#[ feel free to assume connections if you'd like! ]
tashamadams · 9 months
Starter: Open (5/5) CAPPED Where: Winter Market When: December 2023
Tasha, absolutely loved everything about Christmas in Merrock. As she grew up in California, she never experienced a true, winter, let alone a white and cold Christmas holiday. But since moving to town four years ago, she had loved everything about the town during this time. So as she perused the booths of the Winter Market, she spotted a booth to make gingerbread houses. Sitting down at the table, she started to make her's, "hm, this sort of looks like a gingerbread shack rather than a house huh?"
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wildxnside · 10 months
open: @aurorabaystarter
location: anywhere in town texting and walking at the same time was a recipe for disaster for anyone, but especially kiera, who wasn't very coordinated to begin with. she didn't notice the crack in the sidewalk until it was already too late, subsequently spilling out onto the pavement in front of her. she stood up quickly, dusting herself off and glancing around to make sure nobody noticed, which unfortunately they had. "hey, any chance you wanna pretend you didn't see that?" she asked awkwardly.
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kieranhqs · 8 months
for: @bhqextras, open location: café of your choice
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"hey, so, uh," daniel offered a sincere but unsure smile to the person seated at the next table, fidgeting with a button of his shirt. "i'm pretty sure i've been stood up and i bought, like, ten pastries that i'll never eat." it was very unlike him to even attempt to put himself out there like this, but his new year's resolution had been that very thing and the present was as good a time as any. "-- so, if you're down you can take whatever you like... and if you maybe want some company, my day just became painfully free." he just hoped he didn't look too desperate as he pushed the box of goodies towards the edge of the table.
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makaylahoffmann · 6 months
Who: Mack and OPEN (1/3) Where: Tails n' Trails When: March 2024
Despite the wind blowing, it was a beautiful March afternoon as Mack stood off to the side of the park, away from everyone, as she watched Nala play around with some of the other dogs. Nala, her nine-year old Golden Retriever still had some of that puppy-like energy so Mack enjoyed brining her down to Tails n' Trails to get some of it out. Plus it gave Mack a chance to get some fresh air, whether she was with just her dog, or her kids or husband too. Today it was just her and Nala, enjoying the sun filled afternoon. She went to send a quick photo of Nala over to Ethan she she felt a sort of wet snout against the leg of her jeans. Kneeling down to put the dog, she started talking to it, "why hello! and who do you belong to?" She said as she rubbed the dog's chin and looked around for the owner, hoping it was just some random dog that was looking for a friend.
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cj-emhoff · 4 days
Who: Anyone Where: Asbury Hotel (Rooftop Cinema) Cap: 4/5
"Thought they were playing Mean Girls tonight—" CJ sighed out the menthol that surely wasn't allowed within whatever foot radius, the balcony's edge distance enough. Obligated to explain himself to the nearest ear why he'd stick around being the lone single guy smoking up a storm watching The Parent Trap with all the families and their little ones running amuck, "Love me some Lilo." he said through a light laugh. "Not ten year old Lilo though—you know, just uh, gotta get that out there."
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rhysdasiorarchive · 1 year
Having only recently returned from London following a long overdue familial visit, Rhys could hardly believe that the one time in his three years of employment he'd left for home was simultaneously the one time the castle found itself dealing with the (somewhat) unexplained death of Portugal’s councilman. It was impossible not to feel a deep sense of guilt for not being present – given his position, his abilities… there would have been something he could have done at the very least, Rhys was certain of that much. Given his position as Head of Magic Consultants, he knew it was only a matter of time before his services were required in one way or another following his return. Dwelling on what-ifs wouldn’t help anybody. Focusing on the here and now was the only sufficient way forward.
The only thing to tear the witch from his thoughts was the sound of a voice from the doorway. Lifting his head from his hands and leaning back in his seat behind his desk, Rhys tried for a warm smile, pushing the barrage of questions to the back of his mind and shielding his thoughts to ensure nothing could be garnered from words unspoken. “Sorry, didn’t hear you knock. Everything okay?”
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windswhispvrs · 4 months
LOCATION: sweet release. TIME: late night. RESPONSES: ( 1/5 )
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𝐆𝐎𝐍𝐄 𝐀𝐑𝐄 𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐘𝐄𝐀𝐑𝐒 when esme is sufficiently comfortable enough to put experienced actor on the top of her resume. a field she has become all too familiar with, however, is bartending. she was always a night owl -- at times to her detriment, but in this line of work, such a curse had become her greatest superpower. this evening had been slower than usual and if there was anything esme wasn't good at, it was twiddling her thumbs like a schoolgirl. one could only clean for so long before the action began to feel robotic, inhuman. sure -- a patron had entered her vicinity every now and then, but they were far too engrossed with their other conversations to cure her boredom.
that is, until the appearance of a fresh face only a mere hundred feet away. when esme is behind the bar something in her switches, allowing a new personality to take the reigns. someone confident, someone cool. someone untouched by the brutal hands of life.
" how can i help you? " esme begins, hands pressing along the deep wood of the bartop. eyes are fixated on her customer, as if she is hanging onto every word they speak, as if their order is the most important thing in the world. " at this rate, love.. looks like you may be getting your own private bartender. "
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agrabahheir · 10 months
open to all
location: a store downtown
Jasmine sighed wistfully as she ran her fingers over the delicate champagne coloured fabric that decorated the mannequin. Back at home she'd attended many balls as a young woman and yet here in Evermore everything felt new and unexplored, like navigating this masquerade ball would be as easy as finding an honest suitor. "Are there rules to his ball?" she asked, turning her attention away from the rails of gowns. "Say you remove your mask to have a drink or fix your makeup, does someone come in and whisk you away for ruining secrecy? How daring would that be."
