#[ yumeno // photography expert ]
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slasheddreams · 6 months ago
The Pristine, White Apartment [ broken glass / blood rain ] - The Expurgation Series [ broken glass / blood rain ]
content warning for: [ mentions of blood and violence, mentions of injury via baseball bat, vaguely alludes to the concept of the "uncanny valley", and the like. ]
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... This apartment was a marbled off-white color.
Yumeno ran her fingers along the cold kitchen counters. There wasn't even dust on the marble surface.
This apartment was rather big, she had to admit. Much bigger than her own apartment back home, but to her, it felt more like a house.
It felt more like a home. Yeah. Someone else's home, but a home nonetheless.
The shoes lined up by the door, the umbrellas in the glass container by the door, the freshly washed dishes in the dish rack, water still dripping from the plates into the sink with a rhythmic snapping sound.
Her fingers gripped the camera she held softly, her deep blue eyes focused on the tall man standing before her. The odd man in the beige coat with the baby blue eyes and an off-putting smile.
"... This is your home? How... quaint and tidy."
The smile never left his face, and a soft nod and hum of agreement were directed toward the young woman. A dead blue gaze pierced her chest as he turned his head slightly.
"It is. Why don't you take a look around, Yumeno? And then, come sit with me once you're done."
The couches were similar to the rest of the house, an off-white color, kept to a pristine standard, not a crease or stain anywhere. No dust nor dirt. It amazed her, how someone could live in a house so... pristine and perfect.
The kitchen was the same. There was a flawless countertop, with a marbled lazy Susan, an assortment of spices lay ontop of it. The knife block was completely filled, not a knife missing from it, and each knife was sharp and shiny. The stove was clean, nor grease or dust laid atop it. She wasn't sure there was dust anywhere in this house.
The steel sink and fridge glowed in the white light, not a single fingerprint or water stain in sight. And not to say Yumeno didn't try. The fridge was cool to the touch, yet her fingerprints wouldn't stick. The water worked, yet the water never stained.
It was simply as pristine as always. It annoyed her.
There were two bedrooms, one opened and one closed. She wouldn't go into a closed room, much less someone's private quarters. However, Yumeno assumed the open room was free game, hovering in the doorway. This room must have been that man's room, assuming he actually did live there. Her hand rested on the doorway to the room.
The room itself felt rather big, just like the rest of this apartment. There was a neatly made bed in the centre of the room, a wooden desk laid on the side furthest from the door, covered in neat and orderly stacks of... some sort of paper material. A deep obsidian robe hung from the slightly ajar closet door, filled with other clothing items the photographer couldn't care less about. A bookshelf with books, a framed photograph, a box of strawberry-shaped bandages, a box cutter, a laundry basket of clothes and a shiny, silver baseball bat... it was certainly a room, one well lived in.
There was a hallway bathroom, nothing special or of note.
There was a garage door, but Yumeno quickly found it to be locked from the other side. Pausing a moment, she leaned against the door. She pressed her ear to it, a faint clicking sound emanating from the locked-off area, as well as this odd squelching noise. She grimaced a little, pulling herself away from the door. The noise made her nauseous, it was so unpleasant.
The smell of curry permeated the air, a sweet and alluring smell drawing Yumeno back to the main living room area. The man stood in the kitchen, his back turned to her, his coat laid lazily across the chair he sat in prior.
His thick auburn brown hair clung to the nape of his neck, neatly maintained and well-kept. His light blue shirt looked almost snow-white in the kitchen's lighting if it wasn't for the dark brown, unbuttoned vest he wore atop it.
"... You're cooking curry?"
He turned, a soft smile forming on his face. His blue eyes harbored some light in them this time around, his brown hair framing such a pretty face. His freckles almost seemed to glisten like glitter under the sunlight.
"My father figure used to cook curry for me whenever I visited his home as a guest. I suppose it's just... a habit of mine, to make some for my guests as he did for me all those years ago."
