#[ i was gonna have them go under the mistletoe and thats where the title came from
rkxeve · 7 years
under the mistletoe **
@rkjinwook || christmas day
it’s very late by the time they’ve finished eating dinner, socializing, and opening all the presents under the tree in the living room. jinri finally sits on the couch next to jinwook, a small glass of white wine in one hand while the other holds his in the small space just between their legs. she sips at her drink, feeling the sweet kick as she swallows and turning to look at her boyfriend. 
it isn’t their first christmas together, but it’s the first they’ve spent at her family’s place. he hadn’t met them by christmastime last year, as they had only been dating for almost five months when the holiday finally rolled around. it’s also been a very long few days -- a long few weeks, really, as their evaluation took place over the last couple of days, meaning that they didn’t have quite as long as usual to prepare for it. with several performances for everyone to learn, things have been hectic all month -- it feels like this moment is the first time in a long time that they’ve been able to slow down and just be together. 
jinri leans forward and sets her glass down on the coffee table before settling back into position, pulling her legs up onto the open couch beside her as she rests her head on jinwook’s shoulder. she pays attention to their hands, moving her fingers experimentally and watching his respond, hearing his breaths, steady and rhythmic, next to her head as she slips her eyes closed and sighs again, squeezing his hand again. “i love christmas,” she says into the silence between them. 
as the pause continues, she smiles to herself at the thoughts running through her head, of potential future christmases. of more specially-themed performances like the ones yesterday, of finally being old and successful enough as an idol to be public about her relationship and able to settle down at least a little bit. bringing herself out of her daydreams, she sighs contentedly again, shifting so that she’s more comfortable on jinwook’s shoulder. “i love christmas,” she repeats, “but i have to admit that i’m pretty jazzed that it’s finally over.”
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legion1993 · 6 years
Christmas Truth Or Dare
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A/N: this is #2 of 3 stories for @kittenofdoomage for her christmas challenge!! i look for ward to your thoughts on all 3 of these stories... yes i know they are early but its gonna be beneficial in the end for both of us...
prompt: mistletoe
title: Christmas Truth Or Dare
pairing: Dean x Reader
square filled: dirty talk
rating: 18+
tags: dirty talk, kissing, slight groping
word count: 
created for @spnkinkbingo
kink masterlist    masterlist
truth or dare is a favor'd party game, we all dont know whose actually telling the truth or doing the really sometimes interesting dare.
one night in particular you and your best friend were playing truth or dare with the friends and family and other hunters but unknown to you guys a higher power was at work that very night!
~now with that pesky intro out of the way here is the actual story~
this is the night the night of how you ended up with the most gorgeous man in the entire world... this was also the night of the party your best friend threw as an idea of her playing matchmaker.
Jo: “come on girl, this is not one of my attempts to hook you up with a guy... plus its supposed to also be a christmas party, hunters from everywhere will be coming and it will be loads of fun. Please Y/N, it will be fun!"
You sighed listening to her plea at you trying to get you to come to the party tonight instead of staying upstairs and researching cases.
Y/N: "fine ill go on one condition there is mistletoe and therr is a game of truth or dare..."
Jo: "deal now lets get ready they will be here soon..."
you and Jo got ready for what would soon be the most magical night of your life...
soon enough you girls had the roadhouse decorated and dantys laid out and beers cold and ready to be served...
Jo: "we are missing something else."
you go up to the stereo and you plug in your phone to the aux cable and you turn on some christmad tunes..
Jo: "girl im glad you came..."
Y/N: "how bout some shots?"
Jo knew what you meant and she shoke her head...
jo: "i know what your thinking girl but last time we did tequila shots you and i both ended up sleeping down here naked... my mom nearly killed us..."
Y/N: "well if im not mistaken your moms out hunting with John winchester... dealing with a nest of vamps and a pack of werewolves they arent attending this shindig..."
Jo grumbled and you laughed knowing you have won you dragged her to the bar and made damn certain that she was sitting down before you started pouring the shots....
Jo: "i hate you for this..."
