#[[Clawed Skies of ferality]] [DBDm.v]
ask-the-boogeyman · 2 years
@lettherebemonsters cont;;
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Something he learned from Frank is about to be used right here, and right now. As his head tilts to the side, witnessing the audacity that is his former doctor trying to muscle him into listening with words... A hand raises. Fingers bend after a moment until he quite literally flips the older man off. Yes, Samuel, Michael is flipping you off as if he is a teenager and not a sixty-one-year-old man.
You can thank his partner for this, and he is very clearly smirking underneath the charred visage that is his mask.
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ask-the-boogeyman · 1 year
@bastardstandard cont;;
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What they were was undefined, for he didn't know what to call them. Love is an emotion that he did not understand, any emotion aside from RAGE was hard to understand. It made little sense, and yet he craved to have Frank around. They were never gentle with one another, it's mostly teeth, biting, and mostly bloody. it's the only thing he knows with Frank. Despite this, when the man walks in and complains about his mask? There is a snort of sorts, quiet and near nonexistent but enough if the man paid attention. By now they could read each other, at least he could read Frank.
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He was sitting on the couch when the man unceremoniously plopped down and kicked his feet up onto the coffee table. He does have blood, he also has burns and a hole in the cheek but that does not stop him from wearing it. The smudging effort to remove it pries only dry flecks off, the stain forever in the burnt plastic now. He expects the man to give up but when he goes to yank his mask off? There is a head jerk in defiance. It eventually does come off, but his hands are gripping TIGHTLY onto Frank's body by the time it comes off. His eyes are filled with a rage, lips curled to a snarl before...
A kiss.
His rage simmers to confusion at the softness, brows lowering and his posture relaxing after a moment before he turns and kisses the man's lips properly. He could easily kill him, but despite the line crossing... Which happens more often than he'd like, he won't. Not right now anyway. He doesn't know what it is between them, but he's not keen on LOSING it.
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ask-the-boogeyman · 2 years
Magic Anon!
Mikey is now wearing a black leather collar with spikes and an orange pumpkin charm 🎃
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The immediate recoiling of having something against his neck is clear as day, hands going up to try and rip the thing off. After several attempts, getting poked by the spikes... He realizes that it isn't coming off anytime soon. Frustration hangs on his shoulders, as well as something else. He felt... Embarrassed? There's no hiding the collar, the spikes make it impossible to do so. Settling down into his chair, his arms fold as his head partially hangs with irritation, the collar jutting against his chin and the pumpkin charm dangling cutely against his collarbone.
He is going to kill you anon.
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ask-the-boogeyman · 1 year
@ubcs cont;;
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There is no hesitance, a lack of concerned silence that hangs in the air as heavy footfalls follow the behemoth of a killer. His rapid approach does not falter, getting closer and closer as he continues to bore into Carlos with blackened sockets. It isn't until he is directly in front of the man does the steps stop, the movements ceasing like a rigid statue once more. Memories flicker annoyingly of this man, this meat, of how he was able to be grappled to the ground and momentarily subdued. The locker was one thing, the restraint and entirely different matter.
Malice reigns supreme along the cocktails of surging sensations that coil and snake around beneath the mind and skin. Carlos has served to be a thorn in his side, an annoyance much similar to she who will not die. His breathing is purposely puffed out, head leaned down and forward as if to show that he was indeed staring the man down. Communication is not his strong suit, only two people have earned that right within his life and that was not this young man before him.
Long, worn fingers twitch, tightening briefly against the halligan at his side before he moves his head to the side, slightly, as if to say 'Why should I give you mercy.'
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ask-the-boogeyman · 2 years
i’m just gonna fucking adopt you. there will be no sarah mclachlan playing in this house.
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The ears twitch, turning to the noise of Frank's voice before flicking back and against his head with agitation. He is ten, perhaps even twenty or so years older than what you should be. How are you going to adopt him? With a huff, he folds his arms, the pumpkin charm jingling against his collarbone with the movement. If he had a tail, it would be flicking left to right.
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Who is Sarah Mclachlan?
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ask-the-boogeyman · 2 years
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He isn't sorry for killing Frank, he isn't sorry for the blood that they both have shed. He isn't sorry for ANYTHING that regards this man, so rather than an apology, Michael writes out something else instead. It's in colored pencil, though there's more time taken to actually get things to look somewhat decent.
I like what we do. Never change. Don't expect an apology, never getting one. I enjoy the blood we shed together.
Signed- Michael Myers
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ask-the-boogeyman · 2 years
🌷🔪 A dangerous kiss.
