#[ verse: hitman ] he plagues the streets of a wicked city akin to a reaper of old
godkilller · 4 months
HITMAN AU thread continued with @dokuhai from here.
BOLD OF RANGIKU TO EVER ASSUME GIN WASN'T WATCHING HER AKIN TO A CIRCLING HAWK, especially in the midst of her shows -- where the venue was packed tight, patrons were allowed up close and personal within arm's reach of her. He made some minor adjustments to the performance's allowance of crowds so close, putting up a railing barrier between them and the stage, but there was only so much allowed that could still offer everyone an unobstructed view of the Karakura City beauty. Ultimately... someone who was willing enough to commit by all means a suicide killing to send a message and spark further gang violence wouldn't mind scaling the 4-foot-tall barrier to knife her in the throat. Security guards spaced apart could react in time, ideally, but the opening still remained -- no matter how slim, it was one that Gin intended to focus upon outside of the various other ways Rangiku's heart could be stopped.
Needless to say, his own heart rate was elevated for more reasons than one during her performances. Perhaps one day, if the venue was smaller and more easily manageable, he'd have the time to truly appreciate her craft. For now, he seemed fully capable of appreciating her beyond the scripted dance and sway of her body upon the stage -- she needn't try, he was already entranced, though Gin did his damnest to not show the success of her allure. Did she know he thought of her endlessly?
He couldn't help but let out a single brief scoff of a chuckle, her words on his tattoo -- the brand of belonging to the corrupt nightlife of Karakura City, to the most dangerous and powerful man within the country no doubt -- of how it suited him, despite its negative connotation and often fear-inspiring realization it granted to any who caught a glimpse. He was not a person who brought on the feelings of 'safe' like Rangiku now experienced -- contradictory of her to glimpse upon a mark of ink that signified just how much of a killer he was and feel as though she was with a protector. How quick romance could wedge its way into murderous skill ---- there was a softness to the fact that he'd kill for her, wasn't there?
The serpentine slithering up his arm and over his shoulder, splaying into rolling coils onto his back, was extensive, and yet only those who knew Ichimaru Gin well enough to get his shirt off of him could ever know the full extent of his devotion toward killing in the name of Aizen Sousuke. Their discussion, her seeing more than a glimpse, was inherently intimate.
❝ Suits me, eh? ❞ A low murmur whilst pale fingers delved through stray wavy strands, the back of his knuckles brushing in a feather-light graze against the slender formation of her shoulder blade. His smile was tangible, spreading slow, easing into the playful purr of his voice. ❝ Why, Rangiku, are you admittin' you like a bad boy? ❞
For all of his dismissive and diverting ploys, Gin wasn't stupid; annoyingly so, he was aware of the fact that Rangiku seemed interested in him in return. She was accustomed to acting that way with her clients, no doubt, but the tells were there for this being a spark of mutual interest. So he flirted back, unrestrained, easing away from the futility of attempting to remain uninterested in her.
The space between them felt addled with yearning, as though tugging at the edges of themselves to step forth and close it -- a simple biting urge that could equally so speak of soul recognition; you know me, even if Aizen took everythin' away -- you'd still know me. At least, he hoped that was the case, as though banking the entirety of himself still existing based on the possibility that she could see what he could no longer recognize in himself. They were both stripped of armor here, her of her performer's outfit oddly used the same way Gin donned a bullet-proof vest.
He'd be an idiot if he ever tried to convince her or himself that this was merely part of his job. Did his gaze linger now, stealing away a glimpse of her as she dressed to engrain into his memory? Well, yes, and he didn't feel too terrible about the fact that he caught her topless from the bar portion of his attached kitchen -- considering she wasn't cowering to cover herself, he felt no guilt in enjoying a more human indulgence of checking her out, her breasts and curves silhouetted against the bright haze of the television screen behind her as she slid his shirt over her head. He'd not dart his eyes away if she looked toward him, he had a hunch she wouldn't protest the intrusion. Matsumoto Rangiku was a bombshell in whatever she was (or wasn't) wearing. The shirt was baggy on her frame as it wasn't snug on his, either, but she was still voluptuous enough for her figure to shine through.
