#[ i got unshadowbanned and immediately had to make this ]
sanguinelupus · 10 months
There isn't much that brings shock to Klaus anymore. He has lived far too many lifetimes to be surprised by anything or anyone. The curse of eternity is the absence of wonder; he now knows why the people he was born into worshipped the gods they did, why each story had a purpose, why the seasons change. None of it is mystical or spiritual at all -- even though at one point in his life, he truly believed it so.
Klaus no longer expects good from people, either. People are deceiving, and only serve their own purposes. He is one of those people. Which is why Klaus is not shocked in the slightest to find Elena alive and well after he has spent months attempting to find werewolves to turn into hybrids, only for them to die shortly after. Her living through the ritual was never supposed to happen, and now Klaus's entire plan is ruined. His goal for the last thousand years has been rendered utterly useless by this band of teenage sycophants and their baby vampire protectors.
It angers him, but it does not shock him.
There is one aspect of the current situation that has managed to surprise him, though. There is something different about Elena's presence that he cannot place. Klaus managed to know exactly where she was in town the moment he arrived, and not because of an educated guess. He knew precisely where she was, and could feel her presence the moment he stepped foot in the same building. It's how he managed to take her by surprise so easily, as ironic as it is.
Even now, as he waits for answers from the witch, Klaus can sense every move Elena makes before she makes it. His eyes follow her, study her, even as she is unaware of him doing so because she is so focused on Stefan. There is something different here, but Klaus is not going to focus on it when there are other more pressing matters at hand.
It's only after the situation is resolved that he finally allows his mind to drift back to the shift he'd felt. Stefan is fixed, Tyler is a hybrid, and Elena is safely tucked into a hospital bed as her blood is drawn for him. The smell of it is far more potent to him than it had been when he'd drank from her that night, and he only has a moment to ponder on it before he senses her waking from her sleep. He senses it well before it actually happens, which has him tilting his head at her as she wakes.
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"Careful, love," he says, questioned look still on his face as he stands over her. "You're now precious cargo. But what do you say we have a little chat, hm? I've some questions for you, if you don't mind."
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gettinshiggywithit · 2 years
!Izuku with an angry s/o!
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Scenario: reader is upset(because they got SHADOWBANNED)and izuku is there for them
This is completely inspired by @izukuisbaby !
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He like walks through your door and immediately knows something is off
Like the vibe is just ✨not it✨
So he takes his shoes off at the door and walks in to find you sitting at your table absolutely SEETHING
He thinks to himself ‘shittttt’ because well you really arent a very confrontational or easily aggravated person so he knows it had to have been scary badd
He slowly walks up behind you and you turn and face him,frustration and,like i said,anger just plastered across your face
He takes a smol step back because ‘HOLY SHIT DID Y/N JUST GIVE ME A DEATH STARE?????😱’
But then your expression softens and he exhales.
“Hey y/n,are you okay??”
“Yh ‘Zu, just a little frustrated is all...”
He pulls up the extra chair from the back of your room,sits in front of you. And looks at you with the single softest,calmest Most sincere look youve ever been given in your entire life.
“Y/n,im serious,whats bothering you?”
“Its nothing,its probably stupid it-”
He places both his hands on your shoulders and says, “NO.nope!if it’s bothering you its not even CLose to being stupid!”
“I love you y/n and if anything ever bothers you please,talk to me.i promise we’ll be able to work it out!”
“Thanks izu,i love you too :’)”
He gets up and holds his hand out for you to take.
“Come on,lets go watch!(insert name of ur favourite movie)”
The two of you,walk hand in hand into the common room and collapse onto the couch in front of the TV .
Izuku pulls up the movie and presses play and everyone leaves the common room
You two have watched this movie TOO MANY GODDAM TIMES.
Some of em find it endearing
Some of em,not so much..
But Izuku doesnt care,HE just wants the love of his little broccoli boi life to be happy!!
And as the movie plays he holds you gently yet firmly in his arms.(ooh and if ya’ll are eating popcorn he feeds you a few every so often!)(also alsoo shoto almost always,makes sure you have popcorn during your little movie nights because he knows how important popcorn is in the viewing of cinematic {and non-cinematic} media!!!)
After the movie you both go to your room and cuddle to sleep.