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HE DIDN'T GIVE TOO MANY FUCKS ABOUT VALENTINE'S DAY because it wasn't something he normally celebrated. even now, there was a part of him that didn't give a fuck and he was technically with someone. even if they didn't have a label, whatever, they had was far from romantic. frank spent a good amount of time covered in blood when it came to michael and he wouldn't change it for anything. there were no flowers from frank. no chocolates. and he certainly didn't buy one of those dumbass romantic cards you would have found at the grocery store because face it. even if he could, he wouldn't have. that was too romantic and there wasn't a romantic bone in his tiny fucking body anywhere.
getting into haddonfield was easier when you were fucking the person roaming it. finding michael was always easy because he remained in his childhood home and in a way, frank didn't blame him. he, personally, was always at ormond because it was the only thing from the outside world that brought him comfort along with his friends. the only familiarity that had followed him to this shit hole.
frank wasn't wearing his mask, but he always brought the thing with him. mainly because he never knew what killer he'd be running into as he roamed the fog, but he was getting used to traveling from one realm to another and he hadn't accidentally come across someone else's in quite some time. plus, haddonfield was the only place other than ormond he seemed to find himself in more often than not, which made it easier. it was like his brain was programmed to go a specific direction and not go off course.
since there was no door to push open, he was able to cross the threshold pretty easily. the house was old, however, so his foot steps caused some creeks. normally, he would have said something, but there was a small part of him that wanted to have the upper hand since it was something he rarely got these days. plus, frank had to keep him on his toes. if there was one thing he wasn't, it was boring.
his hunting knife was in his hand as he walked through the house, the blade sliding over the ugly ass wallpaper as he headed up the stairs. he had been in here enough to know he was in one of these empty rooms and since he found him in his childhood room more often than not, that's where he went first.
it had been a struggle to pin him against that wall. hell, even he'd admit it. Michael had got him a few times and the blood was still seeping through his clothing, but he didn't mind. valentine's day was all about red, after all. "wanted to do something special for you." or as special as he could. "but special for us is a little violent." he had managed to get Michael's butcher knife through his palm, pinning him to the wall and it seemed like he was staying put because frank knew damn well if he wanted to move, he would have by now. "can you imagine if i had brought you flowers? i think i would have offed myself." it does make him chuckle, though. "guess i could have brought you a survivor, though. but where's the fun in that?"
he knows better than to go for Michael's mask, so honestly, he hasn't. at least not to the point where he's tried to take it off. he had raised it enough to expose his mouth and slam his own hunting knife right through the skin on the side of his cheek. by the time he pulled it free there's blood and an open cut, but Michael is covered in them. adding one more to the long list of scars shouldn't be too much of a problem.
finally, he leaned forward and presses his lips to the older male's. part of him hopes Michael will pull the blade free. hopes he'll return the favor. for frank, he's grown used to the pain, and in a way, he craves it. while most enjoy soft touches, frank enjoys the rougher ones. "happy massacre day, you old fuck." there's a grin on his features as he pulls back, his mouth inching across the bloodied skin. he can taste it on his tongue, drawing him in even closer.
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The concept of Valentine's Day, this 'Day of Love' only served to bring confusion. He watches as survivors and killers alike offer their hearts to one another and he does not understand it. He's never experienced this Holiday, not properly, only the cheap sloppy brownie with pink icing being put on his plate could count. The Sanitorium would be filled with chatter, the nurses clucking away about their sweethearts, and the doctors boasting about irrelevant topics of fragile masculinity. None of it resembled genuine emotion, a marked-up Holiday for the masses, similar to every other Holiday. Halloween isn't the exception to that, but he holds it to a much higher degree, the day filled with bloodshed and stained RED.
He isn't sure how long he's been standing in his room now, deciding solitude to be his day's appeal. He's something with Frank, he isn't sure WHAT it is, but he knows they spill blood from one another. They gnash their teeth like feraled beasts, their bodies seeping red and blossoming with bruises all anew. Despite everything, Michael craves it, he craves the feeling that Frank brings to him. Romance isn't something he understands, feelings in general are hard for him to grasp even if he does showcase them from time to time. Always muddled, always a mimicry more than anything, at least in his own perceived mind.
He thinks about if he should do something for the young brat and realizes that he has no idea what he could even do for the other that didn't lead to them covered in blood and another mess. Looking briefly at the room across that was designated to be his parent's room, he is slow to stand and begins to make his way inside. The clucking of the nurses chattering about gifts rings in his head. Gifts were something that others did for this Holiday and while it didn't fit their design with one another... It might be worth doing.
Rummaging through the drawers, he produces a bit of jewelry and tilts his head. Jewelry... The nurses ring in his head about how they loved getting necklaces and rings- This might do. Picking up one of the necklaces that his mother used to wear, he examines the design and runs a thumb over the old, tarnished metal. It was a simple locket, oval, with swirls. Forcing it open with a nail, he notes the photos of his mother and father and frowns. Dropping it back in the drawer, he instead goes for another necklace, one that had a little butterfly on it, and shoves it in his coverall pocket. It's something, more than he figures the other will want but the attempt is there.
