#[ duskofendflame ]
carefreemonk · 7 months
[ child generator meme ]
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Don't ask how their hair works - they're convinced it's got a mind of its own tbh.
Honestly doesn't want anything to do with being some fancy dragon or whatever. Doesn't really want much to do with ... whatever it is that Azama does, either. (That said, they'd be content to chill at some remote monastery and just. Help out. Live their life.)
Indifferent save when it comes to being thrust into the spotlight. They're simply not interested!
Despite their penchant for enjoying their alone time, they do seem to have an odd/not-even-trying charisma about them... They suspect this has been inherited from Corrin.
Would prob indulge siblings' antics. Well. Some of them.
Comfy clothing is a must.
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nohrslittleflower · 6 months
"Elise!" Corrin runs over to his little sister, and instantly pulls her into a giant spinning hug. He gently kisses her forehead, care and love behind his every action, before setting her back down to the ground with a smile across his face.
From who knows where, he produces a rather squishy looking (and crudely wrapped) present, opening her hands gently and placing it in them, "It's not much, but I wanted to make you something! The eyes might be a little uh... lopsided," He cringes at the thought of the poor little stuffed dragon inside of the package, one eye hanging far below the other, "But happy birthday anyway! It's the thought that counted I suppose!"
“Brother!” Elise giggles happily as he spins her around, continuing to squeeze him in a hug for a few seconds even after her feet find the ground again. She tilts her head a bit as she steps back, watching as he takes the present, her face lighting up when she realizes it’s for her.
She takes the present into her hands as carefully as she can, eagerly unwrapping it before he even has a chance to finish his explanation. 
“I wanted to make you something!”
Elise stares into the little plush dragon’s lopsided eyes as the words sink in. She would’ve loved it no matter what— stuffed animals are adorable and she loves all of them (plus it would hurt their little plushie feelings if she didn’t like them and she doesn’t want that)— but the fact that Corrin made it. For her…
“WAAAAHHHH THIS IS THE BEST PLUSHIE TO EVER EXIST IN THE HISTORY OF EVERRRRR!!” She launches herself back at her brother, hugging both him and the dragon almost painfully tightly. Not the most mature adult look, but she gave up on trying not to cry after about 5 seconds.
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higaneion · 1 year
hidden in the hillsides
The cold had only subsided for a moment before they were tossed back into the cold. The company she had was not of the talkative sort making the trip that much longer. Weiss in particular who had not so much as spoken a word when she had joined, she almost appeared out of nowhere. At the very least there was comfort that she didn't seem like her brother. She hadn't seen anyone like the two, no Ilians anyway, aside from the curious one she had chanced upon the ship. Ephidel as she recalled. Were they from that town of Ilia as well?
Lilina holds her arms tightly to her to trap any heat from whatever warmth the tavern might have provided them. She glances toward the other two from the original shipwrecked party. Though she knew Edelgard as the house leader, she had little information to go off beyond that. Corrin she had little information about at all. And as they delve deeper into Ilia's small villages and coves, Lilina herself was like a stranger to the country as well. If anything, so long as they leave with their lives, it served as an learning opportunity all around.
They arrive at the entrance framed by a structure dusted in ice and snow. Nothing seemingly out of the ordinary, yet, though Lysander's words echo in her mind. Condemned. For what, she wonders.
Spinning to face her party she starts, "This is the last chance to turn back to the tavern. Otherwise, we will press on."
Fingers lean down to grip the axe attached to her hip that she has come to rely on this trip. May the Saint herself, no, she pauses mid-thought, may her father watch over her. Even if her faith and knowledge of the Saint had wavered, she had the motivation to honor the Ostian name.
@hresvelged @duskofendflame
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gauldheri · 11 months
last roll of the dice
witch's accord round 3 starter for @duskofendflame
He approaches his final 'opponent' with his usual, cheer and confidence. The game had been a fun distraction from piles of classwork, even if he was losing pretty badly. At least by the games rules. He was sure the lovely miss Patty would be more than worth it though.
