#[ jongin ;; musings. ]
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lilacsongs · 11 months ago
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"listen..."  jongin's  head  lifts  slightly  from  its  previously  slumped  position  as  he  catches  the  sound  of  his  girlfriend's  return.  "i  need  you  to  kill  me  —  before  the  producer  does."  dread  has  consumed  him  during  the  quiet  hours  of  writer's  block  and  the  chance  of  meeting  his  deadline  now  seems  slim  to  none.  / @artisn
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fadinglights · 11 months ago
muse: hyeon jongin, screenwriter, 29 open to:  anyone
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"oh,  look  who's  back?"  it’s  not  the  warm  welcome  that  most  would  expect  from  a  lover,  but  his  bitterness  is  well  justified  given  the  events  of  the  day.  the  exposé  sits  neatly  on  the  coffee  table,  unfazed  by  the  fury  that  it’s  witnessed.  “if  not  the  talk  of  the  town.”  jongin  crosses  his  arms  over  his  chest,  waiting  for  an  explanation  that  he  knows  won’t  suffice  in  pacifying  him.
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yanjxngin · 1 year ago
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đ™ș𝚒𝚖 đ™č𝚘𝚗𝚐𝚒𝚗
❝ I'll always love you. ❞
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✧.* Rules ✧.* Character ✧.* Activation ✧.* Interaction
✧.* JONGIN...
— single/unavailable (0/1)
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Disclaimer: This bot contains dark themes associated with yandere concepts such as: violence, stalking, blood, and obsessiveness. This bot also contains sexual themes; if you are not comfortable with these or are under the age of 19 then do not interact.
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clubwnderland · 17 days ago
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khianat · 7 months ago
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                                              what do you most need?
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Jongin; To be cherished, to be loved; recklessly, regardless of flaws.
There are precious pieces of you that have been hidden away, recoiling in fear of more pain and rejection. Many have overlooked, dismissed and disregarded you, even used you for their ends; you have been wounded and those scars make you recoil from potential loving touch. You need to be, and to feel for once, that you are someone's all; that they will love you harder than you have been hurt.
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Chanhee; To be free; unrestrained, without judgement.
There have been shackles placed upon you; society, religion, family, duty, perhaps literal in some way. You have endured this, thrived despite it, you have not complained where circumstances were unchangeable, and have never faltered in your resolve. You have championed others choices, you have guided others through their own trials. You probably believe you are content, but you need to be released: like a butterfly trapped behind glass... you need true freedom.
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lovcscene · 2 years ago
✹ 𝐡𝐰𝐚𝐧𝐠 𝐣𝐹𝐧𝐠𝐱𝐧
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NOMBRE: hwang jongin.  EDAD: 26 años.  ESPECIE: humano.  OCUPACIÓN: restaurador de arte. ORIENTACIÓN SEXUAL: bisexual.  GENERO/PRONOMBRES: cis masculino, Ă©l/suyo.  OTROS VERSES/RPG: -.
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moonlightchn · 2 years ago
Three slices of cake for three cute, handsome and breathtakingly delicious wolves!! Courtesy of ‘Slice of Heaven’ hehe and one
For the sweetest princess in all the world!
Breathtakingly delicious? Well shit, thank you babygirl.
Fitting than an angel would deliver such sweet snacks~.
thanks đŸ‘đŸ»
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misterrcver · 2 months ago
KIM JONGIN? NĂŁo! É apenas KWON JAE-EON, ele Ă© filho de HERMES  do chalĂ© 11 e tem 30 ANOS. A TV Hefesto informa no guia de programação que ele estĂĄ no NÍVEL III DOS PODERES por estar no Acampamento hĂĄ 14 ANOS, sabia? E se lĂĄ estiver certo, Jay  é bastante ESPERTO  mas tambĂ©m dizem que ele Ă© SEM VERGONHA. Mas vocĂȘ sabe como Hefesto Ă©, sempre inventando fake news pra atrair audiĂȘncia.
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Tw: relacionamento abusivo, violĂȘncia domĂ©stica, morte e luto (tudo bem leve, sĂł menção).
