#[ she's a little monster u.u ]
of-elitiism · 1 year
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@cantuscorvi asked: omg pls gimme raum/adri for the kid meme i wanna see what their crazy spawn looks like If they had a kid:
Name: Rosalind
Gender: female
General Appearance: tall, elegant and statuesque, pale skin and icy blue eyes, hair a dusty blonde that catches the light just right. Often seen wearing classic, feminine ensembles, shirts with cashmere jumpers, pleated skirts, mary jane shoes, a headband and pearls. Got her stare from Adrianna, stoic, stern and alluring.
Personality: very intelligent, snobby and entitled. Her speech is very eloquent and precise, insults and harsh remarks are spitted without hesitation. Has a rare kind of dark humor and would cover her mouth with the back of her hand when giggling. Not particularly cruel, but most definitely a little twisted.
Special Talents: Daughter of a fallen angel and a demon Rosalind is a Nephilim of the worst kind. Her abilities while not mature just yet, include being able to enter people's minds and dreams and torture them from within. Her talents are fright/terror based overall.
Who they like better: honestly i don't think she likes either of her parents. Raum might be spoiling his little monster a little too much and thus might make her a bit iffy [ she's not too big into displays of affection. She might like Adrianna more simply because she would get to steal her make-up, perfume and clothes from time to time.
Who they take after more: Definitely her father. .
Personal Head canon: Her laugh can drive people mad.
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askyuuandco · 4 months
TWST Incorrect Quotes 18
OB Malleus: How did you get passed my force fields?!
OB Malleus: my fortress- it is impenetrable. >:L
Orthro: hole in the field :L
OB Malleus: SON OF A BITCH! D:<
Savannaclaw student: Okay I'm dating someone, but I still like to flirt with other people. Is that considered cheating? :<
Leona: *punches him*
Leona: but I'm left handed :L
Savannaclaw Student: .... I see your point... O_O
Leona: Your Welcome.
Meleanor: Your dead and buried darling~ GN!Yuu: And Bricked! HELLO! \OvO/ Malleus: >:0 Meleanor: Son your friend seems very... interesting? 「(°ヘ°) ------------------------------------------------------------------
Silver: MONSTER! FIGHT ME! Demon Lord M! MC: Oh? How nice. Another servant to be my little toy~. ;:) Demon Lord M! MC: Come now little toy. Come kneel before your king~. Silver: I SAID FIGHT ME MONSTER! D:< Demon Lord M! MC: Yes. Yes. U.U Demon Lord M! MC: and I said Kneel~! >:) -----------------------------------------------------------------
Blot Monster: And then I'm going to eat your girlfriend~! :D Idia: NO! NO! *quickly grabs his Y/N* YOU WILL NOT EAT MY GIRLFRIEND! D':< Blot Monster: :( ------------------------------------------------------------------
Silver: um...Yuu...your arms are cut off? F!Yuu: Tis just a flesh wound.... X0 General Lilia: ....She's fine :) Sebek: b-but Lilia sama she's bleeding out Grim: AND CAN DIE!!! DX> General Lilia: If she says she's fine then she is fine UvU *leaves* Grim, Sebek & Silver: OmO'//// F!Yuu: *reattaches arms* See Tis just a flesh wound :D Sebek & Silver: *in mind* oh yeah it's a dream o-o'/// Grim: AAAAHHHHH!!!! OAO'////
-------------------------------------------------------- King Henrik: THIS IS MADNESS! General Lilia: Madness?... Gerenal Lilia: *turns to look at his Princess* Meleanor: *nods yes* U_U Gerenal Lilia: THIS. IS. BRIAR!!! *kicks him off the cliff* Henrick: *falls* AAAAAAHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!
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tashacee · 10 months
Hey, Hey Tash. Hear me out. I just had a thought: Mask!Wild guided by Wolfie in his adventure. How wholesome would that be? If anyone was mean to the bean they would have lost their hand privilege. That's it, that's the thought. u.u
Okay so
I had to not have him be guided by Wolfie in the AU because otherwise he would be SO MUCH better adjusted.
The Bean wakes up. Meets Wolfie, gives him lots of hugs and cuddles cause, you know. He doesn't remember anything but he knows that Wolfie is CUDDLY.
Wolfie, meanwhile, sees this scrawny kid who has CLEARLY been through hell andcan decides on the spot that he would kill for him.
Fast forward a bit. Rhoam makes the bean cry. Wolfie loses his mind barking at him. He possibly figures out how to bite a ghost. Rhoam runs away.
Wild still has the mask, but he doesn't feel much pressure to wear it. Wolfie makes him laugh too much, and he isn't much worried about what some weird ghost has to say.
People off the plateau are... a mixed bag about his face. He still has a bad experience with the travellers who think he's a monster, but Wolfie barks at them and breaks them out of their post-fight adrenaline rush. The Travellers realise that it's just a kid, and have never been more apologetic in their lives.