You’d best believe that he’ll be asking all might to talk to the tumblr people about this!!! [LIKE HOW DARE THEY HAVE THE AUDACITY TO SHADOW BAN HIS S/O?????😤😤]
Suffice to say that your account was unshadowbanned by the next morning and you had some perfect waffles waiting for you at breakfast! 🥳🥳
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Please dont repost my work here as your own on any platform.all rights belong to me except that of the mha characters used,their right belong to their respective owners.but this story? mine.
feedback,likes,reblogs and comments are so very appreciated tbh :’)i hope you enjoyed and ill catch ya next time!
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littlesliceofmarvel · 4 years
manipulating a god | chpt.six
Synopsis: Trying to break the information out of Loki during the attack of 2012 wasn’t exactly the easiest task, but it was a challenge you were willing to take head on. So, what happened when a master manipulator tried to get information from the God of Mischief?
Series warnings: Swearing, mentions of violence, blood, and gore
Pairings: Stark!Reader x Loki
A/N: I AM FINALLY UNSHADOWBANNED!!!!!! OH MY GOODNESSS. I have been shadowbanned since MARCH.MARRRCCHHH. it’s a good day. (also yes i reuploaded this now that i am no longer invisible.) MY INBOX IS OPEN ONCE MORE AS WELL. (gif not mine)
series masterlist
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Loki’s piercing gaze never left yours as you tried to think of the proper questions to ask him that wouldn’t obviously show how much you knew about him. Loki wasn’t dumb, he knows damn well why you’re doing this, but if you played my cards right you could throw him off enough to glimpse through and get some information. After all, that’s all you really wanted from him. The topic of the Infinity Stones has to be brought up by him.
You could ask about his childhood, or about his favourite food, or even about which character from Harry Potter he liked best. (We all know it’s Draco because Loki’s a Slytherin.)
“Alright,” you crossed your arms and met his stare, trying to match his intensity, “Favourite colour?”
Loki scoffed, “Awfully basic question to start off with. Green.”
“Hard to tell,” you mumbled, eyeing every bit of green clothing on his body, “Your turn.”
He thought deeply, eyes wandering around the room as if the perfect question was hidden around here somewhere. You had become slightly nervous, Loki seemed like the kind of person to intentionally rip you apart from the inside out, so his questions were bound to hold weight. And after you put him in his place and stormed off last time, no doubt he held a bit of hostility towards you.
“I’ve got it,” he spoke up after a few long moments of silence, “What’s your biggest psychological fear?”
You felt your face drop, thinking about all the irrational fears in your mind. You knew the answer to this immediately — it was something you worried about dealing with on a daily basis. There was no harm in answering the truth, so you answered him honestly.
“Having to watch someone I care about die and not being able to do anything about it.”
Loki smirked, nodding in approval of your answer despite the change of tone in your voice, “Fair.”
You thought back to the countless occasions where you’d been forced to watch Tony suffer and bleed out without being able to help. It crushed your heart into tiny pieces, but in the long run, it was what made you so determined to be a part of the Avengers. With this job, you were able to help as many people as possible. It was going to change your life, you were nearly certain of this.
“My turn,” you spoke up, “What’s the best childhood memory you have?”
Loki’s smirk faltered and his playful expression shifted, “Good childhood memory? I’m afraid that doesn’t exist.”
You eaned forward in you chair with furrowed eyebrows, “I call your bluff. Everyone’s gotta have a good memory from their childhood, no matter how messed up it was. Didn’t you ever go to like, Asgard Disneyland or something?” You knew you were striking a nerve with the way his upper lip twitched, his gaze suddenly growing distant.
“My childhood is really none of your concern. And it wasn’t enjoyable in the slightest, so drop it.” If it wasn’t for the deadly look he was shooting your way, you would have pressed the subject more.
You nodded your head slowly and raised your hands in surrender, deciding to take the high road and be gentle, “Alright, my bad. I’ll ask a different question. What’s something that’s on your bucket list that you haven’t done yet?”
"That... wasn’t a question I was expecting. I’m over a thousand years old, I’ve done a lot,” he looked down to his hands, “But... world domination, obviously.”
You rolled your eyes, “That doesn’t count. Something meaningful, Loki.”
He seemed deep in thought, looking back and forth between his left and right hand as if the answers were scribbled deep into his skin. He squinted slightly before looking back at you, a sudden amused glint in his eyes.
“I’d like to see the universe, I guess,” he shrugged, eyes leaving yours and peering around the room, “I at least have the chance to see more than you do.”
“Of course,” you rolled your eyes, “We’re not all godly galactic beings, y’know.”
