#[ if you jump off a bridge its only cause i did first -aflockoffeathers]
ducknotinarow · 1 year
[MM Rasey] "Dude - your brother is SO cringey."
| muse interaction
in truth the only down side to in school suspension, well no, that was full of down sides actually as Raphael had slowly started to list them out in his mind. Being stuck in one room all day sucked, having the lady in the office need to track and monitor him anytime he needed to leave the room to so much as go to the bathroom. But worse they weren't even allowed to leave for lunch! Raphael really didn't like that room after away it was too small and cramp. Actually kind of reminded him of being stuck in the sewers and why getting grounded from going to the surface would upset him so much? Whatever he severed his time. And his second one because he had gotten into another fight after but now?
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"Freedom!" was all Raphael could claim the second the tip of his shoe touched the titled floor of the school commons. Going in loud as he was known hardly even noticed as other students filled on in along his own group. Some seemed to be getting used to mutants in school others were a bit used to the loud mouth turtle himself and maybe missed when he wasn't hear to interrupt this semi peace.
The mix chatter of all the rest of the students did little to drown out Raphael when he made his statement as loudly as he could. Raph couldn't help how excited he was to finally be back in the commons and not that cramp tiny little room. The cafeteria always had a mixture of odors in the air from the different food smells combining into one such as french fries, hamburgers, sandwiches, sous, pizza and whatever else was being prepared for the day. There was always the slight hint of cleaners as well coming off the tables. But to the loudest turtle of the group? It smelt simply like-
"freedom!" He once again stated as he followed along his brothers, and the rest of the crowd currently got on to their lunch break as the last batch was mulling about working their way back for thier next classes.
Taking his seat once they had grab thier meal choices for the day. Raphael just loving how much noise the commons simply had. The only thing it didn't have was-
"Casey!" Raph next outburst drew far more attetion this time around somehow getting louder as the turtle was aiming to get Casey's attention the second eyes caught the smallest glimpse of black and blue hair cover in the usual red beanie they wore. Hand held up to wave and get Casey's attention in case near yelling their name wasn't enough. To get the job done.
smiling brighter as a faint hint of red hit his face seeing Casey make his way over to join thier table. Raph wasn't even sure who was sitting beside him before he promptly pushed them over to make the space available for Casey to take over now instead. "Okay guys I mean it be cool alright?" Is all he warns before sitting down eagerly waiting Casey's arrival to thier table. We'll this worked out his brothers and April could meet Casey themselves now. He figures as introductions followed so Casey could put some names to faces they had heard a few times themself. Things were going well ideal chit chat of his brothers offering a hello or some short lived topics to ask Casey about.
Here and there Raph would sneak glances towards them and smile when Casey's Grey blue eyes met his gaze. Slightly hating how every time it happened his stomach wanted to flip and his food no longer held the same appeal.
In a good way he couldn't explain but wasn't complaining over.
At least till Leo sudden took all thoer attention suddenly during lunch into a meeting. Raph groaned a little, it made sense to talk about stuff he needed all four of themnin once place for considering they didn't have the same classes and whatever but really? Raphael thought as Leo went on to go on about thing Splinter asked them todo after school was let out.
"This could have been a text" Raphael mumbled under his breath poking at his food with his fork as Leo attempted to hype them up for thier errands. Admitly wasn't as fun as before since they didn't have to sneak around to get stuff they needed so Leo attempt could be appreciated it if he weren't so fucking-
"Dude - your brother is SO cringey."
Raphael couldn't help but snort as he tried his best not to laugh hand covering his beak as Casey spoke the same thought he was having just then and there. No one else seemed to notice so Raph, moved to lean in a bit closer to Casey. Shoulder bumping to theirs.
"Pft yeah I know, 'his is him bein' chill actually." Raphael tosses in as he laughs softly. Ignore how he can feel warmth touching his face from how close he was to Casey. Able to soak on the warmth thar so easily came off them. As he mocked his older brothers expression, silently mouthing along to Leo. Far more exaggerated than Leo was in fact doing. Leaveing him and Casey to laugh to themselves.
Fuck those flips in his stomach were back listening to Casey laugh all he can recall I'd Casey saying he liked when Raphael laughed. Slowly claiming down he let his eyes soft as he just sort of stared at Casey. He really liked Casey's laugh too. Too bad he couldn't fully enjoy the moment when feeling Mikey he think pat him for attetion. "What?" Teaing his gaze from Casey to find Leo staring full unimpressed. Raphael forgot somehow they were all here as well. He simply shrugged his shoulders though.
"What? It's not my fault you're boring Leo." He happily just teases their way
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ducknotinarow · 1 year
Raph: My hands are cold
Casey, taking hold of Raph's hands: better?
Raph staring at their hands:
Raph: My mouth is cold too
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ducknotinarow · 1 year
Casey: “How the hell can something so simple, be so difficult?!”
Raph: “Actually, I’m pretty sure you’re just an idiot.”
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ducknotinarow · 1 year
Casey: Image being like gay or something like that
Raph: Casey we've been sleeping together for like eight months?
Casey: Okay but that's not like gay gay ya know?