Brigo is unerringly kind. Beedle is cheerful and doesn't seem to notice. The people at the stable are polite and say nothing. He begins to feel a little embarrassed when he realises no one else looks like him, but he has Wolfie at his side all the time. Sure, he can't really speak like this, but he's confident in his sign and can manage well enough.
Impa is shocked, but not really surprised. Zelda told her the extend of his injuries after all. Mostly she's just glad that he has a companion in Wolfie. She suspects there's more to the wolf than meets the eye, but can't quite put her finger on it.
He buys the Shiekah mask in Kakariko, the one that just covers his lower face. He doesn't wear it all the time, but sometimes it's more comfortable
When he gets to Hateno, because he's more confident in himself, he lets Purah have a good ole' look around his face and make him a prosthetic. It fills the gap and allows him to speak clearly. Also it lights up blue and orange cause SHEIKAH TECH.
It's pretty cool. He likes it. He gets some matching armour for Wolfie.
Wolfie is... ambivalent about this, but appreciates the thought.
All in all, with Wolfie in tow, Wild is so much healthier and happier like this. He has a friend with him at all times, a friend who watches out for him and comforts him when he's sad.
By the time he meets the Chain, he's a different person. He's self effacing, bashful, but he's so much more confident.
If anything... he's happy.
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musicallisto · 4 years
Congrats on 800 followers!! You write beautifully and deserve every one of them and a thousand more 💕🎉
For the celebration, could I get a vanilla milkshake (ship)? Of Percy Jackson or Narnia?
I'm a straight girl, INFP, enneagram 5, hufflepuff student, and daughter of Athena. I really love any kind of art, from painting, to music, to literature, to sculpture, and anything. That doesn't mean I'm good. Even tho I wish I was. I really like to write, it helps me put my thoughts and feelings in order, and words come easier when I write them down than when I try to talk. The most important thing to me are my friends, my loyalty is one of the little things I actually like about myself.
I'm really bored with my life and always wished of something more, so any kind of media that has a good story it's something I'm a fan of. I'm literally waiting just to be old enough so I can go on my own adventure and live a little.
I'm not a very affectionate person, not in a conventional way anyway, I'm not good enough with words to repeat how much people mean to me (even if they really do), and I don't like to be hugged that often, and only if they're really close to me. But I'm always there for anyone that needs me and I'll try to do the best I can to help.
I don't like small talk, I want to have long talks about everything that comes to mind, whether it is the last book you read or a random thought about the stars, or mythological creatures, or aliens, or your deepest secret or some dumb thing that happened some years ago. Whatever, but a real conversation.
Did I forget to say I'm Mexican? Lol, I speak Spanish and we're known for joking around (And it's probably that I punch someone jokingly before I hug them. Yep, not very good at expressing emotions at first. I can be WAY more open once I gained trust).
I like to take things with calm and humor, but if it's something serious I know how to take the situation seriously and give the best advice and "wise" words I can think of. My friends come looking for my advice often lol whether or not they follow it afterwards. I don't like to talk about my problems, because I don't want to worry any of my friends, and even though I could need help, I just hold it in until it passes (I should follow my own advice and talk to someone but OH WELL...)
I really don't know what else to say. I love to read, and I love musicals, and I'm trying to learn how to play guitar, and I'd like someone with good sense of humor but that I know I can trust.
Anyway, congrats again!! You're really talented and I don't know you that well but you seem like an awesome person. If you don't have time to do this, don't worry 'bout it u.u
here’s your vanilla milkshake! I only did it for percy jackson for lack of time, but I hope you enjoy your story with leo valdez all the same - it’s my reckoning you two would get along pretty well...
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Leo is definitely always down for an adventure. He’s the kind of person who effortlessly makes the most boring errand into an epic, and sees the excitement in everything around him, but understands exactly what you mean when you say you want to go out there and see what life has in store for you, for real.
You’re both sitting on your bed in your bedroom - it’s not often you get a break from Camp Half-Blood or Camp Jupiter respectively and are able to go back to your human lives, but whenever you get the chance, you seize it and enjoy the peace -, and talking about your biggest wishes and desires ...
(The conversation came naturally and flows just as organically; because Leo is a childish and excitable fool most of the time, but he understands there’s a time for everything, and he can be particularly serious and insightful when he understands it’s time for him to be)
... And you tell him all you really want in life is to go on an adventure, a real one, unpredictable like a rush of blood to the head.
“Well do I have news for you about a place called Camp Jupiter--”
“I don’t mean running from monsters or fulfilling prophecies... I want to see the world with my friends by my side and live beautiful things. One day, when I’m old enough.”
“Who says you aren’t old enough right now?”
“I’m sorry?”