As he opened his mouth to speak, a loud crash came from outside the door to the room. You stood up, already on high alert, completely forgetting that you were in a room with the bad guy. You raised your finger to your lips, shushing Loki. Why you did it, you have no idea. But you figured if you were going to crack him, might as well show him you’re trying to protect him too.
With ragged breathing, you stood behind the wall, hand on the gun you had hidden in your waistband. Touching the gun still felt foreign to you, but you brushed the uneasiness aside and tried to contact someone.
“Fury, what was that?” you pressed the communications button on the screen in front of you, “Everything alright?”
As if on cue, the door whisked open and Tony stood tall, hands behind his back and a scowl on his face. He looked from Loki to you, his intense gaze softening a tad.
“What the hell was that?” you breathed a sigh of relief, glad that there was no enemy barging in. The last thing you wanted to deal with was a fight. You had had enough of those for a lifetime.
“I dropped my coffee,” Tony turned around and pointed at the ground, where indeed, a broken mug was scattered, the dark coffee beginning to spread across the floor.
“You — what? The crash was so loud!” you put your gun back in your waistband, baffled, “Why are you being so ominous? What’s wrong?” Something about the spilled coffee and the way he was standing seemed odd, even you couldn’t figure out what he was getting at.
“I need to talk to you,” he placed his hand on your shoulder and began leading you out of the room, “Privately.”
“It was a lovely chat, Y/N,” Loki’s voice called to you as you exited the room, “Until next time.”
You turned back to look at him, catching his eyes as the door slammed shut. Tony placed his hand on your shoulder and pushed you up against the wall, leaning in close so no one could hear.
“Fury’s gonna use the sceptre to make weapons,” he said quietly, pulling away to gauge your reaction. You stared blankly at him, thinking over what he could mean.
“Like, our Fury? Using the Tesseract?” you asked, “No way. He’s not that advanced.”
Tony hushed you once a group of Shield agents rounded the corner, but as they moved out of sight, he moved you futher along the corridor, “I hacked into their files.”
“You what?”
Slightly outraged, you raised your voice, only to be silenced by the clamping of Tony’s hand over your mouth, “Shut up. It’s not that big of a deal. I hack into loads of stuff.”
You gaped at him, eyes blinking rapidly as you took in his words, “That doesn’t make it okay. But, why would Fury use the Tesseract? Doesn’t it practically have a mind of its own?”
Tony nodded apprehensively, “We think so. Which is why I think we need to confront him.”
You waved your hands rapidly, “Oh, hell no. I am not getting involved in this.”
Fury was someone you had admired — and feared, of course — but he was always someone you knew not to mess with. He had his secrets, he had his lies, and he knew how to mess with someone’s mind more than anyone you had ever met up until this mission. You were sure that if he had decided to use the Tesseract, he probably would have told you guys. And if he didn’t, there was a reasonable reason.
“Too late, you got involved when you guilt tripped me into joining the mission,” Tony shrugged, giving you a sarcastic grin, “So, come along now.”
Before you could turn away, he gripped your shoulder and brought you along with him. He manuevered you through the endless corridors, trying to act as inconspicuous as possible. You had never been to his and Banner’s lab, but you figured that was probably where he was taking you.
And you stood corrected.
Standing awkwardly in the center of the lab, surrounded by heavy machinery and flickering computers, Bruce Banner sent you a small wave.
“Y/N,” he greeted, “I guess Tony explained everything to you, huh?”
You nodded, massaging your shoulder gently now that Tony’s aggressive grip was gone, “Yeah, and I gotta say, still sounds like a far fetched theory, guys.”
Bruce sighed, “I thought so too. But look here.”
He pointed to a computer screen on his right, so you slowly approached, eyes widening as you took in what was on the screen. It was a blueprint for a weapon, a massive gun that had the power to take down whatever was in its path. And right at the centre, glowing bright blue, was unmistakably the Tesseract.
“No fucking way,” you couldn’t take your eyes off the screen. So it was true. Fury was going to use the intergalactic power of an other-worldly object to power his own Shield weapons.
“Told ya,” Tony smirked, leaning against the counter behind him and taking a pack of dried fruits out of his back pocket, “Now do you agree we need to talk to him?”
“Fine,” you gave in, lifting your hand to rub between your brow. All of the information was beginning to give you a headache.
You snatched the dried fruit bag from Tony and grabbed a handful, your stomach suddenly feeling quite empty. You hadn’t expected Fury to keep such a dangerous secret from you all — after all, it seemed like you were all on the same page. Get rid of the Tesseract and Loki.