Raph: Casey you're literally a bottom
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ducknotinarow · 1 year
MM Raphael - All Symbol Headcanons please uwu
| Send me a symbol and I will write a headcanon about…  For multimuse blogs, please specify! *disclaimer I aint a spoiler free blog I have stated before like with Helluva Boss, this is your warning now there are spoilers in this post.*
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I love this little gremlin boy so much. look at his smile pure gremlin uwu from the full trailer we got I knew I would be satisfied with this take on Raph. I can be kind of picky but that's just cause Raph was a character I always loved. I do like that Raph's anger issue was his only character trait least not like all he is about but that they did focus on the fact Raph dose just kind of like to fight in general. I like that he is sort of aware of it though and seems to try and handle it but clearly doesn't know so he turns it towards his more violent tendencies. And dose seem to try and not take it out on people around him. He has anger in him and he's trying which is why I love that he seems to turn towards sports at the end of the movie cause its not often a part of Raphael shows often give much attention to that he loves sports too. I look forward to more from this franchise with my boy ;3; I really just like that you can see for all of the boy they know who they wanna be but havent quite learned who they are.
𝓕 : My muse’s handwriting. (Is it good, bad, difficult to decipher, do they prefer writing by hand or with the help of some form of machine, e.t.c.) 
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"I'm not the best with uh spellin, " One of the more stylized writing styles clearly. The boy haven't had proper education for years so I feel they learned a lot from what they saw and Raph liked the subway graffiti they would see when making their way back home and learned to make it his writing style. Raph tries to control his emotions carefully emphasis on tries here of course. Draws attention to himself as seen in a lot of fights he tends not to care much for the whole be stealthy thing when it comes to a fight. Even crowing to get said attention before jumping in. Raph has a more out going personality shown from his large lettering. The gaping in his writing shows Raph enjoys his freedom.
Tends to take being grounded from the surface not well at all and pitting the blame toward Leo. Being able to explore the surface is the only real freedom he had and he dose carry this thought into going to school. Of course the heavy pen pressure come from tension and anger he has. That he doesn't full know the best way to deal with yet. I think having Beep bop and Rock steady however will help a bit but having a friend who gets it will do him even more wonders since they are closer in age. Despite being outgoing the slant of his writing shows Raph is a bit reserved which we see when it comes to April he doesn't talk as much as the other do or did when around her compared to how he is around his brothers even around the other mutants he was a tad more reserved here and there. Or outside of fights. Im pretty positive they will likely be like Splinterson considering Splinter isn't Yoshi but I would be to surprised if they didn't find a way to make use of Hamato for this verse but i'm not changing my tag XD so still under Hamato even if he won't be using that name unless stated he will be Splinterson in MM.
✈ : My muse and  traveling. (If they do it frequently and why, if they never left their home town, e.t.c.)
"Hmm I've been in the sewers, the subway, roof tops shipping yards-" Currently Raphael has only ever been around New York, they have gone to some pretty well know locations like Central Park or Madison Square garden, or stadiums but have yet to ever be out of New York. Of course, he likes the idea of maybe seeing more now that he's able to go to the surface. But hard to say if everyone is still willing to change their tune about Mutants. Even if they have been shown as Hero's this doesn't fully mean everyone and everywhere is ready to accept them or willing.
✿ : My muse and nature. (If they are an ‘outdoorsy type’, like the sound of bird’s singing, if they have never set foot in a forest, e.t.c.) 
"Ehhh I dunno 'bout that. 'ike i'll go I guess if I gotta?"
Despite living in hiding this guy is a pretty much a city guy at heart he is so used to the loud sound of a buzzing and bustling city. But with his wild energy he might love going out to the woods.
☼ : My muse’s first memory. (Where it was, who was with them, how this memory makes them feel, e.t.c.) 
"uh dunno I kind remember stuff as a kid like havin' nightmares and going to pops." I feel Raphael dose vaguely remember the one time Splinter took him and his brothers up to the surface.They seemed young but were able to start their training not long after. Raph sometimes had nightmares about the man that chased after them and would be the one to wake everyone else up and go to Splinter to sleep with. Dad is safe after all ;3;
☙ : My muse’s favourite food. (Bonus: A memory, be it good or bad, associated with said food.)
"Dose bulk up count as a food?"
Course it's pizza, but the bulk up in the crate during their shopping time was funny to me. Of course Raph always remembers the first time Splinter got his hands on a pizza for them. It was some of the first human food they ever tried and the most beautiful thing Raph has ever seen at that time in his life.
♬ : My muse and music. (What type of music they like listening to and in what context, what music they would never listen to, e.t.c.)
"Drake! he's the g.o.a.t!" Raphael likes Rap and R&B the most when it comes to music he dose enjoy Rock and heavy metal as well of course. But his favorite artis is Drake and if he could meet a celebrity he would want it to be Drake. he watched Degrassi solely because he found out Drake acted on that show. He might have a slight crush on the dude but he hasn't really figured that out himself. He also likes DJ Khaled, and Lil Wayne but course hes got his usual go to. He dose like a bit of pop as well here and there. He also will never admit it but some of the stuff Donnie listens to is kind of okay as he would phase it.
↺ : My muse and the past. (Do they live in the past and struggle to let go of past grievances, or move on more easily, is there anything in their past they want to forget, e.t.c.) 
"Eh I sort of do maybe?"
Raphael in a way dose in that he's very aware of the situation he was once in, forever made to hide away from a word he just wants to be part of. Surrounded by the same four faces all his life. It sort of feeds into the little freedom he has and more he'll get. Raphael just wants to be able to meet more people experience things he never got to before all because he never really got to live before, not like how humans do at least. Going to school just being on the top of that list simply because it's such a normal mundane thing but something he thought he never have. That it never even occurred to him that humans themself sometimes aren't all given those same freedoms he thinks they are lucky to have.
