and got married in the same year at the beginning of november and now we are happy with ourselves and our daughter. 
so thats it here you have it :D it may seem very normal ,cliche, but it was everything to me back than the struggle was real friends..and i treasure every single moment with him..
see ya :)
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cherry-gemz · 3 years
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Summary: This is a continuation of the movie Before We Go and my interpretation and imagination of an A/U. Brooke is you (Y/N) and Nick is still Nick :)
Prompt: "Just admit that I'm right." for @the-ce-horniest-book-club Drunk Drabbles for Nick Vaughan.
Pairings: Nick Vaughan x Y/N
Rating: PG-13
Word Count: <2k...is this a drabble still? Oopsies XD
A/N: I watched this movie for the first time just last week. It's now one of my top 3 Cevans movies! While I'm all for a romantic, serendipitous, spontaneous trope...much like Before Sunrise *no spoilers*, the ending was great, but I wanted a different spin. No pressure...yah, right! Either way, hope you enjoy xx.
Tags: @thesecretlifeofdaydreamss @tonystankschild @a-little-counter-esperanto
You sniff and rub the end of your coat sleeve with your nose. Had to be the chill in the air, you thought. Not the fact that you just spent the most amazing and life changing night with a man you just met hours before and it was ending.
You stare out the train’s window; the gentle hum of the cart gliding across the steel tracks echoed in your thoughts. You shook your head in thinking that you made a mistake. I should have stayed...I should have told him how I felt…
“Nick. It's you again. Listen. I want to give you one more piece of advice. You're gonna be playing one night... Grand Central... thinking of every reason in the world to not go see the girl that broke your heart. Then, you're gonna meet somebody. And now, at first, she's gonna seem… icy. You're gonna know right away she's trouble. She's gonna take all your money. You're probably gonna get punched in the face. But stay with her; you're gonna need her a lot more than she needs you. And at the end of the night, you're gonna want to say some things, but don't. Don't ruin it. It's nothing she doesn't already know. Just give her a kiss. Wish her good luck. And thank her. Thank her for showing you that you can love more than one person in this life.”
He was unbelievably charming. You said so yourself. His raw talent with the trumpet was beautiful and different from what you were used to. The suburbia of the Boston bubble was what you were forced to live in now. You were from London, you were cultured and refined. Sure things with Michael were exciting at first, but the ho hum of the daily diatribe of routine became loathsome. Dépaysement. But you still never wavered in your marriage. Unlike Michael who had crossed that sacred line and lost your trust. It wasn't even fully the physical aspect that he went to another woman. It was the intimacy of telling her his deepest desires and then some that hurt the most. That he would want to share that with anyone else but you. But tonight. Tonight was what made you see clearly.
"It's possible, isn't it? It's possible that you could meet somebody who's perfect for you even though you're committed to somebody else," you asked as you bit your lip.
"No, no, see, I think if you're committed to somebody, you don't allow yourself to find perfection in someone else."
You found yourself blushing and cupping your cheek in thoughts of Nick. He was right. The whole night was a cluster mess of you trying to get home before Michael so you'd be able to throw away that wretched note. That he'd come to his senses and forget Linny. That he'd realized he was a fool and you'd start over. Just like old times.
However, slowly that feeling of reconciliation faded away little by little as each hour in the city passed. You couldn't pinpoint it exactly, but somehow the scrappy trumpet player Nick Vaughan etched his way into your icy heart and left an impression and stayed.
His fluffy, dark hair - so soft and inviting for you to rake your fingers through it was enough to drive you mad. His scruffy beard, which tickled when you kissed. You already loved ghosting your palms over it softly and imagined being able to do it whenever you wished. He said earlier into the night you weren't his type; you scoffed, but we're annoyed that it bothered you. You were a classic model of what guys were into, looks wise. Sure, your attitude was what rubbed some people the wrong way, but Americans really were too sensitive.
He however...he was the full package. Every toothy grin, wink, and full hearty laugh. He was addicting. He was a dead ringer for a heartthrob, but you also couldn't hate the guy for it. He was the friend you'd call to bail you out of jail at 4am and the boyfriend that you could see settling down with. It was nauseating really.
