#[ thank you for tagging me ! ]
smol-stardust · 2 months
Hi mootie! Got a new tag challenge for you! Give a color palette, a nice quote, and a song rec; then tag 10 other beautiful Tumblrinas (only if you want to). Keep being awesome!!
Colour palette
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"I dream. Sometimes I think that's the only right thing to do." -Haruki Murakami
Song rec:
No pressure tags: @demigoddess-of-ghosts @written-by-kafka @thebestieyoureinlovewith @walmart-miku @lupvium @lilacs-and-memes @lovelyalicorn @monsterrat104 @ottobab @bananaede @morphestic @caffeiiine @le-petite-ivy @clowninthecoffeehouse @enby-ive
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sigurism · 1 year
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I was tagged by @callumnova to create myself using this picrew! Thank you, darling doll.
I tig-tag: @filmnoiress, @conradrasputin, @mariamariquinha, @sturridges, @marlowe-zara
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yourstorai · 5 days
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Thank you so much for tagging me @fi-qalbii 🩵
go on pinterest and search for the first image that pops up for : fashion/pantone/mood/food .
Tagging: @afghan-blood @sseol @chhi-hiro @enouemenc @asdfghjkl-kyx
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twig-tea · 2 months
People I Want to Get to Know Better
tagged by @incandescentflower, thanks MJ!
Last song: @lurkingshan sent me the acoustic Jimin single ('Who') and then I looked up the Ace of Base song Beautiful Life because it reminded me so much of it lol
Favorite Color: Teal
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[ID: gif of the overhead shot of the teal ocean in The Eclipse]
Currently Watching: Besties this is so upsetting. This is what I'm actively keeping up with. This is everything in a week, including the 4 that start within the next 7 days:
4 Minutes [starting this week]
Ayaka is in love with Hiroko
Bad Guy
Battle of the Writers [starting this week]
Be Your Star
Century of Love
Hoshikuzu Telepath [I just found out about this one but it is also currently airing!]
I Hear the Sunspot
I Saw You In My Dream [just started today]
Knock Knock Boys
Love Enemy [starting this week]
Love Sea the Series
Mr Mitsuya's Planned Feeding [starting this week]
My Marvellous Dream is You [finishing this week--i lied it finishes Aug 7]
The Rebound
The Secret of Us
Sky Valley
Sunset Vibes
Takara's Treasure
The Trainee
Twilight out of Focus
Under the Oak Tree [finishing this week]
All but 5 of them are 45-60 minute episodes (and 4 of those 5 are 25 mins), and 3 of them air twice a week. That's 22 shows from 7 different countries, including 3 GLs. And that's after I moved 3 to binges (MLMU, Meet You at the Blossom, and This Love Doesn't Have Long Beans) because I couldn't keep up and wasn't enjoying those week-to-week. It's TOO MUCH.
Last movie: I think it was BL Metamorphosis, due to @my-rose-tinted-glasses' rec and fansubbed by @furritsubs (thank you!).
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Currently Reading: I'm still on book 3 of MoDu (Silent Reading), because I have had no time to read! I love this series I just haven't been prioritizing it. Also reading the Twilight out of Focus manga alongside the anime as it airs.
Sweet, Spicy, or Savory?: Savoury all day every day.
Relationship: I am married to the sea.
Current Obsession: Hmm. Does QL as a whole count? lol
Last googled: "Sailor moon makoto and haruka" to make sure i was getting their names right on this gifset I was queuing.
Currently working on: My watchlist (sobs) and clearing out my drafts by filling up my queue so that i feel less bad about being stalled on the 5 meta posts I owe people.
tagging @waitmyturtles @wanderlust-in-my-soul @stuffnonsenseandotherthings and @pigglepiephi because those were the first names I thought of that I'm also curious about your watchlists!
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k-u-z-u · 1 year
Thank you for tagging me @reaxz ♥
Post the last song you listened to:
Tagging: @corruption123 @dontlook-backnow @mangatxt @lostkunai @glockjaw
No pressure ♥
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amalthea-felsblood · 4 months
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Scent of the soul
Your Result:
🕯 Candle Smoke 🕯
Key words: Self-assured, courageous, intuitive.
