#[ sorry im on an ariel / wee elita kick right now ]
elitaxne · 2 years
❝ GO, GO, GO—  ❞
The orders ROARED from Corporal Kup at the front of the transport while the backend reclined downwards ( painfully slow ), prompting the company to exit into what appeared to be the middle of a battlefield. Blaster fire, far off cannons, explosions, shrieks of aerial engines, distant screams, all of it filled the cabin in a deafening white noise that kickstarted every spark pulse.
Without further hesitation those at the immediate back led the charge, sprinting head-first into the orange and amber surroundings. The first line had barely crossed the threshold when cannon fire in rapid succession pegged them all off, sending scarlet frames crumpling down to the ground in a bloodied heap.
The following Sentinels didn’t have time to notice the onslaught, line after line sprinting then tripping over bodies as they fell. Only a fraction were successful in navigating the growing obstacles as more and more Sentinels exited then died one after the other. Those that were able to stay upright fired off their own rounds at the shadows where the cannon fire originated from, blindly shooting forwards during a mad dash for cover.
Kup’s orders only continued to BELLOW from behind, forcing the troupe forwards despite watching line after line offline IMMEDIATELY, or to be trampled to death beneath advancing pedefalls of the remaining company. And those were the lucky ones... many had only been fatally wounded; writhing in agony as they grasped desperately at missing body parts, internal wiring spilling through deep gaping holes, and Energon profusely bleeding into thick puddles.
                                                But the SCREAMS...            Oh, the screams were enough to stop any sparkpulse...
Pure agony. RIPPING from vocoders with a ferocity that likely shredded them beyond functionality. In fact, spatters of blood spewed from mouthplates in show of just that. If not lifeblood then it was their own tank contents PURGED over scarlet chestplates or off to the side, adding to the disgusting squelches of bodily fluids now coagulating at every pede.
Ariel and Cypher’s line was due up next, stumbling forwards to take their turn at being fish in a barrel. Skinny arms trembled, weaponry modifications locked and humming as large cerulean hues darted about from behind much larger, taller frames. Nightfall aside she couldn’t see for SLAG, too short to catch what was going on, only blindly HEARING the massacre; she wasn’t sure which was worse.
More tortured screams. More cannon fire. More frames smashed lifelessly — or nearly so — to the blood soaked ground. Cypher edged forwards alongside Ariel, spying a barricade of some sort off to the side in a split second parting of the scarlet sea. 
                                                           Their turn.
❝ Ari, t’ tha left. A’hundred yards! GO LEFT— ❞ he shouted, firing off multiple shots as they crossed the lip of the transport.
❝ COPY !! ❞ Ariel yelled back, shooting into the darkness as those before her had done.
Pedes tripped over the fallen frames. The near mountain of them forced her to leap unsteadily over as quickly as possible, spastically dodging on-coming cannon shots as they zipped past. Sparkpulses HAMMERED in her chassis so loudly it made her feel dizzy. Disorientated already with being dumped in the MIDDLE of violent warfare.
Ariel shook her helm, twisting and turning between wayward cannon blasts to return her own volleys, none of them making contact. Dammit. Her aim was HORRENDOUS with the added stress. Although, having to sprint through uneven terrain around wounded ( and deceased ) mecha also added difficulty to the task. If she could get into a locked position she’d be much better, thus, she saved her ammunition; right arm plates re-configured into an Energon shield, opting to block the blasts than continue dwindling her reserves.
           One hundred yards... Left... One hundred yards... Left...
Another blast WHIZZED past her helm, forcing the femme to duck and gasp. Close call. The brandished shield raised a nanosecond after in anticipatory retaliation, and thank the Maker, blocked two more blasts that would’ve offlined her INSTANTLY were her reaction time any slower.
Cerulean hues locked onto the barricade where three others in her company had taken refuge. Ariel’s helm turned, catching Cypher close behind her and unfortunately fairing no better when it came to sprinting and shooting. Lip plates pressed in a thin line. His Tarnish frame was tall and broad, making the mech an even easier target; he’d need cover fire in order to make it to the barricade. At least, such was the conclusion her limited battlefield knowledge was able to piece together. Strategy and tactics had only BARELY been touched on in the few months she’d been in basic training.