And then his lips. His soft lips...you can’t believe you kissed him in the hotel room. And then again at the train station. But you would have kicked yourself for not doing so in the first place. The way your fingers interlaced themselves on his terry cloth robe, how desperately you wanted to press your body against his. All you wanted was for him to feel that burning need within the apex between your thighs and extinguish it all night. But it was more than that, he was what you were missing. But you were kidding yourself. You weren’t running to Michael, you were running away from Nick.
But why? Because of the unknown? Because he actually knew who you were deep down inside? How could a man you barely knew, change you? Change what you thought was true, what you thought was love?
You dove your hand into your wool jacket’s pockets to push any thoughts of self-doubt, when you realize there was a piece of cardstock. You were puzzled to find it and immediately smiled in recognizing the hotel survey card. You bit your lip as you read down the survey questions one by one and notice Nick’s handwriting at the bottom, ‘turn over’ with an arrow.
Curious you turn over the hotel card and he’s written the word ‘yes’. Yes? You furrow your brow and contemplate further what he would be saying yes to. You think about the night - the time at the bar, helping him with Hannah, when you went to the psychic reading. Yes? What in the world - and then you turn the card back over and realize that on the second to last question it asked “Will you be likely to return?”
None of the boxes are checked, but he’d written ‘yes’ on the back. Yes. Yes he’ll return? Where? To the hotel? But when? You look up and rush to think about stopping the train dead in its tracks to return back to Grand Station. You breathe out heavily and come to terms that this isn’t a movie. He’s not chasing you down the tracks, jumping on the train to find you. Or is he? You wouldn’t put it past him. The whole night was filled with serendipitous concourses, this would be icing on the cake. You dart your head around to see if he’s in the cable car. It’s like in every rom com movie ending, the man of your dreams will be right there. He’s somehow charmed his way into boarding the train and found you waiting like a princess in her high tower. The train car is dark and bleak, only a few passengers are riding it as it’s the first route to Boston on a Sunday. You peer over to see if he’s in the next cart, but alas he is not. You slump in your seat and rub your thumb methodically over his words.
"Have you ever had a feeling that somebody was going to play a major part in your life?” you ask.
“Do you know the most interesting thing about hotel art? It's what's on the back.”
It’s then you realize you have to return to New York. This story wasn’t about you and Michael anymore. No, it was about the man who selflessly helped you while you were in need, not only at your dire hour, but metaphorically as well. This was meant to be. You were meant to miss your train, break your phone, and meet the handsome man named Nick Vaughn. You knew he’d still be in the city because of his audition for the day with Duke at least, if you could just get to him somehow...
Your knees bounced as you sat on a cushioned chair in the hotel lobby. You had planned to wait there all day, but then realized the $13 train ticket was your only way of providing you security back home. So you went home. Confronted Michael. Cursed, cried, and then relief rushed over you as he had read your letter and how you knew about the affair. How you wanted to throw fists on his chest and tell him how much you hated him. But once you saw him, you found it didn't matter to you anymore. Someone else was worth fighting for. Your marriage was over. The hatred and spite you once had for your husband had dissipated. Your world didn't end like you thought it would. This wasn't your only chance at love. You were choosing to be happy, whether it was with Nick or not. This was the first time you were going to jump without having a net.
And Nick was wrong. Michael didn't want to work things out, he was coming to tell you that he loved you, but that and he'd be returning to Atlanta for good. The house, car, everything was yours: Nick said so himself, you gotta be okay with not being okay. So you walked away. You made the choice just like the psychic said and took it in stride, you faced the music.
However now you found yourself back in New York. Not the once stranded woman at a crossroads less than 24 hours before, but the woman that made a choice. You were worried that Nick would see it as you running away again. Running away because Michael didn't choose you. But in reality you didn't choose each other.
Still without an ID, you took your car and better against the four hour drive to the city and hoped a cop wouldn't pull you over. You thought of the night in the hotel. The laughs, the closeness you two encountered. The playful and cheeky way he could make you feel seen. You were starting to get nervous, what if he doesn't show up? What if I missed my chance?
