#[[ poor Morty was a little caught off guard by all that energy but xD ]]
countlessrealities · 1 year
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Morty's Birthday asks || Accepting !
@petalsxfallen sent: There she goes, just bursting in the living room. Eager grins and several wrapped gifts in hand. “Happy fucking birthday, dude! I want you to open these and then we’re going on an adventure to celebrate.” Said presents were various video games and comic books. Along with a cool leather jacket and fingerless gloves (for Morty)
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Birthdays had never been a big thing in their family, especially when it came to the youngest Smith. Summer had actual friends, so she got to have a little party with them or, nowadays, to go out to celebrate with them. Morty usually just had cake and presents at the house after dinner (or in the afternoon if it was the weekend), and that had always been it.
Things had changed a little after Rick had entered their lives, since the scientist had picked up the habit of taking him to cool places the night that preceded the actual birthday and then out again somewhere chiller once the family nightly celebration was over. Morty usually got a present to go with the trips, even if it was just something small.
For these reasons, the teen hadn't expected that year to be any different. So, when Petal barged into the living room like a hurricane, interrupting his idly channel zapping and raining a bunch of present over his head, the boy found himself beyond startled.
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"W-What the...?" Morty stuttered out, obviously caught off guard, his eyes growing wide firstly in alarm and then in shocked wonder as his eyes locked on the gifts.
His mouth hung open for a few moments, as he was left speechless. Not only he hadn't expected Petal to do more than wishing him a happy birthday, but they were more presents than he had ever gotten, on any birthday, counting all the ones his family had given him.
His chest felt a little tight and he swallowed, sincerely touched by the gesture. He knew that the two of them were friends, but he also knew how hard it was for the pearl to show that she cared about people. It was the reason why he was usually the one who mostly performed displays of friendship between the two. So, seeing her trying so hard made the gesture even more special.
"Oh g-geez, man, I-I..." He tried again, but the words kept failing him, even if now it was for a very different reason.
He picked up one of the comics and one of the games, to have a closer look. They were exactly the kinds he loved and they were newer editions of the ones he already had. Lately, since he was always busy with Rick, his time to play and read had been limited, so spending money on more stuff had seemed a little pointless. However, now that they had been gifted to him...it was different.
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"Y-You didn't have to, uh, go this overboard an-and...I...Thank you, P-Petal. These are...all great. A-Amazing. I-I wasn't expecting...you know. U-Usually no one really cares this much." Cue to an awkward chuckle. "I...I-It means a lot than you did all this j-just for me. Really. I-I suck at expressing it with words, b-but...I appreciate it. A lot. An-And I appreciate you...even more."
Setting the presents down, he stood up, a flash of nervous hesitance crossing his features before a determined expression replaced it. As quickly as he could he stepped into the pearl's personal space, wrapping his arms around her torso and giving her a very brief, but very tight hug.
Then, he immediately moved backwards, making sure to be out of Petal's current arm's reach. She wasn't a fun of physical affection, so he didn't want to risk it.
"Uh, y-yeah, let's go! I-I have to be home for dinner, b-because Mom is going to make my, uh, birthday meal. A-And a cake. Y-You should really stay and eat with us," he hurried to ramble, wanting to steer the focus away from the embrace. "B-But we have the whole afternoon and, uh, i-if we leave now, we can easily make it back! L-Let me just..."
His voice trailed off as he picked up the leather jacket and the gloves, taking a moment to slip them on. Since it was their adventure, it made sense to have matching styles. He also had the first blade that the Gem had gifted him already on him, so he was definitely ready to go.
"S-So, what did you have in mind?"
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