Optics shifted to find a smoking aerial transport halfway between them and the barricade. It was better than nothing. Mustering as much speed as she could, the femme slid then skidded behind it, shield propped up and over as her other arm raised the readied blaster.
❝ I’LL COVER YOU, KEEP GOING— ❞ Ariel shouted to Cypher over the ensuing battle.
Cypher fired off another shot, miraculously making contact with an enemy soldier in their shoulder pauldron; enough to wound, but not to eliminate. Orange optics burned into cerulean at the femme’s voice. There was no time for arguing, he forged ahead.
Ariel trembled in her crouched position, frantically trying to steady her ventilations enough to get a fix on the Hyperion targets. Ridges furrowed beneath the war paint, and she fired one shot, pegging the same soldier Cypher had hit a moment ago in their opposite pauldron. Threat of death aside she couldn’t bring herself to KILL the enemy; to take a life. Not unless absolutely necessary. That much she had promised herself when first joining the Sentinels.
A plasma blast ricocheted off her shield. Ariel continued with her own volleys, drawing as much fire as she could while Cypher sprinted to the barricade. Thankfully, he’d get there in good time in part to his longer strides. Once again, she bit back her jealousy. Shot after shot fired off-kilter into the surrounding darkness, flickers of orange and amber flames providing the only illumination to the landscape; an open plain with carved trenches leading to a lumpy hill.
The femme swallowed then grunted. Focus, Ariel. Sudden movement and yellow optics caught her attention and she shot at them immediately, unsure if she made contact with the Hyperion invaders. There was no telling how many of them were hiding behind mounds of the planet’s excavated surface, in the trenches, or littered in the hillside. Every now and then yellow optics or biolights would illuminate the shadows, but with uneven light sources and overwhelming stimuli Ariel couldn’t get a proper count. In fact, she wondered if Corporal Kup even KNEW how many enemies had been waiting for them.
❝ ARI— ❞
Ducking back behind the smouldering transport cerulean hues flashed up upon hearing her designation, finding Cypher safely tucked away and waiting for her at the barricade. Her turn. The three other Cybertronians beside the Tarnish mech continued firing into the hillside, unawares to her existence or need for cover.
Ariel shook her helm, spark pulsing hard and fast as vents spasmed. No. She wasn’t going to make it, the distance was far too great. She’d get shot down for certain. Fear choked out on her terrified EM Field, and beneath her bright warpaint fascia had grown pale, wearing an expression of absolute terror. At first she hadn’t the time to take everything in, and even now she still hadn’t. The mad dash had occupied her thoughts enough to send her on autopilot, but now that she was trapped in place, the whirring anxieties laying in wait beneath the surface begun to bubble over uncontrollably.
Two plasma blasts burnt through the transport behind her backplates, nearly singing her in the process. A startled gasp TORE from her vocoder. Frag. The makeshift cover wasn’t going to last much longer. She needed to move yet her legs felt like jelly, unwilling to budge as though suddenly stricken with paralysis. Violent tremors rattled her skinny frame between heaving pants, forcing her ventilations out of sync. Ariel hyperventilated and shook her helm, dizzy from the lack of proper air cycles.
                       She couldn’t do it. She couldn’t make it. She didn’t want to die.
                                                She didn’t want to die—
Panicked cerulean hues stared helplessly at her battle buddy across the large divide. Cypher grimaced pleadingly, ducking his helm at another burst of plasma fire rocketing narrowly past.
The shield and blaster reconfigured into dainty digits, reaching up to grab at the sides of her helm as knee joints tucked closer to her chassis. Vents sputtered, vision blurring in and out of focus. She needed to get her air cycles back on track. In for four, out for four. In for four, out for four. The femme swallowed against a dry patch in her intake, the mantra wasn’t working. More plasma pierced the transport on either side of her frame, and she instinctively tucked closer in on herself.
Pricks of coolant squeezed from the corners of tightly closed optics as her frame SHOOK. In for four, out for four. In for four, out for four— Another blast WHIZZED by overhead, missing her by inches. Move, dammit. If she didn’t break from her current position soon she was going to be killed, or worse, Cypher would attempt to come back for her, risking his own life in the process. He would die because she was a COWARD...
Don’t be afraid.