☾ : My muse and sleep. (How much they sleep, how much they wish to sleep, if there is something that never fails to put them to sleep, e.t.c.) 
"Eh not 'ike i got much a bed time? oh guess I do now?" Raph's used to staying up late seeing as it was the only time him and his brothers were able to out and about that Splinter could agree on with at least. So Raphael is far more used to being active at night over during the day going to take a lot is adjusting to the change least during the school week. Raphael likes to be up late still often going to bed late in night school night or not. Getting to sleep can be a bit of struggle so he tries to tire himself out in all the ways they tell you not to like aimlessly using the internet thinking he'll pass out. Sometimes he dose but ends up leaving his phone playing videos because of it. So it's always low on battery.
✧ : My muse and art. (If they have an artistic side or not and why, favourite artist if they have one, e.t.c.) 
"I like the stuff I seen on the streets." I pick his writing style for a reason Raphs a fan of street art, he has watched humans in the cover of the night work on their own street art. Murals, tags and such that they come across the city always tends to catch his eye he thinks it looks cool. When he was learning to write he really wanted to sort of have a style like what he saw. Raph tends to doodle out his name and even brothers names with designs things he thinks fits each of them. Course later hell add another name with some hockey sticks and such. It's far more like graffiti he dose and sticker art. He came across some name tag stickers and will put his stuff on that to slap around the city when him and his brothers would run around for their errands in the past. Usually slapped on to the back of signs, street lights, even some bollards, or billboards. It's mostly either his name "raph" or styled stuff showing Sai.
❃ : My muse and social media. (If the muse is/would be on social media and why/why not, their general opinion on it, e.t.c.) 
"Eh I sort use it?"
Raphael lurked in the past mostly making use of video platforms. He has a bad habit of falling asleep when watching tiktok and sending the videos to his brothers accounts. Once they get into school he will use twitter and snapchat, so to be in contact with some of the friends he's made. but he mostly sticks to texting apps like discord or whatsapp. Raphael just isn't much for social media but it was kind of the only way he could be part of the human world, so he did use it to just watch stuff. Mostly used it to watch dumb videos he found funny or keep track of news of stuff he was interested in. Like following Music Artis he likes.
✉  : My muse and others. (If they social and outgoing or more introverted, and why. If they prefer communicating with others face to face or in written form, e.t.c.). 
"I finally got some human friends so 'hats cool." As I mentioned before Raphael is pretty out going in general, he's not shy or even close to being an intervert himself. But he can be a tad reserved as a person. When it came to meeting and being around April of course he doesn't shy away from talking and answering questions but he dose tend to hang back a tad. When they met superflys crew Raph sort of did the same once the idea of afight was dropped with this reveal. We do see him pretty ecstatic around Beep bop and Rocksteady however but he still seems the most comfortable around his brothers even when at the Dance he's a bit more playful with them. But we can see him being open around the kids hes befriending. He's a friendly person and likely willing to talk to anyone but it takes him a moment to warm up and be more okay with all his sides being shown.
Raph still wants very much to meet someone who just understands him in a way most don't. Raphael knows he has a lot of anger issue to work through and he tries to handle that best he can but it has made him pretty interested in things that come off more violent like things. Sport, horror movies, fighting in general. Raph isn't a bad person or even trying to be intimating well outside a fight of course, but his interest likely will sort of give him a rep in school as a tough kid, scary dog privilege basically. Look big and mean but when you know Raph? once again scary dog privilege hes loyal and pretty loving very outwardly at that.
Why meeting Casey is such a thing. Casey and Raph hold a bit of rivalry since Raph going into school he wants to just try out for every sport the school has to offer. Of course, this meant the hockey team as well. Raph liked the more contact sports like football over soccer so he tried for the team along with another kid. They were both good but the coah wasn't sure who to pick. Raph wasn't fully set on it but this stupid kid picking a fight with him made him a tad petty so they wound up getting into a fight. To which even after going home with a black eye he told Splinter in a very excited manner he had made a friend. Sure Raph has some like friends least kids he could get along with but I feel thats more outta of convince. Casey is the first person he kind of opens up around to with stuff he hasn't with his brothers even. That got long TDLR: Raph can be reversed and def has the aura of a scary dog like a pit bull so people can be a tad turned off from getting too close to him and his over ethuism for certain things. He got some humans hes friendly with who gotten past that but he can be a tad reserved deepening how comfortable he gets with someone else. And much like many dogs like Pits? Hes actually very friendly, and welcoming.
▶ : My muse and level of education. (If the muse has some form of education, what education they perhaps wish they had, e.t.c.). 
"I only now going to school so?"
Anything Raph dose know was taught by splinter or something he abosrd growing up. I don't see him being the best student when it comes to school either. He dose great in subjects like Gym and even art a bit. (I like to think he'll take some art classes) but as for the rest? he'll have some struggles mostly Math and Science courses.
◐ : My muse and animals. (If they like animals and treat them well, do not care for them at all, e.t.c.). 
" uh 'm a turtle?" I think Raph likes animals I feel i've said this with nearly all them so far? i really just think Raph is a cat person. But I feel MM also is pretty big on dogs as well. Which is why I keep saying hes got scary dog privilege haha. Dogs sort of match his energy but cats are nice and calming. I feel he treats them pretty nicely gently and with care knows ya gotta let an animal come to you sort. And when one dose? hes the happiest turtle in the world at that moment uwu
❒ : My muse and gifts. (If they are good/bad at finding gifts, good/bad at receiving gifts, good/bad at wrapping gifts, e.t.c.) 
"ehh I try?"