Y/N: "i know... on 3..."
thats when the door opened... 2 distinguishingly handsome men walked in... making both you and Jo turn your heads...
Dean: "look sammy their doing shots..."
Y/N: "tequila shots.. you down?"
Dean: "absolutely... Jo whose your cute friend...."
Jo looked at dean with a glower and you knew that look you knew what wheels were turning in her head...
Jo: "this is Y/N... Y/N meet the sons of John Winchester... Sam and Dean..."
Y/N: "do these boys do shots with tequila?"
Dean: "of course we do..."
they set their stuff in the corner and made their way over to the counter where you lined up the shot cups and poured them all...
y/n: "3. . 2... 1.. go"
that was it you took your shot as fast as a bunny... exhaling a breath you met the most gorgeous green eyes ever seen...
Dean: "so where is everyone else?"
Jo: "relax dude the party time is just arriving.."
Sam: "look outside guys..."
it took all of 3 seconds before you Jo and Dean were at the window looking outside as it dawned on all of you that you were now stranded inside the roadhouse and the party was now a party of 4..
Dean: "Sammy come with me lets go get the rest of our stuff from baby before she is buried..."
Sam and Dean went outside and grbabed 2 more bags locking the car they came back inside...
Jo: "got a text from mom her and John are stranded inside their hotel as well it seemed this storm hit suddenly and in a wide spread..."
Y/N: "so its just the 4 of us.. what do we say to some shots and some truth or dare?”
Dean looks at Sam who looks at Jo who nods... Dean thn removes his coat and gets comfy right on the center of the room with a blanket and a bottle of whiskey...
Y/N: “i guess its settled. how bout we all do something spectacular... and get into the comfiest clothes we own so we can just wait out the storm in comfort...”
Dean: “im down and im sure Y/N is too i am not too sure about Jo though who looks like she wants to hit me over the head with a very large brick...”
Jo sighed and began to profusely drag you upstairs to your shared room. it was a trying time indeed.
Jo: “alright girl what was that downstairs...”
You were shocked you didnt even know how to answer her but you had to otherwise she would make this night hell for you...
Y/N: "a little harmless flirtation never hurt anyone..."
Jo: "that was a lot of flirtation and it didnt look harmless... you like him dont you?"
Y/N: "maybe a little but why would someone like him want to go out with someone like me?"
jo: "dean may be a lot of things but a fool he is not... trust me girl he loves u..."
you knew she was right, but it would be a matter of time before the truth came out... you and jo git into your pjs & made your way back downstairs, watching Sam & dean make a fort for u guys to relax in.
dean: "so we have decided that a fort/tent thing might be fun... also y/n will you sit with me?"
jo gives toy a fleeting smile she knew she was right about how Dean felt bout you. you went and sat beside Dean, he removed his gun tucking it in his nearby coat.
Dean: "alright whose starting for truth or dare?"
Jo raises her hand.
Jo: "Y/N, truth or dare?"
Y/N: "dare..."
Jo: "i dare you to without using a chair find somewhere ti hang the mistletoe and then stay there!"
you had chosen to wear your short shorts and a tank top so sexy wasnt an issue! you went and took a look around, and found a nice spot over the stairs... but you were out of ear shot for what they were gonna say...
Sam: "dean truth or dare?"
Dean: " dare im not a chicken..."
sam: "ok i dare you to go to Y/N and profess your feelings..."
Dean: "dudes no way do you guys realize how that would go if she doesnt..."
jo: "like you back believe me she does and its noticable now do it winchester or ill beat you in sparring..."
dean got up and walked over to you... you watched as he now stood in front of you and knelt down on 1 knee...
dean: "my fair Y/N, thine beauty is unto my own heart, as have the snow that blocketh us in'th i am now to profess my love to thee as a symbol of my undying adoration for you.."
the man kneeling on the floor in front of you had just quoted shakespere in a way to profess his love to you...
Dean got off his knee and stepped a little closer to match you in height, but this also put you both right under the mistletoe... with a passionate kiss and some more shots the relationship began with a spark that christmas eve night.
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