Ariel GASPED desperately for air. Steadying the vents to a more manageable rate but even then it was heightened far past the realm of normalcy. Servos dropped from her helm, reconfiguring into the shield and blaster as before. Spark pulses COURSED through her frame like lightning in preparation, their strength so mighty she could practically see the vibrations in her optic casings.
                         Don’t be afraid.
Cerulean hues opened, wide and glassy, shooting over to Cypher whose focus remained divided between her and the relentless volleys of plasma fire. A sudden blast tore through the transport’s outer edge near her right shoulder pauldron, leaving smoking, burnt metal in its wake. It was now or never.
                                                     DON’T. BE. AFRAID.
From the depths of her chassis a carnal ROAR ripped itself free as the femme shot to her pedes in a blind sprint. Raising her shield on the attacking side immediate blasts from the Hyperion invaders made contact with its bright Energon-blue honeycomb’d design.
The blazing plains and hell erupting all around seemed to continue in slow motion with every pedefall she took. Plasma blurred past and behind her, some making contact a step or two away from her exposed legs and pedes, others hitting the shield in quick succession. Cerulean hues narrowed, locked onto awaiting orange optics as Cypher continued to call over, voice echoing as if speaking from the distant end of a tunnel. His large servo waved her over encouragingly, while the other kept a configured shield in place, outstretched cover held towards her in anticipation.
                                                       In for four, out for four...
All at once the world returned to its usual, frantic pace. Ariel heaved, jumping over an offlined Sentinel blocking her immediate pathway. Puddles of Energon on the other side splashed up onto pedes and lower legs. Another few steps was all it took for the femme to reach him, practically DIVING towards the barricade into the sturdy scarlet mass who promptly FLUNG her behind him for additional protection.
Staring up at the mech Ariel vented harshly and nodded. Before any words could be shared a grenade clattered against the ground a couple yards behind the mech, rolling to stop near the clustering of offlined frames she had navigated around. Optics widened.
❝ CANOPY. CANOPY !! ❞ Ariel shouted.
The three other unknown mecha thankfully heard her in time, each raising their shields to lock in place against their neighbour’s, creating a small protective bubble of sorts. Cypher turned away from the imminent blast to lean closer to Ariel behind his own shield, SECONDS before the grenade exploded into a violent fireball, blowing the heap of dead mecha to smithereens in a blink of an optic. The ground quaked beneath them as audials rang at high-pitched frequencies, briefly deafened from the sheer VOLUME of the blast not far away.
Ariel and Cypher shared a knowing look, anemic smiles and shallow vents filling the minimal space separating them. The clustering of shields remained online and in place.
❝ Yer one luck’eh bot — eh there, lass? ❞ the Tarnish mech vented.
❝ Not for much more, ❞ Ariel replied shakily, ❝ I think they were aiming for the barricade— ❞
The femme soldier beside her cut in, shouting despite being immediately to her right. Then again, everyone had to in order to be heard over the ensuing battle, and now, dissipating ring following the grenade.
❝ There’s no cover for anotha hundred yards in each direction. If we pull from here we’ll be pegged down instantly! ❞
Ariel shifted to face the other femme, marvelling quietly at the large, sturdy physique, reminiscent to Cypher’s build yet lacked the Tarnish accent. Whiteout, she believed her name was. Once again, unsurprisingly, Ariel was the shortest and skinniest of the bunch. Thankfully, her pathetic stature didn’t matter much at this moment, they were all in this fight together.
❝ Are there any Hyperions in the trenches between here and the hillside? ❞ Ariel piped up, ridges furrowed beneath the warpaint now speckled in Energon and dirt.
❝ Not a fraggin’ clue— ❞ Whiteout grunted, daring to peek up over the barricade behind her shield on a whim. From this angle she couldn’t tell.
❝ Mo’ good news fo’ ya: we think th’ Corporal’s on the right side. We’re on our own ova ‘ere! ❞ a mech, Redshot, chimed in from behind the femme, equally as physically imposing Ariel noted. Again, his accent eluded her in terms of determining regional origin.
Cypher shook his helm, ❝ Frag... ❞
Plasma blasts rained down on top of their shields with increased force, each of the pinned Cybertronians ducked down per instinct. The longer they stayed here the larger a target they made themselves. Ariel called up her HUD, scanning the data streams for any hopes of an advantage.
