#[ road work ahead? uh. YEAH. i sure hope it does! ]
foundfamilyhq · 22 days
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vilf-lover · 1 year
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sam reference AND vine reference?!?!?
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ciircex · 3 months
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@culling is allowing me to go off! || unpopular opinion meme.
You gave me 3 flames, so 3 opinions it is!
Disclaimer: these are my OPINIONS, I don't expect everyone to agree :3 ty.
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I say this with my whole chest, people really need to stop villainizing Lilith && villainizing Alastor more. Now, what I mean by that is, I see lots of posts calling Lilith a bitch, a stuck up, a terrible mom ( WHICH MIND YOU, LUCIFER HAS ALSO NOT BEEN ACTIVE AS MUCH IN CHARLIE'S LIFE EITHER. but we don't like to talk about that 💅🏻👀 ) when we don't know WHY she's in heaven. All the while everyone in the Fandom is goo goo gaga over Alastor and saying no no he's really a good guy. HAVE WE WATCHED THE SHOW WITH OUR EYES CLOSED??? HOW MANY TIMES HAS HE BEEN LIKE "Oh I can manipulate this to MY advantage." Like, I love Alastor as a villain, I LOVE that for him personally but can we not act as if he's a good guy and Lilith is actually the worst person alive. I'm begging, we don't know much about her, stop saying the serial killer is a good man just because he's charming. 😭 I beg.
speaking of Alastor, I think it's fine to ship him. Like... the ships aren't becoming Canon && it's fun. We need to remember how to have fun. If you don't like a ship, you can block tags and scroll by like a big girl/boy. Do that && stop immediately jumping to every fanfic/fan Art to say "UM ACKTUALLY- ☝️🤓HE'S AROACE." I'm going to make circe lock lips with him just for that statement :I.
I think there should be more Canon x oc content. There's not enough && I think if people indulged in the whimsy of making a little guy/girl/them to kiss their favorite character on the mouth, I think that would fix some people.
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simplee-giggles · 10 months
If I was your boyfriend, I would ask you to be the dj in long trips so we could absolutely butcher some Taylor Swift and Disney songs together 😅
I'd also annoy you with the worst puns and dad jokes every single day.....
Excuse you, I'm basically Taylor's voice twin
Though instead of butchering her, I hope one day we can meat her (heh, get it? Meat? Butcher?)
Dad jokes are never annoying though....especially when there's a road trip full of them 😅
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I just hope the “road work ahead” guy is doing well
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lactoset0lerant · 10 months
School work? Uhh no it doesn't
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You died but Death gives you one last chance to return to the living. If you defeat her in a game, you live. The thing is - you decide what you're playing. What are you picking? /@i-send-you-random-asks
For sure gonna be "Who can quote Vines the most"
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necroruined · 1 year
shadowheart: so, astarion, vampire dens - what should i expect? astarion: vampires would be a safe bet. shadowheart:
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devondespresso · 1 year
WIP Wednes-eekend: Summer Challenge Edition 
tagged by @stobinesque​ 💕💖💞 Im not sure if the summer challege edition is like. specific to your fics or not so oopsies if it is
The Rules
Post the file names of up to 5 of your WIPs for people to send you asks
Post a snippet of one of those WIPs
When people send you an ask with the name of one of your WIPs, write 3 lines of that WIP.
(Optional) Post the lines you wrote.
You can send multiple requests especially since this is going on through the weekend!
Also feel free to send as many as you want, im gonna devote my free time to this anyway so your just directing the adhd energy to a specific section
Since I’m planning on just going wild on my Steve Henderson AU for the foreseeable future and I’m doing a lot of jumping around in it, I figured i’d list different chapters I’m working on as the wips (I also just really wanted to share chapter titles early because i put a lot of effort into making these meme references relevant and i think theyre funny) So in no particular order but definitely chronological because this is just chapters 3-6.5:
1. Get yo fucking dog, bitch (It don’t bite) (YES IT DO)
2. What the fuck kinda dog is that? (Bitch an interdimensional dog)
3. “Lab Work Ahead?” Uh, yeah, I sure hope it does
4. There’s one thing worse than a demodog (Boom) A Billy Hargrove (Actually yes)
5. ✨Bonus Chapter (Dustin pov): Can we go to the tunnels (*slamming*) Can we please go to the tunnels
this ones from chapter 3 aka Get Yo Fucking Dog, Bitch
They pulled up to Steve’s again, this time into Steve’s garage connected to the front of the house. Steve hopped out, running over to unlock the door and crack it open. Dustin was still in his seat, looking around the room. Impressed with the house: a reaction that King Steve usually found validating but now made Just Steve uneasy.
Steve went over and knocked on his window before crossing back to the other side and opening the backseat door. Dustin turned around.
“You have your own garage?”
He nodded, putting two bags in one arm and grabbing a third.
“C’mon, are we in a rush or not?” he joked. Dustin climbed out, still distracted.
Steve pushed through the door, catching it with his foot before it could bump into the wall and waited for Dustin who was balancing three bags of his own.
They turned the corner and he set the bags on the kitchen island, Dustin still absently taking everything in. It took a few trips, but eventually they got all the meat on the counter, leaving the pasta and dry groceries in the car to save time.