Nascido em 1Âș de janeiro de 1994, Jae-eon Ă© o filho mais novo da humana Kwon Sook-eun e do deus Hermes. Sua mĂŁe, uma mulher marcada por um relacionamento abusivo, conheceu Hermes durante uma fuga desesperada do marido. Cativado pela habilidade de Sook-eun em se disfarçar nas festas da alta sociedade, onde roubava discretamente algumas joias para vender e, assim, tentar salvar suas trĂȘs filhas, Hermes se envolveu com ela por alguns meses. Durante esse breve romance, ele ensinou a Sook-eun alguns truques furtivos, e desse relacionamento nasceu Jae-eon, o Ășnico filho homem de Sook-eun.
Com um filho para criar, ela decidiu voltar para a casa da sogra e do ex-marido antes que fosse tarde e ele desconfiasse que não pudesse ser o pai da criança que ela carregava. Hermes ainda tentou dissuadi-la, mas Sook-eun sabia que seria pior se seguisse aquela paixão com aquele homem estranho e encantador, pois isso a impediria de ver suas meninas novamente caso a traição fosse descoberta. Hermes, então, se manteve distante, apenas assistindo o desenrolar da gravidez e ajudando como podia.
De volta Ă  casa da famĂ­lia Kwon, a vida de Sook-eun foi um inferno, pois o marido nĂŁo aceitava que ela tivesse fugido, ainda mais voltando com mais uma criança. No entanto, a sogra tinha esperança de que, desta vez, eles tivessem um herdeiro homem. Eles nĂŁo eram ricos, mas se achavam melhores que os vizinhos porque possuĂ­am duas lojas de conveniĂȘncia.
A vida da famĂ­lia mudou com o nascimento de Jae-eon, que cresceu mimado, mas com uma aversĂŁo ao pai, tornando sua vida difĂ­cil. Ele passou a ser agredido pelo patriarca e, como forma de protesto, Jae-eon o imitava e zombava dele, pregando peças, sumindo com suas coisas, furando seu carro e depredando sua propriedade. O filho de Hermes tinha um apreço por pregar peças e irritar o velho que ele julgava pai. Sua mĂŁe tentava contĂȘ-lo, sabendo que ele nĂŁo era realmente filho de Do-Kwon.
Na escola, Jae-eon fazia amizade com facilidade por ser considerado bonito e diferente dos colegas, mas sua personalidade travessa atraĂ­a mais reclamaçÔes de professores. Suas notas nunca eram boas, e ele nĂŁo saĂ­a da escola sem levar umas palmadas disciplinares, mas nĂŁo se importava e cometia pequenos furtos. Nunca foi pego, mas os professores, irritados por saberem que era ele, o suspendiam com frequĂȘncia.
Durante essas suspensÔes, sem querer voltar para casa, Jae-eon ia para lan houses, onde fez amizade com meninos da mesma escola que cometiam pequenos delitos na vizinhança, e ele se envolveu com isso. Logo, ganhou notoriedade e posição no grupo de amigos.
Foi nesse mesmo período, quando completou 15 anos, que teve contato com a verdade sobre sua paternidade. O deus Hermes interferiu em um de seus crimes de adolescente, pois pressentiu a morte de Sook-eun e temeu que o menino, nesse momento, manifestasse seu poder além do que os Såtiros que vigiavam podiam controlar. Hermes queria que ele entregasse uma mensagem sua para a humana antes de ela partir para os Campos Elísios.
Jae-eon correu para casa e encontrou sua mãe lavando roupa, aparentemente bem. Quando perguntou sobre a história que aquele homem estranho havia contado, ela caiu em prantos e confessou o que tinha feito no passado. A carta foi lida, e Sook-eun passou mal, sendo levada imediatamente para o hospital, onde faleceu e foi descoberto que ela tinha uma condição no coração.
Jae-eon culpou aquele homem pela morte de sua mĂŁe e jurou encontrĂĄ-lo algum dia para se vingar.
E de fato, seu poder e sua natureza de semideus atraĂ­ram mais do que a estranheza da famĂ­lia Kwon e de suas trĂȘs irmĂŁs. Os monstros vieram, atraĂ­dos por seu sangue divino e pela dor profunda causada pelo luto.
No instante seguinte, ele estava em um aviĂŁo a caminho do Acampamento Meio-Sangue, tutelado por um SĂĄtiro, sem saber uma palavra em inglĂȘs, e aos 16 anos começou sua nova vida.