(He’s straightened up from his slouching position on the mattress, and is looking at you with the utmost seriousness in his eyes.)
“I mean it. Who says we can’t go on an adventure, like, right now?”
“Where could you even go?”
“I don’t know. Got a globe laying around somewhere here?”
You comply, and he spins it, and orders you to jab your finger at it whenever you feel like it (which he doesn’t give a real meaning to, because it doesn’t even have one), to determine where you will go.
“... Moscow?”
“Ah, great place for a son of Hephaetus, love the heat out there.”
But needless to say, when Leo gets a spontaneous idea like that, there’s no use in trying to get it out of his head;
so the following week you are to depart on your trip to Russia, and you can’t hide your excitement. Traveling on a whim with your boyfriend might just be the first step to the adventures you were awaiting...
OK, but Mexican solidarity!!! I love my Latin cousins ugh you guys are so much fun,,
Talking shit about half of your respective Camps in Spanish behind their backs (and from Reyna’s half-smiles she miserably fails to conceal, you feel like you might not be the only ones who find this terribly funny)
“Mira a Jason, siempre tan serio y melancólico. Cuenta la leyenda que la mueca se le quedó grabada en la cara.”
“Pobrecito. Igual alguna profecía le delivra de su maldición de gravedad perpetua.”
“¿Y si le voy a contar un chiste?”
“Creo que solo te abofetará, Leo.”
Expressions of affection are rarely overt between the two of you, because you both tend to deflect your real feelings (especially affection or love) via humor and play them off as something “just for laughs”. You’re also big on tough love, so much so that sometimes the others wonder why you’re always playfully hitting each other’s arms as though you hated each other’s guts.
But the truth is simply that you were always raised to express affection in these ways, and get a bit awkward when you’re expected to be upfront about your feelings. Still, you’re both extremely warm and loving, and your “I love you”s simply have to be deciphered.
And no one deciphers them quite like the other half of the pair. It’s a language that only you two understand; that’s why you’re such a good pair.
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800 follower sleepover [CLOSED!]
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neerasrealm · 4 years
Lazari headcanons plz (if you write for her, I mean)
I do write for Lazari!! And I love her very much I'm SO GLAD I can finally talk abt her
Ok just to start off, I haven't read much of I Eat Pasta For Breakfast. What little I did read was intriguing, but the writing just wasn't vibing with me. I mean- Lazari literally eats monsters??? And Slender lets her live in a house FULL of monsters??? Wtf is he thinking smh
Lazari is the youngest of the Zalgo kids, and probably the most loyal to him
She loves her dad <3 he treats her like a princess
She feels obligated to love him no matter what after what her mother did to her. He sees him as a savior
Lazari is high energy and always trying to cause mischief
Sass queen. Makes her papa so proud
She technically only needs to eat meat, but she has a taste for human flesh. It's her favorite. Zalgo's minions sometimes bring home bodies for her
Jane treats her like a little princess. She's very sweet with kids and loves doing Lazari's hair
Clockwork is the fun aunt
Jason is like a second dad to her. He finds amusement in her mischief, so long as it isn't aimed at him
He also likes doing her hair. He lets her chill in his room and play with some of his toys. He doesn't hate all kids. Lazari is one of the good ones
Very good at getting her way. Manipulative little darling, just like her dad
She acts confident and assured but when things start to go wrong she panics fast
Very protective of her sister, Eloise
She LOVES hot pink
Zalgo's minions often invite her to tag along on missions. It's good learning experience and they know she can hold her own
She's extremely strong, but weak with magic and is only above average with speed. Eloise on the other hand is very fast, and her other sister Slendra has powerful magic
She only really confides in Eloise when she's feeling bad
Heavily resents her mother, and humans as a whole. She can't wait for Zalgo to destroy earth
This was pretty short I'm sorry ZZBHFHS I don't have time to type much more u.u ty for the ask!!
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tenebriiis-archived · 4 years
Why did she say that? Why did she ask him if he wonders, whether reconciliation could be plausible for them? :/ For the truth serum meme which one (1) demon man intends to take advantage of u.u
Truth Serum!: your muses can now ask mine anything and they will be forced to answer honestly!
[ ⟡ ] — Impervious questions are met with a brief growl of irritation & derision, giving voice to the twirling monsters lingering in the shadows of the wall. All projected by the tremulous flame, making company to her solitary silhouette, as her fingers daringly –almost cravingly– hover just above the only candle among the dark chamber.
The warmth doesn’t pierce her freezing skin just yet –even when the possibilities are there, like a reminder of how perishable she could truly be.
