#[[ ( auradon : has a nice sunny day
hurts2think · 2 months
Hi! I love your work and I know you probably are really busy with other requests and stuff. But I was wondering if you could do a Red x Chloe x fem reader? Where the reader is having nightmares and is scared to go to sleep and so she she’s really tired all the time and has lost a lot of energy, and Red and Chloe are really worried about her and confront her about it. So like a hurt/comfort.
Again you’re probably super busy with stuff so I understand if this isn’t possible. Have a great day!
⚔️Chloe Charming x Red Hearts x Reader♥️
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Reader pronouns: she/her
Pairing: Chloe Charming x Red Hearts x Fem!Reader
Plot: For the past month you've been having the same dream. A dreadful dream that keeps you up all night for the past month. You start sleeping in class and becoming less attentive, of course your two girlfriends will start to pick up that something is wrong
Word Count: 1.6k
Extra: Chloe and Red are dating and you're dating Chloe and Red! Hurt/comfort my favorite, I have another hurt/comfort planned but the polycule idea was too tempting I had to do it though there isn't much dialogue as I wanted there to be. 🫠
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It's never a particularly dark and stormy night when it happens. It's usually a pretty mild night, actually. Of course, the weather had nothing to do with the dreams you see in your deepest sleeps.
It started about a month ago. A lot of things happened between a month ago and today. You go accepted to your dream college, you and your two girlfriends started officially dating, you're planning to move out of your house and into the AP dormitory, and you got a job. All great things. Things that make you so happy with your life and proud of yourself.
So why is your mind plagued with horrific nightmares every night?
It always starts the same. In your room. The song "Chapel of Love" by The Dixie Cups always playing on a radio you didn't own. The song never bothered you before, you actually used to really like it.
But now you can't help but feel like it was something out of a horror movie because of these nightmares.
You'd be packing your room to move into the dorms, the song playing faintly in the back. And everytime, without fail, at the line 'Birds all sing as if they knew' there was a light knock on your door.
You skip over to open it, assuming it's one of your parents, only for it to lead into nothing but darkness. You turn around and see the same darkness through your window. Something pulls you to walk into the darkness before you're suddenly in an endless dormitory hallway. Not like the dorms at Auradon. But college dorms that smelled sour.
You'd walk down the hall, trying to find your dorm number only for your eyes to strain and never be able to read the numbers.
And then, something chases you. It's something different everytime. Your parent, a friend, a monster, an invisible force. But everytime you end up running into a room with the only number you could read. 777.
Once you walk in, you're suddenly in your room again. But there's someone else in there. It's you. You and yourself. And never does she look very happy to see you. Your dreams always end with your doppelganger pouncing you and then you waking up before anything too graphic happens.
At first you suspected it was only a one time thing, until it started to occur more and more often until it started happening every night. And this past week you hadn't slept at all other than in your classes. You've never fallen asleep in class until now...
Now, you really were in your room packing for your move. You knew you weren't dreaming, because instead of The Dixie Cups, Maddona was playing. And instead of a dark endless void outside, it was bright and sunny out. And instead of being by yourself, your two wonderful girlfriends were by your side, helping you pack.
Well, more like you and Chloe were packing. Red laid back on your stuffed animal filled bed and ranted about the tourney team. It was a nice day and you were happy. But inevitably, very tired. Your eyelids threatened to shut at almost every moment. And once you began getting too tired and spaced out to respond to Red and Chloe's conversation, the two of them gave each other a knowing look.
There was silence before Chloe spoke up, "So... You seem pretty tired. Did you sleep well last night?" She asked, taping up one of the boxes
"Huh?" Your head perked up. Truthfully, you hadn't slept at all last night. Though you did fall asleep as the breakfast table, "Uhm. I slept fine. I guess I just went to bed a little late, ya know?" You awkwardly chuckle.
You really don't know why you lied. You just didn't want to worry your girlfriends. If they found out you'd been only getting a couple hours of sleep a week, they'd probably smother you until you did fall asleep.
Red sat up, "Oh really? And you just happen to start falling asleep everyday in class? After never once falling asleep? You haven't been sleeping. Why?" Red asked, clearly more direct with getting to the problem, where Chloe wanted to slowly work up to it.
You turn to have your back face them. They could always tell when you're lying just by your face, "I've just been a little stressed about the move and stuff, that's it." You reassure.
The two girls looked at each other again, clearly not convinced. They bugged you about it for a little longer before finally deciding to leave you alone.
"Just, promise you'll go to bed at a normal time tonight, alright?" Chloe said, clear worry in her tone.
You sighed, looking between her and Red, "Fine. I promise I'll try to go to bed at a normal time."
You really did try. You tried so hard. But that night as you laid in bed, you were too scared to fall asleep. Everytime your eyes threatened to close, you only thought about what horrible thing would be chasing you next.
But your body could only hold awake for so long. So eventually, you did fall back into a sleep.
And you had the same dream. The same damn dream you haf every night. The same dream you could never escape from.
But once you opened that door and saw your doppelganger, you were suddenly jerked awake earlier than usual. You sat up quickly to the sound of something at your window.
You peer your head slightly to try and see what it was before you suddenly yelp at your window being opened.
"Wha— Red??" You whisper yelled, careful not to wake up your parents by being too loud. "Why are you coming through my window at four o'clock in the morning?" You ask, still obviously startled.
"Because it would've been rude to ring the doorbell and wake the whole house up? Duh." She said as if it was obvious, grabbing onto the top of the window sill and swinging inside.
"I told her we shouldn't have gone through the window!" Another head suddenly popped through the window. A head of blue curly hair.
Now you were only more confused, "Uhm. I love you guys, but what in the world are you doing?"
Red smiled and put her hands on her hips, "Just making sure you're actually sleeping like you said you would."
Chloe hopped inside too, closing the window behind her.
"Yeah, and maybe jumping through my window isn't the best way to make sure I get a good night's sleep." You scoff, rubbing your eyes. You still felt exhausted and a little frightened from your nightmare.