Yumeno carefully dragged herself through the kitchen, finding a place by his side in the kitchen, peering over his shoulder with hungry curiosity. Her hands rested on the camera hanging around her neck, picking it up slightly. Her head tilted slightly, her eyes falling on the man's face. Focused on the curry, a small furrow on his lips as he painstakingly poured so much love and effort into it. There was always something a little uncanny about him, Yumeno believed, from the moment she ran into him on that fateful street corner on Otleus Avenue. Something was inherently familiar about his face, his voice, his demeanor. But something unshakable... something wrong.
That feeling seemed to have melted away in that moment, however. This man was nothing more than a lonely man, seeking nothing more than someone's company. She felt a little bad for judging him so harshly.
She paused a moment, her eyes falling on the camera in her hands. He looked particularly pretty in this lighting, she thought to herself. He almost seemed to glisten, like an angel in the holy light. She took a step back, raising her camera as she took a knee. Aiming her camera, she leaned slightly, carefully making sure to capture the whole scene in her lens, before a soft 'click' sounded off, echoing lightly in the pristine kitchen grounds.
The man paused, his head turning slightly to face his guest. He cocked his neck to the side slightly, curiosity filling his eyes. His fingers twitched, lightly grasping onto the wooden stick he had been using to stir. Watching as she rose off her knee, Yumeno tilted her camera towards herself with a soft smile, laughing.
"Did you take a photo of me...?"
Laughing a little, the redhead nodded. Then, shuffling closer, she tilted the camera slightly in his direction. Gently butting his head against Yumeno's, his eyes fell on the digital photograph... she certainly had a talent for it.
"You looked a little too pretty for me not to take a photo! You certainly have your brother's photogenic traits... I guess I can say I have seen two pretty brothers after all."
A snicker emerged from his throat as he gently scooped up a grey, ceramic curry bowl from the dish rack. His other hand gently interlocked with the plastic handles of the rice cooker, pulling it closer to him.
"Are you the type of photographer who also takes photographs of food?"
"Usually only if the actual subject of the photograph is eating it."
He gently scooped a small serving of rice into the grey curry bowl, and then, taking his wooden spoon, he scooped up a generous amount of curry, filling the other half of the curry bowl. It was plated so gorgeously, that she couldn't help but think about going back on her word there for a brief moment.
Placing the plate of curry and rice down at the table, the man gently motioned Yumeno to a seat with a soft smile. She wondered if he had any other facial expressions, she only ever saw him smiling... but it would be odd to be anything other than delighted at dinnertime.
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It was almost like heaven, Yumeno thought. The curry was creamy, a tangy flavor floating on her tongue, a little spicy to wake her up. The rice itself was soft and light, clinging onto the flavor of the curry with a warm sensation. The chicken shredded so easily, the vegetables were just soft enough to where they weren't mush but didn't become a chore chewing either. Simply put... it was delicious.
"Thank you for dinner, sir. It was really kind of you."
Looking up, the man beamed softly with another gentle smile. Placing a hand against the side of his face, he laughed softly.
"Thank you for giving me the chance to make this curry again, after so many years..."
Looking away, he sighed a bit, laying his hand in his cheek. A furrow creased his brow slightly.
"... My father figure died 4 years ago, and my brother doesn't visit me. People don't visit me either, so this curry recipe... is often left sitting on my shelves. It's my first time making it in such a long time... so, really. Thank you."
Pausing, Yumeno placed her hand on the table quietly.
... he really did just seem like a lonely man. Now she really did feel bad for being so judgemental...
"It's very tasty. Was this your father figure's recipe?"
"... yeah, it was. Although, his curry was much spicier than this. He loved his spices... he loved them a lot. I can barely handle my spice though... so it hardly has the same kick."
She nodded slowly, the metal spoon lying lightly against the ceramic bowl. It collided with a soft 'clink', and remained motionless in the bowl. A heavy silence lingered across the dinner table. It was uncomfortable just how heavy sadness weighed in the air.