❝ Frag. There’s too much interference to track them on our HUD’s. Can anyone get optics on their numbers in the hills? ❞ Ariel called over, peering down the line of mecha who all bristled amidst another barrage of plasma. ❝ We need to figure out how many we’re up against... ❞
Whiteout frowned, ❝ We’re tryin’, but the lil’ fraggers keep shiftin’ around up there! ❞
❝ Oy, Goggles— ❞ Redshot prompted, elbowing the bot next to him on the end. ❝ Getta fix on ‘em yet, ‘ave ya? ❞
Ariel and Cypher glanced between them both. Goggles? Was that actually their name? Each craned for a better look at the last Cybertronian in the line, the largest of them if size and difficulty crouching at the opposite end were any measure. The mech in question turned back at them, large optical enhancers clicking and whirring in front of his optics, both at varying levels of apparent focus. As before, cerulean hues met orange in rivalling confusion. The jury was out on whether it was a name or nickname...
❝ I counted a dozen or so in our immediate vicinity, ❞ Goggles chirped, voice coming much higher than previously anticipated given the bulky Kaonite frame. That accent, however, Ariel IMMEDIATELY recognized. ❝ I never saw any movement in the trenches, though. Hopefully, that means they’re barren... ❞
Processors all whirred, adding to the continuous chorus of far off explosions, cannon fire, and heavy artillery. Cypher’s lip plates pressed in a thin line, disfigured fascia hardened in concentration. A dozen ( or more ) Hyperion soldiers scattered about the hillside against five Cybertronians trapped behind a crumbling barricade? He should’ve let the grenade take him, at least that death would’ve been quick and painless...
Ariel’s helm dipped forwards, letting a quiet, steadying ex-vent pass from parted lip plates. There was a strategy she had read during basic training that she briefly recalled, one that had employed the use of shields to move the unit safely from one coverage point to the next. However, with the added terrain and possibly occupied trenches to take into account, it wouldn’t be an exact recreation... or guaranteed success.
But what IF they managed to reach the hillside? The Hyperions were littered about the inclined surface, shooting down at them while they’d struggle to climb up; instant targets. Unless... there was a decoy or a distraction. They needed proper leverage, or rather, HIGHER ground.
An idea flashed behind her optics. Cerulean hues squinted up beneath her still raised shield at the sky. She hadn’t seen an aerial transport overhead since arriving. Nor had there been any cannon fire encountered since exiting the transport. Presumably, the majority of the company had followed Corporal Kup to the right, drawing the cannon’s attention with them. Come to think of it, when Cypher and her crossed the plains to the barricade it had been blaster fire mostly. No cannons nearby... No aerial cover to combat... That’s it!
❝ I might have it— ❞ Ariel blurted, drawing the attention of the other four mecha.
❝ Have what? Like a rocket launcher or something? ❞ Whiteout asked, curiously, even hopefully. Goggles snickered from the back. Given the skinny femme’s frame size? Unlikely.
❝ No, no. A plan, ❞ Ariel replied, voice growing in volume as plasma again rained down upon their shields.
Cerulean optics darted about the faceplates staring back at her in a myriad of expressions. Even behind the grime, perspiration, and warpaint none of them appeared enthusiastic. EM Fields prickling with apprehension only further spoke to the lack of confidence among the cluster, at least, save for Cypher; his remained vaguely optimistic.
❝ Aye’ll take anythin’ at this poy’nt. Whatcha got, lass? ❞ he prompted from behind.
Ariel scooted to the left carefully, now able to face him and the others. Her free arm bent in front of her, forearm plating shifting to reveal a holo-projected map for them to see. A visual would help the explanation she assumed.
❝ There’s a few s-s-strategies from basic training I remember reading about. I think if we combine s-s-some we could— ❞
Redshot snorted, ❝ Sorry, wot? We’re gonna go off whatcha read in a data pad? Primus, Luv, you’re gunna hafta do betta than that... ❞ His optics shot over to Whiteout in silent question. Had she heard the stammering as well or were his audials misfiring?
Ariel bristled, ❝ L-Listen, I know how it s-s-sounds. But I think s-s-s— ❞
❝ Primus, get the marbles out of your mouth, will you? I can’t understand a word you’re saying... ❞ Goggles piped up from the far side, voicing Redshot’s thoughts without hesitation or tact.