No Acampamento Meio-Sangue, seu comportamento apenas se intensificou para aprimorar seus poderes. Viciado em adrenalina, ele se sentia muito limitado pelas regras e pela personalidade de outros semideuses. Demorou para aprender inglĂȘs e, atĂ© hoje, carrega um forte sotaque sul-coreano do qual se orgulha e Ă s vezes finge nĂŁo entender o inglĂȘs para irritar quem conversa com ele.
Jae-eon treinou e subiu de nível para o nível III em seis anos, espelhando-se nos golpes dos outros para irritar outros semideuses e semideusas. Isso, sem querer, aprimorou seus poderes. Ele se adiantava para participar de missÔes e usava uma das armas feitas pelos ferreiros porque ainda não tinha sua própria arma. Se recusava a fazer oferendas para Hermes ou qualquer outro deus, esperando que morreria a qualquer momento.
Em um impulso, aos 23 anos, ele saiu do acampamento com a ideia de nunca mais voltar. Esperava viver um pouco, extravasar sua raiva, matar alguns monstros e ser levado por um deles em algum momento. Largou amigos, largou garotas de quem gostava e decidiu que iria embora. Nesse instante, uma adaga surgiu para ele em sua cama, acompanhada de uma carta que nĂŁo era um pedido de perdĂŁo, mas sim um aviso: "Agora vocĂȘ estĂĄ por si, esta Ă© a Ășltima vez que faço algo por Sook-eun."
Contrariando a si mesmo, Jae-eon decidiu levar a arma consigo e sumiu do acampamento.
No mundo humano, ele se envolveu com crimes de roubo e falsidade ideológica para arrancar dinheiro de quem caísse em sua låbia. Entrou em contato com sua família e descobriu que apenas duas de suas irmãs estavam vivas. Como uma forma de redenção, ele enviava dinheiro para elas e, por isso, começou a ser investigado.
Em dezembro de 2023, quando em uma perseguição policial, monstros acabaram matando os policiais que o perseguiam. Jae-eon desejou voltar para o acampamento mas ele não conseguia nenhuma resposta, nenhuma mensagem dos seus irmãos que costumavam entrar em contato com ele para pedir itens do mundo para o acampamento o chamaram. Jae-eon até pensou que pudesse ter inventado toda essa história de semideuses ou tivesse sido cortado de vez da prole do seu pai celestial. Foi sufocante fugir de monstros que pareciam ter duplicado na face da terra e ter seu rosto estampado como assassino em fuga.
O mundo estava pior, um caos e por um tempo ele ficou procurando alguns semideuses conhecidos que estavam no mundo externo mas não achou ninguém que também tivesse contato com o seu antigo lar. Estranho e preocupante. Por isso, ele decidiu ir até o lugar onde ficava o acampamento por conta própria. Por semanas ele enfrentou todos os desastres que podia imaginar até encontrar a floresta dos arredores do acampamento e ter duas surpresas: outros 9 semideuses, tão acabados quanto ele estavam reunidos no mesmo lugar, com o mesmo desejo. Alguns rostos eram conhecidos, jå outros não.
E mesmo que eles parecessem enfrentar infernos particulares semelhantes ao seu, nĂŁo ousou revelar o encontro que teve com aquela mulher instantes antes. Se contasse, talvez o impedissem de encontrar refĂșgio no acampamento meio-sangue.
Sua jornada apenas começou com sua entrada no acampamento.
HABILIDADES: Velocidade Sobre-humana. 
Agilidade Sobre-humana.
ARMA: Uma adaga fina de ouro imperial que se transforma em uma gazua quando nĂŁo estĂĄ em uso.
ATIVIDADES: Queimada e clube da luta (equipe vermelha).
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goldenguillotines · 1 year ago
Serious Mini Judgment!!
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Mini judgement meme with Jongin I have decided.. send 1 (one) oc and Jongin will judge them! What does this buisnessmam have to say about your oc? Well.. let's find out (Bonus!! If you think they'd spot him at a club or party.. include that in the tags!)
Typical judge meme stuff.. multiple rbs ok! Judgebacks are nice but not necessary! 18+ muns and muses only!!
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krp1x1finder · 1 year ago
discord kpop 1x1 rp search
heyooo! i’m yumi, age 23, they/them! i’m currently lf a few krp/kdrama partners, preferably within the age range of 19-23+! it’s safe to say that i’m open to any pairings such as mxm, fxf, poly, and trans/non-binary characters, oc x oc (faceclaims ok!) - i will say that i do have a preference for writing masculine characters and will often default to that unless discussed.
my writing style is always mirrored, so don’t be shy if you’d like to write with me in any way, shape, or form! my preference tends to lean towards novella and advanced lit (comfortably up to 500-1k or more) with present or past, third-person narratives. i have some writing examples i can send your way if you’d like to see them before committing to rp with me! i typically want to strive for quality over quantity.