"And maybe you shouldn't keep your door unlocked." Red said, inviting herself to sit down next to you on your bed, kicking her boots off.
Chloe took her own shoes off before sitting in the other side of you, "Just tell us what's wrong, love. You've been acting weird this past week." She said. Rubbing her hand down your arm comfortingly.
"It's nothing, it's fine. It's just..." You fall silent for a moment, debating on if you want to tell them. "I guess I've just been having weird dreams recently..." You mutter out.
"Weird? Like how?" Red asked, raising a brow.
You explain your dream and how it goes everytime. The two of them listen with no interruptions until you were done. Some of it was hard to explain and you were scared it would all sound silly.
"So you're scared of moving and going to college? Growing up?" Chloe asked. There was no judgment in her voice.
You look at her and give her a weird look, "What? No? Why would I be scared of that? I'm excited for that. I'm excited to be roommates with you guys and get into my dream school."
"Doesn't make growing up any less scary," Chloe said, as if she understood exactly how you felt.
Red wrapped an arm around your waist and leaned onto you as a form of comfort, "It's okay to be scared. But why deal with this by yourself? We're always here for you and always will be. We love you." Red assures you.
Chloe smiles and nods, "Yeah. We're definitely not going anywhere. It's not healthy to deal with this on your own. Even if you think it's not that big of a deal, if it's impacting you negatively, it is a big deal and we want to help you. We always want to help. Just like the countless times you've helped us."
You couldn't help but smile bashfully as your eyes began to get a little wet. You were so grateful for being surrounded by such wonderful people. To have the two best girlfriends in the world. To be so accepted. "I guess... You're right..." You admit, looking down at your hands that were in your lap.
"Of course we are. We're always right. Especially when it comes to our girlfriends. We know everything." Red winks with a smirk.
You and Chloe both chuckle. "Right. You're right. Thank you." You look between Red and Chloe with an endearing look.
Red leans over and kisses you on the cheek, "How about a sleepover, cute stuff? Might help you sleep better." She grins.
"Oh! Good idea! Its been so long since we've all had a sleepover together." Chloe suddenly gets a grin of her own.
You laugh, "Fine fine. You guys can sleep over." You smile in defeat.
You all cuddle into each other, holding onto each other and feeling safe. Feeling safe and like nothing could hurt you this way. Nothing could get to you. You'd open that door and you'd see yourself happy and protected rather than anything else.
Because you knew you'd always have your two favorite people in the world on your side.
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timeshuffles · 5 years
jane. [ @soughtbirthright​, ♥ ]
              It’s miserably hot in Auradon, as always, and neither the shaded pavilion nor the slushy drink cradled in her hand do anything to alleviate the heat. The cool breeze she’s coaxed in from the north does, a little, but — suffice it to say Elsa won’t be heartbroken when family day ends and she can return home to Arendelle, where the snow still lies inches thick. 
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              Still — she wears a smile as she skirts the crowd, now and then pausing to exchange a polite word with those students she knows and keeping half an eye out for her own children.   ( Running late and, knowing Gustav, probably waylaid by a dehydrated plant somewhere. )
             “—–Hello there.”   An unavoidable detour around a tight cluster of guests has brought her into conversational distance with a student, and it seems impolite not to offer some greeting. Elsa hesitates, taking in the big blue eyes and rather worried expression. Familiar, vaguely so.   “...Jane, isn’t it? I don’t believe we’ve spoken before.”   She extends a hand, gloved despite the heat.   “I’m Elsa. It’s a pleasure.”
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chadming · 3 years
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𝕄𝕌𝕊𝔼 ℙℝ𝕆𝕄ℙ𝕋𝕊 ;   repost,  don't  reblog.
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𝐰𝐡𝐚𝐭  𝐝𝐨  𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐲  𝐬𝐦𝐞𝐥𝐥  𝐥𝐢𝐤𝐞?    
peaches and mint are his primary scents on the daily, because of his hair products (’summer picnic’ collection, that has a nice smell of peaches and pear blossom) and his lip balm (that’s mint and he uses so often that it’s part of his scent now, since he’s always biting his lips out of nervousness). when he has plans, specially during the evening, however, chad uses a strong wooden perfume. otherwise, chad smells like a cool summer breeze. 
𝐡𝐨𝐰  𝐝𝐨  𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐲  𝐬𝐥𝐞𝐞𝐩?    
chad doesn’t have a healthy sleep pattern. either he sleeps for over ten hours, or he’ll take a two-hour-max nap and run on coffee and energy drinks. when he does sleep, though, he sleep on his side, wrapped around himself and around one of his seven pillows. when he’s with someone, he does love to cuddle. however, if he’s alone, he’ll move a lot during his sleep and might wake up splattered around the bed.
𝐰𝐡𝐚𝐭  𝐦𝐮𝐬𝐢𝐜  𝐝𝐨  𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐲  𝐞𝐧𝐣𝐨𝐲?    
he has a very eclectic taste on music, enjoying almost any style. however, his favorites are pop music, specially those made for dancing, and classical music that he can play on the piano and sing with his mother.
he does mix both sometimes and will play pop songs on the piano as if they’re the most precious symphonies   *cut to that thread of chad playing 34+35 on the piano*
𝐡𝐨𝐰  𝐦𝐮𝐜𝐡  𝐭𝐢𝐦𝐞  𝐝𝐨  𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐲  𝐬𝐩𝐞𝐧𝐝  𝐠𝐞𝐭𝐭𝐢𝐧𝐠  𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐲  𝐢𝐧  𝐭𝐡𝐞  𝐦𝐨𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠?
a lot. chad’s not a morning person, but his day won’t officially began before he has his cup of coffee and go through his thirteen-steps morning routine. between facial care, showering, moisturizing and styling his hair, chad takes at least forty-five minutes in the bathroom every day.