"Hey! Uh, professor? It's Sylvain, you teach some of our class swordplay, right?" What an interesting twist. He hasn't personally attended any of the man's classes, his own goals lying elsewhere but... would it not be egregiously cruel for a professor to betray their student. "Looks like we've both been on our best behaviour today. Glad to see it!"
"I hope you wouldn't betray me. It would be pretty senseless seeing as you wouldn't even gain any extra candy..." Sylvain opens his hand, three candies rolling in his palm. There really was nothing much to gain, aside from his total defeat of course. Hopefully he can appeal to the professor's better nature. "As for me, I guess I'd gain more from betraying but... it'd feel pretty bad. Especially as I can't win anyway. Don't have enough candy to start with. So all I'd really be doing is denying you your dues."
Sylvain twists his face into a frown. The kind one makes as a reaction to disgust, as if a stink bug crawled right under his nose. Perhaps it's a touch exaggerated but he really wants to be believed this time. Last round with Selena's obvious distrust of him maybe stung a little bit more than he'd like to admit.
"I'm a lot of things but I'm not that kind of guy. If you're willing to ally with me, I'll do the very same. What do you say, professor?"
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tacitanis · 7 months
"You..." Corrin spits as soon as he sees him. The death of this rat had been deserved, and he wasn't worth Corrin's sympathy. There is no light behind his ruby eyes as he glares at him.
"Who gave you the... goddamn right?!"
iago is not surprised—his reception from corrin is less than warm, certainly. what surprises him is corrin himself. there's something different about him, some curve of his mouth or other peculiarity that differentiates him, somehow, from the corrin he recognizes.
still, there is an unmistakability to corrin. iago cannot mistake him for anyone else.
"the right to do what, my lord?" he asks, putting a hand to his ear as if imploring corrin to speak up. "specifics are helpful, when making audacious inquiries."
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folternis · 1 year
"Niles! What a surprise to see you here! I knew my siblings would be here, but it's a delight to see you as well!" Corrin giggles, a smile across his lips. It was always nice to see an old friend, no matter how long it had been. (Though it had truly not been long at all.)
"I only wish you would have told me!"
The surprise on Niles’ face is notable, just for a moment, but subtle. The slight widening of his visible eye is all there is. Niles isn’t unhappy to see the prince, and so a slight smile forms on his face at the sight of him. “I didn’t think to tell most people I was leaving, so don’t take it personally, Lord Corrin.” He sounds genuinely apologetic, a point in favor of his acting skills no doubt, but the amusement on his face gives away the fact that he is only teasing.
“You’re looking surprisingly well, keeping yourself in pristine condition as usual.”
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gentlenekomata · 1 year
👻 Our muses tell ghost stories around a campfire
"How'd you like to hear a bonafide horror story from Nohr, Sakura? It's really scary! Boo!"
AUTUMN PROMPTS 🍂 | still accepting!
👻 Our muses tell ghost stories around a campfire
Corrin’s voice echoed in the night as the two of them decided to set a little campfire in the nearby of the west gate pf the monastery, where a little wood was and the perfect atmosphere for some spooky entertainment between a yummy snack based on a not so burned marshmallows. Corrin wanted to start the narration, suggesting a little horror story from Nohr, which actually was a far more eerie place than Hoshido, in Sakura’s opinion, but she actually knew some pretty interesting horror prompts from her homeland as well.