˚ àŒ˜â™Ą â‹†ïœĄËš PLOTS : regarding plots that i enjoy tend to lean super heavily into the human condition (any variation or avenue of slice of life, modern aus), very lightly toeing into supernatural with succubuses/incubus or angel/devils, fallen angel concepts, and “darker” themes. some examples would be religious trauma/historical themes, substance abuse, violence, heavy angst, etc.
i also really enjoy media-based or established works of fictions like ao3, video games (the last of us, detroit become human, etc), films, and kdramas (strangers from hell, all of us are dead, the glory, bloodhounds, and more). 
i’m totally interested in including nsfw into our rps aswell, though i tend to write my characters as versatile switches and would prefer if my partners were flexible and willing to collaborate to make it fun and comfortable for both of us. i will send a kink list to be as transparent as possible, or you can view that on my carrd alongside other in depth info here!
˚ àŒ˜â™Ą â‹†ïœĄËš MUSES & GROUPS : i’m open to a majority of groups including, but not limited to the ones listed below! regarding muses, i’m very open-minded and flexible and will include some examples of those i muse the most. the starred groups are the ones that i muse very heavily for currently:
☆ aespa : winter / karina / ningning
ateez : wooyoung / san / yunho
enhypen : jay / heeseung / jungwon / jake
☆ exo : jongin / sehun / chanyeol / baekhyun
le sserafim : sakura / chaewon
☆ nct (all subunits+wayv) : taeyong / yuta / jaehyun / jeno / mark / donghyuck / jaemin / xiaojun / kun / yangyang
oneus : seoho / keonhee / xion
☆ onlyoneof : nine / love / mill / rie
p1harmony : theo / intak
☆ seventeen : jeonghan / jun / seungkwan / vernon / joshua / minghao
☆ stray kids : minho / hyunjin / han / bangchan / jeongin 
tempest : hanbin / taerae / hyeongseop / hwarang
☆ the boyz : sunwoo / hyunjae / juyeon / jacob / eric
☆ txt : soobin / beomgyu / taehyun treasure : asahi / jihoon / hyunsuk
☆ xg : jurin / chisa
☆ zb1 : jiwoong / hanbin / matthew / taerae
solo artists : woodz, dpr ian, jackson wang, and more  . .
(these aren’t including my ships, but you might be able to get hints from who i bolded - don’t be afraid to ask for clarification though, i’ll definitely mention them once we connect).
please prioritise discussing triggers and preferences within the RP. they will always be stated by me during plotting as well. my triggers are only detailed self-harm/gore that goes alongside it. i’ll let you know if I’m uncomfortable at any point otherwise.
˚ àŒ˜â™Ą â‹†ïœĄËš MISC. NOTES : the most important part of this i would like to make sure is noted is that writing won’t always be a priority for me as i have other hobbies and responsibilities that tend to take up a lot of my free time too. i work two jobs while also taking classes from my university and gaming. i’d appreciate and prefer partners that don’t mind gaps of time between responses and won’t spam or pressure me to be quicker. i’ve had some bad luck with rp partners that don’t understand that and overstep boundaries. i will end the rp if it gets excessive. however, i’m very chatty and enjoy making playlists and pinterest boards alongside our rp au’s so it’d be cool to have partners open to that sort of connection. i’m always down for friendships outside of our rp too so the gaps of time don’t feel awkward or stilted.
if all of this sounds good to you and you’re interested in getting to know me as a potential friend or likewise to write, don’t hesitate to interact with this post on here, directly message me, or head on over to discord and add me; my username is gyumie. ♡
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vartouhix · 5 months ago
She's an oc, so it's not like I have pre-determined OTPs for her. It's more like, as things progress and chemistry makes itself known, I come to have OTPs for her.
It's really hard to make me uncomfortable when it comes to fiction, because... you know... it's not real. xD As long as the characters are of age, I'm not really bothered, even if that means a 20-year-old with a 50-year-old. Talking about underage characters is where it does get a little different. For example, Eri and Deku of My Hero Academia. She's 7 and he's 16. If it was an AU set in the future where she's 18 and he's 27, then it's whatever to me. But yeah there are "age brackets" that I feel like are more appropriate. To keep going with this example, for Eri I would say muses the age of 6 to 10 would be okay. For Deku, maybe 14 to 18. It's just not the same, to me.