"I'm an idiot," you murmur to yourself. "I can't believe I'm here."
You stand up and realize there Nick was there in your path. He looked a little worn, obviously from staying up all night. But he had changed and showered from the looks of it, and his signature trumpet case held in his hand.
"Well look who it is. The biggest loser in New York."
You laughed and blushed at the sight of him. He slung his trumpet case over his broad shoulder and walked over to close the gap.
“Just admit that I’m right.”
"Admit what?" You ask as you find yourself touching his jacket sleeve.
"Admit that you couldn't get enough of me." You hitched a breath from his words.
"You can say that."
"I can't believe you came back," he responded. His blue eyes gazed into yours as he brushed away a tendril of hair from your face.
"I read your answer to the survey...on the back."
"The stay did exceed my expectations and I did say I would return," he smiles.
"And here you are."
"Here I am…" he pulls away slightly as he's reminded that you're married.
"I jumped," you replied.
He's taken back by your statement and furrows his brow.
"What? With what?"
"I told Michael it was over."
"Wow. I'm so...sorry, Y/N."
"Don't be. You said so yourself, at some point it was time to face the music."
He nodded, absorbing the information.
"Say what's in your head."
He shook his head and grinned,"I'm just glad you came back is all."
"Yeah? How'd you know?"
"I didn't. Just sure as hell hoped you would."
He intertwines your fingers with his and holds tight. Like a missing puzzle piece found, your hand fits perfectly with his.
"Whaddya say we get out of here?"
"What do you have in mind?"
"I may know a place," he smiles devilishly and gives your knuckles a kiss.
You grab his dress shirt collar and turn him towards you. He runs his hands through your hair and places his lips upon yours, kissing you deeply. It's a kiss so passionate, so perfect - that after you part, neither open your eyes for a few moments afterwards and he embraces you tightly.
"Good, because I'm not going anywhere."
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Oh hi there it's me again ヾ(^-^)ノ I just finished all of my essays and projects I mean almost all of them . So can you do hcs of first date with Sakusa, Atsumu, Suna, Kenma and Oikawa? Like how far they'll go far for affection, pda, etc? How they'll make the date fun and enjoyable? Smthn like that.
I finally got to your request @k-sakusa-old !! (So very proud of you for completing those essays hehe, eventho it's a bit late; congratulations!!)
I really hope you enjoy this, it took me quite a while because I wanted it to be perfect. Love you!! 💖💖💖
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First dates with the boys!
Characters: Oikawa, Atsumu, Suna, Sakusa, Kenma.
Warnings: none
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(Oikawa bby!! It's so funny, he's one of my favourite characters, and yet this is the first headcanon I'm writing about him. I hope to do it well)
Oikawa would be very thorough. He prides himself on being a romantic who's able to sweep anyone off of their feet, so when he realizes he has a crush on you, he wastes no time!
Corny pickup lines, and exceptional romantic gestures, and he's always trying to touch you! (Not in an uncomfortable way, more like, holding your hand, and small hugs.)
One day, he just confesses his feelings and asks you out on a date, with the sweetest smile on his face. He's just looking at you with this expression of pure love on his face, you can't help but say yes immediately.
He tells you he'll pick you up in the evening, with a wink. Though he seems very suave and cool, internally his heart is just beating so fast and he can't wait to spend time alone with you.
The time comes and you hear your doorbell ring. Your parents answer, and Oikawa is just casually chatting them up and talking to them.
Your parents seem to really like his carefree and charming attitude, and passion towards volleyball. Not gonna lie, they're proud of your choice.
You come down, after a while, and Oikawa breaks out in a huge smile whilst ruffling your hair. “You look gorgeous, y/n-chan. I'm going to take care of you so no one dares look at you.”
Your parents laugh whilst you're just a blushing mess!
Eventually, the two of you leave and get into Oikawa's car. His arm is slung around your seat, and he's singing along to songs on the radio, persuading you to join him.
