#[ sorry Amaterasu dear ]
zerosocialskillz · 4 months
"Dear Amaterasu,
I hope you are well! Although I am curious, what kind of hobbies do you have? Do you enjoy afternoon tea? Would you like to have tea later?
As a gift, I've also sent a few cookies with this letter. Feel free to share them with your friends! And good luck in the tournament!
Looking for a friend,
DML. Rimuri~"
Along with this odd letter, there is a small tin of harmless sugar cookies.
“Aww, thank you! Everyone would love it!”
Amaterasu then looked away.
“As long as Kirby doesn’t get to eat all of it…”
“And for hobbies, I like to play instruments and compose music. My favorite instrument is the violin! I’m surprised to see that Zero plays it too, even after all of these years…”
Amaterasu then gave the cookies to those she considers her friends, including Tsukuyomi. Except for Zero, as it doesn’t have a mouth.
In response, Zero possessed Kirby because he’s the most willing host. It thought they tasted nice. Kirby did too.
Well, Elfilin is second, but he lost to Kirby to a rock paper scissors match, so…
There were only a couple of cookies she could give, so in the end, she gave them to Tsukuyomi, Kirby, Bandana Dee, Elfilin, Zero, Sammy the awoofy and his waddle dee friend.
(They really should have a name…)
Rimuri seemed nice. Perhaps Amaterasu should go have tea with them later…
“…what does the L in DML stand for anyway?”
Amaterasu then pulled out a device that holds all the information of the contestants, hers included.
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“Let’s see here…”
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“They what.”
“Why am I even surprised. Their Zero must have been mean to them all.”
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“Conquering Zero… I bet that was difficult. That they managed to do something like that…
“I’m impressed.”
“Can I see?”
“H-Hey, don’t sneak up behind me like that! You scared me!”
“Sorry, but you seemed to be surprised and I was curious.”
“Oh, here.”
Amaterasu shows Rimuri’s profile.
“Ah, I see… The me from his world must have been evil as I was once upon a time. I don’t blame them for overthrowing me.”
“Hey, if you meet this Rimuri, do you think you’re able to tell them that I am proud of what they’ve done?”
“Hm… I’ll try.”
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seii-fantasy · 2 years
heyy how are you doing? :) I hope well! Btw idk if you're taking requests, but I've been feeling very down lately so I thought I could ask you some fluffy headcanons with zerofuku? If you can't or don't want to is totally fine tho!
Hiii again dear
Ofc im doing it , i am sorry if i didnt do it earlier bcs school was keeping me busy
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This baby , is definition of cuteness ×1000
When the both of you met , you were extremely shy to introduce yourself , so was he
He might be shy at first but once you two know each other, he will stop being shy
Don't you ever lie to him , he clearly hates it . Just tell him the truth, little bby Fuku(Zerofuku) wont be mad but he will try to be calm
Dont.get.near.him(yk im talkin abt who) the only rule he wants you to obey
Buttt he stay cuteee tho
You can't blame him , when he pouts , he just want u to focus on him
Cuddle , cuddlez! Cuddle everytime he can . If u dont want tho , he will not force you but he will be a lil bit sad
Your kindness does make him flustered, evefy gift ur offer him , every thing you do fr him
Once he became the Misfortune! Zero
Zero's trust to you is still intact but he has really bad trust issues
Everywhere you will go , you will be constantly followed by him but he will be hidden so well that you wont see him
He didnt told you something he will fight in the Ragnarok
He didnt want to worry you , he know how sweet and kind you are but he didn't want to worry you
Once you knew what he tried to hide to you , you were upset at him , but he apologized a lot of time
But no matter what happens to him ,no matter where is he . he still love you.
(My mind stopped thinking at here im sorry @praisethesuuun 😭😭)
Oneshot time !
Warning : Angst and character death and a lil fluff
His death was something , you didnt handle pretty well , you fell on your knees ; trying to process what happened . "No , no , no" Hearing your voice , Amaterasu who saw you , knew that you were Fuku's friend the one that did no wrong to him , she hugged you whispering "That everything is alright" a small silhouette , white one , came hugging you tightly "I am sorry , truly sorry for leaving you so soon." It was Zerofuku , hugging you tightly .
You cried more , asking him why . He whispered again "I am sorry..." , before vanishing again , you fell on the ground Amaterasu hugged you , you cried and fell asleep on the Goddess of the Sun arms , she orders her maids to put you in a room who wasn't occupied , and luckily they found it , they placed you in a bed as you whispered while dreaming
"Zero, i miss you"
To which Zero's soul answered you from Niflheim
"I miss you too Y/n"
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yumeko2sevilla · 11 months
Opinions of TWST OCs [Remake]
Yukiharu Shirokami | Amaterasu | Tsukuyomi [Part.1]
Minako Sakamaki [@anxious-twisted-vampire]
Yukiharu Shirokami: "Minako-san is what you called a rebellious person, I suppose. I saw her as my friend, of course. But she just, reminds me of some clan members with the crimes we have done and to be honest, I don't really like that."
Achieved Kizuna Ranks: Two Muzzles Pointed At Eachother
Amaterasu: "Master Minako seems to be a masochist. A person who doesn't care of what people thinks. I don't know about my opinions about her."
Achieved Kizuna Ranks: Maybe, Someday..
Tsukuyomi: "Ohoho, little Vampire Witch.. It's always fun to mess with her! I just feel sorry that Housewarden have to seperate us each time she launches at me, not that I regret it tho! Her expression when I prank her is beyond amusing!"
Achieved Kizuna Ranks: Collapsed Melodies Of Fools
Freya Grimoire [@writing-heiress]
Yukiharu Shirokami: "Freya Grimoire? Ah, you mean the Ramshackle Housewarden. We don't talk much, but we are in good terms. I just wondered how did she managed to date Malleus-san of all people."
Achieved Kizuna Ranks: Caring And Distanting.
Amaterasu: "Hmm.. I don't really have a negative opinion toward Master Freya. All I have ever thought about her were just neutral. She has helped me alot."
Achieved Kizuna Ranks: Dear Noble Flower Of Evil, Thank You
Tsukuyomi: "The Housewarden! It was suprisingly easy to make her laugh, at first I even thought she was stoic just like Shirokami! Haa..., I almost felt guilty since she had to stop me and little Vampire Witch fighting!"
Achieved Kizuna Ranks: The Young Witch And The Foolish Jester
Mia D'Angelo [@writing-heiress]
Yukiharu Shirokami: "Ahaha.. Now, I'm not really good at children, less than a fucking Beast Tamer. I did have a conversation with her, but she would always end up scared. Maybe because of my face?"
Achieved Kizuna Ranks: Scary Upperclassmen!
Amaterasu: "Master Mia tends to style my hair each times I'm free. Not that I don't like it, it's just that my relationship with her is kind of similar to Master Yukiharu."
Achieved Kizuna Ranks: The Marionette's Soft Spot.
Tsukuyomi: "Starlight, hmm? Although she's quite fun to mess with, I don't usually do that. Why? Because if one of my pranks make her cry, I don't think I can survive her bodyguards' rage! I'm looking at you all here!!"
Achieved Kizuna Ranks: Someone With Gentle Cyan Eyes
Ellis Clawthorne [@starry-night-rose]
Yukiharu Shirokami: "Ellis-san is nice. A bit innocent, but nice. She reminds me of Kalim-san, in a way. I liked her, as a friend of course."
Achieved Kizuna Ranks: Parallels Of Eachothers
Amaterasu: "Master Ellis is trustworthy. She make me feel warm."