That in and of itself was an oddly instinctual thing to feel pleased by -- the sight of the woman of his affections wearing his clothes, as though the deed left her scent-marked and claimed, scratching an itch he didn't know existed until now. He thought shamelessly of kissing her whilst pouring them both a drink, eager to return from the connected kitchen and be near her again. Gin approached and subsequently sat, placing their drinks on the coffee table a few feet in front of the couch she was now nested upon, looking comfortable and far more relaxed herself. His shoulders mirrored that sentiment, and Gin sank in his seat with a huffed breath as she clicked through the scrolling selection of action movies available to watch.
❝ I could go for somethin' mindless -- how 'bout one of those stupid racin' movies, y'know, there's one where they drive a car into space or some shit. ❞ His hand reached to skim atop hers, not quite snatching to take the remote and relieve Rangiku of her browsing duties, but playfully wriggling to slip the device from her grasp, leaning in to be more playful about the act. That, or he'd inspire her to demand she retained it and hijack their movie session away from some ridiculous car-themed action movie toward something of her tastes instead -- he wouldn't mind either way.
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godkilller · 4 years
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          out of character.  In the same manner that canon Gin can handle a Hollowified Getsuga Tenshou to the face, Hitman AU Gin can take a hit too. Gin, in almost all AUs and canon divergent verses, thrives in being underestimated. His slender frame can help him in this by making it far too easy for enemies to clock him as weak — this is another reason why Gin will wear clothes that don’t fit his form, that swallow him up, obscuring him in a belittling way. It’s to hide the lean muscles underneath, giving instead to appearance of someone thin and frail.
          In any canon / divergent verse, Gin is not RIPPED, but if Ukitake in all of his sickly health can still afford to have a six pack, there’s no reason why a younger, decently healthier captain-class Shinigami can’t have some definition too. Most of canon Gin’s strength is derived from his immense spiritual pressure, a sort of enforcing power to his hand-to-hand engagements, a rarity but still a required strength. With it, a punch from Gin could send another lesser target flying, collapse walls, break bones. Without it, a strike from Gin can still knock someone clean out.
          Hitman AU Gin is human, so his methods involve less supernatural influence and more precision in terms of disabling strikes to the throats, swift and agile blows. This includes his ability to tank a punch, his pain tolerance significantly high, coupled with the fact that more often than not Gin moves faster than his opponent thus making it less likely for him to be hit more than once. Even so, IT TAKES A LOT TO BRING GIN DOWN. He had to be literally hacked into pieces by Aizen for it to be final enough.
          A fight against Hitman AU Gin would be quick; in close-quarters combat, he tends to not play with his food, and wants things to end swiftly. GIN WILL FIGHT DIRTY, AND IF THE OPPORTUNITY TO END THINGS VIA GRABBING A GUN OR THROWING A KNIFE ARISES, HE’LL DO IT. But if he must fight hand-to-hand, Gin will collapse windpipes, strike the back of the head, kick in a knee, or break a rib sooner than let some grunt wail on him... but it’s not the end of the world if they catch him in one of their swings. Die with some feeble satisfaction that your fist landed before Gin snaps your neck.
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godkilller · 4 years
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Does Hitman!Gin have a particular workout routine that he adheres to? What does a typical day in the life look like for him, when he isn't actively on bodyguard duty?
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          out of character.  Mostly, his routine consists of long morning runs — Gin’s not looking to bulk himself up with something like deadlifting, though bench pressing isn’t out of the bag. HE’LL ALSO SWIM LAPS AND TAKE TO THE PUNCHING BAG AS HIS MAIN GO-TO’S, but otherwise he won’t be doing anything overly fancy or excessive, maintaining a preferred lean frame. There’s a nice gym he’ll frequent that has what he needs and more often than not no one there is within his line of work, nor are they his typical target. That aside, when Gin doesn’t want to make as blatant of a public appearance, he’ll take to working out at home and focus on stretches and other practices to keep him agile and in tip top shape. Practicing hand-to-hand and also dabbling with bokken, Gin has a pretty vast range he tries to sprinkle in to his routine. GOING TO THE SHOOTING RANGE ALSO COUNTS IN HIS BOOK.