A little scoff breaks her following silence after sinking into the depths of her inner turmoil, yet there’s not ill sarcasm filling her ever-hushed tone: “Can’t a secluded & perfectionistic witch have her own fantasies & dreams too? How unfair. Even when those seem more as a cruel & feverish hallucination, two can play the tortuous game of imagining thousands of possible moonlight-blessed gardens & chasing victories when there’s none to achieve anymore… especially when a millennia bearing the weight of a crown alone can be so tiring, when all you do for a goal is failing distastefully & you don’t even desire a reign above all solely because something so simplistic as egoistically crave it…” Delicately, the Enchantress takes away her inexistence tenderness towards the burning blaze, her pale & fair skin seemly safe of any hazard.
& yet… how did it feel as if it would scorch her skin even worse than iron was ever capable of doing… when taking her fingertips away from the heat?
“… Imagining a perfect scenario when one doesn’t stand all alone isn’t a pleasure solely reserved to the Mortal, I’m afraid, my Dear. Even if those are exactly that… dreams & nothing more to have.”
Liquid-gold hues reflect the caramel glow as she carefully falls into the remembrance of that single instant of pure weakness & cravings she wasn’t willing to identify properly. Wasn’t her who called the sentiment a Luxury for both, after all? One that they would never be able to achieve, one that she did every effort in their game to tear away from her, to destroy the sole chance, to solely believe her own lie –She didn’t need it, she didn’t feel it…
It would be the less clever reason to give him an advantage over & this would fuel even-more her craving to end his presence, to get rid of the pest before it would kill the rose garden…
…& yet… there she was, feeding those ravens poisonous seeds, hoping some will still survive so they would eventually come back to her.
“Perhaps I only wanted to satiate my curiosity, & distinguish if he would still have poetic ideals, or if strength through unity could extend towards all, even me too.” A more polite smile comes to nest in her nightshade lips once more. 
“…Sometimes I also enjoy uncovering secret hopes.”
                        An answer to those questions was complicated…
It’s already frustrating enough attempting to give a name to the maelstrom the Grand General provokes in her ambitions with each passing year & so the Enchantress wonders if those violent emotions shaking the equilibrium of all she had carefully built, are all fabricated as all the lies she had told herself along the centuries, or if –despite the odds & the scorn it provokes–, there’s one subtle truth daring to bloom once more.
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girlwithwolftatoo · 5 years
Can you do headcanons where MC is a vampire and the Courtiers find out? It’s okay if you can’t, I was just imagining that Valdemar would have a field day when they found out. Thanks!
(First of all, sorry for answering so late u.u been working in comissions)
*A little frightened as soon as she notices the most obvious features of you.
*Still puts herself together and asks you directly to erase any doubt. And then, she wants to know one single thing…
* “W-Would MC drink my blood?” because she’s scared of monsters (thought she has been… you know… a demon… but still likes you A LOT).
*Doesn’t want to be around when you’re feeding yourself, but once you’re over she enters your room to cuddle and have a nice time.
*Starts to see the beauty in late night walking, going with you through the palace gardens enjoying the moonlight.
*And of course, she keeps your secret.
*A nasty curiosity makes him spy you before knowing the whole true.
*Sometimes tries to trick you with raw meat at his estate (it has blood, after all).
*Asks you if you can become him a vampire. But once you show off your fangs he steps back and claims it was a joke.
*To please you he starts to breed a giantic leech species (”they remind me of you, MC”).
*Has the secret kink of kissing you after you’ve eaten, sometimes will let you rub your lips and teeth against his throat.
*Jokes on you if you don’t think he MIGHT be a vampire too… 
*Besides that, he has seen too many shit at the palace and this isn’t a huge deal for him.
*Can help you hiding your true nature with easiness, giving you a small space into his cava to hide bottles of… yup, blood. If you’re seeing drinking together nobody would notice.
*You can be sure during sexy time he might heat up and ask you to bite him. It’s your choice to do it or not, but if you accept you’ll be blessed with the most languid, delicious moaning of both pain and pleasure you’ve ever heard.
*Eventually he would want to know if you’d love have him as your everlasting partner (which means he’s up to become the same thing as you… he’s already a sassy weird noble after all).
*Funny, they think the reason of bloodstains in your clothing is because you were involved into a fight and they praise you for letting your foe so hurt.
*But when they see you cleaning up blood from your lips they start to think there’s something wrong for you don’t look damaged at all… and they need some time to understand what’s going on.
*Asks you directly, trying to look more brave than they actually feel (something like “You can tell me, I’m not scared of… night creatures and all… I can fight them if I want!”)
*Needs to understand why you don’t want to be discovered, they think vampire life it’s the funny thing ever (you can fly and chase victims and drink their blood…).
*Despite all the lack of similarities between their hobbies and yours, they stick together with you and doesn’t mind if you feed in front of them, they still think you’re a gorgeous monster.
*Of course vampirism cases make them do a good, deep research and all the clues points at you.
*Invites you to their dungeons, have a nice talk with you… and then “ohh, my bad, it seems I forgot to clean my scalpel, it’s so messy, would yo mind…?”
