#[ oh no the 12 year old learned how to swear /lh ]
courageousheroism · 3 years
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Link squinted up at the taller man. The hylian crossed his arms over his chest in response to the statement Marcus made. “What’s wrong with that? I hear people say that ALLL the time around ‘ere.” Disregarding the fact that he was only twelve and shouldn’t have the mouth of a sailor just yet. The following question earned Marcus another strange look from the young hero. “Pushin’ people? That is easy stuff ain’t it.”
Of course he had pushed people before (especially in recent memory) though.. He supposed he would never consider any of those people friends. “Of course I have man.” The kid is a menace when he wasn’t busy adventuring or keeping a eye on his younger sibling.
@ssatxr​ [x]
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