I think when you start identifying certain body parts, it needs a tag. Like I could write Jangmi sitting in Satoru's lap, and they're just talking, that's fine to me. Say that in the middle of talking, Satoru grabs her tits over her clothes and starts to play with them to try to get her hot and bothered, even tho he's just carrying on with the conversation like nothing's going on. At that point I would probably move it to my smut blog. If he was touching her waist or thighs or arms (just somewhere more innocuous) I don't think I would, tho.
Kind of? I'm really bad at just jumping into a ship from the get-go. Like if someone I just followed sent me a DM like "I love your OC!! Let's ship!" I'd probably have to turn them down. I need to see if they have chemistry before I ship. Now to be fair, it doesn't take a whole lot for me to see chemistry. When I was still in the kpop rpc, there was a muse who Vartouhi approached really aggressively because he was wearing her late fiancé's ring. They argued, she threw wine on him, when they went outside to talk privately she threatened him with violence... This was their first interaction, mind you, but after a bit of back-and-forth, I thought enemies-to-lovers would be really interesting for them.
Vartouhi (and Jangmi, given that she is Vartouhi but just with changes to fit a different universe) is very physically affectionate with people she trusts. That's her norm. You can't judge whether I ship her with anyone based on that alone. Actually I talked about this in this post here. But the point is, there has to be something more there than just physical intimacy for me to think to ship with someone. Even with all that I wrote yesterday about Jangmi having had a crush on Suguru, there's still the other half of the equation unaccounted for--how Suguru interacts with her, how he responds to her. So it's not really a wanted ship for me, because I have zero idea how their dynamic would really be, despite my headcanons about her side of things.
Oh, and me sending shippy memes =/= me shipping our muses. It's really just me wanting to send the other person things so they feel appreciated, or testing out if there could be chemistry. Or, of course, just Vartouhi/Jangmi being physically affectionate, as usual for them.
Satoru ( @impishsensei ), Nanami ( ofovertime... will be tagging them below so I'm not tagging them here ), Sukuna ( mangher ), and Megumi* ( @shiiikigami ) for Jangmi. For Vartouhi, Yusuke ( thuganomxcs ), Jongin ( @xlusory ), several of @pnxmbra's muses (but especially Maker!) because there was a point where we were trying her with a bunch of her muses, and Hoseok ( @virxle ).
*In her teen verse.
You don't need to ask for permission for your muse to develop attraction or feelings for mine. It can be one-sided. As for having Vartouhi/Jangmi reciprocate... I mean if you're writing little tells that your muse is attracted to/has feelings for them, I might pick up on it and if I feel the chemistry I'll probably write her as reciprocating anyway. If you haven't put tells in your writing, just shoot me a dm like "I think they have good shipping chemistry! What do you think?"
I wouldn't say ship-obsessed but I do really enjoy ships, and I'm certainly not "ship more-or-less" lol.
Hmmm... considering I'm rping JJK these days, I'm thinking of that. I think it would be the OT3 of Itafushikugi. They're so cute!! And we get to see more of them than Sashisu, but that one is a very close second. :3
We need to find out if there's chemistry. That's the key. So plot with me for threads, give me "what if?" scenarios in dms somewhere (that we can also turn into threads if we like the idea enough), send me lots of starter/drabble/muse reaction memes. Then, if you're not sure whether I ship it or not, just ask! Like I mentioned in my rules somewhere, even if I don't ship it, I'll just be really flattered that you do. :3
tagged by: no one! i was goin' thru my likes and found it hehe :3 tagging: @ofovertime , @limitlessscion , @blastintriumph , @rotinthedark , @mangher , @thuganomxcs , @deathfoed , @ingxnium , @pontevoix , @tunichtgxt , @osoreruna , @cherrygardn , @getsusekaii , @ntzenin , @chikoyama , @usagimen , and you!
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mxthxbot · 2 years ago
One Giant Update
Here; to meet all the muses at once.