*Because their research they know when you’re more hungry and practically makes you confess. But don’t worry, they won’t tell anything, in fact they’re fascinated with you and wants to know everything about your habits.
*Provides you food due to the medical bleedings they perform, and offer them to you as the most delicious wine.
*Also gives themselves to you so you can “taste a different sort of blood”, and they feel very pleased when you’re biting their wrists or neck.
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thequimmqueen · 2 years
Well i suppose i am going with some sort of loose theme for bird monsters for cluckeria debutants. Gabitha could possibly relate to that? Technology theme might have to be scrapped a little bit but who knows - amii
Maybe it's for the best if we consider she only works in a technology-themed environment and it's not her whole personality (now that I say that she barely has a personality besides being apathetic)
so If you wanna go for a more bird-like appearence or theme for her it's good!
I'd love to draw something for this au sometime, I do need to train myself to work more with sai and photoshop now that I have it :D I also miss doing gifts for friends u.u
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sg-r03-gungnir · 5 years
I don’t generally share the things my friend and I write but.. I kind of felt like it...
o-o if you need me I will just be like.. over in this corner hiding..
thinking of the things I have done...
____                                                                                                                ____
Beau wiggled excitedly and wrapped her arms around the girl next to her. "We're here!" The whole town was decorated and stalls lined the streets, it was truly a sight to behold!
This festival was a grand once a year event that both girls-well Beau had talked about going for years, it was also a great chance to sneak away and get a look at the academy before she planned on attending. Suddenly, everyone got really loud and excited. Nika caught Beau's attention and pointed, her friend squealed. The knights and students from the academy were arriving to test their skills at the games again and in the front was the elite guard.
Among the elite was the previous champions Taryn and Kaylen, there were rumors that they had very strange magic.. ancient magic. Something only spoke of in legends... The taller of the two, Taryn, ducked down and whispered something in the other girl's ear, causing a bright blush. Kaylen shoved her laughing partner and waved as she mumbled something to her.
Though as soon as the attention was off them for just a second they were gone.
"Where did they go?! D-do you think we can meet them??" Beau turned to Nika and then looked away again to try and spot the knights.
Nika giggled, “maybe, if we’re lucky~ they’re shorter than I expected.. I don’t know why I pictured them like six feet tall..~” She pushed a lock of hair behind her ear and looked around at the crowds, throngs of people cheering and laughing and yelling, and pressed just a little closer to her friend. There was a little nagging feeling in the pit of her stomach that something didn’t feel right - like today was really important but she didn’t know why.
Beau tilted her head curiously, "Are you ok, Nika?" She looked down at her and frowned. "Wanna go sit down somewhere?" Something didn't feel right... The feeling over being watched washed over them for a season before vanishing.
Beau shivered and looked around. "Did you feel that?"
“The hairs on the back of your neck? Yeah..” Nika made a face. She shook her head and smiled at her, dimples in each cheek. “It’s probably nothing. Want to try one of those frozen bananas? Look they made them look like swords..~”
"Really??" Beau turned and tugged in her hand. "Oh, man those look great!!" She led Nika to the stand and paid for two little banana swords and grinned at her companion.
Beau laughed loud at her expression and yelped when someone knocked into them. "Oh sorry!" The redhead before them scratched the back of her head and laughed nervously. Her dark-haired friend rolled her eyes and smacked her shoulder, "Excuse my friend. She never looks where she is goin-um are you ok?"
Beau stared wide-eyed at them and nodded. "Y-Yeah..!!" They were there in front of her and she was holding a banana sword..!! "I um..!!" Kaylen sighed and looked up at Taryn, there was no time for this. "If we want time to ourselves we need to get gone before they find us." That caught her partner's attention and suddenly Taryn was leading Kaylen away again.
“Ah wait...!” Nika dropped Beau’s hand and ran after them, waving the banana blade. She hesitated, blushing, when they turned back and stared at her. “Ah..! It’s just, you’re kind of her heroes~ Beau was hoping we’d—“ she looked back, where had her starstruck friend gone??
Taryn looked torn, she sighed and smiled. "We can help you find her and then hang out for a little bit. The games aren't for a while anyway." Kaylen frowned a little, something was wrong but she couldn't place what it was... Moving closer to Taryn, the younger girl took her hand. "Let's go before we totally lose her. You said her name is Beau? What is yours?"
Something rumbled in the distance and the sky gained a reddish hue, a portal appeared behind Nika and released a handful of large beasts and dread knights. "And I thought it was going to be boring today..." Kaylen laughed and snatched up a sword so she could block the ax that was going to hit their new friend.
"You should get to safety."
“What.. is..” Nika was frozen, taking in the chaos in front of them like she wasn’t really seeing it - couldn’t really be seeing it. It didn’t feel real.
