#[ and I liked the remark that Aegon is the son for whom Alicent will make a revolution because it's true ]
bietrofastimoff23 · 2 years
I've seen the theory that Alicent will poison Aegon because of his killing of Rhaenyra, and I... very much doubt it. in that little screen time of interaction between Alicent and Aegon, I realized that she would never give up on him, no matter how much pain he caused. he is her firstborn, he is a continuation of her story, he is a part of her. she doesn't like who he has become, but she loves him more than anything in the world and she will always protect him. she would hold onto him until the very end, just as he would hold on to her.
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merlot-and-chardonnay · 9 months
A Lark Among the Wolves and Dragons: Chapter 19
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Chapter 18
A few more months had passed since you moved back to live in the Red Keep. Rhaenyra had left some time ago to conduct a tour across the Seven Kingdoms with the purpose of choosing a husband and finally giving her father some peace of mind.
Alicent had given birth once again; this time she had a daughter whom was named Helaena. That same day the nurses brought Aegon to meet his new sister, and you brought Aemma to meet her newborn cousin.
And just like the two toddlers, the little princess also had the remarkable silver blonde hair and lilac eyes. A true Targaryen through and through.
Once again you congratulated Alicent on another successful birth, the queen responded with a small yet tired smile as a result of her recent labors. 
Viserys had shown up later to meet his new daughter and to insure his wife was cared for.
You noticed there wasn't really much of a fuss over the birth of this child this time around. It made sense given the king already had a son, one who may or may not succeed him, but you make note that Viserys had not made any official declarations.
It was still clear Rhaenyra was next in line to the throne.
It was also during this time, you had heard from word of mouth that Daemon's campaign in the Stepstones was a success. With the help of Lord Corlys and his brother Veamond Velaryon the Crabfeeder was defeated and the Triarchy was smashed.
While you were glad Corlys and his brother and son had survived the war, you were now beginning to dread the day Daemon would return to King's Landing.
No doubt the prince would return, but whether he would be given a hero's welcome remained to be seen. And there was no doubt he would come with the purpose of claiming you and Aemma once again; if he decided, Daemon would have the two of your brought back to Dragonstone where he would likely attempt to plant his seed in you with the hopes of giving Aemma a sibling. 
You try not to think about when that day would arrive as even thinking about it, thinking about Daemon's face would lead to you hyperventilating and your heart racing.
Once again, your nights were fitful, filled with the same nightmares you had back in Dragonstone, resulting in you bolting up from bed in the middle of the night in cold sweat and heart beating faster than a hummingbird's.
On this fine day, you found yourself in the godswood, sitting under the tree, just enjoying the fresh air and sunlight.
You didn't come to pray, which frankly you couldn't actually remember the last time you ever did, but it was one the few places left in the keep where you could find peace and solitude, away from prying eyes and judgemental looks.
At this point, you were contemplating the possibility of escaping again. The Stepstones conflict was over, which meant ships should be coming in again...and this included ships coming in from the Continent.
You wondered what Jaskier, Ciri, and Geralt were up to. Did Ciri reunite with Geralt? Did Geralt do everything he could to come to you and take you and Aemma from this horrible place?
Thinking about Geralt, you close your eyes, trying to remember his face, his scent, the feel of his rugged arms when they held you at night, and the coolness of the silver medallion that hung from his neck that you would pull on when you wanted his attention.
A tear escaped your eye when you began to hum a song you had written, a song you had not been able to sing since your arrival for fear of provocation.
"Such a rather melancholy tune you hum," you hear a male voice, forcing you to open your eyes, "almost like a wolf mourning in the dead of night...during a full moon." 
You turn to where the voice was, and you recognized the strange man.
"I don't believe we have properly met, Lady Lark, I am-" "Lord Larys Strong," you finish for him, standing up, "yes I...I remember we met briefly on Prince's Aegon nameday at the hunting party. I don't recall you ever actually joining." "Yes well, I'm afraid the gods have not made me for hunting," Larys admits, tapping his cane against his foot for emphasis, "I seem to recall you entertaining the lords and ladies with your songs. You truly have a talent for words and composure."
"Thank you," you nod, "...your father, he holds a seat on the small council, right? And your brother, Ser Harwin 'Breakbones', I have to wonder how he acquired that particular name. Not sure I want to know. The name doesn't really seem to be fitting for a man of his...disposition." 
