#[ this was me...showing restraint in just...rambling about them abby.... I LOVE THEM SO MUUUUUCH UGH ]
glorywaited · 4 years
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☽ /   @thiefreign​ :  das ship meme                SEND ME A SHIP AND I’LL TELL YOU :  ( accepting !!  )
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thank u for enabling me n my daily sole source of serotonin with these two !! ihu cause i love all our millions of verses so.... mmmaybe i’ll throw in some specifics...
Who said “I love you” first : it’s usually eugene tbh -- but iirc cass drunkenly confessed in our canon verse but neither remembered that so does it count idk... n cass tbh probably yells it at him out of frustration in my street raised verse because he is the worst but usually she waits for him n they pine after each other forever because they’re absolute idiots...the smartest idiots... but eugene generally breaks first because he’s him && as far as saying the actual phrase...that’s always eugene because ykno cass has to go through her ‘me too’ phase of just responding with ‘me too’ n actually fully meaning it entirely but terrified to say it dhajmd
Who would have the other’s picture as their phone background : eugene. always. especially with model cass because like...look at her. but honestly any modern cass usually has him on her home screen especially the pic from that one time she tried to take a pic of him peacefully n cutely sleeping n dropped her phone on his face...
Who leaves notes written in fog on the bathroom mirror : both but cass probably started it when they were fwb n he was being annoying after shower sex n talking too much n going to do his usual skincare routine n everything n before he could wipe the fog away she drew on a moustache unibrow n devil horns n now they do that to each other n leave little notes or terrible drawings in the corners of the mirror. for pjo / hp / any teen verse tbh they probably just do that to each other a lot n it’s always way more ridiculous drawings or notes n she probably just writes ‘dork’ all the time so he sees it later 
Who buys the other cheesy gifts : eugene does cause he’s good at cheesy n cass is not but she’d probably buy him things as a joke tbh. generally she’ll give him practical / thoughtful gifts out of nowhere just because she saw it or saw he was running out of something n refilled it for him, things like that.
Who initiated the first kiss : tbh it’s usually eugene or it’s one of those mutual things where they both end up leaning in n before they can really think it through they’re already kissing followed by a soft pull away, look at each other n then going back in because oops they opened a faucet they cant shut off. but every time eugene initiates no matter the verse it always surprises the hell out of cass cause she just does not think he likes her, especially verses where they’re teens n the denial is high but she always kisses back immediately n usually always initiates the second kiss
Who kisses the other awake in the morning : eugene started it but cass really, really enjoys whenever he does. it startles her the first time in any verse, especially our canon verse since she’s so jumpy but she definitely starts doing it too whenever she wakes up first. she’ll brush his hair back gently n kiss him softly to wake him but every so often when she’s being a brat she’ll wake him up terribly by tickling his sides of blowing a raspberry on his neck....n other times she’ll wake him up by kissing his neck n generally attempting to initiate morning sex n she’s not sry about any of it :\\\
Who starts tickle fights : EUGENE. ALWAYS. in proooobably every verse...maaybe not hitman cause he’s edgy unless it’s like deeep into their relationship but :\\\ she hates it n she fights back every single time because she will NOT be the only one to suffer
Who asks who if they can join the other in the shower : cass does not ask -- well, she sometimes asks if he wants her to join him -- but she does like sneaking into the shower with him because she likes showering together but she also likes being nasty so...
Who surprises the other in the middle of the day at work with lunch : i feel like both depending on the verse but i can see them both doing this for each other in most verses ?? in canon its cute to think about eugene surprising cass during her break from handmaiden duties with a small quick picnic tbh because the denial is hilarious n theyre like its just a FRIENDS LUNCH n everyons lke UH HUH THATS A DATE ?? n post series cass absolutely brings him food when hes working as captain. modern cass in like any of the verses she’s with actor eugene / flynn would bring him things to set even tho they have food but she just...wants an excuse to be around him lmao dhbajkmd especially any time model cass is visiting him when he’s filming but i can see him doing the same whenever she has shoots near him ??
Who was nervous and shy on the first date : oh cass is always nervous on the first date no matter the verse because she has intense abandonment issues n thinks shes gonna lose him n doesn’t deserve love so she’s Highkey nervous the whole time until he makes her laugh n calms her down cause he just...notices she’s rly tense tbh n that helps her a lot to just ease into it n have a good time with him. but it works both ways, she can tell if he’s ever nervous n he tends to get in his head a lot so she’ll calm him down too n just place a hand on him n get his focus on her
Who kills/takes out the spiders : cass takes all spiders gently in her hands n takes them outside. however...pjo cass is the only cass terrified of spiders because Child of Athena n eugene definitely takes the spiders away for her whenever she starts to panic n calms her down after n she feels silly for it bhdjasm
Who loudly proclaims their love when they’re drunk : eugene does, he’s a louder drunk than her n it’s way easier for him to yell that he loves her to everyone... but she also has the tendency to accidentally blurt out her feelings for him when she’s very, very drunk. or in actor eugenes case, he confesses to her while SHE’S blackout drunk n won’t remember :\\\
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