Achieved Kizuna Ranks: Still That Distant Thread
Tsukuyomi: "Sleeping Beauty! She is kind and a bit naive, but definetely a good person to hang out! I wonder if she's willing to test out my pranks...?"
Achieved Kizuna Ranks: Someday, A Real Laugh Will Form.
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kits-shrine · 1 year
Meeka stiffened a bit, “Is Papa hurt?” She asked quickly, followed by a much quieter, “Y-you’re not mad?”
"I am afraid I upset him." Amaterasu stated with a little pat before pulling back with a little grimace she looked at the shifter sadly "About a little water? No dear, never." she paused "Please... I do not know what I did wrong, but I am sorry. I have been terribly busy and I have neglected you assuming you were better off with Tsukuyomi, for you both, but I have done something to make you feel unwelcome." she looked at Meeka pleadingly "Please tell me what it was. I will do everything in my power to correct it. This is your home too and I want you to feel just as welcome in it as my children."
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amaterasuxmp · 2 years
i’m sorry, i know it’s meaningless now, but please, know i’m sorry
"Oh, dear, please...it's quite all right." Amaterasu's hands flutter before her, trying to reassure the demigoddess. Her face held none of the strict expressions she would use when faced with a difficult person, but rather full of sympathy. "This is easily remedied," The Japanese goddess added, picking up the water-logged book. While other libraries had strict rules about food and drink within the premises, Amaterasu had relaxed such things. She knew first hand how difficult it was to focus on studying when one was hungry or parched. It was natural however that there were certain accidents when you mix drinks and books.
Her palm gave a faint glow and she runs it over the book, drying it instantly. "Here you go," She says more cheerfully, handing the book back to the demigoddess. "Do you need any more assistance?" Amaterasu's smile was warm and inviting.
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duckletranslations · 2 years
Ariadne Ch 11 - Answers to Illusions 4
Season: Fall
Rinne:Now now, let’s pick up the pace a lil more, Merumeru! Keep lagging behind like that and we’re gonna get caught n’ done in?
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Niki:Wait, Rinne-kun…! That’s absurd!
HiMERU-kun’s got me on his shoulder. If you’re gonna say that, how about you and your lightweight body try looking after me?
Rinne:Talking nonsense isn’t gonna make the cows wait for you. They have no way of understandin’ the situations of humans and all.
What we can do is: before those guys catch up to us, get to the Golden Treasure chest.
Otherwise I’d be real sorry to Kohakyun, who threw his body away to the cows.
Niki:But still, you’re being too unruly. Your hands are empty, so if you’re gonna complain, how about helping out HiMERU-kun?
Rinne:‘Scuse me? What’s so bad about being unruly? When has Crazy:B ever been about sacrificing the self?
D’ya get it, Niki? The reason Merumeru’s helpin’ ya is that’s what he wants.
Lendin’ a shoulder to the healthy Niki that works soooo hard even when he’s hungry—wouldn’t I be the criminal to snatch the honor of such an esteemed role from him?
Or what? You want me, not Merumeru, to be takin’ care of ya?
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Confessin’ to me at a time like this, ya caught by the “suspension bridge effect”? ♪[1]
Niki:You….! I was being genuine!
HiMERU:Shiina. Do not take Amagi’s words seriously.
HiMERU still has stamina left, and Amagi also has his own role to play. It was simply a strategic decision.
Niki:Wh, what are you talking about…..? Strategy?
HiMERU:The rules state that touching a cow results in elimination. This would be a harmful penalty for HiMERU and Shiina, who still have their Golden Treasure Chests left.
Each person must challenge their own mission to get the Golden Treasure Chest’s prize. In other words, if Shiina is taken out, the mission is an automatic fail.
Conversely, Oukawa and Amagi, whose challenges have finished, do not incur any losses if they are penalized.
So in this situation, it is better for Amagi to be able to move freely. Because if necessary, Amagi could act as a shield for HiMERU.
Niki:Our…. shield…
Rinne:It’s really not that grand. It’s just about giving priority to women, elderly, and children at any given moment.
Specifically, Niki who’s starving, and Merumeru who wants to get back “Ariadne’s Thread”.
In this Minotaur’s Labyrinth, you guys still have things that you’ll do your damndest to get your hands on.
Even if other people’d hear it an’ think “how silly,” or even if it has no worth or use in society—
To cherish such trivial things, that’s Crazy:B. Don’t say ya forgot all about that?
….Uh. The sound of footsteps is gettin’ closer. Did Kohaku-chan get taken out?
Now it’s my turn to send ya guys off. Hang in there, HiMERU, Niki.
HiMERU:—Let us go. Shiina, are you able to walk?
Niki:Of course. I can run too, on my own feet.
If it’s to save the beef tongue I’ve craved, I can go the extra mile!
HiMERU:Please take care of the rest, Amagi…..!
Surely, HiMERU will save the Golden Treasure Chest that sleeps in this labyrinth!
Rinne:Indeed. In this savage variety show shoot, no way we can leave empty-handed. You guys are our last hope.
…Nice. There’s no camera in this spot.
It’s sure been a while, but I gotta use the Amaterasu Okami art. It doesn’t fit the Crazy:B image, so I didn’t want to use it, but.
Don’t worry, dear cows, I’m just gonna put’cha to sleep by piercin’ a secret pressure point.
“Do not recklessly hurt livestock” —if I’m gonna fight with martial arts techniques I learned in my hometown, I oughtta follow the teachings I learned in my hometown.
Ibara:Hm, I can’t look past this. Just now, the sensor on the cow went off, you touched the cow from the blind spot of the camera, didn’t you?
It’s a pity, but Rinne Amagi has fallen prey to the Minotaur and was eliminated!
Rinne:Come on. I’ve been tryin’ to avoid the surveillance, guess it’s really that unforgiving. Haven’tcha ever heard about “privacy infringement?”
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But the game isn’t over yet. Don’t give up and fight until the end, HiMERU.
It’s ok. The story of “Ariadne’s Thread,” the guide through “Minotaur’s Labyrinth”: wasn’t it originally about that kind of perseverance?
For those unfamiliar, suspension bridge effect, a fun nickname for this psychological phenomenon. Basically, being in a life-threatening or thrilling situation makes one more likely to fall in love.
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kurisus · 3 years
Chapter 97 thoughts
Sorry for the wait! Also, before I get into it, I just want to fondly throw back to last year’s chapter, when I took a break after reading and while I was gone Destiel became canon and all that other stuff happened. What a wild night.
Anyway, let’s proceed~
The gods are stupid, we been knew. As I expected last month, they’ve all been infected with GGS and will probably continue to spread it, unless the gods quarantine themselves quickly.
They also caused a HUGE fucking fire. It looked like several blocks were lit up.
Side note, the panel with the firefighters was really cool. You know that drawing that involved looking up some firefighting photos or videos and then redrawing it but with your own spin on the outfits...I just think it’s really neat. Art is neat, and Adachitoka is great at it.
So is Hiyori going to give Nora a name? That was kind of where her train of thought seemed to lead to, since “Nora” is a derogatory term anyway. That said, names have great power in the Noragamiverse, and giving a name to a shinki is kind of like claiming ownership over them. I would think Hiyori would rather set her free than try to become another master to her.
But hey, if Hiyori does give her a name, that’s another thing to call her that isn’t Hiiro (which isn’t even her name anymore) or Mizuchi (which is Father’s name for her), and will bring her redemption arc full circle.
Father says that now that Amaterasu has seen him, she’ll probably be able to find him even if he changes bodies. This was the most interesting part of the chapter to me, because it seems to imply she can like...see souls or something. (Maybe his true name is what she can see? She can call other gods’ shinki, after all.)