“Actually, I know a story who actually seems to be true” she stared her gaze into the one of Corrin, scanning his interest and then proceeding with the narration. “It all began with a beautiful girl, her name was Hitomi: she was the most beautiful girl in the village and many young women were very jealous of her, because it was said that she stole many husbands” she stopped for a moment, catching some breath, “Due to that, a small group of women decided to make an ambush and they accidentally killed Hitomi, since she fell down a cliff, disappearing into the sea” she continued, toasting the marshmallows, “Yet, after few days, while one of them woman was doing the laundry at the river, she spotted a young naked girl bathing in the river…It was Hitomi! She widened her eyes and ran back at the village, claiming to have seen a ghost. Nobody believed her and everyone kept doing their tasks, but the day after…” Sakura paused, looking at Corrin, “She was in the village! She casually walked around and for each pace she made, one man suddenly stopped doing what he was doing and started to attacked Hitomi, in the attempt to kill her… and she died the first time, stabbed to death. But the day after… she was back, again, with a new group of man ready to kill; but the more the time passed, the more the men became violent against each other and then, against the other women, exterminating the entire village, within a year” Sakura stopped, chewing a little piece of her marshmallow, checking on Corrin and his level of fear. “The village still exists in Hoshido and whenever you set foot inside the desolated street of it, you felt a strange aura and an irresistible voice echoing in your mind” she silenced for a moment, listening to a faint wind coming from the forest. “If you stay quiet now, you can still feel the gentle whisper of her coming from behind us..” she gave a quick look around, securing the area with a glance around.
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“But we’re safe here.. or not?” and she exchanged a deep smile with him, wondering if the spirit of Hitomi followed her at the monastery too.
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icedflora · 1 year
[ brow ] sender kisses the bridge of receiver's eyebrow
Different Kinds of Kisses Ask Meme - {Still Accepting}
As soon as the kiss is placed upon Flora's brow, the maid flusters and stumbles backward, her hand going to where Corrin's lips had just graced. "L-Lord Corrin!" Flora manages, voice trembling with a flurry of emotions. She looks up at him, grey eyes gazing upon him from beneath furrowed brows. How would a proper maid proceed after such attention?!
Flora quickly clears her throat and attempts to self-soothe, reminding herself of mantras she's learned to repeat in her head over the years. As she does so, the threat of an oncoming blizzard fades away and Flora takes one more steeling breath before properly responding. She curtsies and bows her head, smiling politely.
"Lord Corrin, it is lovely to see you once again. It's been too long since we last spoke. I apologize for not writing to you, but I did not want to burden you with having to respond if you were busy!"
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cutestrival · 11 months
"Selena!!" Kamui all but flings himself at his sister's retainer, smiling brightly to see her again. Perhaps they weren't too familiar, but she was still a part of his army, and he liked to think that he at least a bit close to everyone.
"It's nice to see you again!"
Thousands of questions flash through her mind in quick succession: should she be more casual? How should she address him? More importantly, were her hair ribbons tied correctly? Were there any stains on her jacket? 
She knew his name. She knew his family ordeal. But, there was something so foreign to their relation. Never had she missed Lady Camilla as much as in that moment. Of course she’d know what to say. Despite that, there was some small relief in the familiarity. That warm feeling that Selena had worked so hard to keep at arm’s length in Ylisse. That embrace she had learned to enjoy in Nohr. She paused briefly. Nice to know not everyone here will be a stranger, she admitted to herself, and smiled a small smile.
"It's nice to see you too, Lord Kamui," she allowed.
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dollandour · 1 year
Corrin stares after the mage, hands trembling slightly as he works up the nerve to even go and talk to her. His question is odd, his curiosities something that he never expected he would have wanted to know.
He sighs, taking a deep breath and finally running up to the woman. As far as he knew, she was a denizen of the city that lingered beneath their very feet even now. If that was true, then... he had to ask...
"Miss Sonya! Do you... I'm sorry this must sound so strange from someone you don't know but... do you know of a man who lives in Abyss... one who... seems to be quite lonely? Ugh, that does not seem very specific, but... I simply need to know...!"
A short reprieve on the surface - she is surprised by how easily it is to long for lighter skies only a few days after keeping to darkness. She isn't unaccustomed to a lack of sky over extended periods of time, but perhaps her new role of instructing underground is finally starting to set in. She will need to remind herself to take frequent breaks...both for her own enjoyment, as well as finding any familiar faces.
Her reflection is cut short by the call of a man, of whom she picks up a rather anxious tone from. He appears to be slightly younger than her, though if she is not wrong he is another faculty member, at least for the students above. A smidge cute, but not someone Sonya would really be interested in that way. Fortunately, he seemed to be skipping the pleasantries as well.