"You're so much different than I imagined."
The words slipped out of Yumeno's mouth before she could really think of what to say. Something so small yet, words always carried a lot of weight. A lot more weight than her action and intent ever could. She did not come to his home out of the goodness of her heart, this much she could admit.
"Sorry, I just... I only knew about you from Daishobu's stories... but he always seemed so... upset about you. Like you ruined his life, he always openly despised you."
Looking down, she sighed. Her fingers twitched slightly as she brought her hands to her chest, shaking her head lightly.
There was the coffee order, something that seemed so innocent, so sweet initially in her mind. A caramel frappuccino with extra caramel drizzle, whipped cream, and caramel chips sprinkled on top. With the side treat the strawberry crepe, with the chocolate drizzle and the bite-sized vanilla wafers, dipped partially in chocolate cream, topped with whipped cream and fresh strawberries. When she heard it for the first time while at Vespa's cafe, she was entranced by its sweetness and sense of nostalgia. It sounded like a kid's dream, she believed. And, as it turned out, it was an order the man's brother was quite fond of, to the point it was engrained in that man's memories.
It turned out that drink and treat had made that man sick beyond belief. The taste of sugar like this made his stomach churn, to the point he couldn't hold down much of it. Years of sharing it, sugar being forced down his throat, the very thought made him sick. The afternoons filled with parents screaming, things breaking, and children crying, it all haunted his memories. And Yumeno would have never known, had she never asked. His eyes held such much hatred and disdain. Yumeno didn't know one man could harbor so much volatile vitriol in his heart.
"... I never did realize how badly he hated it. Caramel and Chocolate."
Closing his eyes, he sighed. He deflated slightly, shaking his head.
"It's my fault... I never really asked what he liked. Sugar always made him feel ill... but I really hated bitter and sour things... I was terrible."
Clasping his hands together, he groaned a bit, rolling his head to the side. Sighing again, he tilted his head again.
"I mean, I don't know if I ever really saw Daishobu as a person, to be honest. I mean, he must have told you, about the bandaid."
"Yeah... he did a little bit. He called you manic. And a little off kilter."
Yumeno didn't know too much about it, the bandages that was. She knew he preferred to treat his own wounds, and he didn't like being cared for. He always said that his brother treated him like a dress-up doll, or something sub-humane. Yumeno didn't fully understand it, though. But she knew it, and she trusted him. And he trusted her.
"... I couldn't blame him."
"You don't seem like such a bad person though."
Raising her hands softly, she clasped her hands along the bandaged hands of the man in front of her. His hand felt soft and warm in her own, unlike the cold, rugged, and callous hands of his twin brother. Her fingers intertwined with his own, a soft expression forming on her face.
"You've been very kind to me, and very willing to talk to me, to open up to me... You're also very sweet, cooking for me..."
Leaning her head to the side, she nodded slowly. A soft sigh, and then, squeezing his hand softly.
"Daishobu's always been a messier guy. Always a little unkempt, a little strange, a little messy. A little reckless. I kind of assumed you'd be the same. But this place is so... everything is so neat and well-kept, this place is really pristine."
She always thought it was odd how perfectly pristine it was. It was so clean, it looked like it wasn't possible to live in this house, yet... there he was. It was... too perfect.
"Ah... Really..."
Tilting his head slightly, he chuckled. Nodding slightly, cocking his head to the side further, he stayed silently. Yumeno let go of his hands, her eyes falling on the window sill. She could see the sun setting, she really should held out, she should go home soon. But she felt bad, he seemed like a good guy.
A good guy who was just very lonely.
Eventually, she took her hands away from his. Her hands felt so cold now. She smiled worriedly as she stood up.
"Thank you for letting me come over and talk to you a bit, Cipher. It's getting very late, though. I should be leaving soon, however."
"Oh? But, do you really have to?"