The clash of axe on Kaylen’s sword broke her trance. Nika screamed, “Beau— where did she go?! She was right behind me..!”
Taryn called her spear and cut down the next beast. "We will find your friend, but you need to go with those knights over there." There was no time for them to stay and talk so they ran ahead to clear the chaos. Kaylen glanced back hoping that Nika was heading for safety, "Do you think she'll be alright?"
"Of course! Khellar will make sure everyone makes it." Taryn stopped and grabbed her partner's hand, tugging her closer so she could rest their foreheads together. "Everything will work out. Just trust me Kaylen.."
Beau huffed and held her sword tight, "NIKAA!!!" she dodged most of the monsters and weaved between buildings while she searched. "Where are you..?" What if something happened?! No. "No, she's fine. NIKA!" Beau growled and ignored the voice in her head, after this, she was never letting go of her hand again. *******
She’d made it halfway to the knights before realizing that she couldn’t leave Beau behind- she’d only hesitated for a moment when one of the monsters crashed into another building and her path forward was completely blocked, then her path back when she’d tried to turn around. The chaos swallowed her cries for help - the smoke and smell of blood was burning her nose. “Beau...! BEAU...! Where did you go..! Wh- ack..! Agh- where are you...!” 
A loud furious roar was cut off and something large hit the ground. Beau hooked an arm around Nika from behind, "Don't move. there is a very large beast watching us from the roof over there. Are you hurt...? I'm sorry about earlier. I tripped and you were gone..."
“Beau..!” Nika squeaked and turned into her, her chin raised and tears spilling down her face. “I shouldn’t have let go..! I just wanted to catch them b-before— I’m sorry! H-how are we going to get out of here..??”
Beau glanced up at the griffin looking monster, it was watching something else now. The girl let out a breath and hugged Nika tight. "I'll think of something.. I'm just so glad you are alright..."
The small rumble shook the ground and when Beau looked up the griffin was moving closer, she moved Nika behind her and raised the sword she was carrying. "Stay behind me..." It managed to separate them and she swore that the beast grinned before it ran at Nika. Beau screamed and darted forward, as fast as she could. The next thing she knew there was a blinding pain tearing up from her neck and across her face, soldiers were coming now. She could just barely hear them over the raging griffin. Beau groaned and she shoved Nika away when it lashed out again and grabbed her.
The soldiers watched it fly away with what they thought was a body while their captain checked Nika over. "Are you hurt??"
“BEAU!!!” Nika screamed and fought the soldier holding her shoulders back. “No..!! No!!!! Y-you have to get her back!! G-go get her back!!!”
******* This was dragging now... the spear wielder wasn't sure how much longer she could go on. Something was approaching quickly now, so with a groan, she shook the stars from her vision and looked up waiting for it to draw closer.
Taryn threw her spear up and it pierced the griffin's chest, when the beast hit the ground she realized that the girl it was clutching was still alive. Stumbling closer she smiled, "Hey... you are.. are that girl's friend..." the one they bumped into earlier. The knight dropped to her knees next to Beau and healed her the best she could. "Don't-Don't worry... I gotcha and Kaylen will get you back.."
Speak of the blue devil, Kaylen crouched next to her partner and scowled, "Stop you'll die this way... I told you not to move." There was a large piece of wood sticking out of Taryn's side, she wheezed and leaned on the girl next to her. "I know, I know.." They were closing in now, the hellspawn had them surrounded. She laughed and looked down at Beau, her reddish eyes flashed briefly and it was decided.
"I would have looked really-really good in that bright orange armor. I was looking forward to that you know?"
"Don't be silly you still have time Tary--" Kaylen's world tilted and she fell over, why couldn't she move?? "Wh..at..?" her words slurred and she was pretty sure she scowled. "Sorry.." That grin. Right now she had never hated it so much. Taryn leaned down and kissed her. "Please don't be angry with me... I love you so much but I.. I can't sit by and do nothing. I'll see you again.." Standing tall, the almost knight raised her spear and released her magic all at once.
People would say that a blinding light ripped through that whole area and eradicated the beasts that day. Kaylen would never talk about how they found holding Taryn close as she let out the most heart-wrenching wails.
____                                                                                                                ____
My sister said I couldn’t take this down ._.””
I must live with my regret.. This is merely the beginning of the story. Though it will probably remain unfinished since I can’t write by myself.. and my friend is busy U.U
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sharky857 · 7 years
👻 for Willo
👻 - Dead
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Premise: Did I mention that “angsty stuff” ain’t exactly my cup of tea? I apology in advance if this won’t look “angsty” enough. u.u;
Title: Dead Zone
Character: Willo (and some other mentioned Champs as well)
Rating: Use of weapon (Androxus is here too) towards the end, so read at your own discretion.
For the first time, the pink fae of the Summer Court was royally terrified and couldn’t stop shivering from her hiding place.