Larys made a small smile at your statement, "it is a rather pleasant day, don't you agree?" "I suppose so," you say, "but I had meant to enjoy it in solitude." "Understandable," Larys agrees, "in a place such as this, it is always good to escape prying eyes every once in a while." "And baleful looks of judgement," you mutter. "One thing I believe we have in common," Larys quips, hearing what you said, "though in my case, it's more looks of pity. You grow used to it after some time to the point where such looks become nonexistent. You, I noticed, have never given such a look."
"I try not to stare," you admit, "my mother taught me that to do so is considered rude and makes others self-conscious of their own...shortcomings." "Wise words." "That doesn't seem to stop you though. The staring." "I prefer to think of it more as observing," Larys states, "when one is never invited to speak, one learns instead to...observe."
You frown a bit, now beginning to wonder how long Larys was 'observing' you when you sat beneath the tree and when you felt yourself crying.
"I am sure you have heard by now about the Stepstones," Larys continues, changing the subject. "Yes," you nod, keeping your composure, "the Triarchy was defeated, and the ships have been coming in again from Essos and Skellige and-" "The Continent?" Larys brings up, "that is your home, is it not?" "It is," you nod again, "though I'm not entirely sure how this concerns you, my lord."  
"Well surely you must long for home," Larys points out, "as I often do when I am not at Harenhal. And it has been years since you've been to your own home. Surely there must be people, loved ones you had left behind when you were brought back here with Prince Daemon. Perhaps you wish to see them again."
You regard this suggestion of Larys. You didn't know what to make of this man. He truly is an enigma; you did not know his motivations or purposes, and he gave looks that were near impossible to decipher.
You were not sure if Larys Strong was a man you could actually trust.
"...however much I do miss home is irrelevant," you provide for a safe answer, "my place is here as mother to Princess Aemma."
Larys nods in understanding, "you devotion to your daughter is quite admirable." He then gestures for you to follow him as he takes a little walk, "still I have to wonder...whatever did become of the other girl you and the Rogue Prince brought here years ago. The one with ashen hair. The princess of Cintra."
You stop in your tracks, Larys stopping as well.
You glare at the man, "what are you trying to say?" you challenge. "Well it's just...she did disappear in the dead of night under mysterious circumstances," Larys points out, "without word or notice she just...vanished, almost like a ghost, leaving the princess Rhaenyra behind to wonder about the girl ever since."
"Are you accusing me of something, Lord Strong?" "No accusations," Larys assures, "merely an observation. It was also around that time the ships stop coming in after that. Now that they are returning, I would suspect another vanishing may take place soon."
"Are you trying to stop me from leaving before I even think on it?" you ask. "Hardly," Larys shakes his head, "if anything, I wish to do the opposite. If your desire is indeed to leave King's Landing and return to the Continent, I wish to help."
You take a deep breath, unable to contain your ire for much longer, "Why help me at all? What's your motivation?" "Altruism for the sake of altruism," Larys says with a shrug. "I highly doubt that," you deadpan, feeling angry right now as you speak in a confronting manner, "the last time I was caught in another man's antics I was thoroughly ploughed over in more ways than I expected nor did I care for. So please forgive me if I am not in the mood to get caught up in another little game at my expense, especially from anyone in this place. With all due respect, Lord Strong, go fuck yourself!"
Larys' facial expression did not change, but you could almost swear there was a look of hurt he kept hidden in his eyes. Your outburst, admittedly, was not all that ladylike, but at this moment you didn't care. You've been keeping many of your feelings in check the last few years or so, and it felt to good to vent even for just a moment.
"Suit yourself," Larys concedes.
You nod and turn to walk back to the keep.
"A wolf has been sighted in the North," Larys speaks as you leave, "one with white hair and gold eyes, and some could swear there is a silver medallion adorning this wolf's neck."
You stop in your tracks, turning to face the man, "by the way he walks, many speculate this wolf was grievously wounded rather recently. There is no telling if he will survive his injuries by the time he makes it here."
Your eyes widen at this revelation. You then turn and slowly walk away.
"The call of the White Wolf is loudest at the dawn. The call of a stone heart if broken and alone," Larys speaks, you realizing those were the words of the song you had hummed not more than mere moments ago, "the song of the White Wolf is cold as driven snow."
 You pick up your pace and run towards the keep and back to your chambers.
You sit on the bed, trying to contemplate this piece of information you just received from Lord Larys.
The White Wolf see in the North. Did that mean....?
But apparently he was recently wounded. What has happened on the Continent the last couple years that you did not know of?
Whatever happened, there was definitely a good chance Geralt was involved in it somehow.
You spent the rest of the day, distracting yourself.