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* Jooyeon and bubbles
* A soft Felix
* Yongbuk is about to take Woosung out for dinner
* Taehyung is about to go find the next scoop
* Jimin is just finishing a new batch of macaroons
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* Beomgyu is finishing up another riding lesson
* Yeonjun is finishing up a hunt
* Wonho is currently flying around the floating mountains
* Taronyu is listening to another lecture from his father
* Wonhyuk is tired
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* Junji is currently sunbathing
* KĂ„i is wanting cuddles, but refuses to say anything
* Jongin is cooking for KĂ„i and Taemin
* Cya is deciding whether to eat or pull another all nighter to study spells
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* Kevin just got out of a fight
* Kai is enjoying the forest before he has to go in hiding again
* Rix found a cat
* Taeyong is planning another attack on Cya, hopefully to kill him
* Solar is enjoying Earth’s scenery
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* Kyubin refuses to admit that he’s upset about the village outcasting him again
* KB is trying to cook without water
* Sanjook is about to head out for food
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* San doesn’t know where is or who has taken him
* Hongjoong is about to go blow up things
* Chan got arrested again
Readers: @oc-acehouse @badbf-cb @vivzie-kpop-cb @chooseyourmx @universe-of-superm @yourocboys @welcome-to-maniac @thepack-cb @thepatchedpaw @livealittleoc-cb @monsterhigh-cb @the-hellhounds @dr-hwa-cb @theinvitation-bot @mystical-ocs @raiden-oc @supernaturalschools @welcometosector1 @multi-joong @k-venturetime @dawnswonderland-entertainment @divineblood-cb @mechat-kpopcb @heistkingscb @redlights-speakeasy @kingdom-of-dicentra @3rachabot
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fadinglights · 1 month ago
continued from here, @lovesruined
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the  frown  on  jongin’s  features  deepens  as  his  gaze  remains  fixed  on  her.  as  resolute  as  he  might  sound,  uncertainty  churns  inside  him.  “there’s  no  way  this  could  end  well.  we  both  know  this.”  
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yanjxngin · 1 year ago
đ™ș𝚒𝚖 đ™č𝚘𝚗𝚐𝚒𝚗
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This character follows the yandere trope. If you are not comfortable with this: do not interact.
❝ You belong to me. Can't you see that? ❞
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❝ The King ❞
[1994.01.14] Suncheon-si, South Korea
Personality: Charismatic, jealous, adoring. Jongin is everything a girl wants in a man mixed with the ultimate red flags. He is very secretive about himself and tends to never tell the truth until the object of his desire is his. He's feared and has a bad temper but he would never hurt the one he loves. Everything he does is for her, only her. He is extremely obsessive and possessive.
Background: Jongin comes from a place that is hidden from the world around it. A land full of mythical creatures and ancient magic which makes it home to some of the most dangerous beings not fully known to man. Raised to be King, Jongin started his ascension to the throne when he turned 21 but when the former King died, Jongin was still unmarried and so it was declared that he would not be granted full control until his wedding day. Not wanting to marry for anything other than love, Jongin set out on a quest to find someone who matched everything he wanted but on his journey, he became more and more obsessed with his perfect woman who did not exist in his land - so he crossed the boundary to find her. He is rich and lives under the guise of a playboy billionaire, heir to a large global enterprise - this was set up by his royal advisors. Any attempt to find out any truth about Jongin has been greatly distorted, making him one of the hardest men to keep track of because his name, face and identity is constantly being changed due to the magic that courses through his veins. Magic that protects his land and his people.
Physical: Jongin has chocolate brown hair that he tends to colour often, ranging from black to blonde and nearly every colour in between. His appearance is constantly changing due to the magic he possesses. His eyes are chestnut brown but he may be seen with blue contacts in. Height is 6 ft, Jongin has a lean, muscular body that many would class as a dancer's body. He has a slightly toned set of abs, broad shoulders and strong arms. He has no scars on his body. Due to his changing appearance, he may be seen with tattoos and piercings, all different and none permanent.
Yandere: Jongin is considered an obsessive love yandere. He likes to appear normal to those around him and is very sweet, charming and gentle to all those around him but when he takes an interest - he is obsessed. Head over heels. Nobody exists to him anymore but the one he loves. He will not hurt the object of his desire but will hurt or kill anyone who tries to take her away from him. Jongin will do every and anything for his love interest, they can do no wrong but he is extremely volatile and any instance where his love isn't reciprocated can cause him to lash out.