Ariel’s fascia BURNED beneath the dirt and warpaint, likely matching the Sentinel scarlet frames they all boasted. A nervous pulsation skidded about her spark casing, sending an involuntary tremor to creep up her spinal column.
❝ Same, ❞ Whiteout huffed, eyeing the small femme immediately beside her, ❝ Your vocoder is havin’ trouble syncin’, Sweetspark. ❞ Then, optics widened, and she glanced over her shoulder pauldron to the other two mechs. ❝ Oh, Primus, she might have shell-shock... ❞ the femme vented worriedly to the group.
Ariel’s fascia hardened into a scowl while plates flared defensively. They didn’t have TIME for this.
❝ I have a s-s-s— Frag. S-S-S— ❞ Ariel groaned, wincing as she tripped even more obviously over her words thanks in part to the stress and embarrassment GRAPPLING her being. Venting harshly she forced the words out with continuing difficulty ( and slight pain ), ❝ S-S-STUTTER— ❞
Silence. Even the downpour of plasma seemed to stop momentarily. Redshot and Whiteout each made a face. The femme could barely control her own vocal patterns, and they were expected to listen to whatever apparent plan she concocted? They thought not...
❝ Perfect, ❞ Goggles cut back in incredulously.
❝ Oh, fer frag sake! Let th’ lass speak, ya slags! ❞ Cypher growled, tenor voice dropping with a distinctive edge yet volume increasing over the return of plasma fire. Orange optics BURNED brightly at the silenced lot, casting an unsettling fiery glow over mutilated fascia that gave him a monstrous appearance, especially with the addition of mandated warpaint.
❝ Dun see any of you comin’ up with anythin’. An’ we’re runnin’ out a’ ty’me! So, shut yer mouths an’ listen up if you know what’s good fer ya— ❞
The barrage of blaster fire pelted against raised shields, accompanied by a thunderous quake that rocked their frames; once distant explosions had now apparently drawn closer. Each of the scarlet painted forms trembled in place. They could practically hear the collective clock ticking down...
❝ Go on, Ari, ❞ Cypher prompted, nodding over to Ariel who’d been desperately clearing her vocoder, as if trying to FORCE it to sync properly through ventilations alone.
                                                  All optics fell to her.
Swallowing the lingering embarrassment ( and still burning fury ), Ariel cleared her vocoder a final time with a rough shake of her helm. Icy cerulean hues, narrowed and piercing, glared at the holo-projected map still illuminated above her bent forearm. It wasn’t the first time her speech impediment had been pointed out publicly and it wouldn’t be the last. Respect wasn’t so easily given, even in the lower-caste, and she had since given up trying. Besides, there was another glaring matter that captured her immediate attention: SURVIVING.
❝ We’re a s-s-small number, which means we can advance with our shielded configuration in a d...d-diamond, four-mecha formation. One to fire up at the hillside, two to s-s-survey the flanks when passing through trenches, and another one to cover d...d-down in the trenches ahead and forwards, ❞ Ariel paused, as Goggles shifted again in preparation to speak.
❝ Question: I count FIVE of us, Stutters. Did you miscount as well, or...? ❞ he trailed off, expression somewhat dulled to match his tone.
❝ If you’d l-let me finish... ❞ Ariel huffed, staring over coldly. The unwanted nickname would be ignored for now. ❝ I have an aerial form, and, I’m the s-s-smallest one here. If I join the configuration it’ll l-leave openings I can’t cover given the height d...d-difference. ❞ Attentions returned to the larger group, icy optics sweeping from one set to the next, ❝ I’ll make for a more d...d-difficult target for the Hyperions in the air, and I can provide a d...d-distraction with concentrated fire while you advance. That way, we can hit them from the front AND the back with their attentions d...d-divided. It’s the only chance we have to gain upper ground. ❞
More silence. Whiteout shrugged, helm bouncing from side to side in consideration while Redshot’s optical ridges raised, not at all expecting what had been laid out. Goggles simply pursed his lip components and hummed quietly in mounting agreement. Stutters was actually onto something, surprisingly. Cypher took it upon himself to break the silence.