A servant knocked at your door and you called for them to answer, "my lady," she announces, "you presence is required in the throne room."
You frown a bit, wondering what Viserys was asking you for. What had you done this time?
When you walked to the throne room, it turned out you were not the only one as many of the lords, ladies, and knights that were in the keep had shown up as well, almost like an assembly.
You weave back and forth, doing your best to avoid getting crowded in.
A path had been cleared in the middle towards the throne where Viserys stood, sword in his hands and the crown adorned on his head. Otto stood by one side and Ser Harold and his knights had gathered around the king should they need to defend him.
The familiar look on Viserys' face could make you speculate what this was about.
You see Rhaenyra amongst the assembly, you being surprised she had returned from her tour rather early. Surely she had not found a husband this soon.
Right on cue, and to your dismay, Daemon walked into the throne room up the path where his brother stood. The prince was still dressed in his armor, sword in hand, and a bone like crown adorned his own head; even though you felt sick to look upon him, you did take notice that Daemon's hair had been cut short since last you saw it. 
The prince approached the throne, and the knights drew their sword, pointed at him. Daemon said nothing but pointed the hilt of the sword at Viserys before dropping it, "add it to the chair."
There was silence as the knights sheathed their swords and Ser Harold picked up the sword Daemon just dropped.
"You wear a crown," Viserys states, "you also call yourself king."
"Once we smashed the Triarchy, they named me King of the Narrow Sea," Daemon answers casually, Viserys giving him a rather incredulous look, "...but I know there is only one true king, your Grace."
Daemon then knelt before his brother and removed his crown, "my crown and the Stepstones are yours." 
"Where is Lord Corlys," Viserys asks, looking around in case he missed the man. "He sailed home to Driftmark," Daemon answers. "Who holds the Stepstones?" "The tides. The crabs. And two thousand Triarchy coursers, staked to the sand to warn those who might follow," Daemon simply answers, still remaining on his knees.
Viserys then approached Daemon until the two brothers were face to face; he took Daemon's crown and handed it to one of the knights before he spoke once more, "...Rise," the king commanded. Daemon then stood up and leaned into his brother and the two embraced.
The crowd applauded at this reconciliation between the two. You, however, did not.
You slowly slip away from the assembly and out of the throne room, wanting to enjoy wherever time you had left before you had to face Daemon again.
Later in the day, you presence was required outside the keep where the king and his family had gathered, including the prince.
You sighed, and decided to walk out there with your head held high, hoping that you not being alone with Daemon would provide some kind of buffer between the two of you.
Outside, Daemon and Viserys were talking and laughing in light-hearted conversation with Otto, Rhaenyra, and Alicent, which had not diminished when you had shown up.
The moment Daemon saw you, he turned and approached, "Little Lark," he greets. You take a slow deep breath and lightly bow, "my Prince," you say back, "it has been a long time since last we saw each other."
Though under rather terrifying circumstances, you wanted to say.
"Yes it has," Daemon nods in agreement, before looking around, "too long one would say."
There were some awkward looks among the others as they watch this interaction between the prince and his supposed mistress.
"Where is my daughter?" Daemon asks.
On cue, the nurses who had been tending to Aegon and Aemma brought the girl towards him. Aemma look towards her father, not sure what to make of the man. Daemon gave a light smile towards his daughter, "my how have you grown these last years since I was gone."
Aemma had a confused look on her face, "do you know who I am, child?"
Aemma shook her head so you speak to her, "Aemma, this is prince Daemon...your father. Will you say hello, princess?"
Aemma stared at her father with curiosity. She offered the prince a small smile and reached out to him in response. Daemon smiled back and took Aemma into his arms, embracing her as he did.
An endearing moment, you admit to yourself, but still did little to conceal the dread you felt for this man.
Viserys smiled at this bonding moment between father and daughter before placing a hand on his brother's shoulder, "Even after all these years, the daughter recognizes her own father," he states.
Aegon began to babble and reach a hand towards Aemma like he wanted to play. Daemon handed Aemma over to the nurses so the two toddlers could interact with each other.
"It seems those two have grown close with one another," Daemon observes.
"Yes, they are nearly inseparable at this point," Alicent states. "Inseparable indeed," Rhaenyra deadpans, "One must wonder though if such bonds can be broken once they are grown."
"Maybe they won't need to be," Viserys interjects. Daemon looks to his brother, "what are you suggesting, your Grace?"