“Look, I’ll go find out where the Tesseract is, and we’ll confront Fury, okay?” you looked between the two, “Promise me you won’t go piss him off before we have the proper information.”
The two begrudgingly agreed, so you decided it was a good enough answer for you. Grabbing another handful of food, you turned to face them, giving them the ‘I’m watching you’ stare and leaving the room.
You continued your way back down the familiar hallways, turning left and then right, stopping once again in front of the door that was hiding Loki. He was probably the only person that knew where the Tesseract was, which only made this so much more important.
Taking a deep breath, you pressed your finger print on the scanner and entered the room again. Although, you weren’t met with the same playful Loki that you had been playing twenty questions with before. He looked enraged, pacing around the cell with his arms crossed.
His eyes snapped up to you once you entered the room, door shutting loudly behind you, “I’m back.”
“I’ve noticed,” he approached the glass, the anger still etched into his pale face, “What do you want now?”
“Oh, snappy,” you raised an eyebrow, wondering why the change in his tone, “I’ve been gone not ten minutes. Why the change in tone?”
“I thought maybe I could see you as a friend,” he spoke slowly, continuing to pace in circles around the cell, “But what is it you want?”
“Who says I want anything?” you crossed your arms, seating yourself on the same chair you were using before, “I’m only a part of this to save my brother, make a name for myself. Help people the way I know best.”
“You think you can do anything? You petty, puny human? What gift do you have?” he motioned his hands at you, “You sit here thinking you can get to me, but you can’t. You think I don’t recognize mind games when they’re aimed at me?”
Still unsure why he was being so snappy, you raised your eyebrow and tilted your head, “If I don’t have a gift, why do you assume I’m playing mind games?”
“You’re pathetic,” he continued as if he hadn’t heard you, “Coming here and speaking to me like we’re equals. Like you’re better than me. You’re not. You’re a sad excuse for a life, you’ve got what’s coming to you. Thinking you can... what? Save your brother? You can’t save him. You can’t even save yourself. You won’t be spared because you know my favorite colour.”
The atmosphere in the room had changed drastically, and if it weren’t for the violent thumping of your heart, you’d think this wasn’t real. But it was. He was real. He was speaking to you, belittling you in every way you had ever been insecure.
You stared blankly, registering his words and the bitter taste they left in your mouth. Had they been his plan? To hurt you? If it was, you didn’t want to let him win, to give in, but it was hard to act like you weren’t affected.
“You’re a monster,” you blinked, trying to brush off the sting in your eyes and the itchy feeling in your throat. If you were to be emotional in front of him, he’d win fair and square.
“No, no,” he smirked, “You guys brought the monster.”
At first, you figured he was talking about himself. How you guys had brought him here, caged him, and riled him up to the point where he would unleash his fury on all of you. But as you stared into his smirk and the mischievous glint in his eyes, you knew you were wrong.
He was talking about another monster. And what monster could he use to his advantage while being away from his alien crew?
“So,” you stood up quickly, emotions gone as the realization flooded over you, “Banner. That’s your play.”
He cocked his head to the side, a confused expression taking over his face, “What?”
You approached the glass, fed up and beyond angry, “Well, thanks for opening up. It was greatly appreciated. This was a very informative little session. I’ll see you next time!”
You rushed to the door, ignoring the way he called out your name, and left the room hastily. Your head was swimming, body feeling suddenly very numb. There was no way this was going to end well. If Loki managed to get into Banner’s head, the Hulk would cause incredible damage. Not only on the ship, but to the people aboard.
You had to go find Bruce.
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(message me or comment if you want to be added/removed. If you are in bold it is because I am unable to tag you.)
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starry-skies-116 · 2 years
hello hello! I saw you got unshadowbanned already...congratulations 💗 I hope you can help me out tho, I got shadowbanned too...I was wondering how many days were you shadowbanned? what did you do? did you get an immediate response from tumblr? I already sent like 3 tickets but I'm not receiving anything....is it normal? I contacted support yesterday.
thank you sm I hope I'm not bothering you 🥺
Thank you, and no you’re not bothering me at all! I got unshadowbanned within 3 days of sending the Tumblr Staff three tickets after being shadowbanned for about a month or two- I had to send 3 tickets to them as well! Two of them were from a different email, and eventually I just resorted to making a burnet acc. I don’t recommend spamming them with tickets, as they are a small team and try to do the best they can to fix the bugs on this site!
They'll let you know when everything is fixed via email!
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