I think Raph has found things for his brother like if he spots something they might like or related to it? he'll snag it when on their runs.
☘ : My muse’s relation with their family. (If they speak with each other and how much, if they are close or estranged, e.t.c.). 
"I Love them I do jus'..ya know I wanna know others too? nothin' wrong with it?"
Raphael is very much a teen in that part of his life where he's trying to have his own life. Sometimes he can get carried away with it even no that it's something he can have, rather spending time with a friend over his brothers. It's nothing against them at all more him not quite learning that balance yet. But of course his brothers will always be his top priority when it comes down to it. His brothers mean a lot to him and they were his first friends as well. Nothing can ever get between him and them he will feel bad if any of them feel as if that is the case of course.
Raph very much tries to play cool around his brothers pretending he doesn't care but you can see how thats just an act. That he is playing to around his brothers. Sometimes he lets it slip like mentioning he would like to go to school never fully saying why though. Raph is very close to them all though openly joking around with them just being a full dork and getting up into to trouble like messing with Leo's sword and throwing ninja stars around. Despite him sometimes being annoyed with hoe Leo acts and can be you can also see how excited he gets when leo wants to join in on something for once. He gotta be close enough with leo to not be too upset hes playing with his sword. Even leo sort of joins in a bit when they are playing around on the roof. Raph seems to be able to get his brother into messing around.
Like Mikey dose when he tends to start most the jokes they get into even. Raph's clearly older brother side kicks in around them letting Mikey climb on top of him and such. And Raph being quick to jump in to try and help him and Donnie out when they need it that is. Doesn't baby either of them but is for sure there and ready to get in the mix of the danger.
With Donnie his twin uwu never letting this go when I can apply it. He dose pick on them a tad for being a weeb but it is outta of love, luckily anime is more main stream so I doubt Don will have to worry about being picked on for it but if he was? Raph would stand up for them in his own way "Hey he might be a a major dweed for likin' it and he is a major dweeb for likin' it but least he got better thing todo then pick on someone for it" type of sticking up.
He dose try and show some care into what his brothers like but it's cause he really just needs that himself in his life.
He loves Splinter and respects them he dosen't like be grounded but he'll stick to it and not break it even if he grumbles over it. Raph in part dose understand Splinter just looking out for him and his brothers. Sometimes that means he gets grounded or scolded but he dosen't always take it personally more that Splinter dosen't understand to which yeah some bits Splinter dosen't understand. But Raph still dosen't fault them to much for it. Hes still not ready to have a mom though and a tad grossed out on Splinters relationship but it makes him happy so? As for the rest of his family he is getting used to the suddenly abundance he has. He liked having more family around and is closest to Beepbop and Rocksteady, his sort like uncles he can be found with them the most when it comes to the extended part of his family. They sort of get the anger thing and often offer some advice when he's feeling just a tad ganged up on. I like to think they encourage him on his friendship with Casey since they are such an inseparable pair themselves.
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ducknotinarow · 2 years
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The boys.
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ducknotinarow · 1 year
Raph talking about his date with Casey: All I could think during the date was, ya know, "Is he gonna kiss me?"
Donnie: And did he?
Raph: I’m a gentlemen, Don. I don’t kiss and tell,
Raph: but this hickey speaks for itself.
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ducknotinarow · 1 year
Don: Imagine the team
Raph imagines Casey
Don: I said the team plural, not just Casey you useless gay
Raph: Fuck my bad
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ducknotinarow · 1 year
Casey: *breathes*
Raph, with tears in his eyes: fucking superb you funky little cowboy
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ducknotinarow · 1 year
Casey, drunk: I 'ike Raphael, he 'as such beautiful eyes
Casey: I love 'im
Casey: Don' tell 'im, ok?
Raphael: Oh Casey, I won'
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ducknotinarow · 1 year
Raph couldn't run fast enough
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When your boyfriend straight up abandoned you
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Raph later xD I can't
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ducknotinarow · 1 year
03 Rasey  🍷💖
| Send a "🍷💖" and My Muse will drunkenly flirt with Your Muse
Mikey went to grab for the next can on his side of the table heavily debating and weighing his options here as his gaze shifted between the can and to Raphael, sitting across the wide wide smiling plaster over his face. Raphael pretty much had felt like he one the second the two of them sat down to play this so called ‘game’ Mikey should have know he wouldn’t been able to out drink Raphael himself but sometimes he can’t help but fall into that competitive mind set still chasing the high from when he beat Raph in the Battle Nexus after all this time he may been just a tad over confident. Raphael smirks suddenly watching Mikey’s hand drop to the table physically tapping out of the game.
“Ha!’hat the beat Mikey be easier ‘hat way!” Raph exclaims suddenly moving to stand up as he gabs for his last can on his line up, holding it to his beak as he gulp the contents down as if it were like breathing in air.
Crushing it in his hand once it was empty as he went for one of Mikey’s repeating the action from before. Hand grabbing for the can Mikey was going for before he gave up popping it open so it was ready for Raphael the second he finished the current can. He didn’t have to go and drink the last two of Mikey’s line up but he also had to in order to show up Mikey and rub the win in his youngest brothers face. Who simply rolled his eyes and grumbled under his breath about it before he push against the table. Mikey was not in the mood to have the win rubbed into his face not to mention Mikey didn’t wanna be around Raph when he was drunk he was so annoying sometimes when he drunk too much. Ignoring the fact it was sort of on Mikey that Rah was going to be an issue for well everyone in the lair right now. Least till he spotted Casey who seemed to be paying a visit. Perfect someone to to take Raph of the rest of their hands! Usually greeting was given as he made a bee line for the human. Positive they were here to see Raphael in the first place but just in case best to send them over to him then. He was nice enough to warn them Raph was likely outta of it cause they were messing around with some drinking game that Raph kicked his butt in. Very much a clear plead for help to his older brother figure. Before dipping off to his own room needing to lie down. Alcohol wasn’t something he took to easily made him tried if he had enough of it soon as his head hit the pillow Mikey would be out for the rest of the night. So least Casey seemed able to take on dealing with Raphael.