"Daemon," Viserys begins, "I admit we had grown apart these last few years, it has gladden my heart that we could reconcile as family once more. In that same spirit, I have been thinking we take this reconciliation a step further in the form of a betrothal. My son Aegon and your daughter Aemma. The two of been growing up together, it seems fitting that they be united together in the bonds of marriage once they come of age. It is also my hope that such a union will strengthen our own bonds as a family, that they may never be severed again."
Daemon looked at his brother, regarding such a proposal and then turned to his daughter and nephew who were playing together.
The prince wasn't sure what the future would hold, but if Aemma and Aegon were indeed inseparable as children, who's to say they wouldn't remain so as adults.
Skeptical as Daemon was, he could see this proposition had come from a place of good faith, and who was he to deny his king?
You on the other hand had been dreading this moment. You had suspected that this was what Viserys had been planning to do,having already planted the seeds the moment you returned to King's Landing.
You hoped maybe Daemon would reject this offer as you had no say whatsoever in this.
"It is a generous proposition, your Grace," Daemon nods, "one that I find to be agreeable."
You exhale at this acceptance. You worse fears were slowly being realized as you watch the two brothers shake hands and embrace each other as to seal the agreement that their children would be betrothed to one another.
Suddenly the thoughts you held back concerning escaping had come back to the front of your mind. You needed to get Aemma away from this place.
You thought about what Larys Strong had said, what he had offered. You still could not trust that man, but at this point you felt you had no choice. You were desperate, and you were prepared to do whatever it takes to escape.
The merriment and your contemplation was interrupted when a servant approached the king, "what is it?" Viserys asked.
"Your Grace," the servant answered, "a man had arrived to the Red Keep moments ago. He says he hails from the Continent, and he has come for the lady (y/n)."
Viserys and Daemon exchange look with each other while also staring at you.
"And just was is this Continental that is bold enough, or defiant enough, I should say to make such demands," Viserys frowns a bit.
"He said his name is-"
"Julian Alfred Pankratz, Viscount de Lettenhove," you hear the voice of your brother speak as he walked in with cool stride as the king and the others stare at this moment, rather amazed that he would approach without summons, "I usually don't play that card, but when I do it has a way of opening doors, especially where my niece and sister, who I have NOT seen in years are concerned."
"Jaskier!" you exclaim, tears in your eyes as you rush to embrace the man, everyone else looking upon the two of you stunned.
Chapter 20
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lya-dustin · 1 year
All is bliss
Chapter 43
Cw: attempted murder, pregnancy, loss of autonomy
Gif by @slayer-of333lies
Taglist:@alexandria-millie @mercedesdecorazon @watercolorskyy @darylandbethfanforever9 @sweethoneyblossom1 @ewanmitchellcrumbs
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The tourney is nowhere near as grand as the one thrown when they were wed.
That one had lasted almost a week, with people coming from the North and Beyond the Narrow Sea to participate.
The joust took three nearly four days while the melee took an additional two.
This one had few men, the chivalry of the west had mostly died in the Fishfeed or awaited aid in Harrenhal, the Reach was too unstable to spare men and the rest was in open rebellion with the crown.
But the Triarchy participates despite the murder of their Admiral and fawn over her now that they fear her.
The court is divided by Alicent, some look at her with disgust for being so accepting of the bloody trophies and others applaud her for it.
Samantha keeps her distance, but her husband and her lover puff out their chests in pride and say the gods heard the queens cry for justice.
Aemma gladly gives her favor to the first man who asks of it, as expected of the queen.
They are surprised to find Ser Criston asking for it.
None more surprised than Alicent.
“How strange?” Helaena asked herself unaware of the whole Criston fucked her mother after Aemond lost his eye.
“I asked him to, it was improper for him to show such favoritism towards mother, especially now that she is widowed and still of marriageable age.” Aegon answered his sister and Aemma saw the queen mother grow still at the mere idea of being wed again.
Aegon wouldn’t be so cruel to her, even his cruelty had limits.
But the threat was there and worked wonders.
“Do you have any candidates in mind, husband?” Aemma asked feigning innocence.
Alicent had lost her womb after Daeron, a nasty complication brought on from having been made a mother so young and having three children back to back.
Her husband had to have heirs already with no need for a spare, be of good standing and Aegon’s supporter.
Few of those remained.
“Lord Tully has been suggested, as was Lord Peake, Lord Swan and even your grandsire. This matchmaking business is rather difficult. As head of our household it falls on to me to decide who to wed her to, but this is still a woman’s business.” He said assuming the best of her despite Aemma holding back her rage all the fucking time. “If you find a suitable man for her let me know. The only man who has asked me about mother is the Clubfoot and I am this close to saying yes just to get it over with.”
