#[[yodels. no regrettie spaghetti ~
sentofight · 4 years
she steps out and in front of him, clad in the very maid dress he's asked her to wear. there is a blush resting on the apples of her cheeks, taints the tips of her ears, her neck. and it's obvious she feels shy, but she still twirls once, the fluffy material bouncing prettily up and down. "what do you think, machina? does it look good on me?"
Man made maid outfit for them be worn amen | @heartfated
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He was not really going to force her to wear it. Yes, he hoped she would but would not dare to force it on her. He may like to see cute things, and his girlfriend in said cute things, but forcing her to wear or do something defies the whole cute aspect. 
Anyway! He was not expecting her to actually ...wear it. The lady who sold it to him said the fabric is nice on the skin so it will not bother the lucky lady whom will wear it. Plus, the design is not tacky or old. Machina was hooked up to the outfit but was unsure if Rem will like it. The saleslady told him that it is actually on demand item. A lot had asked for this for their girlfriends so if it was not a good item, they would not have been sold. Aw shucks, it can’t hurt to buy it.
Now that Rem is in his room, trying on the outfit, Machina felt his heart is about to burst out of his chest. He is so excited! So when her voice rang in the room, Machina gulped, turning his head so ever slowly, then followed the rest of his body to face the girl. 
“... ! ... R-Rem ...” his mouth agape, eyes fixed, unmoving on the girl. This is ...way..WAY better than he had imagined. Heck! Whatever he could imagine is nothing compared the reality in front of him. “Beautiful...” he murmured under his breath, still frozen in his place. It took him a couple of minutes to snap out of his staring. “--Ah! Right, um, ... B-Beautiful....You really look beautiful...I...” he can’t help the blush that painted his visage. It could not match hers but he was flustered alright. 
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Machina walked towards her, his right hand gently caressed her face. “You really look pretty, Rem.” he smiled at her. “You could literally wear anything and you would look the most beautiful thing in this world, even if you didn’t wear---*cough* *cough*” excuse him to have a violent coughing fit now. Dear crystal, he was going to say something completely ridiculous! ‘even if you didn’t wear anything...’ Well, he would not blame her if she slapped him so hard now. 
“A-ahem, y-yes, you look good in it. I love it. A lot.” God, she is cute. Mega cute! REALLY CUTE. Don’t be a creep. Don’t be. 
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ase-trollplays · 8 years
-- tapeFace [TF] began pestering liberatedRaptor [LR] --
-- tapeFace [TF] began pestering liberatedRaptor [LR] -- -- tapeFace [TF]  violently kicks open your door -- TF: WYNTER HOLY SHIT (┛◉Д◉)┛ LR: CACOPH HOLY SHIT TF: I DID SOMETHING AMAZING LR: t e l l m e TF: I SASSED THE HELL OUT OF A SEADWELLER AND COMPLETELY SHUT HIM DOWN (ノ⊙ヮ⊙)ノ TF: Or, shut THEM down LR: HELL YEAH TF: I don't know if they're just a really feminine guy or nonbinary. LR: oh yes lets be conscious of pronouns and whatnot even if theyre a jerk LR: but you gotta gimme the DEETS TF: Hell yeah I do (⌐■_■) TF: Okay, so you know how sometimes people will just be like "Let me tell you my opinion of you" LR: i think thats a highblood thing TF: I've seen a couple of lowbloods do it. I mostly volunteer because I love the look of confusion and horror when people try to process how ridiculous I look ヽ(゜∇゜)ノ LR: such a powerful soul TF: Well, That seadweller did that, and he was as rude as I expected TF: Tonight, I decided to do the opinion thing, and he volunteered himself. TF: Dammit I did the pronoun thing TF: oops TF: Anyways, they volunteered and I thought it would be funny to lowkey roast them because they seemed pretty shallow TF: And OH MAN THEY DID NOT LET IT GO (ノ⊙ヮ⊙)ノ They looked so stunned and offended that I didn't blindly shower them with compliments LR: b r o TF: They started some nonsense about how I ~CLEARLY~ my opinion is just bullshit and I should be 『✧~*SO VERY GRATEFUL*~✧』 they humored me at all TF: And, as expected, they took a shot at my appearance because I literally open myself up to that TF: So I called them out on telling me how garbage and worthless my opinion is despite VERY OBVIOUSLY BEING UPSET ABOUT IT TF: And complimented them on how their face - At some point they got in a fight and got beat /bad/ - now matches their personality TF: They fire back AGAIN telling me how dumb I look as if I don't hear that all the time, and how they're ~*~such a pleasant good person~*~ any other time TF: Finally, I was