❝ Ya heard th’ lass! You two’ll cover our flanks, while aye’ll take poy’nt, ❞ he nodded to Redshot and Whiteout who returned the action in understanding. ❝ Goggles, you’ll follow behy’nd meh fer peggin’ off targets up in th’ hills. E’ryone cop’eh? ❞
There was no time for deliberation and the small group replied in chorus, ❝ Copy! ❞
Ariel’s voice trembled despite best intentions, nerves once again rearing their head, ❝ I’ll go first. When I d...d-draw their fire move as fast as you can. ❞  The femme swallowed back the rising lump in her intake, fascia hardened by sheer will alone. ❝ But, s-s-stay in formation, and s-s-stay together. We’ll meet at the top of the hillside. ❞
The four other mecha each nodded their helms, rising apprehension now choking the airways on careless EM Fields. The odds of them all making it remained LOW, plan or no plan. And while Ariel’s frame was small and skinny as she had explained, that only meant her armour was less likely to recover from direct hits. The larger the frame the larger the surface area protecting sensitive mechanisms beneath. Ariel, unfortunately, had drawn the same conclusion. In fact, NONE of them had been given the luxury of battle armour. Coming from the lower-caste they were expected to enter the field with civilian metal, merely painted to look like a Sentinel. One direct hit was normally all it took to offline their tier on the battlefield.
While maintaining the Energon-shield canopy the larger frames carefully pivoted in their crouched positions, weaponry buzzing and at the ready. They’d provide cover fire as Ariel took to her flight mode, otherwise she’d be shot before ever even lifting off. Meanwhile, Cypher nudged into the skinny frame during the momentary silence. It garnered her attention, though, behind her optics, he could see her thoughts were elsewhere. A calmed smile twitched over welted lip plates, making the war paint on his fascia curl on either side.
❝ Be quick as a Lilleth out ther’, lass... ❞ he hummed in Tarnish, throwing her a wink, ❝ You got luck on yer side, rememb’r? ❞
Ariel nodded, again steadying her vents as best she could.
Beneath them the ground rumbled furiously, stilling each of their frames. Redshot, Whiteout and Goggles whipped their helms in Ariel’s direction, if she was going to go it had to be now. Beneath her plating transformation protocols rippled in her circuitry, stretching outwards from her T-Cog, and filled her with a sensation that could only be described as an innate PRICKLING.
Skinny arms fell to her sides, deactivating the holo-projected map and Energon-shield. Cerulean hues BURNED through the encompassing war paint in a dangerous and determined gaze, beating back the fears clawing their way from the depths of her spark. Lip plates parted once more and she scooted onto her back pede, turning around to face away from the barricade, ready to sprint once the others pulled from their current position.
                         3 . . .                                                  2 . . .                                                                            1 . . .
❝ NOW— ❞ she yelled.
All at once the Energon shields hoisted up and over, stacking above the barricade for additional height as the four larger mecha fired into the looming shadow of the hillside. Ariel kicked up to her pedes in a mad dash, running away from the barricade to gain the speed required of her to take flight. Scarlet plates hissed rapidly into the new configuration as she leapt upwards, boosters whirred to life and thrusted the still-shifting mass through plumes of smoke and plasma shots now targeted on her.
The world spun around her as she locked into the streamline flight mode, twirling higher and higher. Below, sensors found the four others taking to the diamond formation, navigating the trenches with a quickened gait. Warnings of approaching blaster fire RANG through her systems. Spinning wildly to evade the onslaught she returned with rapid volleys of her own, some of which appeared to make contact. The higher vantage helped, marginally.
Roaring up above in the clouds Ariel dipped on a sharp angle, jettisoning directly en route for the hillside. The Hyperions never relented, knowing that having an enemy in the air was ALWAYS a dangerous advantage to permit. Blaster fire lit up the sky like miniature fireworks, whizzing past her in fiery shrieks and forcing the femme to evade the clusters in maneuvers that could only be described as untrained. This was the first and only time she’d ever used her aerial mode for combat, and apparently, there was no time like the present for a trial by literal fire...
Sensors beeped and she counted eighteen Hyperions total scurrying about in the hillside. The small jet-mode spun away from another quick burst of plasma shots, firing hers in retaliation as she readjusted into better positioning. This time, she made her approach from their dorsal side, coming up behind them and unleashing SEVERAL shots at the yellow speckles among the shadows. Once more, her blasts burned into the hillside or lumpy excavated coverage the Hyperion soldiers ducked behind.