She could kiss him.
She now had leverage over her goodmother.
If she were the cruel sort, Aemma would have found her a husband who would surely leave her wanting to take her own life.
Like Larys Strong who every woman has had an uncomfortable encounter with.
He once touched Aemma’s pigtails when she was ten remarking she would soon flower, and mother never allowed her to walk the red keep alone again.
But Alicent must thank the Seven Aemma is not cruel, or even ignorantly cruel like her own son.
Aemma hates Alicent and will abhor her until they both die, but even loathing doesn’t allow her to be that evil.
“We could always offer her to Daemon, he is a widower with four healthy children, and sure he has no household, but the Stepstones are still his technically.” Aemma says as if Aegon was jesting, making it seem as it was all a joke and that she wasn’t considering her goodmother as chattel.
She stripped Aemma of her autonomy and now she’s lost hers.
And yet, Aemma wouldn’t dream of taking her autonomy because that is not something she ever wants to do to anyone, even Alicent.
“She does not agree, I have done my duty and would like to choose whom I marry if I wish to marry at all.” The queen asserts herself. She does that more often now that Otto Hightower is gone.
Oh, where had that assertiveness been when they needed it?
“Tis a jest, goodmother, Daemon never cared for brunettes, but if it opened a path for peace and ended all this bloodshed, would you not do your part?” Aemma asked her as if she were truly considering it.
She is not, Daemon would never go for it. Hates her too much.
But it buys her time, something Alicent may never thank her for.
Its not like Aemma wanted her gratitude, not anymore.
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It is easy to find a knight willing to do it.
The One-Eye had been too loyal to Aegon to ever do it and now their deal came to an end.
Aemma would mourn him, but he held her back and she would understand.
She needs a better prospect than her husband’s brother when the time comes.
Rhaenyra’s cousin would do nicely, as would the Tully heir, or the youngest of the Hightowers.
She could wed the Red Kraken if he takes her fancy, hells she can never wed if she doesn’t want to.
As long as his wife’s killer is dead and the war over.
The prince wins his first tilts with ease, Corlys’ man is good and prone to cruelty so he wins as well.
The tourney is already in the last round only six jousters left.
Aemond, Criston Cole, Willis Fell, Rickard Thorne, Julian Wormwood and Corlys’ man, Bold Jon Roxton.
Jon wouldn’t live to demand what the Seasnake promised him.
Besides his granddaughter deserved better than a noble born rapist and murderer for a husband.
“He won’t die, your man will, but he deserved it anyway.” The White Worm speaks in the tongue of her motherland. Not Lys the place that enslaved her,but the language of Yi-Ti.
A dialect he recognized from his travels, a smaller port by the Jade Sea.
“I thought you said this was a bad idea, Lady Misery.” His whispered in rusty Yi-Tish to his cohort who dressed in rags just as he did.
They hid here as commoners wearing threadbare clothes to see his plan in action. He wears an old cloak to hide his face and she wears an old linen shawl over her head.
Two snakes in the grass.
“It is, but I know how to spin it the way we need it.
Joy Peake, formerly Roxton, is in service to the queen mother and keeps rat poison to deal with the vermin in the royal apartments.
Imagine if rat poison were to be found in the king’s food. Not an amount large enough to kill, just enough to have them believe she meant to do so.” The Yi-Tish woman smirked.
They would believe it was a conspiracy, one involving House Peake who’s lords serve under Lord Ormund Hightower, the Queen’s own uncle.
“Roxton’s sister is innocent of this.” He pointed out as he clung to what’s left of his honor.
“So were your grandchildren and look what they did to them.” The spymaster reminded him.
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“I wager my new ruby brooch our one-eyed wonder wins his tilt.” Jena breaks her out of her woolgathering with a bet.
“Isn’t that Baela’s?” Aemma asked the storm lander who smirked.
“It was, but she bet on Bold Jon losing his seat against Lyonel Hightower. Lyonel now has a broken arm and I have a ruby brooch that goes with my dress.” Jena answered keeping her distracted by this feeling of impending doom she feels in her stomach.
“Fine, if Aemond wins you get the matching ring.” Aemma pushed away at anxiety and ordered her cupbearer to refill her goblet with watered down wine.
“You look ill.” Baela doesn’t waste any time in getting to the point.
“It’s the babe. They release poison that fucks up your fucking body.” Jena lies with such a serious look Baela almost believes her.