Willo had been always proud of her own abilities, especially that one: Dead Zone. Whenever she cast this ability in particular, she loved to see the sheer panic and/or frustration in the eyes of the enemy healers.
What she never stopped to actually consider was that, given the probable nature of enemy team -rumours said that they were… shape shifters?-, that could mean that someone else would’ve been able to mimick it perfectly.
This had happened to be something Willo soon discovered, when her team had found out that in the red one there was that enemy Willo.
The fact that there were also a tough Fernando/Ruckus combo against them, hadn’t turned things exatly into the favour of the allies. All her own team had as tank was Ash, all too eager to take down “that pig and his little monster-friend”.
For some reason, there was no healer in sight either, therefore everyone had been forced to rely on the same item: “Kill to Heal”. Only the most naive would’ve picked anything else, in that situation.
But then, enemy Willo had maxed out two items in particular: one was “Chronos”, in order to speed up the cooldown of her own abilities; the other was “Cauterize”. As if “Dead Zone” alone hadn’t been already “cauterising” enough, everyone had thought bitterly.
To make things worse, the enemy Ruckus had maxed out “Morale Boost”, an item that allowed to speed up the charge of Hexa Fire, his Ultimate attack.
Needless to say, the whole match had been tough and obviously a lost cause. Despite that, everyone had been fighting the best way they could; if they had to go down, they would’ve done so while giving a fine hell to red team.
The thing happened while Willo’s team was trying to stop the payload pushed by the enemies.
Everyone but the pink fae was gathered around, forming a defensive line, given how that was the last ramp before reaching the point where the payload was supposed to be placed.
Willo had taken to the sky with her own Ultimate, and apparently her “nemesis” had had her same idea.
After reaching for the sky, the enemy Willo immedately cast her own “Dead Zone” on the four still on the ground.
Everyone tried to instinctively cover their own mouth and nose, but to no avail. Enemy Willo, without losing a beat, dropped her own seedlings right after, which claimed their first victims in a double kill: Skye and Tyra, being both low on HPs.
The remaining two -Ash and Bomb King- had been wiped away by Ruckus’ Hexa Fire right after.
From her aerial position, the pink fae of the Summer Court could do nothing but witness the whole scene with sheer horror.
Four out of five had been slayed.She was the only left on the field.
Without even thinking at what she was doing, Wilo immediately turned to the enemy one -who was about to target her with her own wand- and fired her own “Dead Zone” in her face.
With that moment of distraction, she immediately fluttered back and dove head first into one of the stealth grass bushes, right next to the payload, standing as still as she could, although the shock for what she’d just seen happening to her own team mates was now making her shiver visibly. Not even the encouragement over the team chat channel -a lot of “V-V-V-Es” and “V-E-Rs”, commands, with a single “hang in there just a lil’ longer, sweetheart!” from Ash- seemed to soothe her own nerves.
“P-Please… Hurry!” The small, frightened fae whispered as lowly as she could, eyes locked on the red team, who was now searching around to see where she could’ve hidden, to be able of contesting the payload like that.
It was in that moment that she heard what she’d hoped for: a galloping mount incoming. Wait, make that two mounts -certainly Skye and Tyra coming to her help, after being fully healed in respawn-.
But at the same time, she also heard something closer and that she’d hoped NOT to hear.
“Go, Zigs!”
The enemy Cassie had just sent her winged sentinel to scout the area. Willo’s presence had been immediately given away.
Before she could react, someone popped right beside herself, and the small fae nearly jumped out of her skin for the scare.
Her nemesis grinned eerily as she shot at the trembling fae with her own “Dead Zone” point-blank.
Once again, Willo was so paralysed with fear that she didn’t notice of that enemy Androxus behind her back, his revolver ready to fire.
Besides the sting caused by that “powder”, all she felt before falling into oblivion was a loud bang and a burning -albeit quick- sensation on her own nape.
“Take a dirt nap.”The enemy Willo taunted with that same grin.
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the-cryptographer · 8 years
Yeah, yeah~ I know everybody and their mother did a DSoD reaction post, but I wanna do one too. I’m writing this without reading the reaction posts I have bookmarked, so my reaction is pure (or purer anyway). I’ll go read the others afterwards~
- Okay, I didn’t realise that Joey was in the dogsuit for the benefit of working at a stand at the mall owned by OTOGI and MR CLOWN. In retrospect, I love the inclusion of the dogsuit and I need fic about the awful situation that is Joey working with Otogi and Otogi’s dad - why has nobody mentioned this before?!?
- I liked Anzu, and how she’s getting to go abroad, and I’m glad they kept her and Yuugi’s relationship at the mildly flirty level and didn’t step too far into uncomfortable peachship hell on top of all the Atem issues. Also is she avoiding meeting Yuugi in front of the gameshop bc grandpa’s a perv? bc I would be.