Basically, this is why he decides to go after her at the end of the chapter. So then what? Will he die, change bodies, and the hunt will resume? Where does destroying the grave come into all this?
We didn’t see Yato at all this chapter (not since the first half of 96 as a matter of fact), so I can only imagine he and Kazuma are still racing to save Yukine. How are they going to save him?
I was also reminded that we haven’t seen Bishamon in about a year in real-time, so I’m interested to see how she will figure into this. There’s definitely something big building with all these characters, I just haven’t figured out what.
I’m hoping against hope that Amaterasu will be on Yato’s side and use her name-calling power to summon Yukine back (but does it even work on noras? Will she be able to use it on him? Spells don’t work on them, after all) to get him out of the danger zone.
I really want her to kick Father’s ass, but I don’t want her to kill Nora or Yukine. My biggest fear is that we’ll have another covenant, in which Father loses badly, but more importantly his shinki would be taken from him too. I’ve been saying since the first one happened that we’re not done with that plot point yet, and right now, trying to kill the sun god definitely seems like grounds to bring it back.
Speaking of trying to kill the sun god, Nora was even against it, and Yukine has just completely shut himself out by now. Dear god, someone save these kids. Seeing Yukine hunched over with his hands covering his ears has, once again, made me feel violent. Adachitoka let me into the story I’ll kill Father in 5 seconds flat with nothing but Anger.
In any case, excited to see Father fighting Amaterasu. Will Chiki even work against her all-powerful shinki? Will we get the chance to see this before she and Yukine are pulled from the fight? (Please please please god I can’t do another treason I barely survived the other two)
Father’s speech toward the end sounds suspiciously like a farewell, but I also don’t think he has it in him to want to take down Amaterasu at the cost of his own life. More like he just wants credit for his work.
What would happen if you managed to kill the sun god, though? That would be interesting to see.
Basically a summary of this chapter is that my desire for interesting plot developments is actively at war with my desire to see the main characters safe. And so the stress continues.
Oh, and for the record, I think Father is the only one appearing this chapter who will die. I’m dubious on Amaterasu, Yukine, or Nora dying. Amaterasu maybe, since like I said the death of the sun god would be pretty cool, but she’s already youthful and we haven’t really learned a whole lot about her except that she seems to be manipulated. So, killing her wouldn’t solve anything, since she’s already another child to save.
In terms of other characters, I’m fairly certain they’ll all be fine, except Kazuma. I’ve been ignoring his numerous death flags since 2016 and I’m not stopping now...
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Me: Sasuke loves Team 7... He loves and always loved Naruto,Sakura and Kakashi...
Antis: No way!!! Sasuke never cared for Sakura or Kakashi... and Team 7 didn't mean a shit to him... It was just all about Naruto for him... Hell He even cares more about Team Taka and Karin, than Sakura or Kakashi...
Me: Okay... Please Take a look at this...
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Antis: Oh this Page...Here, He was talking about Naruto not Sakura... He was asking for Naruto to save Naruto...not Sakura... Though His words may imply that Sakura is also his dear one... But He was totally lying here... LOOK UNDERNEATH THE UNDERNEATH!!
Me: Ok then why did he think about BOTH Naruto and Sakura here??
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Antis: That just happened one time... It doesn't mean shit!!
Me: Well... But it happened again....
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Antis: Okay... two times... But that doesn't make any difference... 1 and 2 are same !!
Me: Oh... See...He is thinking about BOTH of them again...
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Antis: Okay... 3 times... But that doesn't make any difference... 2 and 3 are same!!!
Me: Oh But...And when he was accused about PLAYING FAMILY with his comrades... He thought about Naruto, Sakura and Kakashi... ALL THREE OF THEM....
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Antis: .... Well... Its not him thinking that!!!! ITS THE SOUND NINJA'S MEMORIES... NOT HIS!!! NOT HIS!!!
Me: Oh... He is thinking about Team 7 again... You see those dots???
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Antis: No its just Sakura.... THE THINKING BUBBLES MEAN NOTHING!!!! Even though it represents thinking... It doesn't mean he is thinking!!!
Me: okay then...What about When he said His dream was to be happy with his COMRADES??
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Me: Ok then...And when He said that having TOO MANY BONDS were making him lose focus...
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Me: But He awakened Amaterasu thinking about all three of them - Naruto, Sakura and Kakashi...
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Antis: ... It means nothing... TEAM 7 means nothing!! He only means Naruto... It was just Taka and Naruto.... Not Kakashi or Sakura!!!....You just need to LOOK UNDERNEATH THE UNDERNEATH !!!!
Me: But... Sasuke called the ENTIRE Team 7 as his family... He didn't say - "Naruto I started seeing JUST YOU as my family".... He was having a conversation with just Naruto but still he went out of the way and brought Team 7 into the conversation and called them his family...
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Antis: This panel doesn't mean shit... Kishimoto does not know what he is doing... It's not like he actually knows what he is writing...
Me: Anon...But... Its his Manga....They are Kishimoto's characters...
Antis: So what if they are his characters!??? It's not like he understands them more than we do!!! LOOK UNDERNEATH THE UNDERNEATH !!!!!
Me(an intellectual person): ... I am sorry, I wasted a lot of your time and brain cells.
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Dear Fujisaki, sorry for thinking you were a PoS for no reason other than Ego.
At least we’ve gotten actual backstory now. And boy is it painful.
To people who are about to scream about him being a murderer, yes I’m aware, I fully adhere to this:
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The whole fucking point of the chapter was that he’s seeking Justice from the gods, especially Amaterasu Omikami for outright ignoring a Monk trying to KILL a child. A supposedly pious man murdering a kid. So yeah, no wonder he’s pissed off.
Doesn’t justify his abuse of Yato, or Nora. Or him killing Sakura and all the other Shiki. But boy does it make all his actions now much clearer.
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theredsuzuran · 4 years
Yandere Muzan x Reader
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I apologize in advance for any grammatical errors, also for my crappy writing I hope It does not bore you lol. Slight mention of gore
It was the time of summer
A multitude of people hovering over one another in the vast space of the lively Asakusa city occupying the streets like tiny ants. Unfortunately it was same monotonous sight for kibutsuji Muzan progenitor of the morbid demon race, who seems to be roaming around uninterestingly looking for a suitable prey to hunt. The fleeting lives of mortals, their compassion, happiness, sorrow, pain held no value to him. They are pests who belong in the dirt or beneath his feet, inferior compare to a perfect being like himself. Nothing more than a tool that he won't hesitate to discard after his desires are fulfilled. All of a sudden his gaze felt upon a petite figure near a tailor shop, a large number of people gathering around her.
What's the matter, mister? Muzan inquired to a man next to him.
"if you are new definitely try her kimonos, now make way" the man said quickly as he rushed to the shop pushing all the people away. He was interested to know what the deal was about so he decided to stay for a while hoping it's worth the wait.
After a long delay muzan finally got the chance to view the women. As their eyes locked the dazzling city lights broader than the day itself felt dull in comparison for a moment, the once monochromatic world seems to change vibrantly with her luminous presence, As if goddess Amaterasu, the diety of sun herself have ascended from the heaven into the mortal realm. The demon lord stood there mesmerized by her breathtaking beauty, how can someone so close to perfection exist alongside those barbarians.
"How can I help you mister?" She questioned politely with her soft vocal. His endless thoughts were interrupted breaking the silence.
"Show me your kimonos"
And so his obsession started..