“I have a bad feeling, might just be the omelets I ate earlier.” There is a fluttering inside her stomach, last time she felt it, it turned out to just be flatulence.
A small toot she blamed on the cat the children were playing with.
“Don’t get pregnant, Baela. It’s like a coup on your body.” Aemma jokes to try and lighten herself up.
But then the flutter passes as Aemond charges at his opponent.
Something is off about the lance.
“That’s not good.” Jena turns ashen when she sees it too.
Bold Jon Roxton’s lance strikes Aemond’s horse and both beast and man crash into the ground as
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navree · 2 years
Everyone interprets Aemond looking at Alicent during Driftmark like the proof of Alicent spreading rumors, regardless of the fact that a) the boys existing is spreading the rumors in itself, B) it could very well be Aemond looking at his mother for comfort because he is scared(which is the way I interpret it) and c) Alicent herself states that she didn't bring it up again.
Like I don't know, if the Strong boys have brown her and no one in the family does, and the strong boys have dark eyes and no one in the family should have, then no one is going to be blind enough not to think "oh no, this children are not their fathers".
Like, no one spread the rumors. No one needed to. Stop blaming Alicent for people having eyes.
Anybody who wasn't Viserys looking for a scapegoat likely would have assumed the injured ten year old was looking at his mom because he was in pain and the king was pulling rank on him and no one was saying anything or even going to try and say anything except for his mom and later his brother. But noooooo it's sinister now because, idk, Viserys is a giant flaming asshole.
And even if he was looking at Alicent because he originally heard it from Alicent, so what?? People assume Alicent was gathering her kids in a room just to tell them "Rhaenyra's kids are bastards never forget that" once a day, when in all likelihood she made an offhand comment or complaint and kids, who are remarkably perceptive, happened to hear it because they were in earshot. And then they took one look at the incredibly pale, dark haired, dark eyed sons of two platinum blondes, one of whom is a woman who is making no secret of an affair one of whom is a black man as well being notoriously uninterested in women, and realized that two plus two equals four. Likely Alicent did say something, probably in frustration, we see her do it in episode 6, and the kids heard it and saw everything else about the Strongs and were able to piece the rest together themselves because, like Aegon said, everyone knows, all you need to do is see them. But it seems people jump to Alicent deliberately spreading baseless propaganda and telling her children to make sure to repeat it, which makes no sense based on what we saw literally an episode ago.
And also you know, one of Harwin's last moments at court was very publicly wailing on a member of the elite Kingsguard for even hinting that these kids might be his sons, including in front of Aegon and Aemond, it's not that hard to figure out.
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mhevarujta · 2 years
People being mad about Alicent being nice in the show while not being mad at the nuance Daemon is getting or on Rhaenyra being shown in a better light is biased. 
This interpretation of Alicent’s character is perfectly valid even with consideration of the three unreliable narratives of the book.
In the book Alicent had little interaction with Daemon, so the rumors about them seem like slander.
When she read to Jaehaerys it’s said that she was also giving other services, but it’s also mentioned that he was very weak and that he even called her by the name of a dead daughter with whom his relationship had nothing sexual, so again it’s slander.
She was asked by Otto to approach Viserys after Aemma’s death, which happens in the show.
In the show Alicent is giving Viserys candid counsel. In the books Alicent was heard saying something along the lines of ‘who will protect the princess from Criston Cole’, which is easily interpreted as a remark meant so sully Rhaenyra’s honor, but it can easily be consern similar to what we see in this episode.
In the book it’s Otto who pushes Viserys to change the line of succession; not Alicent. In fact, it’s considerably later that we see Alicent being openly interested and acting to make Aegon the king.
Other details about book!Alicent: She is very much against stepping past one’s marrital duties (as is show!Alicent). She is very vengeful when it comes to her children being hurt but she also has sense. When her son spilled first blood it’s clear that she was not in favor of his action and knew full well the aftermath it would have. In terms of genuine emotion, she feels much more about Helaena having status than about Aegon. Despite supporting her son’s claim to the end, she had to send people to pick him up from brothels and there are several a few instances hinting that she did not approve of his decisions.
Ultimately, other than a certain claim about not ringing the bells (which we have to see how will be handled in the series), I fing the show-interpretation of Alicent to be very much using and knotting the threads provided by Martin in the book.
The only reason some are so negative about this is because they want her to be an outright villain instead of a complex character so that they can stan their faves while blatantly hating on the other side without any objection. But this was never how the story was presented in the book. The sides were never black and white.
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