#[ so i made it a leetol pinch fluffier than i think qcard would actually be ]
cptnjeanlucpicard · 1 month
*Some Qs in the Continuum are bored and decide to both mess with Picard a bit and 'help Q along'. So they send him a dream about what it would be like if he were together with Q* (This is my indirect way to ask the admin what he thinks a relationship between Q and Picard would look like)
*Picard's dream is rather similar to his current life, although Q is omnipresent throughout it. It's...almost peaceful, having the safety net of Q there--although on some level he knows Q would never interfere unless directly asked.*
*Q can't always be physically there when he's doing work for the continuum, but things are still suspiciously nice without Q's physical presence. Whenever Picard is bored, he finds a good book, and whenever he's thirsty, a cup of earl grey mysteriously materialises on his desk.*
*And when Q is there, instead of being a stressful sign of another portion of the trial, it's...almost quiet. He's teaching Q to slow down and try to appreciate the world on a mortal level. He's not sure it's working, but he likes to hope.*
*When Picard wakes up, he first feels almost content, then disturbed. He's not in love with Q, even if that dream was weirdly lovely, he tells himself. He goes about the rest of his day like normal, with the dream still haunting him in the back of his mind.*
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