Days passed since his last encounter with the woman. He have come across numerous marvelous humans in everlasting lengthy life but never have his ruby eyes caught a glimpse of someone as alluring as her. The girl possesses an unique aura that differentiated her from the rest of the crowd, able to draw attention from the cold hearted creator of cannibalistic demons. At first muzan was just curious to know about that woman, possibly persuade her to become one of his underling because of the potentials she may carry. He frequently begun to visit her shop to but or sew different fabrics. Gaining basic information, like her name, likes and dislikes, etc. Her grandfather owned the tailor shop which sold finest quality garments from the beginning and were highly respected for their excellent tailoring. Continued by (y/n) at her family's will, who runs the shop with equal undying devotion.
She treated him with such kindness even though he was a ruthless demon not that she knew about it or let alone the existence of demons. The deepest corner of his dark heart illuminated with pure light whenever she was around and he came to the conclusion that she was the ray of sunshine he desires to perceive. Eversince he was cured from his fatal illness the only goal in his life was to conquer the sun which prevents him to achieve absolute perfection, in order to live an eternal and indestructible life or so he thought until that very day his eyes laid upon you. It would be stupid to think that demons are capable of experiencing love, concepts of feelings are completely foreign in their conciousness, it was more like obsession. His megalomania makes him believe he needs you no he wants you.
Alas, if only it was a fairytale. The king does not always gets what he desires and same goes for the demon lord when he finds out that his beloved darling already has a lover. As he witnessed the sight of you hugging your partner with passion. The way her eyes flutter infront of him when he caresses her cheeks making her turn away bashfully and how she hold his hand with her delicate ones while exchanging vows of love and loyalty towards each other made his blood boiled with fury. If anyone who can hold her fragile frame is none other but the demon lord himself yet there she was sharing intimacy with some filthy creature. His narcissistic self was put down with a lowlife, he cannot accept that his (y/n) was claimed someone else's. It was something he would never allow to happen.
"Kibutsuji san would you like to buy something today as well?" The women who now acknowledge his presence asked him cheerfully.
"Should I visit you later" a force smile graced on his pale features.
"Oh no, it's fine, let me introduce you to my fiancee" she said excitedly.
"Nice to meet you kibutsuji san" your fiancee said
"Pleasure to meet you as well" The demon scoffed under his breath but Kibutsuji was quite adamant he knew it was not hard to turn the tables anytime sooner as with a blink of an eye he can get rid of him by simply ordering his underlings without even hesitating to dirty his hands exclusive for his precious darling. But that was not what muzan was planning to do at all as his mind was engulfed with much sinister thoughts.
To insanity?
"You have been restless for a long time, what's wrong my child?" A man asked with a look of concern written all over his face looking straight at the figure of an anxious woman roaming around impatiently within the house.
"Its been a week father since he last wrote a letter to him" she mumbled softly disappointment painted across her features. The father could not help but laugh a little by her daughter's remark.
"Father please it is serious"
"I am sorry sweetheart but it might be that your fiancee is busy with wedding preparation" which made sense because the wedding would be taking place after three day and it was obvious that he was caught up with the arrangement. However there was a strange feeling inside her stomach which made her believe otherwise.
As the days passed the wedding day came close, with (y/n) still not receiving any message from her lover. Worried her to the core at this point all she wanted was to make sure of his safety as something constantly felt off. The guests came in one by one for the wedding ceremony but there was no sign of the groom.
It was getting unbearable for her to remain confined. Ignoring her father's request to stay inside she went outside in hope to check whether or not her lover was approaching but once again she was greeted with emptiness. Her eyes swell up with tears forming on both corners allowing her body to slowly hit the surface as she convinced herself that her lover will never come. The worst was yet to happen and before she could make any movement the ground beneath her feet started shaking and a shoji door opened consuming her into the darkness.
It was just the start of her miserable life under the demon's control.
"So you are finally awake", a sudden voice came echoing into her eyes as she slowly opened her eyes after regaining her consciousness. She moved her hands upwards in order to ease the headache only to find her hands tied up with shackles, a chilling sensation of overwhelming fear filled her entire senses as she remembered what happened prior.
"Where am I? Why am I chained?" Who are you?" she demanded furiously at the mysterious figure infront her which was now advancing at her direction from the dark corner of the dimly litted room.
"You are quite an impatient one?" The man gripped her chin roughly as her eyes protruded out with bewilderment.
"Can't even remember your daily customer?" A wicked smile curved across his countenance.
"K..Kibutsuji san" she parted her lips. Tears forming in her eyes once again. This made muzan even more irritated as he tightened his grip on her chin. (Y/n) whimpered with pain crying out loud.
"Your shouting won't help dear nobody apart from me can hear you scream" he said bluntly with his cold apathetic voice.
"Why?" (Y/n) lowered her head down holding his hand with her delicate ones trying her best to get a hold of him.
"Pardon?" Muzan inquired as he stared at your quivering form with his souless eyes there was no empathy in them or whatsoever although he felt pity. He cannot deny the fact that he was indeed attracted to her that's the reason why he put her into so much hassles.
"Where is my lover?" She asked sternly with her voice shaking a bit.
"Oh" muzan responded his hand still holding her chin tightly. This made her even more anxious she was unaware of the power he might possess and definitely she didn't had any intentions to risk her life.
"Why can't you humans move on and accept circumstances given before you?" it startled her as she cannot process what he meant.
"I don't.. u..understand" she said.
"Then you have to learn to accept me as your partner" muzan replied coldly (y/n) sat there looking at him with disbelief her heart and soul belonged to someone else and for a long time they have been together it's absolutely impossible to change the reality she was accustomed with just because some maniac wants to make her his partner.
"I can never" she murmured with disgust hinted in her voice. "I love him" throwing daggers in his direction not ready to submit her futile attempts of protest should pissed the demon lord even more but to her surprise she saw him smiling menacingly and in the corner of her eyes she saw the figure of her debilitate lover.
"Start from his fingers" muzan ordered one of his subordinate as they began chopping one of his finger making him scream in pain.
"No! please don't hurt him" trying to break free from the shackles she was tied with realizing it was fruitless she fell on the demon's knee begging with all the strength left within her in a last desperate attempt.
"You left me with no other choice, dear" he explained playing his sick games of manipulation on her. This was exactly what he needed to break her mind and she cannot help but rely on him pleading for his forgiveness feeding on his massive ego providing him ultimate satisfaction to witness the quivering frame of his darling clinging onto his knee in pure submission.
"Please I will do anything you say" she requested shaking like crazy.
"Anything?" Muzan questioned raising his eyebrow
"Yes" she replied without any hesitation.
"Be mine"
She already knew that he wanted this and she readily obliged in order to save her beloved, sacrificing her own life. Her only purpose was now to satisfy the demon lord, he was successful until the very end and it won't take long to make her completely his.
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whitherliliesbloom · 4 years
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[ ffxivwrite2020 ] ★ [ masterlist ]  ★ [ prompt #21 - foibles ]
[ illya & laurelis ] ★ [ 1,611 words ] ★ [ shijin au ]
takes place in an au where doma is split into 4 feuding clans who go to war every seven years over an important plot of land. laurelis and illya are part of the smallest eastern clan. 
the dawn azalea was known for her worrying recklessness, but it’s made even worse when it came to small, helpless animals
“Laurelis, you’re scaring the cat.” 
The gold hues of the setting sun baked the village in a warm glow, reflecting off the luster woven hair of the twilight sakura as she crossed her arms over her chest, watching as her companion a few summers her elder cooed and mewed at the trembling feline as if she were a child. From beneath the ominous grin of the oni she wore, the samurai’s eyebrows furrowed and her lips were pressed into a thin line.