It's not as if he knew what he was doing, hell, Michael is far from normality and the traditions others held in such high regard usually flew over his head. But whatever they have? He wants to show something for it.
The fact the other has managed to pin his hand is impressive more than anything, the attack had caught him off guard enough to kickstart the aggression. The fact he touched his knife and managed to get it out of his vice grip is another feat in of itself. When he's finally pinned, he takes the time to breathe out, listening to the words as they sink in. Frank is right, they met each other through violence and gore, through death and RED... it's only fitting that it's how most of their interactions focus on this. It's not as if Michael enjoys pain, quite the opposite, but he does enjoy the adrenaline of wrangling the LIFE out of someone.
Grunting, pain blossoms against his cheek as the knife sinks into the soft tissue, digging into the side of his face and tearing through the muscle and clinking against bone. It hurts, much like anything else, much like the wounds he's certain hurt Frank right now. When his lips greet his, there is a low growl of protest, huffing from the fact his cheek is now sore, to the butcher knife in his PALM. Leaning into the kiss eventually, he bites and nips at the young male's lips, before leaning into the other trailing marks being left against his skin. His mask is only partially pulled up, and he is still affected by that damned magic of the Entity- Cursed to look younger but hold the scars he's had since that night.
Still, agitation hangs with teetering indulgence as his other hand moves quickly to RIP his knife out of his hand only to begin grabbing at the other and SLAMMING him into the very same wall and being very precise in drawing the same exact wound on the other's face and cheek. The blade doesn't go all the way through, he doesn't want to kill Frank, but he does make sure it hits deep enough to hurt before ripping it out to return his lips to his.
It's salty, metallic even as blood has pooled in his own mouth from the injury, coating his lips and marring his partner's in the same shade of red. It's at this point that he moves with purpose, keeping himself against the younger man, a knee going between his legs as he stares deeply at Frank, watching him intensely as he finally uses his hand to pull out the necklace from his pocket, wrapping it around the knife, all the while keeping eye contact. He doesn't shove it in the man's face but he certainly DOES go to grab the other's palm to slam it into the wall and impale it much like he did to his...
The necklace will dangle there, stained in fresh red as he keeps himself pressed close. Happy Massacre day, you damned brat. The grin is mimicked and returned as he does so, clearly enjoying this now. They are but rabid hearts with one another after all..
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ask-the-boogeyman · 2 years
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This is an official plotting call post, liking this and interacting with this post shows me that you are interested in writing. I'll send you memes, asks, we can plot out threads, etc.
I really want to know who is interested in the Boogeyman. Please specify the verse in which you want to write in as it makes things a lot easier. If you specifically want to ship? We can discuss that as well, it just can't touch the following verses: [[Clawed Skies of ferality]] [DBDm.v] [[Spiders Venomous webbings]] [DBDm.v]
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ask-the-boogeyman · 2 years
Update on Verses, Adding, and Explanation
#Verse;; Spiders web and bloodied fog
This is the Dead by Daylight verse, the main verse Michael is featured in for this blog. After the events of Halloween Kills climax, the Entity grabs Michael directly after killing Karen, taking him into the Fog for its own plans. There is a tag to this verse that is specific to a ship with @bastardstandard.This is the default ship for this tag, but I am a multi-ship blog. If someone specifically wants to attempt getting close to Michael in the DBD verse, it will be disconnected from this ship verse and be tagged differently. So stay tuned for a possible tag to be added, should anyone wish to attempt this brave feat. Ship tags associated with this verse: [[Clawed Skies of ferality]] [DBDm.v] [[Rabid hearts]] FrankxMichael [DBDm.v] @lettherebemonsters is the writer of Harry, another ship featured in this verse! verse;; Valentines and Halloween collide [[Valloween]] HarryxMichael [DBD.v]
#Verse;; Evil Never Dies
This is the Halloween Kills timeline verse, from the moment he is in the fire, up until the massacre of the mob and Karen. Anything from Halloween Kills, novel-wise or movie-wise, is included for the most part as well as some own headcanons. Some primary examples of differences are the lack of Cameron in this timeline as well as adding Corey into the 2018 rendition. This is only my own personal headcanon and can be adjusted during RP. More information on the Corey fix is here: Link There are no current ships on this tag.
#Verse;; Rot and Decay Upon the Masses
This is the Halloween Ends timeline verse, from after killing Karen, to the years leading up to the movie and novel, and the eventual ending. Everything in between is here and there are some differences sprinkled in. Some primary examples of differences are the lack of Cameron in this timeline as well as adding Corey into the 2018 rendition. This is only my own personal headcanon and can be adjusted during RP. More information on the Corey fix is here: Link There are no current ships on this tag.