Ariel growled in frustration, while this mode was great for evasion her aim was even less accurate given the untrained-in configuration. She needed to get some shots to land in order to cover the ground team properly. From the few times she was able to survey them, their advance had been slow but steady. However, they could only get so far before being delivered right to the Hyperion invaders doorstep, where they would be outmanned 3 to 1. Cypher.
Spark pulses HAMMERED in its casing, the split-second decision flashing through her processors on instinct before lingering fears could dissuade her.
❝ Frag it— ❞
Transformation protocols hummed once more and Ariel somersaulted mid-air into bi-pedal mode. In-lined thrusters at the bottoms of her pedes maintained the height as the tiny wingspan and furiously spinning rotors kept her steady. Simultaneously, one arm onlined the Energon shield as the other took to her blaster, pointing and aiming on her first target some twenty yards below. The shot fired, striking the enemy in the side and forcing them to double over.
Ariel ex-vented shallowly, minimal training taking hold of her and keeping immediate focus as cerulean hues found their next target via HUD. Going to shoot again a Hyperion blast SHRIEKED upwards and the femme twisted awkwardly in the air as it passed by. Without hesitation Ariel shot two in quick succession, taking with it the Hyperion’s arm and blaster, bringing an end to that particular retaliation. Optics widened ever so slightly, she was starting to get the hang of this...
Dive, dip, return fire, twist, turn, block— over and over Ariel’s battle protocols became more in tune with each repetition, to a point it could almost be considered a dance; following the steps to a violent melody she created and heard. Countering the enemy fire with her own she zipped about madly like some sort of annoying insect they couldn’t get a clean hit on. As it had before while running through the plains below, Hyperion seemed to move in slow motion, the hellish surroundings of dark shadows and bright fires blurring together in a near-frozen blur.
The skinny scarlet frame spun around as another blast rocketed towards her, firing that of her own in the originating direction. Cerulean hues burned down at the target, watching on as the blast tore through the Hyperion’s mid-section. Spurts of Energon erupted from the crescent-moon shape left gaping in the side that made her own tanks CHURN. The soldier fell in a heavy heap and her focus again shifted, the battle kicking back up to its frantic speed in realtime.
Ariel tucked herself into a tight ball behind the honeycombed shield, blast after blast making contact with a ferocity that made her skinny arm QUIVER from the recoil. Thrusters roared and she shot up and away, seeking refuge in black plumes of smoke then returning on a sharp angle with rapid return fire. Landing four more shots of the seven she unleashed the immediate attack seemed to ebb. On her HUD she counted two other spark signatures below, both Cybertronian; her teammates must’ve taken out the Hyperion forces for good in her stead.
Banking closer to the agreed muster point thrusters disengaged and wings shifted to hug her backplates. Dropping down to her pedes Ariel stared up at the first two mecha coming over the ridge, bloodied and covered in dirt. War paint smeared and streaked with perspiration over their fascia. Given the bulky frames and scarlet paint jobs Ariel didn’t know just who she stood before. However, what she did know with absolute certainty was that her spark skipped a pulse as Cypher’s orange optics found hers. Marred Tarnish fascia dirty with Energon, paint, and battlefield grime split into a bright smile.
❝ Aye, there’s th’ wee Lilleth! ❞ he called over, jogging up the remaining incline to lessen the divide.
Ariel sighed weakly, ❝ Cyph, thank Primus— ❞
Once within arms reach the skinny frame crumpled slightly forwards with a wheeze, limbs trembling every now in then from ebbing adrenaline. Cypher coughed hoarsely from the surrounding smoke, resting a servo on her shoulder pauldrons with gentle reassuring pats. They’d made it, at least, they’d bought their lifecycles a couple minutes more, it was better than being offline.
Goggles, meanwhile, heaved off to the side. Large servos desperately flung upwards, clinging to the optical enhancers as they hung on a strange angle below his optics, demagnetized from all the jostling. Ariel only caught a brief glimpse of them between thick digits: pale blue with flecks of brighter aquamarine littered about, their circumferences, however, were almost entirely grey in appearance. Lip plates pressed firmly together, wrenching her gaze away before he could become wise to the staring, feeling as though she had already intruded far too much.