It wasn’t as if Illya was against giving shelter to homeless animals, far from it. But it’s plain to see that the cat, lost and confused as it was, wants absolutely nothing to do with the larger, more humanoid looking cat person towering over it despite her already lowering herself onto her knees. 
From beneath the cover of the oni mask, the young samurai lets out a sigh when the cat backs away from Laurelis, only for the maiden to scurry closer to it.
“It’s okay! Don’t be afraid, kitty! I’m here to help you!”
Laurelis rolls up the sleeve of her pink haori and reaches her hand out to the kitten, a little one with matted orange fur and wide chestnut eyes that glances down at her wiggling fingers with some amount of curiosity.. before letting out a meow and turning away to run.
“A-Ah! Wait!” 
The young woman stands herself up to give chase, much to the dismay of her shorter, more sensible companion.
“Laurelis! Wait a moment- It’s-” Her voice goes ignored, as does her gloved hand reaching out to her friend, who has already sprinted through the village square and seems intent on chasing the cat all the way out of the safety of the bordered walls. “Sunset...” 
She lets out a heavy sigh, tilting her head up to the sky as she watches the hues of the sky grow darker and darker with each passing moment the light of the sun’s rays graced over them. Soon, twilight will be upon them, their last bastion before the moon will rise, and the dark of the night has been known to be far more treacherous than day, especially for those foolish enough to step outside the safety of their clan borders. 
She was ever the amaterasu to her tsukuyomi, that Laurelis.. and it was even reflected upon the titles they’d been granted by their foes and peers. It’d felt like forever since the two met, with Laurelis bright extroversion, nurtured in no small part by being spoiled by her parents, standing in stark contrast to her own tense and awkward nature around others. 
And though Illya had always been envious of Laurelis radiant personality, and the way she’d effortlessly commanded the attention of everyone around her.. she did also wish she’d be a bit more...sensible when it came to her own safety and the safety of those around her. It wouldn’t hurt to exercise some amount of caution, especially knowing just how dangerous Doma is with the much anticipated war nearing. Laurelis had as much grace as a bull in an antique shop.
It’s made even worse in the presence of animals. Illya has seen Laurelis been reduced to tears at the mere mention of a lost pet. And she’d been completely and utterly incapacitated at the sight of a group of ducklings waddling their way through the city while they had been on their way to an important meeting with the clan heads.. to which the both of them later got sternly reprimanded for their late coming.
Admittedly, Illya had far better rapport with flowers and nature, and she was in no real position to speak when she’d happily spend hours upon hours nurturing the growth of the handful of flowerbeds they had blooming in their village. And had she the time, she’d expand her interests further across the Eastern Clan, cultivating as many gardens as much as time and her age would allow her... were it not for her responsibilities as daughter of the founder. 
And it was that self-restraint, that burden of responsibility and obligation to her training that weighed her down, while Laurelis was ever free to express herself, pursue whatever she wished and wore every inch of her heart upon her sleeves.
But thank the kami that they got along as well as they did despite their differences.. and that the sakura of the twilight skies wasn’t nearly as callous as her patron deity of the moon as to leave her friend alone when she needed help. Laurelis’ safety and happiness far outweighed the importance of her obligations. 
With a heaving sigh, Illya adjusted the straps of her mask. She fastens the purple sageo of her decorated scabbard, upon which the surface had been painted with a myraid of sakura petals, and tucks it tighter into her obi before sprinting off after her friend. 
Her dear friend’s recklessness truly knows no bounds, Illya laments internally as she runs out the borders of clan walls, despite warnings from the guards and all the way up the hill that led up to the treacherous Ryurin fields. 
Crossing the war torn fields of no man’s land, Illya finally catches sight of her friend as she climbs up a hill, calling her name but abruptly stopping in her tracks when she sees what was ahead of them.
An orange feline, far larger and dangerous than the one that was mewling and trembling in Lauerelis’ arms, glared daggers at the miqo’te, and more specifically the prey pressed up against her chest. Small though it may be, food was still food, especially within this utterly cruel world - where you either feasted upon others, or are waiting to be feasted upon.
Its sabretooth is bared, and the tiger lets out a loud growl as if in demand for its food to be released, and Laurelis takes a step back.
“D-don’t come any closer!”
“Laurelis! What are you doing??”
The pink haired miqo’te doesn’t take her eyes off the tiger to turn her head back, knowing that doing so would lead to the helpless kitten in her care being put in danger, but she manages a nervous laugh back at Illya.
“I-I um.. may have forgotten my katana..”
“Kami forfend...” Reckless and suicidal, Laurelis’ little foibles were proving to be more than little, unimportant eccentricities at this point. 
Twilight bathes preys and predator alike in a rapidly darkening glow, and Illya slowly reaches her hand to rest upon the handle of her katana.
The tiger evidently has no patience to wait for nightfall, and with a loud roar, it lunges towards the dawn azalea with its razor teeth bared. And with no regard for herself, Laurelis turns her back to the tiger, shielding the kitten tightly in her grasp.
“Begone with you!” 
A flurry of cherry blossoms circle them, and the wind rises to blow them high into the sky as Laurelis hears but a single telltale sound of metal - the sound of a sword being drawn. And when she works up the courage to turn around, she sees Illya ahead of the tiger, the glow of her katana’s blade as threatening as it was comforting against the orange pink hues of the atmosphere, cutting through fear as if it were but a fine thread. The sakura petals that flew into the air flutter back to earth, each carried along upon the wind as if in an entrancing dance.
And the tiger behind her stood still, before the fur along its side and back falls off. And with a frightened whimper, the predator scurries away back towards the mountains, and Illya finally sheaths her sword.
“Illya! Are you okay?” Laurelis calls out and runs forward, an equal amounts of relief and remorse plastered across her face.
“I’m fine.” Illya responds, running slender fingers through her silken locks. Though her expression was completely obscured beneath the grin of the oni, Laurelis can tell her friend was herself heaving a sigh of relief. “That was a little too close for comfort.”
“I-I’m so sorry... I was.. I was being so stupid and careless.. If you hadn’t followed me.. I-” The miqo’te bites back her words, glistening tears pooling in her mismatched eyes that threatened to spill out and trickle down her face. 
Illya’s silence was no comfort, especially not when she could not tell from the expression upon her masked face just how she was looking up at her. Was Illya disappointed? Angry? She’d have every right to be both, and she was almost certain she’d permanently earned her friend’s disdain when Illya finally responds, her voice lowering in volume.
“Don’t worry. I’m just glad you’re both okay.”
It’s a tone of voice she doesn’t get to hear often, especially not in public.. a voice that stood in stark contrast to the pretense of a refined and mature warrior Illya has grown so used to, a pretense that has become wholly a part of her. But Laurelis knew this voice to be the true Illya, one of an unparalleled gentleness and kindness towards her that she believed she did not deserve. 
“So what are you going to name it?” Illya asks, turning as she begins to lead the pair down the hill back towards their village, and Laurelis pauses for a moment to contemplate before replying with a sunny grin.
“How about ‘tora’?”
“‘Tiger’? You mean.. like the one I just shaved clean..?”
A girlish giggle rises up into the air, along with an affectionate mewling of a cat.
“Well.. I was already reminded of a tiger when I saw his fur.. that was just a funny coincidence.” 
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tenshiscientia · 3 years
How She Feels (Saix Version) Chapter 1
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Amaterasu was up on top of the Alter of Naught waiting for four member of the Organization that she had called up there. She was severely nervous. She had been in The Castle That Never Was for about a year now and she was having a hard time being there. Even though she had feelings, the men around her did not, and according to them they would never have them. She was so torn between what she felt though.