“Alright, you start unloading stuff and I’ll find us some buckets or something.” he said, setting the last bag down and heading back to his garage, “And do not touch the knives until I’m back.”
“Dude, I’m twelve, I can hold a knife.”
“Just don't start without me, okay?"
"Five minutes and then I'm raiding your knife block."
hiding the tags down here because i definitely rambled too much up top so (no pressure ofc) @blushweddinggowns @spicysix @wuffgang-ameowdeus-moozart @lets-try-to-be-normal-otakus @eriquin @marvel-ous-m 💃🪩🕺
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pain-suffering-even · 9 months
Mr. Krabs: rip to tawata-san [mochi mochi reacted to “rip to tawata-san” with :saluting_face:] [flamingo reacted to “rip to tawata-san” with :saluting_face:] [axolotl reacted to “rip to tawata-san” with :saluting_face:] [beef reacted to “rip to tawata-san” with :saluting_face:] [kaneda shotaro reacted to “rip to tawata-san” with :saluting_face:] Mr. Krabs: goto-san! [kaneda shotaro has gone offline] Mr. Krabs: :( . . . what would a groupchat look like for these 11 japanese S rank hunters? i don't know but it's been on my mind for forever, and i would sure like to find out.
anyway! new fic!!! yay!!! its only barely 2k words but still! hope you guys enjoy it, i wrote it in one sitting and decided to share because every fandom deserves a nice lil chat fic full of fluff (for now lmao)
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v-tired-queer · 8 months
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ciircex · 5 months
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@jizzlords questioned me inviting u to Alastor and Ozzie bullshi bc Jack's alastor knows Ozzie and Ozzie likes Jack's Al and Ozzie being like "u had Circe and u didn't tell me??? c'mere baby" djwnfnnd
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@r-adio do u see this?
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the-himawari · 2 years
A3! Hyodo Juza - Translation [R] Guardian of Peace (1/2)
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*Please read disclaimer on blog
Juza: …Aight, there’s nothin’ wrong with my bike. It’s good to go for a cruise now.
Omi: Hey, Juza.
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Juza; Ah, Omi-san. I’m ready to hit the road—.
Omi: Sorry, it’s about that… An urgent job came in so I can’t make it.
Juza: …If duty calls, then there’s nothin’ we can do. Don’t worry about it. I can always go by myself.
Omi: Even so, you were going to ride around as a patrol for your role study as a police officer, weren’t you? And when you think of a patrol, it’s usually a duo doing it together.
Juza: Yeah.
Omi: Why don’t you head out together with someone else who can go besides me?
Juza: Speakin’ of motorcycles, Tasuku-san went for a traffic safety class, so it looks like he’s in the middle of preparing for his role too.
Omi: In that case, I’m sure you can ask someone to sit in the back and you can do your patrol together.
Juza: The back, huh… I’ll try askin’ someone.
Omi: Great. I hope it works out.
*knock, knock*
Juza: Muku, you there?
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Muku: Yes, come in!
Muku: What’s the matter, Ju-chan?
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Juza: So I’m goin’ for a motorcycle ride…
Muku: Wow, Ju-chan acting as a police officer is bound to be cool! Riding your motorcycle for role study will be just like a motorcycle officer making his rounds.
Juza: Yeah. But I’m not actually gonna police anythin’. It’ll probably just end up as a regular ride ‘round town.
Muku: It might give you some kind of hint, so I think there’s no reason not to give it a try. If you’re alright with me, then I’ll go with you!
Juza: Thanks. I’m countin’ on you then.
*engine rumbles*
Juza: …Are they doin’ paving work here?
Muku: Oh, you’re right. They’re planning to do the opposite lane soon too. I did feel like it was a bit bumpy.
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Juza: Same. It might get even bumpier, so hold on tight.
Muku: Okay.
Juza: Huh?
Muku: Ju-chan? …Ah, that old lady looks like she’s having trouble.
Juza: Yeah. The road’s not in great shape and her bags look heavy. Do you mind if I stop the bike for a sec?
Muku: Go ahead!
Juza: …’Scuse me, are you alright over there?
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Old lady: Pardon me?
Juza: I’ll carry your bags if you don’t mind.
Old lady: Are you sure? I appreciate your kindness. I’m almost home, but I’m getting worn out from my bags and this road.
Muku: It is a little uneven, isn’t it? Is it just down this road?
Old lady: Yes, my house is over there.
Juza: Aight, let’s go.
Muku: I’m relieved that old lady made it home safely.
Juza: Yeah.
Juza: (There’s a huge gap in the corner of the sidewalk. Are they doin’ construction work here too?)
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Oruto: Aniki, I’m really, really, sorry…
Shift: You dropped it around here, right? It hasn’t been that long, so I’m sure it’s still there.
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Oruto: Right…
Shift: Anyways, I’ll search over here. You go back where you heard the sound…
Muku: That’s Shift-kun, isn’t it? He looks troubled over something.
Juza: He does.
| next
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lumpsbumpsandwhumps · 2 years
How about Jonas and Malik as a vine?
there's so many good fucking vines you guys need to give me one
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still-got-no-idea · 1 year
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corruptpixel · 2 years
have this half-assed animatic i made at 2AM
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