          In a typical day, Gin maintains a presence either indirectly via text and other monitoring, or by physically checking in on Aizen’s various assets and business connections via visits. Gin and Tousen work in tandem in making sure the boss’s machine is running smoothly throughout the city of Karakura, though Gin and Tousen rarely meet in person, they meet more often with each other than they do with Aizen, who prefers sending out requests for his top men to adhere to via coded text. When Gin isn’t meeting up with his fellow co-commander, he’s off cycling through the various assassins sprinkled throughout, or paying Ulquiorra’s post within the local law enforcement a swing-by.
          It’s rare these days, because Gin’s not exactly the type of weapon to need to get mobilized to take down a target, but on the occasion that he is sent that specific code  ( and only Aizen may request Gin’s service, whereas Gin may mobilize the Espada at his whim )  then Gin’s day is drastically different. GIN WON’T LEAVE THE COUNTRY, BUT HE WILL TRAVEL DEPENDING ON AIZEN’S NEEDS, tracking down and meticulously delivering the desired message upon his target. Ulquiorra and Gin will contact each other regularly, as Ulquiorra operates within the very walls of the city’s security, and can deliver Gin excessive knowledge and intel on his target, even grant access to personal data and video footage, etc.
          The people Gin are sent to kill are typically disposed of within the day, unless Aizen has otherwise specified to take them out at a certain timeframe. Gin prefers sniping his targets from afar, but will make an occasional ride out on his motorcycle, drive up beside their vehicle, and shoot them dead during transport. He likes the inevitability and anonymity of sniping, GIN NEVER MISSES A SHOT, but the motorcycle helmet also offers a flexible cloak, too, if he decides to spice things up and take a ride before weaving away and disappearing into the various alleyways and streets of the city.
          On days where Aizen wishes to make an appearance, Gin’s role shifts to bodyguard alongside Tousen, and, depending on the size of the venue, other Espada. GIN HAS SHOT DOWN MANY WHO HAVE TRIED TO RUSH AT AIZEN TO KILL HIM. Tousen will gladly do so if Gin doesn’t act first. It’s one of the rare moments in which Gin is allowed to be armed whilst in Aizen’s presence, but it comes with an obstacle; if Gin were to try anything, certainly within seconds afterward he’d be gunned down by the remaining crew devoted to protecting their boss.
          If Gin has no visits planned or targets to dispose of, and Tousen is managing the web just well on his own, Gin will stay at home and read or watch a movie or two. But he typically gets restless, and antsy, if left to his own devices for too long. HE’LL END UP MAKING HIS OWN VISITS, and perhaps even poke and prod at certain individuals to cause a fuss one way or another.
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godkilller · 4 years
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          out of character.  Gin in any AU, canon, or divergent verse is essentially the type to rip apart movies — because his best kept secret is that he’ll lowkey read a bunch of fiction in his spare time, so he knows a thing or two about good storytelling and when, distinctly, that isn’t the case. Gin loves to read people, he’s good at cutting deep with observations, so he believes himself fairly decent at discerning ‘characters’ and their flaws, their strengths. Gin’s a sucker for romances, but likes dramas in particular, especially if the conflicts are resolved and the lovebirds end up happy together.
          Canonly, Gin prefers it when stories don’t end in a sad way, so he’ll not be a fan of the trend these days of movies rejecting a happy ending for shock value. Being introduced to movies within his canon / divergent verses is something of a treat: canon Gin’s never seen a movie before, so it’d be fun and exciting initially... until he clicks into gear and starts predicting what’ll happen / how it’s going to end about five minutes in, who the murderer is for example based on some Tell, or criticizing character choices and plot holes.