𝐰𝐡𝐚𝐭  𝐢𝐬  𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐢𝐫  𝐟𝐚𝐯𝐨𝐮𝐫𝐢𝐭𝐞  𝐭𝐡𝐢𝐧𝐠  𝐭𝐨  𝐜𝐨𝐥𝐥𝐞𝐜𝐭?    
albeit chad has a considerable medal & trophies collection, his most precious one is the one with gifts he received from love ones. it started with his parents bringing him small things    “ memories ”    from their travels when they couldn’t bring chad along, and then it became a regular thing between them. now chad has a chest full of memories :   a small teddy bear with a crown his parents gave him when he was four, the tickets from the first time he went to the movies with ben and audrey, a pressed flower that jane gave him one summer ... 
but if anyone asks, his favorite thing to collect are his medals. no one need to know how sentimental chad is.
𝐚𝐫𝐞  𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐲  𝐥𝐞𝐟𝐭  𝐨𝐫  𝐫𝐢𝐠𝐡𝐭  𝐡𝐚𝐧𝐝𝐞𝐝?    
originally left-handed, chad is now ambidextrous because, when he was twelve, someone dared him to fence with his non-dominant hand, and he took it too seriously.
𝐰𝐡𝐚𝐭  𝐢𝐬  𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐢𝐫  𝐫𝐞𝐥𝐢𝐠𝐢𝐨𝐧?    
raised catholic, chad doesn’t really follows that faith anymore. he’s seen too much and changed a lot, so his principles doesn’t really align anymore with the catholic church     at least not the catholic church that his grandfather introduced him to. in a world with magic around him and literal gods walking around, chad considers himself agnostic.
𝐰𝐡𝐚𝐭  𝐢𝐬  𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐢𝐫  𝐟𝐚𝐯𝐨𝐮𝐫𝐢𝐭𝐞  𝐬𝐩𝐨𝐫𝐭?    
that’s a hard question for chad, since he practice every sport that he was able to, both in auradon prep and at college. however, he has a special place in his heart for tourney. it’s his favorite to this day because it feels like a mix of various other sports (that chad also practiced at some point) and it’s very team-focused. 
𝐰𝐡𝐚𝐭  𝐢𝐬  𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐢𝐫  𝐟𝐚𝐯𝐨𝐮𝐫𝐢𝐭𝐞  𝐭𝐨𝐮𝐫𝐢𝐬𝐭𝐲  𝐭𝐡𝐢𝐧𝐠  𝐭𝐨  𝐝𝐨  𝐰𝐡𝐞𝐧  𝐭𝐫𝐚𝐯𝐞𝐥𝐢𝐧𝐠?  
sight-seeing and exploring the local culinary. when he’s traveling, chad is a true tourist and wants to experiment every single part of the place’s culture and he thinks that there’s no better way of doing that than talking to the locals, exploring the views and learning new recipes.
𝐰𝐡𝐚𝐭  𝐢𝐬  𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐢𝐫  𝐟𝐚𝐯𝐨𝐮𝐫𝐢𝐭𝐞  𝐤𝐢𝐧𝐝  𝐨𝐟  𝐰𝐞𝐚𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐫?    
he likes clear days, but not extremely sunny ones. he likes being able to feel the breeze on his skin and doing as many external activities as possible in the palace’s gardens. however, he doesn’t like hot weather, and his favorite season is autumn. 
𝐰𝐡𝐚𝐭  𝐢𝐬  𝐚  𝐰𝐞𝐢𝐫𝐝  /  𝐨𝐛𝐬𝐜𝐮𝐫𝐞  𝐟𝐞𝐚𝐫  𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐲  𝐡𝐚𝐯𝐞?
chad has a lot of obscure fears, mainly because he doesn’t talk about them. he fears the deep sea (maybe that’s why he never learned how to properly swim) and clowns and old dolls scares the life out of him. he never liked dark or small places, but it developed into a phobia after the events of descendants 3 (after audrey locked him into a closet). on a more abstract point, chad fears being forgotten and not leaving his mark on the world, but he’s always terrified of disappointing his parents because he feels he could never be as good of a person as any of them. 
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tagged by: @belovedstars & @janefaery (tysm loves <3) tagging: @iuvenesrex @drmactr @snnydcys @jollyrogheir @dirtymercy @marisouls @constylations && EVERYONE. Seriously, do this because it’s really fun to thing about all these details of a muse <3
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harry-hook-me · 7 years
Love Stuck Teens
Writer - @harry-hook-me (myself)
Request - @andy-blur thanks for that great request
Disclaimer - I do not own any of the Descendants characters or scenes from the movies, all credits goes to the creators and producers of Disneys descendants.
Summary - Daughter of Rapunzel and Harry Hook fall in love at first sight of each other but they don’t know, both thinking the other doesn’t like them, but it all ends with a happy ever after.
Warnings – None, major fluff
AN- sorry to @andy-blur for talking so long with this one, I got rather passionate with it and also school work was getting in the way. Also sorry about all the time skips and POV changes. Repost because it needed editing
Word count- 2717
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It’s been 3 months since the Cotillion, 3 months since Uma had gate crashed the party, got into a fight with Mal, lost then left. It’s a new school year now, and that means new villain kids. Harry, Gil and Dizzy. Being on the school council its mine, my best friend King Ben and Mal’s duty to welcome them to Auradon prep. When the limo arrived the three new students stepped out. The three stood in a line, one caught my eye. A pirate in a long red leather jacket, his eyes were surrounded by thick black eyeliner making his crystal eyes stand out. He had a hook in his left hand, this must be the son of Captain Hook, Harry Hook. “Welcome to Auradon prep, I’m King Ben” Ben welcomed, extending his arm for the villain kids to shake his hand. Gil was first to shake his hand, the shaggy pirate smiled, looking happy to be away from the tortures isle. Dizzy was second, the childish excitement in her eyes made me happy to have helped get her off the isle. Then came harry, he shook bens hand, gave a little head nod to mal then took my hand and kissed it softly. I blushed at his action “Hook” he said, eyes straight at me. “Harry Hook, son of Captain Hook, and you are?” he questioned “Y/n, Daughter of Rapunzel” I smiled back at him, he winked at me and I blushed once again. We lead the way into the school where Evie, Carlos and Jay were waiting to show the new students to their dorm rooms.