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hecticlife · 2 months
"don't worry about me, i was mia for a couple of weeks because i was focusing on my music. everything's alright," leon smiles. he knows he tends to scare people when he disappears without telling anyone where he's going, what he's doing, or when he's gonna come back. he really needs to work on that. "but that's about it. tell me, what's been going on with you?"
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fillyoursoulxx · 1 year
closed starter for @persephonyed​
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“Can we talk?” Arms wrapped around herself as she stood in the doorway. “It’ll only take a sec. Promise,”
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prctclmagic · 2 years
status: open location: outside of enchanted falls general hospital tw: a small injury that drew blood, & stitches
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three hours in the emergency room, four stitches, and a nurse practitioner who seemed to have been wearing all of the perfume in enchanted falls at once, and moonie somehow still managed to smell like the bakery exploded on her. and yet, all she could think about was getting back to work to set the morning buns out for room temperature proofing. the mere thought of kneading dough, however, caused the bread-knife-wound in her hand to throb with agonizing anticipation; and so she stopped to get an extra strength ibuprofen out of her purse. after some labored twisting, fumbling and light biting on the pill bottle, it finally opened--- and promptly sent the ibuprofen raining all over both the concrete walkway and a near passerby. "oh, i am so sorry," moon lamented, brows knit together in contrition before she dropped to her knees, injured hand pulled to her chest, while her free hand gathered the little white ovals up from the street. "i promise i'm not always such a damn klutz. i didn't get you in the eye or anything, did i?"
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sangrcfria · 1 year
location : somewhere in forks
featuring : anyone !
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It's the media's job to keep the people informed, so when their boss asked for Kennedy's next piece to be about the storm they agreed, although begrudgingly. It felt like a fluff piece and the weather wasn't exactly something that fell in their usual interest. Even if people were saying it was a once in a lifetime phenomenon. It was still something that could easily be explained as simple science and they were content with leaving that up to the professionals in that area. What was really intriguing them  was the sudden onslaught of new faces around town. Forks wasn’t exactly a hot spot for tourist, so why are all these figures suddenly popping up? There were far too many to write them off as family and far too disinterested in the small town’s charm and it's people to be some sort of getaway. Maybe Kennedy was overthinking their sudden arrival, but in the off chance that there is a story there, the journalist was dead set on finding it, starting off the best way theory knew how — by gathering intel.  Both from locals and visitors.
“Hi there.” they greet with a quick smile, before immediately going through their interviewing routine. “Kennedy Stuart with Forks Daily. Do you mind if I ask you a couple of questions? It’s for the newspaper.”
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edithteller · 2 years
status: open! @hidehillstart  location: upt!
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“That can’t possibly be legal.”
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sayars · 2 years
[   OPEN  STARTER   ]    ↻    @nostrumstart​
LOCATION:    the  breakfast    club
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          “  so  i  heard  ,  ”  lara  starts  ,  reaching  for  her  glass  of  iced  coffee  .  “  there’s  an  oceanarium  somewhere  on  this  ship  .  ”  sips  their  coffee  .  “  have  you  gone  to  check  it  out  yet  ?  ”
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inbetwecns · 2 years
open starter ; @nothillstarters character ; maria elena gonzalez ( she/her ) location ; anywhere with a sidewalk
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If asked what did she truly loved doing with her time, she would reply music. It had encompassed her life since she was a young girl living in Guadalajara. Maria Elena remembered her mother singing soft lullabies for her when she was just a baby and how the music had been all but stolen from her when the woman had unceremoniously passed away, leaving behind a lot of heartache. In her attempts to grasp bits of her mother, and maybe to be more like her than her drunk and deadbeat father, Maria Elena had all but continued with their little tradition, still singing the same songs her mother once did to her, except now, her sometimes not so eager audience was on the sidewalks and tourist-y points of London, where she'd run off to in search of a better life, with all her siblings on her coattail. If anything, being the eldest of many made her think first and foremost about them which kept her way down on the bottom of the barrel, so to speak.
Putting her vintage Hummingbird on the case, Maria Elena sat down on the sidewalk to count the bucks that had been thrown there while she was performing. It hadn't been so bad this time around. There were a few bucks and a card with a phone number of a supposed music producer. She had fallen on those more than she cared to admit. Call it hopeful or naive, at that point, she didn't really care. Maria Elena didn't look up until a shadow blocked the lamppost from illuminating her. Glancing at the culprit, Maria cleared her throat. "Uhm━ hi," she had a small smile on her lips, "think you can scoot over a few steps? I could really use some light right now."
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frcntiering · 2 years
location: anywhere !! 
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davy looked back at the on-duty fedra officer who had just walked by and reprimanded them for quote-unquote ‘looking at him weird’. once the officer was out of earshot and far enough away, davy let out a dramatic sigh. they knew it was an unnaturally lucky day if a fedra officer let them off the hook like that, but still, they couldn’t resist saying: “damn. can’t believe i just broke a guy’s heart like that, he looked hurt and everything.” the officer had not look hurt, but anything for the scene !! they put a hand over their heart. “you know what i think it is, people can’t stand it when a pretty guy like me hurts them. you know what i’m talking about, right, heartbreaker?” davy grinned. “how many have you broken now? eight? a dozen?”
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