          In the Hitman AU, Gin’s especially harsh on movies containing action, shooting, gun for hire’s, and other scenes depicting ties into the life he leads, making at times grotesque commentary on how ‘that’s not how someone stabbed acts when they’re dying’ or ‘a shotgun fired that close would have blasted a hole in him’ etc. and other more detailed indications that Gin absolutely Knows What He’s Talking About.
          In my Vampire AU, Gin’s more focused on ripping apart any of the thriller and horror themed movies that come across his attention, but more so in a playful manner. He’ll outright CRY laughing at Twilight, he’ll humor other vampire movies too and absolutely lose his shit at their various depictions of his kind. Gin is more caught up with modern film, and will gladly rate them for realism without any kind of snobby bitterness or disappointment: all in good fun. Humans and their creative little minds can be so cute.
          Regardless of verse or AU, Gin enjoys this activity far more when in Rangiku’s presence, especially since more than half the time she’s in loud agreement with his assessments, or countering them aggressively, or whining at him that he just ruined the surprise to a plot twist he guessed within the first scene that she was hoping he wouldn’t catch. Ultimately, Gin doesn’t mind the ‘quality’ of movies so long as he gets to spend time with her while watching them.
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godkilller · 4 years
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I know Hisagi kind of ruined this with his terrible life decisions, but if you could get a tatttoo, what would it be?
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          ❝ Ahah ! Good one, ❞ ACTUAL MIRTH managed to escape his sly smile, a good chuckle, whilst Gin considered their question. Actually, a decent handful of Shinigami seemed to indulge in the art of getting tattoos to represent certain milestones for them, and the concept itself was respectable. A nice dose of commitment that seemed to be a rare finding amongst the Gotei 13. But to Gin the few examples he knew of were all STUPID; Renji and his receding hairline facial tattoos ruined the allure, as well as Hisagi’s  ( and the exiled Muguruma Kensei, too )  critical misunderstanding concerning the meaning of the number 69 in pop culture.
           ❝ I don’t know, I never really thought ‘bout gettin’ one. Lotta Shinigami do it to celebrate their achievements, like war marks ‘n such. Kills, or somethin’ symbolizin’ their rank. I AIN’T TH’ TYPE TO FLAUNT THAT KINDA SHIT. ❞
          A pause, and Gin shrugged his shoulders, billowing  ( oversized )  sleeves emphasized by the dismissive gesture, furthering his next point all the more.
          ❝ Besides, wouldn’t gettin’ somethin’ like that require me to show more skin ?  Sorry, guess I gotta play coy... ❞
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          out of character.  Good question, though !  In my Hitman AU, Gin’s a part of an extremely dangerous and powerful gang run by Aizen — and a main way to swear loyalty / signal that you’re a member is to have a tattoo. The tattoo itself can be of anything, but the larger the tattoo the more likely that person has either: a.) been involved in the criminal lifestyle for a lengthy time, or b.) that person has no intention of switching loyalties / “updating” that commitment to align with another gang. His tattoo in that universe is of a serpent with a brushstroke theme, bare tree branches, and a withering flower. This is a full sleeve that takes up his entire right arm. Gin was a teenager when he got it, and didn’t put too much thought into it, to him the endeavor symbolizes the death of innocence and transformation, climbing a great obstacle, and it’s unclear whether or not the snake is about to devour the last sign of life on the branch... or if it’s trying to save it from the surrounding barren death. Either option doesn’t seem to have a promising outcome.
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godkilller · 4 years
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@oboete-iru​ :
‘ there is no route of losing you that is without pain. ’ ( hitman verse rangiku c: )
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ask prompt.  //    light  &  dark.
          ❝ Whole lotta poetry there, ❞ cooed a reply in tandem with lazy trails of smoke highlighted by the dim light of nearby streetlamps. A fluttering array of moths swirling in futility around the dying bulb nearest to their current perch against metal railings, vacant roads allowing a conversation to endure without any interrupting beeps and honks. Rangiku’s apartment was as dreary during this time of night as her current thoughts were; a quiet confession, a heavy revelation. Gin didn’t mean to dismiss her like that, though the best response he could think of came with a default aura equivalent to him SHRUGGING IT OFF.