Harry’s POV      
I stepped out the limo, looking up at the tall school I was now going to be attending. 3 people were stood in front of us, only two I recognised, Mal and Ben. There was another girl stood there with long silky hair, adorable hazel eyes and flawless skin. I’m not exactly sure of what this feeling is, but I’m sure I’ve never felt it before. “Welcome to Auradon Prep, I’m King Ben” Ben smile at us all going to shake Gils hand Then Dizzy’s then Mine, after shaking his hand I gave a little hello nod to Mal then took the girls hand in mine and kissed it. “Hook, Harry Hook, son OF Captain Hook, and you are?” I asked curious about this girl and wanting to know her more. “Y/n” what a beautiful name for such a beautiful girl. “Daughter of Rapunzel”, expanse the long hair. i sure hope I can get to know her more.
Back to the readers POV (two weeks later)
I walked through the halls, it was a Saturday so there was no classes today. I walked out to the court yard, todays a beautiful sunny day. Days like these I love to spend my time outside, with my friends and nature. I meandered over to the bench where two of my best friends sat, son and daughter of Tiana, twins, Tabitha and Tyrone. “Hey Y/n” Tyron called out and waved to me, he pulled me into a tight hug causing me to smile, I sat between the two and we began chatting about utter randomness as usual. “So, how’s harry?” Tabitha asked with a nudge and a smirk, I rolled my eyes. Ever since he had got here two weeks ago he’s done nothing but flirt with every other girl in the school apart from me, clear sign that he doesn’t like me the way I like him. It’s been pretty hard, he’s in almost all my lessons and in some I have to sit next to him. “How should I know” I shrugged. Looking over to the old willow tree that was scented right in the middle of the yard, I saw Gil, Harry and of course another girl, and as always, Harry was aimlessly flirting with her. The smile I once had on my face vanished seeing the two giggling and chatting. Harry looked over at me and we locked eyes contact, I quickly broke it and looked down and then to Tyrone. “Why did I have to fall in love at first sight of him?” I wisped to myself so only I could hear it.
Harry’s POV
I sat under the willow tree with Gil and watched Y/n walk out of the school and to the yard. She walked over to her friends that were sat on a bench not too far from us, Tyron, son of Tiana hugged her, I don’t like him that much, not because he’s a bad person or anything, I’m sure he’s really nice, I just hate the fact that Y/n like him and not me, it obvious she likes him, there always hugging, chatting and giggling. Ever since I got here and realized that Y/n would only go for the prince type, like Tyrone, I have been trying to forget about her by flirting with other girls. Nut it didn’t work, no matter what I did, I still had a huge crush on her, and that feeling I felt when I first saw her, it hasn’t gone away, and every time I see her, the feeling gets stronger and I don’t know what to do.
Tabitha’s POV
So today was the day I was going to ask Gil to be my boyfriend, since he’s got here I’ve picked up quite a crush on him. His clumsy ways are adorable and he’s ever so handsome. I walked over to the willow tree where Gil was sat along with Harry, I quickly turned to my Best Friend Y/n and my brother Tyrone, they gave me a thumbs up and I smiled turning back round. “Uh- Hi Gil” I simply started. “Oh- Hey Tabitha, what’s up” he smiled back at me standing up. “Nothing really I just came over to uh- ask if you want to hang out some time, you know- just me and you?” I asked, a bit shaky and nervous. “Tabitha, are you asking me out” he questioned, I simply just nodded, and smiled at him with a little blush. “I’d love to” Gil replied with a grin. He pulled me into a hug and a small giggle escaped my lips.
Readers POV
I sat with Tyrone, my head on his shoulders as we watched Tabitha ask out Gil, I sighed. “Hey, what’s up?” Ty asked looking down at me, “I know I should be happy for her because she’s my best friend but, it’s just, I wish that was me and harry.” I spoke in a quiet tone. I looked over at Tabitha and Gil, they were hugging, clearly it went well. Both Ty and I got up from our seat and went over to where they were. Tyrone put his arm around my neck as we walked, “if he doesn’t see how amazing you are, then he’s bling. He’s clearly missing out.” He stated making me feel lodes better, I could always count on him to cheer me up. I smiled at his statement and wrapped my arm around his waist, pulling him into a side hug as we walked. Once we arrived at the tree I hugged Tabitha and congratulated her, this was awkward, does Tabitha and Gil’s relationship mean I have to spend more time around harry. After around ten minutes of chatting as a group, out other friends, Alison, daughter of Arial, Simon White, son of snow white and Ashlee Wonders, daughter of Alice, came to join.
Around 3 weeks had gone past and we had formed a little group; Me, Tyrone, Tabitha and Gil, Harry, Alison, Simon and Ashlee. We all hung out together all the time, and yes I did find it a bit awkward having to spend so much time with harry because we didn’t really speak. But having so many other people in the group made it easier to not come into contact with him, I’m sure the rest of the group, apart from Ty and Tabitha, though it was odd we didn’t seek, but I don’t really want to say much about it.
“So Y/n, who’s ready for history” Gil cheered sarcastically, the hole group were sat under the willow tree, our own little territory we’ve claimed as our own. “Ugh, don’t remind me. I’m sure Mrs Lind has it in for me, she absolutely hates me.” I giggled in response. Soon after the bell rung and it was time for class, the group all separated, walking off to the individual classes. I began walking to my History class with Gil, on the way we began chatting about the Halloween ball that’s in a couple of weeks. “Its girls ask guys isn’t it, are you going to ask anyone?” Gil asked casually, “I don’t think so, who would want to go with me” I giggled lightly, “Maybe Harry?” Gil responded, my face strait, did he know? Did Tabitha tell him? “Huh!” I questioned, “You should ask harry to the dance” Gil stated, “Bu- but Harry doesn’t like me” I replied in a slightly hushed tone. “Look Y/n, I probably shouldn’t be telling you this, but Harry really likes you, he talks about you all the time when you’re not there, why did you think he doesn’t like you?” Gil asked with confusion on his face. “Because he flirts with every other girl in the school apart from me, we never talk, he doesn’t even look at me anymore.” I answered, “He’s only doing that to try and get you out of his head, trust me Y/n, he told me all of this, he thinks you have a crush on Tyrone, but even I can see you like Harry.” I couldn’t help but trust Gil, I mean, why would he lie about this anyway, were friends “Okay, I’ll ask him.” I said as we walked into History.