You are an expert at overcoming your demons and should be proud of how brave you have consistently shown yourself to be. Others are amazed by your perseverance, strong personality, and unapologetic uniqueness.
Compatible with: Coffee, freshly baked bread. ♡
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Tagged by the ever thoughtful @ubejamjar ✧ Thank you so much.
@casterixe @thebrumeknight-ffxiv @archaiclumina @spoczkot @starrysnowdrop
Please feel free to take the quiz ⚘ I wanted to tag so many more.
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sunshinechay · 3 months
Poll time!!!!!
I was tagged by @befuddledcinnamonroll and @happypotato48
I’m going to still to QLs though I struggled a little with a theme and to pick just 5 but I managed it :)
So without further ado
I’m going to tag @bunnakit @dramalets @lukaherehelp @zoinkssc00b @talistheintrovert and anyone else who wants to do it :)
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iandarling · 2 months
thank you for the tag lovely @michellemisfit
Name: Katrine
Age: 25
Location: Norway 🏔️
Top sheet, yes or no? i had to google this because it’s not something we use here, so…no?
How many stuffed animals do you own? i’m a proud mother of two squishmellows
The names of your pets (and the explanations behind them): both my birds have passed at this point, but i had two budgies called Polter (a character from a kids tv show) and Romeo (because he was the handsomest little boy, sometimes we called him casanova)
Favourite colour: pastel pink 🌸or lemon yellow🍋
Any tattoos: nooOooo i’m too indecisive and i’m also scared of needles (but i would like a shark or whale tattoo one day) 🐋
How you transport your belongings (purse, tote, hands, pockets, etc.); i’m a bag/purse girl, i love a cute little bag or tote
The last movie you watched: The Amazing Spiderman 🕸️
How long does it take you to get ready in the morning?: it can be anywhere from 10-40 mins, depending on what i’m doing and where i’m going
Favourite weather: a lovely april day; not too cold but not sweltering hot
Relationships status: single, but i do want a relationship (but i don’t wanna date and i don’t wanna talk to boys so you see my problem)
Ice cream flavor of choice: ice cream is my favourite thing in the world how could i choose!! hmm i guess vanilla, brownie, caramel, and cookie dough
First fandom: BBC Merlin or Les Mis
How many books have you read this year?:…i started reading TBOSAS and forgot i was reading it halfway thru, then i started rereading Jane Austen…i mainly read fanfic tbh
First 4 words of your last notes app entry: a little more than 4 words but it’s what i’m working on rn “Lip Gallagher- a life in five chapters”
And finally, if you had to change your URL tomorrow, what would you change it to?: well my first ever screen name online was “wishful fairy” but i’m no longer 11 years old, so i think i’ll stick to the ones i got now lol
Please join in!!
@mickeygifs @mickeym4ndy @mickeysgaymom @em-harlsnow @roryonic @iangallagherisadeadman @iansfreckles @iansw0rld @ianspaw @stocious
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informaltorching · 5 days
Get To Know Me meme
tagged by @aztarion
Last Song: Hit by An(other) Iceberg by Twins in Colour
Favorite Color: Deep Dark Greens
Currently Watching: Nothing ATM
Last Movie: Alien Romulus - I only got to see half of it tho because someone in the theater was being so obnoxious that we got a refund and just left. I liked it a lot so far though and am gonna actually watch it sometime soon D:
Sweet/Spicy/Savory: I love spicy but I am one of those white guys that feels pain at certain levels and it fucking sucks
Relationship Status: Married to the silliest girl in the world (@swoomoo)
Current Obsessions: VTM, Cider tea, Hunt Showdown, My frens :)
Last Thing I Googled: assamite kukri dagger...hm..wonder why...
IDK who has already done this so sorry if you have and also no pressure if you haven't.. @thesixthplaneteer @girlnextvore @swoomoo @fruitssalad
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lohengreen · 6 months
Fic Chain Tag
Rules: List the first line of your last 10 (posted) fics and see if there's a pattern!
