#[ she's just RECKLESS. ]
thosedamnedghouls · 2 months
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love these babies very much
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inluvwcaitvi · 2 months
vi is a lot smarter than she gets credit for and it’s kinda weird to see that ppl genuinely write her off as “haha punch and angry”. i mean, yeah, that's def a part of her but that clearly isn't her entire character, just like jinx obviously isn't only "haha bomb go boom". at first i thought it was just a joke and it was funny but ppl… actually think that??? 💀
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i'm not saying she's some fuckin super genius or anything but i've seen some ppl talk abt vi like she's genuinely stupid and has never displayed any intelligence whatsoever and i find that so strange.
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tanglepelt · 1 year
Dc x dp idea 38
We know jack had a witch hunter in his family line. Let’s make him competent at it. Make him also go after other supernatural beings. He’s super good at capturing, detaining, banishing and even killing the entities. To bad he doesn’t care about any safety precautions.
It ends with the family line essentially being cursed. They were being hunted and stuff. The reason the fentonnightingales just turned into Fenton was to hide from the beings.
When Danny dies and comes back there presence is made known again. It did take a powerful event to become an halfa. Suddenly the family is being hunted again.
The Fenton parents love it. They have more entries to research and capture now.
Jazz and Danny not so much. Jazz ends up taking Danny away from amity to see if that would stop the constant attacks.
No one in the infinite realm gave and advice on how to get them to leave them alone. Frostbite only warns not to go ghost unless he has to. Apparently if the entities knew he was a halfa more powerful threats may want to attack him.
The two siblings are discovered by the JLD after a very powerful entity tried to attack them.
Now the two are basically hanging out with the JLD while they figure out how to fix it. The last name trick would not work a second time. That and anyone with any magic can feel the death magic on danny.
Danny refuses to elaborate on why he feels like death itself. Until one day a world ending threat tries to take out the siblings. Apparently fentonnightingale had sealed it away and it only just broke the bindings.
The JLD needed some artifacts or item to reseal it. But when it grabs Jazz. Danny goes ballistic and transforms.
Turns out most things won’t mess with Danny or his sister anymore. He one shot a super powerful entity and apparently had three marks of protection from the ancients. Those being frostbite, clockwork, and pandora.
Frostbite only told him not to transform was because clockwork told him not to.
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coffeebanana · 5 months
something something necromancer Marinette AU where Adrien keeps throwing himself into danger to protect her because “she’ll just bring him back” but she never thought she’d fall so hard for the guy she met by accidentally reanimating his corpse
and can she marry someone who’s legally dead anyways?
like. for tax reasons
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zootopiathingz · 9 months
I know majority of people think “haha Nick does stupid shit and Judy has to keep him in control” which don’t get me wrong is a funny trope, but I like to think canonly it’s the opposite.
I’m not saying Judy does stupid shit on purpose or for no reason, but she is very case-focused and will stop at nothing to finish her job, even at the risk of her own safety. Girl puts her life on the line multiple times throughout the movie and arguably if it weren’t for Nick she would’ve ended up dead. He is much more concerned with their safety and making sure they both make it out okay from dangerous situations.
So yeah, Judy is just as capable of putting her life at risk, and Nick is the only one actively keeping her alive
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hey there kids want to read the truest description of X-Men ever given
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Drop the boys pronouns/identities!!!! Please:]
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Edd: bi, demisexual. he/him
Matt: gay, genderfluid. he/she
Tord: intersex, pansexual, agender. he/him (?)
Tom: bi, asexual, transgender. he/him
(shirtless under cut)
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shepscapades · 9 months
Hey! i’m really into the dbch story and i was wondering if doc and xisuma ever tell bdubs the specifics of why etho lost his memories, cause if they do that is prime self blaming angst for bdubs
I’m inclined to believe they don’t. Actually (and maybe I should do a small comic for this so more people see it) I imagine, once a month or a few pass and they finally return etho to bdubs as reset, I imagine they are VERY serious about warning bdubs not to try to force Etho to re-deviate— they don’t go into specifics, but they probably tell bdubs that whatever happened had to do with something that was emotionally overwhelming, and that forcing him to redeviate/not letting it happen naturally could trigger the same error. They have no idea what could happen so bdubs needs to be very careful and let Etho find himself again on his own.
Whether or not bdubs gets impatient or can only go so long before he doubts it would be that bad if he tried pushing Etho in the right direction is another story.
But yeah. I don’t think Xisuma or Doc really… tell anyone that this happened. Etho’s error seemed like a very specific one-off scenario, so it’s not something the other hermits should be trying to avoid or be careful about happening to their own android friends, and the only thing telling people would do is make them worried about the situation. All they need to know is that etho was broken and that they need to be careful with him. I don’t agree with their decision to keep what happened to themselves but I understand it I think. Xisuma “i don’t want to worry the hermits” Void and Docm “eh this isn’t the first time I’ve replaced this arm, people won’t question it” 77
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smeraldo-heart · 2 months
Cal and Trilla are such an underrated comedic duo and it’s a damn shame we didn’t get to see them work together
Like hello?? Trilla asking Cal about the holocron, hearing him just ignite his lightsaber in response and giving the most deadpan, sarcastic “outstanding.” Not a day goes by when I don’t think about this. Fucking. Hilarious.
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They would be such an immensely funny sarky duo of Star Wars just had the balls to give them to us.
We were ROBBED I tell you. Robbed of the most sarcastic, scathing comedic duo of the century. The sassy padawan siblings we deserved but never got.
The similarities in driving too?? 💀
The annoyed big sister vibes and annoying little brother vibes I get from them are so good godammit. I deserved nightmare siblings Cal and Trilla.