Time skip past history class.
History was finally over, I was walking to my next class, geography, when I saw a familiar red leather jacket up ahead, I began to walk faster, trying to catch up with harry, “hey harry wait up!” I called, he turned around a smiled lightly, “uh- hi Y/n” he said rather sheepishly, “hey, how’ve you been?” I asked just trying to make convocation. “          I’ve been alright, how about you?” he asked scratching at the back of his neck, for some reason looking nervous to be talking to me. “fine, hey I was wondering, would you maybe want to go to the Halloween ball with me, you know because it girls ask guys and all that” I asked confidently as we arrived at the door to our geography class. “uh- well I- I’ll have to get back to you on that” and with that he walked into the class without any other word. Awkward.
Later that day – Harry’s POV
“Gil what do I do, I got nervous just talking to her, how am I going to spend the whole night with her. I can’t do this, I’m not ready!” I rambled pacing back and forth in mine and Gil’s shared dorm room.  “Dude just say yes, you know you like her and you know you want to, just follow your heart and you’ll be fine” he answered, I really like Y/n, she’s beautiful and I have so many feeling for her, I have since I first saw her when I first got here. “Your right, I’m going to say yes”.
The next day.
I was walking to chemistry, a lesson I have with Y/n and sit next to her in, butterflies in my stomach, why was I so nervous around her? I walked through the doors to the class room, Y/n was already there, sat at our desk. I went over and sat in my seat, “hey” I whispered smiling at her, “hi” she smiled back, god her smile is so beautiful, “so about that question you asked me yesterday” I began, “yes, I will go with you” I smiled widely, her eyes filled with excitement. The rest of the lesson me and Y/n were chatting, laughing and getting to know each other a lot more, I don’t know why I was so nervous, this was so easy, with her it just feels, right.
Night of the Halloween ball, reader’s POV.
Tonight was the night, it was the Halloween ball and I was going with harry, I was currently getting ready with the girls, me Tabitha, Alison and Ashlee. The boys were getting ready separately and picking us up at 8pm, I was dressed in a day-of-the-dead scull, I had a black dress on with pink and purple flowers on, black tights with a scull design on them, black heals, my face had been well painted by Ashlee in a day-of-the-dead scull, and my hair was in a messy bun with a flower crown on. Alison was a Zombie cheerleader, Ashlee was a killer clown, and Tabitha was doing a couples costume with Gil, Thing One and Thing Two. “So Y/n, you and Harry eh?” Alison giggled as she French breaded Tabitha’s hair, I smiled and blushed lightly, “yeah, and what” I joked causing as all to laugh. 
About 25 minutes passed and we heard a knock on the door, I went to open it and there stood harry, dresses in all black with a matching cape and mask, “well, well, well, hello there Zoro” I giggled at him, “well, don’t you look fabulous” he joked causing me to laugh, he put his arm up gesturing me t take it, I did and began to walk out the room, “Let’s go” I called to the girls, they all came out and met with their dates in the hall.
The ball was amazing, the music, the dancing, and the company. Harry and I were currently dancing away and laughing our heads off, when suddenly the music changed to a slow song, Harry bowed and stuck out his hand, “may I” he asked, I took his and in mine and wrapped my other arm around his neck as he slipped his around my waist. We were staring into each other’s eyes, probably both blushing but too locked in the gaze for either of us to notice. Our faces were getting closer and closer every second, eventually our noses were touching, I smiled and blushed at him, he copied my actions and I giggled, “I really like you Y/n” he whispered so only I could hear, “well that’s good, because I like you too Harry” I replied, and with that our lips touched, passionate and warm, it felt like sparks, it was undeniable that this was meant to be, and anyone could see it, there was a connection. It just felt right.
Time skip to New Year’s Eve, just minutes to midnight.
Ever since the Halloween ball me and Harry spent so much time together, and by Christmas we were dating, I was completely in love with him, but hadn’t told him yet. It was New Year’s Eve and the entire school was out in the yard ready to watch the fireworks when it was midnight. I was stood with the group, since me and Harry had started dating so have Ashlee and Simon, and so have Alison and Tyrone, we had all become even closer as a group than before and I had finally understood what true friendship really was, we all had each other’s back through thick and thin. I was stood in front of Harry, his arms draped around me trying to keep me warm, his head on my shoulder occasionally giving me little pecks on the cheek.
The moment had come the count down. 5… “Baby, I have something to tell you” Harry whispered in my ear. 4… I turned to face him. His arms still wrapped around me. 3… he smiled down at me and placed his forehead on mine 2… 1… “I love you” he said and smiled, finally. “I love you too” I smiled back at him and connected out lips together. The kiss felt as if it was going on for hours, like it was just me and him. I pulled back “Happy New Year” I said nuzzling my face into his chest, “Happy New Year” he relied and kissed the top of my head.
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bunny-lou · 7 years
A little Jaylos request: would you write one of them realizing that they've fallen in love?
Inspired By: http://archiveofourown.org/works/12083586
Jay packs up his stuff immediately after tourney practice despite the fact that Fridays are the days the team goes out for food. “Sorry, guys,” he swings his backpack over his shoulder, “it’s been a while since I’ve got to hang out with C one-on-one. We’re spending the rest of the day together.”
Chad groans. “You’re so whipped.”
“It means you’re your boyfriend’s bitch.” Chad explains, which is weird because that’s the kind of shit you hear on the Isle, not from a prince in Auradon.
But it’s also not wrong, so Jay shrugs it off and waves goodbye to the team. It’s a Friday night, he’s turning down food and time with his friends; he’s willingly giving up a night of wildness to hang out with his boyfriend in their dorm room with stale snack foods and some old movie on Carlos’ laptop.
