#[ kuchel. ]
yunjitsu · 28 days
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"hi there, mom."
my canon, idc. they deserved their little last farewell too 🤧
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vialesanaaa · 2 months
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How Mama Kuchel protects her only child 🥊
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ackercoded · 2 months
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I would fight the world for you, little Levi. My heart is in shambles.
Isayama if you’re reading this, HIDE.
[translation credits to @/vooo_eee on twt]
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wortverlust · 7 months
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thena0315 · 8 months
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Little did Kuchel know, she gave birth to a boy who would save the world from Titans
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leviackermansjewess · 19 days
Postwar! Levi is so incredibly excited when you’re pregnant, it overwhelms him. It makes his heart hurt. It makes his stomach turn every time he thinks of it.
He’s had strong emotions before of course, he’s had his stomach turn with an anxiety, he’s had his heart hurt with sadness, he’s anticipated things good and bad, but he’s never felt excitement, let alone to this extent.
Seeing the round of your stomach slowly grow over the months makes tears well in his eyes. They well in his eyes at the fact that he finally created life instead of destroying.
But he still can’t help but feel a little proud when he feels your guys child kicking in your stomach, knowing that his child will be strong, that they will inherit a least a little bit of their father’s strength.
But he is so excited when he is setting up the nursery with room, even if building the crib irritates his leg. He loves placing his hand on the small of your back as you paint some small birds on the nursery walls. He loves organizing and cleaning everything so perfectly that it has an unnatural shine.
He is so excited that it makes him nervous during his final day of your pregnancy. He loves seeing how big your stomach has gotten, he loves packing the hospital bag with you, he loves the final moments of his child moving inside of you.
(Though he isn’t excited about the actual labor, he’s quite nervous actually.)
But when his little baby girl is placed in his arms, all that excitement melts away into realization.
He’s a father. He helped bring life into this world. He now has someone that depends on him. He has a little baby that loves him unconditionally. He has someone that sees him as completely clean and pure.
He has a child.
“Hello little Kuchel.” He says softly to the sleeping child, the excitement creeping back into his gut.
Tags: @lucysarah-c @humanitys-strongest-bamf @levi-ackerman-ds @shayewrites + any other mutuals
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happybird16 · 2 months
Kuchel looks so frail and small, like she's just skin on bones. Their clothes look filthy and torn, but she looks happy despite this, just looking at her son. The way the sunlight is spilling down onto them from below, you can tell this is a warm memory for Levi.
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The same spot years later feels empty and cold in comparison. There's no warmth, no sunlight. No mom :(((
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bipabrena · 22 days
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Day 7 of Ackerman content: Levi and Kuchel sharing tea.
I've never drawn Kuchel before, but she pretty much has Levi's features, just with a daintier facial structure. This is inspired by Bad Boy, which came out not too long ago.
More content to come! If you have any ideas on what you'd like to see next (or who), feel free to let me know!
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stillackerman · 3 months
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face of so many emotions...
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leviismybby · 2 months
I can't with this panel...the light disappearing because his mom is no longer there. Oh Levi my poor boy :((
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theysangastheyslew · 4 months
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I love the postwar tea shop concept the same as everyone but I think I enjoy this idea just as much ♥️
AU below the cut so carry on if that's not your jam :3
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Bonus because why not:
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Had a mighty need for canon Mama's Boy™ Levi Ackerman to hear someone say Kuchel would have been proud of him 😭
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yunjitsu · 2 months
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The light of the Underground
little did mama Ackerman know her decision to give birth to Levi would help to change the world in such way years later. 💔
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vialesanaaa · 5 months
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If she was still alive
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padawan-carol · 5 months
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[old art] The Ackermans x Got AU ⚔️🐺
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tuudles · 2 months
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Kuchel and Levi
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thena0315 · 2 months
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