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raineyraven · 2 months
just watched vide noir (2022) and i have to say the tragedy of a man whose love leaves him because he wasn't what she needed him to be, who through his journey to find her again became the man she wanted him to be so that he could get to her, only to reach her and find that it's too late to get her back, who grew and changed in his quest for someone who was always going to be out of his reach and he didn't know it until he'd undergone that change?? that shit fucks oh my god.
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amuwo · 4 months
Will defend Quess until I die tbh
At first I was really confused over what they were trying to do with her but then it hit me.
Imagine you're a 13yo girl in 2008 who really really likes uc gundam and you have a crush on the evil blond man. You draw him all the time and you post him to deviantart until one day u have a cool idea to make your own fanfiction where a self insert of YOU is in the gundam world.
And in this world you get to meet char and he immediately asks you to join him because he can detect your coolgirl aura, you're not like those stupid other preps you're cool and into revolutionary politics. You are a rly powerful newtype and rock at piloting because of course you are you're the main character and this is YOUR fantasy damn it
And also because you're the main character you get to have a cool hair colour that stands out and everyone in universe loves you and protects you and char is totally not using you!!! You are a valued member of his team you are not just a political pawn because of your father!!!!!
Char's counter attack is quess' world and everyone else was just living in it
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aha-chuu · 2 months
I'm dubbing Feixiao x Moze x Jiaoqiu as the Yaocule and really I think it's fairly clear that they're all sleeping together but also causing each other major issues on the day to day
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daddy-long-legssss · 4 months
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Reckless Serenade
"I think this sort of sounds the best. I really like the recording of this one, I think it’s come out the best. It’s just a love song I suppose. In terms of the sound I guess some of the stuff we were listening to was like the Pixies. And having the drums quite tough, that comes across on that tune a bit."
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starleska · 7 months
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a gifset of the Sixth Doctor in Timelash, trying to free the TARDIS from a Kontron tunnel! requested by the lovely @outismm who is joining me in Six brainrot hell 🙈💖
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phantoms-lair · 24 days
Recovery Girl better sleep with one eye open
Continues from here
It took him a bit longer than he wanted to get back to the kids, but he didn't think it would help their peace of mind for him to show back up covered in blood. But he had made absolutely sure Overhaul was not getting up again. The remains were being brought to a crematorium he'd bribed for disposal purposes. Not even enough left for a Pit to revive. He was glad to see several of his men still there, on the outside and more in the interior.
They were guarding the kids. Good.
Eri had fresh bandages, and they were placed locally, rather that covering half her arms and legs. it seemed her injuries were more on her wrists and elbows. Her legs were bare, showing old scarring and not fresh wounds. Maybe an incentive not to run? Hood regretted not killing Overhaul more slowly.
The boy had his gloves off and his hands were mangled. "Did Overhaul do that to you?" Hood growled.
Deku shook his head. "No sir." he answered in English. Jason mentally kicked himself for forgetting to talk to the kid in his own language. "My quirk used to break me. It still does if I push it too far. Eri's power in the only reason I was able to use so much and not be injured." He smiled brightly at the small girl next to her."
"Your own power did that you?" Dr. Thompkins asked softly.
"Yeah," Deku ducked his head. "I'm sorry and I'll try to be a lot better about it. I have gotten better, it's just Overhaul was so overwhelming, if I didn't go all out I would have died and Eri would have died, and I'm not being reckless, really I promise I'm doing my best." Try as he did to hold them back, tears sprang unbidden from his eyes.
Eri reached over and hugged him, looking warily between Hood and Leslie. Right, she probably didn't speak English and had no clue what was happening.
"Hey, Kiddo, breathe." Hood used his gentlest victim voice. "You did good. You saved Eri. You were no more reckless than anyone else who puts on a costume, got it?"
"I'm sorry, I really am trying." He wrapped his arms around Eri, rubbing her back comfortingly.
"Who said you weren't trying." Hood said, keeping his tone light, but the moment the words left his mouth they suddenly felt heavier. Because that was it, wasn't it. Kid had had a major victory tonight, even if Hood had dealt the finishing blow, but rather than celebrate like the Titan would have his first instinct was to plead that he's done his best and was putting effort into what he was doing. Someone had told this kid he wasn't good enough. Frequently.
"Well it's true, isn't it? I need to be better. Aizawza-sensei said my not being able to control my quirk is an excuse and I need to be better. And Recovery Girl, our school nurse (she's got a quirk that can fast heal anyone's injuries just by kissing them, it's so cool), got so fed up with me she said she wouldn't heal me anymore if I hurt myself with my quirk."
"She said WHAT!"
Hood had thought he'd seen all the different flavors or tired, overly annoyed, and frustrated Dr. Thompkins had. He'd not seen this one before. He could see her pupils constrict, her breathing quicken, and suddenly wanted nothing more than to get out of her way.
"She said her healing me was enabling me in being reckless, so she wouldn't be a part of it anymore." Deku said softly, as if he was ashamed and not the so-called nurse.
"Did she offer you any resources to help you?" Leslie pressed.
"Resources?" Deku looked confused.
Leslie exhaled deeply. "Hood, Eri has been very sheltered and her immune system is not used to Gotham. I know you center around Crime Alley, but if you have any safe houses in upper middle class areas or better yet out of Gotham, that would be preferably till she recovers more fully." Leslie than switched to Spanish. "And when you find a way back to where ever they're from, let me know."
"What makes you think I'm letting either of them go back?" Hood responded in kind, once he confirmed Deku didn't seem to understand what she had said.
"They're not. I am." Dr. Thompkins was resolute. "I have a 'school nurse' I need to have some words with."
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Henry, dear, sweet child, this is an awful idea. DO NOT tell this woman to basically form her own Sinister Six.
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