They’ve been dating for a while - they actually might have some kind of big anniversary coming up if Jay thinks about it. Shit, he needs to double check the calendar - and things are going well. Carlos is in advanced classes with titles that make Jay’s head hurt and comes home (because home is no longer across the ocean) with textbooks that weigh more than he does and homework that fills their room.
And, if he’s being honest with himself, Jay misses Carlos. They share a room and see each other daily, but he’s missing his boyfriend, even as he sleeps five feet away.
Shit, Chad was right. Jay is definitely Carlos’ bitch.
When he pushes open the door, Carlos is sitting on the ground, back against the frame of his bed, grooming Dude with a thick brush. Clumps of fur lay at his feet and Dude’s newest sweater - a red one with black stripes - is in a neat square on the side because Carlos is the kind of person to fold his dog’s clothing.
For a moment, it’s like static running in Jay’s head. Carlos is humming and shushing Dude and Jay’s laundry has been picked off the ground and placed in a hamper. The curtains are opened, so the room is sunny and warm and Carlos looks like some freckled angel in the light. Both beds are made, all heavy books are stacked on the shelf and everything is so damn domesticated and beautiful that it stops Jay’s breath for a full minute.
He can’t remember the last time he felt so safe, so happy.
It’s kind of nice to be Carlos’ bitch.
“Hey,” Carlos grins up at him, runs the comb through Dude’s fur gently, “you’re back early.”
Jay moves without thinking, grabs Carlos’ face because there is a word he’s never said, never allowed himself to think of, right on the very tip of his tongue and Jay is not ready to say that word just yet, so he replaces it with Carlos’ mouth.
“Mm-mm-Jay!” Carlos breaks away, “I’m not done!” He waves the dog comb in Jay’s face and choosing to groom Dude instead of make out is such a fucking Carlos thing to do that Jay is kissing him again, harder.
Swatting at his boyfriend and squirming out of his hold, Carlos demands, “two more minutes and then I’ll kiss you as much as you want.”
“Deal.” Jay hops over Carlos’ head, onto his bed, and makes himself comfortable on his stomach, watching over the side as Carlos continues combing Dude. He reaches out, twirls one of Carlos’ curls between his fingers.
“What are you doing?”
“Watching you.”
Even though the realization is new and giddy and Jay has never been more certain of anything in his life, he chuckles. He can acknowledge it, but he can’t say it. Not yet. “Because you’re perfect.”
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They’re honestly too cute. I hope you liked it!
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heavyscottishaccent · 7 years
Cactus Flowers
Not a request! Just something that came to mind and wouldn’t let me sleep unless it was written. So far I had only one request! If anyone would like me to write something, don’t be afraid to send it in! Anyways, hope you guys like it!
At first, Doug didn’t know what to think at the sudden roommate change. He had grown accustomed to living with Chad Charming for the past year and although the other teen was at times dim and insufferable, Doug had to admit he was not a bad roommate. If it wasn’t for Ben asking for this particular favor, Doug would have declined. He was content with how things were. But in the end, Doug didn’t argue. Things had gone smoothly; even when Chad had thrown a small tantrum as he collected his things with a deep pout.
Doug hadn’t even asked what was going on. Looking back, the teen knew he should have investigated more however, the questions in his mind were thrown to the back of his head under the high of having his own room for a night. The following morning with no fight for the bathroom or an obnoxious Charming to nearly make him tardy for class was bliss to the nerdy boy. The high lasted well throughout the day, even garnering suspicious looks from his friends.
It wasn’t until that evening after dinner when the sudden realization that someone unfamiliar was in his room snapped Doug back into reality.  The teen gave Ben an awkward hello as he took in the sight of a rather unkempt individual.
He was dirty, not unlike the original VK’s when they first arrived to Auradon, and pretty thin. Doug noted the rips and tears in the other teen’s clothing with some sympathy. It was no mystery that the boy had been taken out of a rough walk of life. Very recently too if his tense body language and fleeting eyes were any indication. His snow white hair was messy, strands of stringy hair hanging stubbornly in front of the boy’s eyes. The boy’s eyes shockingly enough were a deep ruby color that actually startled Doug but he strategically kept his thoughts at bay.
The boy had only stared back at Doug when he tried to introduce himself. His hand had hovered awkwardly in front of him for a few moments before Ben happily introduced the strange boy as Jack. The look Jack sent to Ben’s retreating back when he had left the room stirred some uncomfortable feelings in the pit of Doug’s stomach. It was one the teen recognized as fear.
The feeling in his stomach only worsened when the same look was directed at him. Doug. The scrawny band kid with the only possible weapon at hand being a chemistry book. It was at that moment that Doug realized why Ben had approached him for this particular favor. He was easily the most unassuming and tough looking kid in school. If Jack was this frightened of him as he was, it was no wonder Ben had chosen Doug above the other boys at school.
The next few weeks passed without incident. Jack had not spoken a word since Doug had met him. The quiet teen followed him throughout the school, always about five feet away but he never once approached Doug a single time. On the rare occasions when Jack was not near, Doug had tried to ask for more information about him from the other VK’s but it came with little success. Apparently even on the Isle Jack was known as the weird silent kid.
However, despite Jack’s obvious discomfort with Doug, he noticed a few changes with the teen as time passed on. He no longer tensed when Doug entered the room nor did he stare at him from across the dorm room from his bed in fear. The night Jack had fallen asleep with his back turned towards Doug had nearly made the teen weep tears of joy. With every milestone, Doug found himself relaying to his friends. So much so Evie even joked about Doug having had become a helicopter parent.
Though his progress was great, Doug found he would not count himself successful unless Jack finally spoke to him. Doug knew Jack could speak. He had heard the other boy murmur to himself when he thought no one was listening. In light of that discovery Doug and, unsurprisingly, his friends slyly tried to get Jack to speak to them but to no avail, the teen remained stubbornly silent.
It wasn’t until he had noticed Jack’s interest in a small cactus plant Doug kept on his nightstand. The cactus was originally a project his science class had conducted a few weeks prior to Jack’s arrival. Doug had noticed Jack eye the plant a few times before. Not thinking too much about it, Doug had asked if Jack would like to keep it.
