#[🐑] so long and goodnight
catholicjinx · 2 years
finally making a tagging system
[🕸] one last night i'll kiss your lips again <- textposts
[🎭] lost in a coma and covered in cake <- others art tag
[🎨] you put the spike in my heart <- my art tag
[🖤] <- this post
[🌹] you must fix your heart <- the HOLY SHIT. LOVE THIS tag
[🐑] so long and goodnight <- poetry/words tag
[🎼] sing a song for california <- music tag
[🩸] from the razor to the rosary <- inspo/fashion/gender tag
[🌋] golden gods forcing your throat to sing <- wips tag (mostly poetry, punk stuff etc)
misc tags include:
mcr, bsd, save, moi dix mois, malice mizer, asks, etc (essentially just tagged by fandom)
[mutuals name] [emoji of their choice]
[thing] tag, etc - essentially just used for a misc item that i want to save.
turtle tag - TURTLEDOVE ASKS!!!
tws are not usually included but if u want me to tag something as such i will 👍
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maythearo · 1 year
HI i read your recent posts abt both spiderman!kalim and spiderman!jamil and once again the ideas that could come from both universes is so interesting I'd like to ramble (also hello i am the atsv enjoyer anon from a while ago and i think one of my asks got eaten by tumblr u_u but I'll give myself an identification at the end so you know its me next time!)
The idea of Jamil and Kalim in their own universe losing the other has me think of so many possibilities of what happens in their world, but I'll start with Kalim!
Kalim would definitely take Jamil's death hard but since he's still the heir of his family I wouldn't be shocked that another person quickly takes his place (maybe Najma..?) and so trying to hide being a spiderman could become a bigger issue since he wouldn't be exactly able to get covered like Jamil had (or properly trust well enough? Since iirc from chapter 4 Kalim trusted Jamil a LOT)
For Kalim, he's still him being his confident and positive self i think. but there is a bunch of angst opportunities you could see and he isn't exactly a-ok with losing someone he considered his best friend
Jamil's universe on the otherhand, do you have an idea of how his Kalim died? And what does Jamil do afterwards? I do think the idea of Kalim being the one to die actually could bring a whole lot of cool ideas in my opinion since how important he stands in Jamil's life (though not by choice)
Does someone see spiderman with dead/dying heir of the Asim family? Definitely there will be a much younger sibling to take the place of Kalim, but what would Jamil do? Would he have to serve that kid next? Or would he run away, since there isn't much stopping The Spiderman? But what about his family then, Najma?
What if he IS an anomaly? I like the idea that in the universe he wasn't supposed to be the one bitten, and maaaybe in a bigger brain idea than i could think of, there was an outer universe cause of the diversion of the event (since iirc every time a "canon event" was broken, it was because of something/someone from another universe?)
AAA i am pondering my orb now and I would like to hear what you think! :0c I'll be sleeping now goodnight 🐑✨
SORRY THIS TOOK SO LONG FOR ME TO RESPOND 😭😭😭 I was, and still am a bit busy, but now that I've found some spare time to think about the spider-verse AU-
I can see that idea with Kalim's universe! With all tragic events that happens in a hero's life, he'd surely be trying his best to keep a smile on his face and maintain that same optimistic attitude he had before. Also considering og Kalim is very used to dealing with stress/ possibly traumatic experiences since childhood (aka poisoning incidents).. Being the eldest heir to the Asim family already comes with its fair share of responsibilities and dangers on its own, but definitely not the same ones a superhero has.
Speaking it out loud, this character arc of Kalim's reminds me of Peni Parker's 🤔 She's all happy-go-lucky in the first movie- with her own inner struggles too, but optimistic nonetheless. Until something happened to her in between itsv and atsv, by the second movie she looks so tired...
Kalim tries to stay strong as best as he can. And Najma too. I suppose the two would get closer after what happened to Jamil- not only because she'd probably be the one to take her brother's place, but because they'd need to support each other in times like these. OH, I was going to say Najma could be a helping hand to Kalim's spider-man duties after a while, buuut if his secret identity was ever revealed to her, there could be a possibility of Najma having a hard time dealing with the fact that it was technically Kalim the one to take her brother's life. He was right there with Jamil, but he couldn't save him??
So yeah, maybe it's for the best Kalim keeps the spidey indentity a secret from her, at least for now. With that said there isn't really anyone else who he could trust with this information the same way he trusted Jamil with it. He indeed, once again, relied too much on his friend to deal with his own personal issues, and now he finds it difficult to walk this path by himself without Jamil's assistance... It's lonely.