Each of the four Organization members that she had called up here had saved her ass at least once on the missions they had went on and she had become attached to them quite a bit. The attachment had grown into something more as time had passed and Amaterasu wasn't sure what to do except tell them. But she had no idea how they would act. She didn't even know if they would understand what she was talking about. As she waited for those four Organization members to join her, Amaterasu walked to the edge of the alter.
Looking over the edge of it, she watched all of the lights twinkling below her.
'Goddess what am I going to do...' she thought to herself, 'I don't even know if they will understand what I am telling them. And if they do understand, will they even be able to return what I want to give.'
Just as Amaterasu turned around, Xemnas was seen coming up the last few steps of the alter.
“You wanted to see me, Amaterasu?” he asked, tilting his head in a way that made Amaterasu's heart clench.
His hair glinted in the Kingdom Hearts moonlight, perfect and radiant as molten silver. His sun-set orange eyes glowed like hot coals and sent shivers down her back. His caramel skin looked dark and rich and she wanted to run her hands along it, but she resisted. And his deep voice echoed around them. Amaterasu nodded and smiled.
“Yeah, though there are a couple others that I wanted to talk to as well. So just give it a few more minutes, k?” she smiled.
Turning back around she hoped that he didn't see the light blush that tinged her cheeks. If he did she might be in trouble. A Dark Corridor opened and Saix stepped through. He noticed Xemnas and nodded his head at him.
“Amaterasu, you wished to see me?” he intoned, his voice seemingly unperturbed that he was asked up to the Alter.
“Yes, there are a couple others that I am wanting to talk to and I need them here to do so, so we need to wait.” she said without turning around.
She was afraid to turn around. If they saw the look that was on her face right now they would become concerned and she would never be able to get out what she wanted to say. A few seconds later, another Dark Corridor opened and Zexion walked out and at the same time Marluxia was seen walking up the last few steps of the Alter. At the sounds of their boots Amaterasu looked over her shoulder and saw that all four of the men that she wanted to talk to were finally present.
'Okay, you can do this girl, just come out and say what you want to. If they don't know what you are talking about, so what. At least you actually said something, you were able to get your ass up and confess. Unlike your brother, who couldn't confess to the one he loved. You've got this.
They're up here, now just turn around and say it.' Amaterasu coached herself in her head.
Turning around, Amaterasu looked at the four Organization members that she had gathered on The Alter of Naught. Xemnas was standing off to the side, closer to one side of the stairs than anything. Saix was on the other side of the stairs. Zexion had drifted to the middle of the Alter, and Marluxia had started to make his way closer to Amaterasu.
“What seems to be troubling you so much that you have asked all of us up here Ami?” Marluxia asked her, bringing an arm around her shoulders.
A light blush pulled itself up onto her cheeks and she pulled away from Marluxia. Shaking her head, she backed away from him.
“What I wanted to say was...Well actually I. Damn it.” she muttered.
“Amaterasu, whatever it is you can tell us. We won't be angry with you. Or has someone hurt you? If someone has hurt you, you need to tell us. We'll make sure they are properly taken care of.” Saix said gently, looking up at her with yellow eyes that gleamed with interest.
“No, no one has hurt me. It has to do with you guys. It's...it's just you guys...Ugh, how do I say this...” Amaterasu sighed.
Xemnas stood from where he was sitting and walked over to her. Sliding a finger under her chin, he lifted her face so that she was looking him in the eyes.
“There is nothing you have to worry about. Whatever you have to say, you can say it. No matter what it is nothing will change.” he whispered to her.
Amaterasu pulled away from him.
“That's the problem. What I say will change what happens between all of us. Especially between two of us if that someone decides to accept it.” she replied shaking her head.
“What do you mean?” asked Zexion.
“You all are very dear to me, and I care about all of you very deeply. All of the Organization, I care about you. But the four of you I care about you the most. But I have recently come to realize, that it's more than friendship that I feel for the four of you. I don't know if you will understand.
Over time I've come to find that I like you as more than friends. When I see each of you all day by day, I find that my heart flutters each time I see you. I can't concentrate when I'm on my missions with you. That's why you've had to save me. I'm distracted by you.
What I'm trying to say is that I feel love for each of you. But I can't decide which one of you that I want to be with. Which is why I'm giving you guys the choice of whether or not you would want to share my heart with me. I'm sorry I sound so stupid I know. But I just had to say something instead of staying quiet.
It was just killing me. If you don't want to do anything about this, we can forget it. But at least tell me that you hear what I'm saying.” she said very fast.
Xemnas Stood from where he had been sitting on the edge of the Alter and walked over to Amaterasu. Sliding a hand under her chin he lifted her face so that he could look her in the eye.
“I must ask you to forgive me Amaterasu. I cannot return what you seek. I am with out emotion, you must understand this. I have a hard time even grasping the concept of friendship. However that is what I wish to have with you. I cannot return the love that you seek, so I would prefer to have friendship. Is that satisfactory with you?” he asked her.
Amaterasu looked a little down as his words washed over her, but she pushed that away and smiled up at him. Lifting her head out of his hand, she nodded her head and pulled him forward into a hug. Looking down at her awkwardly, Xemnas waited for her to release him, but she didn't. After a few seconds he awkwardly patted her back then she finally pulled away. A light smile still adorning her face she backed away from him and drew her hands behind her back.
“Thank you for being honest with me Xemnas. At least you didn't lie to me.” she said softly.
Xemnas nodded and walked down the steps to the Alter, disappearing into the Castle. From the other side of the Alter a small snort was heard and Amaterasu turned around.
“Well he is right. We can't feel emotion, but does he have to be so formal about it?” Marluxia mused out loud, “I am the same Amaterasu. I can't return the love that you seek, but would love to remain friends with you. I love the time we have spent together. Especially the time we have spent talking about the flowers that I keep. I do so hope we can continue doing that.
I would hate to lose someone who has an actual brain and can understand the subtle beauty and deadliness of plants.”
This made Amaterasu laugh. Jumping onto Marluxia, she tackled him to the ground in a giant bear hug.
“Of course we can still be friends, Marluxia. And I would never pass up talking with you about the flowers and plants that you keep. I know better than to diss those kinds of things. Flowers can be absolutely beautiful, but they also can be wicked deadly. Who could not know that?
A person would have to be utterly stupid not to know that!” Amaterasu exclaimed.
Pulling away from the bear hug and sitting back on Marluxia's waist, “Just so long as you don't set anymore of them after me. After that last one you set after me, I swear if any more of them do that, I'll freaking burn them if they attack me!”
Pulling herself off Marluxia, Amaterasu helped him stand and dodged away from the swipe Marluxia made as he tried to hit her.
“You better not try and set them on fire! I'll come after you myself!” he exclaimed.
“Yea, yea, sure. You and what army?” Amaterasu laughed.
Marluxia turned and opened a Dark Corridor, muttering to himself something that suspiciously sounded like, “I'll show you an army...”
As the Dark Corridor closed, Amaterasu turned her attention to Zexion who had his nose buried in a book on the other side of the Alter.
“Zexion?” Amaterasu asked.
“What?” Zexion asked without looking up from his book.
“Did you even hear what I said?” she asked him.
“Yeah I heard, I just don't care. Why would I even give that you want to share your heart with you. I don't have the time any way. I have far too much research to do about Kingdom Hearts. I don't have time to share your heart.
I don't even know why you asked me.” he said standing up, “I'm leaving.”