#Verse;; White Walls and Static Laced Lies
This is specific to Michael's days in the Sanitorium AFTER he is 21. After being re-captured by Loomis, Michael is put under high-security risk and put in an even more strict environment. This does not bode well for his mental health already, and it deteriorates as the years go by into a cold, calculated rage, and festering bitterness and eventually what you see in 2018. A far more brutal Michael than what he ever was before. There are no current ships on this tag.
#︶꒦꒷☠꒷꒦︶ : ̗̀➛ {{Beating Hearts & Coursing Brains;; Experiment Verse/Resident Evil}}
Direct information on this verse can be found on this post right here: LINK There are no current ships on this tag.
#Crossover, Halloween Kills x House RP (Paging Dr. House and the Medical Mystery)
This is a fun little verse specific to an RP ongoing with @formulated-lie. It's set sort of after Halloween Kills, not quite Halloween Ends, but not directly on the night of Halloween Kills. There are no current ships on this tag.
#Franchise Original Night - RP (Blood drowned eyes and venomous scowls)
This is not only the original movie timeline, but also his days in the Sanitorium. Yes, that means you can meet a child version of Michael, up until he is 21 and breaks out and just directly after he is captured. So this covers from the age of 6, to the age of 21. There will not be any ships on this tag. If you want 21-year-old Michael, that would be the White Walls and Static Lies tag. This one mostly covers his malpractice and medical trauma over the years of his youth.
#Verse;; White Walls && Gnarled teeth [Asylum AU]
This is a special verse crafted with @bastardstandard which is set in 1996-1997. At the very beginning of it, Michael is 20, and in a year he'll be released to be tried as an adult similar to the main timeline. However, he is not the only special patient that Dr. Loomis has to deal with. After a transfer from Canada, both Frank and Michael are in the man's care and begin to bond... And plot their escapes. Plotted ship in this tag.
#Verse;; Long Road Ahead [Therapy AU]
The timeline is very flexible for this and can range from being in the '70s, '80s, '90s, or even modern times. Michael got fucking therapy. He got therapy after Loomis was fired after the other staff realized he was essentially treating Michael like the devil. Dr. Loomis loses his medical license, Michael is moved out of Smith's Grove, and he is actually able to get proper help. By the time he is 21, he is nearly entirely rehabilitated. He is an outpatient, still has therapy, and has a bit of a goth fashion sense yet he still has every capability of killing if pushed. Just like anyone.
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ask-the-boogeyman · 2 years
NEW Tag System
Ship specific tags and verses:
[[Spiders Venomous webbings]] [DBDm.v] [[Laced Hearts]] DannyxMichael [DBDm.v]
[[Clawed Skies of ferality]] [DBDm.v] [[Rabid hearts]] FrankxMichael [DBDm.v]
In general tagging, for generalized questions or other verses:
#Verse;; Spiders web and bloodied fog
#Verse;; Evil Dies Never 
#Verse;; Rot and Decay Upon the Masses
#Verse;; White Walls and Static Laced Lies
︶꒦꒷☠꒷꒦︶ : ̗̀➛ {{Beating Hearts & Coursing Brains;; Experiment Verse/Resident Evil}}
#Crossover, Halloween Kills x House RP (Paging Dr. House and the Medical Mystery)
#Franchise Original Night - RP (Blood drowned eyes and venomous scowls)
#ooc;; mun speaks souls are spared
# (  ☠┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈✁┆ ‣ You can’t kill what you actively empower.╱Aesthetics.❫
# (  ☠┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈✁┆ ‣ Do you really think you have power here?╱Musings.❫
# (  ☠┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈✁┆ ‣ What is a God to a Non Believer?╱Headcanons.❫
# (  ☠┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈✁┆ ‣ It Rots and Festers Until Youre Nothing ╱RP Prompts.❫
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ask-the-boogeyman · 2 years
Changes to the Main Verse.
My main verse is being split.
Michael has two separate ships now, one being with @insidious-journalist, revolving around their tellings and the storylines mostly pertaining to those interactions. The Game Warden interactions, as well as most of the interactions that follow along that plotline and other characters, will be here.
The DBD tag specifically for this will be: [[Spiders Venomous webbings]] [DBDm.v] The DannyxMichael ship will have a new tag called: [[Laced Hearts]] DannyxMichael [DBDm.v]
The other is with @bastardstandard, pertaining to those storylines and focusing on Frank and Michael, and whatever may happen between them and others around them. Whatever may happen here, will be connected to this tag and this verse.
The DBD tag specifically for this will be: [[Clawed Skies of ferality]] [DBDm.v]
The FrankxMichael ship will have a new tag called: [[Rabid hearts]] FrankxMichael [DBDm.v]
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