#[ ᵗᵃᵍ 'ᵉᵐ ᵃᶰᵈ ᵇᵃᵍ 'ᵉᵐ ] answered
priorglory-blog · 7 years
Barges into his office, clearly she is irritated - "Did you move my rifle? Its been tampered with."
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“ Ah, yes, because it must have been me who moved your rifle – Ana, you know me. I don’t let anyone touch my gun, nor do I touch Gabe’s shotguns, so what makes you think I’d touch your rifle ? ” He pauses after he growled the words, then sighed and Jack looks apologetic then, he hadn’t meant to snap at her.
“ Look – I’m sorry, I have a lot going on, do you need any help ? ”
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priorglory-blog · 7 years
"catch me!" throws herself at him
He drops everything he’s holding to catch her, the cup of tea he’d made falling to the ground and shattering into pieces. But hey – at least he caught her ! He’ll clean everything up later. Or get someone to do it. Or forget about it because he tends to do that with things he really, really doesn’t feel like doing.
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