The surprised look on Jack’s face when Doug had placed the plant on the teen’s nightstand was one he would never forget. His ruby eyes glittered and for a moment Doig could swear he saw a fleeting smile.
Gifting his roommate the plant was something Doug would have never thought would be the cause of breaking the thick ice between them. He instructed the teen how to care for it and even told him that speaking to it would help the cactus stay healthy. He realized Jack took caring for the small cactus to heart when Doug heard a small voice speaking nonsense when he was in the bathroom.
It was on a sunny day when Doug was enjoying lunch with Evie and the others when Jack had came sprinting up to them with a huge grin on his face. The image was an odd one. A teenaged boy decked in ripped up jeans and a leather jacket sprinting across a field with a small cactus in his hands. The teens shared a perplexed look before inquiring what had gotten the other teen in such a mood. Not wasting a single second, Jack carefully placed the small plant on the picnic table before joining them and pointing at a small pink bud forming near the top of the cactus.
“Look,” Jack had proclaimed proudly. “She’s growing.”
Jack’s quiet voice was shocking to say the least. It took Doug a moment to process what he had said before looking at the budding cactus. The others too had fallen silent and studied the pathetic plant with varying degrees of wonder. Jack didn’t seem to notice the surprise within the other teens as he proudly gazed at his plant with his head laying on the picnic table.
“So you like flowers?” Carlos had finally said, effectively ending the silence that fell upon them. Jack nodded, his head still laying it on the table.
“They’re nice,” He said. “And pretty.”
“Remind me to show you around the garden then,” Doug quickly replied.
“Oh, yes!” Jane cut in. “It’s beautiful this time of year! All the flowers have already bloomed and I heard the rose section was especially beautiful this year. The groundskeeper has outdid himself!”
Jack listened to the girl with rapt attention. His mouth opened slightly in awe as she spoke. He then smiled, his eyes sparkling in unbridled joy as he carefully scooped his cactus up before turning expectantly to Doug.
“Can we go now?” He asked, his voice becoming stronger, yet still coming out as whisper with, every word.
Changing roommates had turned out not to be as bad as Doug expected. Though Jack was still a little quiet at times, he had definitely come a long way from the Jack he first met. Which was honestly a perfect definition of a roommate in Doug’s opinion. Though there was the slight problem of Jack growing his own garden in the dorm room. Nevertheless, Doug figured that as long as Jack kept it on his side of the room, it would be no problem.              
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God Help The Outcasts (Part 2): The Monster
“Jesus Christ, you’re an even uglier motherfucker in person than you are on TV!” is Claudine’s first reaction to meeting Quasimodo in person.
Quasimodo’s reply to that is to smile, and say, “Yeah, the make-up artists here in Auradon are real miracle workers.”
Claudine is initially incredibly distrustful of Quasimodo, both for his physical appearance (“the uglier the mug, the meaner the motherfucker” is a very reliable rule of thumb on the Isle), and how Frollo framed him as someone who would “betray those who cared and loved him for years, all for the sake of a demonic temptress who poisoned his mind, clouding it with lust and sweet lies.”
(“Did you even understand all the claims he was making? As in, knew the meaning of all the words he was throwing about?” Esmeralda thought of asking once.
“Hell no, but it sounded confusing and terrifying, a combination you learn to fear pretty quick,” Claudine replied.)
It doesn’t help that, as a break from his usual work of being a paid public speaker and a frequent accomplice of Esmeralda in all her political activities, he’s taking the time to help Claudine and the “Third Wave” VKs adjust to life in Auradon.
This entails both being their Remedial Goodness Teacher (filling all the desks in a class with only one teacher is a never-fail recipe for trouble), and being their legal guardian, as Ben already has his hands full being legally responsible for the Rotten Four, plus Freddie, CJ, and Zevon.
(In the case of the latter two, they’re on parole, or under a special manhunt lead by Ben.)
Because of the prior successes of the first two waves of VKs brought over to Auradon, the Third Wave is a LOT more expansive, requiring both good attendance, keeping up a certain grade point average, and “(Relatively) Good Behaviour” in Auradon Prep, alongside participating in at least one after-school activity that forces them to interact with, help, and try to integrate with the larger community outside the walls of the school.
Because she has experience talking to people, is one of the most well-spoken and literate of the VKs, and is one of the most conventionally attractive next to Evie, Claudine often ends up as the representative of the VKs alongside Quasimodo, being the one to shake hands and smile for the camera, sit in at meetings beside him, and be the speaker for all of her fellow VKs.
This all actually goes well and good for the first two weeks, when the media has eyes, interest, and most importantly, cameras and live feeds on the various programs, everyone doing their damndest to give the best shots they can and show that the VKs and the residents of Auradon ARE playing nice with each other, and can get along.
It all steadily starts to collapse as the media moves back to adorable puppies and kittens, the exploits of romantic couples from the non-royal classes going through their respective movie-esque adventures as their relationships develop, and the less serious and very topical, frivolous political scandals going on about Auradon.
(“Breaking News: The Quarterly Lace and Silk Union’s Meeting In Jeopardy as Organizers Unable to Decide What Colour the Linens Should Be!”)
Claudine steadily starts to see the ugliness and the plasticity behind Auradon’s sunny, happy facade, realizes that so many of these people are suffering just as much as the people on the Isle just in completely different ways, and gets absolutely disgusted by how willfully ignorant they are or how even they, the oppressed and suffering, decide to play it off as “complaining too much about nothing,” to outright encouraging them to just accept it as a part of their life, and that they should even be thankful for the fact that it is incredibly difficult for them and their children to get off the farm and into higher education.
“Just think of what Auradon would be like if we didn’t have you and our families tilling the fields, pouring all our love and hard work into growing the food on everyone’s tables!”
It doesn’t disgust her just yet to positive action, as it just reinforces her belief that the world is a completely shallow, awful, judgmental place where everyone’s lying to everyone, sunny smiles and good behaviour are only for not getting thrown onto the Isle or suffering Maleficent’s wrath; people talk bad about you behind your back all the time; and beauty really is only skin deep as she meets plenty of attractive people just as petty and ugly as she is on the inside.