"The Abyss, hmm?" she starts off, questioning for a moment if disclosing information of below would land her in any potential trouble. She very quickly shoos those concerns aside, assuming that there is no harm if the other is already aware of the area. Besides, he seemed honest - and desperate - enough, so there was no point in toying with him. "It's as you say. Several men down there must be feeling lonely for one reason or another, though I wouldn't want to get friendly with that crowd."
"I will say, though, out of my current co-workers, one...man does seem to be in need of more company. I cannot say much else, as we are rather few," Sonya herself has not spent enough time with any other Abyss residents to make any further judgments as well, but she felt like there was enough to provide the slightest of a lead. "Why? Friend of yours?"
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fellincantation · 1 year
Fell Silent - closed starter
This most recent run of the Arena results in more injuries than usual, and with resources scarce as-is, the infirmary turns to lesser-used remedies and ancient herbs to try to treat these wounds. Few people want to try them, for good reason: the list of potential side-effects is almost as long as your final essay in history class. Yet the nurses are in grave need of test subjects willing to test out these new cures. Will you help them out? [Grants Faith +1]
Experimentation on others was a task that Grima would never pass up the chance to try. So when she heard the infirmary was in need of bodies to use she found her way over there fairly quickly. She watched as the nurses ground the ancient herbs, noting several of them were ones Grima herself was familiar with. She walked over to one of the nurses to offer aid, taking the mortar and pestle in hand. She quietly ground the herbs and glanced around at the other things she could put into them. Making a face, Grima pushed some of the herbs aside and grabbed a particular one. She dropped it in and started to grind the substance once more. Alchemy and medicinal creations were things Grima knew intimately. As the nurses worked, she took it upon herself to test her paste. She poured some water into it to create a salve. She scooped what she had out of the mortar and offered it to a nurse.
Grima hardly noticed another had walked in until they locked eyes as she was preparing something else. This one would be ingestible. It would surely taste terrible but it should work for energy. At least, she hoped. It had been many years since she had truly sat down to work with alchemy.
"... You. Come here and test this out for me." Grima said, waving him over. The nurses were too busy to deal with him anyway with their low resources so Grima would simply do what she did best. Experiment on others and record test results.
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nohrslittleflower · 1 year
"Elise!" He runs to his little sister at once, sweeping her up into the biggest hug that he can manage. Has she grown taller? He could swear that she has grown taller. If she has, it's an honor to be able to see her grow. The most any older brother would want is to see his younger siblings happy and healthy.
"I'm so glad to see you again! You've been away for so long that I've missed you so terribly. But I'm here now!"
“Corrin?? BROTHER!!!” Elise squeals in delight, hugging back as tightly as she can while resisting the urge to jump around in excitement so as to not accidentally knock him over or anything. Something seems a bit… different from what she remembers, but who cares? SIBLING.
“You’re here, you’re here, YOU’RE HERE!! AH, I’m so excited to see you!!” Elise doesn’t let go of the hug, she doesn’t want to after so long (not that she ever does), but she does lean back to look at him, a slight pout on her face. “Why didn’t you tell me you were coming?? I would’ve gotten you a welcome gift! …I mean, I’m still gonna, but it’s not as surprising nowww! Hmph.”
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rockroselazuli · 1 year
send (o・・o)/ for my muse's opinion of yours.
She's really embarrassed about how they first met. She's going to die embarrassed about how they first met. Talking that way to a teacher? An entire king of a foreign country? It doesn't matter that she didn't know who he was. She knew the kinds of people who walked the halls of the monastery. She should have just assumed he was a king or something. Gods -- if only she could just disappear...
That said, her protectiveness of Corrin isn't overcompensation, it's genuine. He was the first friend she made at the academy (even though she'll never truly see herself as equal to him) and now they're stuck together in a frozen wasteland. She made a silent vow to protect him -- so long as Corrin's own retainers aren't at his side, Lapis will take it upon herself to be his shield.
And other than class and kings and knights and all that Lapis just appreciates how kind Corrin is. He forgave her missteps upon their meeting like it was nothing and even proposed friendship despite her rudeness. He reminds her a lot of her own liege, in a way, which played a big part in opening the path to her loyalty.