          ❝ Besides, I was only mentionin’ it as a scenario. You asked what I’d do, right ? Likewise sentiments, ain’t no other route for me. Somebody shoots at you, I’m blockin’. ❞
          A pause, another puff of smoke breathed out into the chilly night air.
          ❝ —— lucky for you all th’ grunts in this city can’t aim worth a damn, anyway. I’d have to really throw myself onto their lil guns for it to matter. ❞ A signature playful smile, a reassuring glance. HE AIMED TO SPEAK LIGHTLY, TREAD LIGHTLY, TO BE GENTLE WAS A DELIBERATE ACT FOR ONE SO TYPICALLY CRUEL. The mere act of speaking softer was reserved exclusively for her.
          ❝ So don’t overthink tomorrow, alright ? It’ll be fiiiine. Think of it like a parade. Jus’ smile ‘n wave. I’ll be right next to ya the whole time. ❞
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godkilller · 4 years
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@quadriviium​​ asked:    𝐌𝐄𝐒𝐒𝐀𝐆𝐄 𝐑𝐄𝐂𝐄𝐈𝐕𝐄𝐃. 𝐑𝐄𝐀𝐃𝐒: ░I░M░P░R░E░S░S░I░V░E░ ░;░ ░B░U░T░ ░M░O░N░O░T░O░N░O░U░S░.░ ░ ░E░A░G░E░R░L░Y░ ░A░W░A░I░T░I░N░G░ ░Y░O░U░R░ ░N░E░X░T░ ░W░O░R░K░ ░O░F░ ░A░R░T░.░ ░ ░S░I░G░N░E░D░ ░-░ ░A░ ░F░A░N░.░ ░A░ ░C░R░I░T░I░C░.░ ░A░ ░S░A░V░A░N░T░ ░O░F░ ░S░U░C░H░ ░C░A░R░N░A░G░E░.░
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          CRYPTIC TEXTS weren’t completely jarring to witness once Gin reacted to the telltale buzz within his inner coat pocket. His phone, rarely addressed less it carried Aizen’s will from the other end, had very few contacts — mainly administered to signal for the cleaners, or a few of Aizen’s top men for the sake of coordination — but none willingly reached out to him first. THE KILLER WAS ACCUSTOMED TO UNKNOWN NUMBERS, SHADY DEALS, but all the same, he frowned openly at his screen.
𝗢𝗨𝗧𝗚𝗢𝗜𝗡𝗚 𝗧𝗘𝗫𝗧 [ 𝟯:𝟰𝟮 𝗔𝗠 ] ➝ UNKNOWN: monotonous? sorry, i don’t jack off to that shit like you probably do.
          With a scoff, Gin clicked the side of his phone to lock its screen and pocketed the device once more, uncaring on whether or not the user behind such a message was capable of interfering with the technology — non-traceable ... he could toss it out if it happened to be compromised regardless, and Gin figured the same could be said for the creep critiquing his  ‘ work ’  ... as if murdering scum was an art. No use tracking a guy down for a sick message —— for now. No one would be that stupid to leave a trail in this city, especially someone who was clearly fully knowledgeable on who exactly they were reaching out to.
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godkilller · 5 years
          Gin wears all black suits / outfits because a.) it looks nice, b.) it’s simple, and c.) it hides any of those tough-to-wash-off bloodstains.
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godkilller · 5 years
          Gin’s surrounding company has never been, from the very start, ideal. From the time Aizen had him joining the ranks----the people in Gin’s life went from bad to worse. Once Gin finished school he was immediately swept into his new life now without interruption / other elements----and introduced to brutal violence, rampant theft, prostitution, and ultimately drugs. Though Aizen hardly smokes presently, when Gin was younger the man introduced the concept to him as a way to ‘ stay calm and collected ’ and the habit proceeded to stick as Gin’s go-to method to manage stress.