And with that, he opened a Dark Corridor and disappeared through it. Then a second later the Dark Corridor shut and all signs that he had even been there were gone. Amaterasu stood starring at where he had been. Why had he done that? He had always been kind to her before.
Friendly and helpful when she needed the help. Why did he turn cold to her now?
“He will pay for that...” a cold voice said behind Amaterasu.
She jumped and looked behind herself. Saix was standing there, his eyes where Zexion had left. Slowly he walked over to where Amaterasu was standing and pulled her against him. This surprised Amaterasu so much that she just stood stock still. As if she had turned to stone.
Saix's hand sifted itself into her hair and gently pulled it so that her face slowly looked up at him.
“He shouldn't be allowed to treat you like that, and I won't allow him to. I will be having a talk with him later. On the other hand, Amaterasu. I will share your heart if you will allow me.” he whispered down to her.
Amaterasu's eyes widened as she looked into his yellow eyes. The way they were glowing reminding her of when he was in his berserker state. How ever he seemed calm enough. His hand tightened in her hair and she winced a little. He had to know he was hurting her but he didn't let go.
“Sai...” Amaterasu began, but didn't get to much farther than that as Saix leaned down and pressed his lips to hers.
'Damn!' Amaterasu thought to herself, 'And I thought I was forward...'
Though she didn't protest as she melted against the kiss. She had to admit, though the grip he had on her hair was painful, the kiss was worth the pain. As the kiss lasted, Saix let go of her hair and slid his hand onto her cheek. Finally, Amaterasu had to pull away from the kiss for some air and she stood there ensconced in his arms panting from the lack of air.
“Where did that come from?” she asked him.
“You are mine now. And everyone will know it quite soon. I just wanted you to know it now...” he whispered to her.
With a small motion behind his back, a Dark Corridor opened, and Saix backed toward it. Amaterasu tried to pull away, but Saix just held onto her tighter.
“Have no fears, they won't attack me nor you.” he whispered as he continued to back through the Corridor.
Once the darkness vanished, Amaterasu looked around herself and she found herself to be in a huge room. If she was thinking right, this would have been Saix's bed room. Pulling herself out of his arms, she turned and ran her eyes over the room. There was a huge floor to ceiling window that looked out into the Kingdom Hearts sky, with the Kingdom Hearts moon hovering directly in the middle of it. Entranced by it, she walked to the window and gazed out at the moon.
“Beautiful isn't it?” Saix asked her as he walked up behind her.
Amaterasu nodded her head as she looked up at him. His eyes were fixed on the moon with a serene look on his face. Pulling herself away from the window, she began exploring the rest of his room. There was a large bed pressed against the wall exactly opposite of the window, possibly done like that so that the occupant of the bed could gaze out at the Moon when they were in the bed. The was also a modest bookcase filled with a few books and a few other knickknacks on the other wall along with another door that she was sure led to his bathroom.
Suddenly feeling very drowsy, Amaterasu made her way over to the large bed and pressed her hand down on it, testing what it felt like. It was soft as a cloud and the sheets that covered it were soft.
“Do you mind...” she began.
“Go ahead.” he told her, turning around, “I'll join you.”
Amaterasu's cheeks turned pink at the straightforward answer then pulled at the boots she was wearing and gingerly climbed into the huge bed. It seemed like she was going to sink into a cloud it was so soft. Not two seconds later, Saix joined her and pulled her against him as he laid down.
“You will be safe with me and no one will hurt you. Xemnas will assure that too. No one will hurt you again.” he whispered in her ear.
She settled herself back against him, believing his words and knowing that she would be protected. Things would be different from now on, though she could see that there would be some problems. Saix could be a little...hot-headed sometimes and she would most likely be the one trying to calm him down from now on, and that was going to make her life very interesting from now on.
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kits-shrine · 1 year
Meeka grabbed the heavy items and nodded her head, “Lead the way.”
They happily did so. Charity hesitated at the door before knocking. The door opened to reveal Hoori who smiled at the lot of them, she gave a little wink as she stepped back. Amaterasu straightened at the sight of them and they soon surrounded her, food and drinks discarded to the side. "Oh my children... I am so sorry I worried you."
The goat monster hugged each of them, giving Charity a special apology. She looked up at Meeka holding up her arm "And you too dear."
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amaterasuxmp · 2 years
a confusing mistake with @mpxhephaestus and maybe with @mperosx
"Oh. Well, I suppose that is on me then dear." Amaterasu's brow was furrowed, as her gaze dropped to the envelope on the Greek god's hand. She had thought to be "hip" to add something like that in, but it was proving to rather blow up spectacularly in her face given that none of her guests seemed to understand what she meant. Amaterasu was now not entirely sure she knew what it meant.
Stepping back to invite Hephaestus in, Amaterasu gives the other an amused smile, still determined to make most of the evening. "I should be grateful then that you came, thinking broadswords are involved Hephaestus, dear." It was just a small dinner, meant to invite some of the other gods. "But this will be a meal, and I am sorry to say I don't think we will have to use weapons. Please do still stay?"
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warriorcourier · 4 years
with @abyssalhowl​, from here
Before he can set them down properly, they begin to squirm with indignation, howling and fussing as they wriggle in his grasp. He himself is very quickly realizing his mistake.
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“Oh, oh dear, hold still, my goodness I’m so sorry-” He sets them down, squirming and fussing, on their legs and gives them some space. What an embarrassing mistake!!
“I am very sorry, you looked like my other friend, who, coincidentally is a very...large...wolf.” He squints. This is definitely not Amaterasu. Who is this? Were there just wild wolves around the place?
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Dragon Dancer III: Amaterasu Blessed
When Anjou came into the lounge a few minutes later, Johann had already set up a small recuperation corner by putting together some chairs, taking sofa cushions for my back and putting the water dispenser closer to me. The old man chuckled.
“That reminds me, I haven’t approved your marriage application yet, Johann.”
“The school board has some concerns.” Johann said quietly. 
“Understandable ones. But I’ve already made up my mind.” He walked over and handed him what looked like a lipstick case. “This is my private seal. Once you two get back to the college, you’ll find the application in my left upper desk drawer.”
I frowned. “You’re not planning on dying, are you principal?”
“No my dear, I’m not.  But one should always be prepared, regardless. Now... that that’s out of the way, I can speak freely about your next assignment.”
He was looking at me, laughter in his eyes. “I need you to shadow Chisei Gen.” “Eh? But...”
“Do you really think he’s going to leave Japan with his siblings?”
I recalled his preparations earlier. “He’s not.” I said flatly.
“We have learned so much from your team reports in the last few days and yet we have only scratched the surface! Even if we have the ultimate weapon, we are still taking a shot in the dark. Chisei Gen is now the best source of intel we have.”
Johann and Nono had explained the Sword of Damocles to me. It wasn’t a sword at all, but a massive metal rod shot from space. The impact force and heat of the rod would be very similar to a meteor strike and would obliterate everything for miles, including a dragon.
But it would only be over its target every 90 minutes. And it would only be fired once.
“Then... why cut him loose?” I asked.
Anjou just smiled. “It is for the best that he tastes the freedom of his individual justice. He is a man without a mentor for the first time in a long time!”
“Uh.... then he might not appreciate me following him around then?” 
“He is also a Lonesome George by his own admission. Forgive me for saying so Johann.” He glanced briefly at him and turned to me again. “He is without equal in the world. And you are his kind. I don’t think he would turn you away. Quite the opposite.” He looked at Johann again. “No offense.”
Johann crossed his arms. Nono couldn’t hold back her snicker.
I blushed and changed the subject. “By the way... has anyone heard from Mingfei?”