.。*☆ Corrin and Lapis have achieved C Support!
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knighteclipsed · 6 months
♡ heh.
send me a ♡ and i’ll make up a fankid (feeling like taking a few more low-key)
another long post what it do chat
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Name: Ronin(? that’s what they call themself at least)
Gender: NB (amab, they/she)
Class: Swordmaster
A mysterious wanderer with extraordinary skills in swordsmanship. Emerging suddenly and without explanation, no one can seem to trace their origins back to the source.
Appearance and Personality
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They prefer to keep their face hidden, but at the very minimum, they don’t seem to have any facial hair. Through the white veil they carry over their visage, one can also note light blue hair—it’s a bit ash-colored though. How interesting!
Beyond that though, they’re a well-spoken individual, albeit with a few eccentricities. At times, their speech will sound extremely feminine, while at others, astonishingly neutral. There doesn’t seem to be a pattern to this—perhaps she just finds it fun?
Similarly, she doesn’t seem to be hindered at all by the fact that her eyes are always covered. (This comes as a surprise to many, but in modern terms: she is actually legally blind!) Will sometimes use their sword to feel out the ground before them, but mostly relies on the blobs of color they can see, and especially—smells, sounds, and their sense of touch.
Doesn’t seem to be someone who is governed by morality—they’re a person with no ties, aimlessly wandering from place to place and finding whatever interests them there. Once that intrigue is gone, so too do they vanish. It is so sudden and so complete that one may wonder if they were ever there to begin.
While they’re here though, they can be quite the entertainer! They carry with them lots of information from Hoshido, Nohr, and beyond, and they’re willing to share it—if it serves them, of course. The lucky few can get information for nothing at all, but most will have to fight them and hope to win the match.
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Went by a different name in youth, but at this point, very few know what it is—or if they do, they do not know Ronin. (Those two lives are kept very separate.) They were always one with a bit of wanderlust, interested in meeting the world and learning all of its secrets—once she turned eighteen, she merely vanished from her household. None have been able to track her down since—it is impressive, to be frank.
This younger self however often found themself surrounded by servants due to their blindness, and though this was not unwelcome, it did leave them with a taste for learning their own limits. Was all the same trained to hold their own in a fight, and they carry this prowess with them still.
It is rather convenient though that she is the younger of the two royal siblings! (It would’ve been quite disastrous had the heir to the throne vanished overnight…) She never did grow too strong of an opinion on anything, instead choosing to drift through life without stressing out too much; she also isn’t the type to grow attached to others very easily, but that isn’t really her fault though, is it? If they wanted to stick around, they ought to follow her when she travels!
It’s not that hard, really.
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They fashion themself to be a swordfighter primarily, having honed that blade since youth and sharpened it with the knowledge of foreign lands—that said, they’re rather fond of magic and its utility as well! Though they have no magical talent of their own whatsoever, they aren’t against using fancy tricks to get the upper hand in combat.
They’re the type to learn the sound of their allies’ footsteps so as to recognize them when they are approaching—and when they are fighting. Doesn’t fare so well against mounted combatants, but can use their nose for strong personal scents, and—they can always speak! (Most do not know they are blind, but can assume inability to recognize as a result of their obscured eyes.)
I imagine a personal skill of theirs would be like Saizo’s, but rather than dealing damage, they’d create a small fog of war terrain on the battlefield post-combat. They’d be able to see through it just fine, but any allies would need directing, and their enemies would be hopelessly lost. Often uses this to make a quiet escape.
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They’re a strange individual—sharp of senses and clever in humor, but otherwise unpredictable in mood and motive. They actually possess glasses for their blindness, but they’re so old that they are genuinely unhelpful—and further, they don’t like wearing them in the slightest. As a result, they are only worn in the mornings and nights when Ronin is in private, generally when doing precise work where simply squinting will not do (legal blindness, recall).
