Since the start of time, natural disasters have been occuring. With technological advancements, we have the means to plan ahead in case natural disasters strike.
DRRM stands for Disaster Risk Reduction & Management, and today I’ll be sharing my barangay’s preparedness for calamities.
Barangay Masagana is nestled in Quezon City, with around 4000 residents.
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I have lived in the barangay for my whole life. When Ondoy struck, it was the most devastating thing to have occured in our area. This is partially due to the fact that the neighboring barangay built a wall separating a creek between us. That, along with the raising of Rajah Matanda, gave way to our barangay to be the catch basin of neighboring barangays.
Regular tree prunings was one of the major projects launched.
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Estero cleanups were also launched.
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Weekly mass garbage disposals are held every Sunday.
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Along with that, cleanup drives were also implemented barangay-wide.
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Various seminars have also been held throughout the years.
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Effects of Calamities
Lack of urban planning seems to be an issue, as well as government agencies not completely understanding DRRM. In our area, flood seemed to strike more on Kalantiaw, where a little rain could easily result in a flood.
While our barangay may not be a hundred percent ready, we’re definitely working our way towards it. With various projects still undergoing, the biggest problems we face is ourselves and our lack of discipline in regards to garbage disposal. Left and right, there is garbage, which shows the needs for more segregation and disposal training for us citizens.
*all photos were screengrabbed from former barangay captain’s Facebook account, with his permission
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