          Unfortunately, however, the stressors in Gin’s life as a teenager into young adulthood transcended any semblance of peace offered by a mere cigarette. In a turn of darker descending events... the initial offer came from one of Aizen’s own top men, Szayel; and thus Gin was introduced to heroin. The offer came after observance that Gin had little to no interest whatsoever in the women seeking to obey their boss by appeasing him / their guests during a visit. Dismissive, Gin received many a taunt about the possibility of being ‘ into men ’ instead for the absence of interest in the array of women required to address him and his company’s needs. Not able to ( nor interested in trying to ) articulate asexuality / demisexuality, as even he himself did not have the insight at the time----Gin found himself in a pressuring situation. With every intention to simply retreat to a room and put up appearances of having an exchange, payment included, he pretended to cave in and was guided away.
          Loly sought to earn Aizen’s good favor via the connection Gin presented----though had been subsequently brushed off by the second in command previously. With the new knowledge of his vulnerability, she persisted well-armed. Only after the influence of his drug of choice kicked in did Gin relent to her advances.
          Their routine persisted for some time; they’d meet, share, then fuck. But Gin found even the euphoria provided couldn’t dull the sensation of feeling wholly wrong and misplaced with her, uninterested, empty. To her displeasure, he cut contact with the woman eventually... and found another source for his fix----without any expectation of undressing present in his quiet purchase. Gin made sure his transactions unfolded in a far more secretive manner, now no longer protected under the guise of a hook-up.
          Later, Gin just so happened to look the other way whilst one of his grunts had her tossed out a window. She knew far too much of his perceived ‘ weakness ’, with too much pestering, too big of a mouth, and it just felt right.
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godkilller · 5 years
          Aizen’s empire didn’t manifest out of thin air. He cut deals, crossed lines, and ultimately betrayed his original allegiance among the law enforcement meant to protect the city he has quite successfully destroyed from the inside. Now, he holds the leash; the chief of police, old and wise, can still be rendered near-powerless in the presence of Aizen’s puppet mayor. It’s akin to the man being in two places at once, sometimes, with how his mouthpiece sitting in office can eerily determine policies that best serve his goals----as well as sway certain investigations from gaining full traction thanks to Tousen’s hold on the presiding judges.
          Gin maintains order among the ten elite soldiers at Aizen’s disposal, sprinkled throughout the city of Karakura ( as well as beyond ) to deliver his will. These are all highly-trained killers----but Gin has the necessary authority to kill for any insubordination determined to be unsavory. Due to their skillsets, however, it may require Gin to do more than simply set up upon a rooftop and wait for them to pass by a window. He may, instead, dabble in the involvement of poison. Lethal, scentless, tasteless, and fast-acting ( second to Cyanide ) ------a single drop is all it would take to fell a full-grown adult male in under 8 minutes. A signature albeit rarely used technique of his... the poison can be administered via drink, food, or even upon the bristles of a waiting toothbrush.
          Only Gin knows how to nullify its swift effects by means of an antidote. However, he does not carry it on his person and must instead concoct the remedy mixture in the moment----by memory alone to further conceal its one vulnerability.
          Most of the time, Gin shoots around the same moment as the poison begins to erode away at his target from within----any call for toxicology tests would, therefore, have to strongly overlook the cause of death’s blatant bullet wounds. Due to its often minuscule amounts within the bloodstream, the results would carry only trace amounts----extensive tests would need to be carried out, and... by then who really gives a damn about another stiff asshole Gin put in the ground ?
         Gin has wondered if lacing his very bullets with his poison would work, though he’d prefer to save that specific combination of an ace for a very special someone--------
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godkilller · 5 years
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          ❝ Y’really want your last words to be ‘bout callin’ me Aizen’s bitch, huh ? ❞ Gin walked slowly, prowling forward with an uncaring air whilst his prey crawled, strained grunts and groans leaving taut jaw bloodied, adding spat breaths’ worth of crimson to the streaked trail behind him. Both his kneecaps were utterly gutted, shattered via bullet(s) with gaping wounds weeping, producing deadweight legs to helplessly drag across the tile floor.