Just as Cypher’s optical hues were considered unnatural so too were Goggles, albeit originating from a medical condition whereas the Tarnish mech’s were accidental. It was in that moment Ariel realized the enhancers weren’t tactical in application, not entirely at least, they were to assist with degenerating sight. The three of them afflicted with different ailments and unfairly marked as outcasts it would seem...
Ariel finally straightened then coughed into her shoulder pauldron, intake irritated from the plumes of smoke clogging the airways.
❝ Where’s the others...? ❞ she rasped, quiet voice laced with the edge of foreboding, as if already anticipating the answer.
Silence. Cypher shook his helm. Horribly scarred faceplates bore the extent of his grief and sparkache plainly for her to see in prelude to the actual words. Ariel felt her spark twist painfully beneath scarlet chestplates.
❝ They... didn’t make ‘et, lass, ❞ he replied softly, brokenly. Somehow, he felt personally responsible but knew such was the unfortunate part of war.
Ariel’s own dishevelled features fell, large optics dimming at the words then fell over the crest of the hill. Small chestplates heaved on a laboured ventilation, while electric currents rippled through her wiring in an uneasy mix of grief and adrenaline. Cypher faired about the same as her if his mighty frame’s sudden jolting were anything to go by.
❝ We’re all that’s left in this area. The rest of the company is travelling east, as are the Hyperions, ❞ Goggles added as he stalked over to rejoin them, wiping residual sickness from the corner of painted mouthplates. The Kaonite’s true height TOWERED over Ariel at an almost comical rate, standing a full helm and shoulders above Cypher, and on her battle buddy she only came to his mid-chassis...
Only the three of them remained, standing on the lonely hill. Scarlet frames of varying heights and builds silhouetted by crackling fires, distant explosions, and the black of night. While the immediate threats had been nullified, there wasn’t any comfort to be found in being left on their lonesome in the middle of the battlefield, and on an alien world. The three Cybertronians each vented weakly, feeling the same nervous apprehension creeping through their EM Fields and coiling around the others in close proximity, desperate for the comfort of closeness.
❝ We need t’ rejoin th’ group b’fore another wave rolls ‘en, ❞ Cypher murmured, looking up to Goggles who’d already been staring over.
❝ Agreed, ❞ he nodded. Ocular enhancers clicked and whirred, focusing on the skinny femme at his side further below. ❝ So... what’s the plan, Lilleth? ❞
Cypher joined the other mech in looking down, orange optics gentle and unwavering. Ariel glanced between the two of them, then backwards down the opposite side of the hill. Her? Plan? Primus, she hadn’t thought this far ahead. Honestly, a large part of her hadn’t been anticipating to make it through their first charge. Processors whirred and lip plates pressed together, really, their only option at this point was to continue east in hopes of rejoining what was left of their company, and Corporal Kup. They needed an ACTUAL leader to follow, and she didn’t fit that bill at all.
❝ We go east, but we’ll cross over the ridge for cover, ❞ Ariel began, cerulean hues lifted once more to go between the pair of mechs. ❝ Nightfall won’t l-last more than a few hours, we need to make it to the others before then, or we’ll be even bigger targets— ❞
Cypher and Goggles shared a look, with the Kaonite snorting quietly. Bigger targets? They were already the biggest targets out here when it came to size in comparison to the femme, but, alas...
❝ Lead the way then, Lilleth, ❞ Goggles nodded, the briefest hint of a smirk twitching over painted lip plates. As far as nicknames go, at least that one was a step up from Stutters...
Cypher smiled down to Ariel, cocking his helm in the direction of their heading. For now, she’d be the one they’d follow — it was her plan after all. Ariel simply blinked, staring across the hillside at the miles of warfare stretched ahead. Spark pulses again bubbled up within their confines and she drew a steadying breath. Don’t be afraid.
Ridges furrowed and her jawline hardened, large cerulean hues narrowed in brimming determination. The same fire from before, the one that had burned within her during the first charge and previously in the transport raged from the depths of her spark, BILLOWING out in her EM Field with newfound ferocity. She wasn’t afraid. Taking the first step forwards both arms shifted into her preferred mods: blaster and shield, with the titanic mechs both following in close tow.
                             The fight for their lives had only just begun.
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