Said turtle finished off the last can and crushed it as he had been doing with the rest, giddy little rally call to cheer and whoop over his win to himself. As he moved to reach for his mask tails struggling to loosen the knot on it. Mumbling under his breath As he reach back with both hands fingers just fumbling with the knot. He knows he tied it so he should be able to untie it “come on damn thing” Raph contained to snuggled as he fussed with his mask opting to tugging it don when he noticed Casey now in the kitchen with him.
Low whistle escapes the turtles beak as he leans his head to the side, propping it up with the palm of his hand. Mask was hanging around his neck the tail end thrown over his shoulder result from when he tried t take it off but just couldn’t quite figure it out but made the way he was eyeing Casey all far more obvious with green eyes trailing over Casey openly. “Bombshell enterin’ twelve o’clock, uh wait no? Three o’clock? Eh don’ matter”
Raph knows it’s Casey he ain’t that drunk to forget them the flirting? Yeah that was very much cause of the alcohol in his system as he rested elbows to the table and leaned forward to better stare at Casey “Come to see the champ, cowboy?” Raphael goes to ask still happily celebrating his win over Mikey far more fun to brag about it to someone then celebrate alone. Even better if it was Casey who was clearly going to be so impressed with their turtle. His tail started to wage behind him as he goes to happily point out all the crushed up cans to his boyfriend. “ ‘ook crushed up ones are mine,” Casey likely would be tell he alway had the habit of crushing the cans in his hands once he was done. Then pointing to the few that were left uncrushed. “Wipe the floor with ‘em ‘Ike nothin’ “ He slightly chuckles a bit to himself over it. Before moving to try an stand on his wobbling legs slightly swaying as he made his way over to Casey arm moving to hook round one of Casey’s as he let his chin rest to their shoulder looking up at them.
“Are ya my prize?” He asks not at all subtle with how he eyeing Casey, “Ya definitely tallest drink of water ‘round. An’ I should get lots an’ lots of it afta all I drank.” There’s a bearly hidden churr escaping Raphael as he speaks near about purring as he talks to his boyfriend right now.
Raphael tried to take a step to move in closer to them footing a bit miss judged as he stumbles about good thing Casey was sturdy and built like a brick house offering more than enough support for Raph when he lost his balance. Board strong arms moved to hold around the turtle and keep him up right. Not all to sure what Casey was saying right now but he recognizes that soft caring tone they hold when they have to switch into take care of my ‘dumb ass turtle’ mode. Soft faint smile comes across his beak when he hears how soft their voice drops, loving that it dose that just for him of all beings makes it better. Casey so nice and caring getting that aimed his way was making himself feel all warm right now. Or that’s cause he’s leaning up against their chest now trapped between their arms as Casey taking on their weight to keep him from falling flat on to the ground. That just makes his smile grow softer, the attention spent to make sure the idiot turtle didn’t go and hurt himself because he went and got drunk again.
“I’ call ya an angel for the save but,” moving to lift his head up to better look at his boyfriend, hand lifted so he could gentle tap his fringes to their face, “Heaven ain’t got nothin’ on you sweetheart.” Low soft churr bubbled out the back of his throat as he moves to get in comfortable with Casey “I ‘hink my legs are drunk.” He chuckles a bit as arms are lifted up moving to wrap around Casey neck a moment “help me out?”
Raph knows he doesn’t need to really ask Casey well todo anything guy just like that as is, never really got to ask him to help you he’s alway right there ready todo so. But Raph dose know asking meant Casey would give him that damn fucking smirk of theirs. That was always paired with the softest stare of those ocean deep blues of theirs. Tat soft chuckle as they took a shot at Raph. Eh the teasing was just part of how they were with each other, with every insult thrown between them there twice as much affection buried under the words. Easily hosted up and lifted from the ground as Raph shifted a bit in Casey hold letting his head rest against their shoulder churning only growing louder as he settled in theirs hold. Arms dropping from their neck to rest over his plastron nicely nuzzling in against their neck a little thank you on Raph’s end. All actions he would swear to hell and back he wasn’t doing once sober, but mind fogged over with the buzz of alcohol didn’t care in this moment at all.
“Hmm ‘ook ‘ike I’m a lucky princess ‘ere got my knight in hockey pads ta help me out?” He offers to Casey letting the faintest shade of red dust over his face before disrupting his own comfort to lift his head up to speak against their ear
“Should I give ‘em a nice little reward? My place ain’t far afta all?” Clearly not seeing how they are in the fucking lair but that fact was working in Raphael’s mind right now, no he had clearly different ideas working through his skull in the moment.