You finally reach, and Oikawa, ever the gentleman, helps you get out of the car, and holds your hand leading you to an ice skating rink.
He rents two pairs of skates, and gets down on his knees to help you lace them up. (He's such a sweetheart, honestly)
When the both of you are laced up, you carefully make your way on the ice together, hand in hand. Oikawa is pretty good with controlling his skates, but it's your first time so you're pretty nervous.
He gently leads you across the ice, and makes sure to never let you go. Sometimes, his hands are on your waist to ensure you don't fall, and slowly as the evening progresses, your hands, because you're more confident.
Will definitely twirl you on skates and spin you around when he feels like you've got the hang of it. Thinks you look beautiful with your cheeks flushed and huge smile.
He can't resist pecking you on the cheek, to feel your cold skin immediately heat up beneath his lips.
Takes you out for dinner at a fancy restaurant after ice skating, and definitely stares at you like you're the most beautiful girl he's ever seen, the warm candlelight illuminating your face.
You're to flustered to eat, with him staring at you like that, but he laughs and feeds you, much to your embarassment.
Makes sure to bring you home before your curfew, and kisses you in the car in front of your house. A soft song is playing in the background, and his lips are gently pressing on yours.
He walks you to your doorstep, and thanks you for having such a fun night out with him, and pecks your forehead once more before leaving.
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Two favourite characters, one after the other? Alright luv, I'm on a roll 👉👈
I think Atsumu genuinely has a soft spot for you. Everyone may think of him as a jerk or an asshole, but when he sees you, he hates that image of himself, and desperately wants you to see him in a different way.
He's so gentle, and you can tell that he tries his best to use sweeter words, and be more affectionate. He's trying to let you know he cares, and really really likes you...
And honestly? You like him too. You love how he seems to try so hard for you, and you ask him out on a date (quite bold, go you!!)
He freaks out on the spot when you do, and asks you to leave it up to him, since he was just about to ask you out too. “Can we do it this Saturday, y/n? I'll take care of everything!”
He has the softest blush on his face, and you two bid farewell to go to your classes on the opposite directions. Osamu jabs his twin in the ribs and teases him for not being the first to ask you out.
“But at least she liked me enough, so shut up 'Samu” he's just so smug!
It's Saturday, and you're up bright and early. Selecting a cute sundress, you tie your hair up and wait by the park, where Atsumu is supposed to meet you.
He walks up to you, and takes in a sharp breath when he sees what you're wearing. He thinks you look beautiful, but he really just doesn't know how to say it. “Yer pretty” he mumbles.
But he knows the word "pretty" doesn't even come close to what you are. Is ethereal the word?
He has a bag with him, and he begins taking out bento boxes and other assorted snacks. “I uh— I had 'Samu cook this for us, but I helped too, so let's eat?”
The park was quiet and clean, since it was early in the morning and no one else was there. Atsumu leaned against a tree, (and took a huge breath for guts) before pulling you close to him.
He melted after seeing you look at him and smile as you popped a piece of takoyaki in your mouth.
The date progressed with Atsumu feeding you at random intervals, and laughing at how you seemed to have the cutest reactions to each of the dishes.
I feel like Atsumu would also be the type to let you have the last dumpling, or sushi, because that's how much he really adores you! :(Sorry this is so soft hhh)
You feel really happy after the meal, and snuggle closer to Atsumu, his arm wrapped around you and thank him for it. His heart is just beating so fast, and he slowly strokes your hair.
You suddenly get an idea, and get up, pulling him up with you. He stares at you whilst you open Spotify and play a song.
“Let's dance, 'Tsumu” you say softly, as you wrap your arms around his neck and place his arms around your waist. He's not used to being this close to you, but he really likes it.
As the music softly plays from your phone's small speaker, you sway aimlessly, staring into Atsumu's eyes as deeply as he is into yours.
You reach up, feeling bold, and kiss his lips gently, a small smile playing across your face, and you instantly feel his body heat up beneath your touch.
“I think you're perfect for me, Atsumu.” he has never felt more in love, than he is with you right now.