/ Whee. Okay. I don’t even have that many works. 🥲 Welp. Does it even count, then? Anyway, I’ll try this. Thank you so much for tagging me Juni, dear. @theprodigalpragmatist ❤️ (omg)
“Go on”, the Doctor said. -> Like you‘re my universe and I‘m your stars (tensimm, part 4, based on ep: closing time. This was a gift for my dear friend @thecreatorfromgallifrey <3, love you, which wasn’t a work that was planned to exist at all, but happened anyway and wraps it up nicely.)
Her thief stole another Time Lord. -> Words (tensimm, but from a tardis pov. Based on ep: The doctor’s wife. Also part 3, as I couldn‘t stay away from writing them.)
Eleven. -> Ice (tensimm through S5, part 2 of my Three little words series, which got so much more emotional than I could have ever planned it to be. Whoops.)
“You’ve got to be kiddin‘ me.” -> Fire (tensimm travelling through S4 after the Valiant. This is the fic that started as a simple and fun oneshot, then got 3 bus rides, a 14 hour flight and a 2 week road trip away from me and turned into a 90k series by the end of it. Still don‘t know how that happened.)
“You mean like-” Crowley leaned forward in his seat. “a sudden rainstorm. -> Just a bit unlikely (Aziracrow fluff, also written to cope. Which I still can‘t.)
“I can’t see what’s so bad about knowing the difference between good and evil anyway.” -> 5 times Crowley almost kissed Aziraphale and the one time he finally did (and it shattered his heart) (Aziracrow through the ages, written to cope with the emotional trainwreck that was the end of S2. By writing even more heartbreak. Well done, me.)
The words are still ringing in Bucky´s ears. -> Afterglow (Winterbaron, my first ever work back in my marvel phase. Oh god. What a time. It was such a struggle trying to actually write stuff down for once.)
What can I say. Looking at this, I don‘t think my first lines are very strong? I‘ll try to work on that if I ever manage to be back at it.
Ah, well. I love basing my works on episodes, rewriting and changing and adding to them in some way or another. Guess that shows there, too.
This was fun! Seeing your first lines like that is quite interesting.
I seriously don‘t know who to tag, though? Sorry if it‘s double or triple or something…
@godteethed @tardis-ghost-blog
Also, I figured out how to add links to words on a post thanks to this. Look at me go!!
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sniickerdoodles · 2 months
OC Smash or Pass: Iraeiara
Tagged by: @nyx-knox & @amoremagnificentbastard , thank you both!
Rules: Pretty self explanatory. Include physical descriptions or pics, and propaganda. The 'Other'-label can be used for ‘sexuality misalignment' (ie: OC is femme and you’re gay, vice versa, or you aren’t into smashing but a specific thing you wanna do with them, perhaps hug or study them under a microscope idc.)
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Quick Facts:
Race: Seldarine Drow
Class: Wild Magic Sorcerer / Battle Master Fighter
Height: 5’0”
Age: 31
Gender/ Pronouns: Female, She/Her
Sexuality: TBD....? I'm not entirely sure what she is. Both of her relationships so far have been with men, but it's hard to say for certain lol she's not really the type to "date around" if that makes sense
Oh hoho to try and do this challenge for my emotionally tangled up lil ball of drow. Let's try this... Pros:
Loves to love – Irae is very attentive and dedicates herself to learning and memorizing every detail about her loved ones. She will learn details such as your favorite foods, colors, activities and even the smallest of quirks, and takes great care in mentally updating this list anytime she notices a shift in your preferences. Aside from favorites, she also takes note of any preferences in love language, striving to show affection in the ways which resonate most with those she wishes to love, whether it be through words of affirmation, acts of service, gifts, quality time, or physical touch. She tries to always be aware of how her loved ones like to be comforted and will go out of her way to provide that comfort to you when needed.
Adores giving physical affection – Irae herself loves to express her own love through actions like soft caresses, gentle touches, and warm embraces. She is tender, and loves kissing those close to her either on the forehead or cheek (lips, if you're... extra close of course 👀). She tries to give those around her a steady sense of security and affection, and devotes herself to making her loved ones relax and feel cared for in her presence.
Protective & Loyal – Her loyalty to you will be unwavering once you become part of her 'inner circle'. Irae takes her role as a protector seriously and tries to always look out for the well-being of her friends and family. She will go to great lengths to protect those she loves, and her close ones can always rely on her to be there for them, no matter the situation.