Info: Jongin is not a magic wielder, he cannot perform spells nor can he summon anything. Magic runs through his veins but its more focused on his body and maintaining his youth, physical strength and appearance. He drives a white BMW X6 that he has affectionately named 'Daisy' after his pet horse back home. He loves dancing and often takes classes. Jongin has recently become addicted to caffeine and his favourite colour is deep red. Jongin's very smart, he doesn't show it, opting to seem goofy and funny but he is very knowledgeable. He isn't a fan of dead silence and will often play music to fill the void. This will be updated as more is discovered about him.
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Straight. Dominant, hard.
Kinks: praise/worship, bondage, knife play, primal/fear play, edging and voyuerism. Jongin will not be sexual around other people when he's in love, he prefers private. More will be added as it is discovered about him.
The pet names that he tends to use is: Goddess, my (insert here), petal.
Secret Identity
Jongin is not quick to jump into a relationship but is quick to develop interest. He wants to make sure the woman he chooses fits everything he wants or can be everything he wants. He's had previous ex-girlfriends before but all of them have since gone missing. Relationships take a long time to develop. Once Jongin has made it clear that he is interested, he will not show intimate attention to others. He will only take one partner.
Y/N + RP: Jongin will take one person in this slot that follows the plot the admin has pre-made. This plot starter is based around the story that Jongin is based off and will follow his trope.
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❝ It's hard to see the way you smile at them, the way you laugh with people that aren't me. They don't deserve you, nobody does. Only I do. Stay with me. ❞
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adminnie · 10 months ago
àłƒâ€âž·Â đ“ąđ“źđ“žđ“Ÿđ“”âœđ“Œ đ“œđ“žđ“Œđ“œ đ“”đ“”đ“Č𝓰đ“Čđ“«đ“”đ“ź 𝓑đ“Șđ“Źđ“±đ“źđ“”đ“žđ“»(đ“źđ“œđ“œđ“ź) đ“—đ“źđ“”đ“č đ“ąđ“±đ“źđ“źđ“œÂ ~ ♡
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It has come to our attention that it may be a little confusing about how things go and so we have complied a little help sheet for you to be able to understand~ Don't worry if you aren't sure, we are here to help you!
The bots that are participating are: @clubwnderland (all except Irene and Jongin), @lunaaofthemoon, @oppositesattraxt, @domrachaa, @coffeexdreamcb, @silcntxnight, @bxnqchxn, @demonesseulgi, @wolf-sxyeon and @yanjxngin as well as the three upcoming bots which will be revealed when the winners are drawn
'Tickets' are 'bought' by sending an ask and reblogging
If you are a solo account, you can enter a max of two (2) times through a reblog or ask (one (1) of each)
If you are a multi-muse account, you can enter a max of two (2) times PER character. You can use as many characters as you like
The event is worked like a raffle. You 'buy' a ticket(s) and then it is up to luck on who wins. The winners are chosen through a random wheel generator to make it fair
You can send up to THREE (3) bachelor(ette) choices per ask/reblog to increase your chances. If you send three asks with the same character but different choices, it's considered one (1) ticket purchase still
This event does NOT need to end in dating. You can do it just for fun or to talk to someone new that you might be interested in getting to know. It simply has the POTENTIAL or it could be bad and awkward
Even if you 'buy' tickets, you can still enter to win a blank bot account. That is won through giving a really good idea and reason to give you a partner for your character. This bot will ONLY be yours
While, of course, not everyone is going to participate, you don't have to talk to this person afterwards. You might meet your future love, maybe you're lucky enough to pick your current interest or maybe you won't be able to stand the person you end up with. The fun is playing along and seeing whether luck is on your side~
If you do have any questions, don't hesitate to ask away~
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clubwnderland · 1 year ago
‷⋆⋆ 𝑯𝒂𝒑𝒑𝒚 𝑯𝒂𝒍𝒍𝒐𝒘𝒆𝒆𝒏 ♡
This year will be a little different. Some muses will have an update mixed with a dash RP and some muses will have an update post mixed with a story post. Instead of tagging people in several posts, this is an overarching masterlist for the posts. You can interact with whomever you want and these can be done as dash RP or casual interactions, whichever you choose.
Have fun with it!!
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Irene | Chan | San | Juyeon Moonbyul | Jongin | Jangmi | Yangyang Seohyun | Johnny | Eunwoo | Chris Kai | Alice | Seonghwa | Jeno Ryujin | Mingi
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