“Ya’ike treatn’ me ‘Ike ya pillow princess afta all too ‘ight? Should have all the nice things? I know the nicest thing ya can give m ‘ight now.” He goes to suggest before letting his head drop back to their shoulder,eyes growing heaven as he just rolled it to rest in against their neck, finding the kitchen lights to bright in the moment. “What should commit to the bit ‘ight? Save the princess get a happy endin’ how it happens in the stories. They jus’ leave the good stuff out” smirking suddenly “But ya better not leave it out.” Slightly chuckled to himself as he laughs against Casey’s shoulder now. Yeah, he was just a tad far gone at this point now. Good thing Casey was there, or he might have just passed out on the floor of the kitchen for the night. He counted himself lucky for as well on that fact as he happily listened to the vibrations of Casey voice when they spoke up again, only snickering as they did.
"Mmm I love you Case."
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ducknotinarow · 2 years
2k7 Raph Casey - 🤪[reverse uwu] (TEXT: I l  ove yoy Raph, I'll añways fuckinf love you - I love you Raph, I'll always fucking love you)
| Send 🤪 to receive a drunk text from my muse
Raph was getting pretty good at this not to brag but well yeah he was bragging as he was pulling in the chain link he had used to lower his latest catch down to the cop to deal with next. Before dipping out of sight well the best he could. They always seemed to manage to grab a quick picture of Raph no matter what, or a glimpse of him showed up for the news report later. Even when Don read over the paper with his picture or Mikey happened to catch the Nightwatcher on. They never seemed to put two and two together. That it was Raph so yeah he maybe at times wasn't as careful as he should have been. Hey he has a full metal suit to cover himself with.
Hoping off the ledge of the building a little bounce to his step, this felt great. Fuck Leo they didn't need Leo to still be doing something that meant something. Didn't need to sit around like a used tool either as Splinter seemed to want of them well they waited for Leo to return. As if he would. Leo's letter stopped coming so long ago and he was meant to have been home. Pretty clear to tell Leo didn't want to come back. They don't need mister fearless Leo anyway. They were all clearly adjusting just fine with out him.
Yeah clearly. That's why Raph was out in the middle of the night fighting crime alone. Sure he would go topside by himself before but not all the time. The sound of metal wasn't enough to drown out that of a duffel bag full of sports equipment in it. Or Hockey stick swinging back and forth against their back. The muffled breath from a hockey mask. Raph just groaned to himself, as he went to free his head from the helmet now. "Stop think' 'bout him! we don' get ta miss Casey." He snips at himself as if he were truly fighting with his heart just now he swears he can feel it grow heavy over his words. Helmet held to rest to his hip a moment as he strolled across the roof top. Stopping at the ledge on the opposite side.
He wasn't too far away from Casey's neighborhood.
"NO!" He growls a bit to himself dropping down to sit down. "Get a fuckin' grip I broke up with Casey!" Those word stung. It hurt more than any of the street punks that got in a lucky hit could ever duel out towards him. That was the simple truth no matter how much he wanted to just forgot. How could he forgot though? Raphael could easily still perfectly imagine Casey face that day he did it broke it all off between them. The hurt and confusion mixed over Casey's face. Raph did the one thing he dreaded to ever do to anyone he promised to protect, he hurt Casey. Worse he did it on purpose. There was a buzz on his side he ignored it at first, might just be Don.
Letting hie head tip back to rest against the brick ledge as he looked up to the sky, felt like the smog was only thicker these days the stars seemed to have lost their shine and sheen. That was just how everything felt to Raph. The appeal to anything he liked was just gone, he didn't hate it, just didn't bring him the joy he once felt before. Maybe because after a rough night when he slumped down to rest Casey's shoulder, was there for him to rest his tried head on. Their warmth his to soak in as they would throw their arm around him and tug for him to come closer. And they would look uo together. The sky always seemed brighter back then.
Going out to bust skulls together was always more fun than being out all alone like this even. Setting up the hits together, how Casey fought similar to himself, no mercy. The drive and thrill of the chase. Having Casey right beside him, knowing they had his back. Never had to worry about someone trying to hit him over the head. If they did get the better of him or overwhelmed him. There was Casey.
Raphael's partner in so many ways.
Heavey sign left his beak. Funny enough between the fighting, the intimacy, even what he missed? Was talking to Casey. Sure it be easy to tease and say the guy likely didn't have much to offer to talk about, but that's not true. Raph would hang on every word he wondered if Casey noticed that.
Trying to drag himself out of his thoughts as he finally pulled his phone free from his belt. He had to cruse the way his heart rate speed the second he read the name. 'Bonehead' accompanied by a picture of Casey, that Raph sneakily snapped one morning. He really should change that was the following thought. Seemed wrong to still use that photo for Casey...he didn't get to see that side of them anymore after all.
"Why ya textin' me anyway?" Trying to change the subject for himself as he opened their messages. Trying to ignore when the last text between them was sent
[TEXT] I l  ove yoy Raph, I'll añways fuckinf love you
There was a warmth sweeling in him, his heart seemed to all but come to sudden stop. The city noises fell on to deaf ears. Raph was stunned, by what he was reading was that it was hard to decipher Casey's text even with the odd way it had been typed out. He let his eye scan over it a few more times in the off chance he was wrong. He's not sure what he's feeling there's a lot going through him at the words. Four words that meant everything to him even since Casey started to say them. Enough to make Raph freeze every time they were said.
"You..." He grits his teeth grip tighten on his phone as he drops it not able to fave it right now. "How can you still..."
I love you still too
"We don' make sense!"
I need ta see you right now
"We can' be together!"
I want nothin' more than to be with you
"I did' the one thing I said I never do!" He couldn't argue that. He left. He hurt Casey, he told them he was done he knew deep down Casey was soft he worked to see past thier walls. He wanted to be trusted with that part of Casey. No matter what he wanted it so badly. Then...then he did excatly what Casey was protecting himself for.