Empathetic and Understanding – Irae always tries to be a comforting presence to those around her, doing her best to lend a sympathetic ear or understand and share the feelings of those she care for. She is reflective, and often contemplates the actions and motivations of her treasured ones, seeking to understand them on a deeper level.
Genuinely sincere – Despite her skills in charm and manipulation Irae never uses these abilities on her loved ones. Instead, she values honesty and openness in her close relationships and is willing to lay down these emotional weapons of hers and bare her soul to those she trusts, showing off her true self to the best of her ability. It is easy for her loved ones to distinguish between the moments when she is playing a role and when she is being her true self which makes building true and meaningful connections easier. There will be no doubt in your mind that what she feels for you is anything but completely and wholly sincere.
Her eyes. Gods, those eyes – No gaze will leave you feeling quite as exposed as Irae's – and yet, despite this – it's a comforting kind of exposure. Instead of being met with judgement, you will only be met with curiosity. She will see you for all that you are without an ounce of punishment, and she will understand you in your entirety, sometimes without you having to say a single word. Your soul will be safe in her tender hands and piercing gaze.
Emotionally unavailable / one-sided – Irae is a natural giver, always ready to provide support and affection. With that said, she struggles with being vulnerable enough to let others give to her in return. This might create an emotional wall or a sense of inequality in her close relationships, as she also finds it hard to accept help or comfort from others. You will have to navigate this and teach her that it is okay to be vulnerable.
Non-discriminatory giver of affection – Irae loves to show affection, regardless of whether the recipient is a friend or a lover. This trait of hers is not ideal if you tend to be the jealous type, as her affections are not reserved solely for her romantic partner 👀
Charming and flirtations manipulator – While Irae avoids using her emotional manipulation tactics on those she values, she is well aware of her charm and beauty and has no qualms about using these traits to manipulate strangers. She will flirt to obtain information or favors, and even though the flirting means nothing to her, it is a behavior which again... can be troubling if you happen to have a bit of a jealous streak lol
Lack of self-identity – At the same time as Irae shows great confidence in her skills and abilities, she struggles with having very little sense of who she is as a person. Even something as simple as defining her hobbies prove extremely challenging, and describing herself and understanding what it is others see in her feels nigh impossible. This insecurity sometimes leads to an overprotectiveness of the little self-image she has, which might lead her to lash out if she feels misjudged. She will need significant support from you as she discovers her true self, and will often fall back on unhealthy and learned behaviors during this journey.
Toxic complaisance – In love, Irae can struggle to assert her thoughts and opinions, which stem from her uncertain sense of self and severe abandonment issues. She may choose to stay quiet during disagreements to 'keep the peace' and avoid further conflict, and thus unintentionally engaging in manipulative behavior. This can lead to bigger issues down the line, as unresolved disagreements are left to fester between the two of you.
Anxious at core – Despite often appearing as someone who is assertive, self-assured, and resistant to stress, Irae is deeply anxious at her core. She can be very self-conscious, and is also success-driven, perfectionistic, and eager to improve, traits which can overwhelm her in times of high stress. Her difficulty in opening up serve to further complicate matters, as these issues of hers sometimes create an unintentional disconnect between her and those who wants to care about her, including you. It may be hard to understand what goes on in that head of hers, and this may lead to reactions which can come off as unexpected.
Emotional withdrawal – When extremely distressed, Irae shuts down completely, and may even run away from the source of her upset. It can take her hours or even days to calm down. And in a fit of vindictiveness, she may chose to hide from the person who upset her, preventing them from apologizing and prolonging the conflict until she is ready to address it. This behavior also stems from her abandonment issues, as she feels like she is preventing what she believes is an inevitable end of your relationship by simply prolonging the much needed discussion. This is of course not a healthy way to cope, and she will need you to be patient as she works on finding healthier ways to calm down after a nasty argument.