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You and Suna would be the type of really tight best friends who everyone thinks are dating, but really aren't.
And it's driving people crazy! Like, he naps on your lap all the time, you wait for him to finish practice, and he's always recording you. You guys are obviously in love, but somehow you don't ever admit it?
Your friends and his are so tempted to just force you to get into a relationship already, but they're too scared of the blackmail Suna has on them xD
You want to ask him out too, but you're just really shy, and scared of putting your friendship on the line. He's the exact same.
So it goes on, torturously. Being so close, yet so far.
Until one day, you and Suna are hanging out in your room. You're studying, whilst he's watching volleyball videos. You keep sneaking glances at his beautiful side profile next to you.
The volleyball videos are a façade to him too. He really wanted to confess to you today, and thought today's study session would be a good opportunity.
Pulling your chair to face him, he takes your hands and brings it close to him. “Y/n... I'm not really good with things like this, and I know we're best friends, but I really like you.”
“I'm really sorry, I don't know if this will affect our friendship, but you're just too damn perfect to ignore.”
“Every single second I spend with you is excruciating because I want you to be mine so—”
He's interrupted with your soft lips pressing on his, as you lean forward in your seat, hands cupping his face. He's stunned, and his eyes widen, but he's just so happy, he kisses you back.
He laughs and looks at you, you're shy, after the outburst, and look up at him, eyes sparkling and cheeks so red. He gently holds you in his arms, and places you on the bed, getting on next to you.
Normally, if a guy did this, you'd be wary, and absolutely freaked out, but this wasn't a stranger. This was Suna. Your Suna.
He turns to face you and holds you in his arms as you bury your face in the crook of his neck, breathing in his scent.
Softly stroking your hair, and tracing patterns on your back, he asks “So is this how our first date is going to go?”
You laugh and nod, “our first date is mutual napping. As expected of my boyfriend.”
Suna's words are caught in his throat when he hears you say that. Boyfriend? It sounds so good coming out from your mouth like that. Overjoyed, he pulls you closer.
The afternoon goes by lazily, as Suna falls asleep shortly after you do. You have naps together often, but none like this. None as intimate as him holding you, and peppering small kisses on you whenever he felt like it.
None as nice as being able to whisper “I love you, Rin.” everytime you jolted up, and feeling his presence, his warmth, and undeniable love for you.
You definitely take a picture of him, and post it on your social media, much to your friends' delight. Atsumu comments “Finally. I would've thrown Rintarō in the trashcan next time I have to hear how amazing you are. Now he can tell it to you straight 🤚”
A smile plays on your lips as you gently kiss your boyfriend's sleeping figure, loving him all the more.
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Sakusa wants to do things properly with you. Like, he's very old school romantic, and he wants to take his time to sweep you off of your feet.
So you're in art history class, and as he sits next to you, he sees you focusing on a certain page of the textbook, mesmerized.
His cheeks grow warm beneath the mask, because you look so cute and focused, eyes shining as you try to memorize all the information on the page.
Being observant, he quickly concludes that an art gallery would be the best place for a first date. After all, Sakusa wants things to be perfect. He wants you to enjoy this date more than anything, and that starts with finding out your interests.
He slowly pushes down his mask, leans over to your side of the table and asks you if you'll let him take you out on a date this Sunday. You're so flustered, because you never thought Sakusa saw you in that way.
He looked serious, with no hint of it being a joke, so you nodded and told him you'd meet him Friday late afternoon.
Your mind was whirling, it seemed too good to be true. You've always had a crush on Sakusa, and ever since he was assigned to sit next to you at the start of the year, you've always hoped it would be a good chance to get closer to him.
You never knew he thought of you in the same way, and suddenly, the smallest things he did for you, like helping you with your questions, or sharing his sanitizer with you made so much more sense.
Friday, after school, your room was messy and strewn with clothing. After settling on a comfy outfit, you walked to the gallery, to find Sakusa, clad in jeans and a turtlenecks waiting for you.
