#[ peepaw K.O.
soulsolid-a · 1 year
did luffy care that brook might be enjoying himself with some tea? no, not at all, it was an all out water gun war on the sunny! everything was fair and nothing or nobody was safe!
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✩.  Sure was a lovely day on Lion-chan, his lively captain and crew were all seemingly having a good time and wasn't that just lovely to see such cheerful displays. Thankfully, his old bones were surely exempt from such roughhousing where he laid resting in the shadows—
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" Wait, captain !  Luffy-san, my tea — ! "
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" Luffy-saaaan.... "   Betrayed !  Betrayed by his own captain !  Tea mixed with water now scattered across the deck as his body laid unmoving, accepting in his defeat. May whatever god he meets in the next afterlife welcome him more warmly than the last one.
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