Gets along best with those they find interesting—some may be as lax as they are, while others may be the most straight-laced of the bunch. If you have a secret, don’t be surprised if things start to go missing around you (they can’t actually see what's most useful during their snooping, so they just take whatever and check in private—it’s a problem, not that they mind). The sort to collect tokens of their travels and treat others to them as a gift for the eyes. (Note: They may not actually be a gift for the eyes.)
The map where they are recruited would be located in a forest—the player’s main objective could be anything really, because Ronin wouldn’t involve herself with it. Instead, a character would have to go over and ask her to join, being completed one of two ways:
Have someone ‘interesting’ talk to Ronin (there is no pattern to know, but this group would probably include the MC). They’ll join simply because they’re intrigued.
Have someone ‘uninteresting’ talk to Ronin (again: no pattern). The conversation will involve talk of help beating the enemy, and Ronin will join because they’re bored.
They’ll be nested pretty deep into the woods, however, so missing their recruitment is very easy, especially since, after five turns, they’ll get bored and leave. One who is interested in very little.
If made to fight them, Ronin would have unique dialogue with her parents, but it would mostly be dodging the fact that she is their kid. Generic-sounding in a way, but also betraying a familiarity with the person she is speaking with. Even if she is not recognized, she would still pay respect before and after the battle.
Both a boku and atashi user, simply for the fun of it.
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bxldrsdraumar · 10 months
"Sir Sigurd!" Corrin is terribly late, bare feet quickly pattering on the ground as he dashes over to the man as fast as he can, "I'm sorry I overslept! But hopefully a late addition won't be too much trouble for you, my friend!"
He thrusts the tin that he was holding towards the knight, bowing his head in apology, "I... I brought some cookies! I didn't make them myself of course, that would have been a disaster!"
"My young friend! Hello professor, and welcome!" Sigurd reached over to wrap an arm around the young man's shoulders before drawing short - Corrin had not been so keen on that the last time he had done so, if he recalled correctly, so Sigurd settled instead for a friendly pat on the shoulder, and beamed at him.
"You've brought cookies, have you? Hmmm, I suppose these may serve as recompense for your poor manners - a joke! Merely a joke, forgive me," he added with a laugh, tone fluttering between faux seriousness to its normal mirth. He never was good at keeping a straight face for these kinds of things.
"In truth, please, be welcome - we've more than enough to go around, we are all happy to have you in attendance. Please, let me know if there is anything you need, my friend."
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carefreemonk · 7 months
almost caught up but can't shake the feeling i'm forgetting somethin! if i've missed a starter i'm supposed to write/reply to, please lmk!
additionally some of the 'waiting on partner' threads have been sitting for 3+ months -- i don't mind waiting, i know i'm not the fastest myself, but please *do* let me know if you'd prefer not to continue! no biggie, sometimes the thread just doesn't jive, but the communication is appreciated o7
if i don't hear back about em before march 13th, i'll go ahead and consider them dropped.
(also it's super possible some were moved from beta and i spaced on em-- please hmu!)
waiting on me
graverobbing w my sister's bestie w/ @duskofendflame (corrin)
a name for the baby w @gentlenekomata (sakura)
waiting on partner
let them eat cake! w @achaemenidstar (claude)
horsing around w @making-dough (farina)
hazing the newbie w @optimismxmagicism (ewan)
a charming encounter! w @aglaean (l'arachel)
wondrous tails w @princessmacedon (maria)
does it really suit you? w @viridescent-lance (forsyth)
slacker no slacking w @delicatevalentine (hilda)
pot of greed w @sorcerese (delthea)
say yes to the dress w @sacaeblade (lyn)
a coat of red or a coat of blue w @peerlessscowl (raven)
don't starve (together) w @taguelbunnyboy (yarne)
peekaboo w @ shadoll (sara)
please fight me i'm begging w @peerlessscowl (raven)
dread and valor w @beholdenning (denning)
the nerve of some people w @liegebound (kent)
blue sea miracles w @rozyrne (rosado)
an extra helping of faith w @ephemeralove (katarina)
unleash thy fury of thunder w @blaiddllodi (dimitri)
tell me something i don't know w @partnerindestiny (shez)
tastes like bad w @etrefleurbleues (louis)
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