"GOD DAMN IT!" He roared slightly the pain in his heart just seemed to weight it down more. "You could be with someone else! Some else to drive off with, someone else ta kiss someone else arms to fall asleep in..." but Raph couldn't stand the image in his mind of any of that happening.
Turning to face towards thier neighborhood. "You can do all of that but...please don' do the things we did. Late night bike rides. Goin' all the places that were jus' ours.... I am selfish." Rubbing his face with his hand now as he sighed out heavily once more. "I don' have any right ta say that crap. Casey should be allowed to move on he should move on even! I can- I mean I don-" He knew he could say that because it wasn't ture in the slightest. That he didn't love them? Raph was a lot of things and one was still in love with Casey Jones. Phone lifted back up to read over the screen. It was clearly messed up. Maybe they didn't mean it, clearly drunk meant for someone else even.
That turly made his heart feel like it was sinking down into his shell now. "He should be with someone who can give 'em all they want. House, kids...not a busted up broken..me." not matter how much he wanted to be with Casey right now. Hear that dumb laugh, feel thier arms slung around him and knuckles digging into his skull. Never did understand why that was whar Casey did but he missed it a lot.
"Ya gotta find someone else...someone good for ya Case. Who'll give ya all ya want." Lookink back to the phone himself, a moment of weakness as he started to type only to stop. When the sound of sierns hit his ears. Making him stand up altered to where it seemed to be coming from. Looking down to where he saw thw flash of red and blue heading he could get there faster if he cross over the rooftops.
Raphael looked back to his phone, eyeing the text he nearly sent himself. He didn't delete it he just closed it out and shoved it back away, and he set his helmet over his head once again. "Casey....don' wast ya time on me."
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ducknotinarow · 2 years
For your Raphs + Don muses; have you ever considered adopting/having kids with your partners? Why or why not? What about marriage? Is that something you would want with them?
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"Oh yeah sure I love kids I was a kid! And not to brag I did look after my brothers a lot so I got the experience." There is a pause a moment though "but at the same time I ain't like wantin' thems just yet later sure just not now." Furute casey in the background
"Marriage though yeah I like the idea thing "bout that though is my partner gotta understand my family is always important to me and I gotta be able to be there when they need me. I don't think they ever won't. I don't like my brothers thinkin" they shouldn't bother me or they ain't worth my time. So once I know we're good there and I dunno normally you move out right? I might but at the same time my bros are my team so it's not like I can just leave eithers ya see? My heart will always be to family but its big and you'll always be part of that too."
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"I mean Casey and I sort already have a kid. Since he for some reason thought he had ta get me a gift and a turtle was his choice? Maybe cause I told him about Spike becoming Slash and how I missed having Spike I never really asked. Cause well soon as I saw Younge Savage? He was just too cute and I aint letting anyone harm our kid." Now his fave slowly grows red at the next part. "Okay look it’s not like I sit around just obsessing over his deep brown eyes, It’s not like I lie awake well were pressing, or feeling like there are tingly butterflies in my stomach.” Sure sounded that way Raphs face just getting warm by the second as he went on.”..it’s its not like i’ve drawn up plans for a wedding or nothin’ just... shut up!”
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Blushing hard, he pretty sure Turtles shouldn’t be running this hot it had to be bad for his health he refuses to answer but the idea of marrying Casey or having a kid even? and somehow his face was getting into a dark shade of red now. “i’m outta’ here.” Donnie!!
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“Kids? eh no I can’t say I want one, nothing against kids they are eh fine I guess if you want on buuut no. Besides I already have a son my beautifully constructed Shelldon! Ya know when they are not being a bit of pain in my ass. I point out in full annoyance.” he sighs and thinks over the second bit. “Only if they are special enough to me and well my little micro chip is but I don’t think I’m ready yet to move to that step. Just yet.”
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ducknotinarow · 2 years
[2k12 Rasey] ❛ i jus’ wanted t’ make sure yer okay.❜
| Muse Interaction
The first time Casey reached for Raph's mask, he just turned around to kept the knot out of their reach. When they tried again he turned and twisted out of the way. Even if he was playing it off with a laugh it was a bit odd that Raphael pulled away before Casey could grab at the tails of his mask. At least it should be odd, he never took issue with them doing it before. Setting a hand to Casey's shoulder to push them back slightly leaning back and ducking out his reach. Casey had the advantage with those long arms of his. So it took a lot of effort to keep out from his reach. Free hand grabbed at a pillow before he swung it over to slam into his boyfriend. Trying to keep to the playful act as he looked to Casey.
"Quit it I know I'm handsome unda' the mask an' all. But I ain't plannin' on sticking around long tonight. Be easier to keep it on so I don't gotta go looking for it in the dark."
Raphael excuses before falling back on to Casey's bed, arms folded behind his head, ignoring any of Casey's protest or complaints. Letting his eyes close as he went and turned them out a bit.
"Jus' go ta sleep dontcha got stuff ta do tomorrow?" he brushes off with to try and get them off the topic of getting his mask off. Despite what he said, though, he found the lure of sleep easy here, blaming it on Casey. Of course, they always found comfort in them. No struggle for rest. It was hard to resist.