- I ended up having ship feels I wasn’t expecting - mostly of the Honda/Jou (riding on the bike together at the beginning, crying together at the graduation speech), Honda/Yuugi (motorbiking together to go find Jou, u.u), and Bakura/Jou variety. Really Bakura and Joey hanging out together was great and sweet, and I wish more and more that I didn’t cut Bakura out of the friendship crew so often for sake of paring down my narratives.
- Also Bakura’s flashbacks were very clever. In general I thought the way they tied Diva and Sera’s backstory in with Shadi’s and Bakura’s was interesting and relatively well done.
- Where Shadi is concerned, so... he is a modern reincarnation of Shada, and then he was a ghost after the Ring Spirit killed him? Also I was thinking he would be using the Millennium Scales to weigh that man’s soul instead of using the Cube. I was disappointed he didn’t, but then I wondered if the implication was he was the master of the Key in life, but death allowed him access to the Scales. It was interesting, nonetheless.
- That was probably the only good thing about Diva and Sera though. Diva was just really rushed and contrived and flat and OMG SERA?! Another mild-mannered young woman that just wants to save her brother from the darkness but her own hands are tied. We had that character already, except Isis was actually well-written and fleshed out and WE DID NOT NEED A CONDENSED, CRAPPY REWRITE OF HER. I’m not sure how they could have introduced and handled all these new characters well in the first place but, idk, it needed to be better imo.
- Mani was fine tho. Mani was great.
- Mokuba was cute. And he acts fast to try and secure the puzzle. And he interrogates people and admits he’s a liar. I was not expecting to be so on-board with adorable, well-adjusted Mokuba but, I admit, I really ended up liking him.
- JOUNOUCHI. I do feel like he got regulated to a very weak role in the movie, but I loved all his moments. And he initialed and wrote ‘version 2′ on his own duel disk, and had Honda fix it for him, and threatened to beat ppl up and I love him. It’s too bad there was never a follow-up on his search for a new duel disk but, still, so much love for all the Jou moments.
- YUUGI! Friggin putting Kaiba in his place bc we gotta fight to save Bakura. He’s just so calm and mature, and pensive but willing to act. Yuugi is truely a top-tier protag.
- KAIBA!!! He was so hilariously lacking in chill. Everything he did. Everything he said. ‘You must really hate dragons.’ ffff-asfghjkl;  What a loser. Stopping traffic in the middle of the city. So he can stand in the rain and snark at Yuugi and invite him to duel and fly off in a helicopter. I do feel like the dub shafted him, and made his motivations, and his character, look a whole lot simpler than they were. I feel like if you’re not doing a critical reading of the movie, it’s easy to say he’s really only doing this bc he needs to duel Atem. But I also feel like anybody with even the slightest knowledge of what grief and denial look like will see it written all over Kaiba in the movie - silly dub or not. Kaiba’s a wreck and the fact that he’s willing to bear his own loses for Yuugi’s sake should be enough of a clue that he’s a wreck about things that aren’t just not being the best at card games. So, I wish they had done better to preserve some of his dialogue, but the dialogue he ended up with made me laugh, so~
- Also Kaiba and his pain simulations, jfc. Everybody getting knocked back and beat up bc of his technology. And there’s the moment where he belatedly and very stoically asks Yuugi if he’s okay, like it’s only just occurred to him that not everybody is a raging masochist who gets off on this crap. Stop him. No but, in all seriousness, it was rather overkill on the amount of Yuugi and the others getting over-dramatically knocked over while playing Duel Monsters.
- This card game isn’t making sense. How are these characters getting multiple attack stages per turn and then also setting trap cards imbetween???
- And yeah - the Atem moments. I’m glad he came through for Jou, Yuugi, and Kaiba, each in their own turn. It was really sweet~
- (I do kind of feel like he stole Yuugi’s thunder again a little bit, though. Still better than in the series proper, but still I wish for more Yuugi solo victories a tiny bit~ Also why wasn’t he using the Silent Magician deck?!)
- Mahaad cameo!! I lost my shit it was so amazing!
- Jou’s wary and pissed off look when he and Yuugi and the others meet up with Kaiba in the end. I know nothing was said, but nothing needed to be said. A+
- I thought it was kind of a shame we didn’t actually hear the contents of Yuugi’s graduation speech. Why was he giving a speech anyhow. Yuugi’s got shitty grades in the manga, he’s not valedictorian. Maybe it would just be a tragedy to have the King of Games not give a speech.
- Beyond that, I can kind of point out places I think the setup and plot were clumsy or poorly contained and poorly informed and poorly paced in the context of the film. But, idk, I don’t go to Yugioh to nitpick on those kinds of things. I’m there for the characters 100% and overall I enjoyed them.
- I had a good time :)
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