Johann shook his head. “He’s probably hiding somewhere safe. You’re not worrying about him?”
I tilted my head in thought. “No... I think he’s okay. I wonder if he’s walking here. Poor guy didn’t have a helicopter like I did.”
Anjou was unconcerned. “Oh... I’m sure he’ll turn up when he’s needed. He always does. Now if you’ll excuse me, I’ll be herding those crazy Gear Department Cats.”
“ 辛苦你了”(Thanks... sorry.) I said as he departed.
I wanted so much to sleep. I was exhausted from everything. But just as I was drifting off, my phone vibrated next to me. I picked it up. Unknown number.
“Eh? Chisei?”
“Are you okay?”
“I... just wanted to say, I’m sorry.”
“I told you I wasn’t going to bring it up again. I meant it.” I said. Johann was watching me. I was nervous now, talking to another guy right in front of him. It was a for a mission. I knew he wouldn’t say anything or take it personal. That didn’t make it right in my eyes. “What are you going to do now?”
“I’m going back to the shrine. To get Erii and Chime on the next flight out of here.”
“I imagine things are pretty booked...”
“It won’t be an issue for me. I’ll also be  putting in my final instructions for Hydra.”
“So you’ve decided not to leave.”
“I can’t Carli. I was just looking at all these people leaving Tokyo. They’re probably going to die before they get out. They’re here, each car has a family. Each family is trying to stay calm, holding onto each other. After everything I’ve done, it’s not right for me to leave with my family.”
I sighed. “I’ve told you what I wanted but... if this is your justice then, that’s something I can respect.” 
I smiled, recalling Anjou’s words. “Sorry... if this sounds weird... but I can I come see you at the shrine please?”
“Because... I’ve been thinking about what we talked about earlier. I’m more curious now about what your justice looks like. Your future plans for Hydra.”
“Won’t Anjou have something to say about you suddenly leaving?”
“Mmm...” I glanced at Johann. “Anjou is a smart man. If he cared, he would have said something by now. It’s obvious he knows I care about your welfare a lot. I still remember the way there. It’s a unique place.”
“Then... it’s fine.” He hung up.
Johann looked at me. “Anjou was right. At this point, he doesn’t have anyone else to talk to.”
I slid my legs over the side of the couch. Johann helped me get up. 
When I arrived at the shrine, stepping out of the void, it was raining, but I had an umbrella. I still wore the traditional Miko clothing he’d given me earlier. Chisei was already in the shrine, surrounded by priests, flowers and candlelight. I left my umbrella outside the dark space and knelt quietly on the tatami. 
He didn’t look at me or greet me. Instead he looked at someone near him with a traditional inkwell and parchment scroll.. “Write down what I’m saying.’
“I am Patriarch Gen Chisei, 74th generation patriarch of the Hydra. I am ashamed of the ancestors of the family. Our unforgivable errors have caused a disaster in Japan. Starting tomorrow, I will transfer all the powers of the patriarch to Sakurai Nanami, the head of the Sakurai family. She is the 75th Patriarch.”
“After me, family members should follow the instructions of their ancestors and must not pursue the dragon corpse for strength and power. Those who violate that prohibition will be executed by the family.”
“To avoid harming the innocent, the devils in the asylums should be well cared for. In every devil is our family blood. If we treat them kindly, they will be with us. If we abandon them in the wilderness, they will retaliate against us...”
He handed over all control, including contacts, access to buildings, property ownership and passwords to sensitive files. The rain had stopped and things were starting to clear up.
When he was finally done, he looked at the secretary. “Is it all written down?”
The secretary handed him the parchment which he read. He took a small knife, pricked his finger and smeared the blood on his ring. He pressed the ring to the parchment, leaving his signature on it.
He handed it back to him. “Make a copy, seal the original and give both to Nanami Sakurai.”
“Tomorrow, I will be an ordinary person. But today, please come to the battle with me.”
I felt the warmth on my back and looked over my shoulder. The sun had broken over the horizon and spilled its light into the shrine, on the priests and onto Chisei.
He looked so peaceful. Perhaps, I thought, I could believe he really was Amaterasu-no-Mikoto. 
He met me at the entrance. “At such a time like this, you can smile like that.”
I stood up, still mindful of my healing wound. “I just felt really happy for you.”
“I’ll be sending Erii and Chime away now... Is... Mingfei alright?”
“Oh he’s fine.” I waved dismissively. 
“I wanted to thank him in person. But... if you could....” He beckoned me to follow him.
He took me to a back chamber of the shrine complex. Erii was sitting in the corner, looking like me in Miko clothes, while Chime, dressed in priest clothing, still couldn’t seem to look his brother in the eye. 
“The helicopter leaves in 5 minutes.” Chisei hugged him gently.
“Are you... going to come back?” Chime again had that weak, weak voice.
“I can’t promise you that but I’ll do my best.”
“If only I could...”
Chisei cut him off. “You can’t... and you know why. If you went out there, I’d lose you... forever.”
Chime looked profoundly stunned. “I don’t... understand. The King should have pursued me. But he didn’t. I don’t understand why...”
Erii held up a notepad that read. “Brother, what’s going on out there?”
“It’s very bad, Erii.” Chisei opened Erii’s suitcase full of clothes that Mingfei and Johann had mailed to them. “Here, put these on. I’ll teach you your new identities.”
While he was doing that, I approached Chime. “How are you feeling?” I asked.
“Shouldn’t I be asking you that?” He hung his head in shame. 
I waved my hand at him. “I’m like your brother. I can’t be killed so easy.” I had a sudden thought. “Chisei, after this is over, I’ll send you a bit of my blood for Chime. With the injection it will help prevent his ghost persona from returning.”
I turned back to Chime, “Your Soul Skill, you shouldn’t use it. If you do, there’s a risk you might be lost.”
He nodded. “I don’t know how to thank you.”
“I do!” I gave him a victory sign. “Invite me to your first Kabuki performance! That is... whereever you’re going!”
Chime looked away from me, in a daze. “This... doesn’t feel real.”
“Want me to pinch you?” I asked playfully. 
“Don’t!” He flinched away.
I laughed.
“She has too much energy.” Chisei moved to shield him from me. “Change into the clothes I’ve left for you, also, here’s your ID, a bank card and a phone. Don’t tell anyone your original names. Only use the name on your passports.”
He leaned over and kissed Erii on the cheek. “I haven’t done much for you in these years. Not even as much as Mingfei did in this last week...”
Chisei’s voice grew hoarse and he abruptly stopped talking. He just hugged her again.
My smile faded and I looked away.
Once Chime had changed into casual clothes, Chisei led us out to where a bullet proof Benz was already waiting. He put Erii in the backseat and stroked her hair before giving Chime another hug.
I kept my distance. Chisei said something to Chime I couldn’t hear, but the younger brother burst into sobbing. “Don’t go, Chisei, please. Please come with us!”
Chisei held him close, not answering, instead, guiding him to the car. Chime dug his heels in, going into a full-blown panic. “The King is going to kill you. He will! I know he will!”
“Hey!” I shouted. “I won’t let that happen!”
Chisei sighed. 
“I mean it! This whole situation is kind of my doing you know? If I don’t follow through to the end it would wrong!” I blinked away my tears. “If Chisei doesn’t come back alive then... well, neither will I. Understand?”
Chime looked at me like I was his only hope and I really felt like I was. It was only then that he got into the car.
The vehicle drove away and I watched it. Chisei glanced over at me and I just looked back at him. “There was no way he was going to get on that plane without something, Chisei.”
“Did Anjou send you?”
“You...” I laughed. “Called me.”
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