He didn't have his mask on, and your heart somehow flipped, seeing him in all his beauty, without something covering his face.
The place was less crowded than usual, because it was still a weekday. Feeling bold, you decided to gently pull his hand and hold it. He intertwined his fingers with yours as you pulled him to check out an exhibit.
A few exhibits later, Sakusa was more in love with you than ever. The way your eyes shone with delight whenever you stared at something you particularly liked, or how you squeezed his hand tighter after feeling excited, causing his heart to squeeze a little bit too.
Deep down inside, he admired your beautiful figure staring up at a beautiful piece of art. The entire room was filled with canvases of different sizes, each more gorgeous than the next, but Sakusa's eyes were only on you.
To him, you were more stunning than any of the pieces in the room.
The two of you settle in front of a painting of two lovers, kissing each other passionately. You sigh softly when you see the painting.
Sakusa smirks and pulls you to him, his hands on your waist the exact same way as the lovers in the painting. His lips reach down to yours, capturing them in a passionate kiss. You're a bit startled, but you kiss him back, placing your hands on his chest.
It wasn't a long kiss, but you felt out of breath when he finally pulled away. “I thought you wanted to recreate that painting” whispered Sakusa in your ear, sensually.
You were a huge blushing mess, as you leaned up and kissed his lips one more time. “Oh hush, you.”
Once you were satisfied with how much time you've spent looking at the art, Sakusa smiles at you, asking you if you've enjoyed spending the day with him.
“I did... And honestly, I don't want it to end” you say shyly. His eyes widen, and a small smile settles on his face as he holds your waist, pulling you closer to him.
A few minutes later, you're in Sakusa's room. You know it's special because he didn't seem like the type of person to invite people to his house, much less his room. He held two paper bags of baked pastries and passed you one.
“How did you know these were my favourite?” you asked, as you took a bite of the flaky pastry as it melted on your tongue. “I just do, after all, I want to treat you perfectly because you are perfect.”
Your heart skipped a few beats as you shifted closer to him, wrapping his arms around you. You snuggled closer to his chest and felt his heart beneath you. “You're perfect too, Omi-kun.”
He gently holds you close as the taste of butter, pastry, and your Chapstick lingers in his mouth.
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You're Kuroo's best friend, and you inevitably also get extremely close to Kenma. (No offense but they are a package deal :( I couldn't bear writing him without Kuroo)
You've recently noticed that Kenma has been becoming more distant and shy than usual. It breaks your heart, because you really like him, and you're worried you've done something wrong.
You finally ask Kuroo why Kenma has been acting that way recently. “Don't sweat it kitten. I think he likes you, but he doesn't know how to deal with his feelings.”
You're a bit shocked, but nonetheless very happy. At first, you thought the warm feeling in you whenever Kenma smiled, or did something cute was platonic, but as you spent more time with him, you realized it was anything but that.
One day after school, Kuroo texted you, asking you to come over to Kenma's house. “We'll game together.” was his exact words.
But when you arrived, Kuroo was no where to be seen, and a blushing Kenma perched on his gaming chair looked very flustered.
“I'll go, I'm sorry. Maybe Kuroo was just pulling a prank on me.” you said nervously, not wanting to make the boy uncomfortable. But Kenma grabbed your wrist before you were able to leave.
“Maybe you could stay? I like having you around.” he said softly, his eyes not fully meeting yours. You smiled and nodded, getting into the gaming chair next to his.
“Would you like to play with me, then?” you asked, as you set the game up, the loading screen displayed on the computer.
The afternoon progressed with you and Kenma exhibiting perfect teamwork, as you levelled up together. He kept sneaking glances at you during the game, and loved seeing your small face enveloped by the huge headphones.
He thought you looked absolutely adorable. And hated how he could never tell it to your face. He really wanted to tell you how pretty you looked, or how much he liked you, but he was just too scared to.
Feeling his gaze on you, you gently took off your headphones before staring at him. “what's wrong, Kenma?” your eyes shone with concern as you studied his face intently.
What happened next was a blur to Kenma, but next he knew, he was kissing you, his hands on your shoulders and yours tangled in his hair.