“The only difference between us is, I’ll happily admit I’m a bitch, they keep on believing they’re perfect little angels who can do no wrong.”
It bothers her even more that Quasimodo is still so incredibly nice and kind in the face of all this plasticity and insults, the odd mean-spirited joke or unintentional insensitivity as these past two decades have done him no favours.
He never gets angry, he ignores them, and like with Claudine’s first meeting, he joins in with the joking at his expense.
Meanwhile, Claudine is constantly firing jabs back, spends quite a lot of time on her new phone thinking up the worst and most vicious burns to her various “Pharisees” both online and offline, and happily “flies her bitch flag high” because it means she’s not hypocritical like they are.
It all comes to a head when during a speech at a big community event at a Christian church, an ill-timed joke from the MC and a sleepless night spent in Flitter wars combine, and Claudine explodes in a flood of vitriol and hatred, teaching many young children and AKs an entire dictionary’s worth of “colourful language” before giving them a handful of visual references for rude gestures before the Royal Guard finally succeed in hauling her off the stage.
(As with my fanfic Reunions, hauling away an actor, and hauling away an actual violent, angry, and dangerous individual are two VERY different things.)
Fittingly enough, Claudine and Quasimodo end up locked together in the office of the priest.
“I’m not apologizing for anything I said back there, if that’s what you’re going to ask me to do,” Claudine asks as she perches on the desk.
“Is this the kind of person you want to be, Claudine?” Quasimodo asks quietly.
“No, as a matter of fact, I didn’t want to be the daughter of holier than thou horndog, only here because your new king wanted to do something different,” Claudine snaps.
“I don’t mean your past, Claudine,” Quasimodo said. “I mean now, and your future—do you always want to be like what other people think you are, a ‘bitch’?”
“To be fair, it seems to be as set in stone for them as the original Ten Commandments! Don’t want to make so many people look stupid by proving their stupid-ass biases dead wrong, wouldn’t I? That’d be mean!”
“This is your chance to turn to ‘Good,’ Claudine!” Quasimodo cries. Quietly, he adds, “Please, don’t waste it—you may not ever get another chance.”
Claudine scowls as her hands ball into fists and shake once more. “I have tried ‘Good’ before, alright? I spent the first ten years of my life, doing everything I could to be the most saintly person I could be on that hellhole on the Isle.
“And what did it get me?
“A father that stopped loving me the moment Mother Nature signed me up for a monthly subscription to Satan’s Waterfall. Getting humiliated, bullied, and shunned by pretty much everyone but the crazies in my father’s congregation. Did what every ‘Good Christian’ should and tried to turn someone to the light, and ended up almost getting burned alive for it.
“And I only got out of that fire because of all the exercise I had climbing up and back down those fucking bell towers, each and every single day, like a Good Little Christian Girl.”
“I am done, trying to be good, alright…?” Claudine said, raising a shaking finger at Quasimodo. “All the ‘good’ trying to be ‘good for goodness sake’ has brought me is a super-sized personal hell in a handbasket.”
“Auradon is different,” Quasimodo said. “Believe me: they’ll come around, you just have to try.”
“And what in the hell am I supposed do to try and change these people’s minds?!”
“You act good, and you try not to do evil, until they realize they were wrong.”
“So what, I’m just supposed not deck someone for talking smack about me right in front of my face, let them humiliate me like the Pharisees did JC, before they rile everyone up, put me through a phony trial, and convince the masses to nail me to a fucking cross?!”
Quasimodo nodded. “Yes. But without the crucifixion part.”
“This fucking sucks!” Claudine cries as she throws her hands up in the air. “I’m the victim here, they’re the ones at fault for letting the Isle exist in the first place—hell, they were probably the people that probably voted ‘Aye’ as soon as the question came up!
“How come I have to bust my ass trying to prove I’m not a hell-raising, home-wrecking, 2nd-Deadly-Sin-Tempting succubus when they’re the ones that made me who I was in the first place?!”
Quasimodo shrugged. “I’m sorry, Claudine, that’s just how the world works,” he says sadly. “But, if it worked for someone like me”--he gestured to his face--”it’ll work for you, right…?”
Claudine stared at him, before she dropped her hands, and a look of pure, absolute hopelessness coming over her face. “You know what? Fuck it,” she says, all the bite and the sarcasm gone from her voice—now, she just sounds tired. “Fuck it, fuck this whole ‘Villain Kid Rescue and Reformation’ Program, send my apologies to Big Ben, I’m fucking done.”
Quasimodo got up and walked over to her. “Claudine, you can’t just quit now--”
“And why shouldn’t I?!” Claudine cries, her voice choked, her eyes watering. “Why shouldn’t I quit when there isn’t a light at the end of this fucking tunnel, it’s just a giant ‘Maybe’?! What’s gonna happen if no one changes their mind, huh? What’s gonna happen to me, when I bust my ass and give everything I have trying to be ‘Good’ again, but it just turns out once more that my all just wasn’t good enough?!”
Tears started streaming down her cheeks. “What will I have, when I have nothing left to give, I have nowhere to turn to, and have no one but myself…?” she whispered.
Quasimodo smiled and opened his arms. “You’ll have me,” he said softly. “And Esmeralda. And Madellaine, and Phoebus, and Zephyr, and Ben, and all the other people here in Auradon who want you to stay, who will stand by your side, who believe—no, who know you’re not like your father, at all!
“Claudine… you’re not a monster… you’re a person, just like me.”
Claudine just stares at him, eyes blurred and red from crying, hiccuping and sniffling from the snot clogging her nose.
“Do you need a hug?” Quasimodo asked.
Claudine lunges for him and wraps her arms tight around him. As she buries her face into his shoulder, she shouts, “Don’t tell anyone about this, or you’re dead, you hear me? Dead!”
Quasimodo just smiles and hugs her right back.
“I won’t,” he says. “I promise.”
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