just like TF: "Look my dude, I know how awful you must feel being the second-highest caste and dealing with lowbloods that don't blindly accept your crap. (″・ิ_・ิ)っIt's hard dealing with the consequences of being a vain asshole" TF: And played them a sad song on the ukulele and even pretended to shed a tear TF: AND THEY HAD NOTHING LEFT (ノ⊙ヮ⊙)ノ THEY JUST GOT PISSED AND STORMED OFF LR: im... so proud... oh my god... TF: I mean, what I actually said was way more awesome than what I typed, but believe me TF: It was amazing ಥ⌣ಥ LR: dont ever forget this oh my god LR: i wish i couldve been there TF: I wish you could've been there, too TF: I wish EVERYONE could have been there!! TF: And the best part is that other people that were just around and heard everything were giving me SO MANY PROPS LR: I BET THAT DUMBASS FISH FELT SO HUMILIATED TF: This night is getting marked on my calendar for ever ಥ⌣ಥ TF: HELL YEAH THEY DID TF: I'm honestly super glad it turned out so well. You hear so many stories about lowbloods doing what I just did and getting reduced to a smear on the ground (⊙﹏⊙✿) TF: I'm gonna have to look over my shoulder watching for hitmen probably LR: oh shit yeah dawg LR: whoops LR: although im guessing that they werent very physically imposing to begin with so TF: Nah. They were a stick like me TF: Though honestly, even I do get hitmen springing for me from the shadows, all I have to do is yodel and their heads will explode TF: I would really rather NOT do that (⊙﹏⊙✿) LR: FUCKING YODEL LR: im dyin LR: RIPme TF: THE MOST DEVASTATING YODELING LR: lethal yodeling.......................... TF: Or any noise, really. I've given people tinnitus from whispering before TF: I'm a dangerous man, Wynter. (≖︿≖✿) TF: A dangerous man with a mohawk and a mullet who cries when he steps on a ladybug LR: mullethawk LR: hey ladybugs are awesome LR: id cry too TF: OHHH, THE HORRIBLE GUILT 。・゚゚・(>д<)・゚゚・。 LR: RIP ladybug TF: Never Forget o(;﹏;)o LR: RIP IN SPAGHETTI NEVER FORGETTI TF: OR ELSE IT WILL BE YOUR WORST REGRETTI TF: So, how's your night been? You make it back hive and seen your friends and quadmates? (ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ LR: im hiding out at a friend's place LR: im afraid of the wrath of my mate LR: shes gonna eat my face LR: my entire face LR: which sucks because it's a good face TF: Nooo, not your beautiful face! ( ゚д゚) LR: YES my beautiful face -- tapeFace [TF]  faints dramatically, draping my body across the nearest piece of furniture -- LR: that would be the WORST POSSIBLE THING LR: then she'll be all like "Wynter i dont love you anymore because youre missing your face" LR: and ill be like "thats fair..................." TF: Truly a tragedy worthy of troll Shakespeare LR: someone write a book about my oncoming breakup TF: I will record your tragedy and pass it on from generation to generation so your tale will never be forgotten. ∩(︶▽︶)∩ LR: the world needs more folks like you bro TF: (;ω;✿) Aww, thanks man LR: shit LR: im LR: going LR: to LR: see LR: my LR: mate LR: heres hoping she doesnt eat my entire soul TF: GOOD LUCK!! TF: I'M ROOTING FOR YOU LR: i got LR: so yelled at LR: and she cried a lot LR: and basically im an ass LR: but she didnt break up with me :D TF: That's great! (ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ TF: Not so much the yelling and crying and feeling awful (ノ◕﹏◕)ノ TF: But she's still willing to give you another chance, which is awesome! (ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ LR: but do i deserve it :v TF: Well, yeah, you really do. (◡︿◡✿) Vanishing for who knows how long without telling her anything is No Bueno TF: But yelling and sad feelings still suck LR: im pretty glad i just get to live the rest of my life working in a bakery LR: (until she fires my sorry ass) TF: I'm sure she won't. I doubt she's spiteful enough to give you another chance then fire you from her bakery. TF: Granted, I don't know her or anything about her, but I'm sure she wouldn't do that. LR: well theres always the chance of me fuckin up again TF: I doubt you'll fuck up nearly bad enough to get fired compared to how bad you fucked up this time. TF: Give yourself a little credit (◕ω◕✿) LR: compared to how badly i fucked up this time LR: ur so SMRAT LR: im too cool to fire LR: (plus im damn good at baking) LR: (a bit of a liability with a knife tho) TF: (How so?) LR: (i dont feel pain so i have trouble being able to tell when ive cut myself) TF: (⊙︿⊙ That sounds incredibly inconvenient and dangerous) LR: (it is)
(((OOC: The chatlog had to end here because of interference by my five-year old niece requiring entertainment and supervision and everyone else in the house having already gone to bed.)))
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