Tagging (no pressure and sorry for any repeats!): 🏷️ @locallegume @pinkberrytea @shinyredgloss (Ash! :D) @bardic-inspo and anyone else who sees this and feels like participating, tag me if you do! I'd love to see <3
Lastly, I do not blame anyone for picking 'pass', Irae is a mess 💀 but I love her to death
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jinxiaobao · 3 months
challenge: make a poll with five of your all time favorite characters, and then tag five people to do the same. see which character is everyone's favorite.
i was tagged by @mbjw, @taeminie, and @jimmysea to do this—thank you lovelies! 💘
so i had to really think on this one, but i finally narrowed it down to my five favoritest little bl guys 🥹
okay let's go!
yes i know beyond evil is not technically a bl series but it's definitely a bl series.
and here are my little guys! (yes ofc i made gifs)
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no pressure tagging: @lucky-cat-cafe @firstkanaphans @leedongwook @khaopybara
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islandtarochips · 1 month
Picrew Couples
Thank you @alypink @revnah1406 and @deeptrashwitch for tagging me to do this cute picrew
Tagging list (no pressure):
@alypink @welldonekhushi @revnah1406 @kaitaiga
@sleepyconfusedpotato @imagoddamnonionmason
@deeptrashwitch @dirtfullofwork @mutantthedark
And anyone who wanted to try! Thank you!
So cute doing it! Ok. So here’s Gaz x Tiala!
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And here’s Koa x Arehe! (I tried so hard to find a good hair for Koa but this is all I got😭)
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stars-bean · 11 months
Gif colouring challenge: before and after :)
Tagged by lovely: @jowhittaker @ajcrowleys @flowergrenades @rosettyller @michaelsheens and @alivedean :D
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I'm so slow that probably everyone at this point has made this /o\ But in case someone hasn't, I'm tagging: @ladybokatankryze @i-seeaspaceshipinthe-sky @iero @djo @comicbookvillain @wearecrowley @capinejghafa (no pressure, of course)
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twig-tea · 5 months
9 People You'd Like To Get To Know Better
Tagged by @visualtaehyun and @thegalwhorants 💕
3 ships
Need to limit myself because there are too many good couples in media! The three I'm most enjoying in what I'm watching right now are:
Qian and Yuan from Unknown
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Kazuhito and Natsukawa from Living with Him / Kare no Iru Seikatsu
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Aylin and Luna from 23.5
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First ship
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I've answered this before but I was reading galwhorants' answers and suddenly the words "world shaking" popped into my head, and I remembered that the main site I used to read Ami/Makoto (sailors Mercury and Jupiter from Sailor Moon) fanfic was on worldshaking.net so I looked it up and that site has been rebuilt and some of the fanfic restored! So if you are curious about what babyqueer me was reading ~1997 it's still around and you can go see for yourself (shout-out to the author & curator Erica Friedman who was [and still is] a mentor and community-builder for so many of us; she was the one who organized Yuricon which is still an excellent resource if you want to get into or understand the history of yuri!).
Last song
I'm a quiet TXT fan and I've been enjoying their new mini album; the last song I listened to was Quarter Life (which has the unfortunate effect of making me feel old since I'm long past the quarter-life crisis age lolol but it makes me nostalgic for the pop punk heydays):
Currently reading
I finished book 1 and am chipping away at book 2 of MoDu (Silent Reading); it is such a satisfying read! I need more hours in the day so I can keep reading it.
Last movie
I just finished the short Burmese film Khar Taw Mi (another Trust Entertainment work centered around Thingyan, this time around the cultural performance aspects rather than the water party parts, so lots of traditional music and dance). If we're talking feature film, hmm, I think it was either Doi Boy (2023) or Past Lives (2023), I can't remember the order I watched them in; I watched them both in March (and both were very good).
Currently craving
Honestly, what I most want right now is spoons to do the things I've been dragging my feet on doing. Food-wise, I was giving a colleague tips on visiting Newfoundland and now I'm craving soft-serve creamsicle ice cream, which I've only ever had in St. John's.
No-pressure tags! And if you've already done this one tag me in the comments: @lurkingshan (since we fought over ships last time); @happypotato48; @sorry-bonebag; @my-rose-tinted-glasses; @telomeke; @waitmyturtles; @bengiyo (especially for the movie question); @thisonelikesaliens; @hyeoni-comb
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k-u-z-u · 1 year
Thank you for tagging me @mangatxt ♥
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Tagging: @reaxz @glockjaw @dontlook-backnow @lostkunai @akinozetsubou
(No pressure)
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