Pausing, Yumeno froze softly. That uncanny feeling came back, flooding her senses. A slight terror gripped her, something felt... wrong. Laughing awkwardly, Yumeno shook her head dismissively.
"I wouldn't want to overstep my stay further..."
Taking a step back towards the door, Yumeno grimaced slightly. Something seemed really wrong... she couldn't tell what it was though. Reaching out, she paused. Why...
Why wouldn't the doorknob move? It wouldn't move...
Looking at the door, Yumeno wiggled the doorknob, she grimaced. Why wouldn't it move?
"What's wrong?"
Cipher smiled again, and this time, Yumeno noticed something in his hands. A pair of pristine, glistening silver keys. She grimaced again, lowering her hands. Nodding, she laughed nervously.
"Oh... I'm okay! I... do have to use the bathroom though. May I?"
Cipher nodded, gesturing down the hall with a chuckle.
"Be my guest."
Locking the bathroom door, Yumeno sank down onto the floor, grimacing again. When did he lock the front door? Her hands were shaking slightly. So, she might not be the best judge of character.
Pulling out her phone, she grimaced again. There were a ton of numbers on her phone, hundreds of people she could call. But, it didn't matter in the end. From A to Z, she called every number, and from A to Z, none of the calls went through. She began to wonder if the bathroom was a dead cell spot.
There was a gentle knock on the bathroom door, in a rhythm of one, two, one. (Yumeno remembered Daishobu mentioned that. He fervently hated it.) Her body tensed up, flinching at the sudden noise.
"Are you okay in there?"
Uncanny. He sounded so uncanny. She could imagine the smile plastered on his face. It was so unpleasant in her mind. He was rather tall... she could imagine him, slightly bending over. Leaning. Looming. She hated the mental image.
"I'm okay! Just... washing up a bit!"
She was lying. She was a terrible liar.
And she knew that he knew that she was lying.
"Are you lying to me? That hurts my feelings!"
There was a rough thud against the doorknob, causing Yumeno to jump. Backing up from the door, Yumeno fumbled with her phone. Someone had to pick up, anyone, anywhere.
Another rough thud landed against the door, and then, another thud. The screeching sounds of metal tearing through wood. Terror filled her lungs. Was he breaking down the door with a baseball bat?
She couldn't even scream, terror struck her, and it had paralyzed her.
"It's not fair. It's always "brother this" and "brother that". But never "I miss him." It's never "I loved my brother." It's never anything but complaints. Aren't you also tired of his hateful attitude, Yumeno?"
Through the jagged cracks in the door, she could see something. It no longer looked like the infamous brother she came to visit. Instead, the thing in the crack was something more... something worse. It looked more like a shadow than a person. A dark, deep shadow.
It was more like a nightmare.
"You know, no one else would take care of him. A useless, defenseless, unwanted child, who couldn't do anything but cry and watch as the one person who ever gave a damn slipped away from him and turn into nothingness."
It reached inside through the cracks made, sharp wood tearing through shadow arms, a thick and viscous red liquid pouring from the wounds, yet, it barely seemed to bother it. Reaching for the doorknob, it unlocked the door with a silent 'click', and pushed it open with a silent creak.
It was all shadow, with no discernible features on it, other than its piercing baby blue eyes and white smile.
Her voice quacked, weak and shaky. It felt lost in her throat for so long, and only a barely audible question could escape a terror seized throat.
"What... What are you..."
It paused, cocking its head to the side. It rolled on its shoulders unnaturally, its free shadowed claw raising to its chest. With a soft thud against its own chest, it hummed.
"I am whatever you believe me to be. I can be your best friend, your worst enemy, the grandmother on the street, a dead brother, a lost lover. I am whatever you believe me to be."
Lifting the bat in its occupied hand, it pointed the scrapped-up silver bat at the cowering girl on the floor. It watched silently as she squirmed and squealed, backing herself further into a corner. How stupid could someone be?
"Unless you want a name? A nameee. A.... naaame. I don't have one of those."