-Ok but now for Jamil's universe
I've talked a bit about this before with another anon on how Kalim died in this Earth (I'll link the post here!), so for his case it is probably going to be the "I miss the part where that's my problem" type of scene, in short, it's a slap on the face. By his duties to the Asim family, he should still have an obligation to take care of someone else now that Kalim isn't there there anymore, but would he really? I can totally see him running away after that. It's such a shocking situation, how does one possibly begin to move on? Jamil probably doesn't even know what to think, so he just isolates himself from all of the overwhelming stuff, at least until he comes to terms with it. It's easy to hop from place to place and live all carefree when you have spider-man powers, no one's gonna catch you if you're fast enough.
The only one he can trust is Najma, as I imagine her to be very understanding of what he's been going through. She would never tell a soul of her brother's whereabouts or anything of the sort, but she'd encourage him to return home eventually. No one can run away forever.
AND FOR THE LAST POINT yeah you're right, for him to be an anomaly there should be some kind of interference from another dimension, and I completely forgot about this very crucial piece of lore from last time loll 😭😭 so yeah, maybe he's not an anomaly, just a "what if" in this context.
HOWEVER if there really was an interference from another dimension to make his spider-man story happen.......... idk can't think of how that would happen, too big brained for me as well 😔 and I will be heading to sleep soon, so.. 🏃
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tweexcore-undrgrnd · 2 months
What r your favorite omar albums:?
AUUUGH ANON TJANK YOU IM NEVER GONNA SHUT UP NOW here we go in no particular order Omar Rodríguez López Lopez albums I like a lot:3
I'll try to keep the reviews as short as I can but uhhh I'm autistic so we might be in it long haul. thank god I don't remember them all
Absence Makes The Heart Grow Fungus
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I went to the bottom of the list for this first one and I think it's very iconic as it's his first instrumental album! I love the electric feel of it and hearing some of the patterns/progressions that got passed on to deloused and frances in a few songs is COOL. also I love the cover
✨: Hands tied to the roots of a hemorrhage - that intro tho
✨: Mood Swings - does what it says on the tin very good very representative
what Omar fan doesn't love this one???
✨ Asco Que Conmueve Los Puntos Erógenos - love the mv. v special to me
✨ Mundo De Ceigos - i love piano
Ensayo De Un Desaparecido
i know this is basically just Xenophanes again but I want to specify that I would die for the version of Deseos para Quemar that's in this album. that's all.
Zapopan *
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I really love the cover art for this one too lol umm it scratches an itch in my brain and also it's another one of those relevant title ones since he was living there when he recorded it :3
* because this entry also counts for me liking unicorn "skeleton mask" and "Saber, Querer, Osar y Callar", since they feature some remixes and re-titling
✨hollow change - AUUGHH OH GOD HOLY FUCK . OH MY GOD. anyway
✨ if it were a snake it would have bit you
Is It The Clouds? / Un escorpión perfumado
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is it the clouds? is an incredibly sobering, cathartic masterpiece which I struggle to find words to describe because of how much it's crawled into my head
Un escorpión perfumado is an incredibly sobering, terrifying masterpiece which I struggle to find words to describe because of how much it freaked me out
"amor frio" is the [same] track as "incesto O passión?" although it's hard to tell which actually came first. sometimes I compare the lyrics and stare into my screen really hard
✨ Mere centimetre
✨ Amor frio
umm this is a quick one I love it everyone seems to hate it but I have the cd and it's my favourite work/tweaking music. no fave track I can't differentiate between them unfortunately
there's a lot of really funny disses on it but This review is really insightful, talks about how it's linked to The Bedlam In Goliath :3 give it a read.
Umbrella mistress / Corazones
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in terms of my ultimate obsessions, these two and iitc? are the only albums of his I know every lyric for. UM is very summery and nice, but I can also cry to it! Corazones is very obviously about grieving but as you go through it you discover some strange reflective joy, like an opposite to UM. both extraordinary albums LISTEN NOW
☔ blood count - YAAA
☔ through wires
🫀five different pieces - this one will destroy you btw ^⁠_⁠^
🫀 lola
Killing tingled lifting retreats / some need it lonely
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I'm getting really tired can you tell ummm these two albums are really nice they're for when I just want to turn my mind off ktlr is more wordy and has some crazy deep cuts with the lyricism which I love. Lonely is a lot more instrumental, and I like to describe it as a feeling experience more than a song-by-song thing. I like when Cedric is on it hi bro. ALSO I LOVE TJE LAMB COVER SM
🐑 a fool so bleak - the lyrics are. hard. hard.
🐑 Don't let us breathe - idk Omar that's not how math works
🦋 Sanity a dream - Yoo ceddy b
🦋 back to the same - TERIIIIIIIIIIIIII:D
ok that's it you watched me lose my mind and list what should be too many albums to be my favourite how do you feel are you ok . ok. goodnight. I. really need this nap.
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