He wasn't good with words but he wanted to show you how he felt. Show you how you made him feel, like the butterflies in his stomach couldn't calm down. He poured everything into that one kiss.
When he finally pulled away, his cat-like eyes took in your appearance, flustered smile, red cheeks, beautiful eyes. He was scared you might reject him, but the look on your face didn't show any of that.
You looked at him the exact same way he looked at you, with suppressed emotions and rushing love. Could it be that you liked him too?
“Uh, y/n... Do you maybe like me too?” you laughed softly as you tucked his hair behind his ears, pulling his headphones off his head. “for someone so incredibly smart, you are pretty daft.”
He sighed happily, and pulled your hands closer to him, placing them on his cheeks. “This is too much for my heart, I think we should continue gaming now.”
You laughed. This quirky boy never changed. Spinning the gaming chair, you turned to face the screen.
He brought snacks, at some point too, and insisted on feeding you. To tease him, you kissed his fingers whenever he did, causing the poor boy to blush.
Somewhere, in his house amidst his science study books, Kuroo laughed. “They're probably making out now.” (ah Kuroo is the cutest wingman!! And no I don't accept criticism >:)
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japan national team x reader | w.c 1.3k
a/n: omg guys here’s the super cute epic collab fic i made w all my frieednsies <33 we all worked superrrr hard on this so pls don’t be mean!!!!!!!!! pls enjoy its xoxox and don’t forget to follow everyone here on this kidnapped by hq collab <33333333333
warnings: not proofread bc who does that xD (guys pls free me from this hell i’m in so much pain i didn’t even look at this i skimmed over it i left it as is, gg)
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Read this while lsitening to the best song evar!!!!!!!!!!!1 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=a_cXhBy78T4&ab_channel=JonasBrothers if you dont listen whil reading ill eat ur family MONCH MONCH MONCH
i go dwnstars, yelling ‘by mum!’ bfor laceing up my wite convrrse hightops (NOT blck becauz u cant sharpi on it) wth 1d lyrics scribbled on it. i rmb to draw a directioner infinite sign on mywrist. perfect, i think to mysdlf.
I never thot i would get to go to the olympics all the way on the other side of the planet in toky o japan! It was a dream come true for a simple, average, run of the mill girrl like me, who is 5’7 with naturally wavy hair, that’s not curly or strait and eyes as blue as the dark blue part of the ocean. 
I been dreaming of the olypoics since fetus. I just knew I had to be here, but I never thought it would actually happen. The only thing that would make it better is if I had a smezxy smexy boyfrwend! (A/n: Tee-hee! Maybe even two! (Or five! <333) haha! Aren’t I so quirky? <3)
I’m Wearing A Mint Green Crop Top That Ties In The Front And Some Denim Shorts With Black Converse. I Don’t Need Makeup Because My Skin Is Naturally Smooth And Clear And My Lips Are Already Red #wokeuplikethis And I Listened Only To MCR And P!ATD On The Plane Ride. I Bet You Dont Know Who They Are, THey’re My Favorite Banxds And Are Super GOod And Like Underground Bands. (A/n: Okay But If You Don’t LIke Welcome TO THe BLack Parade GTFO Of My FIc I Don’t Need YOu Here xoxo) 
ok so like,, im on my way to the olympics but then like, i get kidnapped !!! the car i was in was like super expensive and i cant see anything with the blindfold on. i hear voices of men all around me though, for like, a whole 30 minutes before they bring me somewhere and tie me up? "Take Her BLindfold off," one of them say, i hear. and im so nervous. but it's like a dream when they tug my blindfold off and im met with the prettiest emerald orbs ever looking back at me.
my stomach knotted in fear (more like an angry swarm of butterflies fluttering around ) i feel like screaming or squealing or both bc those eyes belong to someone so gorgeous . even more gorgeous than harry styles. hes like a god. i woukd so worship his foot. or something. (squee omg i can’t believe this is happening. i bet you wish that it was you huh?) 
bro who tf has emerald orbs green eyes im blanking rn
^ yo i was gonna ask i cannot for the life of me remember who
his #afff14 sppheres peered into my soul i really just felt seen. i took a deep breath before fainting he was just so pretty. *one hours later* i woke upa nd saw the pretty viridescent peepers staring into mine. like he was literally two inches away from my face omg i could feel his minty breath on my lips it smelled so good.