It bent down, its torso collapsing in on itself, contorting in odd, disturbing ways. Like a ragdoll that could breathe, walk, talk, and shift its shape and appearance. It poked Yumeno's chest with the bat lightly, still smiling, still contorting.
"I'd like one of those. A name means I'm a being. It makes me realllll. I want one."
Ramming the bat a little harsher into her chest, it leaned closer. It bent down more until its knee collided with the floor with a thud. Reaching out with its other hand, it ran shadowed claws along the base of the silver bat with a smile. Then, it leaned even further, its claws swiping the edges of her chin, giggling.
"... Do you like your name?"
Yumeno paused, trembling.
"W... What?"
"Do. you. like. your. name."
Grimacing, Yumeno looked away, fumbling with her hands nervously. She wasn't... sure. To be honest, her name was just... her name to her. Nothing special or noteworthy... just... a name.
"It's... okay? I mean, I don't hate it."
"But you don't love it?"
"Not particularly? But... it's a nice name."
Cocking its head to the side again, it moved the bat back slightly. Tilting again, it nodded slowly.
"Names are tricky. Especially when you don't have one."
Lifting the bat, it gently collided with her chin, watching as she grimaced.
"I want one. I like the name... Miyuki. I am Miyuki. It's got a nice ring to it, doesn't it?"
Whimpering, Yumeno's hand shakily leaned against the cold steel of the bat. Hesitantly nodding, she prayed it would be enough to make it back off.
Watching it as it stood up, twirling the bat in its hand, "Miyuki" peered down at her. She seemed so weak, so fragile, so frail. It almost made it coo, she looked so adorable.
"... you're really cute, Yumeno. Like a little bunny rabbit."
Extending its hand, Yumeno paused a moment. Then, hesitantly, she reached up, taking its hand with a trembling hand. Pulling Yumeno to the side, it watched as she stumbled out of the bathroom. Clenching onto the keys in her hands, she glanced at the keys and then back at that... thing. Miyuki?
However, it didn't move, simply staring at her. Unblinking, unmoving, simply... in shadow.
Her knees ached, shaking and trembling. She was so scared, so terrified... Yet, she stumbled towards the door. She didn't even have her phone on her anymore. She barely cared anymore. She just wanted to get out.
Spinning the bat in its hand, it started walking towards Yumeno slowly, smiling.
One step.
She was still fumbling with the keys... so many keys on this one key ring, how was she supposed to know which key was the right one?
Two steps. You're slow.
She just has to try all of them. She has to. She doesn't know what will happen to her if she can't.
Three steps. You're boring me.
It's not this one. It's not this one either. Her hands were trembling so badly. Maybe this pristine silver key is the one? Everything that isn't that off-white color was silver, so... maybe?
Four steps.
A soft 'click' sounded from the doorknob, and then, pressing down, the door swung open. The cold winter flooded the apartment door, kissing her skin like a fleeting summer fling in the summer sun, watching as the summer chills over and fades away-
A loud crack echoed against her skull, a sharp pain spreading down her spine. Her vision blurred as she stumbled forward, collapsing into the snow. The cold prickled her skin, a thick red flower blossoming into the snow beneath her. Her ears rang, her hands trembled, she wanted to scream, to cry.
Pain flooded her senses again, her body twitching with the force. Spots trickled in her vision, and crimson red blossomed even further in the snow. It was agony.
The snow reflected the silver of the baseball bat rather beautifully. And the red on the bat glistened on the snow so nicely. The pain was only numbing now, it hurt for a moment, sure. But, she felt so... at peace in the moment. She felt... a little tired.
"You don't look too good. That's a shame. You were so close."
Taking one step out, a brown leather loafer and black slacks entered her faded vision, and a familiar-looking beige coat. She could feel a hand on her shoulder, a slight pressure on her back.
Maybe she should take a small nap. She could... figure the rest out... later.
She wasn't sure when "later" would be though.
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