          A pawn rarely talked until the impending sense of dread, death, gathered closer. Thus, the killer loomed behind, crisp footfalls light----yet heavy, too, as a reminder.
          This would go quicker if the guy spat out who, of his pathetic little company, had the balls to steal from Aizen’s neck of the woods. No amount of tough-guy energy could erase the whimpers, the choked sobs of fear and pain, threatening to overcome him. So Gin genuinely doubted it’d take much longer to break the target. Or, he could always shoot something else.
          ❝ It’d be a real shame for sure----what’ll that lady of yours think of sucha word choice ? Maybe I oughtta go ask her... ❞ Gin slowed his speech deliberately, chin tipping up in outright cruel arrogance, as he watched the man beneath him pause his futile retreating motions. Clambering fingers curled into fists as he trembled, cursing beneath pained breaths. TRANSPARENT. He probably didn’t even fucking care about this girl Gin failed to name; he likely had multiple women in his life he used then tossed aside. What, was his bloodloss already so great that he suddenly had delusions of defending a life other than his own ? Cute !
          ❝ C’mon, don’t be so sad... you’ll get to be together. ❞
          At last, a worthwhile reaction surged within the poor deadman’s whimpering form. Whatever the man had hoped to achieve in his desperate kick, jolting strike towards Gin’s ankles, it hadn’t worked. His legs were practically useless, operated on strings of pure will alone, and essentially flailing limbs worth no threat to the gunman. Swift, several silenced shots struck his lunging shoulders----both, then a third into his chest; he did not strike the heart. Gin lowered down into a crouch by his feet whilst the man gasped and fell onto his back, flopping, against the slick floor. A wet cough escaped him, a fish out of water.
         Out of time.
         ❝ That was good, that was real heroic----y’ready to talk, now ? ❞ Glassy eyes began to gaze emptily, seeking the flickering florescent light fixture above, and Gin sighed.
          Two solid taps from an extended left hand, meant to be slightly obnoxious, aimed to idly maintain the other’s conscious state. Prolonging his passing didn’t necessarily promise Gin any sort of answer... he knew this grunt didn’t know shit to begin with. Ultimately, the killer hardly expected anything fruitful from this exchange besides the act of SENDING A MESSAGE to his known associates. But this guy was already dying in a state of utter uselessness, so Gin didn’t find it necessary to even begin to enlighten him of his overall pointless existence any further.
          Absently, the killer observed his weapon, akin to checking beneath one’s fingernails whilst awaiting a reply----gazing across the gun’s surface as it moved in his hand  ( grabbing the helpless man’s drifting attention, watch closely, this is what will deliver the finishing blow ) ... Gin ignored a sputtered cough, guttural, struggling for life. Until, of course, it was no longer a cough but a curse. At him. The near-incoherent words of “fuck you” barely left lips before several more shots were sent, rapid, ruthless, directly through that pathetic mouth of his. 
          No-names really didn’t know when to shut the fuck up.
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godkilller · 5 years
          Gin has utilized the installation of a biometric trigger locking system upon his main firearms----in the ( rare ) event that someone manages to disarm the assassin and attempt to pull the trigger, the gun will not fire. The design is sleek, discreet, in order to fool any scrambling grunt into even attempting to wield it to begin with. Though he’s capable of allowing access to numerous uploaded fingerprint scans of his choice and trust, Gin remains the sole user for his selected ( customized ) weapons. There has yet to be an instance where this feature has revealed itself against an opponent----and Gin intends to keep it that way until a situation arises that is absolutely dire.
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godkilller · 5 years
          Early in his career of killing for Aizen, Gin was captured and tortured for information ( as well as vengeance for the target he had killed ) for several days. Luckily, Gin eventually overcame his captors via wriggling free of his restraints and disarming his company at the time----but not without sustaining various wounds. Beyond what was inflicted upon him by men in seeking answers, Gin was shot and stabbed during his struggle. He was able to clamber free and swiftly escape in a blaze of bloody brutality. 