“My name is atsumu miya,” he said gruffly, the gruffness in his voice so gravely. “And me and me mates here think yer the most gorgeous girl weve ever seen. I blink up at him, orbs gleaming amd full of tears. 
“What do u mean, i’m just a normal quirky girl?” I say shakely, biting my lip. I bit my lip as the piss blond man spoke.
“U may be a normal quirky girl but ur OUR nroaml quirky girl now” his friend said with a deep voice. It was so deep that i almost thot it was like the ocean, he had curly balck hair and his eye were sooo mysterious (a/n i loooove sakusa i can’t believe him and his friends kindapped me omgggg XD)
“Stop it go away” osamu said (hee hee i can never remmber  tell which twin is which LOL i think its osamuuu) “no u have to share” sakusa responded angrily. I starred at them and didn’t know what theyd do next!
I looked over to he side ans see sakura pulling out hand sanitizer passing it around to his teamates. The green orbed boys huff as they put it on. i wished i could see his whole face hes so sedy, look over here pretty girl, i gasp pulled from my thoughts by their captain kita walking into the room with his hands on his hips and was theat aran? “You look even better in peroiusn” aran said to me, walking over to me “how do you know who i am?” i ask.
“listen bbygurl...” he yealls, pulling out a chair to sit acros from me. “you dont get to ask the questions, we are your new masters, and you shall do as we say.” i gulp nervously, my stomach feeling like a sharkndao is happening inside. “we hope u will be worth every penny we payed foru.” 
“M-m-m-masters?” my head felt like it was spinning in a teacup from disney land as i thought about what he just said to me. what did this mean? was i gooing to miss the olympics?? I wanted ot hate him with his super smug look on his face but i cant deny that he looks kind of hot and i’m into guys who look just like him,, the other guys r also relly attractive it makes my heart race. I look around trying to find answers when i make eye contact w a really really reall y tall guy who i thinks name is gao only to see another really really relly tall guy next to him,, hyakuzawa?
“what are yo going to do to me then?” ((*lenny face))
you ask, stomach bubbling. maybe i shoudnt have ateen that stale pizza earlier and washed it down with watermelon-lemon minute maid because now i felt like it was gonna come up. ((ew gross um tw vomit mention hehe)
“Dont worry were going to grab seme din din soon lil one,” one of them says. His name espapes me. Hes a ginger. They wont answer me for some reason and i suddenly miss my freedom when i would go to school (i go to an expesive private school for rich kids ahahah).
“WHAT ARE YOU GOING TO DO WITH ME??” i yell again batting my fists against the ginger but he doesnt even blink. Ive decided hes hot but in a short king kinda way. His hair reminded me of of like cheeto coloured fine thread woven into waves.,,, like the ocean xD (ans...this has an ocean theme)
sudenly there was another voice it was yalling “BOKE HINATA BOKER” i looked with my stricking dark blue orbs and there wasd inother pair of stricking dark blueor bs like the ocean and blck hair. his voicde was veryy deelp an sexxcy (a/n lololol i luv u gakeyama kun *w*)
theres suddenly a loud voice in ur ear screaming directly into ur eardrum " BAKA KAGYEAMA BAKA"  (wtf our they communicating ????  ? )    i cringe at the yellign and another pair of strong arms bulls me away . i land against a hard, solid chest, i can feel the six pack thru his track Suit. 
and then my alarm clock playin what makes u beatyful goes off n i woke up. 
i rub my eyes wakng up, starrn into the mirror at my super borng brwn ugly eyes and brsh my equaly borng brwn hair. i lok up at m wall and see harey stylz and niallr starinf back at me on t walls. i sigh dreamily. they wud twll me my brwn uairs beatufil. 
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