Listening to Casey talking, feeling them beside him, Raph found himself turning his head to look at them as they were talking. A soft smile on his beak as he found himself moving in closer towards Casey. Tucking in against them to soak in their warmth. Raphael found himself yawning, telling Casey something about how he wasn't going to fall asleep he was just simply resting clearly. Even as his eyes were growing heavy, taking in his boyfriend's scent, arms moved to hold around Casey's frame so he could get in closer. Another yawn was followed by another protest about how he wasn't going to be falling asleep. Of course, he was. He was tried, and Casey was just so comfortable. Face nuzzle in against them, and that was the last thing he remembered. Being I'm Casey's hold, the tail end of their voice lingering in his ear, the feeling of their hoodie against his face, the beat of Casey's heart. It was soft.
Once feeling so light and clam as he felt his body succumb to sleep. Soaking in Casey's warmth, how their arm arm laid over him, how the ends of his hair slightly brushed against him as they got in closer. just them over all. He wished that feeling stayed when soon he found himself lost in the dark. A voice echoed in his head, giving him orders he tried to resist but couldn't feel his body move as if being pulled by strings. Eyes forced open as he rolled away to his shell. Everything in him was screaming. That fight or flight feeling he knew so well was crushing him against the mattress. As if someone was pressing a foot to his plastron, the more vulnerable side of his shell.
Raph had moved out of the bed, panicked, and breathed hard. He was tugging his mask down so he could feel over the space between his eyes a moment. He could still feel it. Feel how that thing went into his head. How all he heard was their voice. How he knew what he was doing but couldn't stop. If shredder told him to kill, he would..he almost did to. Almost took his own brothers life even. That's the worst part he could see that so clearly standing over Leo, a lifeless Leo. Just like his nightmares. Sometimes, it wasn't inly Leo. He dropped to his knees and started the shake as his body shivered violently. He felt colder. His breath was growing, and his rapid eyes searching the room now till landing on a trash bin he managed to get himself to move to it.
Get it out, get it out, and get it out!
Raph's mind may as well be screaming as he forced his body to start dry heaving hunched over the bin. He needed that damn worm out! Slow to move away from the bin, certain nothing was left he felt his shell hit the wall beside him. Only now recalling where he was. He was at Casey's. Fuck. Near slamming the heels of his hands against his eyes as he pulled his knees up and tried to get his breath under control again. Shaking again as he tossed his head back, letting it knock back against the wall softly.
The fuck was wrong with him.
That's when Raph pulled out his phone. When Leo finally answers Raph voice was quite he doesn't want to wake Casey. Leo's didn't sound groggy when they answered, a glance to the window Raph could see it was still somewhat dark out but the sky was getting lighter.
"Leo?" Of course, he answered stupid. "Uh yeah, it's me, sorry, just..Don and Mieky? Splinter? They're fine, right?" He paused to listen to Leo talk, settling when he was told there were.
"Yeah, just dozed off at Casey's, that's all.." keeping his voice low as he could so not wake them either. Raph felt over his face moment. Leo was ready to go off about curfew and whatever else. "Le?" he says softly into his t-shell. "Could ya meet me turnstyles?" There was a pause on Leo's end now, but when Raph speaks again, there was relief "Thanks I'll head out now." Moving from his place on the floor, as he hung up tje call lifting his mask back in place over his eyes.
I was just about to make his way out and head home without a word. He paused to look to the bed. Eyes landing on Casey in the dark. He bite at his bottom bill, questioning if he should just text them he left to go home. But soo je found his feet, taking him back to the bed. Moving to the side, he set his hand on to Casey's shoulder to shake them a bit, assuming they had been asleep the whole time.
"hey bonehead." He offers a slight smile that was likely hard to see in the dark "I'm headin' out alright?" That was where Raph wanted to leave it as he moved to get up only stopped by Casey's expression in the room. "sorry but I already got Leo covering for me I don' need Splinter on my ass for being out so close to mornin. Again." He tries to brush off "ya know, mutant turtles are bit easier to notice when the sun is out."
i jus’ wanted t’ make sure yer okay.❜
Casey was one of few people who could read Raph and the only one who seemed to understand his actions best. It shouldn't be a surprise they could tell something was up. Something seen as both a blessing and a cruse at times.
"who me? yeah i'm-" Raph cut himself off, lying to Casey, who was not something he liked to do, but at the same time, he just?
So instead, Raph leaned forward a bit, dropping his forhead to rest on their shoulder. It wasn't the answer Casey was going to want, but it was at least a way to explain it. He let him.self stay like that a bot longer before speaking, sharp breath drawn in.
"No, but i'm handlin, it so i will be." Pulling back soon after, he was sure Casey wasn't going to like that answer after all. He wasn't okay, but he wasn't saying why, lifting up a bit so he could give them a light head bump
"Aye gotta go, it's still dark enough I won't have ta worry 'bout being seen. I'll text you later, okay?" In other words,'I ain't talkin' about it'. And ysing his uqinue circumstances as the excuse to get out of it right now. Which might be worse considering all they have been able to say to each other before.
Raph pulled away and made his way for the window, not wasting much time to leave fast as he could. If Casey tried to protest or offer to talk still he wasn't listening. He did miss how it felt to lie in the bed with them but he needed to go Leo was likely there by now as he paid a quick glance back towards Casey's place. Nah it wasn't anything to worry them about, like everything Raph would just get over this too. Wave offered and a cheesy moment to kiss against his fingers and aim them towards Casey before he he made his way to the nearest rooftop to get going. If he acted like he was fine then surly it be fine. That lie might be more himself than Casey though.
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ducknotinarow · 2 years
Casey: I want to sleep with you
Raph: But I'm not sleepy?
Casey: No you don't understand
Raph: I am sleepy?
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