          No one involved in the incident survived that night.
          Due to this past, Gin’s not keen on his wrists being grabbed for whatever reason, though he’ll play off the irritation, the fight, and / or flight instinct that spikes through his spine at the contact----as such, he’s severely against restraints, and will eagerly free himself of any that manage to catch him with ease that is blatantly ( and perhaps obsessively ) practiced. Gin will, on occasion, fiddle with locking and unlocking handcuffs whilst idle to further refine the freeing gesture. If asked, or teased, Gin will simply tease back about kinks.
          Gin was ambushed, he doesn’t remember all the details of his attackers' strategy, as the descent into darkness happened too quickly... however, he has a sinking suspicion that the attack upon him had been a plan by Aizen in order to properly test his newly appointed right hand. The men were far too trained, yet still emotionally motivated, so it’s a coin toss. Neither of them has ever discussed the event, and Gin never plans to share the pain he endured by keeping his mouth shut for Aizen’s sake. Out of spite, maybe, he behaves outwardly as if the capture and subsequent torture never even happened to him.
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godkilller · 5 years
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          Gin meets with Aizen regularly throughout their various territories within Karakura City or even beyond it. These meetings are typically entirely SECLUDED. There is a strict no-weaponry rule that Aizen upholds for any meeting called, and Gin had only ever disobeyed the rule once when younger in his attempt at sneaking a handgun meant solely for Aizen himself. The weapon was, unfortunately, detected during a sweep, and though Gin played the entire ordeal as a moment of forgetfulness, he won’t dare attempt the move again. Not any time soon, at least, to protect the trust he’s built up thus far.
          There may be stretches of time in which they stay apart or simply can’t meet----and instead communicate important, classified information with one another via coded texts. This code is specific to Gin, and cannot be so easily broken----and even if so, investigators would be unable to know its message without additional information, as the two are often capable of communicating without need for finishing sentences, providing context, or naming names. Gin may know a desired target and Aizen’s preferred method by two single words given to him on his phone. The hitman may, at any time, receive these texts requiring his attention, though nothing exceeds the power of non-verbal commands whilst they’re together that Gin has been trained from a young age to recognize by heart.
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godkilller · 5 years
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          Gin started working for unsavory groups at a very young age, and with the work came initiation. Many different cultures----as well as swarms of scum----adhere to a basic code: branding oneself via ink typically signifies belonging to a certain group, family, or in Gin’s case organization. Gangs, as well as traditional warriors, would undergo tattooing to showcase that fact. In Karakura City, it’s likely that any individual with their right wrist tattooed ( with any sort of symbol ) is a member of a certain gang... because tattoos are otherwise not ordinary. Given that there are only two or three prevailing powerhouses, other factors can easily assist one in distinguishing which one exactly that person belongs to.
          Gin originally joined Aizen’s opposition, thus marking his wrist with a simple number indicator----three----a secret note of how many the young Gin had killed up until that day. However, he doubled back years later as a teenager, once Aizen made him betray his allegiance, to instead cover up that tattoo with another more intricate design. Needing more ink to do so, Gin decided to go for a black paint-stroke styled snake crawling and coiling up his entire arm, surrounded by barren tree branches and a withering flower. Not only was this to cover up his previous alliance, but it was also a statement that declared he would not have any further room to replace or adjust his loyalties. It’s common to not trust a man that has multiple different non-cohesive tattoos on their indicating arm, so for Gin to request such an elaborate and massive project was a way for him to show his dedication.
          This pleased Aizen greatly.
          Don’t ask Gin what it means; he was a teenager at the time, and also? He’s not that kind of sentimental. Maybe.
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godkilller · 5 years
          Gin’s history and rise to his role as Aizen’s prized assassin is deeply hidden from any files. Like many guns for hire, however, it’s extremely likely that he has, to some extent, a military background. Gin doesn’t seek to confirm or deny that, but may at some point divulge the source for his many violent skillsets----if he ever is coerced into a sharing mood. Which may, in fact, never happen.
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